Closed: 2021 Call for Nominations: Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS)

The Committee is currently embarking on a phase of membership renewal, and I am seeking nominations for the following positions for a two-year term, ending December 2022:

  • One member of the undergraduate student community (full or part-time)
  • One member of the graduate student community
  • One faculty member with an appointment at UTM
  • One faculty member with an appointment at UTSC
  • One faculty member (divisional appointment St. George Campus)

Members of the University community are invited to submit nominations or expressions of interest to serve on the CECCS by April 25, 2021. You may submit nominations on your own behalf or nominate another individual. The submission should demonstrate knowledge of U of T’s sustainability efforts, express an interest in the field, and include a brief CV/résumé.

Additional information on the Committee and its work may be found in the Terms of Reference, included below.

Submissions or inquiries should be addressed to:

Ayako Ariga, Secretariat & Project Manager
Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability

Please review the Terms of Reference and full call.