Campus as a Living Lab Course Inventory

University of Toronto’s 2024-2025 Campus as a Living Lab (CLL) Course Inventory

The CLL course inventory includes 24 undergraduate and graduate courses that are being offered across the three campuses that include elements of CLL principles.

The four defining elements of a CLL course or project are:

  • Integrating core learning and research mission with campus planning and operations
  • Involving responsible use of U of T infrastructure for demonstration of and research on leading-edge solutions (technical and social)
  • Engaging researchers, students, faculty, instructors, operations staff, and potentially external partners
  • Having potential for knowledge transfer within and beyond U of T

The purpose of the CLL course inventory is to increase the visibility of such courses, and encourage expansion so more students will have opportunities to participate in a CLL course or project. This list of courses is a work in progress. If you are aware of a course that should be listed, please contact

To learn more about the concept and CECCS goals surrounding CLL, please visit Campus as a Living Lab – Sustainability ( You can also search a database of student projects resulting from some of these courses at Campus as a Living Lab & Experiential Learning Projects – Sustainability (

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse DescriptionDept/DivisionInstructorSDG(s)
ALD4101HFLife Cycle Design of BuildingsThis course explores an array of contemporary issues such as life cycle analysis, carbon footprint, circularity, the environmental impacts of buildings, adaptability & functional obsolescence, the performance gap, post-occupancy evaluations, etc. The course is premised on an emerging awareness that building design can no longer be based on “a single snapshot of a frozen moment in time” but should reflect a more organic, evolutionary and adaptive framework of inhabitation that considers the whole life cycle of buildings – not a static artifact, but a dynamic, unfolding process. The first assignment will offer insights into the challenges of sustaining our existing building stock by extending the life cycle of the physical asset while enhancing its energy and environmental performance. The class will work with Alistair Vaz, Senior Planner at U of T, to develop a framework of migratory paths to sustainability for the Galbraith Building. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & DesignTed Kesik and Alistair VazSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
APS111 H1 FEngineering Strategies and Practice IThis course introduces and provides a framework for the design process. Students are introduced to communication as an integral component of engineering practice. The course is a vehicle for understanding problem solving and developing communications skills. This first course in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to the process of engineering design, to strategies for successful team work, and to design for human factors, society and the environment. Students write team and individual technical reports.Applied Science & EngineeringJason BazylakSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
APS112H1 SEngineering Strategies and Practice IIThis course introduces and provides a framework for the design process, problem solving and project management. Students are introduced to communication as an integral component of engineering practice. The course is a vehicle for practicing team skills and developing communications skills. Building on the first course, this second course in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to project management and to the design process in greater depth. Students work in teams on a term length design project. Students will write a series of technical reports and give a team based design project presentation.Applied Science & EngineeringJason Bazylak; Ted NolanSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
APS490Y1Multi-Disciplinary Capstone DesignAn experience in multi-disciplinary engineering practice through a significant, open-ended, client-driven design project in which student teams address stakeholder needs through the use of a creative and iterative design process.Applied Science & EngineeringKamran BehdinanSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
ARC395H1 F/ARC2095H F (Summer 2024)Robot MadeRobot Made is a hands-on Design Build, allowing students to engage in the process of computational design to digital fabrication workflow, exploring techniques for the design, simulation, and fabrication of geometrically complex wooden structures. Wood is unique not only within its material properties within construction but also its ability to store embodied carbon and reduce GHG emissions. Robot Made engages with the following larger question: How can we use computational tools to challenge conventional methods of wood construction through design to digital fabrication facilitated through robotic systems?

Robot Made will focus on the design to direct fabrication. Students will learn the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) process through the development of a computational model which allows for structural analysis, simulation, and robotic fabrication process. Construction and assembly logic are embedded within the computational and physical model, allowing for expedited onsite construction. Rarely is the design to fabrication process experienced within an academic setting, as it is often the domain of industrial fabrication. Within Robot Made students will have the opportunity to engage in novel applications of wood construction, while learning advanced technique for design and assembly.

The Robot Made Design Build will result in an installation similar to the Robot Made Workshops held in the past at UBC.
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & DesignAnnaLisa Meyboom (UBC SALA), Nicolas Steven Hoban, Aryan Rezaei RadSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
ARC3402HSThe Ha/f Research Seminar: How do we halve the greenhouse gas emissions of the University of Toronto’s own buildings?This course is setup to address this question from a building whole-lifecycle perspective: first through embodied carbon emissions, those produced in the construction of a building; and secondly through
operational carbon emissions, those produced in the operation of a building. Last year, the class analyzed seven contemporary buildings at UofT's three campuses: Myhal CEIE, CCBR, Terrence Donnelly, Maanjiwe nendamowinan, Innovation Complex, Rotman, and Environmental Sciences & Chemistry.
In this iteration of the class, we will investigate older buildings at U of T and their renovations including the Daniels Faculty. These older buildings lifecycle carbon emissions will be compared against last year's contemporary buildings. In collaboration with UofT facilities, planning and archives, detailed drawings and operational energy information will be made available to the class. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools (One Click LCA), energy simulation tools (ClimateStudio / EnergyPlus), field trips / building tours, and engagement with the building managers will allow a deep understanding of whole lifecycle carbon from our campus buildings.
During this course, students will first use the LCA tools, energy tools, and campus operational energy data at their disposal to assess and explain the current embodied carbon and emissive state of campus buildings. Next, we will assess the impacts of future building use and renovations to approach net zero operation by 2030 (or 2050 as it may be) while simultaneously balancing added embodied carbon from the renovation process. Finally, the research undertaken by this class will be communicated to UofT facilities and campus architects, influencing future procurement and practice at the University of Toronto and beyond.
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & DesignAlstan Jakubiec and Kelly DoranSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
BIOB98H3 F/SSupervised Introductory Research in BiologyA course designed to facilitate the introduction to, and experience in, ongoing laboratory or field research in biology. Supervision of the work is arranged by mutual agreement between student and instructor.University of Toronto ScarboroughSDG15 (Life on Land)
CHMB16H3 FTechniques in Analytical ChemistryAn introduction to the principles and methods of classical analysis and the provision of practical experience in analytical laboratory techniques. The course deals primarily with quantitative chemical analysis. Classical methods of volumetric analysis, sampling techniques, statistical handling of data are studied, as well as a brief introduction to spectro-chemical methods. This course includes a four hour laboratory every week.University of Toronto ScarboroughKagan Kerman, Sanghyun KimSDG15 (Life on Land)
CIV375H1 FBuilding ScienceThe fundamentals of the science of heat transfer, moisture diffusion, and air movement are presented. Using these fundamentals, the principles of more sustainable building enclosure design, including the design of walls and roofs are examined. Selected case studies together with laboratory investigations are used to illustrate how the required indoor temperature and moisture conditions can be maintained using more durable and more sustainable designs.Applied Science & EngineeringMarianne Touchie WindischSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
CIV575H1 FStudies in Building ScienceThis course examines the basic principles governing the control of heat, moisture and air movement in buildings and presents the fundamentals of building enclosure design. With this background, students are required to research advanced topics related to emerging areas of Building Science, and to write and present to the class an individual comprehensive paper related to their research. Lectures for this course will be jointly offered with those of CIV375H1.Applied Science & EngineeringMarianne Touchie WindischSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
CTL1122H FExploring the Praxis of Environmental and Sustainability Education This course explores the theory and practice (praxis) of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) in school and community settings. Students will investigate the historical roots, theoretical foundations and pedagogical traditions of ESE from personal and organizational perspectives, contextualizing these in recent developments in research, policy, and practice in Canada and internationally. The praxis of ESE will be situated in relation to equity, social justice, Indigenous ways of knowing, health and wellbeing, and transformative learning. Students will use this as a starting point to explore and develop practices in ESE in classrooms and community settings as a means to better position and integrate ESE in their own work as educators and researchers.Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, OISEHilary InwoodSDG3 (Good Health & Well-Being); SDG4 (Quality Education); SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities)
CTLB03H3 FIntroduction to Community-Engaged LearningIn this experiential learning course, students apply their discipline-specific academic knowledge as they learn from and engage with communities. Students provide, and gain, unique perspectives and insights as they interact with community partners. Through class discussions, workshops and assignments, students also develop transferable life skills such as interpersonal communication, professionalism and self-reflection that support their learning experiences and help them connect theory and practice.University of Toronto ScarboroughKamini Nadine PersaudSDG4 (Quality Education)
EESC34H3 FSustainability in PracticeThis course is intended for students who would like to apply theoretical principles of environmental sustainability learned in other courses to real world problems. Students will identify a problem of interest related either to campus sustainability, a local NGO, or municipal, provincial, or federal government. Class meetings will consist of group discussions investigating key issues, potential solutions, and logistical matters to be considered for implementation of proposed solutions. Students who choose campus issues will also have the potential to actually implement their solutions. Grades will be based on participation in class discussions, as well as a final report and presentation.University of Toronto ScaroboroughJames MacLellanSDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities)
ENV332H5Practicum in Environmental ManagementSolutions to environmental issues depend on interdisciplinary teamwork. This course mimics the practical, multidisciplinary, collaborative work that is highly valued in the environment sector. Students work in teams on semester-long projects addressing a specific environmental issue on campus or in the local community (e.g., conducting a waste audit; developing an educational module for a local NGO, etc.). Specific skills that are developed include; project management and workflow, data collection, report writing and formal presentations. This course is strongly recommended for Specialist and Major students in any of the Environment Programs.Geography, Geomatics and Environment, UTMSDG4 (Quality Education); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities)
ENV461H1 FThe U of T Campus as a Living Lab of SustainabilityThis course will explore and apply the living lab concept, in the context of operational sustainability at the University of Toronto. We will begin by looking at the literature on university sustainability and the living lab concept. The bulk of the course will involve undertaking an applied research project on some aspect of campus sustainability, working in close partnership with operational staff at the University of Toronto. Students will develop the skills needed to work across disciplines and fields of study, and with non-academic partners. This course will put students to work on operational sustainability projects identified by the staff working in or with the Sustainability Office at the University of Toronto. Students will be organized into groups, each of which will be assigned one project, to be overseen by one or more U of T staff members. The bulk of the course will consist of regular meetings with the staff “clients”, with instructors, and in small groups to undertake a group project. Each group will produce a mid-term and final report, and give a mid-term and final presentation. A crucial aspect of this course is the ability of students to work collaboratively together in a group environment, and to work effectively with a university staff person acting as a “client” for their work. School of Environment, Arts & ScienceEmily Smit
SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
ENV463/1063H1FThe Edible CampusThis course situates students and campuses within the context of broader movements for more ecologically rational and socially-just food systems. Topics include critical food systems pedagogy; the political economy of campus food systems; student food (in)security and health; campus food systems alternatives; campus food growing spaces; student/campus-based food movements; campus-community partnerships. The course is praxis-driven and will provide students with opportunities to engage in change-making on their campus, and beyond, through an action-focused project with a campus and/or community partner.Faculty of Arts & ScienceMichael ClassensSDG2 (Zero Hunger); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)
ENV1103H FLiving Labs for Applied SustainabilityENV1103 will apply the living lab concept to operational sustainability concerns at the University of Toronto.
We will begin by looking at the literature on university sustainability and the living laboratory concept. Most of
the course will engage students in an applied research project on an aspect of campus sustainability while
working in close cooperation with U of T staff. Students will develop the skills needed to present information
relative to these real-world problems and develop proposed solutions integrating their own fields of study with
new topics and practical, quotidian university concerns.
School of Environment, Arts & ScienceAlstan JakubiecSDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
INF2192SRepresenting UXUser experience (UX) is concerned with the iterative modeling of complex relationships among four primary elements: people, organizational goals, content, and interaction. This course (INF2192H — Representing UX) covers a series of methods to represent UX in each of the four elements mentioned above. Methods and tools for modelling people may include user journey/experience maps, personas, affinity diagrams, and user flow. Methods and tools for capturing organizational goals may include stakeholder interviews, organizational research, discovery workshops, and competitive analysis. Methods and tools for designing content and interactions may include information architecture schemas, content mapping, prototyping, design principles, and usability and user experience goals. Throughout the course, students will work on a major design project and will represent a user’s total experience when interacting with a digital system, including measurement of user experience through different metrics (e.g., performance, comparison, self-reporting) and evaluation techniques (usability testing, experimental design, non-parametric tests).Faculty of InformationVelian PandelievSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
INS240Y1Ecological Interactions: Intro to Indigenous and Western SciencesIntroduction to methodologies and applications of Indigenous and Western sciences, with an emphasis on environmental change, animal behaviour, evolution, sustainable practices, and implications of intrinsic ecological connections. Exploratory labs, often outdoors, develop literacy and skills in each paradigm as well as critical thought, creative reflection, and synthesis of knowledge.Faculty of Arts & ScienceMelanie JeffreySDG4 (Quality Educdation); SDG15 (Life on Land)
JEG400Y5Geography/Environment Science InternshipThrough a part-time, unpaid work placement, students apply the natural science based environmental science/physical geography expertise gained through previous course work. Placements are made at local conservation authorities, municipalities, environmental consulting companies, corporations, provincial or federal agencies, and other organizations. Students must submit an application online. Instructions for the application can be found on the Geography Department home page: of Toronto MississaugaHarvey ShearSDG8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
MGSC03H3Public ManagementAn introduction to key public sector management processes: strategic management at the political level, planning, budgeting, human resource management, and the management of information and information technology. Makes use of cases, and simulations to develop management skills in a public sector setting.University of Toronto ScarboroughImran SyedSDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth); SDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
MIE490Y1/491Y1Capstone DesignAn experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby student teams meet specific client needs through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include:
• The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design,
• The demonstration of engineering judgment in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors,
• Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, and
• A demonstration of proof of the design concept.
Applied Science & EngineeringKamran BehdinanSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
MIE491Y1Capstone DesignAn experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby students teams meet specific client needs or the requirements of a recognized design competition through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include: The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design, The demonstration of engineering judgement in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors, Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, and A demonstration of proof of the design concept.Applied Science & EngineeringKamran BehdinanSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure)
MIE507H1 FHeating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) FundamentalsIntroduction to the fundamentals of HVAC system operation and the relationship between these systems, building occupants and the building envelope. Fundamentals of psychrometrics, heat transfer and refrigeration; determination of heating and cooling loads driven by occupant requirements and the building envelope; heating and cooling equipment types and HVAC system configurations; controls and maintenance issues that influence performance; evaluation of various HVAC systems with respect to energy and indoor environmental quality performance.Applied Science & EngineeringMarianne Touchie WindischSDG9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)
RSM436H1 FSustainable FinanceThis course teaches students how to apply financial tools and models to the understanding of and to developing solutions for sustainability challenges as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Particular emphasis is on understanding the role of financial markets and financial constraints and incentives as a source of problems and to understanding the role of financial markets and financial tools as a source of solutions in the areas of climate change, environmental stresses, as well as social inequity and economic development across the world. Corporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings and financial ESG investment tools are prominently discussed.Rotman School of ManagementJan Mahrt-SmithSDG8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth); SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities); SDG13 (Climate Action)