Student Leadership Subcommittee

Logo image showing a person at a podium with the SDG circle, being supported by two hands

We are currently recruiting for our inaugural Student Leadership Subcommittee until August 23, 2024, as part of the broader CECCS Call for Nominations. See the Call for more details. Below is the Student Leadership Subcommittee Terms of Reference. All student members of CECCS will also serve on this Subcommittee.

Student Leadership has been a CECCS cross-cutting theme since 2021. In 2024, a new Student Leadership Subcommittee (SLS) was created to give students a stronger voice in CECCS, enhance student collaboration, and drive student-led initiatives aligned with the broader CECCS mandate.   

As with the other CECCS subcommittees, the SLS is a standing working group of the CECCS responsible for the identification, development, and delivery of sustainability activities with the support of the Secretariat and relevant partners. 


Members of SLS will lead and collaborate on initiatives through active participation in CECCS governance and programming that directly impacts students, for example the Sustainability Summer Internship Program, the Sustainability Pathways Program, and Campus as Living Lab initiatives. 

Seven members of SLS will be determined through an open call appointment process for CECCS. An additional three subcommittee-only members will be appointed annually through a separate open call.  One-year terms for subcommittee-only members will be from September to August. Reappointments of existing student members will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

SLS members will be appointed based on demonstrated commitment to sustainability leadership at the University of Toronto and/or their communities, particularly on U of T student groups whose mandates align with any of the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

To be successful, students on SLS will have the following attributes:  

  • Collaboration and teamwork 
  • Strong organization, communication, and interpersonal skills 
  • Positive attitude  
  • Goal oriented and problem-solving skills 

SLS members are expected to:  

  • Be available for and actively participate in (at least two) CECCS and subcommittee meetings each term 
  • Advise the CECCS Secretariat on student leadership opportunities and areas of mutual interest in CECCS programming for graduate and undergraduate students (e.g. Sustainability Pathways, Campus as Living Labs, CECCS internship programs) 
  • Participate in SLS dialogue and meetings to identify and support progress on annual SLS and relevant CECCS priorities 
  • Champion CECCS activities and priorities within their relative communities and networks 
  • Follow up on action items emerging from Committee or subcommittee discussions  
  • Liaise with CECCS Project Manager(s) and Secretariat team on meeting scheduling, documentation review, subcommittee activities and project progress.  


The SLS should meet as regularly as necessary to deliver on identified priorities and at least once a term. As with other CECCS subcommittees, the SLS is expected to regularly make recommendations to CECCS on how to enhance the impact of the University and CECCS on issues of climate and sustainability.  

SLS meetings will be 1.5-2 hours in length and will be held virtually via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. In-person meetings may also be held, if desired, but must have an online option to ensure inclusion of tri-campus SLS members. 

A Project Manager from the CECCS Secretariat will be assigned to support the work of the SLS. This includes scheduling meetings, taking notes, providing logistical support for SLS initiatives, and inviting CECCS members, Subcommittee Chairs, or other U of T stakeholders to attend SLS meetings as requested. CECCS work-study students may also provide administrative and logistical support as may be requested.  

Students will receive a small honorarium equivalent to $30 per hour of meetings attended, and the option of receiving Co-Curricular Record recognition, and/or letters of reference.