Student Leadership Subcommittee

Student Leadership has been a CECCS cross-cutting theme since 2021. In 2024, a new Student Leadership Subcommittee (SLS) was created to give students a stronger voice in CECCS, enhance student collaboration, and drive student-led initiatives aligned with the broader CECCS mandate.   

As with the other CECCS subcommittees, the SLS is a standing working group of the CECCS responsible for the identification, development, and delivery of sustainability activities with the support of the Secretariat and relevant partners. 

Student Leadership Subcommittee Goals

For 2024-25, the SLS have identified the following priorities:

  • Student engagement
  • Collaborate with St. George campus caretaking staff to pilot the elimination of paper towels in washrooms
  • Improve waste diversion/recycling in student residences

Members of SLS are also collaborating on the development of the Leader tier of our Sustainability Pathways Program, and serving on the Campus as Living Lab working group of the Operations Subcommittee.


Image of SLS CECCS members
Images of SLS subcommittee only members

Alyssa D’Addio, 1st year, Masters of Sustainability Management (MScSM) ; UTM campus

Diego Arreola Fernández, 4th year, Environmental Studies, Economics, International Relations 

Amy Fernando, 1st year, MSc, Geography in Air Pollution and Health

Victoria Costa Duarte, 1st year, PhD in Political Science and Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies

Hannah Permaul Flores, 4th year, BSc, Forest Conservation

Harshit Gujral, 2nd year PhD, Computer Science (Student Leadership Subcommittee Co-Chair)

Dorottya Kiss, 1st year, Master of Architecture, Daniels Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Design

Zach Lidder, 2nd year, Peace, Conflict & Justice Studies, Trinity College

Celina Mankarios, 3rd year, Environmental Management; UTM campus

Amanda Meng, 3rd year, Peace, Conflict & Justice Studies and Environmental Science

Kelechi Nwokeocha, 5th year, Environmental Science/Biology (Student Leadership Subcommittee Co-Chair); UTSC campus

Jason Pang, 1st year, Masters of Sustainability Management (MScSM) ; UTM campus