University of Toronto’s 2024-2025 Undergraduate Sustainability Course Inventory
For courses unchanged in description from the previous year, their SDG classifications were maintained for this year. New courses or courses with new descriptions were classified by a machine learning (ML) model trained on select data sets from previous years’ inventories. Association rule mining was a technique used to find the relationships between different words. The model was developed to recognize patterns around each SDG and assign relevant SDG(s) to each course. The ML model’s output was manually reviewed by the CECCS work-study team to validate the results of the model and apply corrections where necessary.

Summary Tables | ||||
University Divisions | Unique Sustainability Courses | % of Total Courses | % of Undergraduate Students | Number of Sustainability Courses per Student (Divisional) |
Arts and Science | 960 | 46.22 | 42.4 | 35 |
U of T Scarborough | 487 | 23.45 | 20.5 | 34 |
U of T Mississauga | 406 | 19.55 | 23.2 | 27 |
Applied Science & Engineering | 98 | 4.72 | 8.2 | 21 |
Pharmacy | 55 | 2.65 | 1.6 | 55 |
Kinesiology & Physical Education | 30 | 1.44 | 1.5 | 30 |
Architecture, Landscape, and Design | 27 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 26 |
Music | 11 | 0.53 | 0.7 | 21 |
Information | 5 | 0.24 | 0.07 | 96 |
*The following divisions were not included in the table as they had no courses in the inventory: Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Nursing, OISE, Woodsworth Certificate, Transitional Year Program
SDG Group | Number of Courses | % of Total Courses |
1. No Poverty | 59 | 2.84 |
2. Zero Hunger | 93 | 4.48 |
3. Good Health and Well-Being | 318 | 15.31 |
4. Quality Education | 445 | 21.43 |
5. Gender Equality | 343 | 16.51 |
6. Clean Water and Sanitation | 72 | 3.47 |
7. Affordable and Clean Energy | 100 | 4.81 |
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth | 227 | 10.93 |
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure | 314 | 15.12 |
10. Reduced Inequalities | 547 | 26.34 |
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities | 292 | 14.06 |
12. Responsible Consumption and Production | 234 | 11.27 |
13. Climate Action | 371 | 17.86 |
14. Life Below Water | 216 | 10.4 |
15. Life on Land | 375 | 18.05 |
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions | 699 | 33.65 |
Undergraduate Sustainability Course Inventory
Course Code | Course Title | Course Description | Division | SDG(s) |
ABP102Y1 | Diversity and Social Justice in Canada | Despite its image as a multicultural nation, non-dominant groups have often experienced discrimination and injustice within Canada. The course examines experiences of injustice in Canada from diverse perspectives, amplifying voices of marginalized communities (e.g., Indigenous and other racialized peoples, LGBTQ2S+) and providing a more nuanced and critical view of diversity in Canada, historically and in the present. The course will also highlight the ways diverse communities have resisted injustices and have worked towards the creation of more just futures in Canada. Open only to Academic Bridging Program students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
ABP104Y1 | Environmental Issues Today | This interdisciplinary course introduces the major issues regarding the sustainability of the global environment in the face of human development by integrating humanities and social science with the fundamental concept of environmental science. It examines major environmental problems, such as rapid climate change and land degradation as well as the role and impact of government, economics, and ethics on environmental issues. Open only to Academic Bridging Program students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG8 |
ABP106Y1 | Media, Culture, and Society | This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to the cultural and social impacts of present-day popular mass media. Themes explored include the economic and political forces that shape the media world, the role of technology, and issues of representation, gender, and social justice. The course examines a wide range of texts, emphasizing popular culture produced in Canada, and students will have the opportunity to draw extensively on their own interactions with popular media. Open only to Academic Bridging Program students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
ABP108Y1 | Introduction to University Studies in Chemistry | This course covers the fundamental knowledge and skills needed for success in First Year university Chemistry and other Sciences such as Biology. Topics include atoms, elements, and compounds; the chemical and physical properties of gases, liquids, and solids; chemical reactions; and the importance of chemistry in understanding the world around us, with attention to how it can address issues in medicine, the environment, and sustainability. Open only to Academic Bridging Program students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
ACMB10H3 | Equity and Diversity in the Arts | Equity and diversity in the arts promotes diversity of all kinds, including those of race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or identity, age, ability or disability, religion, and aesthetics, tradition or practice. This course examines issues of equity and diversity and how they apply across all disciplines of arts, culture and media through critical readings and analysis of cultural policy. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5, SDG8 |
ACMC01H3 | ACMEE Applied Practice I | A study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences in a highly focused, collaborative, and facilitated way through a series of assignments and discussions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG8 |
ACMD01H3 | ACMEE Applied Practice II | An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further engage with work places as "learning laboratories", and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG8 |
ACMD02H3 | ACMEE Applied Practice III | An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences, and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG8 |
AER507H1 | Introduction to Fusion Energy | Nuclear reactions between light elements provide the energy source for the sun and stars. On earth, such reactions could form the basis of an essentially inexhaustible energy resource. In order for the fusion reactions to proceed at a rate suitable for the generation of electricity, the fuels (usually hydrogen) must be heated to temperatures near 100 million Kelvin. At these temperatures, the fuel will exist in the plasma state. This course will cover: (i) the basic physics of fusion, including reaction cross-sections, particle energy distributions, Lawson criterion and radiation balance, (ii) plasma properties including plasma waves, plasma transport, heating and stability, and (iii) fusion plasma confinement methods (magnetic and inertial). Topics will be related to current experimental research in the field. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
AER510H1 | Aerospace Propulsion | Scope and history of jet and rocket propulsion; fundamentals of air-breathing and rocket propulsion; fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion including boundary layer mechanics and combustion; principles of aircraft jet engines, engine components and performance; principles of rocket propulsion, rocket performance, and chemical rockets; environmental impact of aircraft jet engines. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13 |
AER515H1 | Combustion Processes | Scope and history of combustion, and fossil fuels; thermodynamics and kinetics of combustion including heats of formation and reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, elementary and global reactions, equilibrium calculations of combustion products, and kinetics of pollutant formation mechanisms; propagation of laminar premixed flames and detonations, flammability limits, ignition and quenching; gaseous diffusion flames and droplet burning; introduction to combustion in practical devices such as rockets, gas turbines, reciprocating engines, and furnaces; environmental aspects of combustion. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13 |
AFR150Y1 | Africa: A Critical Introduction | A multi-disciplinary study of Africa, emphasizing critical inquiry and analysis of Africa, the cradle of humanity and the most diverse and second largest continent in the world. Topics that will be explored include: pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary African history, cultures, economies, geographies, Africa's place in the world, politics, religions, spirituality, art, literature, music, race, resistance, gender, sexuality, futurism, environment, Afrofuturism, anticolonial worldmaking, and Pan-Africanism. The course provides a unique opportunity to learn from the African Studies faculty representing diverse geographical and disciplinary backgrounds who will share their cutting-edge research and unique experiences, reading and writing practices. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
AFR199H1 | Africa in Toronto | Africa in Toronto offers students the unique opportunity to trace, map and document sites and encounters with "Africa" in Toronto across diverse social, political, economic, linguistic and cultural communities in the GTA. What are the diasporic lives of diverse African communities in the GTA? How does Toronto become home for them? Students will get the chance to learn about, reflect on and reimagine global Africa in the GTA by exploring topics such as placemaking, community-building, the politics of belonging, organizing and activism, economic hubs, artistic creation and expressive cultures, foodways and the epic battle over jollof rice. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
AFR250Y1 | Africa in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities | A critical examination of Africa as a living space rather than merely a site of intellectual speculation and study. Uses scholarly and popular literature to explore the issues that engage the attention of ordinary Africans, ranging from the dramatic to the seemingly trivial, as they struggle to fashion meaningful lives in fast-changing societies. Topics include urban transition and city life; economic, political and cultural impacts of globalization; new religious movements and changing conceptions of selfhood; new African diasporas in the West; dynamics of gender relations, kinships and identities; and the politics of liberalization. Materials studied will include print and electronic news media and other mass media resources from Africa and across the world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
AFR251H1 | Language, Freedom and Linguistic Human Rights in Africa | Examines the language situation in Africa and the extent to which freedom and linguistic human rights are enabled, granted, nurtured, achieved or protected by post-colonial African states. Using linguistic diversity in Africa as a backdrop, presents, discusses and assesses language policies that were adopted by post-colonial African states, particularly in education, and the implications that these policies have for the rights, freedom and empowerment of citizens of African states. Changes and evolving trends in language use and language planning are also discussed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
AFR270H1 | African Literature and the Politics of Storytelling | Focuses on the art and politics of storytelling across the continent. Students will engage with various kinds of narrative genres from great African novels to short stories, folktales, popular African films from Nollywood and other industries, as well as more recent forms of storytelling from social media. Topics of discussion will include globalization, colonialism, post-coloniality, neo-imperialism, environmental justice, ecocriticism, artistic expression and African identities. This novel course offers a combination of a wide range of literary and non-literary narrative genres as well as a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to textual analysis from decolonial theories to ecocriticism, postcolonial environmentalisms, narrative theory, as well as more traditional methods of literary criticism and analysis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG4 |
AFR351Y1 | African Systems of Thought | The exploration of a range of African cosmologies, epistemologies, and theologies, as well as specific case studies on justice, the moral order, and gender relations. The influence of these richly diverse traditions is traced as well in the writings of African thinkers in the Diaspora. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
AFR353H1 | International Relations of Africa | Explores inter-state relations in Africa, African states' relations with the West, China, India, Brazil, and international political, economic and financial institutions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG17 |
AFR355H1 | African Youth Languages and Cultures | Examines the nature of youth languages and cultures in contemporary Africa with a focus on their characteristics and the conditions under which they develop. Also considers similarities and/or differences between youth languages and cultures in different regions of Africa and the general youth condition. Includes urban youth languages such as Sheng, Engsh, Tsotsitaal, etc. and music genres associated with youth such as hip hop, Bongo flava, etc. Discusses challenges and opportunities associated with African youth languages as they relate to questions of identity, national integration, regional integration, and development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
AFR359H1 | The Horn of Africa - Critical Perspectives | Examines the Horn of Africa, its diversity, geopolitics, cultural politics, present conditions and current debates through a critical and comparative lens. Considers social forces in contemporary politics within the region including competing claims, explanations of the underpinnings of the Horn's conflict, and the promise of peace. Draws upon interdisciplinary scholarship, public discourse, texts and media to reflect on the future of the Horn of Africa at this historical moment. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
AFR370H1 | Anticolonialism, Radicalism and Revolutions in Africa | An interdisciplinary exploration of the histories of nationalist and revolutionary movements, ideologies, and regimes in twentieth and twenty-first century Africa, examining the various ways that Africans imagined, actively shaped, and continue to demand freedom and political modernity. Emphasis will be placed on African history methodology (including oral history) and historiography to encourage students to apply a historical lens to approaching key themes and concepts in African Studies such as nationalism, decolonization, the state, politics, citizenship, labour movements, and pro-democracy movements. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
AFR389H1 | The Geopolitics and Debates on Africa-China Economic Relations | Explores the geopolitics of Africa-Asia relations, in particular, the unabated and polarized debates and narratives on China's engagement across sectors in Africa, Africa-China multifaceted trade relations, strategies and interests, and economic diplomacy. Critically examines the changing landscape of economic cooperation and development financing in contemporary Africa, their underlying impulses and their broader implications. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
AFR450Y1 | African Studies Honours Research Seminar | This honours research seminar required of all specialists and majors in African Studies offers critical explorations of the genealogy of African Studies, the transnational study of Africa, Africa's place in a globalized world, the historical, intellectual and institutional contexts of Africanist knowledge production, its dissemination and consumption in Africa, Europe, the Americas and emerging academic sites in Asia. It engages with the paradigm shifts and vibrant scholarly and epistemic debates across disciplines and geographies as well as unfolding events, public discourses, geopolitics, African popular cultures and the reimagining of African futures through canonical, emergent scholarship and creative media. It emphasizes students' original and creative research explorations, engaged praxis and search for alternative theorizing and decolonial epistemologies. It is also open to upper level students interested in African Studies and/or research in and on Africa. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
AFR454H1 | Migration, Mobility, and Displacement in Contemporary Africa | Why do people move voluntarily or involuntarily? What are the causes and consequences of migration and displacement in Africa? This course critically examines the multifaceted dimensions of migration, mobility, and displacement, with a specific focus on communities and populations displaced by war, environmental destruction and disaster, economic failings, and the quest for economic opportunities, love, education, or individual freedom. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
AFR455H1 | Conflicts, Negotiations and Peacebuilding in Africa | Examines conflicts and peace negotiations in African contexts such as Somalia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and North Africa through public discourse, citizen actions, policy debates and mobilizations. Explores formal, informal, indigenous and institutional mediation and peace negotiation platforms, strategies, and impulses. Analyzes various conflict zones, case studies and intervention strategies for negotiating and sustaining peace in Africa in the broader context of the war on terror, increasing militarism, and securitization in peacebuilding. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
AFR460H1 | Climate Change, Food Security, and Sustainability in Africa | Food security is a critical challenge for many African countries and, in the past decades, has been exacerbated by climate change. To understand the complexities of food insecurity and to explore possible pathways for a food-secure Africa, we ask: what is the nexus between food security, climate change, and sustainability in Africa? How is food security intertwined with livelihood security, rights, justice, resource governance, conflicts, natural disasters, uncertainties, and risks and vulnerabilities? What are the challenges and opportunities for sustainable futures in Africa? Which theoretical frameworks illuminate these complexities? Students will learn through case study analyses, guest lectures, modeling and scenario-building exercises, and engagement with indigenous knowledge systems, canonical and emergent interdisciplinary scholarship on the topic. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG2 |
AFSA01H3 | Africa in the World: An Introduction | An interdisciplinary introduction to the history and development of Africa with Africa's place in the wider world a key theme. Students critically engage with African and diasporic histories, cultures, social structures, economies, and belief systems. Course material is drawn from Archaeology, History, Geography, Literature, Film Studies, and Women's Studies. Same as HISA08H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5, SDG8 |
AFSA03H3 | Experiencing Development in Africa | This experiential learning course allows students to experience first hand the realities, challenges, and opportunities of working with development organizations in Africa. The goal is to allow students to actively engage in research, decision-making, problem solving, partnership building, and fundraising, processes that are the key elements of development work. Same as IDSA02H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG17, SDG9 |
AFSB51H3 | Africa from the Colonial Conquests to Independence | Modern Sub-Saharan Africa, from the colonial conquests to the end of the colonial era. The emphasis is on both structure and agency in a hostile world. Themes include conquest and resistance; colonial economies; peasants and labour; gender and ethnicity; religious and political movements; development and underdevelopment; Pan-Africanism, nationalism and independence. Same as HISB51H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG5 |
AFSC03H3 | Contemporary Africa: State, Society, and Politics | This course is intended as an advanced critical introduction to contemporary African politics. It seeks to examine the nature of power and politics, state and society, war and violence, epistemology and ethics, identity and subjectivities, history and the present from a comparative and historical perspective. It asks what the main drivers of African politics are, and how we account for political organization and change on the continent from a comparative and historical perspective. Same as IDSC03H3. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
AFSC19H3 | Community-Driven Development: Cooperatives, Social Enterprises and the Black Social Economy | This course introduces students to alternative business institutions (including cooperatives, credit unions, worker-owned firms, mutual aid, and social enterprises) to challenge development. It investigates the history and theories of the solidarity economy as well as its potential contributions to local, regional and international socio-economic development. There will be strong experiential education aspects in the course to debate issues. Students analyze case studies with attention paid to Africa and its diaspora to combat exclusion through cooperative structures. Same as IDSC19H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
AFSC97H3 | Women and Power in Africa | This course examines women in Sub-Saharan Africa in the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial periods. It covers a range of topics including slavery, colonialism, prostitution, nationalism and anti-colonial resistance, citizenship, processes of production and reproduction, market and household relations, and development. Same as HISC97H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG5 |
AFSD07H3 | Extractive Industries in Africa | This course examines resource extraction in African history. We examine global trade networks in precolonial Africa, and the transformations brought by colonial extractive economies. Case studies, from diamonds to uranium, demonstrate how the resource curse has affected states and economies, especially in the postcolonial period. Same as IDSD07H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG8 |
AFSD20H3 | Thinking Conflict, Security, and Development | This course offers an advanced critical introduction to the security-development nexus and the political economy of conflict, security, and development. It explores the major issues in contemporary conflicts, the securitization of development, the transformation of the security and development landscapes, and the broader implications they have for peace and development in the Global South. Same as IDSD20H3. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
AMS100H1 | Global Capitalism | This course explores the rise of capitalism  understood not simply as an economic system but as a political and cultural one as well. It aims to acquaint students with the more important socio-economic changes of the past 600 years with an eye towards informing the way they think about problems of the present time: globalization, growing disparities of wealth, and the exploitation of natural resources. It seeks to foster a critical approach to the way in which the world is organized. A dual mission stands at its centre: it utilizes a focus on capitalism as a tool of scholarly understanding of the way the world has evolved, and it assists students in developing a critique of capitalism as a system. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
AMS200H1 | Introduction to American Studies | A formal introduction to the interdisciplinary study of the United States and to the field of American Studies. Drawing from a variety of source materials ranging from political and literary to visual culture and material artifacts, this course examines the politics, history and culture of the U.S. A major emphasis will be learning to analyze primary sources. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
AMS220H1 | Depression Era America: History, Politics, Culture | This course explores the 1930s on a number of interconnected levels, prompting students to link the economic, political, and cultural planes of Americans' lived experience in an informed way. It starts with the impact of the 1929 Crash, looking at the ways this reshaped values, and conceptions of race and gender, and also allowed unprecedented critiques and organizational forms to emerge. It then considers local and federal responses to economic catastrophe, emphasizing the emergence of regulatory mechanisms that further reshaped social relations. With this foundation in place, the course turns to consider three forms of artistic production in which the social dynamics of the age found powerful echo: FSA photography and WPA murals; experimental literature; and cinema. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
AMS300H1 | Theories and Methods in American Studies | This course, required for majors and minors but open to all who have met the pre-requisites, explores a range of approaches to the field of American Studies. Students will be introduced to some of the many theories and methods that have animated the field of American Studies, including historical methods; formal analysis of visual and literary texts; and key concepts, such as commodity chain analysis, race, commodity, gender, diaspora, and affect. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
AMS310H1 | Approaches to American Studies | An in-depth, interdisciplinary examination of a specific question concerning U.S. history, politics, and/or culture. Focus varies depending on instructor. Major emphases include reading critically and the initial steps of conducting original research. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
AMS330H1 | Transnational America | The United States -- as a global military, cultural, and economic power -- has always been a transnational space. In this course, students will read texts that emphasize the transnational dimensions of the US, learning about a range of topics that may include borders, global supply chains, immigration, food cultures, media, and the reach of the US military. In what ways do the United States and its people exceed their national boundaries? And in what ways are the United States and its people shaped by "elsewhere"? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
ANA124H1 | Kinesiology Human Anatomy I: Organ Systems | This course is the first half of the human cadaveric anatomy experience for students in the KPE program. Students will explore gross anatomy of the thoracic, abdominal, pelvic and nervous systems with focus on the structure, function, innervation and blood supply. Students will be introduced to implications of function and dysfunction or disease within these systems. Students will learn through theory and practice including in-class lectures, asynchronous learning modules and digital resources, active learning tasks and hands-on practice in the anatomy laboratory. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3 |
ANA125H1 | Kinesiology Human Anatomy II: Musculoskeletal System | This course is the second half of the human cadaveric anatomy experience for students in the KPE program. Students will explore musculoskeletal anatomy, including in depth investigation of the upper and lower limb bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, blood and nerve supply. Functional application of musculoskeletal anatomy with respect to movement will be introduced with real-life examples of exercise, injury and disease. Students will learn through theory and practice including in-class lectures, asynchronous learning modules and digital resources, active learning tasks and hands-on practice in the anatomy laboratory. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3 |
ANT192H1 | Murder and Other Deathly Crimes: Anthropological Perspectives | Anthropology has much to say about death. There is foundational literature on sacrifice, suicide, and the rites surrounding the end of life. Anthropology also has a lot to say about violence: war, conflict, revolution. But at the nexus of death and violence lies murder, a culturally and socially salient phenomenon that garners less scholarly attention. This seminar will explore what constitutes murder in different cultural and historical contexts, by reading across anthropology, cultural studies, and film studies. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
ANT201H5 | World Archaeology | Archaeological survey of human cultural development from a global perspective, including: the elaboration of material culture; the expansion of social inequality; the development of diverse food procurement (hunter-gatherer-fisher) and food production (herding-agricultural) economies; and the changes in patterns of mobility over time and between world areas, with the growth of village and city life. Students will engage with the current state of archaeological research and some of the major issues archaeologists address in their recreations of archaeologically-based human history. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG2, SDG8 |
ANT204H1 | Social Cultural Anthropology and Global Issues | A course focused on recent anthropological scholarship that seeks to understand and explain the transformation of contemporary societies and cultures. Topics may include some of the following: new patterns of global inequality, war and neo-colonialism, health and globalization, social justice and indigeneity, religious fundamentalism, gender inequalities, biotechnologies and society etc. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG3, SDG5, SDG9 |
ANT205H1 | Medical Anthropology: Sociocultural Perspectives on Illness, Medicine and Care | Introduction to medical anthropology with a focus on questions, methods, and insights from sociocultural anthropology. Explores the relationships among culture, society, and medicine with special attention to power, inequality, and globalization. Examples from many parts of the world, addressing biomedicine as well as other healing systems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG9 |
ANT207H5 | Being Human: Classic Thought on Self and Society | The question of what it means to be human has been at the core of anthropology for over two centuries, and it remains as pressing now as it ever was. This course introduces students to some classic attempts at addressing this question with specific reference to the nature of personhood and social life. By engaging with the writings of Marx, Weber, Freud, and DeBeauvoir among other great thinkers of the modern age, students will develop deeper knowledge of the major theories guiding anthropological research. We will pay close attention to how arguments are constructed in these texts and focus on the methodologies that these pioneers of social thought developed in their inquiries. The course covers enduring topics ranging from the production of social inequality, what it means to be an individual, how collective life is shaped by economic markets, and the role of religion in shaping human experience, to develop an understanding of central issues facing the world today. [24L 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG4 |
ANT208H1 | Medical Anthropology: an Evolutionary Perspective on Human Health | Introduction to applied evolutionary medical anthropology. It explores evidence for the evolution of human vulnerability to disease across the life cycle (conception to death) and implications for health of contemporary populations in behavioral ecological, cross-cultural, health and healing systems, historical trauma, intersectionality, and climate change, lenses. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG3 |
ANT210H5 | Fantasies, Hoaxes and Misrepresentations of the Ancient World | Have you ever wondered why television programs like Ancient Aliens are so popular or if they have any merit? Have you also wondered why outrageous ideas about the human past seem to be more popular than the message science presents? This course critically evaluates the anatomy of significant hoaxes, outrageous claims, and just plain old "bad archaeology" in popular culture. Students will develop the tools to critically evaluate potential hoaxes and fictional accounts of the past by investigating a wide variety of cases that range from attempts to rewrite history using fake discoveries, to the simply outrageous claims created in order to promote racist agendas, to make money, or just for the fun of duping an unsuspecting public. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANT214H5 | Anthropology of Food and Nutrition | This course explores human food use and nutrition from a broad anthropological perspective. It examines archaeological evidence of dietary patterns of human ancestors and examines contemporary phenomena such as the preference for sweetness and lactase persistence that are the legacy of ancestral adaptations. It explores significant food revolutions, from the origins of agriculture to the relatively recent phenomenon of biotechnological food production and looks at both the positive and negative effects of these changes on patterns of human growth and health. The goal of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of nutrition science that is contextualized in contemporary anthropological debates about the costs of changing food systems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG2, SDG3 |
ANT220H5 | Introduction to the Anthropology of Health | This course introduces students to the many strategies anthropologists use to understand patterns of health and disease in human populations through time. It will serve as an entry point into the Anthropology of Health focus and will be a prerequisite for later courses in Growth and Development, Infectious Disease, and the Advanced Seminar in the Anthropology of Health. In this course, the concept of health is examined using bioarchaeology, biomedicine, medical anthropology, and epidemiology. The course examines evolutionary, epigenetic, and life history approaches to understanding chronic disease risk in human populations, culminating in an investigation of the role of poverty and social inequality on disease burden. Although the course is designed as an introduction to the Health focus, it is suitable for students seeking training in pre-health disciplines and is open to all students possessing the necessary prerequisites. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG3 |
ANT241H5 | Anthropology and the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (in Canada) | This course will examine the relationship between the field of anthropology and Indigenous people of Turtle Island. We will examine the past, present, and future manifestations of this relationship. This course will emphasize Indigenous, decolonial, and community scholars. Students will be encouraged to think critically and reflect on their own world views. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANT300H5 | Cultural Heritage Management: The Past in the Present and for the Future | Cultural Heritage Management, also known as cultural resource management or applied archaeology, aims to protect traces of the past such as artifacts, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes, that have meaning for people in the present. This course takes a broad look at cultural heritage, why it matters in the present, and why we need to preserve aspects of it for the future. Topics may include stakeholders and the politics of the past, mechanisms for the protection of heritage and archaeological sites, the heritage management industry, and the methods used to identify, document, and mitigate impacts to archaeological sites, and to preserve the materials recovered. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG9 |
ANT313H5 | China, Korea and Japan in Prehistory | The exploration of the remarkable prehistories of China, the Koreas and Japan challenge western thought on agricultural origins, complex hunter-gatherers, urbanization and the development of centralized authority. This course evaluates current thinking about these issues in the three regions and examines the impact of local archaeological practice on the construction of narratives about the past. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
ANT318H1 | The Preindustrial City and Urban Social Theory | This course offers a comparative examination of the rise and organization of ancient cities through a detailed investigation of urban social theory. We will explore competing anthropological interpretations of urban process while probing the political, ideological, and economic structures of the worlds earliest cities. Students will have the opportunity to consider a broad range of subjects, including mechanisms of city genesis; urban-rural relations; the intersections of city and state; and historical variation in urban landscapes, ideologies, and political economies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
ANT318H5 | Archaeological Fieldwork | Introduction to archaeological field methods. Practical component of the field school takes place on the UTM campus during the last two weeks of August (Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm). Morning lectures (week one) covering note taking, map making, cultural landscapes, material culture identification and survey and excavation methods, are followed by afternoons in the field applying skills taught that morning. Week two is spent excavating at an archaeological site. During weekly laboratory sessions September – December students learn to process, identify, and catalogue artifacts recovered during the field component. Limited Enrolment and Application Process: see Anthropology department website for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8 |
ANT320H5 | Archaeological Approaches to Technology | Using hands-on learning as a primary approach, this course focuses on insights into social and cultural processes provided by the study of ancient and historic technology. Experimental, ethnographic, archaeological, and textual data are used to examine topics such as organization and control of production, style of technology, and the value of objects. Throughout, we will discuss social and cultural as well as economic and functional reasons for the development and adoption of new technologies. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG17, SDG9 |
ANT324H1 | Tourism & Globalization | The course uses tourism as a lens to examine global connections. Particular focus will be on the politics of cultural encounters. Drawing examples from diverse ethnographic materials, the course explores how different visions of the world come into contact, negotiated and transformed, and how tourist encounters shape peoples everyday lives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8 |
ANT329H1 | Language & Power Structure | The role of language and symbolism in the representation and manipulation of ideology and power structure. Case materials drawn from the study of verbal arts, gender, law, advertising, and politics with a focus on North America. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5 |
ANT331H5 | The Biology of Human Sexuality | Human sexual behaviours will be examined through the lens of evolutionary theory. Through lectures and readings, students will examine such topics as genetic, hormonal, and environmental determinants of sex, sexual selection, and the influence of sex on life history and behaviour. Students will discuss research that has been published in this area, and will develop critical assessments of the literature and films. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
ANT335H5 | Anthropology of Gender | Gender concerns the ways that groups define and experience what it is to be male, female, or a gender identity in-between or outside of that binary, and in all societies the boundaries of gender categories are both policed and resisted. In this course we examine how gender is made materially, discursively, and through intersections with other structures of inequality (e.g. race, sexuality, class, etc.). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
ANT336H1 | Evolutionary Anthropology Theory | This course will explore the foundational and leading concepts in evolutionary anthropology. Historically important readings and current concepts will be presented and discussed in the context of research, especially in areas of human population biology, ecology and the evolution of Homo sapiens. Topics will include behavioral ecology and life history theory, as well as a critique of the adaptationist program. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
ANT337H5 | Anthropology of Growth and Development | This course examines the fundamental biological principles of growth and how these are expressed throughout evolution. It explores the evolution of growth patterns among primates and hominins and compares patterns of growth among the living primates. The course examines human growth and development throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence and explores the influence of genetic, epigenetic, and endocrine processes on the plasticity of human growth that ultimately produces the variability observed in our species. The goal of the course is to provide students with a complex understanding of how evolutionary and environmental processes interact in the production of growth and health in human populations. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12 |
ANT338H1 | Molecular Anthropology and Human Evolution | Molecular anthropology is an interdisciplinary field combining biology, genetics, evolution and anthropology. In this class, we will explore the use of DNA for the study of past migrations and admixture patterns, the evolution of pathogens, plant and animal domestication and especially the relationships between recent and archaic humans. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
ANT338H5 | Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology | This lab methods course focuses on laboratory techniques used by biological anthropologists to assess growth, health, and risk of chronic disease in human populations. In this course students will gain practical, hands-on experience in nutrition assessment, anthropometry, physical activity and sleep assessment, and human energy expenditure. State-of-the-art instruments and software are employed, ensuring students gain valuable knowledge of data management and analysis using applications suitable in both clinical and research settings. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
ANT344H1 | Political Anthropology | This course explores the conceptual and methodological tools anthropologists employ to study the ways social groups enact, resist, and transform social relations that involve the production and distribution of power. It studies how anthropologists theorize politics in relation to power, authority, coercion, and consent. Topics explored in this class include political cultures in state and statelessness societies, political affect and the politics of everyday life, hegemony and resistance, governmentality and bio-politics, violence and militarization, social movements and citizenship, and the difficulties of anthropological research in conflict zones. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANT352H5 | Protest, Power and Authority: Topics in Political Anthropology | This course explores ethnographically the social and cultural practices through which the exercise of power is legitimized, authorized, and contested, examining such topics as nation-building, non-governmental activism, human rights, and the global "war on terror." [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANT356H5 | War, Peace, and Revolution in the Middle East: Anthropological Perspectives on Political Conflicts | This course will explore political violence and social change in the modern Middle East. What forms of loyalty, authority or rivalry have accompanied political violence? What economic activities and relations have been shaped by political conflict and peace in the region? What are the historical origins of nation-states, political regimes, and social movements in the region? By taking a historical and anthropological look at political conflict and change, this course will examine the transformations of the region in the last two centuries. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANT357H1 | Social Worlds of Medicine and Care | Presents anthropological perspectives on provision of healthcare as a complex social and cultural phenomenon. Examines hierarchies and division of labour among health care providers, and how social groups come to occupy particular positions. Considers how knowledge and skills are gained through formal training and/or lived experience, how they are recognized and valued, and may become sources of identity. Examines local variations within biomedicine as practiced in different settings around the world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
ANT363H5 | Magic and Science | What's the difference between magic and science? Is there one? This course explores anthropological approaches to magic and science and related topics, raising basic questions about the nature of knowledge: what can we know about the world, and how can we know it? Through close readings of key anthropological texts, we consider what--if anything--differentiates magic and science, belief and truth, subjectivity and objectivity, irrationality and rationality. [12L, 12S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
ANT364H1 | Advocating Environmental and Climate Justice | This course is designed for students eager to participate in, and reflect on, on-going advocacy on climate and environmental justice. Students will be placed, either as individuals, in partners, or in teams, with a government, non-profit or community advocacy group to collaboratively address a specific problem or need of the organization. In classroom discussions, and in assignments students will have an opportunity to reflect critically on their experiences, explore social and ethical issues, and integrate placements with course readings in ways that mobilize or perhaps challenge academic knowledge. Assignments will integrate practice in a range of forms of expression (for instance personal story, policy brief, podcast, interview, news release, or blog) to support the development of the range of expressive skills needed to support working for change. The application form is posted on the following website: The application form should be submitted by the deadline indicated on the website. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG4 |
ANT368H5 | Ecological Worldviews: A Cultural Approach | A study of the scope and seriousness of present ecological concerns, as well as some core principles and concepts in the intersection of environment and culture, through the lens of selected secular and religious worldviews. In some years, students may additionally have the option of participating in an international learning experience during Reading Week that will have an additional cost and application process. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4,15 |
ANT369H5 | Religious Violence and Nonviolence | Religious violence and nonviolence as they emerge in the tension between strict adherence to tradition and individual actions of charismatic figures. The place of violence and nonviolence in selected faith traditions. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
ANT370H1 | Introduction to Social Anthropological Theory | An in-depth critical review of foundational ideas in the development of the practice of Anthropology. Topics may include questioning fieldwork, origins and legacies of functionalism, cultural materialism, politics of culture, power and political economy, globalization and post modernism, gender and post-structuralism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
ANT371H5 | The Natural City: Cultural Approaches to Urban Sustainability | Since 2007, for the first time in human history, more than half the world's peoples live in cities. It is estimated that by 2030 over 60% will be urban dwellers. This demographic shift suggests that for many (if not most) people, their primary encounter with "nature" will be urban-based. This course explores "the city" through a multispecies lens and challenges assumptions about the human-centeredness (anthropocentrism) of urban places. In this course students are invited to utilize a variety of approaches, including arts-based ethnography, journaling, archival research, photography, sound-scaping, et al., as we explore the following questions: How do ideas about nature-culture shape our interactions with nonhumans in cities? How do built environments structure human-nonhuman relationships in urban spaces? How have human-nonhuman interactions changed over time in cities? How can we foster more compassionate and caring relationships with nonhumans in cities - and how might we do this in the context of social-ecological injustices and climate change? What might a thriving multispecies city of the future look like? | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG9 |
ANT378H1 | Gift, Money, and Finance | This course introduces dialogue between anthropological literature and other disciplinary studies in regards to the economy and culture of gift and money transaction as a key aspect of human society. Studying the history of gift and money economy from agricultural societies and diverse developments of finance market culture in recent era through various perspectives (e.g., ethnographic, sociological, politico-economic, and historical views), this course aims to train students developing a critical understanding of capitalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
ANT402H5 | Wild Nights: Sleep, evolution, and performance in the 21st century | Sleep is essential to cognitive function and health in humans, yet the ultimate reasons for sleep - that is, 'why' we sleep - remains mysterious. This course integrates research findings from human sleep studies, the ethnographic record, and the ecology and evolution of mammalian and primate sleep to better understand sleep along the human lineage and in the modern world. Students will learn how to use 'wearable' technology, such as actigraphy, for scientific research. The goal of the course is to empower students with the theoretical and technological tools to be able to not only critically assess their own sleep-wake behaviour and performance but also popular generalizations about how to maximize long-term health outcomes. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
ANT430H1 | Primate Conservation Biology | The focus of this course is on the science of primate conservation biology in an anthropological context. Topics will include primate biodiversity and biogeography, human impacts, and conservation strategies/policies. The effects of cultural and political considerations on primate conservation will also be discussed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
ANT436H1 | Primate Ecology & Social Behavior | This course will provide an overview of the ecology and social behavior of extant nonhuman primates. Topics will include socioecology, conservation biology, biogeography, aggression and affiliation, community ecology, communication, and socio-sexual behavior. There will also be extensive discussions of methods used in collecting data on primates in the field. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
ANT437H5 | Advanced Seminar in the Anthropology of Health | This course is the culmination of the undergraduate Anthropology of Health focus and aims to prepare students for workplace application and graduate study in a wide range of clinical and research domains. The course brings together diverse branches of biological investigation (human biology, nutrition, growth and development, chronic and communicable disease) and undertakes a critical examination of theory and methods used in the study of human health. It traces the historical development of the powerful biomedical paradigm that dominates health research today and uses a critical lens to examine the systems used to measure and classify health and disease. It explores evolutionary and biological approaches to understanding human health by examining the concepts of adaptation and plasticity, genetic and epigenetic approaches, developmental origins and life history theories, social determinants of health, and critical medical anthropology. The course explores the profoundly influential role of social inequality on the production and reproduction of health in historical and contemporary populations. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG2, SDG3, SDG9 |
ANT438H5 | Rethinking Anthropology from a Community Perspective | This senior seminar course engages students in a thoughtful dialogue and critique of traditional methodologies and theories in the subfields of biological anthropology and archaeology. The goal of this course is to give students a chance to reflect on the future of this discipline through a discourse with anthropologists and community members who have been involved and affected by anthropological studies. Topics will cover Cultural Resource Management and Rematriation in Canada, Gender Diversity and Ethnic Identification in Forensic Anthropology, Ethics of Museums, and the colonial foundations of Evolutionary Anthropology, and Primatology. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG4,5,10 |
ANT442H1 | Social Studies of Autism | Autism is simultaneously celebrated by autists as a core identity and pathologized in public and clinical discourses as a disease to be cured. This course spans anthropology of autism and critical autism studies, examining autism as both lived experience and rubric for a complex set of biosocial and cultural phenomena. Engaging with academic and popular texts and multi-media sources, we explore how knowledge of autism is socially produced in historical, political and cultural contexts; autobiographies and ethnographies of autistic lives; histories of autistic organising; and autism and intersectionality, attending particularly to race and gender. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
ANT458H1 | Indigenous Health Histories and Canadian Settler Colonialism | We focus on the relationship between the health and well-being of Indigenous people/s and Canadian settler colonialism, drawing on scholarship from medical anthropology, history, Indigenous studies and settler colonial studies. The course is centrally concerned with how Indigenous social and political actors have engaged with health, illness, social suffering and healing throughout the 20th century, and informed by anthropological and historical understandings of healthcare systems as permeated by dynamic relations of power. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ANT460H1 | Global Perspectives on Women's Health | This fourth-year seminar examines how female gender shapes health and illness. Using case studies of sexual health, fertility and its management, substance use/abuse, mental health, and occupational/labor health risks, the course investigates the material, political, and socio-cultural factors that can put women at risk for a range of illness conditions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
ANT462H1 | Anthropology of Affect | This course examines how anthropologists have studied the way that people hope, imagine, love, and despise. Ethnography of the intimate realms of affect raises important questions about knowledge production and methodology as well as offering insight into how people come to act upon the world and what the human consequences of such action are. The course will also examine how the intimate is socially produced and harnessed in the service of politics and culture. Topics will include grief and its lack; dreams and activism; love and social change; memory and imperialism; sexuality and care; and violence and hope. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
ANT463H5 | Anthropologies of Water: On Meaning, Value, and Futures | This class delves into the topic of water from an anthropological perspective by thinking of water not only as resource but also as meaningful substance, symbol, and mediator of human and non-human relations. Class will consist mainly of discussions of ethnographic readings but also of hands-on class exercises, field-trips, and auto-ethnographic work. In some years, students may additionally have the option of participating in an international learning experience during Reading Week that will have an additional cost and application process. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG4, SDG6 |
ANT464H1 | Black Ethnographies | Black populations in the African Diaspora defy simple characterizations. In this course, we will examine the experiences of Black people through an ethnographic exploration of their lives. The close analysis of ethnographic monographs and articles will illuminate the ways in which race, gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability, nationality, and other factors, shape the everyday for Black people in different cultural contexts. An additional focus will be a consideration of the experiences of Black anthropologists as ethnographers and scholars who are broadening anthropological discourses. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
ANT468H5 | Anthropology of Troubled Times | Rising sea levels, unnatural disasters, global displacements, energy shortages, poverty, racism, mediated mass-surveillance, conspiracies, populism, pandemics  all provide unsettling markers of our times. As chroniclers and theorists of the contemporary, anthropologists have been keen to diagnose and engage the moment. Their efforts have yielded dividends: key insights into some of today's most pressing problems, as well as new analytic tools with which to capture them. This fourth-year seminar will enable students to survey a range of pressing contemporary concerns and to explore some of the ways anthropologists and cognate scholars are engaging with them. Because anthropology is part of the world it seeks to understand, the seminar will also consider anthropology's own grounds of knowledge, dwelling on some of the epistemological, ethical and political conundrums the discipline's real-world entanglements entail. This concern takes us beyond "troubled times," inviting reflection on that curious Western project we call "anthropology." | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
ANTB01H3 | Political Ecology | This course examines human-environmental relations from an anthropological perspective. Throughout the semester, we explore how peoples from different parts of the globe situate themselves within culturally constructed landscapes. Topics covered include ethnoecology, conservation, green consumerism, the concept of 'wilderness', and what happens when competing and differentially empowered views of the non-human world collide. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG15 |
ANTB12H3 | Anthropology of Science Fiction | This course is about science fiction as a form of cultural and political critique. The course will explore themes that are central to both ethnography and science fiction, including topics such as colonialism, gender, and the climate crisis, while reflecting on the power of writing and myth-making to produce meaning and the future. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4 |
ANTB16H3 | Canadian Cultural Identities | This course explores the creation or invention of a Canadian national identity in literature, myth and symbolism, mass media, and political culture. Ethnographic accounts that consider First Nations, regional, and immigrant identities are used to complicate the dominant story of national unity. Area course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
ANTB20H3 | Ethnography and the Global Contemporary | How has the global flow of goods, persons, technologies, and capital reproduced forms of inequality? Using ethnography and other media, students examine globalization through topics like migration, race and citizenship, environmental degradation, and increasing violence while also discussing older anthropological concerns (e.g., kinship, religious practices, and authority). This course enhances students’ understanding of ethnography, as a method for studying how actors engage and rework the global forces shaping their lives. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG9 |
ANTB33H3 | The Future of Work | This course explores a pressing issue facing contemporary life: “the future of work.†It examines how work has been and continues to be transformed by automation, digital technologies, climate change, pandemics, the retrenchment of the welfare state, deindustrialization, global supply chains, and imperial and colonial rule. All kinds of media (e.g., academic texts, corporate publications, policy reports, activist literature, cinema) will be utilized to demonstrate how these transformations are not limited to work or labour but reverberate across social, political, and economic life. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG12, SDG13, SDG8, SDG9 |
ANTB64H3 | Are You What You Eat?: The Anthropology of Food | This course examines the social significance of food and foodways from the perspective of cultural anthropology. We explore how the global production, distribution, and consumption of food, shapes or reveals, social identities, political processes, and cultural relations. Lectures are supplemented by hands-on tutorials in the Culinaria Kitchen Laboratory. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG2 |
ANTC10H3 | Anthropological Perspectives on Development | A critical probe of the origins, concepts, and practices of regional and international development in cultural perspective. Attention is paid to how forces of global capitalism intersect with local systems of knowledge and practice. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG9 |
ANTC19H3 | Producing People and Things: Economics and Social Life | This course examines economic arrangements from an anthropological perspective. A key insight to be examined concerns the idea that by engaging in specific acts of production, people produce themselves as particular kinds of human beings. Topics covered include gifts and commodities, consumption, global capitalism and the importance of objects as cultural mediators in colonial and post-colonial encounters. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
ANTC29H3 | Archaeologies of North America | This course engages with the diverse histories of First Nations societies in North America, from time immemorial, through over 14 thousand years of archaeology, to the period approaching European arrivals. We tack across the Arctic, Plains, Northwest Coast, Woodlands, and East Coast to chart the major cultural periods and societal advancements told by First Nations histories and the archaeological record. Along with foundational discussions of ancestral peoples, societal development, and human paleoecology, we also engage with core topical debates in North American archaeology, such as the ethics of ancient DNA, peopling processes, environmental change, response, and conservation, inequalities, decolonization, and progress in Indigenous archaeologies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
ANTC61H3 | Medical Anthropology: Illness and Healing in Cultural Perspective | Social and symbolic aspects of the body, the life-cycle, the representation and popular explanation of illness, the logic of traditional healing systems, the culture of North American illness and biomedicine, mental illness, social roots of disease, innovations in health care delivery systems. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG3 |
ANTC65H3 | Anthropology of Science, Medicine, and Technology | This course is an enquiry into the social construction of science and scientific expertise, with a particular focus on medicine and health. The interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) opens up a very different perspective from what gets taught in biology classes about how medical knowledge is created, disseminated, becomes authoritative (or not), and is taken up by different groups of people. In our current era of increasing anti-science attitudes and "alternative facts," this course will offer students an important new awareness of the politics of knowledge production. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG4 |
ANTC67H3 | Foundations in Epidemiology | Epidemiology is the study of disease and its determinants in populations. It is grounded in the biomedical paradigm, statistical reasoning, and that risk is context specific. This course will examine such issues as: methods of sampling, types of controls, analysis of data, and the investigation of epidemics. Science credit | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3, SDG4 |
ANTC71H3 | Climate, Palaeoecology, and Policy: Archaeology of Humans in the Environment | This course examines the evolution of human-environment systems over deep time as well as the present implications of these relationships. We will examine the archaeological methods used in reconstructing human palaeoecology and engage with evolutionary and ecological theory as it has been applied to the archaeological record in order to understand how humans have altered ecosystems and adapted to changing climates through time and space. Building upon the perspective of humans as a long-term part of ecological systems, each student will choose a current environmental policy issue and progressively build a proposal for a remediation strategy or research program to address gaps in knowledge. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG4, SDG6 |
ANTC80H3 | Race and Racism: Anthropological Insights | This course explores ideas of race and racist practice, both past and present. Socio-cultural perspectives on race and racism must address a central contradiction: although biological evidence suggests that racial categories are not scientifically valid, race and racism are real social phenomena with real consequences. In order to address this contradiction, the course will examine the myriad ways that race is produced and reproduced, as well as how racism is perpetuated and sustained. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ANTD04H3 | The Anthropology of Violence and Suffering | This course examines the social life of violence, its cultural production and political effects in a global perspective. It asks how social worlds are made and unmade through, against, and after violent events, how violence is remembered and narrated, and how ethnography might respond to experiences of suffering, trauma, and victimhood. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16 |
ANTD19H3 | Primate Conservation | A large percentage of nonhuman primate species are at risk of extinction due mostly to human-induced processes. Relying on theory from Conservation Biology, this course will consider the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that lead to some primate species being threatened, while others are able to deal with anthropogenic influences. Students will critically examine conservation tactics and the uniqueness of each situation will be highlighted. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ANTD25H3 | Medical Primatology: Public Health Perspectives on Zoonotic Diseases | This course will examine the social and cultural contexts of animal-to-human disease transmission globally, and the public risks associated zoonoses present here in Canada. The course will incorporate both anthropological and epidemiological perspectives. Science credit | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
ANTD26H3 | Caveman, Farmer, Herder, Trader: Evolution of Diet in Society | Beginning with archaic Homo sapiens and ending with a discussion of how diet exists in a modern globalized cash economy, this course engages an archaeological perspective on changes in human diet and corresponding societal shifts. We will explore paradigmatic discourse around topics such as big game hunting, diet breadth, niche construction, and the Agricultural Revolution, while examining the archaeological record to clarify what "cavemen" really ate, inquire whether agriculture was as "revolutionary" as it has been presented, and delve into evidence of how colonialism, capitalism, and globalization have shaped our modern diet. Discussions will aim to interrogate current theories and contextualize why scientists (and the public) think the way they do about diet in the past and present. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG2 |
APS305H1 | Energy Policy | Complimentary Studies Elective Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor Introduction to public policy including the role and interaction of technology and regulation, policy reinforcing/feedback cycles; procedures for legislation and policy setting at the municipal, provincial and federal levels; dimensions of energy policy; energy planning and forecasting including demand management and conservation incentives; policy institution, analysis, implementation, evaluation and evolution; Critical analyses of case studies of energy and associated environmental policies with respect to conservation and demand management for various utilities and sectors; policy derivatives for varied economic and social settings, developing countries and associated impacts. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG7 |
APS330H1 | Interdisciplinary Studies for Sustainability & Innovation: How to Change the World | This is an interdisciplinary and multi-university project-based course focused on positively impacting the complex sustainability challenges faced by real-world communities around the world. Throughout this course, students work in small (three to five person) interdisciplinary and multi-university teams in order to (1) identify and understand a well-defined sustainability (social and/or environmental) problem faced by a real-world community, and then (2) devise, design and propose an implementable idea for positively impacting that problem. During the course, students are provided with multiple facilitated and structured opportunities to: engage directly with local stakeholders from the community their team is focused on; receive mentorship from a global network of experienced sustainability and innovation experts; and collaborate with a diverse array of students from other disciplines and institutions working on similar sustainability problems with other communities around the world. Admission to this course will be by application, which will be available starting in June. Initial round of applications will be reviewed prior to the course enrollment date and on an periodic basis after that if spaces become available. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
APS380H1 | Introduction to Electric Vehicle Design | A multi-disciplinary introduction to key aspects of electric vehicle design, taught in modular form. Sub-system design perspective: electrical, mechanical, battery, powertrain and control; vehicle design; Manufacturing perspective: battery manufacturing, and life cycle; Industry 4.0 Automation perspective: vehicle-, manufacturing-, and city-level; Future directions: electrification, smart-grid, supply chains, and infrastructure | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7, SDG9 |
APS420H1 | Technology, Engineering and Global Development | Humanities and Social Science Elective The role of technology and engineering in global development is explored through a combination of lectures, readings, case studies, and analysis of key technologies, including energy, information and communications technologies, water and healthcare. Topics include a brief history and basic theories of international development and foreign aid, major government and non-government players, emerging alternative models (social entrepreneurship, microfinance, risk capital approaches), major and emerging players in social venture capital and philanthropy, the role of financial markets, environmental and resource considerations/sustainable development, technology diffusion models and appropriate technologies. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 |
APS470H1 | Engineering and Public Health | An introduction to the disciplines of public health and the connections with engineering; quantitative and qualitative public health methods including study designs and statistical analysis; legal, regulatory and ethical frameworks applicable to public health; the structure and regulation of the public health and health care system; examples of common public health hazards to illustrate public health toxicology, exposure measurement and modelling, data analysis and prevention strategies. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG9 |
APS530H1 | Appropriate Technology & Design for Global Development | Engineering design within the context of global society, emphasizing the needs of users in order to support appropriate, sustainable technology. A design project will comprise the major component of the course work. The course will take the approach of "design for X". Students are expected to be familiar with design for functionality, safety, robustness, etc. This course will extend the students' understanding of design methodologies to design for "appropriateness in developing regions". Readings and discussions will explore the social, cultural, economic, educational, environmental and political contexts in which third world end users relate to technology. Students will then incorporate their deepened understanding of this context in their design project. The projects will be analyzed for functionality as well as appropriateness and sustainability in the third world context. Upon completion of the course, students should have a deeper appreciation of the meaning of appropriate technology in various international development sectors such as healthcare, water & sanitation, land management, energy, infrastructure, and communications in both urban and rural settings. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG7, SDG9 |
ARC201H1 | Design Studio II | A studio-based introduction to design with emphasis upon the production of form and space and the formation of landscapes. The course serves as a hands-on exploration of the relationships between material, tectonic, and programmatic organizations in the context of social, technological, and environmental concerns. Students are strongly advised NOT to enroll into both ARC200H1 and ARC201H1 in the same semester. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
ARC281H1 | Structures, Building Systems, and Environments I | An introduction to structural and environmental design, the technologies of building and landscape systems, and the methods and frameworks through which the built environment is constructed. The calculation of quantitative criteria is taught through first-principles explorations. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
ARC354H1 | History of Housing | An exploration of the question of housing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11 |
ARC355H1 | History of Urbanism | A consideration of urbanism through an examination of physical, social, economic, and political factors that have shaped cities and regions from the early modern period up to the present. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
ARC357H1 | Environmental History of Landscape Architecture | An examination of the global history of the interrelations between societies and their environment. This course examines the organization of landscape and urban systems in a variety of geographic and cultural regions across the globe and over large spans of time. Please note that ARC356H1 Design History of Landscape Architecture is recommended as background for this course. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15 |
ARC363Y1 | Landscape Architecture Studio III | This studio will address urban form, context, and significance as factors in the creation of public space, with a focus on sites at block and neighbourhood scales. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
ARC364Y1 | Landscape Architecture Studio IV | This studio will examine the reciprocal influences of landscape and urbanism, with respect to form and process, through a focus on landscapes as urban systems at multiple scales. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
ARC366H1 | Selected Topics in Landscape Architecture | Examination of a selected topic in the design of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG15 |
ARC367H1 | Selected Topics in Urban Design | Examination of a selected topic in the design of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in urban design. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11 |
ARC369Y1 | Comprehensive Studio III | This Studio will provide a variety of design problems across different, nested scales, encouraging a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. It is a team-oriented project-based course in which students will determine and develop a collaborative project within the built or natural environment. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
ARC380Y1 | Technology Studio III | This studio applies knowledge obtained from the prerequisite courses towards project-based design work with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the relationship between emerging digital technologies and production in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism through the development of computational tools and algorithmic design. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG15, SDG4 |
ARC381Y1 | Technology Studio IV | This studio continues to explore the role of technology in design and promotes innovation in design tool development, building systems, simulation and visualization. Emphasis will be on applying knowledge gained in earlier coursework in a project-based studio setting using computational techniques, physical model making, and 1:1 fabrication and prototyping. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG4 |
ARC382H1 | Structures, Building Systems, and Environments II | Continued exploration of the principles of structural and environmental design, the technologies of building and landscape systems, and the methods and frameworks in which the built environment is constructed. The calculation of quantitative criteria is taught through first-principles explorations. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
ARC383H1 | Technologies of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art II | Building upon the themes and topics explored in Technologies of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art I, this course will investigate how technology has shaped the disciplines of design and art through a series of case studies that describe paradigmatic episodes at the nexus of architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, and art. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15, SDG9 |
ARC386H1 | Landscape Ecology | An introduction to the principles of landscape ecology, addressing the application of evolving scientific understanding to contemporary landscape architecture and urban design practice. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
ARC387H1 | Landscape Topography and Hydrology | An introduction to the manipulation of landform and water in the urban context, studied through digital fabrication and metrics. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15, SDG6 |
ARC456H1 | Senior Seminar in History and Theory (Research) | Through individual and group efforts, students will address various topics of critical importance to the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design pursuing individual research projects within areas of faculty expertise. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
ARC466H1 | Advanced Topics in Landscape Architecture | Examination of an advanced topic in the design of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15, SDG9 |
ARC467H1 | Advanced Topics in Urban Design | Examination of an advanced topic in the design of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in urban design. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11 |
ARC490Y1 | Multidisciplinary Urban Capstone Project | An experience in multi-disciplinary architectural practice through a significant, open-ended, client-driven design project in which student teams address stakeholder needs through the use of a creative and iterative design process. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11 |
ARH100Y1 | Introduction to Archaeology | Archaeology entails an active process of uncovering evidence for and learning about aspects of the human past. The goal of this course is to involve students in current archaeological practice, including its socio-political context, and the global structure of the human experience from human evolution through cities and empires. Students will critically engage with ideas both within and outside the discipline on working with descendant communities, stewardship, ethical practice, and the relevance of archaeology to contemporary issues from climate change to social inequality. This course can serve as an introduction for students planning to pursue an archaeology program or as an opportunity to engage with a fascinating topic that is relevant to disciplines ranging from science to humanities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13 |
AST198H1 | Great Astronomical Issues | There are some fundamental questions which humankind has asked itself over the centuries. Many of these involve astronomical origins, events, and objects. Astronomers now have the tools with which to attempt to answer some of the most fundamental questions, such as "Where did it all begin, where are we in space and time, are we alone, and who and what are we?" This seminar will explore some of these great issues. The selection of topics will be made initially by the instructor, but will be modified by the seminar participants at the first class meeting. Topics could include: stellar evolution and the future of the Sun, origin of the elements, origin and future of the Universe, origin of the Earth, origin of life, and extinction of the dinosaurs, global warming, the scientific method, astronomy and the public. Participants will be expected to join actively in lively discussions and to prepare and lead some of the seminars. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
BCH449H1 | Medical Biochemistry | This course will apply core biochemical principles to explain the pathogenesis of emerging diseases at the molecular level and describe advanced biochemical technologies used to understand and treat these illnesses. Students will be exposed to how biochemical principles influence medical diagnoses, therapy and the development of new drugs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
BIO120H1 | Adaptation and Biodiversity | Principles and concepts of evolution and ecology related to origins of adaptation and biodiversity. Mechanisms and processes driving biological diversification illustrated from various perspectives using empirical and theoretical approaches. Topics include: genetic diversity, natural selection, speciation, physiological, population, and community ecology, maintenance of species diversity, conservation, species extinction, global environmental change, and invasion biology. A lab coat is required. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO153H5 | Diversity of Organisms | The consequences of Darwinian evolution: adaptations of organisms as a product of the main evolutionary mechanism - natural selection. The roles of natural selection and other mechanisms in the diversification of life are reviewed, along with the diversity of structures and life cycles in bacteria, protists, animals, plants and fungi. [24L, 18P, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO202H5 | Introductory Animal Physiology | Diversity of structure and function in animals at the tissue and organ system level. Focus is on morphology and processes that sustain life and maintain homeostasis, including water balance, gas exchange, acquisition and transport of oxygen and nutrients, temperature regulation, electrical and chemical signal transmission, sensory processing, and locomotion. Principles and mechanisms of animal form and function are developed in lectures and laboratories. [24L, 15P, 10T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO203H5 | Introductory Plant Morphology and Physiology | Introduction to the morphology and physiology of plants. Students will learn that plants require energy to support metabolism and growth, and that these processes are highly regulated in order to achieve homeostasis. Topics covered include: biology of the plant cell, plant morphology, plant respiration and photosynthesis, transport processes, regulation of growth and development, and plant ecophysiology. Principles and mechanisms of plant form and function are developed in lectures and laboratories. [24L, 10T, 15P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
BIO205H5 | Ecology | An introduction to the scientific study of ecology, emphasizing the structure and dynamics of populations, communities and ecosystems. Topics include population growth and regulation, competition, predation, biodiversity, succession, and nutrient cycling. Classic models and studies will be supplemented with both plant and animal examples. [24L, 18P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO207H5 | Introductory Genetics | The principles of Mendelian inheritance and modern genetics are illustrated using examples from medical research, evolutionary biology, agriculture and conservation biology. Topics covered include: chromosome theory of inheritance, basic eukaryotic chromosome mapping, gene and chromosome mutation, the lac system, the extranuclear genome, population and quantitative genetics. In tutorials, students will work through problem sets related to lecture material as well as probability and statistical analysis. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO220H1 | From Genomes to Ecosystems in a Changing World | Dynamics of genetic and ecological change in biological systems, from genomes to ecosystems. Evolutionary genetic and ecological perspectives on wide-ranging topics including disease, aging, sexual conflict, genetics of human differences, conservation, and global climate change. Applications of evolutionary, ecological, and molecular-genetic principles and processes. Responsibilities of human societies in a changing world. (Lab Materials Fee: $26). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO251H1 | Form, Function and Development in Plants (formerly BIO251Y1) | This course is an introduction to structure, function and ecology of vegetative and reproductive processes in plants with a focus on flowering plants and gymnosperms. Topics of study in lecture and laboratory tutorials include photosynthesis, transport processes, plant reproduction, patterns of plant growth and development, and the role of hormones in plant development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
BIO311H5 | Landscape Ecology | Landscape ecology asks how spatial patterns originate and how they affect ecological processes like forest dynamics, nutrient cycling, species interactions, and the distribution and population dynamics of plants and animals. Lectures and computer labs introduce students to concepts and methods of landscape ecology and their application to current issues of land-use management and global change. The students will learn to apply GIS, spatial statistics, landscape metrics, and modelling to address problems in conservation, biodiversity, and ecosystem management. Note: Students interested in this course will need to meet with the course instructor before being approved and permitted to enroll. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO312H5 | Plant Physiology | This course focuses on the principal physiological processes in plants and the regulation of these processes in response to environmental factors with an emphasis on the relationship between structure and function from the molecular to the whole-plant level. The course will provide the basis to understand how plants sense and respond to changing environmental conditions. This will enable students to understand why rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and global climate warming impact photosynthesis, plant metabolism and ultimately whole plant and ecosystem performance. Concepts discussed during lectures will be demonstrated in a series of practical labs. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO313H5 | Methods and Experimental Design in Ecology | This course will provide Biology Majors and Specialists particularly interested in ecology with integrated, practical exposure to field and laboratory research methods on plant, animal, and microbial communities including study design, data collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO320H5 | Sensory and Cognitive Ecology | The acquisition and transduction of environmental information will be explored in the context of decision making and adaptive behaviour. This course will focus on the form and function of visual, auditory, tactile, and chemical senses and signals, and animal communication writ large. Post-acquisition, cognitive processes concerned with learning and memory will also be discussed. A comparative approach will be taken throughout to examine the ways that different animals and animal groups rely on different sources of information and a diverse variety of sensory and cognitive mechanisms. All topics will be covered in the context of species-specific ecology and evolution. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG4 |
BIO324H5 | Plant Biochemistry | This course examines plants as the biochemical motors and sustainers of life on earth. The major pathways of plant metabolism are surveyed to provide students with an integrated model of plant cells as autonomous biochemical networks. This course further emphasizes the specialized metabolism of economically significant plant species, the biosynthesis of pharmacologically and agriculturally important metabolites, and the role of biotechnology in engineering exotic plant metabolism in industrial settings. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO329H5 | Conservation Biology | Conservation of biodiversity, from genes to ecosystems. Topics include identifying biodiversity across levels of organization; understanding major threats to biodiversity (land use change, climate change, overharvesting); evaluating conservation actions (protected areas, reintroductions, assisted migration, restoration); and ethical considerations pertaining to conservation practices. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO330H5 | Plant Ecology | A survey of the population and community ecology of plants. Topics include resource acquisition, growth and reproduction, mutualisms, competition, defence, invasions, disturbance, population dynamics, and community structure. Interactions with other plants, diseases, and animals particularly are emphasized. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO331H5 | Ecology of Communities | This course will cover the theoretical foundations of community ecology, including the role of species interactions and environment structure on patterns of diversity and implications of community ecology in conservation. It will provide practical experience working with tools used to analyze community structure. Discussion and evaluation of the primary literature is a key component of this course. Students will also complete written assignments. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO333H5 | Freshwater Ecology | A functional analysis of freshwater ecosystems, with emphasis on lakes. Lectures cover water chemistry; the physical structure of lakes; the different ways that algae, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and fish have evolved to succeed in these habitats and interact with one another; and the impact of humans on freshwater systems. Students must be available to participate in a 1-day field trip to visit aquatic habitats further from campus on a weekend in either late September or early October. Students not available for a 1-day weekend trip should not register for this course. Ancillary fees for the course apply. Please check the Departmental website for full details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
BIO347H5 | Epigenetics | Epigenetic phenomena play key roles in environmental interactions, development, and in disease. Underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate chromatin structure and gene expression are explored, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, or non-coding RNAs. Examples focus predominantly on eukaryotes (e.g. plants, insects, humans) and highlight how epigenetic marks are set, maintained, and involved in shaping phenotypic outcomes. The course will also enable students to apply knowledge and basic principles to recent scientific literature in this dynamic field. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
BIO353H5 | Plant Development | The course addresses key concepts, with emphasis on unique plant-related aspects. Integrates plant development at the levels of the cell, tissue, organ and organism, with knowledge from diverse fields of Biology. Topics will include embryology, environmental interactions, signaling, developmental transitions, developmental diversity, evolution and development, and tools for discovery research. [24L, 15P, 10T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
BIO370Y5 | Microbiology | This course will include an in-depth exploration of microbial structure and ultrastructure; growth and cultivation; metabolism; microbial diversity and genetics; virology; pathogenicity and immunology; and the role of microorganisms in medicine and the environment. This lecture material will be accompanied by a weekly laboratory component where students learn about the latest experimental approaches in microbiology. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO374H5 | Modern Biotechnology | This course is designed to introduce students to biotechnology and its applications in a variety of fields, including medicine, food & beverage, agriculture, forensics, fisheries and environmental protection. The course explores the principles and methods of genetic, tissue and organismal engineering involving species from bacteria to humans. The social and ethical issues associated with biotechnologies such as GMOs, stem cells and cloning will also be discussed. Topics include: Recombinant DNA Technology, Genomics & Bioinformatics, Protein Technology, Microbial Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Forensic Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Aquatic Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Biotechnology Regulations, and Careers in Biotechnology. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
BIO376H5 | Marine Ecology | This course addresses the diversity of marine life, and the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in marine ecosystems. Students will explore current methods and theories in marine ecology and consider the societal importance of marine resources with a special emphasis on Canada's coasts. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO380H5 | Human Development | Reproduction and embryonic development in humans are emphasized. After a general review of human reproduction, the formation of sperm and eggs is analyzed, followed by an in-depth analysis of fertilization in vivo and in vitro. Early embryonic developmental processes are studied with a view to how the embryo becomes organized so that all of the tissues and organs of the adult body form in the right places at the proper times. The course ends with an in-depth analysis of limb development and organ regeneration. The relevance of the material to such topics as human infertility, contraception, cloning, biotechnology and disease is continually addressed. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15, SDG3 |
BIO406H5 | Current Topics in Ecology and Evolution | A combination of lectures and tutorials. The course will emphasize group discussion and critiques of current publications in the field. The theme of the course is expected to be topical and current and to vary from year to year, with the interests of the faculty member(s) teaching the course. Course themes are expected to range from structure and function of whole ecosystems (e.g. the collapse of fisheries) to evolutionary ecology (e.g. the evolution of emergent diseases). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO414H5 | Advanced Integrative Physiology | The integration of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and muscle physiology will be examined with a problem-based approach. The response of these systems to challenges such as altitude, depth under water, and exercise will be examined. Laboratory activities will give students hands on experience measuring physiological variables of these systems with primarily human subjects, while other examples will be used to examine the diversity of response to environmental challenges throughout the animal kingdom. [24L, 15T, 15P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIO417H5 | Molecular and Structural Genomics | Genetic information shapes almost all aspects of life. How is this information organized and inherited? How does it influence individuals and how does help to understand disease? The course explores the structure and function of chromatin i.e. the management of biological information. We will explore how the genome is packaged, expressed, replicated and repaired. We will look into chromosome sets and inheritance, accessibility of the genome to the molecular machinery, DNA repair, and modern techniques in research and diagnostics. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
BIO424H5 | Movement Ecology | Individuals move throughout their lifecycle. They find a home, escape predation, and search for food and mates. We will explore the patterns and causes of different movement types and their eco-evolutionary consequences, from the individual level, up to the whole ecosystem. Examples will come from both terrestrial and aquatic realms. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
BIO475H5 | Virology | Virology examines the biology of viruses infecting all forms of life including humans and other animals, plants, eukaryotic microorganisms, and bacteria. The scope ranges from the molecular biology of virus replication to virus evolution and ecology. Current issues surrounding virology and society are incorporated into the course including vaccines, emerging viruses, and even consideration of practical applications of viruses. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
BIO476H5 | Molecular Basis of Disease | This advanced course explores the primary concepts of pathogenesis and investigates current research in the field of molecular pathology. Specific disease topics include inflammation, injury and repair, neoplasia, immune disorders, infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, and toxicology. Analysis of the primary literature is a key component of this course. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
BIOA01H3 | Life on Earth: Unifying Principles | A lecture and laboratory course providing an overview of the origins and cellular basis of life, genetics and molecular biology, evolution and the diversity of microorganisms. Note: that both BIOA01H3 and BIOA02H3 be completed prior to taking any other Biology course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14 |
BIOA02H3 | Life on Earth: Form, Function and Interactions | A lecture and laboratory course providing an overview of the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, population biology, ecology and biodiversity. Note: that both BIOA01H3 and BIOA02H3 must be completed prior to taking any other Biology course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOB20H3 | Introduction to Computational Biology | This course explains the fundamental methods of quantitative reasoning, with applications in medicine, natural sciences, ecology and evolutionary biology. It covers the major aspects of statistics by working through concrete biological problems. The course will help students develop an understanding of key concepts through computer simulations, problem solving and interactive data visualisation using the R programming language (no prior skills with R or specialized math concepts are required). | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
BIOB34H3 | Animal Physiology | An introduction to the principles of animal physiology rooted in energy usage and cellular physiology. A comparative approach is taken, which identifies both the universal and unique mechanisms present across the animal kingdom. Metabolism, thermoregulation, digestion, respiration, water regulation, nitrogen excretion, and neural circuits are the areas of principal focus. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOB38H3 | Plants and Society | How do plants feed the world and which plants have the highest impact on human lives? What is the origin of agriculture and how did it change over time? The human population will climb to 10 billion in 2050 and this will tax our planet's ability to sustain life. Environmentally sustainable food production will become even more integral. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG15, SDG2 |
BIOB50H3 | Ecology | An introduction to the main principles of ecology; the science of the interactions of organisms with each other and with their environment. Topics include physiological, behavioural, population, community, and applied aspects of ecology (e.g. disease ecology, climate change impacts, and approaches to conservation). Emphasis is given to understanding the connections between ecology and other biological subdisciplines. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOB51H3 | Evolutionary Biology | This course is an introduction to the main principles of evolution; the study of the diversity, relationships, and change over time in organisms at all scales of organization (from individuals to populations to higher taxonomic groups). The theory and principles of evolutionary biology give critical insight into a wide range of fields, including conservation, genetics, medicine, pathogenesis, community ecology, and development. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
BIOB52H3 | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Laboratory | An introduction to field, lab and computational approaches to ecology and evolution. Laboratories will explore a variety of topics, ranging from population genetics to community ecology and biodiversity. Some lab exercises will involve outdoor field work. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC14H3 | Genes, Environment and Behaviour | This class will provide a survey of the role of genes in behaviour, either indirectly as structural elements or as direct participants in behaviour. Topics to be covered are methods to investigate complex behaviours in humans and animal models of human disease, specific examples of genetic effects on behaviour in animals and humans, and studies of gene-environment interactions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC15H3 | Genetics | Topics for this lecture and laboratory (or project) course include: inheritance and its chromosomal basis; gene interactions; sources and types of mutations and the relationship of mutation to genetic disease and evolution; genetic dissection of biological processes; genetic technologies and genomic approaches. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG3 |
BIOC16H3 | Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics | Understanding the process of evolution is greatly enhanced by investigations of the underlying genes. This course introduces modern genetic and genomic techniques used to understand and assess microevolutionary changes at the population level. Topics include DNA sequence evolution, population genetics, quantitative genetics/genomics, positive Darwinian selection, the evolution of new genes, and comparative genomics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC17H3 | Microbiology | This course presents an overview of the microbial world and introduces the students, in more detail, to the physiological, cellular and molecular aspects of bacteria. The laboratories illustrate principles and provide training in basic microbiological techniques essential to microbiology and to any field where recombinant DNA technology is used. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC20H3 | Principles of Virology | This course introduces viruses as infectious agents. Topics include: virus structure and classification among all kingdoms, viral replication strategies, the interactions of viruses with host cells, and how viruses cause disease. Particular emphasis will be on human host-pathogen interactions, with select lectures on antiviral agents, resistance mechanisms, and vaccines. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC34H3 | Human Physiology II | This course will cover the physiology of the human respiratory, cardiovascular, renal and digestive systems. Topics include cardiac function, ECG, blood flow/pressure regulation, pulmonary mechanics, gas transfer and transport, the control of breathing, sleep-related breathing disorders, kidney function, ion regulation, water balance, acid-base balance and digestive function/regulation. Students will complete a series of computer-simulated laboratory exercises on their own time. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC35H3 | Principles in Parasitology | This course introduces principles in parasitic lifestyles. Topics that will be covered include common parasite life strategies, host-parasite interactions and co-evolution, parasite immune evasion strategies, impacts on public health, and treatment and prevention strategies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOC37H3 | Plants: Life on the Edge | Plants have evolved adaptations to maximize growth, survival and reproduction under various taxing environmental conditions. This course covers the great diversity of plant structures and function in relation to ecology, focusing mainly on flowering plants. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
BIOC40H3 | Plant Physiology | An introduction to plant biology. Topics include plant and cell structure, water balance, nutrition, transport processes at the cell and whole plant level, physiological and biochemical aspects of photosynthesis, and growth and development in response to hormonal and environmental cues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15, SDG2 |
BIOC50H3 | Macroevolution | An overview of recent developments in evolutionary biology that focus on large-scale patterns and processes of evolution. Areas of emphasis may include the evolutionary history of life on earth, phylogenetic reconstruction, patterns of diversification and extinction in the fossil record, the geography of evolution, the evolution of biodiversity, and the process of speciation. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC52H3 | Ecology Field Course | This course provides students with the opportunity to experience hands-on learning through informal natural history walks, and group and individual research projects, in a small-class setting. The course covers basic principles and selected techniques of field ecology and ecological questions related to organisms in their natural settings. Most of the field work takes place in the Highland Creek ravine. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC58H3 | Biological Consequences of Global Change | A lecture and tutorial course that addresses the key environmental factor that will dominate the 21st Century and life on the planet: Global Climate Change. The course will examine the factors that influence climate, from the formation of the earth to the present time, how human activities are driving current and future change, and how organisms, populations, and ecosystems are and will respond to this change. Finally, it will cover human responses and policies that can permit an adaptive response to this change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC59H3 | Advanced Population Ecology | The study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms on the earth. The topics will include an understanding of organism abundance and the factors that act here: population parameters, demographic techniques, population growth, species interactions (competition, predation, herbivory, disease), and population regulation. It will include an understanding of organism distribution and the factors that act here: dispersal, habitat selection, species interactions, and physical factors. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC60H3 | Winter Ecology | Canada is characterized by its long and harsh winters. Any Canadian plant or animal has evolved one of three basic survival strategies: (1) migration (avoidance), (2) hibernation, and (3) resistance. These evolutionary adaptations are investigated by the example of common organisms from mainly southern Ontario. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC61H3 | Community Ecology and Environmental Biology | An examination of the theory and methodology of community analysis, with an emphasis on the factors regulating the development of communities and ecosystems. The application of ecological theory to environmental problems is emphasized. We will examine the impacts of various factors, such as primary productivity, species interactions, disturbance, variable environments, on community and metacommunity structure, and on ecosystem function. We will also examine the impacts of climate change on the world's ecosystems. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC62H3 | Role of Zoos and Aquariums in Conservation | This lecture and tutorial course explores the strategic and operational aspects of zoos and aquariums in conservation. Emphasis is on contemporary issues, including the balance between animal welfare and species conservation; nutrition, health and behavioural enrichment for captive animals; in situ conservation by zoos and aquariums; captive breeding and species reintroductions; and public outreach/education. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
BIOC63H3 | Conservation Biology | A lecture and tutorial course offering an introduction to the scientific foundation and practice of conservation biology. It reviews ecological and genetic concepts constituting the basis for conservation including patterns and causes of global biodiversity, the intrinsic and extrinsic value of biodiversity, the main causes of the worldwide decline of biodiversity and the approaches to save it, as well as the impacts of global climate change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOC70H3 | An Introduction to Bias in the Sciences | Research and practice in the sciences often rests on the unquestioned assertion of impartial analyses of facts. This course will take a data-informed approach to understanding how human biases can, and have, affected progress in the sciences in general, and in biology in particular. Case studies may include reviews of how science has been used to justify or sustain racism, colonialism, slavery, and the exploitation of marginalized groups. Links will be drawn to contemporary societal challenges and practices. Topics will include how biases can shape science in terms of those doing the research, the questions under study, and the types of knowledge that inform practice and teaching. Data on bias and societal costs of bias will be reviewed, as well as evidence-informed practices, structures, and individual actions which could ensure that science disrupts, rather than enables, social inequities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
BIOD15H3 | Mechanism of Gene Regulation in Health and Disease | Complex mechanisms of gene regulation (e.g., epigenetics, epitranscriptomics, regulatory RNAs) govern life-trajectories in health and disease. This advanced lecture, problem-based learning and seminar course equips students with critical thinking tools to dissect advanced concepts in genetics, including biological embedding, transgenerational inheritance, genetic determinism, gene therapy, and ethics in 21st century transgenics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOD19H3 | Epigenetics in Health and Disease | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG3 | |
BIOD21H3 | Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory | Applications of molecular technology continue to revolutionize our understanding of all areas of life sciences from biotechnology to human disease. This intensive laboratory, lecture / tutorial course provides students with essential information and practical experience in recombinant DNA technology, molecular biology and bio-informatics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG3 |
BIOD24H3 | Human Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine | In this lecture seminar course, we will explore how human stem cells generate the diverse cell types of the human body, and how they can be harnessed to understand and treat diseases that arise during embryonic development or during aging. We will also discuss current ethical issues that guide research practices and policies, including the destruction of human embryos for research, gene editing, and the premature clinical translation of stem cell interventions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOD26H3 | Fungal Biology and Pathogenesis | A lecture and tutorial based course designed to provide an overview of the fungal kingdom and the properties of major fungal pathogens that contribute to disease in animals (including humans) and plants. This course will address the mechanisms and clinical implications of fungal infections and host defence mechanisms. Topics include virulence factors and the treatment and diagnosis of infection. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG2, SDG3 |
BIOD29H3 | Pathobiology of Human Disease | This lecture/seminar format course will critically examine selected topics in human disease pathogenesis. Infectious and inherited diseases including those caused by human retroviruses, genetic defects and bioterrorism agents will be explored. Discussions of primary literature will encompass pathogen characteristics, genetic mutations, disease progression and therapeutic strategies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
BIOD30H3 | Plant Research and Biotechnology: Addressing Global Problems | Plant scientists working to address pressing global challenges will give presentations. In advance students will identify terminologies and methodologies needed to engage with the speaker and think critically about the research. Student teams will identify and develop background knowledge and go beyond speaker's presentations with new questions and/or applications. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG2, SDG3 |
BIOD33H3 | Comparative Animal Physiology | This course will examine how various physiological systems and anatomical features are specialised to meet the environmental challenges encountered by terrestrial and aquatic animals. Topics include respiratory systems and breathing, hearts and cardiovascular systems, cardiorespiratory control, animal energetics, metabolic rate, thermoregulation, defenses against extreme temperatures, hibernation and osmotic/ionic/volume regulation. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOD34H3 | Conservation Physiology | This is a combined lecture and seminar course that will discuss topics such as climate change and plastics/microplastics effects on the physiology of animals, and physiological tools and techniques used in conservation efforts. The course will focus on how physiological approaches have led to beneficial changes in human behaviour, management or policy. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOD37H3 | Biology of Plant Stress | This course examines resistance mechanisms (anatomical, cellular, biochemical, molecular) allowing plants to avoid or tolerate diverse abiotic and biotic stresses. Topics include: pathogen defence; responses to temperature, light, water and nutrient availability, salinity, and oxygen deficit; stress perception and signal transduction; methods to study stress responses; and strategies to improve stress resistance. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG6 |
BIOD43H3 | Animal Movement and Exercise | A lecture and seminar/discussion course covering integrative, comparative animal locomotion and exercise physiology. Topics will include muscle physiology, neurophysiology, metabolism, energetics, thermoregulation and biomechanics. These topics will be considered within evolutionary and ecological contexts. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOD45H3 | Animal Communication | This course will examine how animals send and receive signals in different sensory modalities, and the factors that govern the evolution and structure of communication signals. Using diverse examples (from bird songs to electric fish) the course will demonstrate the importance of communication in the organization of animal behaviour, and introduce some theoretical and empirical tools used in studying the origins and structure of animal communication. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
BIOD48H3 | Ornithology | An overview of the evolution, ecology, behaviour, and conservation of birds. Field projects and laboratories will emphasize identification of species in Ontario. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOD54H3 | Applied Conservation Biology | Canada has a complex conservation landscape. Through lectures and interactive discussions with leading Canadian conservation practitioners, this course will examine how conservation theory is put into practice in Canada from our international obligations to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation and policies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
BIOD59H3 | Models in Ecology, Epidemiology and Conservation | Modelling is a critical tool for describing the complex dynamics of ecosystems and for addressing urgent management questions in ecology, epidemiology and conservation. In this practical introduction, students learn how to formulate ecological and epidemiological models, link them to data, and implement/analyze them using computer simulations. The course includes approaches for modelling individuals, populations, and communities, with applications in population viability assessments, natural resource management and food security, invasive species and pest control, disease eradication, and climate change mitigation. While not a requirement, some experience with computer programming will be beneficial for this course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
BIOD60H3 | Spatial Ecology | The study of how space and scale influence ecological patterns and species coexistence. The course will cover three main topics: 1) spatial dynamics, such as spatial spread and dispersal models; 2) species coexistence with metapopulation/metacommunity, neutral and lottery models; and 3) spatial analysis of ecological communities. Basic concepts will be applied to ecological problems such as: species invasions, reserve design and understanding threats to island biodiversity. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the specialist program in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BIOD63H3 | From Individuals to Ecosystems: Advanced Topics in Ecology | This lecture/seminar course will discuss advanced topics in behavioural ecology, ecosystem and landscape ecology, and evolutionary ecology, with an emphasis on the impacts of past and present species interactions. Topics will vary based on current scientific literature and student interests. This course will strengthen the research, writing, and presentation skills of students while deepening their understanding of ecology. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15 |
BME205H1 | Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering | Introduction to connecting engineering and biological approaches to solve problems in medicine, science, and technology. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating the connection between organ level function with cellular mechanisms. Topics may include, but are not limited to: design principles of biological systems, medical devices, overviews of anatomy and physiology, and cellular mechanisms as they relate to biotechnological and medical technology applications. Laboratories will provide hands-on experiences with selected concepts and encourage students to understand how to connect their own vital and physiologic signs to current medical technologies. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG3, SDG9 |
BME440H1 | Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation | Fundamental biomedical research technologies with specific focus on cellular and molecular methodologies. Examples include DNA and protein analysis and isolation, microscopy, cell culture and cellular assays. Combines both theoretical concepts and hand-on practical experience via lectures and wet labs, respectively. Specific applications as applied to biotechnology and medicine will also be outlined and discussed. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3 |
BMS200Y1 | Book & Media Histories | Traces the long history of media in culture and society, including books and other communication technologies. Covers historical developments including orality and writing, printing and the book, image and sound reproduction, wired and wireless communication, electronic and broadcast media, and contemporary digital media. Examples and case studies will be drawn from a variety of different sociocultural contexts, media industries, and creative practices. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG9 |
BMS319H1 | Media Ethics | Provides students with a theoretical foundation that enables them to identify and analyze ethical issues in mainstream and non-mainstream media. Traditional principles of journalistic truth-seeking, objectivity, and minimizing harm are revisited in the light of global, interactive media, produced by both citizens and professionals. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG17, SDG4 |
BMS354H1 | Transnationalism and East Asian Media | This course examines East Asian media industries and cultures in a transnational context. Topics to be explored include media production, distribution, reception, and regulation; representation, identity, and nationhood; cross-cultural exchange; and the global circulation of East Asian media. Media and cultural forms examined may include print media, film, television, radio, news media, popular music, animation, comics, video games, digital media, and social media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG4 |
BMS387H1 | Advertising and Media | This course presents a critical media studies approach to advertising and consumer culture, past and present. Advertising, marketing, branding, and promotion play a central role in capitalist societies and media industries, reflecting and refracting dominant cultural attitudes and ideologies. How does advertising shape what and how we consume? What are its social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts? Students will learn to analyze the form, content, and ideology of advertisements, and think critically about the advertising they are subjected to in everyday life. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG9 |
BMS391H1 | The Media Franchise | Reflective of the broader logics of media convergence, media franchises spread their commercial interests and imaginary worlds across many multiple media. For media industries, franchises maximize profits by linking together movies, TV series, books, comics, games, toys, merchandise, and promotional paratexts to encourage consumption. At the same time, they are a platform for new forms of serial narrative, world-building, and transmedia storytelling, and generate vibrant, diverse fan cultures that are sometimes at odds with franchise producers. Drawing on a wide range of scholarly and critical work, this course examines popular media franchises from historical, economic/industrial, formal/aesthetic, and sociocultural perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12 |
BMS392H1 | Media Identities | An exploration of media's influence on the constructions and representation of identity and power relations across race, gender and class in individual and collective spheres. Applies a social justice and intersectional framework to media technologies and industries in order to expose socio-political influence on identity and to position media consumption and production as potential vehicles for restorative mediations of marginalized identities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG5 |
BMS393H1 | Media Ecology | This course presents an advanced introduction to Media Ecology, an interdisciplinary field of inquiry which examines how media environments affect human affairs, understanding, feelings, and values. Building on the assigned readings, students will examine the various theories of Media Ecology, honing their skills of assessment, analysis, criticism, and reflection. An interdisciplinary approach informed by literature, philosophy, anthropology, semiotics, aesthetics, and history will provide students with the opportunity to critically evaluate some crucial and controversial issues facing contemporary society. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11 |
BMS430H1 | Mindful Media | This seminar integrates critical media studies with mindfulness pedagogy to yield an experiential and theoretical exploration of critical media literacy. A critical media studies lens is applied to various topics that dominate contemporary mediascapes, such as violence, mental health, body image, etc. Through experiential practice and study of mindfulness pedagogy, students develop practices of critical media literacy able to be applied to their own lives and in future work/study in various media industry and educational praxes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
BMS431H1 | Media and Environmental Justice | This course explores the relatively new field of ecomedia to consider how media technologies, mainstream media practices and dominant media narratives intersect and contribute to global environmental crises. Students will engage in individual and collaborative qualitative and experiential research methods to apply critical media literacy skills and decolonial lenses to reimagine how contemporary media practices can promote environmental justice and/or cultivate a reparative eco-consciousness on individual and collective levels. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
BMS432H1 | The Game Industry | Commercial video games are an extremely profitable global industry, emblematic of how media is produced, distributed, marketed, and monetized in contemporary capitalism. Students will examine a variety of issues, including the history of the industry, consolidation and concentration of ownership, digital distribution and platformization, systemic sexism, racism, and discrimination in the industry, labour and collective organizing, independent and alternative game production cultures, local, regional, national and transnational contexts, and more. To make sense of these complex phenomena, students will learn to apply critical lenses and methods from game studies, media industry studies, and cultural studies. No previous experience or expertise with video games or knowledge of the game industry is required to take this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG5, SDG9 |
BMS434H1 | Boys’ Love and the Culture of Desire | The Boys' Love genre of homoerotic stories primarily written by women for women originated in East Asia and has gained international popularity in recent years. From novels and manga to live action TV series, the world of Boys' Love is ever expanding to become increasingly more inclusive and global, reflecting a fast-changing world and an amazingly multifaceted understanding of desire. This class looks at Boys' Love from its historical origins to its modern manifestations, to explore how the genre reflects the hidden desires of its international audience communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
BPM214H1 | Socially Engaged Buddhism | Explores how Socially Engaged Buddhism has developed in response to global conversations on systemic oppression, climate justice, equity, decolonization, and trauma. We examine the roots of Engaged Buddhism in countries such as Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India, and its transformation into a global movement. Themes include Buddhist environmental activism, and Buddhist protest movements, along with research on the application of Buddhist teachings in healthcare, education, business, and the criminal justice system. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
BPM330H1 | Mindfulness-Informed Interventions for Mental Health | An exploration of how mindfulness-based approaches are being used in biomedical mental health interventions. We study mindfulness from historical, societal, structural, cultural, professional, and personal perspectives, with an emphasis on its Buddhist foundations and on concepts of the embodied mind. We look at how recent socio-political phenomena are inspiring diverse applications and adaptations of mindfulness-based interventions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG3 |
BPM335H1 | Meditation and the Body | An overview of scientific research on the psychological and neurophysiological effects of meditation. We explore the effects of different meditation styles on brain structure, brain activity, neurochemistry and other biological processes. Effects of meditation on mental health, pain, social behavior, aging, memory, and cardiovascular function are also a major focus. The use of meditation in the treatment and prevention of illness is critically reviewed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
BPM381H1 | Buddhist Perspectives on Current Social Issues | Explores teachings and principles in Buddhist canonical sources and considers their application to a wide range of social, political, and environmental crises we are facing today, including climate justice, systemic racism, burnout and mental health. We explore how Buddhist teachings are applied and adapted across different sectors of society including healthcare, education and business. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG3, SDG4 |
BPM433H1 | Advanced Exploration of Buddhist Psychology and Practice | An in-depth, interdisciplinary exploration of how Buddhist teachings are set in conversation with contemporary scientific research on topics such as suffering, wellbeing, and compassion, through a mixture of lecture, textual analysis, discussion, and hands-on experiential practice. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
BPM438H1 | Mindfulness Meditation: Science and Research | An exponential increase of scientific research on aspects of Buddhist theories of mind and mindfulness meditation has contributed to the growing popularity of mindfulness across the sectors of healthcare, education and business. Examines the theoretical and empirical basis of mindfulness-based interventions and applications in healthcare settings and beyond. Critically addresses the roots of mindfulness, current models and adaptations, relevant applications, interventions and outcomes. Quantitative and qualitative research methodology will be reviewed, and conceptual, methodological, statistical, and interpretive limitations of the scientific literature will be discussed. The course aims to build scientific literacy skills through the assessment, critique, and discussion of peer reviewed journal articles. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
CAR120Y1 | Introduction to Caribbean Studies | Explores the complex and diverse languages, geographies, regional and national histories, cultural practices, intellectual traditions and political and economic landscapes of the Caribbean region, its people and its diasporas. Students will be introduced to the main questions, themes, and debates in Caribbean Studies. Lectures and readings develop the skills to take an interdisciplinary approach to Caribbean Studies. This is a team taught course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CAR215H1 | Caribbean Foodways Across History, Culture and Diaspora | Examines the historical roots of regional Caribbean food from the colonial period to the present day, and then moves to study Caribbean food in the global and Caribbean-Canadian diasporas, in the literary imagination, as a marker of personal, group and national identity, and as cultural expression. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG2, SDG4 |
CAR225H1 | Caribbean Societies | Offers an interdisciplinary introduction to Caribbean sociology, focusing on the writings of thinkers and scholars from the era of decolonization to the more contemporary period. Themes may include: colonial encounters in the making of Caribbean societies; the role of religion; popular consciousness; histories of capitalism and exploitation; the relationship between political institutions and the wider society; "development", dependency and "underdevelopment". | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16 |
CAR317H1 | Caribbean Women Writers | A critical feminist reading of selected works of fiction, poetry and essays by Caribbean women writers. The aim is to appraise the development of this literature, situate texts within the key social and political debates which have influenced the region's literary output, as well as to consider the implications of the environments within which these writers function. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
CAR328H1 | Caribbean Indentureship and its Legacies | Explores indentured migration and its legacies from the 17th century through to the present. Encourages students to think comparatively and transnationally about indentureship and diaspora, as well as indentured migration's relationship to contract and labour law. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CAS100H1 | Introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies | This course provides an introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies, focusing on the rapid social, political, economic, and cultural changes taking place in the dynamic regions of East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CAS200H1 | Introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies | This course is an introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies. It covers detailed case study material from South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. It introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of political, sociocultural and economic interactions among these regions, as well as the transnational forces shaping internal dynamics throughout Asia. In addition, it examines the ways that forces stemming from Asia are affecting global processes, pushing scholarship to engage questions about colonialism, nationalism, "race," religion, markets, urbanization, migration, and mass mediated culture. This course provides preparation for more advanced courses on Asia and globalization and provides an introductory gateway for the Contemporary Asian Studies major and minor. May be taken in the first year of studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
CAS201H1 | Global Asian Studies: Insights and Concepts | This course addresses Asia empirically in contemporary global formations and as an idea in the global imagination. It introduces students to concepts and theories central to scholarship on Asia and its transnational formations. It provides foundational theoretical and conceptual material to understand global issues as they play out in the politics, economies, cultures and contemporary social worlds of contemporary Asian sites. Interdisciplinary analytical and research concepts are introduced to provide area studies grounding. This course provides preparation to delve into deeper research on Asia connected to broad questions about the natures of democracy, authoritarianism, market formation, social justice, and the media of cultural expression. It informs students aiming to take more advanced courses on Asia and globalization and provides one part of the foundation for the Contemporary Asian Studies major and minor. CAS201H1 introduces the theoretical and conceptual frameworks that are explored through further grounded empirical case studies in upper year CAS courses. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
CAS202H1 | Asian Sites, Global Questions, Part 2 | This interdisciplinary course explores a variety of sites and topics in South, Southeast, and East Asia. It explores themes including contemporary and historical articulations of socio-economic development, (post)colonial political formations, urbanization processes, climate change, labour struggles, gender studies, migration, citizenship, and social justice. The course examines the diversity of Asian modernities, cross-regional linkages, and changing approaches to area studies over time. It provides a foundation for the Contemporary Asian Studies major and minor, preparing students for taking more advanced courses on Asia in the global context. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
CAS310H1 | Comparative Colonialisms in Asia | This course analyzes the impact of colonialism in South, East, and Southeast Asia and the various ways in which pre-colonial traditions intersect with and reshape colonial and postcolonial process across the various regions of Asia. The course will examine the conjunctures of economy, politics, religion, education, ethnicity, gender, and caste, as these have played out over time in the making and re-making of Asia as both idea and place. Attention will be paid to postcolonial and indigenous theories, questions of "the colonial" from the perspective of Asian Studies, and debates about the meaning of postcolonialism for the study of Asia now and in the future. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
CAS320H1 | Comparative Modernities in Asia | Since at least the late 1700s, the effects of capitalism across the globe have profoundly transformed the landscapes of human livelihood, consumption, production and governance in Asia. While colonial empires have declined, new empires have emerged, and a growing number of countries have witnessed the rise of nationalism and independent states, social, political and technological revolutions, and most recently neoliberal globalization. This course theorizes and explores these dramatic changes in a comparative framework. It is aimed at students wishing to better understand the great transformations of modern Asia in a global context. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG16, SDG9 |
CAS350H1 | Asian Youth Cultures | In focusing on youth in Asia, this course brings together two disputed cultural formations of substantial contemporary importance. Both youth and Asia are increasingly invoked on the global stage in support of a wide range of interests. Examining practices of young people and the idea of youth in the context of Asia requires critical attention to the promises and fears that attach to the rise of Asian economies, international demographic transitions, the growth of a global middle-class, increasing consumption disparities, changing immigration patterns, expanding technological skills, global/local environmental concerns, and young people’s shifting political priorities and loyalties. The course may feature a significant amount of social theory, with authors such as Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Louis Althusser, and Stuart Hall. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15 |
CAS360H1 | Asian Genders | This course will explore ways that gender is mobilized and produced in parts of Asia. It seeks to understand gender and sexuality in their diversity and in attempts to "fix" or locate it in various bodies and places. Attempts will be made to see how gender is made knowable in terms of sexuality, medicine, nation, class, ethnicity, religion, and other discourses. The course assumes a willingness to read challenging theory such as the writings of Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, and Eve Sedgwick and asks that students commit to regular attendance. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
CAS370H1 | Asian Cities | This course offers a multidisciplinary perspective of urban life in Asia. The thematic focus will be on how the urban intersects with modernities and postcolonial formations. Drawing on recent scholarship in the social sciences and the humanities, we will examine the realignment of cultural, political, and economic forces associated with Asia's diverse processes of urbanization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG8, SDG9 |
CAS400H1 | Interdisciplinary Research in Methods in Contemporary Asian Studies | This seminar addresses Asian worlds. In Asia, transnationally, and locally, to cultivate new approaches to global processes and problems. The course explores key Asian sites that open new configurations for studying interactions between economic/environmental development, political change, and migration and cultural politics. It provides an advanced and systematic overview of the research methodologies that students have been exposed to throughout the CAS program. These include historical-archival, ethnographic, visual/media, and statistical/quantitative methods that allow us to map Asian political, economic, and cultural formations, and through them, global challenges. The seminar builds interdisciplinary conversations attentive to both critical problematizing and problem-solving, to qualitative and applied projects. It is the required capstone to the Contemporary Asian Studies major. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13 |
CAS413H1 | Asia and Canada | This course is an interactive, participatory seminar. It will provide an opportunity to complement theoretical understanding about Asia acquired in other courses through hands-on research and experiential learning. The course will enable students to link studying Asia and Canada to career trajectories in the field of development and research. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16, SDG4 |
CAS414H1 | The Public Event in Asia | This upper-level seminar will introduce students to the interdisciplinary study of popular culture in Asia through a focus on public events. Readings about all kinds of performances, including ritual, popular protest, festivals, sports, cinema, television, digital media events, and the performing arts will help students learn methodological tools to interpret the politics and meanings of public culture as it articulates with class, ethnicity, religious community, gender and caste. The course will furthermore familiarize students with a range of theoretical lenses for conceptualizing the different meanings of the “event†and the “public†from a perspective grounded in the histories of South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and their diasporas. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
CAS420H1 | Asia and the New Global Economy | This course explores the rise of Asia and its integration into the new global economy (labour, capitalism, knowledge economy, economic nationalism, inequality, gender, the meaning of capitalism, democracy, among others), exposing students to diverse disciplinary perspectives. Geographical coverage is pan-Asian, including East, Southeast and South Asia. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
CAS490H1 | Special Topics in Contemporary Asian Studies | Course content varies in accordance with the interest of the instructor. Check for an updated description. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CCT200H5 | Race, Media and Culture | This course provides an introduction to the intersecting fields of critical race, media, and cultural studies. We will pay particular attention to dynamics of social difference and power and the communication strategies and technologies through which these are navigated, reproduced and interrupted. Students will be introduced to critical and analytical tools for understanding the cultural and media circulation, regulation and reimagination of things like race, sexuality, time, gender, class, indigeneity, space, ethnicity, ability and nationality. These critical tools equip students with the skills to write, design and build ethical innovations in new media and culture. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
CCT205H5 | Digital Innovation and Cultural Transformation | This course examines a range of theoretical perspectives and worldviews that assess the cultural and social changes brought about by modern technology. These perspectives will be used to analyze the potential problems initiated by the introduction of digital and computing technologies to various contexts. Possible topics include: cybernetics; media convergence; artificial intelligence/life; smart technology; digital environmentalism and digital warfare. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16, SDG4 |
CCT222H5 | Political Economy of Communication, Culture, and Technology | The course analyzes the relationship between media systems, communication technologies, and power. As an introduction to a political economy approach, this course surveys how media, culture, information and technologies are produced, circulated, and consumed, with attention to both historical developments and contemporary practices in the digital era. The course provides a basic understanding of media systems, technologies, and culture production in relation to the market, the state, and civil society. Students will develop a basic understanding of the political, economic, cultural, and regulatory environment in which media, culture, and technologies are produced, and pay particular attention to the implications of processes such as globalization, digitization, marketization, and commodification for social life. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG9 |
CCT224H5 | Organizational Studies I (DEM) | This course provides a comprehensive overview of the activities and processes that take place in organizations. Major emphasis is placed on the investigation of the varied measures that can be developed to assess and subsequently improve the performance of the organization. The interpretation of measures in managerial decision-making will also be investigated in detail. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
CCT250H5 | Foundations of Digital Design and Production | Advances in technology have provided users ready access to empowering technologies enabling creative and enterprise digital production. This course provides hands-on skills on critical design and production suites and platforms used across industries and disciplines, centred on the development of industry-standard creative design. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG9 |
CCT285H5 | Immersive Environment Design | Students will develop skills in the areas of bitmap/vector graphics, audio/visual production and editing, 2D/3D modeling and animation, and video game design. Students will produce immersive environments while addressing and engaging issues of remix culture and intellectual property. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13 |
CCT304H5 | Visual Communication and Digital Environments | This is a project-based course that focuses on analyzing and evaluating the persuasive impact of the images we use every day to make decisions about our social networks, what we buy, how we live, what we care about, and who we are. Students will learn about rhetorical devices used in visual communications and then work in teams to create a persuasive awareness campaign for an NGO, Government Agency, Healthcare organization or other social interest group as the final project. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3, SDG4, SDG9 |
CCT307H5 | Critical Infrastructure Studies | This course explores how infrastructures shape society, culture, and understanding of the human condition. We examine different infrastructures from electric networks to communication networks, data farms, environmental sensing systems, smart cities, and satellite technologies and our reliance on them. We will also examine how these infrastructures are sustained and maintained. By building on critical theories and approaches to infrastructures and their impact, the course investigates the power of infrastructure to establish the conditions of our daily lives. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG9 |
CCT310H5 | Popular Culture and Society | How does consumerism affect symbolic production, circulation and transactions? Major modern theories of mass communication will be presented (Fiske, Bourdieu, Benjamin, Jenkins, Frankfurt school, and Marxist approaches). Students will explore new structures of mass communication in relation to popular culture systems, and their economic, technological and institutional dimensions. Topics include Disney, Hollywood, celebrity culture, social media, and user generated content in digital environments. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG16 |
CCT314H5 | Mind, Media and Representation | This course applies a variety of theoretical and practical approaches to consider the multiple and often conflicting ways representations in media are produced and consumed. The study of representations is approached from the perspective that they are best understood as both discursive and ideological. Questions to be examined include: What does it mean for historical and contemporary representations to carry economic, ideological and discursive power? To what extent do audiences hold power to resist or negotiate with representations? How might we interrogate the notion that we live in a post-feminist, post-racialized society in which older ideas about gender, race and power no longer apply or need re-thinking? | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG5 |
CCT318H5 | Sustainability and the Digital Enterprise | This course focuses on investigating the impacts of the digital enterprise on sustainability. The course presents an overview of the sustainability challenges and the concrete approaches to solving those challenges with the use of technology. The course uses an active learning approach allowing students the opportunity to learn while working on different sustainability projects linked to digital enterprises. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG4, SDG9 |
CCT320H5 | Communication, Technology, and Social Change | This course explores how media and media technology have shifted the nature of existing political and social orders. We will focus on how social movements and political change engage media and technology to disrupt social norms and practices that perpetuate inequality. This will bring us in contact with theories of social movement mobilization, political communication, and digital media. We may also explore the ways that legacy and digital media have changed to be in service of misinformation and state repression. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
CCT328H5 | Project Management | Approaches to the management of complex technical projects will be investigated. Topics include project estimating, costing and evaluation, organizing and managing project teams, quantitative methods for project planning and scheduling, introduction to computer-based project management tools. The course may involve an applied field project. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
CCT332H5 | Canadian Communication Policy | This course examines the policy and regulatory frameworks that shape media, culture, and technology in Canada. The course surveys the historical development of communication policy in Canada, broadly understood, and introduces students to issues and debates in the development of communication policy for specific sectors such as broadcasting, creative industries, platforms, and the internet. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CCT333H5 | Social Innovation | This course introduces students to the strategies and processes of social innovation through usability studies, systems analysis, and artifact prototyping for new products or services for underserved groups. Students will learn various techniques of understanding user needs requirements and design methodologies, and apply this knowledge to create socially innovative prototypes to apply to real world situations. By the end of this course, students will have worked in groups to develop design alternatives for a technological artifact or system of their choosing, gain knowledge of human-centred design strategies and learn how to become change agents through case studies, best practice analyses, and relevant readings. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CCT335H5 | Technology and the City | Technology continues to reshape the physical contours of our built environments as much as it redefines our conceptualization of how we inhabit and interact within them. This course investigates how urban form, space, infrastructure and communication are mediated by new and evolving technologies. [24L,11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG9 |
CCT340H5 | Gender, Media and Technology | This course brings a gendered lens to the study of media and technology. The course explores the (re)production and (re)presentation of gender through communicative practices in a variety of mediums, including print media, TV, activist media, video games and online platforms. The course develops an understanding of gender ideologies and how media, technologies, and communication help produce gender. The course examines the way gender identities are constructed by mainstream and alternative media; gendered divisions of media and digital labour; the relationship between ICTs and the performance of gender and sexuality; masculinities, gender politics; feminist theory; and the construction and negotiation of gender in relation to mediated environments. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG5, SDG8 |
CCT341H5 | Introduction to IT Consulting | Information Technology (IT) Consulting is a growing profession that embodies the use of computer-supported collaborative tools in the execution of business functions. In this course students engage with the principles of Computer Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW) through an experiential opportunity to work with a real client. Students create an IT Consulting company and take on the role of consultants, learning core skills (soft and hard) necessary for this profession, including client management, communication, ideation, analysis and solution development, project management, presentation skills, and web design. Using case studies we discuss consulting lessons learned and problems to avoid within the context of industry best practices. [24P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG8 |
CCT355H5 | Critical Approaches to Innovation (DEM) | This course provides students with a survey of critical theories appropriate to the study of technological innovation. Students will: 1) explore theories of the social, cultural, and ecological impacts of technological innovation; 2) apply these theoretical lenses to the study of trends in innovation; and 3) propose a product or approach to innovation using social, cultural, or ecological criteria. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
CCT374H5 | Critical Histories of Information Technologies | The course approaches current information and communication technologies from critical and historical perspectives. It investigates the interests, motives and tactics of news media, pop culture producers, amateurs, universities, corporations, and governments in promoting, sustaining, and interpreting information and communication systems. It also asks how the focus will be on media and information technologies, more theoretical or methodological readings will necessarily cover other systems. Case studies may include investigations of orality, writing, the printing press, industrialized printing, and electronic media from the telegraph and the telephone to broadcasting and the internet. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
CCT380H5 | Human-Computer Interaction and Communication | The emphasis in this course will be on theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues in the study of Human-Computer Interaction. Intelligent interface designs, usability assessment, user modeling and the accessibility of the technology for the disabled are among the topics to be examined. Related behavioural investigations concerning the ease and efficiency of users' interactions with computerized environments will also be discussed. [36P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG9 |
CCT386H5 | Information Practice in Virtual Worlds: Exploration of Information Environments | Virtual environments, immersive 3D environments accessed via computers or virtual reality headsets, comprise a unique and futuristic communication environment. Virtual environments have the potential to support a wide variety of activities related to information creation, distribution, and reception and can support social, economic, and cultural causes. Compared to everyday information practices, however, those enacted in virtual worlds are uniquely characterized by multimodality, synchronicity, digital embodiment and geographic distribution of users. In this course, students engage in participatory learning in virtual environments, using avatars to assess how the world's technological and social affordances support and constrain information practices. Using theories of gaming, virtuality, and information lifecycles, students critically analyse how information is produced and used in these environments. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG4 |
CCT403H5 | Finance, Innovation and the Digital Firm | Students will learn about financial aspects of digital industries. They will gain knowledge about how financial and other incentives shape the decisions of agents in the digital marketplace. Such a knowledge helps to identify industry trends aiding their own decisions when participating in Internet related industries. Topics covered include online and traditional media industries, aspects of e-commerce and marketing, open source software and crowd-sourcing. A highly effective way to gain such knowledge is by covering a relevant topic in an academic essay. This way the students will also improve their writing skills, and learn better how to cover financial aspects of their chosen topic in a scholarly manner. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG9 |
CCT418H5 | Work, Media and Technology | The course analyses the political, historical, and technical relationships between media, technology, and work in contemporary capitalism. The course will examine the power and social relationships that structure work in contexts such as media, creative industries, and the platform or "gig" economy. The course will focus on critical theories of work and will engage with case studies of the intersection of work, media and technology. The aim of the course is to build a tool kit for encountering an increasingly casualized and digitally-mediated labour market. [24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
CCT420H5 | Information Technology and Globalization | The variety of ways in which various information technologies influence and are influenced by globalization will be critically examined. The class will explore metaphors or ways of thinking about society and technology to critically examine the complex process and the diverse consequences of globalization. Topics may shift focus yearly but will include the economy, culture, politics, social movements, migration, social identity, war and global conflict, etc. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG9 |
CCT431H5 | Drones, Robots, Artificial Intelligence | Drones, robots, and artificial intelligence are three interrelated technologies that are changing the most fundamental considerations of how society and sociality should operate. Work, war, consumption, and even love are being reconfigured. This course will address debates concerning the cultural, political, economic, military, and economic considerations surrounding the growing use of these technologies. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG4 |
CCT434H5 | Design Thinking II | An advanced project-based seminar on the art and creative directions of design thinking. Combining traditional and innovative creativity methods, a variety of design projects are conceptualized and drafted for proposal or implementation. This course embraces design thinking as a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that integrates methodical creativity and overarching design principles, such as aesthetics, futures-thinking, progress and metadesign. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CCT476H5 | Foundations of Operations Management | Operations Management deals with the functions of an enterprise that create value for the customers. The scope of study covers all processes involved in the design, production and physical distribution of goods and services. With global competition continuously increasing, a firm's survival depends upon how well it integrates the operations function into the enterprise's general planning and strategy. It is thus essential for business managers to acquire an understanding and appreciation of operations. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12 |
CCT478H5 | UX Design - Prototyping and Evaluation | The course investigates how people interact with interactive digital systems from an evaluation and formal testing perspective, and introduces students to the methods of User Experience Assessment and User Experience Analysis (UXA). This studio-based experiential course examines how interactive systems are implemented and deployed to meet users' needs, with a focus on formal Human Computer Interaction (HCI) evaluation methods. Students will acquire the capacity to evaluate systems and to critically assess different HCI and UX validation methods which are based on industry approaches carried out by User Research Analysis. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CCT483H5 | Play, Performance and Community in Digital Games | Students will explore the complex relationship between games and play. Starting with an overview of the major play theories, students will learn how cognitive, philosophical and social theories of play are used to guide and inform game design. The increasingly prominent role of the player in the co-creation and performance of digital games will be examined. Students will also explore the emergence of player communities and consider the various issues that this introduces into design and management process, including important new questions about governance, player and creative freedoms, and immaterial labour. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG8 |
CDN197H1 | Inventing Canada | This course explores the ways that Canadian history and identity have been commemorated, interpreted and experienced, now and in the past. The course focuses in particular on who has been included or excluded in commemorative efforts over time. Key topics include representations of women, Indigenous peoples, and political figures on screen and through public installations like museum exhibits, plaques and statues. Case studies highlighting a range of interpretive media will encourage students to work with and discuss a range of primary and secondary sources, build critical thinking and academic writing skills. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
CDN198H1 | Canada, Colonialism and Settler Relations | A First Year Foundations seminar focused on exploring Canada's colonial history and recent efforts to enact appropriate settler relations through an interdisciplinary lens. Topics will include contemporary land claims and treaty-making processes, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, governmental apologies for the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, land acknowledgements, practices of allyship through social movement such as Idle No More, and efforts to influence Canada's overseas mining practices. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
CDN199H1 | Canada- Hong Kong Migration | This course surveys the effects of migrations and cultural connections between Hong Kong and Canada from the 1960s. Students will discuss and analyze the impact of migrations, and study the connection between the two locations from the perspectives of history, culture and literature, politics and democracy, economic and financial development and the network of people and community. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16 |
CDN221H1 | Culture and the Media in Canada | An exploration of the encounter between culture and mass communication in Canadian society. The course considers the role of major cultural institutions such as the CBC, the NFB, and their granting bodies. The emergence of digital media and its relationship to mass media is also addressed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
CDN267H1 | Canadian Nationalisms | A critical examination of contemporary forms of Canadian nationalism. This interdisciplinary course will interrogate national formations across theoretical works, policy documents, and cultural representations. Students will address the ways that nationalist discourses constitute difference, especially with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
CDN268H1 | Canada and Globalization | Students examine the impact of contemporary globalization on Canada, and for Canada’s place in the world. The course is interdisciplinary in its approach and addresses globalization from a wide range of perspectives, including mobility, trade, urbanization, health, religion, environmental change, technology, communications, and the arts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG3, SDG4, SDG9 |
CDN280H1 | Canadian Jewish History | This course focuses on initial settlement patterns of Jews in Toronto and elsewhere, community growth including suburbanization, and contemporary challenges such as anti-Semitism and assimilation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11 |
CDN307H1 | Asian Cultures in Canada | An exploration of the cultural histories and creative productions of a wide range of Asian communities in Canada. Experts in specific areas - literature, dance, drama, film - will be invited to present their work. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
CDN325H1 | Asian Canadian Space & Place | A comprehensive examination of how Asian Canadian communities shape urban and suburban environments. Explore how urban planning and peoples’ local decisions interact to create space, place, and culture. The course applies a multidisciplinary lens, with an emphasis on culture and heritage, place and identity formation, diasporas, multiculturalism, and nationalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG16 |
CDN335H1 | Black Canadian Studies | An interdisciplinary course that interrogates the constitution of Blackness in Canada. Students will study race and ethnic relations, alongside other identity formations such as class, gender and sexuality. Topics to be addressed include media, education, law, immigration and mobility, urbanism, work, political representation and the arts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5, SDG8 |
CDN340H1 | The History of Canadian-U.S. Relations | Over time, Canadians and Americans have developed distinct identities and cultures, but their histories have always been closely linked. This course examines the complex interrelationship between Canada and the United States. from the colonial period through the present day, especially its political, cultural, and indigenous dimensions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CDN367H1 | Canadian Pluralism | Students will examine the complexities of social and cultural interaction in the context of changing Canadian demographics. This course compares and contrasts policies regarding Indigenous rights, migration, multiculturalism, and citizenship with contemporary cultural narratives in literature, painting and film. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CDN368H1 | Canada's Borders | The Canadian border is being reshaped by the increasing transnational movement of people, goods and ideas. Students will examine border issues relating to mobility, trade, and security from a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives, from public policy to contemporary media, such as TV, films, and novels. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11 |
CDN380H1 | Socio-Cultural Perspective of the Canadian Jewish Community | This course examines: the relationship between prominent Canadians who happen to be Jews and those whose works are founded in Jewish identity; the diversity of the community on the basis of religion, language, class, ideology, etc.; contributions to the arts and scholarship; and the role and contribution of Jewish women. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5 |
CDN385H1 | Re-Imagining Canada: Creative Visions of Our Past, Present, and Futures | Artists and writers are re-imagining Canada, exploring alternate pasts, presents, and futures, often critiquing systemic inequities by positing “what ifs†of resistance and renewal, while reclaiming agency, voice, and power for those who are disadvantaged in society. This course will examine these re-imaginings across various media such as fiction, poetry, graphic novels, films, multimedia installations, performance art, paintings, virtual reality works, and video games. Examples will be drawn from a wide variety of genres such as speculative fiction, Afrofuturism, Indigenous arctic horror, trans, queer, Indigenous and Indigiqueer perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
CDN435Y1 | Active Citizenship in a Canadian Context | This course draws from theoretical works to critically examine the experiences of citizenship of various communities in Canada. A service learning component is incorporated so that students can themselves engage in active citizenship. The course develops extra-curricular expertise that can contribute to a student's professional CV. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CHC218H1 | Christianity and Education | An exploration of pedagogy and child development theory, with a particular focus on the way Christians have employed these educational techniques historically. Attention will be given to the diversity of institutions and approaches to curriculum development across Christian history. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
CHC330H1 | Christ in Christian Tradition | Faith in Christ is central to Christianity. This course offers an advanced introduction to classical debates about the person and work of Christ, the modern Quest of the Historical Jesus, and selected feminist, liberationist and indigenized perspectives on Christ from Asia, Africa and Latin America. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
CHC370H1 | The Bible and Biology | Episodes and issues in the development of biology, genetics and evolutionary theory in relation to Christian understandings of the natural world, the human person, and God. Possible topics include genetic determinism, mind and intelligence, gender, reproductive technologies, cosmology and ecology. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG4 |
CHE112H1 | Physical Chemistry | A course in physical chemistry. Topics discussed include systems and their states, stoichiometry, the properties of gases, the laws of chemical thermodynamics (calculations involving internal energy, enthalpy, free energy, and entropy), phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium, acids and bases, solutions, colligative properties, electrochemistry, and corrosion. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG7 |
CHE113H1 | Concepts in Chemical Engineering | Introduction of the key concepts that underpin the chemical engineering discipline and their application to address global challenges. The course will introduce the chemical industry as the interface between natural resources (minerals, water, air, oil, agricultural products, etc.) and the wide range of higher value products (materials, energy, clean water, food, pharmaceuticals, etc.) utilized in our society and the challenges and opportunities for the industry as part of a sustainable future. The course will introduce four core concepts underpinning the discipline of chemical engineering: thermodynamics (driving force); transport phenomena (heat, mass, momentum); reaction kinetics (rates); and unit operations. Topics covered include: the control volume approach; material and energy balances; flux; and reaction yield and conversion, with applications to batch and continuous systems. The course will introduce the connections between these foundational concepts and how they relate to our understanding of chemical and biochemical systems at various scales. The laboratory will reinforce these key chemical engineering principles. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG2, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8 |
CHE204H1 | Chem Eng & Applied Chem I | This laboratory course surveys aspects of inorganic and analytical chemistry from a practical point of view in a comprehensive laboratory experience. In this course, students learn how to analyze known and unknown samples using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Emphasis is placed on primary standards, instrumental techniques (e.g., spectroscopy), classical volumetric techniques (e.g., titration), statistical treatment of data, and reliability and repeatability (i.e., accuracy and precision). The course includes elements of process and industrial chemistry and practice. Theory, where applicable, is interwoven within the laboratories or given as self-taught modules. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7, SDG8 |
CHE205H1 | Chem Eng & Applied Chem II | This laboratory course surveys aspects of organic chemistry from a practical point of view in a comprehensive laboratory experience. In this course, students explore the syntheses of different chemical reactions (substitution, elimination, condensation and hydrolysis), analyzing and characterizing the intermediates and major products formed using established processes and laboratory techniques (e.g., IR, RI, GC, TLC). The course includes elements of process and industrial chemistry and practice (including Green Chemistry). | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7, SDG8 |
CHE208H1 | Process Engineering | An introduction to mass and energy (heat) balances in open systems. A quantitative treatment of selected processes of fundamental industrial and environmental significance involving phase equilibria, reaction and transport phenomena under both steady state and unsteady state conditions. Examples will be drawn from the chemical and materials processing industries, the energy and resource industries and environmental remediation and waste management. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG6, SDG7 |
CHE211H1 | Fluid Mechanics | Fundamentals of fluid mechanics including hydrostatics, manometry, Bernoulli's equation, integral mass, linear momentum and energy balances, engineering energy equation, Moody chart, pipe flow calculations, flow measurement instruments and pumps, dimensional analysis, differential analysis of laminar viscous flow, and brief introductions to particle systems, turbulent 1low, non-Newtonian fluids and flow in porous systems. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG7 |
CHE220H1 | Applied Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry | The Chemistry and physical properties of inorganic compounds are discussed in terms of atomic structure and molecular orbital treatment of bonding. Topics include acid-base and donor-acceptor chemistry, crystalline solid state, chemistry of main group elements and an introduction to coordination chemistry. Emphasis is placed on second row and transition metal elements. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11 |
CHE230H1 | Environmental Chemistry | The chemical phenomena occurring in environmental systems are examined based on fundamental principles of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. The course is divided into sections describing the chemistry of the atmosphere, natural waters and soils. The principles applied in the course include reaction kinetics and mechanisms, complex formation, pH and solubility equilibria and adsorption phenomena. Molecules of biochemical importance and instrumental methods of analysis relevant to environmental systems are also addressed. (formerly EDC230H1S) | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG6 |
CHE249H1 | Engineering Economic Analysis | Engineering analysis and design are not ends in themselves, but they are a means for satisfying human wants. Thus, engineering concerns itself with the materials used and forces and laws of nature, and the needs of people. Because of scarcity of resources and constraints at all levels, engineering must be closely associated with economics. It is essential that engineering proposals be evaluated in terms of worth and cost before they are undertaken. In this course we emphasize that an essential prerequisite of a successful engineering application is economic feasibility. Hence, investment proposals are evaluated in terms of economic cost concepts, including break even analysis, cost estimation and time value of money. Effective interest rates, inflation and deflation, depreciation and income tax all affect the viability of an investment. Successful engineering projects are chosen from valid alternatives considering such issues as buy or lease, make or buy, cost and benefits and financing alternatives. Both public sector and for-profit examples are used to illustrate the applicability of these rules and approaches. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8, SDG9 |
CHE260H1 | Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | Classical thermodynamics and its applications to engineering processes. Concepts of energy, heat, work and entropy. First and second laws of thermodynamics. Properties of pure substances and mixtures. Phase equilibrium. Ideal heat engines and refrigerators. Mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. Steady state heat transfer. Solution of conduction equation. Convective heat transfer coefficients. Momentum and heat transfer analogies. Basics of radiative heat transfer.. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
CHE311H1 | Separation Processes | Introduction to fluid separations processes used in a variety of industries, such as (petro)chemical, (bio)pharmaceutical, carbon capture, water treatment and desalination, and mining and metals. The course will describe fundamentals of unit operations that comprise these separation processes. Staged-equilibrium processes such as distillation, absorption, and extraction will be discussed. Other unit operations that will be covered include membrane separations, adsorption, chromatography, ion exchange, crystallization, sedimentation, and centrifugation. Energy efficiency and minimum energy of separations will be discussed. Process modeling software will be introduced. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG6, SDG7 |
CHE323H1 | Engineering Thermodynamics | Classical thermodynamics and its applications to engineering processes are introduced. Topics include: the concepts of energy, work and entropy; the first and second laws of thermodynamics; properties of pure substances and mixtures; the concepts of thermal equilibrium, phase equilibrium and chemical equilibrium; and heat engines and refrigeration cycles. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
CHE324H1 | Process Design | This course presents the philosophy and typical procedures of chemical engineering design projects. The course begins at the design concept phase. Material and energy balances are reviewed along with the design of single unit operations and equipment specification sheets. The impact of recycles on equipment sizing is covered. Safety, health and environmental regulations are presented. These lead to the development of safe operating procedures. The systems for developing Piping and Instrumentation diagrams are presented. Process safety studies such as HAZOPS are introduced. Typical utility systems such as steam, air and vacuum are discussed. Project economics calculations are reviewed. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG7 |
CHE334H1 | Team Strategies for Engineering Design | In this course, team strategies including how teams work, how to lead and manage teams, and decision making methodologies for successful teams will be taught in the context of engineering design. The development of problem solving and design steps will be undertaken. This course will be taught with an emphasis on team development and problem solving as it relates to the practice of process safety management in engineering and engineering design. The teams will develop a PFD and P&ID's, as well as an operating procedure for a portion of the process. Thus, environmental and occupational health and safety becomes the vehicle through which the teamwork is performed. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
CHE353H1 | Engineering Biology | Using a quantitative, problem solving approach, this course will introduce basic concepts in cell biology and physiology. Various engineering modelling tools will be used to investigate aspects of cell growth and metabolism, transport across cell membranes, protein structure, homeostasis, nerve conduction and mechanical forces in biology. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG9 |
CHE354H1 | Cellular and Molecular Biology | This course will cover the principles of molecular and cellular biology as they apply to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Topics will include: metabolic conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; nucleic acids; enzymology; structure and function relationships within cells; and motility and growth. Genetic analysis, immunohistochemistry, hybridomis, cloning, recombinant DNA and biotechnology will also be covered. This course will appeal to students interested in environmental microbiology, biomaterials and tissue engineering, and bioprocesses. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3 |
CHE374H1 | Economic Analysis and Decision Making | Economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals. Cost estimation; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; inflation; equity, bond and loan financing; after tax cash flow; measures of economic merit in the private and public sectors; sensitivity and risk analysis; single and multi-attribute decisions. Introduction to micro-economic. Applications: retirement and replacement analysis; make-buy and buy-lease decisions; economic life of assets; capital budgeting; selection from alternative engineering proposals; production planning; investment selection. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG4, SDG9 |
CHE375H1 | Engineering Finance and Economics | This course consists of three modules: 1) managerial accounting, 2) corporate finance and 3) macro economics. The first module, managerial accounting, will consist of an introduction to financial statements and double entry recordkeeping, then delve deeper into aspects of revenue, expenses, assets, debt and equity.The second module, corporate finance, will introduce the concept of risk and return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, and then delve deeper into capital budgeting, corporate financing, financial statement analysis and financial valuation. The third model, macro economics, will introduce global aspects of business, including economic, political, societal and technological, then discuss factors such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, fiscal debt/surplus and balance of payments, and their impact on the financials of a given country. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
CHE399H1 | Professional Engineering Consultancy | Students are provided with an open-ended and iterative learning experience through a consulting engineering project. Students tackle an authentic design challenge with limited background knowledge, while being guided by instructors who simulate the client-consultant relationship. The project brings together technical and professonal competencies from across eight graduate attributes to enable holistic learning: problem analysis; investigation; design; individual and team work; communication skills; professionalism; economics and project management; lifelong learning. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG9 |
CHE403H1 | Professional Practice | In this course, lectures and seminars will be given by practicing engineers who will cover the legal and ethical responsibility an engineer owes to an employer, a client and the public with particular emphasis on environmental issues. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13 |
CHE416H1 | Chemical Eng in Human Health | Life expectancy has consistently increased over the past 70 years due to advances in healthcare and sanitation. Engineers have played key roles in developing technologies and processes that enabled these critical advances in healthcare to occur. This course will provide an overview of areas in which chemical engineers directly impacted human health. We will study established processes that had transformative effects in the past as well as new emerging areas that chemical engineers are developing today to impact human health. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative approaches. Engineering tools, especially derived from transport phenomena and chemical kinetics will be used. Required readings, including scientific papers, will be assigned. Industrial visit and/or a hands-on project will be included. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG6 |
CHE451H1 | Petroleum Processing | This course is aimed at surveying the oil industry practices from the perspective of a block flow diagram. Oil refineries today involve the large scale processing of fluids through primary separation techniques, secondary treating plus the introduction of catalyst for molecular reforming in order to meet the product demands of industry and the public. Crude oil is being shipped in increasing quantities from many parts of the world and refiners must be aware of the properties and specifications of both the crude and product slates to ensure that the crude is a viable source and that the product slate meets quality and quantity demands thus assuring a profitable operation. The course content will examine refinery oil and gas operations from feed, through to products, touching on processing steps necessary to meet consumer demands. In both course readings and written assignments, students will be asked to consider refinery operations from a broad perspective and not through detailed analysis and problem solving. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12 |
CHE467H1 | Environmental Engineering | Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor A course which treats environmental engineering from a broad based but quantitative perspective and covers the driving forces for engineering activities as well as engineering principles. Models which are used for environmental impact, risk analysis, health impact, pollutant dispersion, and energy system analysis are covered. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
CHE471H1 | Modelling in Biological and Chemical Systems | This course outlines the methodology for the modelling of biological systems and its applications. Topics will include a review of physical laws, selection of balance space, compartmental versus distributed models, and applications of the conservation laws for both discrete and continuous systems at the level of algebraic and ordinary differential equations. The course covers a wide range of applications including environmental issues, chemical and biochemical processes and biomedical systems. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
CHE475H1 | Biocomposites: Mechanics and Bioinspiration | An overview on structure, processing and application of natural and biological materials, biomaterials for biomedical applications, and fibre-reinforced eco-composites based on renewable resources will be provided. Fundamental principles related to linear elasticity, linear viscoelasticity, dynamic mechanical response, composite reinforcement mechanics, and time-temperature correspondence will be introduced. Novel concepts in comparative biomechanics, biomimetic and bio-inspired material design, and materials' ecological and environmental impact will be discussed. In addition, key material processing methods and testing and characterization techniques will be presented. Structure-property relationships for materials broadly ranging from natural materials, including wood, bone, cell, and soft tissue, to synthetic composite materials for industrial and biomedical applications will be covered. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG7 |
CHE488H1 | Entrepreneurship and Business for Engineers | A complete introduction to small business formation, management and wealth creation. Topics include: the nature of the Entrepreneur and the Canadian business environment; business idea search and Business Plan construction; Buying a business, franchising, taking over a family business; Market research and sources of data; Marketing strategies promotion, pricing, advertising, electronic channels and costing; The sales process and management, distribution channels and global marketing; Accounting, financing and analysis, sources of funding, and financial controls; The people dimension: management styles, recruiting and hiring, legal issues in employment and Human Resources; Legal forms of organization and business formation, taxation, intellectual property protection; the e-Business world and how businesses participate; Managing the business: location and equipping the business, suppliers and purchasing, credit, ethical dealing; Exiting the business and succession, selling out. A full Business Plan will be developed by each student and the top submissions will be entered into a Business Plan competition with significant cash prices for the winners. Examples will be drawn from real business situations including practicing entrepreneurs making presentations and class visits during the term. (Identical courses are offered: ECE488H1, MIE488H1, MSE488H1 and CIV488H1.) *Complementary Studies Elective | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
CHE507H1 | Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control | This course will teach students how to build mathematical models of dynamic systems and how to use these models for prediction and control purposes. The course will deal primarily with a system identification approach to modelling (using observations from the system to build a model). Both continuous time and discrete time representations will be treated along with deterministic and stochastic models. This course will make extensive use of interactive learning by having students use computer based tools available in the Matlab software package (e.g. the System Identification Toolbox and the Model Predictive Control Toolbox). | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CHI104H5 | Introductory Chinese II | As the second half of Introductory Chinese, this course continues to expand students’ knowledge and develop their language skills of Mandarin. More topics of functional Chinese are covered in this course. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite of CHI103H5 are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire ( | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHI211H5 | Chinese for Academic Purposes I | This course, designed for native or near-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, develops rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking skills for effective academic reading and writing. Students will also receive training in conducting effective formal presentations with supporting media and public speaking skills. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHI212H5 | Chinese for Academic Purposes II | This course, designed for native or near-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, continues the study of rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking skills for effective academic reading and writing. It also prepares students for upper level courses which demand in-depth reading, writing, as well as professional presentation skills. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHI303H5 | Intermediate High Chinese I | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 | |
CHI304H5 | Intermediate High Chinese II | This course, designed for second-language learners of Mandarin Chinese, is the second half of Intermediate High Chinese. It continues to: 1) develop listening and speaking skills in handling daily routines and social situations related to personal lives; 2) improve reading and writing skills in narration and description on everyday topics; and 3) cultivate cultural knowledge that facilitates effective intercultural communication. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire ( by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHI310H5 | Chinese for Career Development | This course is designed for near-native or native speakers of Mandarin Chinese who are interested in advancing their careers in Chinese-speaking regions and in North America. Students will develop knowledge in career planning from cross-cultural perspectives, from job search, to applications and interview processes in Chinese-speaking regions of Asia and in North America. They will build a solid foundation for reading, writing, and speaking Chinese in a business setting. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHI312H5 | Chinese Diaspora Literature and Culture | This course examines literary and cinematic works as well as visual art by authors of the Chinese diaspora. The course covers topics such as multiculturalism, racism, cultural preservation, invented traditions, and agency through the lens of overseas Chinese writers and creators. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHM101H5 | The Science of Human Health | This course is intended for humanities and social science students who wish to gain knowledge of the science behind our well-being that may help them to make personal, social and political decisions in their future. Chemistry will be taught on a need-to-know basis in order to consider some contemporary applications. The course will focus on three themes in the realm of human health: nutrition for the prevention of disease, diagnostic tests for the detection of disease and drug discovery for the treatment of disease. Among the questions that may be addressed are "What is the nutritional difference between vitamins from foods and those from supplements?", "Should ketchup be considered a vegetable?", "How do diagnostic strips work?", "What advances in microfluidics have provided inexpensive diagnostics for use in remote areas?", "How are drug targets identified?", and "What is the path from drug discovery to bringing a drug to market?". The roles of nutritional, analytical and medicinal chemistry in these processes will be studied. (Please note the course exclusion: Students are ineligible to register for this course if they have taken any previous or current CHM/JCP course). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG2, SDG3 |
CHM151Y1 | Chemistry: The Molecular Science | An introduction to the major areas of modern chemistry, including organic and biological chemistry; inorganic/materials chemistry and spectroscopy; and physical chemistry/chemical physics. The course is highly recommended for students who plan to enrol in one of the chemistry specialist programs, or who will be including a substantial amount of chemistry in their degree (such as those following a chemistry major or minor program). The combination of CHM151Y1 and CHM249H1 serves as a full year introductory course in organic chemistry with laboratory. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). Note: CHM151Y1 has a unique Course Community where the undergraduate experience in chemistry is greatly enhanced through a series of workshops, research seminars, tours, outreach opportunities and social activities. 90-minute biweekly Course Community meetings are held during laboratory class hours during alternate weeks to the laboratory sessions. The lab time is reserved for CHM151Y1 activities every week of each semester. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
CHM197H1 | Environmental Chemistry in a Sustainable World | Rapid and widespread industrialization is changing the chemical nature of the planet. In order to have a sustainable future, we need to manage chemicals released by humankind and understand their effects on the environment and on us. Each year, this seminar course designed for non-science students will address the fundamental science behind a specific topic in this field, such as the interactions of our energy choices and the environment, or changes in water and air quality. Emphasis is given to reading from both the popular media and scientific literature. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7, SDG9 |
CHM210H1 | Chemistry of Environmental Change | This course examines the fundamental chemical processes of the Earth’s natural environment, and changes induced by human activity. Topics covered are related to the atmosphere and the hydrosphere: urban air pollution, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, climate change, water resources and pollution, wastewater analysis, biogeochemistry, and inorganic metals in the environment. Skills in data analysis and visualization will be developed through an introduction to the R programming language and its use in several assignments. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6 |
CHM211H5 | Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry | A rigorous introduction to the theory and practice of analytical chemistry. Development and applications of basic statistical concepts in treatment and interpretation of analytical data; direct and indirect precipitations; volumetric methods; acid-base, complexometric, redox and precipitation titrations; introduction to instrumental methods; potentiometry and absorption spectroscopy. Applications in biomedical, forensic and environmental areas will be considered. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13 |
CHM217H1 | Introduction to Analytical Chemistry | Introduction to the science of chemical measurement, from sampling through analysis to the interpretation of results, including how water, food products, pharmaceuticals, and dietary supplements are analysed for content, quality, and potential contaminants. Also how to interpret experimental measurements, compare results and procedures, and calibrate analytical instrumentation. Through closely integrated classes, laboratories, and tutorials, this highly practical course introduces a variety of analytical techniques including volumetric methods, potentiometry, uv/visible and infrared spectrophotometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and chromatography. Additional information can be found at (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG6 |
CHM236H1 | Introductory Inorganic Chemistry I | Inorganic chemistry is the chemistry of all the periodic table elements and includes the synthesis of the largest volume chemicals on Earth, the key energy-generating reactions and catalysts needed for a green planet, and compounds exploited in modern electronic and photonic devices. This is the first part (followed by CHM237H1 and then CHM338H1) of a two-year sequence illustrating the rich variety of structures, physical properties, and reactions of compounds of the elements across and down the periodic table. It includes fundamentals of bonding, symmetry, and acid-base/ redox reactions of molecular compounds and transition metal complexes and applications of this chemistry in the world. CHM236H1 is recommended for students interested in broadly learning about chemistry across the periodic table. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG4 |
CHM237H1 | Introductory Inorganic Chemistry II | This course is a continuation from CHM236H1 which further studies the chemistry of the elements across the periodic table. It will cover topics that include the periodic properties of the elements, the structures, bonding and properties of main group compounds and transition metal complexes, inorganic solid-state materials, and solid-state chemistry with applications in advanced technologies. A strong emphasis on developing laboratory techniques and communication skills is made through the practical component of the course. CHM236H1 is strongly recommended for students exploring experimental synthetic chemistry as part of their degree program. (Lab Materials Fee: $35) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
CHM299Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. This course does not count as one of the requirements in the Chemistry Minor, Chemistry Major, Chemistry Specialist or Biological Chemistry Specialist programs. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CHM310H1 | Environmental Fate and Toxicity of Organic Contaminants | Organic chemical contaminants surround us in our everyday lives (e.g. in medications, personal care products, flame retardants, refrigerants) and because of this, they are present in the environment and in ourselves. In this course we will explore the fate of chemicals in the environment as a whole, as well as in the body, to understand how chemicals can be designed to mitigate the risks associated with their use and unintended release. Specific topics will include environmental partitioning; environmentally-relevant transformation processes; the chemistry and effects of redox-active species; and the toxicity/detoxification of electrophilic species in the body. Skills in big data analysis and environmental modeling will be developed through an introduction to the R programming language at the beginner level. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14 |
CHM317H1 | Introduction to Instrumental Methods of Analysis | Scope of instrumental analytical chemistry; Fourier transform IR absorption spectroscopy; molecular luminescence; emission spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; sensors; gas and high performance liquid chromatography; instrument design principles and applications in industry and the environment. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG7 |
CHM323H5 | Introduction to Computational Chemistry | This course covers the foundations of computational chemistry with a focus on practical applications and does not require a background in programming or quantum mechanics. An array of methods for predicting the structural, electronic, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic properties of chemical species will be addressed, as well as how the calculated results can complement experimental observations. Relevant fundamental theories to computational chemistry will be covered on a need-to-know basis. Students will follow an individualized study path and select the chemical systems to which each method will be applied. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
CHM327H1 | Experimental Physical Chemistry | Students are introduced to physical chemistry laboratory work in a project-based approach in which they develop, design, and implement projects that address fundamental and applied questions in physical chemistry. The course also involves class material related to working as an experimental physical chemist. (Lab materials fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
CHM338H1 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry | Further study of the structures, physical properties, and reactions of transition metals. Introductions to spectroscopy, structural analysis, reaction mechanisms, d-block organometallic compounds, applications of metal, and main group compounds in catalysis. The weekly laboratory explores advanced synthetic and spectroscopic techniques including air- and moisture-sensitive chemistry and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, with a strong emphasis on developing scientific communication skills. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
CHM343H1 | Organic Synthesis Techniques | This laboratory course showcases modern organic synthesis techniques and introduces chemical research principles. It provides excellent preparation for a CHM499Y1 project in organic chemistry. Associated classes teach theory and problem-solving approaches from a practical perspective and through industrial case studies. Green chemistry decision-making is a central theme of both the class and laboratory components. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
CHM379H1 | Biomolecular Chemistry | This course provides an opportunity to learn core techniques in biological chemistry in a small group laboratory setting. It provides excellent preparation for a CHM499Y1 project in biological chemistry or related areas. Classes will discuss the theory behind the techniques and highlight how they are used in modern biological chemistry research and practice. Note: CHM379H1 can be used as the biochemistry lab requirement for students completing double majors in chemistry and biochemistry. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
CHM394H5 | Chemical Synthesis Laboratory I | The first in a sequence of two laboratory courses in synthetic chemistry. This laboratory course comprises the synthesis of inorganic and organic compounds supplemented by physical measurements (e.g., ir, uv, 1H NMR spectra, magnetic susceptibility, etc.) of the products where appropriate. Approximately six weeks each will be spent on two groups of foundational experiments, one in organic and one in inorganic synthesis to illustrate techniques of chemical synthesis. The central role of the carbonyl group in organic synthesis is elaborated, an organic unknown is identified both chemically and spectroscopically and the synthetic chemistry of the first row transition elements is explored. [48P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
CHM396H5 | Analytical and Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory I | This analytical and physical chemistry laboratory course represents an integration of the study of fundamental physical chemistry with wide-ranging applications to instrumental methods of analysis, such as separation science, electrochemistry and spectroscopy. The course will provide a solid hands-on grounding in many of the major topics covered in analytical and physical chemistry, and the optimization of instrumental analytical measurements by the application of physical principles. Students select from a variety of instruments to customize their program, and develop their own analytical methods to address analytical problems of interest to the student. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
CHM397H5 | Analytical and Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory II | This analytical and physical chemistry laboratory course carries on from CHM396 to introduce more advanced topics in instrumental methods of analysis and physical chemistry concepts. The course will include experimental modules focused on instrument design and computer interfacing, molecular spectroscopy (e.g. fluorescence, infrared and Raman, and NMR), plasmon resonance methods for biomolecule determinations and kinetic analysis, microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip technologies. The course will provide practical experience in the optimization of instrumental analytical measurements, experiment design, and topics of relevance to research in analytical and physical chemistry. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
CHM399Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | This course provides third-year undergraduate students (after completion of 8.0 credits) who have developed some knowledge of Chemistry and its research methods, an opportunity to work in the research project of a professor in return for course credit. Students enrolled have the opportunity to become involved in original research, enhance their research skills and share in the excitement of acquiring new knowledge and in the discovery process of science. This course does not count as one of the requirements in the Chemistry Minor program. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG12 |
CHM410H1 | Analytical Environmental Chemistry | An analytical theory, instrumental, and methodology course focused on the measurement of pollutants in soil, water, air, and biological tissues and the determination of physical/chemical properties including vapour pressure, degradation rates, partitioning. Lab experiments involve application of theory. (Lab Materials Fee: $35). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
CHM415H1 | Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry | Building upon the introductory understanding of atmospheric chemistry provided in CHM210H1, this course develops a quantitative description of chemical processes in the atmosphere. Modern research topics in the field are discussed, such as aerosol chemistry and formation mechanisms, tropospheric organic chemistry, the chemistry of climate including cloud formation and geoengineering, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, and the chemistry of remote environments. Mathematical models of atmospheric chemistry are developed; reading is from the scientific literature; class discussion is emphasized. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
CHM416H5 | Separations, Chromatography and Microfluidics | Separation science will be explored by building on a survey of fundamental physical principles to understand processes of extraction, and technologies such as solid phase microextraction, supercritical fluid extraction, immunoaffinity extraction and molecularly imprinted polymers. Plate and rate theory will be developed to consider various forms of gas and liquid chromatographic methods, including hyphenated techniques that bridge to information detectors such as mass spectrometers. New opportunities for chromatography and separations by movement to small scale size will be considered by focusing on microfluidics, electro-osmotic flow and chip based microdevice applications. Applications examples will focus on problems in life sciences, forensics and environmental chemistry. Course work will include independent literature reviews and student presentations. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13 |
CHM455H1 | Advanced Materials Chemistry | A comprehensive investigation of synthetic methods for preparing diverse classes of inorganic materials with properties intentionally tailored for a particular use. Begins with a primer on solid-state materials and electronic band description of solids followed by a survey of archetypical solids that have had a dramatic influence on the materials world, some new developments in materials chemistry and a look at perceived future developments in materials research and technology. Strategies for synthesizing many different classes of materials with intentionally designed structures and compositions, textures and morphologies are then explored in detail emphasizing how to control the relations between structure and property of materials and ultimately function and utility. A number of contemporary issues in materials research are critically evaluated to appreciate recent highlights in the field of materials chemistry - an emerging sub-discipline of chemistry. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
CHM485H5 | Dissertation Based on Literature Research | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG4 | |
CHM499Y1 | Introduction to Chemistry Research | An experimental or theoretical research problem under the supervision of a teaching faculty or research faculty member in the Department of Chemistry. Five mandatory 90-minute professional development workshops cover aspects of academic writing, poster presentations, reading scientific literature, and job applications/interviews. Each student is required to attend a total of six one-hour research colloquia during the Fall and Winter Sessions. Applications for enrolment should be made to the Department in the preceding Winter Session: the application form is available on the Department of Chemistry website. Only students being admitted are required to contact chemistry faculty to discuss available research projects. Projects are in the areas of environmental, analytical, physical, inorganic, materials, polymer, organic and biological chemistry. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
CHMA10H3 | Introductory Chemistry I: Structure and Bonding | This course will introduce the study of chemical properties and transformations of matter. The course starts with the quantum mechanical model of the atom and the principles of how the periodic table is organized. Key reaction types are explored including acid/base, redox, and precipitation as well as a quantitative description of gases. Bonding and structure in chemical compounds is examined followed by a close look at solutions, solids and intermolecular forces. The course concludes with nuclear chemistry. This course includes a three-hour laboratory every other week. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG7 |
CHMA12H3 | Advanced General Chemistry | This course will build on the topics from CHMA10H3, including a close examination of solutions, dynamic chemical equilibrium, acid/base and solubility equilibria and thermochemistry, including calorimetry and thermodynamics, kinetics and electrochemistry as they relate to Gibbs Free Energy. In this course, students will explore these ideas in more detail both from a theoretical and practical point of view, in comparison to CHMA11H3. The lecture portion will focus on how chemical concepts are applied in cutting edge research. The weekly laboratory period will provide students with access to the most current equipment used in both industrial and research settings as well as workshops that will explore how to analyze and extract data from published, peer-reviewed journal articles. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
CHMB16H3 | Techniques in Analytical Chemistry | An introduction to the principles and methods of classical analysis and the provision of practical experience in analytical laboratory techniques. The course deals primarily with quantitative chemical analysis. Classical methods of volumetric analysis, sampling techniques, statistical handling of data are studied, as well as a brief introduction to spectro-chemical methods. This course includes a four hour laboratory every week. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
CHMB55H3 | Environmental Chemistry | An investigation of aspects of chemical substances and processes as they occur in the environment, including both naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals. This course will include an introduction to atmospheric chemistry, aqueous chemistry, some agricultural and industrial chemistry, and chemical analysis of contaminants and pollutants. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG9 |
CHMC16H3 | Analytical Instrumentation | A laboratory course to complement CHMC11H3, Principles of Analytical Instrumentation. This course provides a practical introduction and experience in the use of modern analytical instrumentation with a focus on the sampling, sample preparation (extraction, clean-up, concentration, derivatization), instrumental trace analysis and data interpretation of various pharmaceutical, biological and environmental samples. This course includes a four hour laboratory every week. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
CHMD16H3 | Environmental and Analytical Chemistry | Students will learn about analytical techniques used in environmental chemistry, including: gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Environmental sampling and ecotoxicology will also be covered. Students will carry out laboratory analyses and receive hands-on training with analytical instrumentation commonly used in environmental chemistry. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13 |
CHMD47H3 | Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry | This course will teach biochemical reactions in the context of Organic Chemistry. This course will build on topics from CHMC47H3. Application of enzymes in organic synthesis, chemical synthesis of complex carbohydrates and proteins, enzyme catalyzed proton transfer reactions and co-enzymes will be discussed in depth with recent literature examples. Experiential learning is an integral part of this course. Students will explore the applications of Bio-Organic Chemistry in healthcare and industrial settings as part of an experiential learning project | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
CIN210H1 | Horror Film | Horror film as a genre, focusing on three types of international horror: the un-dead, body horror, and the supernatural. The genre's popular appeal, affective power, unique means of producing pleasure, and current global resurgence will be emphasized. Topics include: the aesthetics of gore and violence, technologies of fear, J-Horror, new French extremity, cult fandom and paracinema, and media convergence. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
CIN210H5 | Contemporary Southeast Asian Cinemas | This course is an introduction to contemporary Southeast Asian cinemas from the 2000s to the present. Since the turn of the millennium, the cinematic innovation of Southeast Asia has been aided by an increase in productive interaction and transnational modes of collaborations and co-productions. These waves of cinema augur new possibilities for considering cross-cultural, cross-boundary ways of being, seeing and knowing that can challenge formulaic and essentialist understandings of the region. Through formal aesthetic analysis of short and feature-length films, and the study of Asia-based and international institutions of cinema, we will examine the multifarious potential of contemporary Southeast Asian in spurring the rethinking of the histories, concepts, and borders of the region. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
CIN213H1 | Cinema and Sensation II: Sex | Erotic images and sounds have long featured in filmic pleasure and, for just as long, excited controversy. This course examines how sex is articulated on screen and how its regulation suggests broader themes and ideas. Topics include: obscenity laws and the history of film censorship, the eroticized aspects of conventional movies, art cinema, and "adult" erotic films. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
CIN317H5 | Production: Independent Cinema | What can the title cards and credits of a film tell us about its journey to the screen? Outside of the studio system model adopted in various countries, there are established pathways and structures for the development, financing, production, sales, distribution and exhibition of independent cinema. This class asks how, from idea to completion, an independent film is able to find funding and reach an international audience. Focusing on the transnational ecosystems that sustain the passage of independent cinema around the world, we will examine case studies of films from Asia, Europe and North America. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
CIN322H1 | Cult Cinema | This course examines "cult" and "exploitation" cinema. It examines the growing popularity of cult/exploitation films as an emerging cinematic subculture that valorizes disreputable or "trash" cinema. A number of sub-genres within exploitation film, including teen films, educational/instructional films, sexploitation, and Blaxploitation, will be explored. The social politics of appropriating texts through ironic reading strategies will also be considered. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
CIN370H1 | Canadian Cinemas | History and diversity of Canadian and Québécois cinemas. Analyses of film and critical frameworks examine how co-productions, multiculturalism, and post-national arguments are re-shaping the production and reception contexts of national cinema. Annual emphasis will be placed on one of the following topics: the emergence of the feature film, Québécois cinema, documentary, or experimental cinema. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
CIN408H5 | Potential Cinema: Theories, Visions, and Practices of Decoloniality from East and Southeast Asia | Inspired by Ariella Aïsha Azoulay's Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism, this course investigates films from East and Southeast Asia and considers the ways in which we might recognize theories, visions, and practices that might constitute "cinemas of decoloniality." In this course, we will look to filmmakers' aesthetic engagement with archival and imagined time and the collision of pasts, presents, and futures in order to consider how contentious histories of memory and forgetting can have effects on the politics of the present. How, through and with cinema, could there be space not only to retell and reframe histories of coloniality and decolonization but also to experience and practice the potential decolonization of ways of being, seeing, and thinking? | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CIN433Y1 | Sensory Ecologies: Theory and Praxis in Environmental Media Studies | Practitioners of environmental filmmaking struggle with a fundamental challenge: how to represent the dimensionality, and immersivity of the so-called natural world within the flat space and linear temporalities of the cinematic medium. These challenges resonate with larger questions about loss, extinction, and degradation; one cannot capture what is now disappeared, elusive, or destroyed. What then, should the role of media be amid a period of environmental ruination? This experiential learning course seeks to investigate these questions, and more. Through a combination of praxis and theory, students will collaborate with community partners on a series of applied learning outcomes. Pre-enrolment balloting for 400-Level seminars will start in late May to early June, opening roughly five weeks before the July enrolment period begins. More information on balloting procedures, the balloting form and the submission deadline can be found in Cinema Studies Undergraduate Forms. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CIN471H1 | Advanced Study in History and Nation | Seminars in historiography and questions of national cinema. Past seminars include: "Film Historiography," "Early Cinema," "Reviewing Hollywood Classicism," "Women Pioneers," "Local Film Cultures: Toronto Sites and Scenes," and "Debating Transnational Cinema." Pre-enrolment balloting for 400-Level seminars will start in late May to early June, opening roughly five weeks before the July enrolment period begins. More information on balloting procedures, the balloting form and the submission deadline can be found in Cinema Studies Undergraduate Forms. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
CITA01H3 | Foundations of City Studies | A review of the major characteristics and interpretations of cities, urban processes and urban change as a foundation for the Program in City Studies. Ideas from disciplines including Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Planning, Political Science and Sociology, are examined as ways of understanding cities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
CITA02H3 | Studying Cities | An introduction to the philosophical foundations of research, major paradigms, and methodological approaches relevant to Programs in City Studies. This course is designed to increase awareness and understanding of academic work and culture, enhance general and discipline-specific academic literacy, and create practical opportunities for skills development to equip students for academic success in City Studies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
CITB01H3 | Canadian Cities and Planning | After critically examining the history of urban planning in Canada, this course explores contemporary planning challenges and engages with planning's ‘progressive potential' to address social justice issues and spatialized inequality through an examination of possible planning solutions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16 |
CITB03H3 | Social Planning and Community Development | This course provides an overview of the history, theory, and politics of community development and social planning as an important dimension of contemporary urban development and change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
CITB04H3 | City Politics | This course is the foundations course for the city governance concentration in the City Studies program, and provides an introduction to the study of urban politics with particular emphasis on different theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding urban decision-making, power, and conflict. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16 |
CITB08H3 | Economy of Cities | An introduction to economic analysis of cities, topics include: theories of urban economic growth; the economics of land use, urban structure, and zoning; the economics of environments, transportation, and sustainability; public finance, cost-benefit analysis, the provision of municipal goods and services, and the new institutional economics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG15, SDG16, SDG8 |
CITC02H3 | Placements in Community Development | With a focus on building knowledge and skills in community development, civic engagement, and community action, students will ‘learn by doing' through weekly community-based placements with community organizations in East Scarborough and participatory discussion and written reflections during class time. The course will explore topics such as community-engaged learning, social justice, equity and inclusion in communities, praxis epistemology, community development theory and practice, and community-based planning and organizing. Students will be expected to dedicate 3-4 hours per week to their placement time in addition to the weekly class time. Community-based placements will be organized and allocated by the course instructor. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG4 |
CITC03H3 | Housing Policy and Planning | This course examines how planning and housing policies help shape the housing affordability landscape in North American cities. The course will introduce students to housing concepts, housing issues, and the role planning has played in (re)producing racialized geographies and housing inequality (e.g., historical and contemporary forms of racial and exclusionary zoning). We will also explore planning’s potential to address housing affordability issues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG15 |
CITC04H3 | Current Municipal and Planning Policy and Practice in Toronto | Constitutional authority, municipal corporations, official plans, zoning bylaws, land subdivision and consents, development control, deed restrictions and common interest developments, Ontario Municipal Board. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
CITC07H3 | Urban Social Policy | In recent years social policy has been rediscovered as a key component of urban governance. This course examines the last half-century of evolving approaches to social policy and urban inequality, with particular emphasis on the Canadian urban experience. Major issues examined are poverty, social exclusion, labour market changes, housing, immigration and settlement. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG8 |
CITC12H3 | City Structures, Problems, and Decisions: Field Research in Urban Policy Making | Local governments are constantly making policy decisions that shape the lives of residents and the futures of cities. This course focuses on how these decisions get made, who has power to make them, and their impact on urban citizens. We will address how challenges in cities are understood by city council, staff, and the public, and how certain "policy solutions" win out over others. In the process, we will draw from both classical and contemporary theories of local government as well as the latest research on urban policy making. We will also be learning field research methods to study policy making as it happens on the ground in cites. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG9 |
CITC14H3 | Environmental Planning | This course introduces students to questions of urban ecology and environmental planning, and examines how sustainability and environmental concerns can be integrated into urban planning processes and practices. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15 |
CITC15H3 | Money Matters: How Municipal Finance Shapes the City | This course examines the role of municipal finance in shaping all aspects of urban life. Putting Canada into a comparative perspective, we look at how local governments provide for their citizens within a modern market economy and across different societies and time periods. The course also explores the relationship between municipal finance and various social problems, including movements for racial justice and the ongoing housing crisis. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG4 |
CITC16H3 | Planning and Governing the Metropolis | Most of the world's population now lives in large urban regions. How such metropolitan areas should be planned and governed has been debated for over a century. Using examples, this course surveys and critically evaluates leading historical and contemporary perspectives on metropolitan planning and governance, and highlights the institutional and political challenges to regional coordination and policy development. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16 |
CITC17H3 | Civic Engagement in Urban Politics | This course examines the engagement of citizen groups, neighbourhood associations, urban social movements, and other non-state actors in urban politics, planning, and governance. The course will discuss the contested and selective insertion of certain groups into city-regional decision-making processes and structures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16, SDG4 |
CITD12H3 | Planning and Building Public Spaces in Toronto | This course is designed to develop career-related skills such as policy-oriented research analysis, report writing, and presentation and networking skills through experiential learning approaches. The policy focus each year will be on a major current Toronto planning policy issue, from ‘Complete Streets’ to improvements to parks and public space infrastructure, to public transit-related investments. Students work closely in the course with planners and policymakers from the City of Toronto, policy advocates, and community organizers. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG4, SDG9 |
CIV185H1 | Earth Systems Science | This course introduces students to the basic earth sciences with an emphasis on understanding the impact of humans on the natural earth systems. Beginning with a study of the lithosphere, principles of physical geology will be examined including the evolution and internal structure of the earth, dynamic processes that affect the earth, formation of minerals and rocks and soil, ore bodies and fossil- energy sources. Next, the biosphere will be studied, including the basic concepts of ecology including systems ecology and biogeochemical cycles. The influence of humans and the built environment on these natural systems will also be examined with a view to identifying more sustainable engineering practices. Finally, students will study the oceans and the atmosphere and the physical, chemical and thermodynamic processes involved in climate change. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
CIV201H1 | Introduction to Civil Engineering | A field-based course introducing students to current and historical civil engineering works in the urban and natural environments, highlighting the role of the Civil Engineer in developing sustainable solutions. It will run the Tuesday through Thursday immediately following Labour Day, with follow-up assignments coordinated with the course CIV282 Engineering Communications I. Students must have their own personal protective equipment (PPE). One night will be spent at the University of Toronto Survey Camp near Minden, Ontario. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG8 |
CIV220H1 | Urban Engineering Ecology | Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor Basic concepts of ecology within the context of urban environments. Response of organisms, populations, dynamic predator-prey and competition processes, and ecosystems to human activities. Thermodynamic basis for food chains, energy flow, biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Biogeochemical cycles, habitat fragmentation and bioaccumulation. Introduction to industrial ecology and life cycle assessment principles. Urban metabolism and material flow analysis of cities. Response of receiving waters to pollution and introduction to waste water treatment. Emphasis is on identifying the environment/engineering interface and minimizing environmental impacts. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7 |
CIV250H1 | Hydraulics and Hydrology | The hydrologic processes of precipitation and snowmelt, evapotranspiration, ground water movement, and surface and subsurface runoff are examined. Water resources sustainability issues are discussed, including water usage and water shortages, climate change impacts, land use impacts, and source water protection. Conceptual models of the hydrologic cycle and basics of hydrologic modelling are developed, including precipitation estimation, infiltration and abstraction models, runoff hydrographs, the unit hydrograph method and the Rational method. Methods for statistical analysis of hydrologic data, concepts of risk and design, and hydrological consequences of climate change for design are introduced. Principles of open channel hydraulics are introduced. Energy and momentum principles are studied with application to channel transitions, critical flow, choked flow, and hydraulic jumps. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG2, SDG6, SDG7 |
CIV300H1 | Terrestrial Energy Systems | Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large scale atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel reserves. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG7 |
CIV331H1 | Transport I - Introduction to Urban Transportation Systems | This course introduces the fundamentals of transportation systems and the application of engineering, mathematical and economic concepts and principles to address a variety of transportation issues in Canada. Several major aspects of transportation engineering will be addressed, including transportation planning, public transit, traffic engineering, geometric design, pavement design and the economic, social and environmental impacts of transportation. The course focuses on urban transportation engineering problems. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13 |
CIV340H1 | Municipal Engineering | Municipal service systems for water supply and wastewater disposal, land development, population forecasting, and demand analysis. Water supply: source development, transmission, storage, pumping, and distribution networks. Sewerage and drainage, sewer and culvert hydraulics, collection networks, and storm water management. Maintenance and rehabilitation of water and wastewater systems, and optimization of network design. Design projects. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG6 |
CIV342H1 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes | Principles involved in the design and operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities are covered, including physical, chemical and biological unit operations, advanced treatment and sludge processing. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG6 |
CIV375H1 | Building Science | The fundamentals of the science of heat transfer, moisture diffusion, and air movement are presented. Using these fundamentals, the principles of more sustainable building enclosure design, including the design of walls and roofs are examined. Selected case studies together with laboratory investigations are used to illustrate how the required indoor temperature and moisture conditions can be maintained using more durable and more sustainable designs. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
CIV380H1 | Sustainable Energy Systems | This course will provide students with knowledge of energy demand and supply from local to national scales. Topics include energy demands throughout the economy, major energy technologies, how these technologies work, how they are evaluated quantitatively, their economics and their impacts on the environment. In addition, the ever changing context in which these technologies (and emerging technologies) are being implemented will be outlined. Systems approaches including life cycle assessment, will be refined and applied to evaluate energy systems. A particular focus will be placed on analysis of energy alternatives within a carbon constrained economy. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG7 |
CIV401H1 | DESIGN & OPTIMIZATION OF HYDRO | The application of turbo-machinery including the design and operation of typical wind and hydroelectric plants from first principles to the various types of turbo-machines choices. Fundamental fluid mechanics equations, efficiency coefficients, momentum exchanges, characteristic curves, similarity laws, specific speed, vibration, cavitation of hydraulic turbines, pump/turbines; variable speed machines including transients and hydraulic stability. An introduction to overall system configuration and both component and system optimization. Case studies. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
CIV440H1 | Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment | Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor. The process and techniques for assessing and managing the impacts on and risks to humans and the ecosystem associated with engineered facilities, processes and products. Both biophysical and social impacts are addressed. Topics include: environmental assessment processes; environmental legislation; techniques for assessing impacts; engineering risk analysis; health risk assessment; risk management and communication; social impact assessment; cumulative impacts; environmental management systems; the process of considering alternative methods for preventing and controlling impacts; and stakeholder involvement and public participation. Examples are drawn from various engineering activities and facilities such as energy production, chemical production, treatment plants, highways and landfills. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
CIV501H1 | Building Energy Performance Simulation | Building performance simulation (BPS) is the process of imitating/predicting aspects of building performance with computational building models. The models draw heavily upon the disciplines of heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, light transmission, and occupant behaviour. BPS allows improving the design and operation of buildings through quantitative analyses. This course will provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to effectively apply BPS tools in design and analysis contexts focusing on building heating and cooling loads, building HVAC systems, and whole-building HVAC energy consumption. In addition, various building science research methodologies and examples based on BPS will be presented. As the course project, students will be required to either perform building thermal/energy analysis of real buildings with BPS or conduct research on building science topics with BPS. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG4, SDG7, SDG9 |
CIV516H1 | Public Transit Operations and Planning | This course covers a broad range of topics in urban transit operations and planning, with special emphasis on best-practice strategies of modern transit systems. The course will help students: Learn the history of transit and its relationship to urban development, emerging challenges, transit role in society, and new trends and issues; Understand and analyze the factors that affect transit performance and demand; Identify and analyze transit operational and planning problems; Identify possible solutions at the operational level (mostly short-term and line-based) and the strategic level (mostly long-term and network-based), and assess alternative solutions; Understand the relative performance of various transit modes (both conventional and new modes) and their domains of application; and gain knowledge of best-practice transit systems planning and emerging innovations. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4 |
CIV531H1 | Transport Planning | This course is intended to provide the student with the following: the ability to design and execute an urban transportation planning study; a working knowledge of transportation planning analysis skills including introductions to travel demand modelling, analysis of environmental impacts, modelling transportation - land use interactions and transportation project evaluation; an understanding of current transportation planning issues and policies; and an understanding of the overall process of transportation planning and its role within the wider context of transportation decision-making and the planning and design of urban areas. Person-based travel in urban regions is the focus of this course, but a brief introduction to freight and intercity passenger transportation is also provided. A "systems" approach to transportation planning and analysis is introduced and maintained throughout the course. Emphasis is placed throughout on designing transportation systems for long-run environmental, social, and economic sustainability. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG4 |
CIV550H1 | Water Resources Engineering | Global and national water problems, law and legislation. Hydraulic structures. Reservoir analysis. Urban drainage and runoff control: meteorologic data analysis, deterministic and stochastic modelling techniques. Flood control: structural and nonstructural alternatives. Power generation: hydro and thermal power generation. Low flow augmentation. Economics and decision making. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG6 |
CIV575H1 | Studies in Building Science | This course examines the basic principles governing the control of heat, moisture and air movement in buildings and presents the fundamentals of building enclosure design. With this background, students are required to research advanced topics related to emerging areas of Building Science, and to write and present to the class an individual comprehensive paper related to their research. Lectures for this course will be jointly offered with those of CIV375H1. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG9 |
CIV576H1 | Sustainable Buildings | Building systems including the thermal envelope, heating and cooling systems, as well as water and lighting systems are examined with a view to reducing the net energy consumed within the building. Life-cycle economic and assessment methods are applied to the evaluation of various design options including considerations of embodied energy and carbon sequestration. Green building strategies including natural ventilation, passive solar, photovoltaics, solar water heaters, green roofs and geothermal energy piles are introduced. Following the application of these methods, students are introduced to efficient designs including LEED designs that lessen the impact of buildings on the environment. Exemplary building designs will be presented and analyzed. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7, SDG9 |
CIV578H1 | DESIGN OF BUILDING ENCLOSURES | A brief summary of the science involved in controlling heat, moisture and air movement in buildings is presented at the outset of the course. With this background, methods of designing enclosures for cold, mixed, and hot climates are examined. Design principles related to the design of walls, windows and roofs are presented and applied. In particular, topics related to the control of rain penetration, air movement, and interstitial condensation are studied in detail. Emphasis is placed on developing designs based on fundamentals which can be verified with computer modelling solutions. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7, SDG9 |
CIV580H1 | Eng & Mgmt of Large Projects | This technical elective course will investigate the role of stakeholders in major civil engineering projects; the complexities of managing project stages, multiple stakeholders, and technical challenges, and, social and environmental factors. Each week includes a different speaker who can address issues related to technical, social, and environmental challenges in the project and how they were overcome. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
CJS383H1 | Jews and Power | This course will explore the relationship of Jews to political power. Among the themes to be covered are: How has the relationship of the Jewish community to political authority changed over time? What is the Jewish conception of political authority? How did Jews protect their communal and individual rights in the absence of sovereignty? How did the dynamics of antisemitism, philosemitism, and anti-Jewish violence change over time? How did Zionism and the revival of Jewish sovereignty change the position of Jews in the political order? What are the political and moral dilemmas posed by statehood? And what are the implications of Jewish sovereignty for Jews in the Diaspora? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG2 |
CLA197H1 | Inventing the Ancient Mediterranean: Roman Technology | Two thousand years ago Roman hydraulic engineers designed aqueducts and provided hundreds of cities in the Mediterranean region with a richer water supply than any nation could boast before the late 1800s. Ever more sophisticated ships transported goods from harbour to harbour and Roman experts on construction built the Colosseum and other amphitheatres, as well as countless temples, theatres, roads, bridges, and even high-rise apartment buildings, which in some cases survive to this very day. What was the secret of Roman civilization, and what did this level of technology mean for the empire's inhabitants? This course presents for discussion the many achievements of centuries of Roman presence on three continents around the Mediterranean Sea, while bringing into the equation also the issue of standard of living and the ecological costs. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG6 |
CLAA04H3 | The Ancient Mediterranean World | An introduction to the main features of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world from the development of agriculture to the spread of Islam. Long term socio-economic and cultural continuities and ruptures will be underlined, while a certain attention will be dedicated to evidences and disciplinary issues. Same as HISA07H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG2, SDG9 |
CLT420H1 | Ireland, Race and Empires | This course examines the extent to which the Irish can be understood as a colonized and racialized people, and the degree to which they participated in the colonization and racialization of Blacks and Indigenous peoples in the British and American empires. It encompasses debates about whether the Irish were victims of genocidal policies during the Famine, and their role in what one historian calls the “casual genocide†of imperial expansion. It also discusses the character and limitations of anti-colonialism in Irish nationalist discourse, and attitudes of racialized minorities and Indigenous peoples towards the Irish. This course is jointly offered with the graduate course, HIS1441H. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
CME259H1 | TECH IN SOCIETY & BIOSPHERE | Humanities and Social Science Elective. This course teaches future engineers to look beyond their specialized domains of expertise in order to understand how technology functions within human life, society and the biosphere. By providing this context for design and decision-making, students will be enabled to do more than achieve the desired results by also preventing or significantly reducing undesired consequences. A more preventively-oriented mode of practicing engineering will be developed in four areas of application: materials and production, energy, work and cities. The emphasis within these topics will reflect the interests of the class. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG7 |
CME368H1 | Engineering Economics and Decision Making | The incorporation of economic and non-monetary considerations for making decision about public and private sector engineering systems in urban and other contexts. Topics include rational decision making; cost concepts; time value of money and engineering economics; microeconomic concepts; treatment of risk and uncertainty; and public project evaluation techniques incorporating social and environmental impacts including benefit cost analysis and multi-objective analysis. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13 |
CME500H1 | FUND. OF ACID ROCK DRAINAGE | Geochemistry of acid rock / acid mine drainage (ARD/AMD) which covers the role of bacteria in generating this global mining pollution issue and how mines currently treat and attempt to prevent it. An introduction to the underlying chemical reactions involved, the role of microbes in these processes and the mitigation and treatment strategies currently available.* Course offering pending Faculty Council approval for 2018-19 academic year. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
CPS398H5 | Teaching Opportunity Program in Sciences | A scholarly, active learning project in which students integrate and apply their understanding of science and pedagogy by observing, actively participating in, and reflecting on the teaching and learning process under the supervision of an experienced instructor/mentor. This course may be taken in either the Summer, Fall or Winter terms. Enrolment requires submitting an application to the department before the end of the term prior to that in which it is intended to undertake the research. Independent Studies Application Forms may be found at Students should plan for the course in March of the previous academic year and register as soon as their registration period begins. Students are encouraged to consult with, and obtain the consent of, prospective supervisors before applying for enrolment. Enrolment will depend on the availability of positions. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
CRE201H1 | Introduction to Creativity and Society | A course that explores the relationship between creativity and the social, political, and economic worlds in which it functions. Students acquire theoretical and methodological frameworks in Creativity Studies, historicize the conditions of creative possibility across disciplines, and explore case studies. Topics include the advent of creativity as a concept, a comparative understanding of creativity across non-western and historically marginalized cultures, analyses of how the business of innovation and professionalization of “creatives†affect the way arts and ideas develop, and a self-examination of how students’ own creative goals are shaped by the standards, structures, and practices that precede them. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
CRE235H1 | Innovation in Society | This course investigates innovation as it relates to emerging social, scientific, and environmental trends. Students will acquire key frameworks for understanding the evolution of innovation, the place of creativity, and the social impacts of disruption. Through case studies of innovation (such as the sharing economy and cryptocurrencies) and considering related issues (such as ethics and inclusion) students will develop approaches to understanding the societal impacts of creative disruption. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
CRE271H1 | Reading the Wild | In light of the environmental crisis, this seminar surveys a wide range of oral and written literature in order to discover how our approach to nature has changed over the centuries, what gains and losses have attended modernity, and what older cultures can teach us as we seek to preserve threatened ecosystems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
CRE335H1 | Creativity and Collaboration in Social Enterprise | The course reflects critically on the role of a wide range of new enterprises and entrepreneurs in driving innovation and dynamism. Whether social enterprises, start-ups, community-based organizations, or for-profits, a variety of organizational forms are approaching thorny societal challenges such as driving economic inclusion or combating climate change. Students will explore how the public, private and community sectors can work together to develop creative, ethical and effective approaches to tackling ‘wicked’ problems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG8 |
CRE345H1 | Evidence Based Approaches to Creativity | The seminar course pursues two goals. First, it provides an introduction to the latest scientific findings concerning creativity, by drawing on a broad range of scientific disciplines, such as psychology, neurobiology, sociology, anthropology, and education science. The topics include creative personality, the process of creation, as well as the sociocultural context of creativity. Second, it investigates various techniques that can help us learn to be more creative. This will involve discussions on how to choose one's domain and field, be intrinsically motivated, how to collaborate, and how to brainstorm productively. Students will be given an opportunity to apply these techniques to specific fields of their choosing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CRE370H1 | Music and the Imagination | This course explores how music creatively reflects and inspires our sense of self, place and community through readings, close listening, case studies, and creative responses. We consider various sites of musical imagination, and the genres that intersect with them. Course discussion addresses how music participates in the social life of creativity, imagination and fantasy, and what these roles mean for music's significance in society and culture. No prior experience in music composition required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
CRI210H1 | Criminal Justice | An introduction to the Canadian criminal justice system. The institutions established by government to respond to crime and control it; how they operate, and the larger function they serve; including the role of the police, the trial process, courts and juries, sentencing, imprisonment and community corrections. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
CRI322H1 | Inequality and Criminal Justice | This course examines the intersections between social inequality and the criminal justice system in Canada and internationally. The course explores how factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and religion influence perceptions of and experiences with crime and criminal justice. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
CRI343H1 | Comparative Criminal Justice | Criminal justice issues outside Canada, based on a variety of international and historical studies. The evolution of criminal justice systems in Western Europe, including the English adversarial and continental European inquisitorial approaches. A comparison of policing, criminal procedure, forms of punishment, and crime rates in the contemporary world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
CRI364H1 | Indigenous Peoples & Criminal Justice | An introduction to issues affecting Indigenous peoples in the Canadian criminal justice system identified by Indigenous scholars, activists and allies. Topics include: effects of colonization, legal discrimination and disenfranchisement, Treaties and land claims, criminalization, Indigenous activism, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
CRI372H1 | Regulating Citizenship | The course examines selected topics in the scholarly study of citizenship, including the history of citizenship, normative theories of democratic citizenship, rights and duties of citizenship, acquisition and loss of citizenship, and related issues, such as multiple citizenship, statelessness, and the international law of citizenship. Readings come from law, history, political science, and other disciplines; and cover Canada, other western societies, and developing countries. The course comprises three basic units: the normative basis and historical evolution of citizenship, including a case study of Canada, policies governing the acquisition and loss of citizenship in Canada and elsewhere, and the parameters of citizenship and lack of citizenship in the contemporary world. Students will gain an understanding of the historical evolution of forms of political membership in both western and non-western societies, the constitutive role of citizenship in creating and maintaining individual rights, and the development and contemporary regulation of Canadian citizenship in comparative international perspective. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CRI383H1 | Immigration, Ethnicity and Crime | The connection between immigration and crime, the effect of immigration on crime rates, discrimination against immigrants, the representation of immigrants in crime statistics, public perception of risk and security, and criminal justice policy changes which affect immigration. We consider research conducted in North America and Europe. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CRI386H1 | Origins of Criminal Justice | Criminal justice practice, as well as political debate concerning crime and criminal justice, are often influenced by ideas that are initially developed outside the criminal justice arena. This course examines the history, current influence and efficacy of a range of such ideas, such as: the role of religious practice in rehabilitating offenders; military service and participation in sports as preventive of delinquency; the influence of environmental pollution on crime rates; the concept of the "problem family"; intelligence based policing and the use of management theories in criminal justice organizations. Note: The course may include an optional Service Learning component. If offered, additional information will be provided in the Faculty of Arts and Science's timetable. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG3 |
CRI420H1 | Current Issues in Criminal Law | An advanced seminar exploring in detail current issues in criminal law. The objective of the course is to discuss current policy and case law developments in the criminal law, and their social, political and ethical implications. The role of Parliament and the judiciary in the development of the criminal law is considered. Topics vary from year to year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CRI422H1 | Indigenous Law | Seminar course exploring Indigenous law, settler state law, and the complex interrelationship between the two in Canada. Topics include: legal sources, forms and processes; sovereignty, territory and jurisdiction; treaty relationships; Indigenous peoples in international law; Indigenous rights and the constitution; environmental use, relations and protection; and Indigenous self-determination and governance. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CRI425H1 | The Prosecution Process | A critical examination of the process by which certain conduct is identified, prosecuted and punished as "crime", and the process by which individuals become "criminals". The evolution of the modern prosecution system, including the exercise of prosecutorial discretion, rules of evidence, socially constructed defences, disparity in sentencing, and wrongful convictions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16 |
CRI428H1 | Policing the City: Crime, Community and Inequality | An advanced seminar exploring the connection between neighbourhoods and the perpetuation of poverty, social marginalization, segregation and crime. The course may include an optional Service Learning component. Check the timetable for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CRI431H1 | Mental Health, Morality & Legal Controls | A critical exploration of contemporary debates in criminology, and legal and moral philosophy concerning the diagnostic and criminal justice labeling of mental disorders such as psychopathy and paedophilia, and their representation in popular culture. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
CRI480H1 | Interpersonal Violence | The meaning, purposes and sources of interpersonal violence, including an examination of debates over defining and documenting violence, and a review of the research on the relationships between illegitimate, interpersonal violence and state-approved or state-initiated violence. Cultural, social and individual correlates of interpersonal violence; the violence of the law; and how violence is justified and denied. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
CRI487H1 | Law, Space, and the City | An introduction to interdisciplinary studies of law and space, this course covers a broad range of topics, from work on empire and colonialism by legal historians and indigenous scholars to studies of national spaces, urban spaces, and bodily spaces. Some background in either legal studies or cultural geography is desirable. Open to students in law, geography, anthropology, women/gender studies, and sociology, though permission of the instructor is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
CSB195H1 | Computational Biology Foundations | Our understanding of life is built from observation, abstraction, modeling, and comparison. In this First Year Foundations course we explore how these activities are based on concepts of chance and choice, of organization and dispersion, of cooperation and conflict, and how these ideas inform domains such as statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, molecular biology, physiology and ecology. Through this, we build a broad framework of relationships and connections that will make students' engagement with specialized courses throughout the sciences all the more meaningful. This course's focus on best practices of structuring project work, using tools and resources, and documentation, will be valuable preparation for all subsequent courses. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
CSB197H1 | Human Viruses | This course allows students to broaden their knowledge about the most important human viruses and prions. In essence, what viruses are, what they do, what are the diseases caused by viruses and how they are transmitted, etc., and what can be done about them (vaccines, antiviral treatments, etc.). Viruses cause many diseases ranging from a benign rash to severe hemorrhages and death. Each student will select a specific topic in Virology and write an essay and present a seminar for the rest of the class. Major "hot" problems in Virology from pandemics to controversial vaccines will also be discussed. Two tests covering all materials presented by all the students' seminars will be conducted. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
CSB199H1 | Biotechnology and Society | From the manipulation of genes of plants for improved food production through to human tissue engineering and stem cell research, biotechnology is increasingly playing a major role in our world. Society, however, is often challenged by the rapid advances in our knowledge in these areas, and how to best apply these technologies in a manner that is socially responsible and economically viable. In this seminar course, students will research and describe various applications of biotechnology using information obtained from reputable sources, and lead discussions on the benefits and concerns that arise from this research. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG2 |
CSB201H1 | Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and You | An online course intended to provide non-science students with an understanding of basic concepts in molecular biology and genetics, with particular emphasis on humans. Students will work online in groups on problem sets. The course will end with an introduction to biotechnology, including an opportunity for students to use their new knowledge to explore a real, multi-dimensional problem (e.g., cancer). Lectures will be delivered via the web and mandatory tutorials will require live webinar participation. The final exam will require attendance on the St. George campus. This course does not count towards CSB programs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
CSB202H1 | Further Exploration in Biotechnology | Provides non-science students with an additional opportunity to explore biotechnology and its applications in agriculture, the environment, and human health including: genetically modified organisms, drug discovery and aging. Most lectures are viewed online before class and students work in groups during class on problem sets and case studies designed to stimulate further learning, enhance evidence-based reasoning, and promote reflection on the role of biotechnology in society. This course does not count towards CSB programs. CSB201H1 is not a prerequisite for this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG2, SDG3 |
CSB328H1 | Animal Developmental Biology | Basic concepts in developmental biology. Early development of invertebrates and vertebrates will be discussed with emphasis on experimental and molecular analysis of developmental mechanisms. Tutorials focus on the experimental analysis of embryonic development and regeneration, and discuss primary literature of selected topics in developmental biology. (Lab Materials Fee: approximately $26). A lab coat and safety glasses are required for use in laboratories; students are responsible for purchasing these (approximate cost is $26). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
CSB427H1 | Drosophila as a Model in Cancer Research | Use of the genetic model organism Drosophila in biomedical research with specific emphasis on cancer research. Students will read, discuss and present classical papers and current literature in the field to enhance their ability to critically evaluate the primary scientific literature. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
CSB451H1 | Seminar in Plant Cell Biology | Plants represent roughly 80% of the biomass on our planet and are essential primary producers in our ecosystems. At the cellular level, plants display some fascinating differences from other eukaryotic cells, including fragmentation of the secretory pathway, dramatic changes to cytoskeleton organization, and other adaptations to life as a pressurized cell. This course will examine and discuss examples from the primary scientific literature that highlight these distinct features of plant cells by contrasting them to animal cells. We will also discuss how these discoveries can contribute to addressing global challenges, such as developing innovative biomaterials, enhancing food security and cultivating renewable biofuels. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG2, SDG7 |
CSB452H1 | Molecular Interactions Between Plants and Microorganisms | This course explores the interactions between plants and both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms at the molecular level. The course consists of two sections: 1. Plant-pathogenic microbe interactions and plant immunity and 2. Plant-beneficial microbe interactions and plant microbiome. The first section focuses on an in-depth discussion about on-going research of plant immunity against pathogenic microbes. The second section introduces the interaction of plant-beneficial microorganisms and their biotechnological usage for agriculture and food production. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG2 |
CSB459H1 | Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | This course introduces students to major features of gene expression and signal transduction in plants. Topics include strategies for generating transgenic plants and regulating gene expression, as well as the importance of signal transduction in plant growth and survival. How plants sense and respond at the molecular level to environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, cold and disease will be discussed. The application of this basic scientific information in biotechnological strategies for improving agronomic traits will also be addressed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
CSB460H1 | Plant Signal Transduction | Plant development, ecological adaptation and crop plant productivity depend on the sophisticated potential of plants to sense and compute signals to regulate their responses. An arsenal of genetic and genomic tools is employed to elucidate these plant signal transduction pathways. Examples from the original literature will be used to introduce general concepts of plant signal transduction, molecular biology and genomics and their application in understanding and influencing plant growth and development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG2 |
CSC300H1 | Computers and Society | This course offers a concise introduction to ethics in computing, distilled from the ethical and social discussions carried on by today's academic and popular commentators. This course covers a wide range of topics within this area including the philosophical framework for analyzing computer ethics; the impact of computer technology on security, privacy and intellectual property, digital divide, and gender and racial discrimination; the ethical tensions with Artificial Intelligence around future of work and humanity, the emerging role of online social media over voice, inclusion, and democracy; and the environmental consequences of computing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG5 |
CSC301H1 | Introduction to Software Engineering | An introduction to agile development methods appropriate for medium-sized teams and rapidly-moving projects. Basic software development infrastructure; requirements elicitation and tracking; estimation and prioritization; teamwork skills; basic modeling; design patterns and refactoring; discussion of ethical issues, and professional responsibility. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
CSC301H5 | Introduction to Software Engineering | An introduction to agile development methods appropriate for medium-sized teams and rapidly-moving projects. Basic software development infrastructure; requirements elicitation and tracking; estimation and prioritization; teamwork skills; basic UML; design patterns and refactoring; security. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CSC309H5 | Programming on the Web | An introduction to software development on the web. Concepts underlying the development of programs that operate on the web; survey of technological alternatives; greater depth on some technologies. Operational concepts of the internet and the web, static client content, dynamic client content, dynamically served content, n-tiered architectures, web development processes, and security on the web. Assignments involve increasingly more complex web-based programs. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
CSC347H5 | Introduction to Information Security | An investigation of many aspects of modern information security. Major topics cover: Techniques to identify and avoid common software development flaws which leave software vulnerable to hackers. Utilizing modern operating systems security features to deploy software in a protected environment. Common threats to networks and networked computers and tools to deal with them. Cryptography and the role it plays in software development, systems security and network security. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
CSC379H5 | Introduction to Medical Robotics | This course examines medical robotics from an application driven perspective. Different categories of medical robots and related application principles for therapeutics are considered, with most examples drawn from surgical robotics. How computer methods assist physicians during their use of robotic treatments for patients is a central focus. These computer-assisted methods include treatment planning, patient registration, human-robot interaction, robot control and task execution. Methods will be implemented and explored in a practical environment including the use of real robots. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
CSC409H5 | Scalable Computing | We investigate computation in the large -- utilizing many CPUs with large amounts of memory, large storage and massive connectivity -- to solve computationally complex problems involving big data, serving large collections of users, in high availability, global settings. Our investigation covers both theoretical techniques and current, applied tools used to scale applications on the desktop and in the cloud. Topics include caching, load balancing, parallel computing and models of computation, redundancy, failover strategies, use of GPUs, and noSQL databases. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
CSC454H1 | The Business of Software | Designed and delivered by industry experts in successful commercialization of tech startups, this course focuses on the development of a viable business and startup in partnership and mentorship from industry businesses and entrepreneurs. The course is designed to be taken by students from any faculty or discipline. It focuses on helping them understand and develop business sense, introduce modern customer development, and teach skills in product development, financial management, marketing, and leadership. Alongside the software engineering abilities of CSC491H1 teammates, skills learned in CSC454H1 will aid the development of a viable startup. For more details visit our website at Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Students must submit an application to the course describing relevant interests, experience, and skills and general academic history. On this application, you will indicate whether you wish to be considered for CSC454H1 only, or CSC454H1 and CSC491H1. Application questions are set and assessed by the instructor. Applications from St. George students enrolled in a Computer Science program or the Data Science Specialist program will be considered first. Applications by students from other programs with appropriate prerequisites will be considered as space permits. Please visit for application deadlines and details. A decision on your application will be confirmed approximately 2-3 weeks after the application deadline, so students should enrol in an alternate course until the results of their application are confirmed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
CSCC10H3 | Human-Computer Interaction | The course will provide an introduction to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with emphasis on guidelines, principles, methodologies, and tools and techniques for analyzing, designing and evaluating user interfaces. Subsequent topics include usability assessment of interactive systems, prototyping tools, information search and visualization, mobile devices, social media and social networking, and accessibility factors. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
CSCD03H3 | Social Impact of Information Technology | The trade-offs between benefits and risks to society of information systems, and related issues in ethics and public policy. Topics will include safety-critical software; invasion of privacy; computer-based crime; the social effects of an always-online life; and professional ethics in the software industry. There will be an emphasis on current events relating to these topics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
CSCD25H3 | Advanced Data Analysis | This course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and ways of thinking underlying the application of data science and machine learning to real-world problems. Students will go through the entire process going from raw data to meaningful conclusions, including data wrangling and cleaning, data analysis and interpretation, data visualization, and the proper reporting of results. Special emphasis will be placed on ethical questions and implications in the use of AI and data. Topics include data pre-processing, web scraping, applying supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods, treating text as data, A/B testing and experimentation, and data visualization. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
CSCD54H3 | Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship | This course examines high-Tech innovation and entrepreneurship, principles of operation of successful high-tech enterprises, customer identification and validation, product development, business models, lean startup techniques, and financing of high-technology ventures. Students will work in teams to develop their own innovative product idea, and will produce a sound business plan to support their product. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8 |
CSCD90H3 | The Startup Sandbox | In this capstone course, students will work in teams to develop a viable product prototype following the methodologies and techniques covered in CSCD54H3. Students will produce written reports, short videos pitching their idea, and a final presentation showcasing their proposed innovation, as it would be pitched to potential investors. The course instructor and TAs will provide close supervision and mentorship throughout the project. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG9 |
CSE240H1 | Introduction to Critical Equity and Solidarity Studies | An interdisciplinary intersectional interrogation and examination of systemic inequity, structural oppression and social justice in local and global contexts. Provides a foundation for studies in critical equity and solidarity through a concentrated focus on theory and practice as it relates to major concepts, historical perspectives, key debates, lived experience and radical grassroots community resistance to inequity and oppression. Introduces critical equity as a theoretical framework through which to approach social relations of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and disability and as a site for thinking through formations of solidarity and transformative social change. The concept of self-defense articulated historically by the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense among others is a key component. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CSE241Y1 | Introduction to Critical Disability Studies | Draws on an intersectional history and politics of normativity and bodily difference to understand disability as a diverse and materially salient social category that can be used as a lens to better understand systems and experiences of colonization, race, class, gender, age, etc. Explores scenes of disability or 'crip' solidarity, resistance and cultural production, disability D/deaf and mad arts, coalitional movements for disability justice, collective approaches to access and other non-normative ways of knowing and being. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG3, SDG5 |
CSE270H1 | Community Dis/Engagement and Solidarity | An introduction to issues and questions arising from the field of 'community engagement'. Explores the meaning, practices and implications of/for 'community' and 'community (dis)engagement' from multiple perspectives (e.g. the State and its agencies, institutional power, colonial discourse, communities of embodied difference, etc.) Takes a multi-media and arts-based approach to examining self-care from an anti-colonial perspective of central importance in the practice and pedagogy of critical equity and solidarity in the collective struggle for freedom and transformation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CSE339H1 | Special Topics in Equity and Solidarity Studies | An upper-level course. Topics of study vary from year to year, depending on the instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
CSE340H1 | Abolition in the Global Context: Theorizing Uprisings and Youth Activism against Policing and Prisons | Considers the question: what does abolition mean in a global context? An analysis of how nation-states use prisons, (im)migrant detention centers, black sites, detention camps, military prisons, border checkpoints, refugee camps, walls, and concentration camps, to surveil, contain, and lock up disposable populations, and/or to suppress those that resist state violence. Explores these carceral spaces through a historical and political economic investigation of the processes that have produced these sites. Draws on anti-carceral perspectives on abolition and reform to examine uprisings and political activism, particularly youth activism, against prisons, policing, and forms of militarized, capitalist violence transnationally. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CSE341H1 | Theorizing Settler Colonialism, Capitalism and Race | Provides students with a theoretical background for understanding settler colonialism, capitalist social relations and difference (including race, class, gender, disability and sexuality) and solidarity. Provides an analysis of state violence and the formation of hegemonic power relations. Introduces students to the method of thinking dialectically to examine the social world as a set of relations between multiple phenomena occurring at the same time. Articulates an emancipatory politics of knowledge production and strategies of building solidarities to enable the imagination of a different future. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG5 |
CSE342H1 | Theory and Praxis in Food Security | Explores the concept of food security in the context of equity issues related to global food systems. Students participate in food-related field work activities outside of regular classroom time. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG2 |
CSE344H1 | Body Matters: Oppression, Solidarity and Justice | Through lectures, small-group discussions and experiential activities, explores how intersecting cultural stories impact our bodies and how stories inscribed upon us shape and constrain our relations, perceptions, experiences and vulnerabilities as embodied subjects. Draws on work in cultural studies, critical race and decolonial theory, gender studies, queer, trans and disability theory and fat studies to ask: Whose bodies matter? How do bodies come to matter? And, how are we - as embodied beings - engaged in acts of rewriting, resisting and otherwise transforming the body means and what it can do? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
CSE345H1 | Equity and Activism in Education | Examines contemporary issues in education and schooling from a social justice and equity perspective. Engages with a variety of theoretical frameworks including anti-homophobia education, critical pedagogy, critical race theory, decolonizing knowledges, and intersectionality. Includes an overview of educational activist projects. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CSE346H1 | Community Organizing and Global Solidarity | Considers, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the evolution of community organizations and non-profits in the context of neoliberalism, settler colonialism, and imperialism. Examines the inter-woven relations of political economy, local community development, marginalized communities in Canada, and emergent forms of global/local solidarity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CSE347H1 | Critical Race and Anti-Racism Studies | Considers what it means to pursue integrative anti-racism in organizational/institutional settings such as the workplace, justice system, media and education through a study of theories on race and philosophical tenets of anti-racism. Examines the concept of race as a pedagogical discourse and social-political practice across local, national and global contexts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
CSE348H1 | Special Topics in Equity Studies | An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
CSE349H1 | Disability Arts and Culture | Explores the work of disabled, mad, sick and/or Deaf artists and considers how disability disrupts - or 'crips' - artistic spaces and cultural movements. Engages with contemporary debates emanating from within these spaces and movements to reveal disability as a dynamic range of bodily practices, aesthetics and relations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3 |
CSE439H1 | Advanced Topics in Equity and Solidarity Studies | An upper-level seminar course. Topics of study vary from year to year, depending on the instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
CSE441H1 | Advanced Topics in Equity Studies | An advanced level seminar course. Topics vary from year to year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15 |
CSE442H1 | Food Systems and the Politics of Resistance | Examines the food we eat in the local and global context of food systems, food sovereignty and food movements. Explores the possibilities for food as a catalyst for learning, resistance and social change. Enrolment is by application. Application forms are available on the CSES webpage prior to the start of course enrolment, and are accepted up to the end of the enrolment period, space permitting. Note: This is a joint graduate/undergraduate course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG2 |
CSE444H1 | Anti-Colonization and the Politics of Violence | This advanced seminar interrogates how the theorizations, embodied lived experiences and lived resistance to structural violence can create social, epistemological, ontological and political decolonizing/anti-colonial transformation. The work of Frantz Fanon, John Akomfrah, The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Elaine Brown and Assata Shakur amongst others are utilized to search for alternative and oppositional ways to rethink and re-respond to violence. The seminar pursues a nuanced understanding of violence as it relates to de/anticolonization as a lived praxis of resistance and as a practice of self-defense that is grounded in the assertion that there can be no decolonization without anticolonization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
CSE448H1 | Disability and the Child | Examines a range of historical and present-day meanings associated with the figure of the disabled child. Draws on work emanating from a variety of disciplines, including history, psychology, neuroscience, visual arts, film and literature, and engaging with critical theories of race, class, gender, sexuality and disability, to discuss ideas and issues relevant to the construction of 21st century disabled childhoods. Counters the near monolithic story of disability as threat to the presumed goodness of normative childhood by asking: what alternate depictions and narratives of disabled childhood exist and what can they teach us? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG5 |
CSE469Y1 | Decolonizing Research Methodologies for New Researchers | A feminist/anti-racist/anti-colonial/anti-imperialist exploration of research methods. Examines the work of researchers and scholar-activists who seek to humanize research with communities detrimentally impacted by colonial, imperialist, heteropatriarchal research agendas and processes. Supports students' independent research projects through guidance from the course instructor. Prepares students for graduate studies or research-oriented careers. Enrolment is by application. Application forms are available on the CSES webpage prior to the start of the enrolment period and are accepted up to the end of the enrolment period, space permitting. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
CSE499H1 | Advanced Topics in Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity | A joint graduate/undergraduate upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, depending on the instructor. Consult the Program Office for course enrolment procedures. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
CTLB03H3 | Introduction to Community Engaged Learning | In this experiential learning course, students apply their discipline-specific academic knowledge as they learn from and engage with communities. Students provide and gain unique perspectives and insights as they interact with community partners. Through class discussions, workshops and assignments, students also develop transferable life skills such as interpersonal communication, professionalism and self-reflection that support their learning experiences and help them connect theory and practice. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG4 |
DHU337H1 | Historical Archives in the Digital Age | How do digital surrogates of texts and objects change how we use them? This course examines texts and archives in the digital age: the aims of building them; the new scholarly approaches that they enable; the preservation, access, and equity questions that they raise and require us to answer responsibly. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
DRM101Y1 | Introduction to Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies | The course introduces students to key concepts and issues in the three related disciplines at the core of our program: drama, theatre, and performance studies. We consider broader questions of performance and performativity in daily life. Engaging critically with theoretical and dramatic texts and live performances, students learn how to think about performance in its cultural, social, historical, aesthetic and political dimensions, and how to acknowledge and navigate their own responsibilities as culture workers situated in specific historical and contemporary contexts. This course combines weekly two-hour lectures with one-hour tutorials. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
DRM220Y1 | Comparative Theatre Histories | This course will introduce students to major developments in world theatre history through the exploration of a wide range of plays, performances, and practices. In the Fall term our trajectory will go roughly from antiquity to the 16th Century; in the Winter term, from the 16th Century to the present. We will examine material from Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, with close attention to the social, religious, historical, aesthetic, and political parameters in which theatre and performance take place. Nurturing ethnically sensitive approaches to world theatre history, this course considers the many ways theatre and performance interact with the globalized world. Students will have an opportunity to participate in collaborative projects and focus on writing for research in the performing arts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
DTS200Y1 | Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies I (formerly DTS201H1, 202H1) | What is the relationship between place and belonging, between territory and memory? How have the experiences of migration and dislocation challenged the modern assumption that the nation-state should be the limit of identification? What effect has the emergence of new media of communication had upon the coherence of cultural and political boundaries? All of these questions and many more form part of the subject matter of Diaspora and Transnational Studies. This introductory course ex-amines the historical and contemporary movements of peoples and the complex issues of identity and experience to which these processes give rise as well as the creative possibilities that flow from movement and being moved. The area of study is comparative and interdisciplinary, drawing from the social sciences, history, the arts and humanities. Accordingly, this course provides the background to the subject area from diverse perspectives and introduces students to a range of key debates in the field, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
DTS201H5 | Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies I | An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of diaspora, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination. Material will be drawn from Toronto as well as from diasporic communities in other times and places. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
DTS202H5 | Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies II | A continuation of DTS201H5. An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of diaspora, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination. Material will be drawn from Toronto as well as from diasporic communities in other times and places. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
DTS311H1 | Fun in Diaspora | From parkour to "Baby Shark" remixes, concepts and practices surrounding fun, entertainment, and pleasure transcend cultural boundaries, reveal the reach of globalization, and help facilitate the maintenance of transnational communities through shared activities. This course will examine these relationships with fun, and we will also assess cases where concepts of fun diverge and clash in intercultural contexts. Additionally, the class will consider the relationship between entertainment practices and politics, marketing, and social movements. Cases examined will include K-pop fandom, bucket challenges, social media memes, and global YouTube phenomena. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
EAS196H1 | Consumption, Taste and Culture in East Asia | This course explores the roles that consumption and taste play in personal and public lives in East Asia. Course focus may include the cultural histories of food, fashion, tourism, sports, or forms of audio and visual media. (No prior knowledge of East Asian languages or cultures is necessary.) Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
EAS219H1 | Cultural History of Food in East Asia | This course introduces historical, literary, and anthropological issues related to the consumption of food in East Asia. Through a wide variety of reading materials, it focuses on the relationship between various foodways and trade, ritual, religion, medicine, and cultural identity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG2, SDG4 |
EAS236H1 | Queer Feminist Literature: Writing in Global Capitalism | This course is an introduction to gender and sexuality studies and East Asian queer feminist writings produced in the context of global capitalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
EAS289H1 | Environment and East Asia | This course introduces environmental issues that are important to East Asia. Or better put, it examines the role East Asia plays in the global environmental crisis. We engage both the factual and humanities' dimensions of Climate Change, biodiversity loss, and other urgent environmental crises. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EAS387H1 | Images and Ideas in Chinese Art | Making use of the Royal Ontario Museum's excellent Chinese art collection, this object-based and oriented seminar encourages exploration of the ideas and practices behind works of Chinese art. We examine art and artifacts in relation to their social environment and historical contexts, paying close attention to such issues as political practices, power and authority, identity, gender, and materiality. Other relevant topics include patronage, audience, religious quests, and literati culture. Depending on special Chinese exhibitions of the year at the ROM, the course may incorporate case-studies of relevant exhibition content. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
EAS470H1 | “Post-Fukushima†Literature and Culture | The course examines literature, film, and other cultural products that emerged in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Northeast Japan on March 11, 2011, as well as in the ensuing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Tokyo Daiichi powerplant. We will explore the distinctive aesthetic forms and imaginaries that responded to such natural and human-made disasters. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG7 |
ECE472H1 | Engineering Economic Analysis & Entrepreneurship | The economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals are discussed. Cost concepts; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; the time value of money and compound interest; inflation; capital budgeting; equity, bond and loan financing; income tax and after-tax cash flow in engineering project proposals; measures of economic merit in the public sector; sensitivity and risk analysis. Applications: evaluations of competing engineering project alternatives; replacement analysis; economic life of assets; lease versus buy decisions; break-even and sensitivity analysis. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian business environment will be discussed. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECE520H1 | Power Electronics | Focuses on power electronic converters utilized in applications ranging from low-power mobile devices to higher power applications such as electric vehicles, server farms, microgrids, and renewable energy systems. Concepts covered include the principles of efficient electrical energy processing (dc-dc, dc/ac, and ac/ac) through switch-mode energy conversion, converter loss analysis, large- and small-signal modeling of power electronic circuits and controller design. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG9 |
ECO105Y1 | Principles of Economics for Non-Specialists | Fundamentals for consumers, businesses, citizens. Microeconomics focuses on cost/benefit analysis: gains from trade, price coordination, competition/monopoly, efficiency/equity tradeoffs, government/market failures, environmental policies, income/wealth distributions. Macroeconomics focuses on: GDP growth, unemployment, inflation, monetary/fiscal policies, business cycles, exchange rates, government deficits/debt, globalization. Emphasizes economic literacy, fewer mathematical tools than ECO101H1, ECO102H1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO199H1 | Economics and Sustainable, Green Development | Economic growth has been a powerful force through history in improving living standards throughout the world. At the same time, there is a growing recognition that environmental damages frequently accompany this growth, whether it be at the local level (soil degradation and deforestation), or the global level (climate change). Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources, but how can it incorporate "the environment" in a meaningful way that can help guide policy-makers in the 21st century? This course is a fast review of economic approaches and tools, and a review of a wide range of environmental policies, designed to manage the possible adverse impacts of economic expansions. The major emphasis in this course is on the market-based policies that guarantee incentive compatibility of these policies, thus, a higher chance of success. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG8 |
ECO202Y5 | Macroeconomic Theory and Policy | Macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole. The issues it covers include: Why are some countries much richer than others? Why do most Canadians live much better than their ancestors? Why are there recessions in economic activity? What are the causes of inflation and unemployment? What are the consequences of opening up trade and investment with the rest of the world? This course develops a series of models to answer these and similar questions. *ECO202Y5 is not open to Commerce students in Fall/Winter | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO209Y1 | Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (for Commerce) | Macroeconomic issues relevant for commerce students. Analytical tools are used to examine policy issues: Canadian government budgets, Bank of Canada monetary policy, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy and government regulation of financial intermediaries. This course is restricted to students in the Commerce programs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG8 |
ECO209Y5 | Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (for Commerce) | This course covers macroeconomic topics relevant for commerce students. Analytical tools are used to examine various policy questions, including fiscal policy, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy, labour market policy, and government regulation of financial intermediaries. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG8 |
ECO225H1 | Big-Data Tools for Economists | An introduction to the big-data tools—including Machine-Learning techniques—economists increasingly use in applied research. The course explores unstructured data sources such as text files, webpages, social media posts, satellite imagery, and weather data. It offers a practical introduction to creating datasets from these sources (e.g., web scrapping), linking data, and managing and visualizing them (e.g., geospatial visualization). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG4 |
ECO231H1 | Economics of Global Trade | This course is intended primarily for students in the International Relations program. This course offers an introduction to the economic causes and consequences of international trade in goods, services, labour, innovation and capital. Attention will be devoted to the economic impact of policies that affect these flows, such as protectionism and outsourcing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO306H1 | American Economic History | A survey of American economic history from the ante-bellum period to the present. Potential topics include: the rapid growth of the American economy in the late 19th and early 20th century; causes of the onset of the Great Depression; the economic impact of slavery and its aftermath; health and demographic trends; and 20th century trends in inequality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
ECO312H5 | Firms and Markets | This course studies firms’ strategies and the role of government regulators in different markets. Specifically, it studies strategic decisions that firms make when they interact with other firms. These include how to price in the face of competition, how much to invest in R&D or advertising, and whether to buy a rival (by merging, integrating). The course also analyzes the conditions under which firm’s choices require intervention by market regulators due to a tension between firms’ profits and consumer welfare. The course draws on tools from microeconomics and game theory, and the analysis is supplemented by real world examples and case studies from the business world. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO313H1 | Environmental Economics and Policies | This course demonstrates how a rigorous application of microeconomic techniques can inform our responses to various environmental problems. Topics may include: air and water pollution and renewable resource management. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO313H5 | Environmental Economics | Application of economics to the field of environmental and natural resource economics. This course uses economic theory and empirical evidence to address important environmental issues, such as management of renewable and non-renewable resources, and different forms of environmental regulation and pollution control. The course will focus on market based instruments, such as tradeable pollution rights, and climate change problems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO314H1 | Energy and the Environment | This course surveys important features of energy markets and related environmental challenges. One of the central objectives is to provide an understanding of the key economic tools needed to analyse these markets. A related objective is the development of a framework for understanding the public discourse on energy and the environment. Topics include: the hydrocarbon economy (oil, natural gas and coal), electricity markets, global warming and other externalities, renewable energy, conservation, carbon taxes and ‘cap-and-trade’. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG4, SDG7 |
ECO317H1 | Concepts of Fairness in Economics | How can we make collective decisions fairly? What does it mean to properly balance conflicting interests? How can we combine the well-being of individuals into a concept of societal well-being? We explore these and related ethical questions from the perspective of economic theory. A central tool is the axiomatic approach, which calls for decisions to be consistent, in precise senses, across related situations. Possible topics include: rationing problems, the Shapley value, fair division, discrimination, voting theory, foundations of utilitarianism and egalitarianism, measurement of inequality, population ethics, intergenerational equity, and concepts of equal opportunity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO320H5 | Economic Analysis of Law: Part 1 | This course examines the economic basis for law and legal institutions. The topics covered include the microeconomic analysis of property rights, contract law, tort law, crime, and the limitations of economic analysis. The appropriate economic measures of damages in tort and contract cases will be discussed. No previous familiarity with the law is assumed. (This is an economic analysis of legal issues, not a course in law.) | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG16 |
ECO321H5 | Economic Analysis of Law: Part 2 | This course is a continuation of ECO320H5 An Economic Analysis of Law: Part 1. The topics covered include the microeconomic analysis of corporate law, law and financial markets, bankruptcy law, intellectual property law, marriage and divorce law and the choice between regulation and the common law. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ECO324H1 | Economic Development | This course critically analyzes issues related to economic development and the associated policy responses. Tools from micro and macroeconomic theory are employed, as well as the critical assessment of empirical evidence. Topics may include: education, health, credit markets, inequality, and the role of foreign aid. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
ECO324H5 | Economic Development | Economic development and transformation of the low-income countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia. Theory and policy analysis relating to the following economic issues in these countries: higher rates of economic growth, the role of the government in resource allocation, the industrial-agricultural sector interface, inward versus outward looking trade strategies, and the international debt problem. The following problems will also be addressed: food supply, domestic savings, tax revenue, foreign exchange, foreign direct investment, high rates of inflation, benefit-cost analysis and economic planning. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO326H5 | Advanced Economic Theory - Micro | This course is an advanced analysis of microeconomic theory, including the behaviour of consumers under uncertainty; issues in poverty, inequality and social welfare; game theory and its applications to economics and political economy. This course is recommended for students contemplating graduate studies. This course is part of the Certificate in Advanced Economics. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO333H1 | Urban Economics | Spatial economic theory and urban public policy: firms and individuals in partial and general equilibrium, land development and land-use controls, urban transportation, efficiency and equity in spending and taxing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11 |
ECO333H5 | Urban Economics | This is a course on the application of economic analysis to four major areas of urban activity. The areas are land markets, housing and buildings, transportation, and public finance. In each area, we will consider the role of the government and attempt to understand the source of many current urban economic problems. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG12, SDG15, SDG9 |
ECO334H1 | The Political Economy of Media | We develop tools to analyze voters and the role of information in democracies. Theories of voter information are evaluated using empirical literature on media its political economy. We explore the effects of information-technology innovation, evaluating how the empirical results square with the theory. We focus on empirical methods used to identify the effects of mediaâ€â€from newspapers, radio and television to the internet and social mediaâ€â€on voters. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
ECO335H5 | Public Economics I: Global Warming, Biodiversity Loss and Inequality | Public Economics I focuses on contemporary public policy questions. The goal of the course is to help students develop and apply analytical tools, such as cost-benefit analysis, to examine pressing policy issues of our time. Issues include responses to global warming, preserving biodiversity, combating growing inequality, and the regulation of addictive substances. Students will learn how to use empirical evidence to examine these issues. The course places a strong emphasis on discussion, debate, and effective writing about policy issues from an economics perspective. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
ECO336H1 | Public Economics | Theory of taxation and public goods, and quantitative methods for program evaluation. Additional topics include: taxation and income distribution; environmental policy; and the political economy of government policy. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
ECO336H5 | Public Economics II: Advanced Policy Analysis | Public Economics II builds on Public Economics I (although the latter is not a prerequisite). The course focuses on externalities and market failure, and the appropriate role of government in response. Students will study the actual role of government in a variety of settings, with a view to identifying ways of improving economic efficiency and the quality of the environment (among other desirable ends) through different types of policy reform. The course should appeal to students who would like to learn more about applied microeconomic analysis and/or who are interested in public policy issues. The course will provide students with a useful set of microeconomic tools for analyzing public policy questions. Students will also learn basic empirical methods, develop effective writing skills, and apply the techniques learned to examine a variety of interesting current policy issues. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
ECO338H1 | Economics of Careers | The economic analysis of careers from the perspectives of both workers and employers. How do people decide what to study, what careers to pursue, and when to change jobs? How do these decisions interact with the structure of firms? The impact of specialization and the division of labour on the evolution of careers is considered, as are the role of cognitive and communication skills in the labour market. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
ECO339H1 | Labour Economics: Employment, Wages and Public Policy | Using tools from microeconomic theory and statistics, this course introduces students to the study of labour markets, focusing on employment and wage determination, and the application of labour economics to public policy. Topics may include: labour supply, labour demand, estimating the impact of welfare programs, minimum wages, and other labour market interventions. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
ECO340H1 | Labour Economics: The Distribution of Earnings | Using tools from microeconomic theory and statistics, this course studies the determinants of wages across labour markets. Topics include: the theory of compensating differentials, human capital, discrimination, immigration, unions, and alternative models of compensation. In addition, students are introduced to microeconomic models of unemployment. Throughout the course, there is an emphasis on the evaluation of empirical evidence. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO342H1 | Twentieth Century Economic History: Institutions, Growth and Inequality | Tailored to advanced students in Economics, Commerce, International Relations and History. The focus is on institutions, growth and inequality in countries across the world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG8 |
ECO343H5 | Labour Economics and Public Policy | This course uses both applied microeconomic theory and empirical analysis to examine labour markets in Canada. The course is especially focused on the link between research and public policy. Topics to be covered include: labour supply and demand, minimum wages, immigration, human capital, education production, inter- and intra-generational equality, and peer effects. At the end of the course, students should have a firm grasp of key policy issues involving Canada's labour market and be able to critique the quality of other empirical studies. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
ECO345H5 | Macroeconomics and the Labour Market | This course aims to provide students with an overview of recent macroeconomic research on the labour market. Discussion includes theoretical models as well as empirical evidence. Topics include: search frictions, labour market flows, sorting, inequality, occupational mobility, human capital accumulation, and intergenerational mobility. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO364H5 | International Trade | An analysis of the nature, effects and policy implications of international trade theory; the theories of comparative costs and reciprocal demands, factor reward equalization, international tariffs and customs unions. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8 |
ECO367H1 | The Economics of Inequality | This course critically analyzes the causes and recent dynamics of economic inequality both between countries as well as within a particular country, with a particular emphasis on the role of public policy. While theoretical models are employed, there is a focus on the critical assessment of empirical evidence. Topics may include the roles of traditional market forces (e.g., globalisation, technological change), institutions (e.g., minimum wage, unions) as well as race and gender. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 |
ECO369H1 | Health Economics | The provision of health care provides many special problems of informational asymmetry, regulation, insurance and redistribution. A consideration of the demand and supply side problems. Alternative reform proposals for health care are explored. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG9 |
ECO403H1 | Topics in Development Economics and Policy | This course covers a variety of topics pertaining to economic development and associated policies. Depending on the course instructor, the focus may be on theories and policies related to poverty alleviation, human capital formation, financial markets, international trade, governance or economic growth. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
ECO411H5 | Human Capital and Education in the Economy | (Formerly ECO412Y5) This course addresses empirical and theoretical issues in education economics. Topics will include the interaction of human capital with growth and inequality, teacher incentives and teacher quality, early childhood education, and the racial achievement gap. We will also discuss the tools economists use to measure the causal effects of policies, and consider how statistics often presented in policy debates may be biased. After this course, students should be comfortable reading research papers in economics. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4, SDG9 |
ECO414H1 | Energy and Regulation | This course provides a general treatment of the economics of energy markets and the use of regulation in addressing environmental and other issues arising in these markets. A central theme is the search for an appropriate balance between market forces and regulatory/government intervention. Familiarity with tools of microeconomics and statistics/econometrics is essential. Topics include: oil, natural gas, coal and electricity markets, global warming and other externalities, networks, feed-in-tariffs, carbon taxes, ‘cap-and-trade’ and incentive regulation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7 |
ECO433H5 | Gender and Family Economics | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 | |
ECO446H1 | Advanced Public Economics | Advanced topics in public economics and economic analysis of Canadian public policy. Through a mix of lectures and independent research, students will acquire theoretical and empirical tools for public policy analysis. Topics may include: income inequality and redistribution; fiscal federalism; taxation of corporate profits; and policies to deal with public goods and externalities. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG8 |
ECO461H5 | The Economics of Financial Risk Management | This course focuses on how to use derivative securities to manage financial risks. It includes a discussion of why firms should hedge financial market risk, identification and quantification of financial risks; the value-at-risk (VaR) measure of risk; credit risk and capital allocation and difference between speculation and hedging. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG9 |
ECO483H1 | Health and Economic Inequality | This course provides an interactive overview of the key themes in health and economic inequality, paying particular attention to the bidirectional causal relationship: poor health can lead to poor economic outcomes, while economic insecurity can have serious health implications. Focusing on the current empirical literature and employing a hands-on approach to economic and health data, we investigate social and economic determinants such as income, geography, family, health care, race and gender. Note: hands-on analysis of real-world data using computer programs is a course requirement. The course is open to all students who meet the prerequisites, and necessary support for applicable software is provided. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
ECTC63H3 | Translation and the Environment | This course aims to foster in students a greater awareness and appreciation of how translation plays a vital role in our relationship to and with the environment. Through translation practice and by examining how the environment is translated in a selection of Chinese and English language texts and concepts in multiple mediums including cinema, television and the visual arts, the course will demonstrate that our perception of environmental issues is intimately connected to the translation of concepts, ideas and movements and how they have been transplanted into and out of English and Chinese. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ECTD70H3 | Transcultural Translations of the Wild | This course connects to the subfields of ecocriticism and eco translatology to explore transcultural translations of the ‘wild'. Focusing especially on modern/contemporary fiction from the Sinosphere and linking such texts to other World Literatures, the aim is to analyze how the ‘wild' is represented and translated interlingually and intersemiotically. The analysis of these literary translations of the ‘wild' is important to understanding the impact and influence literature has on human appreciation and respect for the natural world. | University of Toronto Scarborough | |
EDS100H5 | Introduction to Education Studies | This course explores broad social and cultural issues in education. It will address questions about how we advance knowledge, who controls how and what we learn and what role education has in how societies are shaped, changed and reproduced. Students will evaluate the influence education can have on who we are, how we wish to live and what we aspire to as citizens in a global and digital community. This investigation will also consider how language, race, gender, class and culture intersect with teaching and learning. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
EDS101H5 | Health and Education | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG2, SDG3, SDG4 | |
EDS200H5 | Learning Through the Lifespan | This course focuses on the physical skills, cognitive abilities, and socioemotional experiences that shape an individual’s capacity to learn throughout the lifespan (i.e., infancy to late adulthood). It will address how learning is a lifelong process and how we are continually educating ourselves in different ways by incorporating strategies that best suit our lifespan stage. Critical research and theorists will be discussed to enhance the topics presented. Students are required to complete an 8-hour field experience, and obtain a valid vulnerable sector police check in advance of placement. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
EDS220H5 | Equity and Diversity in Education | This course focuses on raising awareness and sensitivity to equity and diversity issues facing teachers and students in diverse schools and cultural communities. It includes a field experience which entails observation of, and participation in, equity and diversity efforts in a community organization.[36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
EDS250H5 | Indigenous Education | This course is open to all students from any discipline. Designed to increase opportunities to learn about education through a First Nation, Métis and Inuit perspective, the course will increase knowledge and awareness about pedagogies, learning approaches and educational experiences related to indigenous people living in Canada. In line with indigenous ways of knowing, this course will be structured with learning that involves reflecting on personal actions by looking at ways that indigenous models of education support social and community well-being. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
EDS260H1 | Equity and Diversity in Education | This course focuses on raising awareness and sensitivity to equity and diversity issues facing teachers and students in diverse schools and cultural communities. It builds knowledge of how oppression works and how cultural resources and educational practices may be brought to bear on reducing oppression and improving equity. Restricted to students enrolled in the Education and Society Minor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
EDS310H5 | Education in a Global Context | This course invites students to explore, analyze and compare educational themes and topics within a global context. Using leading frameworks of transformative change, students develop knowledge, apply critical thinking, practice cultural proficiency and empathy as they conduct a comparative analysis of teaching and learning models in both an international and local setting. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG4 |
EDS345H5 | Design Thinking Incubator: From Problem into Prototype | This course is open to all students on campus and provides an intellectual toolset for finding innovative solutions to complex problems. Students will learn to apply education theory to design thinking models in order to identify and solve real-world challenges facing their chosen discipline, whether in business, education, healthcare, etc. An iterative approach for testing, refining, and improving their idea will be used to create a working prototype of their proposed solution. This will demonstrate the idea's sustainability, scalability and viability, while taking into account ethical and legal implications. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG17, SDG4 |
EDS355H1 | Social Justice in Education | This course enables students to develop an understanding of historical and contemporary issues relating to social justice in education. The course builds an anti-oppressive praxis for working in diverse educational contexts, from classrooms and schools to state institutions and non-governmental organizations. The course approaches oppression as an outcome of interrelated structures co-constructed by race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality, class, nationality, and age, focusing on the ways in which these intersect and influence one another. Students will develop and apply research skills in the design and implementation of a social action initiative relating to an equity, diversity, or social justice issue. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
EDS356H1 | Multiliteracies in Education | This course introduces students to a multiliteracies framework through the pedagogical lens of social justice and diversity. Class participants learn to integrate the multimodalities of literacy in their teaching practice and expand their understanding of 21st-century literacy. Themes include language development, print literacy, digital literacy, critical literacy, visual literacy and multicultural perspectives on literacy. This course requires students' enrolment in the Education and Society Minor or permission of the instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
EDS357H1 | Education in a Global Context | This course provides a historical overview and contemporary analysis of perspectives and practices of international education with a focus on international development and policy. Factors that shape the global architecture of education will be explored; these may include theories of globalization, education reform, comparative education, peace education, international schooling and global citizenship education. Students will have the opportunity to analyze education reforms and to address issues related to access and quality of learning. Restricted to students enrolled in the Education and Society Minor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
EDS358H1 | Residential Schools and Education in Canada | An exploration of Residential Schools in Canada and their impacts on education and lives of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. This course investigates the historical educational ideology of residential schools and their relationship to colonization, the role of government and organized religion in the residential school system, and contemporary strategies that encourage stable and trusting relationships with Indigenous communities. This course will also explore aspects of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
EEB198H1 | Genes and Behaviour | In this course you will experience the new paradigm in behaviour genetic research. You will learn why the concept of a nature-nurture dichotomy is passé and that it has been replaced by a new understanding gained from animal and human research in the areas of gene by environment interaction and epigenetics. We will discuss how our genome listens to our environment and the effect this has on our health and behaviour. We will learn why our early experiences are critical for the development of our brains and our bodies. Together this new body of knowledge will help us understand how individual differences in behaviour and health arise. For non-science students in all disciplines. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB240H1 | Environmental Biology: From Organisms to Ecosystems | Biological processes depend on, and impact, environmental conditions that change across space and time, from local scales to biomes, and from seconds to millennia. This course examines the relationships among organisms, populations, and communities, and ecosystems, including the increasing impacts of human activity on environmental conditions. It draws links between global change, biological diversity, and the functions of ecosystems from local to global scales. We use examples from both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and emphasize the connectivity across ecosystems and ecosystem-types. Field trips and labs. Mandatory day-long field trip on a weekend. (Lab Materials Fee: $26). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
EEB255H1 | Essentials of Biodiversity Science and Conservation Biology | “Classical†and “new†concepts in biodiversity and conservation. Topics may include: evolution and ecology in the past (Holocene) and future (Anthropocene); levels and kinds of biodiversity; valuing biodiversity through ecological economics; causes of endangerment; predicting extinction; genetic and demographic theory; habitat protection and captive breeding; conservation policies and endangered species acts; designing future biodiversity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB266H1 | Animal Diversity: Invertebrates | The diversity of invertebrates (e.g. sponges, jellyfish, flatworms, molluscs, segmented worms, round worms, arthropods, echinoderms and several smaller phyla) is explored, focusing on taxonomic characters that define each group and their placement in the evolutionary tree of life, ecological function, biological requirements, and geographical distribution. Labs emphasize identification and recognition of major groups, including dissection when appropriate. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB267H1 | Animal Diversity: Vertebrates | Introduction to the diversity of chordate animals (vertebrates, tunicates, and lancelets), focusing on morphological, physiological, ecological and behavioural traits that make each group special and how those traits increase vulnerability to human-based exploitation. Labs involve living organisms whenever possible, but only for display purposes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB268H1 | Plant and Microbial Diversity | Introduction to the biology of algae, fungi, and land plants. Lectures and labs emphasize the diversity of organisms with a focus on life cycles, ecology, and evolution. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB314H1 | Modeling in Ecology and Evolution | Mathematics is central to science because it provides a rigorous way to go from a set of assumptions to their logical consequences. In ecology & evolution this might be how we think a virus will spread and evolve, how climate change will impact a threatened population, or how much genetic diversity we expect to see in a randomly mating population. In this course you'll learn how to build, analyze, and interpret mathematical models of increasing complexity through readings, lectures, homework, computer labs, and a final project. The focus is on deterministic dynamical models (recursions and differential equations) but we also touch on probability theory and stochastic simulations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SGD14 |
EEB319H1 | Population Ecology | Abundance and distribution of populations; population growth and regulation; fluctuations, stochasticity and chaos; meta-population persistence and extinction; age and stage-structured populations; interactions within and between species; optimal harvesting; spread of infectious diseases. Labs include experiments and computer simulations. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
EEB325H1 | Evolutionary Medicine | How evolutionary principles can help us better understand health and disease. Concepts from evolutionary biology (e.g., life history theory, coevolution, genomic conflict, constraints and trade-offs) will be applied to key problems in medicine and public health, including antibiotic resistance, aging, cancer, autoimmune disease, and pathogen virulence. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG3 |
EEB328H1 | Physiological Ecology | An advanced treatment of the physiological mechanisms controlling plant and animal distribution and ecological success. Topics of focus include photosynthesis and resource balance, water and nutrient relations, temperature effects, and adaptations to abiotic stress. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
EEB365H1 | Topics in Applied Conservation Biology | Applied conservation biology including management (at the level of species/populations, environments/landscapes, and ecosystems) and how to conserve and maintain biodiversity and ecosystem function (including species and ecosystem distribution modelling). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB380H1 | Diversity of Insects | Evolutionary history, morphology, physiology, development, behaviour, and ecological significance of insects. Labs focus on identification of major groups of insects found in Ontario and each student makes an insect collection. Insects are collected during field trips during class time and also on Saturday field trips early in the term. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB382H1 | Diversity of Fishes | Systematics, morphology, ecology, behaviour, biogeography, and conservation of fishes. Identification of major groups of fish; what makes each group biologically special and how those unique traits might contribute to conservation concerns. Labs focus on exercises designed to highlight how ichthyologists actually do research. (Lab Materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB384H1 | Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles | Lectures and laboratories examine the natural history, morphology, behaviour, ecology, evolutionary relationships, and biogeography of amphibians (frogs and toads, salamanders, caecilians) and non-avian reptiles (turtles, the tuatara, lizards, snakes, and crocodilians). Students are required to purchase a $25 lab manual. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14 |
EEB386H1 | Diversity of Birds | Diversity of Birds provides a general overview of bird biology and diversity, including bird origins and evolution, modern classification and diversity, flight evolution and mechanics, reproduction, ecology, and conservation. Labs focus on anatomy, functional morphology and field techniques that will be put into practice in a final field trip. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB388H1 | Diversity of Mammals | Lectures and laboratories examine the natural history, morphology, classification, evolutionary relationships, reproduction, biogeography, and conservation of mammals. Labs focus on the identification of mammals and their diverse morphological adaptations including mammals of Ontario. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB397Y1 | Research Project in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | An intermediate research project requiring the prior consent of a member of the Department to supervise the project. The topic is to be one mutually agreed on by the student and supervisor. They must arrange the time, place, and provision of any materials and submit to the Undergraduate Office a signed form of agreement outlining details prior to being enrolled. This course is open to highly self-motivated students who are in their Third Year and have a strong interest in ecology and/or evolutionary biology. Students are required to write up the results of their research in a formal paper, often in the format of a research article, and may be required to present the results at a poster session and/or participate in an oral presentation. Students should contact their potential supervisors over the summer before classes begin in September. Information regarding how to apply and register for the course is available on the EEB website. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Note: cannot enrol if already taken the fourth year research project course EEB498Y1/EEB499Y1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
EEB428H1 | Global Change Ecology | An examination of organism, population, and ecosystem responses to long-term environmental change occurring at the global scale, with emphasis on human caused perturbation to climate and the carbon, nitrogen, and hydrolic cycles and their ecological effects. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB434H1 | Marine Ecology | This course explores the study of ecological processes in marine and coastal habitats. The course will cover processes operating from individuals to populations and communities to ecosystems, and spanning daily to decadal scales, and meters to global scales. The lab component of the course will apply lecture concepts and tools to specific case studies, which include hands-on activities/experiments/field excursions, and/or data synthesis and analysis. (Lab materials Fee: $26) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB440H1 | Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Animal Interactions | Major concepts in ecology and evolution from the perspective of plant-animal interactions. The richness of interactions between plants and animals is explored including antagonistic interactions (e.g., herbivory), mutualistic interactions (e.g., pollination, seed dispersal, ant-plant associations), and interactions involving multiple species across trophic levels. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB455H1 | Genes, Environment and Behaviour | An examination of the Gene-Environment Interplay perspective as sources of individual differences in behaviour, from both mechanistic and evolutionary viewpoints. Both historical and recent studies are used to illustrate important concepts in the field. Student-led discussions address the evidence base for these concepts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB459H1 | Population Genetics | A focus on theoretical population genetics, using mathematical models to understand how different evolutionary forces drive allele frequency change. Students learn how to mathematically derive classic results in population genetics. Topics include drift, coalescence, the relationship between population and quantitative genetics, selection in finite populations, and mutation load. Offered in alternate years. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB462H1 | Phylogenetic Inference: Methods and Applications | The representation of the evolutionary relationships in the form of phylogenetic trees has become a fundamental tool in many branches of biology. This course is an introduction to the core concepts and methods of phylogenetic reconstruction including parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian techniques, as well as advanced topics such as divergence time estimation, species-tree inference, and species delimitation. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and computer labs, students will master the theory and practice of phylogenetics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EEB491H1 | Seminar in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology | Seminar course in biodiversity and conservation biology, emphasizing critical thinking and the synthesis of ideas crossing disciplinary boundaries. Group discussions among peers, facilitated by faculty, and student presentations. Discussions include critical analysis of research and review articles in the primary literature, with a focus on recent developments in biodiversity science and conservation biology. Evaluation based on presentations, participation in class discussions, and written assignments. (Note: students may take this course only once) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESA01H3 | Introduction to Environmental Science | The scientific method and its application to natural systems. The physical and biological processes which drive ecosystem functions. Anthropogenic changes in ecosystem functions at local and global scales. Emphasis on the degradation of the atmosphere, soil, water and biological resources caused by human activity. Renewable and non-renewable resource sustainability. Laboratories will include hands-on field and lab related practical experience. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7 |
EESA06H3 | Introduction to Planet Earth | This general interest course explores the composition, structure and origin of the Earth and the tectonic, chemical and biological processes that have evolved over the last 4.5 billion years. It explains how planet "works" as a complex system. It provides a fundamental basis for understanding many of the environmental challenges faced by human societies especially natural hazards, water shortages, and climate change, and the importance of natural resources to our economy. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESA07H3 | Water | This course consists of a survey of the planet's water resources and the major issues facing the use of water. Topics include: Earth, the watery planet; water, the last great resource; Canada's waters; Ontario's waters; water and man; water contamination; and protecting our waters. Case studies such as the Walkerton tragedy will be studied. No prior knowledge of environmental science is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7 |
EESA09H3 | Wind | A survey of the science, history and applications of wind. Topics include storms including hurricanes, tornadoes and mid-latitude cyclones, global circulation, local circulations, measurement of winds, impact of winds on land surfaces, wind power, winds and pollution, historical and literary winds, and contemporary wind research. No prior knowledge of environmental science is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
EESA10H3 | Human Health and the Environment | Because of pollution, our surroundings are becoming increasingly hazardous to our health. The past century has seen intense industrialization characterized by the widespread production and use of chemicals and the intentional and unintentional disposal of a wide range of waste materials. This course explores the relationship between the incidence of disease in human populations and the environmental pollution. Emphasis will be placed on understanding where and what pollutants are produced, how they are taken up by humans and their long term effects on health; the role of naturally-occurring carcinogens will also be examined. The course will include a view of risk assessment and toxicology using case studies. No prior knowledge of environmental or medical science is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG9 |
EESA11H3 | Environmental Pollution | This course illustrates the environmental effects of urban expansion, changing methods of agriculture, industrialization, recreation, resource extraction, energy needs and the devastation of war. Drawing on information from a wide spectrum of topics - such as waste disposal, tourism, the arctic, tropical forests and fisheries - it demonstrates what we know about how pollutants are produced, the pathways they take through the global environment and how we can measure them. The course will conclude with an examination of the state of health of Canada's environments highlighting areas where environmental contamination is the subject of public discussion and concern. No prior knowledge of environmental science is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7, SDG9 |
EESB03H3 | Principles of Climatology | This is an overview of the physical and dynamic nature of meteorology, climatology and related aspects of oceanography. Major topics include: atmospheric composition, nature of atmospheric radiation, atmospheric moisture and cloud development, atmospheric motion including air masses, front formation and upper air circulation, weather forecasting, ocean circulation, climate classification, climate change theory and global warming. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 |
EESB04H3 | Principles of Hydrology | The water and energy balances; fluxes through natural systems. Process at the drainage basin scale: precipitation, evaporation, evapotranspiration and streamflow generation. The measurement of water fluxes, forecasting of rainfall and streamflow events. Human activity and change in hydrologic processes. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG6, SDG7 |
EESB05H3 | Principles of Soil Science | A study of the processes of pedogenesis and the development of diverse soil profiles, their field relationships and their response to changing environmental conditions. An examination of the fundamental soil properties of importance in soil management. An introduction to the techniques of soil examination in the field, soil analysis in the laboratory and the basic principles of soil classification. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG15 |
EESB16H3 | Feeding Humans - The Cost to the Planet | Examines the origins and systems of production of the major plants and animals on which we depend for food. Interactions between those species and systems and the local ecology will be examined, looking at issues of over harvesting, genetic erosion, soil erosion, pesticide use, and impacts of genetically modified strains. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
EESB18H3 | Natural Hazards | This course is an investigation of the geological background and possible solutions to major hazards in the environment. Environmental hazards to be studied include: landslides, erosion, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, flooding, glaciation, future climate change, subsidence, and the disposal of toxic wastes. This may be of interest to a wide range of students in the life, social, and physical sciences; an opportunity for the non-specialist to understand headline-making geological events of topical interest. No prior knowledge of the Earth Sciences is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG9 |
EESB22H3 | Environmental Geophysics | This course instructs students on the application of geophysical techniques (including gravity and magnetic surveys, electromagnetics, resistivity and seismology) to important environmental issues, such as monitoring climate change and natural hazards, clean energy assessments, and how to build sustainable cities. This lecture-based course teaches students the societal importance of environmental geophysics as well as how to effectively communicate uncertainty when interpreting data. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG7 |
EESC02H3 | Invaded Environments | This course applies a multi-disciplinary lens to the subject of biological invasions and is intended to build upon foundational understandings of global environmental change. The course explores the foundational ecological theories of biological invasions, ecological conditions and mechanisms driving invasions, multi-scale perspectives on the environmental impact of biological invasions (community, ecosystem), past and current approaches to the management of invaded environments, social and economic impacts of species invasions, and invasion risk assessment and biological invasion policy. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESC04H3 | Biodiversity and Biogeography | Theoretical and practical aspect of the evolution of organismal diversity in a functional context; examination of species distributions and how these are organized for scientific study. Emphasis will be on the highly diverse invertebrate animals. Topics include biomes, dispersal, adaptation, speciation, extinction and the influence of climate history and humans. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESC07H3 | Groundwater | Groundwater represents the world's largest and most important fresh water resource. This basic course in hydrogeology introduces the principles of groundwater flow and aquifer storage and shows how a knowledge of these fundamental tools is essential for effective groundwater resource management and protection. Special emphasis is placed on the practical methods of resource exploration and assessment; examples of the approach are given for aquifers under environmental stress in southern Ontario, the US and Africa. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG3, SDG6 |
EESC13H3 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing | To familiarize students with the relevant legislation, qualitative and quantitative approaches and applications for environmental impact assessments and environmental auditing. The focus will be on the assessment of impacts to the natural environment, however, socio-economic impacts will also be discussed. Environmental auditing and environmental certification systems will be discussed in detail. Examples and case studies from forestry, wildlife biology and land use will be used to illustrate the principles and techniques presented in the course. Students will acquire "hands-on" experience in impact assessment and environmental auditing through case studies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG3 |
EESC16H3 | Field Camp I | Experiential learning in environmental science is critical for better understanding the world around us, solving pressing environmental issues, and gaining hands-on skills for careers in the environmental sector. This course provides exciting and inspiring experiential learning opportunities, across disciplines with themes ranging from geoscience, ecology, climate change, environmental physics, and sustainability, across Canada and internationally. The course entails a 7-10-day field camp with destinations potentially changing yearly, that prioritizes environmental skills including environmental data collection, in-field interpretation of environmental patterns and processes, and science communication. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG15, SDG17, SDG4 |
EESC18H3 | Limnology | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG6 | |
EESC19H3 | Oceanography | The world's oceans constitute more than 70% of the earth's surface environments. This course will introduce students to the dynamics of ocean environments, ranging from the deep ocean basins to marginal seas to the coastal ocean. The large-scale water circulation is examined from an observationally based water mass analysis and from a theoretical hydro-dynamical framework. The circulation of marginal seas, the role of tides, waves and other currents are studied in terms of their effects upon the coastal boundary. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG14, SDG16, SDG6 |
EESC22H3 | Exploration Geophysics | The course will provide a general introduction to the most important methods of geophysical exploration. Topics covered will include physical principles, methodology, interpretational procedures and field application of various geophysical survey methods. Concepts/methods used to determine the distribution of physical properties at depths that reflect the local surface geology will be discussed. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG15 |
EESC24H3 | Advanced Readings in Environmental Science | An advanced supervised readings course that can be taken in any session. Students will follow structured independent readings in any area of Environmental Science. A description of the objectives and scope of the individual offering must be approved by the Supervisor of Studies. Two papers are required in the course; the supervisor and one other faculty member will grade them. The course may not be used as a substitute for EES Program requirements. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 |
EESC25H3 | Urban Climatology | This course will focus on how urban areas modify the local environment, particularly the climates of cities. The physical basis of urban climatology will be examined considering the energy balance of urban surfaces. The urban heat island phenomenon and its modelling will be studied based on conceptual and applied urban-climate research. The impact of climate change on urban sectors such as urban energy systems, water and wastewater systems, and urban transportation and health systems will be examined through case studies. Students will have the opportunity to choose their own areas of interest to apply the knowledge they learn throughout the course and demonstrate their understanding in tutorial-based discussions. The students will be required to work with community or industry partners on a project to assess the impacts or urban climate change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG6, SDG7 |
EESC26H3 | Seismology and Seismic Methods | Seismology is the study of earthquakes and how seismic waves move through the Earth. Through application of geological and mathematical techniques, seismology can reveal the inner workings of the Earth and provide hazard analysis for tectonic events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. This course will outline the practical applications of seismology to real-world scenarios of academic research and human exploration, while highlighting cutting-edge technological advances. Topics covered include subsurface imaging and surveying, catastrophe modelling, Martian seismology, stress and strain principles, wave theory, data inversion, and data science applications on seismic data analysis. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESC30H3 | Environmental Microbiology | This course examines the diversity of microorganisms, their adaptations to special habitats, and their critical role in the ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles. The course covers microbial phylogeny, physiological diversity, species interactions and state of the art methods of detection and enumeration. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
EESC31H3 | Glacial Geology | The last 2.5 million years has seen the repeated formation of large continental ice sheets over North America and Europe. The course will review the geologic and geomorphologic record of past glacial and interglacial climates, the formation and flow of ice sheets , and modern day cold-climate processes in Canada's north. The course includes a one-day field trip to examine the glacial record of the GTA. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESC33H3 | Environmental Science Field Course | A field course on selected topics in aquatic environments. Aquatic environmental issues require careful field work to collect related hydrological, meteorological, biological and other environmental data. This hands-on course will teach students the necessary skills for fieldwork investigations on the interactions between air, water, and biota. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG6, SDG9 |
EESC34H3 | Sustainability in Practice | This course is intended for students who would like to apply theoretical principles of environmental sustainability learned in other courses to real-world problems. Students will identify a problem of interest related either to campus sustainability, a local NGO, or municipal, provincial, or federal government. Class meetings will consist of group discussions investigating key issues, potential solutions, and logistical matters to be considered for the implementation of proposed solutions. Students who choose campus issues will also have the potential to actually implement their solutions. Grades will be based on participation in class discussions, as well as a final report and presentation. Same as ESTC34H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG17, SDG9 |
EESD02H3 | Contaminant Hydrogeology | Natural hydrochemical processes; the use of major ions, minor ions, trace metals and environmental isotopes in studying the occurrence and nature of ground water flow. Point and non-point sources of ground water contamination and the mechanisms of contaminant transport. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG6 |
EESD06H3 | Climate Change Impact Assessment | Climate change over the last 150 years is reviewed by examining the climate record using both direct measurements and proxy data. Projection of future climate is reviewed using the results of sophisticated climate modeling. The climate change impact assessment formalism is introduced and applied to several examples. Students will acquire practical experience in climate change impact assessment through case studies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 |
EESD07H3 | Field Camp II | Experiential learning is a critical element of applied environmental science. Hands-on experience in observing, documenting, and quantifying environmental phenomenon, patterns, and processes unlocks a deeper understanding and curiosity of the natural world, and prepares students for careers in the environment. This advanced field camp course explores applied scientific themes across geoscience, climate science, ecology, hydrology, environmental physics, and sustainability, while emphasizing student-led scientific enquiry and projects. Over a 7-10-day field camp in locations in Canada and abroad, students will develop a deep inquiry-based understanding and appreciation of the natural world, by immersing themselves in some of Earth's most captivating environments. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
EESD09H3 | Research Project in Environmental Science | This course entails the design, implementation, and reporting of an independent and substantial research project, under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Research may involve laboratory, fieldwork, and/or computer-based analyses, with the final products being presented primarily as a written thesis, although other course work, such as oral presentations of student research, may also be required. All areas of environmental science research that are supported by existing faculty members are permissible. The course should be undertaken after the end of the 3rd Year, and is subject to faculty availability. Faculty permission and supervision is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG8 |
EESD10Y3 | Research Project in Environmental Science | This course entails the design, implementation, and reporting of an independent and substantial research project, under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Research may involve laboratory, fieldwork, and/or computer-based analyses, with the final products being presented primarily as a written thesis, though other course work, such as oral presentations of student research, may also be required. All areas of environmental science research that are supported by existing faculty members are permissible. The course should be undertaken after the end of the 3rd Year, and is subject to faculty availability. Faculty permission and supervision is required. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG8 |
EESD13H3 | Environmental Law, Policy and Ethics | This course reviews the laws and policies governing the management of natural resources in Canada. It examines the role of law and how it can it can work most effectively with science, economics and politics to tackle environmental problems such as climate change, conservation, and urban sprawl at domestic and international scales. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG17 |
EESD15H3 | Fundamentals of Site Remediation | This course consists of a study of the ways in which hazardous organic and inorganic materials can be removed or attenuated in natural systems. The theory behind various technologies, with an emphasis on bioremediation techniques and their success in practice. An introduction to the unique challenges associated with the remediation of surface and ground water environments, soils, marine systems, and contaminated sediments. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
EESD17Y3 | Cohort Capstone Course in Environmental Studies | This course is designed to provide a strong interdisciplinary focus on specific environmental problems including the socioeconomic context in which environmental issues are resolved. The cohort capstone course is in 2 consecutive semesters, providing final year students the opportunity to work in a team, as environmental researchers and consultants, combining knowledge and skill-sets acquired in earlier courses. Group research to local environmental problems and exposure to critical environmental policy issues will be the focal point of the course. Students will attend preliminary meetings schedules in the Fall semester. Same as ESTD17Y3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG4, SDG6, SDG9 |
EESD18H3 | Environmental Studies Seminar Series | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 | |
EESD19H3 | Professional Development Seminars in Geoscience | This course consists of 12 lectures given by senior industry professionals to prepare students for a post-graduate career in environmental consulting. Lectures will convey the full range of consulting activities, including visits to environmental investigation sites in the Toronto area. Technical writing and oral communication skills will be stressed in assignments. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG17, SDG9 |
EESD20H3 | Geological Evolution and Environmental History of North America | This course reviews the geological and environmental evolution of the North American continent over the past 4 billion years by exploring the range of plate tectonics involved in continental growth and how those processes continue today. It will explore major changes in terrestrial and marine environments through geologic time and associated organisms and natural resources of economic importance, and will conclude with an examination of recent human anthropogenic influences on our environment especially in regard to urban areas and associated problems of waste management, resource extraction, geological hazards, and the impacts of urbanization on watersheds and water resources. The course will include a weekend field trip to examine the geology and urban environmental problems of The Greater Toronto Area. It provides students in environmental science with a fundamental knowledge of the importance of environmental change on various timescales and the various field methods used to assess such changes. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
EESD21H3 | Geophysical and Climate Data Analysis | This course offers an advanced introduction to geophysical data analysis. It is intended for upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students interested in data analysis and statistics in the geophysical sciences and is mainly laboratory (computer) based. The goal is to provide an understanding of the theory underlying the statistical analysis of geophysical data, in space, time and spectral domains and to provide the tools to undertake this statistical analysis. Important statistical techniques such as regression, correlation and spectral analysis of time series will be explored with a focus on hypothesis formulation and interpretation of the analysis. Multivariate approaches will also be introduced. Although some previous knowledge of probability and statistics will be helpful, a review will be provided at the beginning of the course. Concepts and notation will be introduced, as needed. Jointly offered with EES1132H. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4, SDG8 |
EESD28H3 | Fundamentals of Environmental Modelling | This course introduces the rapidly growing field of environmental and earth system modelling. Emphasis will be placed on the rationale of model development, the objective of model evaluation and validation, and the extraction of the optimal complexity from complicated/intertwined environmental processes. By focusing on the intersections between climate change and ecological systems, students will develop the ability to integrate information from a variety of disciplines, including geosciences, biology, ecology, chemistry, and other areas of interest. The course will also involve practical training in the computer lab. Students will develop an intermediate complexity mathematical model, calibrate the model and assess the goodness-of-fit against observed data, identify the most influential model parameters (sensitivity analysis), and present their results. Jointly offered with EES1118H | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4 |
EESD31H3 | Applied Climatology | This course will introduce and discuss the basic topics and tools of applied climatology, and how its concepts can be used in everyday planning and operations (e.g. in transportation, agriculture, resource management, health and energy). The course involves the study of the application of climatic processes and the reciprocal interaction between climate and human activities. Students will also learn the methods of analyzing and interpreting meteorological and climatological data in a variety of applied contexts. Topics include: Solar Energy; Synoptic Climatology and Meteorology; Climate and Agriculture; Climate and Energy; Climate and Human Comfort; Urban Effects on Climate and Air Pollution. Jointly offered with EES1131H | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7 |
EHJ352H1 | Human Evolutionary Genomics | Human genome diversity and evolution with a focus on current research. The course integrates applications of human evolutionary genomics to the understanding of human history and adaptation, the causes of disease, and genome structure and function. Topics include: comparative genomics, population genomics of adaptation, association mapping, polygenic scores, and repetitive/selfish DNA. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
EMU401H1 | Calls to Action through Mus Ed | This course takes the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as the Foundation for Curriculum and Pedagogy in Music Education. Students will lead seminars on topics related to their research interest and examine current issues facing Indigenous Peoples through the lens of Reconciliation. | Music, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
EMU425H1 | Mus & Urban Engagement with Youth in Detention | This course provides a reflective practicum experience in unique urban settings. Under the mentorship of professional community music teachers, students assist and lead music-making sessions with youth from the Regent Park School of Music and/or youth residing in detention centers. Students have the opportunity to investigate how music is an important tool for social justice. | Music, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
EMU437H1 | Internship: Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppressive Mus Education | Students will undertake a unique internship opportunity in partnership with the Toronto District School Board and the Marigold Team (a Black-led organization with a mission to change the visual landscape of music education). Students will lead a series of music education workshops, in schools identified as high needs, that explore culturally relevant and culturally responsive music education through an anti-oppression and anti-racism lens. The focus will be on prioritizing the socio-emotional awareness and well-being of students, while facilitating conversations about historical practices in music education that value one form of musicking over another. Students will be mentored by leaders in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Placements must be approved by the instructor during the first week of classes. | Music, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4 |
EMU461H1 | Mus In Cultural Pers | A seminar exploring music's social nature, with special attention to the ways culture influences music perception, cognition, and value, and the way musical practices in turn influence culture and social relations. Issues addressed include: music education as intercultural education; music, gender, and power; the educational implications of cultural relativity; music education as an agent of social reproduction and/or transformation; social relations implicit in various musical and instructional practices; and music education's moral significance. Emphasis is placed on practical pedagogical applications of world music. | Music, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG17 |
EMU485H1 | Advanced Topics in Music & Childhood | Music, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 | |
ENG104H5 | Literature and Social Change | How can narratives inspire social justice and contribute to positive social change? This course introduces students to foundational narratives, texts, and ideas about literature and social change from around the world, providing conceptual foundations for understanding how narratives shape societal and environmental transformation across contexts and disciplines. Through nonfiction, fiction, poetry, film, and digital multimedia, the course investigates how narratives contribute to social, environmental, and human rights movements. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
ENG196H1 | Cook the Books | If, as Brillat-Savarin so famously said, “you are what you eatâ€, then what are we? What do our eating choices reveal about us and what we value? In this class, we will examine stories about farming, cooking, and eating in order to understand how culture shapes culinary traditions and vice versa. But we don’t stop there: through cooking and eating together, we will create new stories about our food and our relationship to the earth that sustains us. Co-taught with a professional chef, this course combines literary and historical analysis with hands-on cooking classes, shared meals, and food-oriented field trips. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. An additional fee to cover food and field trip costs is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
ENG198H1 | Representing Disability | Understanding disability as a cultural conceptâ€â€not a medical condition or personal misfortuneâ€â€that describes how human variation matters in the world, this course asks: how do literary texts represent physical and intellectual disability? Reading drama, fiction, and poetry, we will consider how disability prompts new strategies of writing and thinking, in order to consider what new forms of representation disability can produce, and what the concept of disability can teach us about being human. We will consider literary, visual, performative, and performance-based possibilities for bodies and minds that resist normative structures, theorize ideas of access, cure, and care, and claim disability as enlivening identity. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
ENG203H5 | British Literature in the World II: Romantic to Contemporary | An introduction to influential texts that have shaped British literary history from the Romantic period to the present, covering developments in poetry, drama, and prose, from William Wordsworth to Zadie Smith and beyond. The course will address topics such as revolution and war; the increasing diversity of poetic forms; the cultural dominance of the novel; romanticism, Victorianism, modernism, and postmodernism; feminism; colonialism and decolonization; the ethnic and cultural diversity of Anglophone literature in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; literature and sexual identity; the AIDS epidemic; and technology and the digital age. The course will encourage students to think about the study of English literatures in relationship to history, including the history of world literatures. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
ENG254H1 | Introduction to Indigenous Literatures | An introduction to Indigenous writings in English, with significant attention to Indigenous literatures in Canada. The writings are placed within the context of Indigenous cultural and political continuity, linguistic and territorial diversity, and living oral traditions. The primary focus may be on contemporary Indigenous writing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENG255H5 | Introduction to Canadian Literature | This course introduces students to Canadian literatures, from the oral narratives of Canada's early Indigenous communities to new writing in a digital age. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENG259H5 | Imagining Nature: Literature and the Environment | This course examines the relationship between writing and the environment. Students will examine the role of the written word in defining, thinking about, and acting in the interest of the planet and its climate, while considering literary genres, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary and multidisciplinary debates. Readings will vary but may include William Wordsworth, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Rachel Carson, Edouard Glissant, Octavia Butler, Jamaica Kincaid, and Amitav Ghosh. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENG263H5 | Play and Games | Why do we play? Game designers, philosophers, sociologists, and performance theorists have long argued that play can tell us about our development as children and adults, our search for freedom, our relationship to animals, and the values and problems of our societies. This course introduces students to Play Studies and Game Studies in the humanities by considering the reasons we play in relationship to the objects we play with, including things that are more normally thought of as gamesâ€â€card and board games, sports, toys, video gamesâ€â€as well as other sites of playful thought and action, like paintings, films, and short stories. Students in this course will encounter major scholars of play and games and key terms and concepts in the analysis of play and games. We will play and design story-rich games and we will discuss effective narrative design primarily in digital games. Students will also consider problems in play and games like cheating, addiction, and gamification. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12 |
ENG269H5 | Queer Writing | Introducing a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer tradition in literature and theory, this course may explore texts from a variety of historical periods, from the classical to the contemporary. It will focus on a variety of genres, potentially including poetry, drama, fiction, criticism, and popular culture. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
ENG270H1 | Introduction to Colonial and postcolonial Writing | In this course, we examine the colonial archive for its representations of race, indigeneity, sexuality, and capital accumulation. We familiarize ourselves with the aesthetic and political modes of resisting colonial power around the world. Besides literary texts, our objects of study may include photographs, film, and digital media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
ENG271H5 | Toronto's Multicultural Literatures | Toronto is one of the world's most diverse and multicultural cities. This course is a study of literature by writers with strong connections to Toronto who explore issues such as diasporas, identity, nationality, place, origin, and the multicultural experience. Writers may include: Judy Fong Bates, Dionne Brand, Austin Clarke, Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, Rohinton Mistry, Michael Ondaatje, M. Nourbese Philip, Shyam Selvadurai, M. G. Vassanji. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
ENG273Y1 | Queer Writing | Introducing a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer tradition in literature and theory, this course explores classical, modern, postmodern, and contemporary literature, criticism, art, film, music, and popular culture. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
ENG274H5 | Indigenous Literature and Storytelling | An introduction to Indigenous literature and storytelling with emphasis on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit authors in Canada and Native American authors in the United States of America. In this course, students will review academic citation practices, apply Indigenous theory to storytelling, and engage with audio recordings, poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and non-fiction by writers such as Jeannette Armstrong, Billy-Ray Belcourt, Natalie Diaz, Michael Dorris, Tomson Highway, Basil Johnston, Daniel Heath Justice, Lee Maracle, Eden Robinson, Leslie Marmon Silko, and Tommy Orange. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ENG275H5 | Feminist Approaches to Literature | This course will consider the implications, for literary studies and for literary writing, of modern traditions of feminist and gender theory. Students will encounter the work of major feminist thinkers - e.g., Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir, Alice Walker, Julie Kristeva, and Judith Butler - and texts by major women writers. The course will explore feminist approaches to literature, including those that borrow from post-structural, psychoanalytic, and contemporary gender, race, and queer theories. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
ENG279H5 | History of Video Games | This course introduces students to the history of video games from early arcade cabinets and personal computers to home video game consoles and mobile devices in everyday life. It considers the role of culture, technology, and marketing in the formation of interactive texts, genres, and play experiences. Students will be exposed to unique primary sources in the Syd Bolton Collection of video games and the Electric Playground Media Archive of historical game industry footage through course content, lectures, and assignments. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
ENG310H5 | Modern South Asian Literature in English | The English language belongs not just to the British colonizers, but to the artists and writers, the poets and politicians of the colonized world. From Rabindranath Tagore's mystical poetry to Slumdog Millionaire, the styles and aesthetics of South Asian English are as vast as the peninsula itself, and the literature that has emerged from this diverse region has utterly reshaped contemporary global culture. Additionally, we will take up select contemporary criticism on subaltern studies, postcolonialism, and narratology. Authors will include Mulk Raj Anand, V.S. Naipaul, R.K. Narayan, Z.A. Suleri, Salman Rushdie, Anuradha Roy, Jjumpa Lahiri, as well as select works of poetry, film, and visual art. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
ENG317H5 | Drama of the Global South | This course compares works of selected playwrights of the Global South in an effort to understand their refashioning of postcolonial perspectives and subaltern histories. Ranging beyond the West and its theatrical traditions, the course will explore innovative theatrical performances that focus on South-South affiliations and link discourses, places, and people positioned between peripheries. Students will learn about traditions of orality, cultural pluralities, and indigenous mythic/folk styles that constitute the unique syncretism of South-South theatre cultures. Writers may include Manjula Padmanabhan, Shahid Nadeem, Meng Jinghui, Dalia Taha, Athol Fugard, Ama Ata Aidoo, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Derek Walcott, José Triana, and Ariel Dorfman. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
ENG318H5 | Eighteenth-Century Women Writers | A study of poems, novels, dramas, and prose works by British and American authors such as Mary Astell, Aphra Behn, Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Eliza Haywood, Hannah More, Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren, Charlotte Smith, Phyllis Wheatley, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Topics may include professionalization and the literary marketplace; domestic labour; motherhood and children's literature; class and education; personal agency and political engagement; colonialism, slavery, and abolition; Bluestocking culture; and early feminist thought. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
ENG319H5 | Sexuality, Race, and Gender in Video Games and Gaming Culture | This course investigates representation and identity in and through digital games. Students will primarily consider gender, race, sexuality, and the non-human world in relation to the complex circuits of desire, projection, and disguise that exist among players, avatars, non-player characters, and other gamers. Students will interpret and critique both blockbuster AAA games with large development budgets and production teams as well as small-scale indie and experimental games and will learn about expressive, critical, and avant-garde design and play practices. The class will also discuss games as instruments of persuasion, protest, social change, and community formation. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
ENG328H5 | Writing for Games and Narrative Design | This course introduces students to the planning and implementation of writing for video games as well as the role of the narrative designer in game development. Students will practice multiple collaborative forms of game writing (e.g., flow charts, quest outlines, character descriptions, flavour text, non-player character dialogue, cut scenes, storyboard scripts), level design, and player experience creation. Students will learn to use design and editing tools as well as iterative processes of revising game writing to augment gameplay and game features. Students will also learn to analyze and critique diverse game narratives and will discuss careers in game writing. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
ENG348H5 | Special Topic in Indigenous Storywork | Applying decolonial and Indigenous methodologies, students will explore Indigenous texts, media, and/or performances, spanning traditional and innovative forms, genres, and mediums engaged by Indigenous writers and makers. Topics may vary from year to year. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
ENG350H1 | Early Canadian Literature | Writing in English Canada before 1914, from a variety of genres such as the novel, poetry, short stories, exploration and settler accounts, nature writing, criticism, First Nations cultural production. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
ENG355H5 | Black British Literature | This course is an advanced introduction to the concept and key texts of ‘Black British literature.' A term arising directly in response to empire and the postcolonial, Black British literature indicates texts written by both African- and South Asian- descended writers from the Caribbean, Africa, and the subcontinent. Focused primarily on the twentieth-century, we will contextualize this literary tradition within wider questions of Britain in the world and how the idea of literary influence is challenged and re-formed. Writers may include: Sam Selvon, Hanif Kureishi, Derek Walcott, Stuart Hall, Buchi Emecheta, Caryl Philips, Zadie Smith, Helen Oyeyemi, and Warsan Shire. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
ENG371H1 | Topics in Indigenous, Postcolonial, Transnational Literatures | Sustained study in a topic pertaining to Indigenous, postcolonial, or transnational literatures. Content varies with instructors. See Department website for current offerings. Course may not be repeated under the same subtitle. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENG372H1 | Topics in Indigenous, Postcolonial, Transnational Literatures | Sustained study in a topic pertaining to Indigenous, postcolonial, or transnational literatures. Content varies with instructors. See Department website for current offerings. Course may not be repeated under the same subtitle. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENG382Y1 | Literary Theory | This course explores contemporary literary theory, but may include related readings from earlier periods. Schools or movements studied may include structuralism, formalism, phenomenology, Marxism, post-structuralism, reader-response theory, feminism, queer theory, new historicism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, critical race studies, and ecocriticism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5 |
ENGB01H3 | Introduction to Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island | This course introduces students to a diverse selection of writing by Indigenous authors (primarily Canadian) from Turtle Island, including novels, poetry, drama, essays, oratory, and autobiography. Discussion of literature is grounded in Indigenous literary criticism, which addresses such issues as appropriation of voice, language, land, spirituality, orality, colonialism, gender, hybridity, authenticity, resistance, sovereignty, and anti-racism. Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENGB06H3 | Canadian Literature to 1900 | A study of Canadian literature from pre-contact to 1900. This course explores the literatures of the contact zone, from Indigenous oral and orature, to European journals of exploration and discovery, to the works of pioneer settlers, to the writing of the post-Confederation period. Pre-1900 course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENGB32H3 | Shakespeare in Context I | An introduction to the poetry and plays of William Shakespeare, this course situates his works in the literary, social and political contexts of early modern England. The main emphasis will be on close readings of Shakespeare's sonnets and plays, to be supplemented by classical, medieval, and renaissance prose and poetry upon which Shakespeare drew. Pre-1900 course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
ENGB78H3 | The Digital Text: From Digitized Literature to Born-Digital Works | This course explores the creative, interpretive, social, and political effects of our interactions and experiments with digital forms of literature: novels, short stories, plays, and poems, but also video games, online fan fiction, social media posts, and other texts typically excluded from the category of the "literary." The course attends both to texts written before the digital turn and later digitized, as well as to "born-digital" texts. It surveys the history of shifts within the media landscape - from oral to written, from manuscript to print, from print to digital. Over the course of the semesters, we will explore a variety of questions about digital literary culture, including: How does a text's medium - oral, manuscript, print and/or digital - affect its production, transmission, and reception? How do writers harness, narrate, and depict the use of digital technologies? How does digital textuality challenge earlier conceptions of "literature"? How does digitization shape our work as readers and critics? By reading "traditional" literary forms alongside newer ones, we will investigate how the digital age impacts literature, and how literature helps us grapple with the implications of our digitized world. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG15, SDG9 |
ENGC05H3 | Creative Writing: Poetry, Experimentation, and Activism | This course is a creative investigation into how, through experimentation, we can change poetry, and how, through poetry, we can change the world. Our explorations are undertaken through writing assignments, discussions, readings, and workshop sessions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4 |
ENGC25H3 | Victorian Poetry and Prose | An introduction to the poetry and nonfiction prose of the Victorian period, 1837-1901. Representative authors are studied in the context of a culture in transition, in which questions about democracy, social inequality, the rights of women, national identity, imperialism, and science and religion are prominent. Pre-1900 course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5 |
ENGC28H3 | The Fairy Tale | A study of fairy tales in English since the eighteenth century. Fairy tales have been a staple of children's literature for three centuries, though they were originally created for adults. In this course, we will look at some of the best-known tales that exist in multiple versions, and represent shifting views of gender, race, class, and nationality over time. The course will emphasize the environmental vision of fairy tales, in particular, the uses of natural magic, wilderness adventures, animal transformations, and encounters with other-than-human characters. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
ENGC45H3 | Queer Literature and Theory | This course focuses on queer studies in a transhistorical context. It serves as an introduction to queer theory and culture, putting queer theory into conversation with a range of literary texts as well as other forms of media and culture. This course might explore contemporary LGBTQ2+ literature, media and popular culture; the history of queer theory; and literary work from early periods to recover queer literary histories. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
ENGC46H3 | Law and Literature | An examination of how the law and legal practices have been imagined in literature, including the foundations of law, state constitutions, rule of law, rights, trials and judgments, ideas of justice, natural law, enforcement, and punishment. We will examine Western and non-Western experiences of the law, legal documents and works of literature. Authors may include Sophocles, Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Melville, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Achebe, Soyinka, Borges, Shamsie, R. Wright, Silko. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SGD16 |
ENGC51H3 | Contemporary Arab Women Writers | A study of Arab women writers from the late nineteenth century to the present. Their novels, short stories, essays, poems, and memoirs invite us to rethink western perceptions of Arab women. Issues of gender, religion, class, nationalism, and colonialism will be examined from the perspective of Arab women from both the Arab world and North America. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
ENGC60H3 | Indigenous Drama of Turtle Island | A study of plays by Indigenous authors (primarily Canadian), from Turtle Island, paying attention to relations between text and performance, and with an emphasis on distinctive themes that emerge, including colonialism, Indigenous resistance, and Indigenous sovereignty. Indigenous literatures of Turtle Island course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
ENGC74H3 | Persuasive Writing and Community-Engaged Learning | This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art of persuasive writing and speech. Students will study several concepts at the core of rhetorical studies and sample thought-provoking work currently being done on disability rhetorics, feminist rhetorics, ethnic rhetorics, and visual rhetorics. A guiding principle of this course is that studying rhetoric helps one to develop or refine one’s effectiveness in speaking and writing. Toward those ends and through a 20-hour community-engaged learning opportunity in an organization of their choice, students will reflect on how this community-based writing project shapes or was shaped by their understanding of some key rhetorical concept. Students should leave the course, then, with a “rhetorical toolbox†from which they can draw key theories and concepts as they pursue future work in academic, civic, or professional contexts. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG17, SDG4, SDG5 |
ENGC79H3 | Above and Beyond: Superheroes in Fiction and Film | This course will explore the literary history and evolution of the superhero, from its roots in the works of thinkers such as Thomas Carlyle and Friedrich Nietzsche to the wartime birth of the modern comic book superhero to the contemporary pop culture dominance of transmedia experiments like the "universes" created by Marvel and DC. We will explore the superhero in various media, from prose to comics to film and television, and we will track the superhero alongside societal and cultural changes from the late 19th century to the present. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
ENGD55H3 | Literature, Politics, Revolution | This advanced seminar will focus on a selected writer or a small group of writers whose literary work engages with themes of politics, revolution and/or resistance. The course will pursue the development of a single author's work over their entire career, or the development of a small group of thematically or historically related writers, and may include film and other media. Topics will vary year to year. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
ENT200H1 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | How do innovations become useful in society? What is needed for a company to use such innovations successfully? Why and how do individuals and companies commercialize new ideas or technologies? This course provides a broad introduction to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills and the methodology used by entrepreneurs to start a new venture. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
ENT391H1 | Exploring New Ventures | This experiential learning course allows students to explore the inner working of new ventures or other innovative organizations. The majority of the course consists of activities applying entrepreneurial concepts within a local organization, with oversight from the Centre for Entrepreneurship. In-class activities facilitate the application of entrepreneurial tools to develop the students' entrepreneurial skills. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
ENT392H1 | Creating New Ventures | This experiential learning course allows students to explore the inner working of their new ventures. The majority of the course consists of activities applying entrepreneurial concepts within the student's own venture, with oversight from the Centre for Entrepreneurship. In-class activities facilitate the application of entrepreneurial tools to develop the students' entrepreneurial skills. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
ENV100H1 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | An investigation of the relationship between human beings and their natural and built environments. This interdisciplinary course will draw from the sciences, social sciences and the humanities to explore major social, cultural, economic, regulatory, ethical, ecological and technological aspects of environmental issues. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG9 |
ENV100Y5 | The Environment | This introductory environmental science course examines large-scale features of Earth, natural hazards, Earth's climate and weather systems, energy and mineral resources, human population growth, extinction and biodiversity, environmental toxins, vanishing soils and expanding deserts, forests, urban environmental management, and food resources. Interdisciplinary interaction among Science, Social Science, and Humanities is a major theme. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG17, SDG6, SDG7 |
ENV101H1 | Confronting the Climate Crisis | This course is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary introduction to the climate crisis, suitable for any undergraduate student at U of T. The course examines the climate crisis from scientific, social, economic, political, and cultural perspectives, from the physical science basis through to the choices we now face to stabilize the climate system. The course uses a mixture of lectures, hands-on activities, group projects, online discussion, and guest speakers to give students a deeper understanding of climate change as a complex, interconnected set of problems, while equipping them with a framework to evaluate the choices we face as a society, and to cultivate a culture of hope in the face of a challenging future. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
ENV194H1 | Topics in Climate Change | In this class we will discuss the underlying science of the climate system and also explore how this information is communicated effectively. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV196H1 | Environment, Culture and Film | This first-year foundation course will introduce students to the scope and seriousness of some of current ecological concerns, as well as some core principles and concepts in the field of the intersection of environment and culture, through the lens of feature films. Through journal reflections, class discussions and guided critical thinking exercises, and a paper, students will be able to build confidence and enthusiasm for further study in environmental studies, within a small seminar setting. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG4 |
ENV198H1 | Environment & Mental Wellness | This foundations course is an introduction to Environmental Psychology and related disciplines. We will examine the mutual relationship between the human psyche and the environment, with a focus on mental wellness. Topics will include: psycho-evolutionary environments, place attachment and identity, neurological toxins and environmental health, the modern period, cultural perceptions on nature-psyche, climate anxiety and ecological grief, nature connectedness and restorative environments. As a foundations course, students will develop key academic skills such as academic literacy, communication and application, interdisciplinary critical thinking, as well as creative problem solving. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3 |
ENV199H1 | Debating & Understanding Current Environmental Issues | The course examines current environmental issues for which there is no easy answer or consensus position. For instance, to help solve climate change should we generate more electricity from nuclear power-plants, which have no greenhouse gas emissions? Or instead, should we phase out nuclear plants because of possible accidents, costs and radioactive wastes? The seminar examines the scientific and political aspects of such issues and debates the pros and cons of each. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG17, SDG4 |
ENV200H1 | Assessing Global Change: Science and the Environment | The perspective which scientists bring to the understanding and resolution of environmental concerns having global implications: atmospheric systems and climate change, the biosphere and conservation of biodiversity. This living things and their environment breadth course is intended to fulfill the environmental literacy requirement for students in the BA programs of the School of the Environment or the living things and their environment breadth course requirement for Commerce, Humanities and Social Science students | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
ENV201H5 | Environmental Management | (Formerly GGR234H5) Environmental management builds on topics discussed in ENV100 and GGR111/112, by focusing on conceptual frameworks and specific tools that can be used to formulate environmental management goals and support decision-making. Case studies will be used throughout to highlight different approaches, focusing primarily on Canadian examples. Topics include ecosystem and adaptive management, environment impact assessments, and the role of stakeholders. [24L, 9T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
ENV210H5 | Sustainability | The United Nations Commission on Environment and Development popularized the term sustainable development in its 1987 report, Our Common Future. How far have we come since then, as a global community, in implementing sustainability as a model for development? In this course we will examine the history, measurement, and present-day models and applications of sustainability and sustainable development in both the public and private spheres. Sustainability is an integrative concept that addresses social, cultural, political, and economic factors within the constraints of the biophysical environment. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7, SDG8 |
ENV222H1 | Pathways to Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach | ENV222H1 explores the concept and practice of sustainability by integrating scientific, technological, economic, political, psychological, historical, and ethical perspectives. The course begins by analyzing the challenges posed by the ecological crisis, including its historical roots. It then goes on to explore and evaluate a variety of approaches, strategies, and actions—at a personal, local, national, and global scale—that could move us towards authentic sustainability. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG17, SDG7 |
ENV223H1 | Fundamental Environmental Skills | The practical, interdisciplinary and controversial nature of environmental issues, as well as the uncertainty that surrounds measures to address them demand mastery of a particular range of skills by environmental students. This course teaches the fundamental research, analysis and presentation skills required for effective environmental work. This course is for students enrolled in the Environmental Studies Major program, or permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV237H1 | Physics of the Changing Environment A | The course will cover basic physics of environmental processes and of measurement techniques in the atmosphere, the ocean, lake-land-forest systems, and other biological systems. It will place its work in the context of climate change and other aspects of environmental change. This course is solely intended for students who have NOT completed a previous first year physics core course, who are in one of the following programs: Environmental Science Major or Minor, Environmental Geosciences Specialist or Earth and Environmental Systems Major. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ENV238H1 | Physics of the Changing Environment B | The course will cover basic physics of environmental processes and of measurement techniques in the atmosphere, the ocean, lake-land-forest systems, and other biological systems. It will place its work in the context of climate change and other aspects of environmental change. This course is solely intended for students who have completed a previous first year physics core course, who are in one of the following programs: Environmental Science Major or Minor, Environmental Geosciences Specialist or Earth and Environmental Systems Major. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ENV305H5 | Sustainable Tourism | Tourism has long been an important industry around the world, but increasingly questions are being raised regarding the social and environmental sustainability of tourism. This course will look at the impacts (both negative and positive) that tourism has on the natural environment, society, and local economies. It will explore how tourism relates to mobility, globalization, recreation and outdoor activity, planning, the environment, cultural identities, protected areas, and wildlife conservation. This course begins with an introduction to tourism more generally and then focuses in on critical perspectives and the development of eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and volunteer tourism. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG17, SDG9 |
ENV307H1 | Urban Sustainability | This course critically examines the concept of urban sustainability in theory and application. Case studies of ongoing urban sustainability programs in the developed and developing world help students assess the successes and failures of these programs. The course also examines the current state of research and implementation efforts toward urban sustainability. Toronto's urban sustainability and sustainable needs will be investigated through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) during the course (previous experience with GIS is not required). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7, SDG9 |
ENV311H5 | Environmental Issues in the Developing World | The Earth is one, but the world is not. We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives. Yet each community, each country, strives for survival and prosperity with little regard for its impact on others. These are the opening words from the report of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, which first popularized the concept of sustainable development. In this course we examine 'environment' and 'development' and 'human well-being' as inseparable challenges. We consider global, regional, and local environmental problems from the perspectives of developing nations, and investigate the economic, social, and political roots of these problems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG17, SDG3, SDG8, SDG9 |
ENV316H1 | Laboratory and Field Methods in Environmental Science | This course focuses on methods of sampling and analyzing natural air, water and solid Earth materials for physical, chemical and biological properties that are relevant to current environmental issues. It will integrate approaches from chemistry, physics, geology and biology, and cover techniques in field sampling, laboratory analyses and analyses of large environmental data sets. Basic concepts related to quality control will be emphasized throughout the course: sample collection and storage methods, calibration of field and lab instruments, analyses in complex matrices, errors (accuracy, precision), and detection limits. This course is for students enrolled in the Environmental Science Major program, or permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. A fee of $25 will be charged for lab supplies, lab instrument charges and technical services. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV320H1 | National Environmental Policy | Examines ways in which governments develop and implement policy to protect the environment within their borders. Primarily Canada, plus comparisons with other countries. The focus is upon the politics of environmental policy making, which is understood by examining the interests and powers of the relevant state and non-state actors. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV320H5 | Managing Our Waste | Garbage archaeologist William Rathje once said, "Garbage isn't generic junk. It's elements of our behavior all thrown together." The history of human civilization is reflected in what societies have thrown away over the ages. But in recent decades both the quantity and types of waste generated by human activities have changed radically. In this course we will address the philosophical, social, and management challenges associated with waste in Canadian and international contexts, as well as examining some of the technological and scientific aspects of specific waste management problems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG16 |
ENV322H1 | International Environmental Policy | Examines the ways in which states negotiate and implement international agreements addressing global environmental issues, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Focus is upon factors which determine the efficacy of multilateral environmental agreements and the prospects for stronger global environmental governance. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV323H1 | Ontario Environmental Policy | Introduces students to public policy and institutional foundations of public policy in Canada, with an emphasis on environmental policy in Ontario. Provides an insiders perspective on how environmental policy has been developed in Ontario. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV330H1 | Waste Not: Faith-Based Environmentalism | This course explores religious environmentalism, its proponents and opponents, and its core values within the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Religious environmentalists have used teachings from sacred texts as exemplars of sustainability. Some, however, claim that these texts teach domination, anthropocentrism and hierarchical values. Looking at a range of worldviews, we focus on the topics of wastefulness, consumption, and simplicity. Readings about barriers, motivations, and values that inform environmental behaviour are complemented with field trips to places of worship where we will hear religious leaders speak about the environmental initiatives undertaken in their communities and see sacred spaces. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4 |
ENV330H5 | Experimental Design in Environmental Science | This hands-on course introduces students to field methods and integrative problem solving in environmental sciences. Topics will include sampling methods and protocols employed in terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric assessment and monitoring, as well as experimental design, data analysis and presentation. Practical sessions will involve outdoor field experiences on campus and neighboring areas. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13 |
ENV332H5 | Practicum in Environmental Project Management | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16, SDG8 | |
ENV333H1 | Ecological Worldviews | Approaches to environmental concerns are often marked by assumptions that reflect distinct worldviews positing particular understandings of the role of the human with respect to nature. This course explores sundry economic, political, scientific, religious, and moral worldviews pertaining to the environment, including environmental ethics, Gaia, ecofeminism, scientific cosmology, and indigenous perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV335H1 | Environmental Design | Environmental design, in the context of this course, refers to design strategies that account for the ability of supporting ecosystems to continue to meet human needs and those of other lifeforms without diminishing biological diversity or environmental quality. This course takes a hands-on approach to investigating several environmental design issues: climate-responsive design, energy consumption, health and comfort, natural lighting and ventilation, and water management. Students will build up a design of a net-zero carbon residential building through several instructive design exercises during the semester, including hands-on measurement and calculation activities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV337H1 | Human Interactions with the Environment | The impact of 7 billion people on the planet is enormous and challenges future generations. What are these impacts today and in future? What solutions and tools can avert societal collapse? Using an integrated and interdisciplinary systems approach, we explore problems and solutions to the earth’s limits to growth. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG16 |
ENV338H1 | Environmental Research Data and Decision-making | Understanding the natural world and human perturbations to it requires data. All data has inherent biases and constraints. In this class we will explore the world of environmental data from the perspective of those interested in affecting positive change. The class will use case studies and current research to explore topics such as: How do environmental scientists design studies or experiments to answer specific questions? How do we characterize the limitations of the data we have and work within these constraints to answer scientific questions and make informed and meaningful decisions? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV341H1 | Environment and Health | Examination of the linkages between human health and environment using an interdisciplinary, planetary health lens. Addresses basic public health and toxicological principles. Case studies are examined to highlight the multifaceted ways health and environment are interconnected and to understand key factors modulating environmental exposures and health outcomes in various populations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3, SDG6 |
ENV342H1 | Ecology of the Mind | "Ask not what is inside your head, but what your head is inside of."  James Gibson. This course will explore how environmental settings shape our psyche: cognition, emotions, perceptions, behaviour, and wellbeing. It approaches the mind as embodied, socio-ecologically situated, and enacted. The course title is inspired by Gregory Bateson's "ecology of mind" theory, which views the psyche as part of a relational network with the material world that, like biological ecosystems, will interact, adapt and evolve over time. Students will uncover how natural settings enhance sense of security, curiosity, connectedness and clarity, and how nature enhances systems thinking when we attend to its patterns of relationship. Students will understand and experience nature-based systems thinking that inspires more relational, interconnected and process-oriented perception. The course will highlight the psychological losses associated with environmental degradation, and how the benefits of above can be enhanced through nature-based mindfulness and collective environmental engagement. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENV346H1 | Terrestrial Energy Systems | Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large-scale atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel reserves. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7, SDG9 |
ENV350H1 | Energy Policy and Environment | The course addresses: (1) physical, technological and economic aspects of energy and electricity systems and their associated environmental impacts; (2) current international, Canadian and Ontario energy policy; (3) technological, economic and political factors influencing policy which could significantly reduce environmental impacts of energy use. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG17, SDG7 |
ENV360H1 | Is the Internet Green? | The Internet has deeply penetrated most aspects of society and yet we are remarkably unreflective about its impacts and sustainability. This course challenges students to critically evaluate evidence regarding the environmental and social impacts of the Internet and how the Internet contributes (or not) to goals of environmental sustainability. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
ENV361H1 | Social Media and Environmentalism | This course examines the impacts of the internet on environmental thinking and policy-making. Topics include the use of social media as a tool for community-building and collaborative design, the sharing economy, online protest movements, mass surveillance and its implications, and the impact of misinformation on climate denialism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
ENV362H1 | Energy and Environment: Transitions in History | An exploration of the interactions between humans and their environments in the Holocene, focusing on the contexts and consequences of changes in energy technologies. Includes consideration of changes in food production and processing, transport and power generation technologies from the adoption of agriculture to the twentieth century. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16, SDG7 |
ENV381H1 | Special Topics in Environment | Special topics course designed for students in School of the Environment programs. Topics vary based on the year offered. See the School of the Environment website for more details. | SDG13 | |
ENV393H5 | Environmental Assessment | The course focuses on the methodologies for measuring and predicting the impact of development on the bio-physical and socio-economic environments. Topics include environmental assessment, law and institutions, environmental mediation; Phase I, II, III environmental site assessment; monitoring; mitigation; evaluation; and risk assessment. The types of impact assessment (IA) methods examined vary from year to year (e.g. economic IA, ecological IA, social IA). [24L, 6P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
ENV411H1 | Sustainability Thinking | This capstone course for the Certificate in Sustainability will build on the guiding sustainability principles and journal reflections that began in in the foundational course, ENV222H1, and require students to reflect on the entirety of their sustainability education and experience. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
ENV421Y1 | Community Research for Social & Environmental Change | This research course will provide students with an opportunity to engage in an action-focused, community-based group research project. This course is restricted to students enrolled in a program or certificate at the School of the Environment, or special permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV422H1 | Environmental Law | An introduction to environmental law for students in Environmental Studies; legal methods available to resolve environmental problems and the scope and limits of those methods; common law and statutory tools as well as environmental assessment legislation; the problem of standing to sue and the limits of litigation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 |
ENV430H1 | Community Research in Environment and Faith | Faith-based environmentalism is rarely part of sustainability discourse but could provide opportunities to engage people in new ways. This community engaged research course explores the richness and complexity of faith-based environmentalism. Time in the classroom will be spent building knowledge of the discipline through the discussion of theories and ideas, acquiring research skills, and unpacking field experiences. Time in the field will be spent engaging with the work of community partners and learning from them. The course is designed to bridge classroom knowledge with field experiences that allow for critical reflection and creative expression. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG17, SDG4 |
ENV432H1 | Urban Ecology | The ecology of urban areas through consideration of the biological and physical environments, in particular how the human-constructed environment alters pre-existing biophysical conditions and interactions. Encompasses a comparative perspective to study the development of these emerging ecosystems of increasing importance given global urbanization. Saturday field trip using local transit. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
ENV435H5 | Governing the Commons: Communities and Conservation | Common-pool resources (CPRs) include pastures, forests, watersheds, ocean fisheries, traffic, the Internet, and the Earth's climate. CPRs present a variety of social dilemmas because it is difficult to exclude and prevent resources users from accessing, using, and polluting a resource. Individual self-interest may put CPRs at risk of overuse, overconsumption, and exploitation to result in a "tragedy of the commons" scenario. However resource users across the world, have devised rules and strategies to avoid such tragedies to sustain CPRs over centuries. In this course, through playing games in the classroom, we will learn whether and how theories of collective action, cooperation, and institutions provide insight into achieving conservation of CPRs that delivers on the twin goals of social and environmental justice. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
ENV440H1 | Professional Experience Course | Regular academic seminars complement work placement of 70-80 hours at an organization involved with environmental work. The course enables students to gain practical experience of the needs and demands of professional environmental agencies. Students are given a choice of placements in a variety of sectors (such as government, NGOs, private sector). Eligible students who wish to do a work placement in the upcoming summer or fall session must submit an online application form early in the preceding winter term, which can be found on the School's undergraduate courses webpage along with instructions and the application deadline. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG17, SDG4 |
ENV441H1 | Human Health Impacts of Natural System Alteration | The course introduces students to a wide range of topics and issues about the impacts of change in natural systems (e.g., forests, ocean, climate) on human health. Through readings and discussion, students will explore how the potential health effects of environmental change vary across groups of people having different socio-economic characteristics. A number of case studies or topics will be examined to exemplify why certain populations may be especially vulnerable to different types of environmental changes. Issues related to equity and justice will also be discussed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10,SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
ENV451H1 | Current Environmental Topics | This capstone course for the School's core programs will explore current environmental topics, with the goal of integrating the multi- and interdisciplinary strands of each student's learning to date. This course is for students enrolled in one of the School's BA programs, or permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV452H1 | Environmental Science Seminar | Scientists from within and external to the university share and discuss challenges, findings and opportunities. Specific topics (and speakers) vary from year to year but may draw from rehabilitation techniques, contaminants in our environment, environmental health, impacts on landscapes and communities, biodiversity, water, and modelling of environmental processes. This course is for students enrolled in the School of the Environment, Environmental Science Major BSc program, or permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6 |
ENV461H1 | The U of T Campus as a Living Lab of Sustainability | Sustainability is a growing priority for universities all over the world. Many are developing strong operational sustainability goals and targets, and are giving increasing emphasis to teaching and research on sustainability issues. Yet few have committed at the executive level to integrating academic and operational sustainability in the context of treating their campus as a living laboratory of sustainable practice, research and teaching. Arguably, it is such living lab approaches that offer the largest potential for universities to play a significant role in the sustainability transition. This course will explore and apply the living lab concept, in the context of operational sustainability at the University of Toronto. We will begin by looking at the literature on university sustainability and the living lab concept. The bulk of the course will involve undertaking an applied research project on some aspect of campus sustainability, working in close partnership with operational staff at the University of Toronto. Students will develop the skills needed to work across disciplines and fields of study, and with non-academic partners. This course will put students to work on operational sustainability projects identified by the staff working in or with the Sustainability Office at the University of Toronto. Students will be organized into groups, each of which will be assigned one project, to be overseen by one or more U of T staff members. The bulk of the course will consist of regular meetings with the staff "clients", with instructors, and in small groups to undertake a group project. Each group will produce a mid-term and final report, and give a mid-term and final presentation. Each student will also submit two 360 reviews of the group process. A crucial aspect of this course is the ability of students to work collaboratively together in a group environment, and to work effectively with a university staff person acting as a "client" for their work. Students will be provided with a Handbook outlining information on working in groups and the focus of the class in the second week will be on this issue. The first 360 peer review will serve to provide information on how well each group is working. Students are encouraged to discuss and resolve group process issues in the weekly group meetings, and in their regular meetings with the instructor and TA. The second 360 review will occur at the end of the term. The results of the two 360 reviews will be used, where appropriate, to adjust individual marks from the group averages. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4, SDG8 |
ENV462H1 | Energy and Environment: Economics, Politics, and Sustainability | This interdisciplinary course examines key ideas in economics, domestic politics and geopolitics that are essential to understanding energy and environmental issues. The course will cover energy markets, how these have fundamentally shaped geopolitical relations and conflicts, and the increasing role that renewable energy and sustainability plays in setting policies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7 |
ENV463H1 | Edible Campus | This course situates students and campuses within the context of broader movements for more ecologically rational and socially-just food systems. Topics include critical food systems pedagogy; the political economy of campus food systems; student food (in)security and health; campus food systems alternatives; campus food growing spaces; student/campus-based food movements; campus-community partnerships. The course is praxis-driven and will provide students with opportunities to engage in change-making on their campus, and beyond, through an action-focused project with a campus and/or community partner. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG2, SDG3, SDG4 |
ENV464H1 | Communicating Climate Change | Climate change is an urgent yet complex problem to communicate. Curiously, many young activists are still using the same messages and images that have been around for decades (i.e., burning globes and apocalyptic scenarios). How did these methods of climate communication emerge? And to what impact in terms of both public perception and policy? In this course, students will examine the historical development of climate communication from its origins in the Cold War to present day. In addition to learning how climate change is discussed and visualized, students will work together to produce creative projects and develop improved communication methods. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16 |
ENV481H1 | Special Topics in the Environment | Special topics course designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in School of the Environment programs. This course is for students enrolled in a School Environmental program, or permission of the Undergraduate Associate Director. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV482H1 | Special Topics in the Environment | Special topics course designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in School of the Environment programs. This course is restricted to students enrolled in a School Environmental program. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ENV495H5 | Restoration Ecology I | Restoration ecology is an emerging cross-disciplinary field of study that concerns human activities undertaken to promote the recovery, health, integrity and sustainability of degraded ecosystems. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of ecological restoration, addressing topics such as assessing ecosystem health, resilience, resistance and stability; community structure and biodiversity; invasive species; ecosystem processes and functions; societal aspects of ecological restoration (e.g., the relationship between social, economic and environmental sustainability). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
ERS101H5 | Planet Earth | We discuss the age and origin of the Earth, the nature of its deep interior, the origin of mountains, oceans, earthquakes and volcanoes, and show how these features are related in a unifying theory known as Plate Tectonics, that explains how the evolution of the Earth's surface is driven by internal processes. Practicals will include laboratory exercises devoted to the understanding and recognition of minerals, rocks and geological structures. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14 |
ERS111H5 | Earth, Climate & Life | Life as we know it is completely dependent on our planet. The Earth is an integrated system, where the ocean, atmosphere, life and planet interact with and affect one another. The evolution of the smallest organisms has drastically changed Earth's climate, and small changes in Earth's climate have a profound effect on the distribution of life. Understanding how organisms feed, breath, grow, and reproduce are integral to mitigating large-scale climate changes and organic cycles, and how this will affect the Earth as a system. Processes such as plate tectonics produces an ever changing surface, and has been a major control on how and when life evolved and flourished. After introducing how the Earth works, topics discussed will include how life on Earth has evolved, how large-scale geological processes affect climate and life and how ecosystems have changed in response to weather and climate change. We will also discuss the effect that our species has had on this planet; from the sudden shifts in stability of Earth's systems, to feedback cycles, to use of resources and sustainability. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ERS203H5 | Magmatic Systems and Igneous Petrology | Deep beneath volcanoes lie magmatic systems where magma is formed and evolves. These systems are directly related to plate tectonics and the structure and chemistry of the Earth. This course will study these systems  how they are formed, and why they evolve, as well as what they lead to; volcanic eruptions. This course will use rock specimens, thin sections and geochemistry to study igneous rocks and processes, and will link these processes to the wider tectonic controls on magmatic systems, as well as to metamorphic rocks that are often seen in conjunction with magmatic systems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
ERS225H5 | Field Methods | Fieldwork is at the heart of being a geologist. Skills gained during fieldwork are key as part of a Geologist's toolbox, and are highly regarded in a career. This course introduces fieldwork to students during a week-long fieldtrip in late August looking at outcrops of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks around Ontario. Skills taught will include basic geological observation, description and interpretation, the collection of field notes, geological measurements and presentation of the data. Enrolment approval into the course is by application only; Registration in ACORN is required; priority will be given to Earth Science Specialists, or Environmental Geoscience Specialists. Please see the UTM CPS Earth Science Fieldtrip page for more information. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15, SDG4 |
ERS299Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
ERS303H5 | Geophysics | This course will focus on important geophysical concepts and methods that are used to understand the interior of the Earth and the theory of Plate Tectonics. Major topics include gravity, isostasy, magnetism, heat flow, and seismology. Students will learn to apply basic geophysical equations to address real-life geoscience problems. They will also be introduced to common applied-geophysical techniques used for subsurface sensing, with applications to resource exploration and engineering and environmental studies. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
ERS312H5 | Oceanography | The world's oceans cover approximately 70% of the Earth Surface and Canada has extensive coastlines along three major ocean basins. This course will provide a broad understanding of chemical, biological, physical and geologic aspects of the oceans. In addition, this course will offer an insight into the paleoceanographic evolution of our planet and present-day environmental threats such as pollution, habitat destruction, acidification and ocean warming. Even though this course does not include specific lab or tutorial sessions, relevant exercises will be included. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ERS315H5 | Environmental Geology | This course will focus on Earth processes as they relate to human activities. Topics include sustainability global climate change on short and long timescales; groundwater flow and contamination/human engineering of Earth processes; geological aspects of pollution and waste disposal; and environmental impact of extracting/using minerals, energy, soil, and other Earth resources. A field trip will give students a first-hand experience in aspects of human/planet interaction. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7 |
ERS401H5 | Earth Resources | The formation and global distribution of precious and industrial mineral deposits are introduced. Exploration methods and mining practices are discussed in terms of environmental effects and issues. Basic aspects of the economics and strategic importance of mineral reserves are also covered. Weekly field trips are included. [24L, 48P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG15 |
ERS411H5 | Paleobiology | This course will focus on the evolving history of organisms and their ecosystems on Earth, including aspects of geochemistry and taphonomy. This course will investigate the interactions between Earth and Life over the past 3.5 billion years, emphasizing how the paleontological record is used to understand the complex nature of our evolving Earth. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
ESC101H1 | Praxis I | Praxis I is the cornerstone course of the Engineering Science Foundation Design sequence and introduces the foundational models and tools of engineering design, communication, teamwork, and professionalism that underlie design education within Engineering Science. In Praxis I students work both individually and in small teams to develop their knowledge and skills in through a combination of active lectures, structured interactive studios, and hands-on practical sessions. The design projects in Praxis I are scoped to the individual student and the broader University community. Each student and team is responsible for both defining and resolving their own opportunities. Praxis I also supports students as they transition into their engineering studies and into the Engineering Science learning community. This support integrates conceptual models, concrete techniques, and University resources, and addresses both academic and non-academic concerns. All courses within the Foundation Design sequence use engineering design to provide a context in which students integrate their knowledge, develop their emerging engineering identity, and codify their individual approach to engineering practice. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4 |
ESC102H1 | Praxis II | Praxis II develops the models and tools of design, communication, teamwork, and professionalism introduced in Praxis I. The course also introduces additional complementary considerations including ethics and equity. In Praxis II students work primarily in small teams to develop and refine their knowledge and skills in through a combination of active lectures, structured interactive studios, and hands-on practical sessions. The design projects in Praxis II are scoped to communities within the broader City of Toronto. Student teams are responsible for identifying and engaging with these communities, and for first framing and then resolving a collaboratively identified opportunity.Praxis II culminates in a public showcase where teams present and demonstrate their designs to their stakeholders and to the general public. Praxis II also continues to support students as they integrate more fully into the Engineering Science learning community. All courses within the Foundation Design sequence use engineering design to provide a context in which students integrate their knowledge, develop their emerging engineering identity, and codify their individual approach to engineering practice. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4 |
ESC203H1 | Engineering and Society | Through this course, students will examine the relationship between engineering and society, emphasizing a humanities and social sciences perspective. Building on the Praxis courses, students will develop and apply an understanding of ethics and equity to broader sociotechnical systems and challenges. Using models of critical thinking, active learning activities and discussion seminars, students will develop an understanding of the social and environmental impacts of technology. Students will further develop their communication, teamwork and professional skills through persuasive writing, facilitation and formal debate. Upon completion of the course, students will have an appreciation for the complex interaction between human society and technology, and will be able to analyze and evaluate the social, technological, political, and ethical dimensions of technology. Humanities and Social Science elective. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG9 |
ESC470H1 | Energy Systems Capstone Design | A half-year capstone design course in which students work in teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. The course focus is on context-appropriate energy systems design and simulation, incorporating generation, transmission and storage of energy from across a range of traditional and alternative energy sources. Students identify, frame, and design solutions to problems that align with that focus, and the resulting designs are assessed on their engineering quality and design credibility. In addition, each student engages in individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team comprising both design and domain experts. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
ESC472H1 | Electrical and Computer Capstone Design | A half-year capstone design course in which students work in small teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. Each team is expected to design a complex engineered system, implemented (a) fully in software, (b) fully in hardware or (c) in a mixture of hardware and software, using concepts drawn from the ECE Major curriculum and resulting in a functional prototype. Teams are expected to integrate their design, technical, and complementary knowledge, to design for safety, and to consider relevant interdisciplinary factors such as economic, health, environmental, social, and similar concerns.In addition, each student will complete an individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. This reflection is intended to prepare the student for the next stage of their engineering career | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
ESS103H1 | Geology in Public Issues | Geologic hazards: earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis. The distribution and politics of natural resources, including petroleum and ore deposits. Nuclear power and nuclear waste disposal. Global change: the geologic record of hot and cold climates, and how the earth survives. ESS103H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG7 |
ESS105H1 | Our home planet | The nature and evolution of the Earth; plate tectonics; rocks and minerals; volcanism; geological time; fossils; geology of Ontario; environmental issues; and human interactions with the planet. ESS105H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science students | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
ESS197H1 | Earth and Life through Time | This seminar will look through the lens of earth history to explore drivers of change in the biosphere and the impacts of these changes. We will focus on episodes of mass extinction, and the spectacular landscape changes and speciation events which often followed. Abrupt or gradual climatic changes, massive volcanism, asteroid impacts, catastrophic carbon releases, and human activity will be evaluated as the causes of major extinction events in Earth history. The course will involve reading of scientific literature, student-led discussions, oral presentations and research projects, as well as potential field trips to sites in Southern Ontario. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
ESS198H1 | Resources and Sustainability | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG6, SDG7 | |
ESS199H1 | Earth Science Perspectives on Human Origins | Archaeologists and paleontologists depend on earth science to provide the contextual information that is essential to our understanding of human evolution. Among the topics this course will examine are the methods used to determine the age of discoveries, approaches to understanding the environments human ancestors lived in, and how geologists unravel site formation processes. Our discussions will include the role of fire in human evolution, the adaptations of Neanderthals, and the timing of the first appearance of modern humans. The course will be structured around key research localities including Hadar, the Cradle of Humankind, Olduvai Gorge, Wonderwerk Cave, Kebara Cave, Hohlefels, and Pinnacle Point. The course will involve reading of scientific literature, student-led discussions, oral presentations and research projects. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
ESS205H1 | Confronting Global Change | The emergence of society as a major geological force is considered in terms of the evolving debate about the consequences of human activity for the habitability of our planet. Major issues such as climate change, environmental pollution, and depletion of natural resources are examined. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
ESS262H1 | Earth System Processes | An introduction to how our planet works, focusing on physical processes that govern the nature and composition of Earth with an emphasis on the dynamic nature of the planet. Topics include surface processes (e.g., weathering and erosion, ocean and atmospheric circulation, weather and climate), crustal processes (e.g., plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, biogeochemical cycles), and earth-environment interactions (e.g., natural hazards, resource development, and sustainability). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ESS311H1 | Aqueous Geochemistry | An introduction to aqueous environmental geochemistry emphasising the importance of chemical equilibria, mass transport, and microbiological activity in regulating the chemical composition of natural and contaminated systems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14 |
ESS312H1 | Hydrogeology | Groundwater flow, the role of groundwater in geologic processes, and physical, chemical and biological constraints on contaminant source transport and attenuation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG6 |
ESS313H1 | Contaminants, Environment, Geoethics | One of humanity's key challenges is growing environmental pollution by a wide range of contaminants entering the environment due to anthropogenic activities, including the mining for critical minerals needed for "green energy". This course explores environmental contamination and solutions to stem contamination, with a focus on mining. Topics covered will include the sources, transport and fate of inorganic and organic contaminants using geochemical, geobiological, and geophysical lenses. Students will investigate the need for mining, remediation and mitigation strategies, and will discuss ethical issues related to activities that lead to contaminant releases and their impact on human and environmental health. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
ESS362H1 | Oceanography | An introduction to the physical, geological, chemical, and biological processes governing the world's oceans. The course emphasizes critical thinking, environmental issues, and interrelationships among scientific disciplines. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14 |
ESS363H1 | Global Biogeochemical Cycles | Exchange of energy and matter (elements and minerals) between the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, and geosphere. Course-related topics include global biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, silicon, iron, and zinc (amongst other elements) and will include both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Examples and case studies will be viewed from the paleo-, contemporary and potential future global change perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
ESS461H1 | Palaeoenvironmental Studies | The use of proxy data (terrestrial and aquatic microfossils) to infer past environmental conditions. The nature and extent of Quaternary environmental change is considered in the context of assessing current issues such as acidification, metal pollution, eutrophication and global climate change. Paleoenvironmental techniques are applied in the laboratory. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
ESS465H1 | Topics in Critical Zone Processes | An in-depth look at a significant aspect of the Earth system. The "critical zone" -- defined as the outer layer reaching from the treetops into the weathered bedrock where rock, water, air and life interact -- is crucial to life and habitats, food production, water quality, and regulating climate. Topics will vary depending on instructor expertise, who may focus on biosphere-atmosphere interactions, or microbiologically driven cycling of energy and matter in the subsurface. Emphasis will be placed on approaches to quantitatively model interactions and reading of primary scientific literature. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7 |
ESTB01H3 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | This course introduces the Environmental Studies major and the interdisciplinary study of the environment through a team-teaching format. Students will explore both physical and social science perspectives on the environment, sustainability, environmental problems and their solutions. Emphasis will be on critical thinking, problem solving, and experiential learning. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4 |
ESTB02H3 | Whose Land Indigenous-Canada- Land Relations | Introduces students to the geography of Indigenous-Crown-Land relations in Canada. Beginning with pre-European contact and the historic Nation-to-Nation relationship, the course will survey major research inquiries from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Students will learn how ongoing land and treaty violations impact Indigenous peoples, settler society, and the land in Canada. Same as GGRB18H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
ESTB03H3 | Back to the Land: Restoring Embodied and Affective Ways of Knowing | In this course students will learn about sustainability thinking, its key concepts, historical development and applications to current environmental challenges. More specifically, students will gain a better understanding of the complexity of values, knowledge, and problem framings that sustainability practice engages with through a focused interdisciplinary study of land. This is a required course for the Certificate in Sustainability, a certificate available to any student at UTSC. Same as VPHB69H3. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
ESTB04H3 | Addressing the Climate Crisis | Addressing the climate crisis is a profound challenge for society. This course explores climate change and what people are doing about it. This course emphasizes the human dimensions of the climate crisis. It introduces students to potential solutions, ethical and justice considerations, climate change policies and politics, and barriers standing in the way of effective action. With an emphasis on potential solutions, students will learn how society can eliminate greenhouse gas emissions through potential climate change mitigation actions and about adaptation actions that can help reduce the impacts of climate change on humans. This course is intended for students from all backgrounds interested in understanding the human dimensions of the climate crisis and developing their ability to explain potential solutions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG7 |
ESTC34H3 | Sustainability in Practice | This course is intended for students who would like to apply theoretical principles of environmental sustainability learned in other courses to real world problems. Students will identify a problem of interest related either to campus sustainability, a local NGO, or municipal, provincial, or federal government. Class meetings will consist of group discussions investigating key issues, potential solutions, and logistical matters to be considered for the implementation of proposed solutions. Students who choose campus issues will also have the potential to actually implement their solutions. Grades will be based on participation in class discussions, as well as a final report and presentation. Same as EESC34H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG9 |
ESTC35H3 | Environmental Science and Technology in Society | In this course students will engage critically, practically and creatively with environmental controversies and urgent environmental issues from the standpoint of the sociology of science and technology (STS). This course will contribute to a better understanding of the social and political construction of environmental science and technology. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG9 |
ESTC36H3 | Knowledge, Ethics and Environmental Decision-Making | Most environmental issues have many sides including scientific, social, cultural, ethical, political, and economic. Current national, regional and local problems will be discussed in class to help students critically analyze the roots of the problems and possible approaches to decision-making in a context of pluralism and complexity. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG4, SDG8 |
ESTC37H3 | Energy and Sustainability | This course will address energy systems and policy, focusing on opportunities and constraints for sustainable energy transitions. The course introduces energy systems, including how energy is used in society, decarbonization pathways for energy, and the social and political challenges of transitioning to zero carbon and resilient energy systems. Drawing on real-world case studies, students will learn about energy sources, end uses, technologies, institutions, politics, policy tools and the social and ecological impacts of energy. Students will learn integrated and interdisciplinary approaches to energy systems analysis and gain skills in imagining and planning sustainable energy futures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG7 |
ESTC40H3 | Technical Methods for Climate Change Mitigation | Addressing the climate crisis requires designing and implementing effective climate change mitigation targets, strategies, policies and actions to eliminate human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. In this course, students will learn the various technical methods required in climate change mitigation. Students will explore the opportunities, barriers, and tools that exist to implement effective climate change mitigation in the energy, industry, waste, and agriculture, forestry and land-use sectors. The emphasis of the course is on the technical methods that climate change mitigation experts require. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG2, SDG7 |
ESTD17Y3 | Cohort Capstone Course in Environmental Studies | This course is designed to provide a strong interdisciplinary focus on specific environmental problems including the socioeconomic context in which environmental issues are resolved. The cohort capstone course is in 2 consecutive semesters, providing final year students the opportunity to work in a team, as environmental researchers and consultants, combining knowledge and skill-sets acquired in earlier courses. Group research to local environmental problems and exposure to critical environmental policy issues will be the focal point of the course. Students will attend preliminary meetings schedules in the Fall semester. Same as EESD17Y3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG13, SDG4 |
ESTD18H3 | Environmental Studies Seminar Series | This course will be organized around the DPES seminar series, presenting guest lecturers around interdisciplinary environmental themes. Students will analyze major environmental themes and prepare presentations for in-class debate. Same as EESD18H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 |
ESTD19H3 | Risk | A practical introduction to the concept of 'risk' as utilized in environmental decision-making. Students are introduced to risk analysis and assessment procedures as applied in business, government, and civil society. Three modules take students from relatively simple determinations of risk (e.g., infrastructure flooding) towards more complex, real-world, inclusive considerations (e.g., ecosystem impacts of climate change). | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG9 |
ETH401H1 | Seminar in Ethics | The seminar will expose advanced undergraduates to cutting edge research in ethics. It meets bi-weekly over the entire academic year. Participants will attend research presentations at the Centre for Ethics (topics have included bioethics, indigenous rights, equality and education, free speech, and workplace democracy). They will also meet individually with the instructor to plan an independent research project related to the theme of the course. In the winter term, students will present their research and discuss it with the other students in the seminar. (Note that this is an H1Y course -- a half-credit course taught throughout both Fall and Winter terms.) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
EUR200Y1 | Europe: Nation-State to Supranational Union | An analysis of the development of European political regimes from 1789 until the 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union to include the countries of the former Soviet bloc. This course identifies the decisive forces and factors affecting the operation of constitutions and institutions within the countries which came to form the European Union: nationalism, multi-nationalism, internationalism and supranationalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
EUR498H1 | Special Topics in European Affairs: European Union | What is the European Union? Which are its core institutions and how do they work? What is the scope of its directives and programs, and how do they fit in with the member-states policies? What is the role of the EU as an international actor? This course on Special Topics in European Affairs aims at answering all these questions. The course will start with an introduction to integration in Europe, the development of the EU, and some theories and approaches to its study. It will then review the main political, economic, and judiciary institutions in the EU. Last, it will examine some important policy areas and challenges at the European level, including migration and asylum, social cohesion, counterterrorist initiatives, scenarios after Brexit, relations between the EU and its neighbours, and foreign policy. Special care will be given to explaining the political interaction between the EU institutions and the member-states, on the one hand, and the EU's Directives and policy frameworks and the members policies, on the other hand. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
FAH198H1 | Shocking Artists, Shocking Art | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 | |
FAH199H1 | Architecture of Toronto | The architecture of Toronto is characterized by artful and influential monuments as well as stylistically incoherent neighbourhoods, vibrant civic spaces alongside dysfunctional infrastructure. This course investigates how Canada's national metropolis came to embody such extremes of architectural richness and urban contradictions. The seminar focuses on how to "read" the buildings of Toronto and think critically about the forces that have shaped city planning, monuments, public space, and concepts of heritage. Readings and discussions will be combined with field trips, research on site or in the archives, and direct engagement with local communities and preservation initiatives. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG9 |
FAH205H1 | Clay: A Material and Visual History | This course will reveal the deep history of clay, stretching back to the Palaeolithic period with the first clay figurines; through the Neolithic period with its extensive use of clay for the earliest permanent houses, the first inorganic containers, and many votive offerings in clay; all the way to the present day with the ceramic art of Pablo Picasso, Grayson Perry, and Ai Weiwei. Our approach will also be thoroughly global, ranging from the Maya of Mesoamerica to the Mingei of Japan. The course will involve hands-on elements too, particularly with the nearby Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
FAH251H1 | Black Art in North America | This introductory course will survey the interrelated history of Blackness and artistic production in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada. Starting in the eighteenth century with the advent of the transatlantic slave trade and covering up to Black Lives Matter movement, the course proceeds chronologically and considers the Black Art within its larger social context. By discussing the aesthetic qualities of artworks and the careers of Black artists alongside of the history of anti-Black racism in North America, we will explore both how the visual has been used as a tool of domination and how art can challenge or subvert racist ideologies. At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the primary figures, debates, and works of art that constitute the field. They will also be comfortable discussing the history anti-Black racism and its current manifestations. Topics include: the visual culture of slavery and abolition, hemispheric and transatlantic modernisms, the racial politics of "outsider" and "folk" art, the Black Arts Movement, and art and mass incarceration. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
FAH255H1 | Art of Indigenous North America | A broad survey of Indigenous arts in North America from Mexico to the Arctic, and from ancient to modern. Students will gain a basic literacy in key artforms including painting, architecture, basketry and more, grounded in an awareness of Indigenous realities and historical currents. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
FAH272H1 | Modern Architecture from 1750 to the Present | An introduction to the buildings, issues and ideas from Neoclassicism to the present. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
FAH273H1 | Canada Buildings and Landscapes | An introduction to the traditions and patterns of building in Canada taking into account the unique landscapes, resources and history that comprise what is now a unified political entity. Lectures will pay special attention to the complexity of architecture throughout Canada including issues of land rights, natural resources, immigration, settlements and urban design, transportation, and heritage issues. A special feature of this class will be the opportunity to study Toronto first-hand through class projects. No previous architectural history study is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG15, SDG9 |
FAH310H5 | Curating Matters: Contexts and Issues in Contemporary Curatorial Practice | This course will introduce students to the major critical texts, theories, and debates circulating in the burgeoning international field of contemporary curatorial studies. The course will include lectures, case studies, practice-related assignments, encounters with artists and art professionals, and student presentations that are intended to raise issues and engage debate about contemporary exhibition practices and account for theoretical perspectives and historical context. One objective of this course is to trouble preconceptions of the role of the curator in order to observe the complexity of curatorial models across and beyond art institutions. The class will address the implications of shifting cultural, social, and political contexts for artistic and curatorial practice and their sites. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
FAH311H1 | Greek Sculpture | The course provides a thorough examination of ancient Greek sculpture from 7th - 1st century BCE, which in many ways defined the canon of western art that was to follow. Classic issues of style, dating, and technique are complemented by putting them into the contexts of cultural history, religion and socio-politics. While the course is a traditional monument-based survey of major sculptural works from the ancient Greek world, several important issues are also addressed, pertaining both to contemporary society and the study of other areas of art history. These include but are not limited to: gender, social class, colonialism, notion of the artist, originality, and aesthetic theory. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10. SDG12, SDG16 |
FAH314H1 | Eroticism in Ancient Art | Erotic imagery in sculptures, reliefs, paintings is ubiquitous in ancient art, to a degree that modern viewers have often found disturbing. This course faces the challenge posed by the ancient predilection for such imagery and explores it from a critical and scholarly perspective. At its most basic level, it reassigns a seemingly universal segment of human "nature" and experience to the realm of culture, by examining the imagery against the background of ancient constructions of sexuality, gender and the body. But it also explores the libidinal and hedonic structure of the works of art themselves and asks for the functions of erotic imagery in its respective contexts. The course will avail itself of the excellent research on gender, sexuality and eroticism in antiquity that has been produced over the past few decades, and it will also explore the topic's lateral connections with the thematic fields of ancient humour, the grotesque, apotropaism, myth and magic. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
FAH326H1 | Cultural History of Islamic Spain | From its earliest beginnings as an Umayyad province and up until the 15th century, al-Andalus acted as a lynch pin within the Mediterranean world. Connecting the Islamic empire in the East and forging links of trade and cultural exchange with Europe to the West, cities such as Cordoba and Granada captured the imagination of contemporary chroniclers, earning descriptions in the sources as truly "first-rate places". Through an exploration of the historical, artistic, architectural, urban, social and economic contexts, this course will engage with and expand upon current understandings of this seminal period in Islamic history to examine Islam's encounters and modes of cultural exchange with Europe and the Mediterranean world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
FAH331H1 | Netherlandish Renaissance Art and Culture | The Netherlands had become one of Europe's most fertile artistic cultures by the sixteenth century. Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel are famous today for their paintings of Hell and peasant life. Other painters introduced mythological and erotic subject matter, while practitioners in the other arts were perhaps even more widely known. Netherlandish sculptors created the tombs of northern European rulers, defining their public identity in the communal space of church and chapel. Miniature carved altarpieces helped guide modes of private devotion and were widely imitated from Italy to Scandinavia. Netherlandish tapestries broadcast the heroic deeds of the Caesars and the patriarchs in the palaces of kings and high nobles as prototypes for their reigns. We will examine the rise of the Renaissance manner in northern Europe, the role of the religious arts, the ideology of urban culture, the consequences of the Reformation and iconoclasm, the functions of various species of portraiture, and the particular properties of different media, while dedicating much attention to Bosch and Bruegel. And we will concentrate on the sixteenth century, the era in which the Netherlands was closely linked to the rest of Europe, from Italy to Sweden, from England to Ukraine. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
FAH382H1 | Art Writing | Study and practice in the variety of writing genres and styles associated with art history and contemporary criticism. Students will develop skills in writing for museum exhibitions and publications, reviews and criticism, academic analysis, and writing for popular print and media. Regular and frequent writing assignments. Recommended for FAH majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
FAH388H1 | Art History Theories and Practices | Investigates the development of art and architectural history as an academic discipline and method of analysis including discussion of varied approaches such as formalism, connoisseurship, post-colonialism, feminism, queer studies, psychoanalysis, and material studies. The course explores the relationship of art history to other disciplines including archaeology, literary criticism, film studies, and anthropology. Suggested for all Specialists and students considering graduate study in art history. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
FAH406H1 | Cross-Cultural Issues in Ancient Art Beyond Greece and Rome | When cultures collide, they assimilate, they exchange, they transform, and they develop, and there seems to be a pattern of recognizable centres of power around which artistic tradition often revolves. This has caused the conventional understanding of certain flowering of artistic heritage as a product of cross-cultural influences. This course is a seminar style survey that explores these fascinating amalgams of artistic traditions that lie at the Eastern outskirts of the Hellenistic world throughout the roman Period, from Bactria to India, and with a heavy focus on the Buddhist art of Gandhara, reaching out along the Silk Road. As the title suggests, the class aims at a renewed framework that re-evaluates the role of the Ancient West, which has been absent since the heavily Eurocentric scholarship from the early 20th century. It also aims to familiarize students with current theoretical issues surrounding cross-cultural studies as it pertains to the visual arts, touching upon modern postcolonial theories of space. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
FAH452H1 | Contemporary Indigenous Art in Canada & the United States | This course focuses on Indigenous artists working both within and outside of contemporary art spaces in Canada and the United States, through a study of key exhibitions and movements in the Indigenous arts community from 1984 to the present. From the Columbus Quincentennial in 1992 and its echoes in the "Canada 150"; celebrations, to artists working from the front lines of land protection movements, we will explore ideas of nationalism, inclusion, intervention, and 'decolonization' of the gallery. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15 |
FAH465H1 | Exhibiting China | This seminar teaches students the skills required to curate an exhibition of Chinese materials. Working firsthand with objects of Chinese art and visual culture in local Toronto collections, students learn to document the object, assess authenticity, write object labels, panel texts, and catalogue essays. Students will thus prepare an exhibition, actual or virtual, of Chinese objects in local collections. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
FAH472H5 | Early Modern Mobile Objects | This course concerns the global circulation of objects or things in the early modern world (ca. 1500-1700) when new trade routes brought about an unprecedented mobilization of artifacts of visual culture, foodstuffs and other goods. We will be concerned with the manifold appearances of uprooted objects, new arrangements, and the invisible layers of skill, materials, and manufacture that resulted from heightened exchange. Objects of study will range broadly: porcelain, tableware and foodstuffs, screens and silver, naturalia and their elaborate mounts, miniatures, prints and books, paintings (Dutch Still Life, Las Meninas) which put the world of things on display.[24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG9 |
FAH488H1 | Considering Sustainable Textiles and Fashions in the Age of Climate Crisis | This seminar looks at historic and contemporary global thinking about the production and consumption of textiles and fashions within the current climate change crisis, and over-production due to fast fashion. We question the notion of Western seasonal style and look at historic models to understand new economies of scale and value, issues of labour and natural resources. Through lectures, workshops, and seminars, the class will consider how to harness past models to attain the future of textiles and fashion and the context surrounding the 3 R's, reduce, reuse and recycle. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8 |
FAS453H5 | Art Education Practice | (Offered at Sheridan College) Students investigate the principles of educational theory and practice for teaching the visual arts to learners including children, adolescents and adults, within a variety of educational settings. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
FCS198H1 | The Literacy of Images: Interactions between Text and Other Media | How do images create meaning in texts? How do words guide the interpretation of images? This course will examine relations between texts from different literary genres (the Bande Dessinée, fiction and autobiography) and other media (illustration, photography, cinema) through an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, by combining perspectives from literature, cinema, illustration, and photography. The course will be held in English. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
FCS199H1 | Marketing in the French Speaking World | This course investigates sociocultural and linguistic issues surrounding market expansion and marketing of products and services to French-speaking audiences in Canada and elsewhere. Students consider challenges posed by increased globalization through comparisons of English- and French-speaking communities, while exploring basic marketing theory. Through case studies of successes and failures, students examine how companies develop and adapt branding and messaging for Francophone audiences by integrating differences in humour, values, politics, and financial considerations. Students thus develop an understanding of the Francophone consumer and gain skills for advertising and branding in a Francophone or bilingual environment. This course is taught in English. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG8 |
FLMB71H3 | Writing About Movies | In this course, students will learn to write critically about movies. We will watch movies and read film criticism, learning to write about film for various audiences and purposes. Forms of writing covered will include movie reviews, blogs, analytical essays, and research-based essays. This is a writing-intensive course that will include revision and peer review. Students will learn how to write academic essays about movies, while also learning about the goals and tools for writing about film for other audiences and venues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG4 |
FLMB75H3 | Cinema and Modernity | An investigation of film genres such as melodrama, film noir, and the western from 1895 to the present alongside examples of twentieth-century prose and poetry. We will look at the creation of an ideological space and of new mythologies that helped organize the experience of modern life. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
FLMB77H3 | Cinema and Colonialism | An introduction to cinema's relationship to colonialism, decolonization, and postcolonialism. How has film constructed, perpetuated, and challenged colonial logic? We will explore this question by examining colonial cinema, ethnography, Hollywood genres, anti-colonial film, and postcolonial film practices. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
FLMC44H3 | Self and Other in Literature and Film | A study of the relation between self and other in narrative fiction. This course will examine three approaches to the self-other relation: the moral relation, the epistemological relation, and the functional relation. Examples will be chosen to reflect engagements with gendered others, with historical others, with generational others, and with cultural and national others. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 , SDG5 |
FLMC75H3 | Freaks and Geeks: Children in Contemporary Film and Media | This course will look at the depiction of childhood and youth in contemporary film and television, especially focusing on films that feature exceptional, difficult, or magical children. The course will explore how popular culture represents children and teens, and how these films reflect cultural anxieties about parenting, childhood, technology, reproduction, disability and generational change. Films and television shows may include: Mommy, The Babadook, Boyhood, Girlhood, A Quiet Place, We Need to Talk About Kevin, The Shining, Looper, Elephant, Ready Player One, Stranger Things, Chappie, Take Shelter, and Moonlight. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 , SDG5 |
FLMC84H3 | Cinema and Migration | This course introduces students to cinema by, and about, immigrants, refugees, migrants, and exiles. Using a comparative world cinema approach, the course explores how the aesthetics and politics of the cinema of migration challenge theories of regional, transnational, diasporic, and global cinemas. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
FLMC92H3 | Film Theory | An introduction to the major theorists and schools of thought in the history of film theory, from the early 20th century to our contemporary moment. What is our relationship to the screen? How do movies affect our self-image? How can we think about the power and politics of the moving image? We will think about these questions and others by watching movies in conjunction with theoretical texts touching on the major approaches to film theory over the last century. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
FLMC95H3 | Indian Cinemas: Bollywood, Before and Beyond | This course will introduce students to various film cultures in India, with a focus on Bollywood, the world's largest producer of films. The readings will provide an overview of a diverse range of film production and consumption practices in South Asia, from popular Hindi films to 'regional' films in other languages. This is an introductory course where certain key readings and films will be selected with the aim of helping students develop their critical writing skills. These course materials will help students explore issues of aesthetics, politics and reception across diverse mainstream, regional and art cinema in the Indian subcontinent. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
FOR200H1 | Conservation of Canada's Forests | Forest conservation issues in Canada; fundamentals of forest biology and ecology; forest biodiversity; development of forest management philosophy in Canadian forested regions; concepts of sustainability. Sustainable forest management strategies; forest policy and economics in a Canadian context; forest certification; protected areas. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR201H1 | Conservation of Tropical and Subtropical Forests | The world's major tropical and subtropical forest biomes; prospects for conservation and sustainable management; consequences of different forest development strategies; tropical deforestation and selective logging; agroforestry; biodiversity and non-timber forest products; the fuelwood crisis; large carnivore conservation; ecological, economic and social perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG2 |
FOR300H1 | Forest Products in Sustainable Forestry | Traditional and non-traditional forest products; wood structure; properties and material attributes; functional characteristics and logistics of wood product industry. Contribution of innovative product development to conservation; adding value; residue use; biorefinery; under-utilized species; wood protection. Forest product certification; eco-labelling; life cycle analysis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR301H1 | Field Methods in Forest Conservation | A practical introduction to the field methods used by forest conservationists in Ontario. The overnight field camp portion is approximately seven days taking place during August. Field exercises will provide students with practical training in tree identification, forest ecosystem classification, forest inventory, stand management prescriptions, tree marking, and silvicultural systems. Each student is required to pay an ancillary fee of approximately $663 to cover the costs of transportation, food, and accommodation. Interested students should contact the Forestry Program Administrator to register. Later registrations will be considered if class size permits. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
FOR302H1 | Societal Values and Forest Management | This course will explore the diverse societal values, interests, and perspectives that informs forest management in rural and urban settings. It will examine the social and political environment in which forest management takes place, and the different approaches to balancing social, economic, and environmental objectives in forest management. Topics include Indigenous stewardship and traditional ecological knowledge, climate change, ecosystem services, urban forestry, community forestry, recreation, human health and well-being, biodiversity conservation, equity and environmental justice, and adaptive management. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
FOR303H1 | Human Dimensions of Global Forests | Global forest resources and forest economics; relationships between societies and forests, consumption, trade and valuation of timber and non-timber products; ecosystem services, climate change and forestry, tropical deforestation and softwood lumber dispute. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15 |
FOR305H1 | Biology of Trees and Forests | An overview of the biology of trees and the ecological principles that govern the structure and function of forests. Topics in tree biology will include tree identification, wood anatomy, tree architecture, resource acquisition and allocation, tree growth and mortality. Topics in forest ecology will include resource competition, stand development, species succession, and the cycling of nutrients and energy. This course will include a substantial field and lab component. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR307H1 | Forest Insect Ecology & Management | Insect identification and ecology, biodiversity and conservation, invasive species, insect-tree interaction, biological control, pesticide use, and integrated pest management. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR308H1 | Discovering Wood and its Role in Societal Development | Humanities and Social Science elective: Trees and their components have been used through the centuries for shelter, heat, entertainment, weapons, sport, furnishings, communication, food and medicines. This course explores the co-evolution of nature and culture by examining the social and economic impacts that the forest and its exploitation had in the development of societies throughout the ages. Focus will be on the cultural history of wood and products derived from it and its influence on developing societies from biblical times to modern day. The course will examine how wood's versatility and usefulness in varied applications has been discovered by society as needs for survival to austerity develop. The unique properties of woody materials will be examined to expose its ability to meet the varied demands of societies throughout the ages. This course will allow students to explore the place and role of wood derived products in sustainable society. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG8, SDG9 |
FOR310H1 | Bioenergy from Sustainable Forest Management | Socio-economic, technical, political and environmental issues associated with the utilization of forest biomass (e.g., harvesting residues, thinnings, salvage, short rotation woody crops) for a source of renewable energy. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG7 |
FOR400Y1 | Advanced Seminar in Forest Conservation | Examination of current and emerging critical issues affecting sustainable management and conservation of global forests. Seminars led by students, faculty and visiting speakers. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR401H1 | Research Paper/Thesis in Forest Conservation | A research project requiring the prior consent of a member of the Department to supervise the project. Individual in-depth student research projects on significant forest conservation and forest biomaterial issues, based on field and/or laboratory research, or literature survey. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Please contact Program Administrator for further enrollment details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR403H1 | Directed Readings | Requires the prior consent of a member of the Department to supervise the readings and assignments. Provides opportunities for students to carry out an individual in-depth study of current forest conservation and forest biomaterials issues. Please contact the Program Administrator for further enrollment details. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR404H1 | Arboriculture | The management and care of individual trees in the places we live, work, and play, from rural communities to urban centres, is critical to protecting human life and property, and to maximizing the many social, environmental, and economic benefits that trees provide. Students will develop a professional level of knowledge and skills in arboriculture expected of tree care professionals like arborists and urban foresters, including: tree biology, tree identification and selection, soil management, installation and establishment, pruning, diagnosis and treatment, trees and construction, tree risk management, safe work practices, and urban forestry. Emphasis will be placed on application, real-world scenarios, and problem-based learning. Professionalism, ethics, career pathways and professional development will also be covered. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15 |
FOR410H1 | Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technology | Technological advances and approaches in deriving biofuels and chemical feedstocks from forest and other biomass. Fundamental chemical attributes of biomass, as they affect the fuel value and potential for deriving liquid, solid and gaseous fuels and valuable chemicals for other applications will be discussed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG7 |
FOR413H1 | Wildlife Ecology & Conservation | Temperate and tropical wildlife ecology and conservation; roles of wildlife in forest conservation; impacts of forestry practices and landscape modification on wildlife; ecology and viability of wildlife populations; human uses and abuses of game and non-game species. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
FOR416H1 | Green Urban Infrastructure | Trees in and around the city are key to providing multiple engineered and ecological services that only recently have been brought into the responsible fiscal planning of every municipality around the globe. Reviews the role of trees and woodlands in providing environmental, social and economic benefits to urban and peri-urban residents and to the broader environment. Examines approaches to the characterization of urban forest ecosystems, and their planning and management. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG2, SDG9 |
FOR417H1 | Agroforestry | This course explores the roles of trees and forests in agricultural land-use systems and examines the biological and management aspects of agroforestry. The sustainability of agroforestry systems is examined within the context of socio-economic constraints, geopolitical forces, and Indigenous perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG16, SDG2 |
FOR419H1 | Forest Fire Behaviour and Management | Understanding forest fire activity is important for predicting fire's impact on forests and the wildland-urban interface, as well as understanding the impacts of climate change. Basic principles of forest fuel moisture exchange, fire occurrence and fire behaviour are explored. Emphasis is placed on application of these models to real fire management problems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
FOR421H1 | Green Urban Infrastructure: Sustainable City Forests | Complementary Studies elective: With over 80% of the world's population now living in cities, tomorrow's forests will be urban. Increasing global recognition of nature deficit disorder and the values of green infrastructure to mitigate broader human impacts gives a new meaning to the term 'urban forestry', coined here at UofT and now recognized widely. Trees in and around the city are key to providing multiple engineered and ecological services that only recently have been brought into the responsible fiscal planning of every municipality around the globe. If managed properly (a key concept), urban forests mitigate climate change and urban heat island effects, act as carbon sinks, air filters, water purifiers, air conditioners, noise dampeners, wildlife and/or biodiversity refuges, and green spaces for the human spirit. Here, we explore the challenges and opportunities of this exciting new applied field at the cross-roads of ecology, engineering and planning to ensure future global sustainability. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG9 |
FOR424H1 | Innovation and Manufacturing of Sustainable Materials | Sustainable materials are a mandate for sustainable societies. This course will explore the manufacturing, engineering principles and design fundamentals for creating sustainable materials from renewable resources. Special emphasis will be on bioplastics, biofibre, nanobiofibre, biocomposites and nanobiocomposites. Written communication and design skills will be developed through tutorials and assignments. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG7 |
FOR425H1 | Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technology | Technological advances and approaches in deriving biofuels, chemical feedstocks from forest and other biomass resources. Fundamental chemical attributes of biomass, as they affect the fuel value and potential for deriving liquid, solid and gaseous fuels and valuable chemicals for other applications will be explored. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG7 |
FRE181H5 | Introduction to French Studies | This course provides an introduction to French studies with a focus on expanding students' French language proficiency. It also introduces basic notions in French linguistics, literary & cultural studies, and language teaching & learning. Students will practice processing authentic texts in a variety of written and spoken formats through the guided discovery of new vocabulary and through the consolidation of grammatical structures. They will learn to connect form to meaning and to develop their spoken and written skills via an investigation of global French-speaking cultures. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
FRE227H5 | Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language | This course provides an introduction to second language pedagogy with a particular focus on French. Students will learn key concepts in pedagogy and compare the teaching and learning processes and experiences of first and second language learners as well as the roles of classroom teachers and learners via the creation of linguistic portraits and pedagogical materials. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
FRE245H1 | Introduction to French Cultural and Literary Studies | This course is a practical introduction to concepts, methods and problems of literary analysis as well as an overview of French artistic culture. Using elements of comparison from fine arts, contemporary and popular culture (including novels and movies) and a variety of emblematic works of French and Francophone literatures (among others: essays by Voltaire, Montesquieu and Simone de Beauvoir; poems by Ronsard, Hugo, Baudelaire and Césaire; excerpts from novels by George Sand, Albert Camus and Patrick Chamoiseau), its objective is to provide students with a practical introduction to the tools of literary analysis, but also to help them better read, understand and appreciate literary texts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SG5 |
FRE273H1 | Introduction to the History of the French Language | A discovery of a long and fascinating history, stretching from the spoken Latin of the Gauls to the many varieties of French found today all over the world via the investigation of the social, political, and cultural causes of language change. Our focus includes topics such as medieval bilingualism, the regulation of language through the Académie française, the political use of the French language, the emergence of the Francophonie and modern Canadian French. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
FRE304H1 | Contemporary French Women's Prose Fiction | An analysis of selected prose texts of the last hundred years written by major French women authors, emphasizing themes and textual strategies used to represent the female subject, her relationship to language, and the role of ethnicity, class, and gender in the construction of identity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
FRE324H1 | French Literature in the Time of Revolutions and Industrialization | The long 19th century (1789-1914) is characterized by change: from political upheavals to literary, scientific, and media revolutions, the spread of literacy, and the rapid development of industrialization and colonization. A study of the evolution of literature (genres, forms, movements), as influenced by these changing socio-political and economic contexts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
FRE332H1 | Francophone Literatures | A comprehensive introduction to Francophone literatures and cultures, examining the linguistic, aesthetic, and discursive specificities as represented by authors of the Francophone world. Focus on the concepts of colonialism, representation, alienation, emigration, and nationalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
FRE342H5 | History of Quebec and French Canada | This course examines the history of French Canada, focusing in particular on the period from the 1830s to the present. It explores questions of culture, political community, language, and geography, looking to these aspects of historical experience to situate Quebec and French Canada with respect to North America's English-speaking majority as well as to the French-speaking nations of Europe, Africa, and elsewhere in the Americas. The course is taught in English but students will work with French-language material and will be required to write all tests and assignments in French. This course is taught in conjunction with HIS342H5. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
FRE343H5 | Indigenous Literatures in Quebec and Francophone Canada | The course explores Indigenous literatures in Francophone Canada including Indigenous texts and authors from Quebec. The works discussed engage with issues of sovereignty, anti-racism, Native identity and gender, and span multiple genres including fiction, theatre, poetry and essay. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
FRE352H5 | Teaching French Grammar | This course examines practical and theoretical issues surrounding grammar in the language curriculum such as various approaches to the implementation of grammar in language curricula, such as in grammar-translation or task-based learning; the role and limitations of descriptive grammar, including pedagogical grammar; form focus versus meaning focus; interference and error analysis; feedback on errors. Students will be asked to critique and create teaching materials. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
FRE354H5 | Teaching French in a Plurilingual Context | This course allows students to explore innovative pedagogical approaches such as the Action Oriented and Plurilingual; Pluricultural Approaches, building on knowledge and skills acquired in FRE227H5 Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language. This is accomplished through the examination of the linguistic and cultural diversity observed in French Language classes today, and the discovery of innovative and current teaching approaches followed by the creation of pedagogical materials. Particular emphasis is placed on students' abilities to transfer knowledge into practice. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
FRE363H5 | Love and Pain in French Literature | This course explores the tension between love and pain in a range of French literary works from 1800 to the contemporary era. Students will apply their previous knowledge in literature, and oral and written competences in French, to the study of multiple autobiographical and literary genres. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on first- and third-person writing and its relationship to love, social context and expectations, and gender. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
FRE364H5 | Society through the French Novel | This course explores the representation of social issues in French literature, from the 19th century to the contemporary era. Students will apply previous knowledge in literature, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of social exclusion and marginality, class consciousness, and social identities as literary themes. Particular emphasis will be on extending attentive reading skills as ways of thinking about storytelling and its relationship to character, the interplay between documentary and fictional genres, and commitment through authorship. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
FRE377H5 | Phonetics & Phonology of French Foreign Accent | This course explores the phonetic and phonological properties of second language French learners' speech. Particular emphasis is placed on students' ability to summarize typical characteristics and phenomena of second language speech learning, identify segmental and prosodic features of non-native French including inter-learner variability, and conduct acoustic analyses of real learner speech. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
FRE379H1 | Sociolinguistics of French | The relationship between language use and social factors such as socio-economic status, social context and gender of speaker. Theoretical notions are derived through the analysis of specific data, focusing on Canadian French and other varieties spoken in the Americas. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG5 |
FRE384H1 | Teaching French as a Second Language | This course is designed for students who aim for a career in teaching French as a second language. It introduces recent methods and approaches and increases student understanding of pedagogical issues and curriculum expectations with a consideration of learning styles, lesson design and methods of evaluation. The course includes an experiential learning component in partnership with local school boards and private schools. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
FRE384H5 | Second Language Acquisition of French | This course examines the lexical, phonetico-phonological, (morpho)syntactic, and sociolinguistic competence of second language learners of French. Students will come to understand the acquisition of these competences with respect to major themes including input and output quantity & quality, crosslinguistic influences, developmental sequences, individual differences, and the effects of training and classroom instruction. Particular emphasis is placed on students' ability to analyze learner data. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
FRE483H1 | Experimental Methods in French Linguistics | This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to carry out language-related research with human subjects. The course introduces students to research design and ethics, common experimental methodologies in linguistics research, and data analysis. The course includes a practical component that will provide students with the opportunity to design and carry out a corpus study or web-based linguistics experiment. Throughout the course, students will also be encouraged to reflect on how language research can contribute to broader domains in society, including education and health. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
FREB20H3 | Teaching Children's Literature in French | An analysis of the varied forms and contents of children's literature written in French. The course examines different texts in terms of target age, pictorial illustrations, didactic bent, socio-cultural dimensions etc., focusing on, among other things, fairy tales urban and otherwise, cartoons, detective stories, adventure tales, and art, science and history books. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
FSC220H5 | Introduction to Forensic Psychology | This course provides an introductory overview of the many ways psychological research and theories (i.e. behavioural science) can deliver useful information in collecting and assessing evidence for criminal investigation, trial, and prevention. Topics may include: eyewitness testimony, deception, criminal profiling, false confession, mental illness, victim trauma, criminal responsibility, risk assessment, serial killing, hate crimes, sexual offending, prejudiced policing, and jury decision-making. The aim of this course is to give students general insight into the various applied specializations of forensic psychologists. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
FSC320H5 | Forensic Psychopathology | Pathology is the study of disease and psychopathology is the study of mental illness. In Forensic Psychopathology, then, we make inquiries about mental illness in the context of forensic practices. In this course, we will explore multiple topics in the field providing the student with a general insight into its history, scientific merits, and practical relevance. We will survey prevailing theories on mental health, illness, and treatment. Investigate psychiatric diagnoses such as (juvenile) Conduct Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Psychopathy, hereunder their application and relevance in risk assessment, behavior prediction, and offender rehabilitation. We will also discuss methodological, ethical, and legal issues in the field, for example, the scientific validity of psychiatric diagnostics, the ethical implications of using psychiatric assessments in forensic institutions, and the legal responsibility of mentally ill offenders. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
FSC360H5 | Evidence, Law and Forensic Science in Canada | This course will explore the position of forensic science within the law in Canada. The focus will be on the evolution of the acceptance of forensic science in Canadian criminal law and its current position within the legal system. Topics include: Evidence law, expert evidence law, defining the expert, differing standards of legal acceptance for police sciences and others. Important historical documents and legal advancements will be surveyed. [24L, 12S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
FSC361H5 | Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System | This course will develop students' knowledge of forensic mental health issues throughout the criminal justice system, including the nature and extent of mental illness in our society and the various legal, social and ethical issues that arise when a mentally disordered individual comes into contact with the criminal justice system. Topics to be explored include: the medical and legal definitions of mental disorder and their relationship to each other; the criteria for state-compelled treatment and how it impinges upon individual autonomy; the changing views of the justice system's duty to accommodate victims and witnesses with mental health issues; fitness to stand trial and the defense of not criminally responsible; and the Review Board process. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG3 |
FSC370H5 | Forensic Psychopharmacology | This course introduces students to the area of psychopharmacology (drug induced changes in mood, thinking and behaviour). The mechanisms of action of drugs in the nervous system and their effects on the brain and on behaviour will be explored and the significance of psychopharmacology in criminal investigations and trials will be discussed. This course is recommended as preparation for FSC371H5. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3, SDG4 |
FSC407H5 | Forensic Identification Field School | A field course to complement the material covered in both FSC300H5, Forensic Identification & FSC302H5, Advanced Forensic Identification. The field school will be held on the U of T Mississauga Campus over a 2-week period during the summer term and during weekly two hour labs in the fall term. In these classes, students will experience practical exposure to field and laboratory methods related to evidence recognition, collection and interpretation. Emphasis will be placed on the types of evidence collected, processed, and analyzed by forensic identification specialists. General evidence and small object photography techniques will be an important component of the course. Course Application is required. See the Forensic Science Program website for details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG8 |
FSC420H5 | Field and Lab Methods in Forensic Psychology | This course introduces students to field practices and research procedures in Forensic Psychology. The topics in field practice may include, but are not limited to: administrating risk assessment; conducting semi-structured patient interviews; fitness to stand trial assessment; mental health diagnostics; psychological profiling in criminal investigation; administering patient records; trial preparation. The tasks related to research procedures may include, but are not limited to: research literature searches and citation management; writing ethics proposals; data collection, annotation, analysis, and storage; writing abstracts, critical analysis, and methods; writing peer-review responses; formalizing and executing research theory, hypotheses and design. [12L, 36P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
FSC484H5 | Communicating Forensic Science | As a pre-professional training experience, this capstone course will prepare students in media literacy for communicating their forensic sub-discipline in a variety of avenues. Students will learn how to present forensic content through writing, digital media (podcasts, vlogs, etc.), interviews, and outreach engagement. The course will develop skills as they pertain to converting complex science to accessible testimony, both for public and academic/educational settings, as well as handling/engaging with journalism media. Elements of course completion will include commitments external to class time, including, but not limited to: Forensic Skills Development workshops, HMALC workshops, RGASC workshops, and Forensic Outreach programming, all in conjunction with lecture components. Students are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of communication experience outside of scheduled class time. Major assignments will include presentations through various media of the student's choice, as well as a cumulative interviews with police forensic science and professionals. Course application is required. See the Forensic Science Program website for details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
FSL466H5 | French for Business Communication | This project-based course advances practical uses of written and spoken French in business contexts. Activities and assignments are scaffolded to privilege deeper level of learning and simulate an authentic job search process in order to improve and strengthen reading comprehension, communication, writing and presentation skills that students can directly apply in the workplaces. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG8 |
FSTA01H3 | Foods That Changed the World | This course introduces students to university-level skills through an exploration of the connections between food, environment, culture, religion, and society. Using a food biography perspective, it critically examines ecological, material, and political foundations of the global food system and how food practices affect raced, classed, gendered, and national identities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG3 |
FSTB01H3 | Methodologies in Food Studies | This course, which is a requirement in the Minor program in Food Studies, provides students with the basic content and methodological training they need to understand the connections between food, culture, and society. The course examines fundamental debates around food politics, health, culture, sustainability, and justice. Students will gain an appreciation of the material, ecological, and political foundations of the global food system as well as the ways that food shapes personal and collective identities of race, class, gender, and nation. Tutorials will meet in the Culinaria Kitchen Laboratory. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2 |
FSTC02H3 | Mondo Vino: The History and Culture of Wine Around the World | This course explores the history of wine making and consumption around the world, linking it to local, regional, and national cultures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SG12 |
FSTC24H3 | Gender in the Kitchen | Across cultures, women are the main preparers and servers of food in domestic settings; in commercial food production and in restaurants, and especially in elite dining establishments, males dominate. Using agricultural histories, recipes, cookbooks, memoirs, and restaurant reviews and through the exploration of students’ own domestic culinary knowledge, students will analyze the origins, practices, and consequences of such deeply gendered patterns of food labour and consumption. Same as WSTC24H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG5 |
FSTC43H3 | Social Geographies of Street Food | This course uses street food to comparatively assess the production of ‘the street’, the legitimation of bodies and substances on the street, and contests over the boundaries of, and appropriate use of public and private space. It also considers questions of labour and the culinary infrastructure of contemporary cities around the world. Same as GGRC34H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG2 |
FSTD11H3 | Food and Media: Documenting Culinary Traditions Through Photography and Videography | This course combines elements of a practicum with theoretical approaches to the study and understanding of the place of food in visual culture. It aims to equip students with basic to intermediate-level skills in still photography, post-processing, videography, and editing. It also seeks to further their understanding of the ways in which scholars have thought and written about food and the visual image, with special emphasis on the "digital age" of the last thirty years. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG4 |
GASB05H3 | Media and Globalization | This course examines the role of technological and cultural networks in mediating and facilitating the social, economic and political processes of globalization. Key themes include imperialism, militarization, global political economy, activism, and emerging media technologies. Particular attention is paid to cultures of media production and reception outside of North America. Same as MDSB05H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG16, SDG9 |
GASB57H3 | Sub-Continental Histories: South Asia in the World | A survey of South Asian history. The course explores diverse and exciting elements of this long history, such as politics, religion, trade, literature, and the arts, keeping in mind South Asia's global and diasporic connections. Same as HISB57H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
GASB58H3 | Modern Chinese History | This course provides an overview of the historical changes and continuities of the major cultural, economic, political, and social institutions and practices in modern Chinese history. Same as HISB58H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
GASB65H3 | West Asia and the Modern World | For those who reside east of it, the Middle East is generally known as West Asia. By reframing the Middle East as West Asia, this course will explore the region's modern social, cultural, and intellectual history as an outcome of vibrant exchange with non-European world regions like Asia. It will foreground how travel and the movement fundamentally shape modern ideas. Core themes of the course such as colonialism and decolonization, Arab nationalism, religion and identity, and feminist thought will be explored using primary sources (in translation). Knowledge of Arabic is not required. Same as HISB65H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
GASC20H3 | Gendering Global Asia | This course offers students a critical and analytical perspective on issues of gender history, equity, discrimination, resistance, and struggle facing societies in East and South Asia and their diasporas. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5 |
GASC50H3 | Comparative Studies of East Asian Legal Cultures | An introduction to the distinctive East Asian legal tradition shared by China, Japan, and Korea through readings about selected thematic issues. Students will learn to appreciate critically the cultural, political, social, and economic causes and effects of East Asian legal cultures and practices. Same as HISC56H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
GASC73H3 | Making the Global South | The course will explore the history and career of a term: The Global South. The global south is not a specific place but expressive of a geopolitical relation. It is often used to describe areas or places that were remade by geopolitical inequality. How and when did this idea emerge? How did it circulate? How are the understandings of the global south kept in play? Our exploration of this term will open up a world of solidarity and circulation of ideas shaped by grass-roots social movements in different parts of the world Same as HISC73H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
GASD53H3 | Africa and Asia in the First World War | This seminar course examines the First World War in its imperial and colonial context in Africa and Asia. Topics include forgotten fronts in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, colonial armies and civilians, imperial economies and resources, the collapse of empires and the remaking of the colonial world. Same as AFSD53H3 and HISD53H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
GASD54H3 | Aqueous History: Water-Stories for a Future | This upper-level seminar will explore how water has shaped human experience. It will explore water landscapes, the representation of water in legal and political thought, slave narratives, and water management in urban development from the 16th century. Using case studies from South Asia and North America we will understand how affective, political and social relations to water bodies are made and remade over time. Same as HISD54H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG6 |
GER195H1 | Cities, Real and Imagined (E) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 | |
GER210H1 | Poets and Power: Art, Media, and the Nazis (E) | To the surprise of many, aesthetics played a vital role in the lives of Nazis and their politics. Hitler was a failed painter, Goebbels a poet, and Göring a collector; other high-ranking officials likewise fashioned themselves as artists. In this course, we will examine how these personal predilections transformed into an aesthetic vision of politics: through the fascist cult of physical perfection, the theatrics of political media, anti-Semitic entertainment films, and the eroticization of the Führer-figure. We will investigate this marriage of beauty and violence and ask how it helped to make the "Third Reich" attractive to many Germans. Beginning with the great avant-garde experiments of the pre-Nazi era, we will analyze why Hitler banned this "degenerate" art  even though he adopted some of its style in propaganda posters. We will continue by examining the Nazis' glorification of Greek and Roman images of beauty and their aesthetic justifications for genocide. Throughout the course, we will consider some of the high points of German culture  in philosophy, music, and literature  and ask: How did a society that produced such works of genius also create Nazism and the Holocaust? Is high culture necessarily a bulwark against barbarism? And do we have similarly seductive combinations of culture and politics in our world today? How might we notice such allures yet still mark their dangers, maintain our critical distance, and resist? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5, SG10 |
GER321H1 | Literary Realism in the Industrial Age | This course focuses on German authors of the nineteenth century. Literary, political and philosophical texts are analyzed as a discussion of political uprisings, the industrial revolution and the emergence of German nationalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
GER391H1 | iPRAKTIKUM Experiential Learning and Internationalization Internship | The course provides curricular support for a variety of work and community-engaged, experiential learning placements in the GTA and in German-speaking countries. The placements are designed to deepen linguistic, cultural, and analytical skills acquired in the classroom in work-related environments, create an awareness of the translatability of academic knowledge to other contexts, promote global competency, and foster links to the community. The number of weekly hours spent in the field, the scope of learning objectives, and the nature of reflective activities are determined on an individual basis in consultation with the host institution, the German Department, and other units in which the student is pursuing a program degree (as required). In addition to successfully achieving the formulated learning goals, students must complete assignments such as eJournals and research papers as well as participate in peer-to-peer reporting and post-placement interviews. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
GGR101H1 | Histories of Environmental Change | This course will investigate geological, biological and archaeological evidence of environmental change. We will examine the processes that have driven and will drive environmental change and how past societies have shaped and responded to these changes. The emphasis is on the current interglacial period, or Holocene, and how shifts in population and technologies have affected human-environment interactions. As language of the Holocene gives way, for many, to that the Anthropocene, the implications of environmental change for present and future human societies will be our concluding concern. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG9 |
GGR107H1 | Environment, Food and People | Examines the relations between food, nature, and society. Food is fundamental to human existence, and central to most cultures; it also has significant and widespread effects on the physical and social environments. Food is used as a lens to explore human-environment interactions locally and globally. Serves as an introduction to environmental and human geography. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG2 |
GGR112H1 | Geographies of Globalization, Development and Inequality | Economic growth, social change and environmental transformation are taking shape in an increasingly interconnected global context. This course introduces and examines critical geographic approaches to international development, economic globalization, poverty, and inequality. It pays particular attention to the roles of rural-urban and international migration in shaping specific landscapes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
GGR112H5 | Physical Geography | This physical geography course provides a broad introduction to the Earth System, involving the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere and their interactions, at local to planetary spatial scales. It examines natural and anthropogenic origins of environmental change. Key methods and techniques used by physical geographers to study the Earth System are covered in lectures, readings, practical sessions and field work. Fieldwork is integral to all sub-disciplines of geography, and a major component of this course. There is no substitute for direct, hands-on exploration of the natural world. This course fulfills 1 field day. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR124H1 | Cities and Urban Life | Offers an introduction to North American cities and urbanization in a global context. It explores social, cultural, political and economic forces, processes, and events that shape contemporary urbanism. The course adopts the lens of 'fixity' and 'flow' to examine how the movement of people, ideas, goods, and capital, as well as their containment in the infrastructure and space of the city, give rise to particular urban forms. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
GGR172H1 | Digital Earth | This course examines the changing role of geographic information and maps in society. It considers how spatial information is produced, organized, and used in different historical, cultural, and political contexts. Topics examined include: the effects of the shift from print to digital mapping; implications of mobile spatial technologies and the geoweb; open source and open access; production and control of spatial data and information; and alternative cartographies. Introduces concepts of Geospatial Literacy, Critical Mapping and Critical GIS. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
GGR196H1 | The Yard: Micro-Geographies of Household Outdoor Spaces | A yard is the area of land immediately adjacent to a building, often a residence. By examining micro-geographies (that is, detailed empirical studies of a small, specific locale) of these ubiquitous, everyday spaces, the course explores how yards are intimately connected with broader ecologies, cultures, and social relations, all of which can be explored using geographic theories and techniques. The course also serves as an introduction to other subjects that are relevant to navigating post-secondary life, such as: critical reading; conducting university-level research; presenting and communicating ideas in the classroom; teamwork, and how to benefit from it; and developing social networks. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
GGR198H1 | Mobility and Borders | This course examines the political geographies of transnational migration. It asks how spaces of migration and mobility are political, and how migration politics are tied to inequalities wrought through intersecting histories of race, class, and gender. It seeks to extend our understandings of migrants, borders, and mobility, and it explores the processes through which mobility is produced, delimited and structured. We will consider the transnational politics of migration, the militarization of border zones, and the political spaces of migrant displacement, dispossession, and dislocation. The seminar readings focus on classical paradigms as well as emerging approaches in immigration studies. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
GGR199H1 | Global Racial Capitalism in the 21st Century | This course uses the tools of political economy, decolonial and anti-colonial theory, and critical approaches to the study of racism to explore how the construction of racial categories continues to be integral to the working of capitalist systems. We will explore the reasons why capitalism was never meant to work for everyone by examining how and why racial categories have continued to matter since capitalism's earliest formations. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG17, SDG9 |
GGR201H1 | Geomorphology | This course introduces the principles of geomorphology, including the landforms and processes associated with water, wind, waves, and ice, as well as the human impacts on earth surface processes. Laboratory sessions occur irregularly during the semester to introduce assignments and provide support. A local field trip may be offered (transportation and entrance cost: approximately $26). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8 |
GGR201H5 | Introduction to Geomorphology | This course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts of geomorphology, the study of the processes that shape the surface of the earth. The course adopts a process-oriented approach to the study of the variety of landforms found in the natural environment. Topics are mainly taken from a Canadian perspective and include energy flows through the land, weathering and erosion (fluvial, coastal, chemical, aeolian, and glacial), hillslope materials, drainage basin morphology, periglacial environments, and human modification of the landscape. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6, SDG7 |
GGR202H5 | Geography of Canada | This course will spotlight how Canada, as a nation, is constructed through historical and contemporary systems of inclusions and exclusions. Taking a geographic approach to Canada means taking a look at the social construction of Canada through the politics and production of spaces. We will explore how landscape, borders, regions, territory, land, and environment are imagined, organized, contested and fought for by individuals and communities. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR203H1 | Introduction to Climatology | Introduction to the large scale processes responsible for determining global and regional climate and atmospheric circulation patterns, as well as the small scale processes responsible for determining the microclimates of specific environments. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
GGR205H1 | Introduction to Soil Science | This course introduces the fundamentals of soil science, including the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils as well as soil formation and development, the classification of soils, and the applications of soil science. A field trip may be offered (transportation cost: approximately $25). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
GGR206H1 | Introduction to Hydrology | Introduction to the hydrologic cycle with emphasis on the physical processes, including precipitation, interception, evaporation, runoff, ground water and soil water. Basic hydrological models will be practiced. Potential field trip, cost: approximately $21. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG6 |
GGR207H5 | Cities, Urbanization and Development | This course will introduce students to urban social processes, urban form and urban history. A particular emphasis will be placed on global urbanization, internal spatial and social structure of cities, as well as past and contemporary urban problems. [36L, 12T ] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG9 |
GGR210H5 | Social Geographies | Social geography is concerned with the ways in which social relations, identities and inequalities are produced across space. This course examines social geography in the North American context with a specific focus on identity/difference and inequalities in cities. We will explore cities as sites of both cosmopolitan inclusion and exclusion. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
GGR214H5 | Global Weather and Climate | The climates of the globe are created from the kinds of weather systems which usually occur. This course surveys the weather systems of the globe and the geography which helps to transform them into regional climates. It uses just enough physics to show you how it all works and how we can make informed assessments about ideas on climatic change. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR217H1 | Urban Landscapes and Planning | Considers the role of planning in shaping the urban landscape through historical and contemporary examples that illustrate the interplay of modernist and post-modernist approaches to city building. Traces the origins, competing rationalities and lingering effects of planning in the production of urban space. Broaches possibilities for engaging planning critically to address challenges of social and environmental justice in cities today. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15 |
GGR217H5 | Fundamentals of Hydrology | Hydrology is the study of the quantity, quality, storage, and transfer of the world's freshwater. The presence of water on and in the continents and atmosphere sustains the terrestrial biosphere, including human life. This course focuses on the central concepts of hydrology by taking a systems approach to the movement and storage of water on and in a watershed. Based on the framework of the water cycle, the course emphasizes the physical processes that control the stores and transfers of water and energy in the Earth system. This course serves as a gateway to the more advanced treatment of hydrology in upper levels, as well as providing a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the science of water for students in other streams of physical geography, environmental science, earth science, and biology. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG6, SDG7 |
GGR221H1 | New Economic Spaces | Provides an introduction to economic geography and economic geography theory from the 1970s on, illustrating the different ways that geographers have conceptualized the restructuring of resource industries, manufacturing and services. The crisis of Fordism and the rise of new production models will be given particular attention, along with the reorganization of finance, the rise of cultural industries and the globalization of commodity chains. New regimes of governance of the economy will also be considered. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16, SDG9 |
GGR223H1 | Environment, Society and Resources | Focuses on society-environment relations and different approaches to resource governance and management. This includes exploration of the spatial, social, and political economic origins and implications of humans' changing relations to nature. Drawing on debates from environmental governance and political ecology literatures, the course also investigates the ways that different actors and institutions have framed and sought solutions to environmental and resource challenges. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG7, SDG9 |
GGR227H5 | Ecosystems and Environmental Change | This course introduces the rapidly advancing fields of ecosystem science through the exploration of how ecosystems respond to climate change, pollution, and intensive natural resource management. The impacts from anthropogenic stressors on ecosystem functioning are often complex, with interactions occurring among plants, microorganisms, and physical and chemical environments. Lecture topics and case studies focus primarily on important representative Canadian ecosystems that also play vital roles in the resource sector including forests, agricultural land, wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
GGR240H1 | Geographies of Colonialism in North America | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 | |
GGR254H1 | Geography USA | After a short historical overview of the making of America, this course focuses on contemporary issues in American society, economy, politics, race, regional distinctions and disparities, urban development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR259H1 | Urban Growth and Decline | The growth and decline of cities have been and continue to be preoccupations of scholars and practitioners alike. This course is an introduction to the causes and consequences of urban growth and decline at the neighbourhood, municipal, and regional levels. Special attention will be paid to North American cities, but others outside of that sphere will be discussed as well. Concepts and topics will include a consideration of the following: rural to urban migration; industrialization and deindustrialization; urban renewal; suburbanization; austerity and neoliberalism; racial avoidance and discrimination; gentrification; and capital switching and uneven development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
GGR265H5 | (Under)development and Health | In this course students will be introduced to contemporary development and health issues by examining historical experiences, social, political, economic and environmental processes. This approach will help highlight the vast diversity and address some of the many questions about the region including: What processes underlie famine and food insecurity? What are the underlying causes of the conflict and genocide in some regions? What processes explain spatial disparities in health, or regional and gender differences in HIV rates and the outbreak of rare diseases like Ebola? The course will rely on case studies from the Sub-Saharan (SSA), one of the most diverse and intriguing regions in the world, to provide an understanding of the complexity in each topic. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG2, SDG3, SDG5 |
GGR301H1 | Fluvial Geomorphology | Elements of drainage basin morphology and hydrology, classification of rivers, stream patterns and hydraulic geometry. Elements of open channel flow, sediment transport and the paleohydrology of river systems. River channel adjustments to environmental change, human impact and the management/design of river habitats. Exercises include experimentation in a laboratory flume. A field trip may be offered (at no cost). Course usually offered every other year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG8 |
GGR301H5 | Pandemics, Inequality, and Health: Exploring the Nexus of Health Disparities in Crisis | Through an interdisciplinary lens, this course will examine the unequal distribution of health outcomes during pandemics and how social, economic, and political factors contribute to these disparities. In doing so, this course will explore existing and historical political, social, and systemic inequalities that have persisted and widened during pandemics and health crises with a particular focus on marginalized populations that are disproportionately affected by pandemics and social inequities. Using case studies and contemporary examples, this course will analyze how socioeconomic factors, including access to healthcare, education, housing, and economic stability influence and worsen health outcomes and wellbeing during pandemics. Students will also explore the science that inform local and global interventions and policy responses aimed at reducing disparities and promoting resilience in communities facing the dual burden of pandemics and social inequities. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3. SDG15 |
GGR304H5 | Dendrochronology | Tree rings are a powerful natural archive for addressing research questions across a range of spatial and temporal scales, owing to the fact that they are annually resolved, long-lived (e.g., multi-century) and cover a large portion of the Earth's surface. Tree-rings reflect changes in their local environment, and they are sensitive to factors that limit biological processes such as light, soil moisture, temperature and disturbance. Environment changes are 'encoded' in the physical properties of tree-rings (e.g., ring-width, wood density or isotopes). This course will provide students with the theoretical background and technical skills needed to cross-date, measure, analyse and interpret tree-ring data, and use this information to address practical research questions. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG15 |
GGR305H1 | Biogeography | Biogeography aims to identify and explain patterns of plant and animal distributions through space and time. This course considers topics including ecological and evolutionary dynamics, dispersal, migration, plate tectonics, speciation, extinction, paleoenvironments, and island biogeography. We will examine terrestrial and marine biomes, the meaning of biodiversity, conservation challenges, and recent biogeographic changes associated with human activities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR305H5 | Biogeography | Analysis of past and present plant and animal distributions, and of the environmental and biological constraints involved. The course emphasizes the impact of continental drift, Quaternary climatic changes and human interference on contemporary patterns. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR308H1 | Canadian Arctic Environments | This course explores the unique physical geography of Canada's Arctic regions by covering topics on climate, the cryosphere, hydrology, geomorphology, and ecosystems. Throughout the course, we will consider the impacts of climate change in communities, landscapes, and ecosystems in Arctic regions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
GGR309H5 | Wetland Ecosystems | Wetlands are an integral part of our biosphere, playing fundamental roles in the modification of water quality, biodiversity, and the global carbon cycle. This course focuses on the classification, hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecology of wetland systems. The latter part of the course builds on this physical foundation by introducing management issues associated with wetland preservation, restoration and creation. This course fulfills 4 field days. [24L, 36P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
GGR314H1 | Global Warming | A comprehensive examination of the greenhouse warming problem, beginning with economic, carbon cycle, and climate model projections; impacts on and adaptive responses of agriculture, forests, fisheries, and water resources; options and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2, SDG6, SDG7 |
GGR317H5 | The Cryosphere: Canada's Frozen Environments | Snow and ice dominate the Canadian landscape. There is virtually no area in Canada that escapes the influence of snow and ice. We skate on frozen ponds, ski down snow covered mountains, drive through snow blizzards and watch how ice jams in rivers cause rivers to swell and floods to occur. The duration and the thickness of snow and ice increase rapidly northwards, and glaciers are found in mountainous areas and in large parts of the Arctic region. Given that snow and ice impact heavily on the Canadian way of life, this course seeks to understand the dynamics of snow and ice in a hydrological context. This course will examine snow properties, snow cover distribution, glacier hydrology, melt runoff, and ice in its many forms (lake ice, river ice, sea ice, and ground ice). This course will also examine some of the recent observed changes occurring in the cryosphere regions of Canada. This course includes an off campus field trip. This course fulfills 2 field days. [24L, 12P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15 |
GGR318H5 | Political Geography | Political geography is concerned with the spatial expression of political entities and events. It involves analysis at a variety of scales ranging from the local to the global. The control and manipulation of territory and the imposition of political boundaries and political ideas are central to this analysis. The course provides discussion on nation building, the emergence of the state system, theories on the state, and the role of the state as provider of services and regulator of activities, and electoral geography and governance. This course fulfills 1 field day. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
GGR320H1 | Geographies of Transnationalism, Migration, and Gender | This course examines recent changes in global migration processes. Specifically, the course addresses the transnationalization and feminization of migrant populations and various segments of the global labor force. The coursework focuses on analyzing classical paradigms in migration studies, as well as emerging theoretical approaches to gender and migration. In addition, it traces the shifting empirical trends in gendered employment and mobility patterns. It uses in-depth case study material to query the frameworks employed in migration studies and to understand the grounded implications of gendered migration. It pays particular attention to the interventions made by feminist geographers in debates about work, migration, place, and space. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
GGR322H5 | GIS and Population Health | The purpose of this course will be to develop an appreciation for the conceptual and methodological intersections that exist between geographical information systems and population health. While population health can include incidence and prevalence of disease and ill-health, as well as concerns about service provision, this course will focus mainly on disease, injury, illness more broadly. The course will include both lectures, where foundational concepts will be introduced and related to practical lab sessions, where students will gain experience using GIS to map and study health information. Topics will include: spatial databases for population health, mapping health data, analyzing the spatial clustering of disease and/or injury, mapping and analyzing environmental and social risk factors. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG3 |
GGR324H1 | Spatial Political Economy | This course aims to explore how economic agents act and interact in space and how this creates subdivisions within the global, national and regional political economy. In a largely conceptual and interdisciplinary manner, the course investigates the role of institutions in the relational economy and the spatial construction of the political economy. Institutions are viewed as formal or informal stabilizations of economic interaction. Questions which guide the analysis are related to how institutions are established, how they evolve, how they impact economic action, and how they are changed through political and economic action at different spatial scales. Through this, the course introduces a relational and spatial perspective to the analysis of economic action and institutions. This perspective is based on the assumption that economic action is situated in socio-institutional contexts, evolves along particular paths and, at the same time, remains fundamentally contingent. Topics to be discussed include the social construction of economic space, industrial organization and location, the establishment and maintenance of economic networks, as well as processes of firm formation, learning and knowledge creation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
GGR326H1 | Remaking the Global Economy | Examines links between global economic integration and geographically uneven economic development. Focuses on debates and empirical studies on global production networks (GPNs), and associated issues such as offshoring, outsourcing, and upgrading. Blends analysis of both theory and practice of business firms and regional development. Seeks to develop an in-depth understanding of the key actors driving contemporary global economic transformation, within the 'transnational space' constituted and structured by transnational firms, state institutions, and ideologies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
GGR327H1 | Geography and Gender | Introduction to the work of feminist geographers. The course will explore the relationship between gender and space, emphasizing spatial cognition, architecture, and layout of the city. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
GGR328H1 | Labour Geographies | Explores changes in the nature of work and the structure and geography of labour markets. Topics will include globalization, lean production, flexibility and risk, industrial relations, workfare, the body at work, and gender and work. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
GGR329H1 | The Global Food System | Explores the changing global geographies of food by tracing international movements of food through both mainstream and 'alternative' supply chains. The implications for sustainability, food security, community autonomy and health are investigated. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG2 |
GGR332H1 | Social Geographies of Climate Change | Analyses the social and behavioural geographies of climate change, including: climate change communication (how we interpret and communicate climate science); climate change prevention strategies, from the macro to micro scale; and possibilities for climate change adaptation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13 |
GGR334H1 | Water Resource Management | Managing demand and supply; linkages between water quality and human health. Case studies from the industrial world and from developing countries, rural and urban. Implications of population growth and climate change for water resource management. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG6 |
GGR335H5 | Remote Sensing Applications | The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the various ways in which remote sensing images have been used for environmental applications among the sectors of government, industry, and academia. A part of the course will be devoted to application projects employing remote sensing and spatial data analysis in natural resources and environmental assessments. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13 |
GGR336H1 | Urban Historical Geography of North America | This course explores the emergence and reproduction of class and racial social spaces, the development of new economic spaces, and the growing importance of the reform and planning movements. Emphasis is on metropolitan development between 1850 and 1950. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12 |
GGR337H5 | Environmental Remote Sensing | This introductory course emphasizes mastering fundamental remote sensing concepts and utilizing remotely sensed data for monitoring land resources and environmental change. Topics include surface-energy interactions, sensor systems, image interpretation, and applications for examining soil, vegetation and water resources. Upon completion of this course, students should have the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue more advanced work in digital image processing and remote sensing applications. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG15, SDG4, SDG6, SDG7 |
GGR338H1 | Social Transformation and Environment in the Majority World | This course draws upon a number of geographical theories, debates and case studies to explore the geographical implications of an increasingly interconnected global capitalist economy for interactions among the people and environments in places in the ‘majority world’. Situated within the context of climate change this course examines the evolution of discourses of ‘development’ and their relationship to western (Anglo-American) racialized notions of progress and modernity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
GGR338H5 | Environmental Modeling | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13 | |
GGR339H1 | Urban Political Geographies | Investigates North American urban political geography, exploring conflicts over immigration, environment, gentrification, homelessness, labour market restructuring, ‘race' and racism, urban sprawl, nature and environment, gender, sexuality, security, and segregation. Explores competing visions of city life and claims on urban space. The course investigates how these struggles connect to economic, social and environmental politics at larger spatial scales, and considers different theoretical frameworks that geographers have developed to make sense of both the persistence of old problems and the emergence of new ones. Potential field trip, cost: approximately $21. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
GGR341H1 | The Changing Geography of Latin America | Seeks to develop a general understanding of present-day Latin America by focusing on human-environment interactions, past and present. Case studies are used to understand the diversity of Latin American landscapes (physical and cultural), and how they are changing within the context of globalization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG9 |
GGR347H1 | Efficient Use of Energy | Examines the options available for dramatically reducing our use of primary energy with no reduction in meaningful energy services, through more efficient use of energy at the scale of energy-using devices and of entire energy systems. Topics covered include energy use in buildings, transportation, industry, and agriculture. Offered alternate years from GGR348H1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG7 |
GGR349H5 | Cities in Transition | The internal geography of contemporary cities is in the midst of a series of transitions related to new settlement patterns, immigration, workplace location, transportation and communication technologies, globalization, and shifts in urban governance. This course will examine these transitions and their effects on the social and political geography of the city. Themes include gentrification, spatial mismatch, concentrated poverty, political fragmentation, and the emergence of new urban forms and of the post-modern city. [36L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
GGR353H5 | Disease and Death | This course will provide a geographical perspective on patterns of mortality, morbidity and access to health care among populations. It will outline current theoretical and empirical underpinnings in health geography and emphasize the links between health and place. The course covers some traditional themes in health geography including spatial dissuasion of diseases and access to health care. Using illustrations from evolving fields such as Global Health, Aboriginal Health, and Immigrant Health the course delves into the important theme of health inequalities. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG3 |
GGR361H5 | City Planning and Development | This course outlines important concepts and historical milestones involved in the planning and development of cities. It involves examination of urban sprawl, urban intensification efforts, and of the evolution of urban form and the interplay of private and public forces that shape the built-form of Canadian cities. This course fulfills 2 field days. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
GGR362H5 | Exploring Urban Neighbourhoods | With a majority of the world's population living in urban areas, nearly all of the problems and possibilities of society and human-environment relations are becoming urban questions. The city is the setting in which broad social, cultural, political, and economic processes unfold, mediated and shaped by local context. Our focus in this course is the internal structure of the city. We examine the ways in which local experiences and conditions of urban life are shaped by social differentiation and processes of change. Our examination includes considerations of race, class, gender, and ethnicity in the context of urban life as a way of exploring how identity and place shape one another. We consider different theoretical frameworks that researchers utilize to make sense of both the persistence of old problems and the emergence of new ones. Instruction will adopt a blended approach in which students will connect the concepts covered in class discussion through field work based exploration of local urban neighbourhoods. This course fulfills 5 field days. [24P] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG5, SDG9 |
GGR363H1 | Critical Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas on Space, Society and Culture | Introduces a diversity of critical perspectives for geographers and others, including anarchism, Marxism, feminism, sexual politics, postcolonialism, anti-imperialism and anti-racism. In so doing it illustrates how such radical ideas about space, society and culture have contributed to our political thought and action. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
GGR363H5 | Global Migration and Health | International migration is an important global issue. Hundreds of millions of individuals currently live outside their country of origin. Most migrants leave their country of origin in search of better economic and social opportunities while others are forced to flee crises including political unrest, violence, and natural disasters. Migration poses numerous challenges for individuals, families, communities and governments including those related to health and access to health care services. This course examines contemporary international migration from a geographic perspective with a specific focus on the complex relationships among global (im)migration, health, and broader social determinants of health. Topics covered may include: migration theories, immigration trends and policies, integration and citizenship, social determinants of health, and health care policy. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG3 |
GGR365H5 | Trade and Globalization | This course uses economic and geographical principles to help students understand the advent of the current period of globalization. In this context, globalization refers to international trade liberalization which results in increased contacts across borders, migration, trade, and investment. Topics covered will include the history of globalization, the environment, sweatshops, development and inequalities. By the end of the course, students should have gained a deeper understanding of current controversies surrounding international trade and globalization. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 |
GGR370H5 | The Geography of Transportation | Transportation is an integral aspect of our daily lives and plays a key role in shaping the economy and the environment. Through this course, students will explore the geography of transportation. Topics will include, mobility and accessibility, transportation networks and flows, Geographic Information Systems in Transport (GIS-T), planning and policy, environmental and human health impacts, and other current issues. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG9 |
GGR372H1 | GIS for Public Health | The goal of this course is to leave students with appreciation of the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to explore and analyze spatial health and medical data. The course will focus on organizing health data in a GIS, clustering detection methods, and basic spatial statistics. Other topics like agent-based models and visualization techniques will be touched upon. Lab work will provide hands on experience with example data, leaving students with a firm grasp of contemporary health and medical problems and a skill set of spatial analytical methods that can be used to solve them. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
GGR377H1 | Introduction to Urban Data Analytics | This course draws on census and economic data collection, processing, and analysis to teach written and visual storytelling about cities with data and maps, while exploring the uses of real-time data and analytics to solve urban problems. It provides a socio-economic and political context for the use of big data and the smart cities movement, focusing on data ethics and governance. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
GGR377H5 | Global Climate Change | The main focus of this course is upon the climatic aspects of environmental change which affect Great Lakes water levels, disappearing glaciers, sea level rise, desertification and dwindling water resources in an ever more populous world. These changes to the earth surface environment are explored in the context of themes and issues which were introduced in first year, with a view to answering an important question: whether policy action on climate change must wait for more science, or whether action is merely delayed by failure to appreciate science. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG6 |
GGR379H5 | Field Methods in Physical Geography | This course is structured around one major field trip that will occur before fall-term courses begin, preparatory work, and approximately bi-weekly course meetings during the regular academic term to complete complementary work in computer and/or wet laboratories. Field projects will involve analyses and mapping of vegetation, soils, aquatic systems, hydrology, and/or geomorphology, and subsequent data analysis. Students will be required to write one major research paper and present projects to the class. Each student is required to pay the costs of his/her transportation and accommodation. Students must register on ACORN, on a first-come first-serve and non-refundable deposit basis. The deposit must be received by the Department within one week from the first day of enrollment or the student will be dropped automatically from the course. Students should contact the Department to find out more details about the specific fieldtrip plans. This course fulfills 7 field days. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG15, SDG8 |
GGR383H5 | Contaminants in the Environment | This course discusses various types of contaminants (metals, persistent organic pollutants, emerging contaminants, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, flame-retardants, micro-plastics, nano-materials, etc.) and their impacts on the environment. Lectures cover sources, transport and fate of these contaminants in various environmental media (air, water, and soil/sediment), degradation mechanisms, uptake into biological systems, and toxicity. A number of case studies such as pollutants in Arctic ecosystems and the potential risks they pose to the health of Indigenous People and the role of science in informing policy addressing pollutants will be examined. Class and group activities during tutorials, including discussions of current scientific articles, will complement lectures. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
GGR387H5 | Food and Globalization | A broad overview of the historical development of the global food economy and a survey of recent trends and controversies. Topics discussed range from basic food staples, food markets and trade liberalization to food security, environmental sustainability and alternative agricultural systems. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG2, SDG9 |
GGR390H1 | Field Methods | Introduction to field methods in geomorphology, vegetation mapping/analysis, soils, hydrology, and climatology. The course includes exercises and a group project during a one-week field camp, a little preparation during the preceding summer, and complementary practical work and/or seminars during the Fall Term. Each student is required to pay the costs of their transportation and accommodation (field trip costs: approximately $485). This course meets the field requirement for Physical & Environmental Geography programs. The field camp normally runs for one week at the end of August. Students must submit an application directly to the Department in the spring (see the Geography website for details in March). Course may be limited by size. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG4 |
GGR399Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed knowledge of geography and have studied its research methods the chance to work as part of a research team, under the direction of a professor, in exchange for course credit. Students have the opportunity to be involved in original research, enhance their research skills and participate in the excitement and discovery of facilitating new knowledge. Based on the nature of the project, projects may satisfy the Sciences or Social Sciences distribution requirement. Participating faculty members post project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter semesters on the ROP website ( in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. This course may fulfill field day components. Please consult with your supervisor. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
GGR406H1 | Geomorphology and the Anthropocene | In this seminar course, we will use lectures, readings, and classroom activities to investigate the ways in which Earth's surface has been impacted by humans while considering the role of geomorphology as a science for understanding these changes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15 |
GGR407H5 | Ecohydrology | Ecohydrology explores the feedback between biological, hydro-logical and biogeochemical processes that help shape ecosystem form and function. These feedbacks are central to the regulation of the global climate and water resources. With pronounced and rapid human modification to the landscape and climate system this field of study is increasingly relevant to formulate mitigation strategies. This seminar and research course explores the feedback processes most crucial to climate change and water resources. Topics include ecosystem control on the water balance, the role of peat-lands in ameliorating climate change, hydro-logic controls on species diversity, and the role of the watershed in mitigating human pollutants. Students are expected to conduct independent and collaborative study. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
GGR416H1 | Environmental Impact Assessment | Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has emerged as a key component of environmental planning and management. EIAs are planning tools to predict and assess the potential costs and benefits of proposed projects, policies, and plans and avoid or mitigate the adverse impacts of these proposals. This course focuses on the origins, principles, scope, and purpose of EIA from theoretical and practical perspectives, emphasizing the Canadian context. We will also explore the various components of EIAs and critically evaluate techniques to assess, predict, and mitigate impacts. Through course readings, in-class activities, and assignments, we will engage critiques of EIAs, particularly as they relate to considerations of climate change, sustainability, long-term monitoring, meaningful public engagement, indigenous people’s rights, dispossession and resettlement, and environmental justice. Case studies will allow students to learn about current practices in EIA and develop skills to examine and improve EIA processes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
GGR418H1 | Geographies of Extraction | Examines political aspects of the appropriation of natural resources, including policy and regulation, environmental impacts, and social justice. Emphasis is placed on reading contemporary literature on the politics of resource access and control from geography and other social science disciplines. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
GGR421H1 | Histories of Geographical Thought | The history of geography as an intellectual subject, focusing primarily on the modern period, and on the genealogies of central concepts. Disciplinary developments will be situated next to broader contexts, including imperialism and militarism, the relationship between culture and nature, and the shifting social role of the academy. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
GGR424H1 | Transportation Geography and Planning | Introductory overview of major issues in interurban and intraurban transportation at the local, national and international scale. Topics include urban transportation, land use patterns and the environment, causes of and cures for congestion, public transit, infrastructure finance, and transport planning and policy setting. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG9 |
GGR431H1 | Regional Dynamics | Economic activity, and related indices of socioeconomic well-being and human capital, have always tended to concentrate in space, leaving specific regions to be classified as "creative", "developed", or "core" regions and others as "have-not", "less-developed, "peripheral", or "marginal" regions. As a result, regional economic change has been very difficult to fully explain (and certainly predict) using conventional (orthodox) theories and methods. This course examines the theoretical linkage between related trends in terms of globalization, vertical disintegration, specialization, innovation, and the locational behaviour of firms. We will focus on the seemingly counter-intuitive finding that regional economic change in a time of increasing global interdependence is increasingly dependent on the local context. Topics will include evolutionary economic geography, path dependence, economic clusters, learning regions, the role of institutions, knowledge spill-overs, and the geography of innovation, among others. We will see why the economic activity is becoming ever more concentrated in space even as it globalizes. The course makes extensive use of empirical case studies from around the globe. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG9 |
GGR433H1 | Built Environment and Health | Linking across fields that include public health, geography and planning, this course examines the growing evidence and ways in which human health is affected by the design and development of the built environment in which we live, work and play. The course considers how various planning and development decisions impact population and individual health, particularly in relation to chronic diseases, injuries, and mental health. Potential of several local field trips (transportation costs: approximately $21). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG3 |
GGR434H1 | Building Community Resilience | Examines concepts of resilience as a way of building the capacity of communities to (a) respond to predicted disruptions/shocks associated with climate change, global pandemics, anticipated disruptions in global food supply, energy insecurity, and environmental degradation; and (b) nurture the development of alternative spaces that support the emergence of more life-sustaining structures and practices. Includes explicit attention to equity and public health, and explores issues such as: participatory governance of social-ecological systems, the nature of social change, complexity science, the role of social movements, indigenous and political ecology perspectives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG2, SDG3, SDG7 |
GGR484H5 | The Climate of the Arctic | High latitude environments are becoming the focus of increasing scientific attention because of their role in global environmental change. The implications of changes occurring to the sea ice and snowcover are far reaching and can have impacts on physical, biological and human systems both within and beyond the region. This course will provide a comprehensive examination of climates of high latitudes. Topics that will be covered include the Arctic energy budget and atmospheric circulation, the hydrologic cycle in the Arctic, the ocean-sea ice-climate interactions and feedbacks, modeling the Arctic climate system as well as an evaluation of recent climate variability and trends. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG7 |
GGR493Y1 | Geography ProfessionalExper | Undertake professional placement matching academic interests and career goals. Students meet regularly during the year in class to cover topics such as: reflective writing, project management, career planning, and the application of academic skills in professional contexts. Research project required that connects a topic related to placement with academic literatures. Normally, one day per week spent at placement site. For students in their final year of a Geography major or specialist program of study, or the GIS Minor. Satisfies program requirements based on placement. Students must submit an application directly to the Department in the spring (see the Geography website for details in March). Course may be limited by size. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
GGRA02H3 | The Geography of Global Processes | Globalization from the perspective of human geography. The course examines how the economic, social, political, and environmental changes that flow from the increasingly global scale of human activities affect spatial patterns and relationships, the character of regions and places, and the quality of life of those who live in them. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG9 |
GGRA03H3 | Cities and Environments | An introduction to the characteristics of modern cities and environmental issues, and their interconnections. Linkages between local and global processes are emphasized. Major topics include urban forms and systems, population change, the complexity of environmental issues such as climate change and water scarcity, planning for sustainable cities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG6, SDG8 |
GGRB02H3 | The Logic of Geographical Thought | Many of today's key debates - for instance, on globalization, the environment, and cities - draw heavily from geographical thinking and what some have called the "spatial turn" in the social sciences. This course introduces the most important methodological and theoretical aspects of contemporary geographical and spatial thought, and serves as a foundation for other upper level courses in Geography. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
GGRB05H3 | Urban Geography | This course will develop understanding of the geographic nature of urban systems and the internal spatial patterns and activities in cities. Emphasis is placed on the North American experience with some examples from other regions of the world. The course will explore the major issues and problems facing contemporary urban society and the ways they are analysed. Area of Focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11 |
GGRB13H3 | Social Geography | The reciprocal relations between spatial structures and social identities. The course examines the role of social divisions such as class, 'race'/ethnicity, gender and sexuality in shaping the social geographies of cities and regions. Particular emphasis is placed on space as an arena for the construction of social relations and divisions. Area of Focus: Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG5 |
GGRB18H3 | Whose Land Indigenous-Canada- Land Relations | Introduces students to the geography of Indigenous-Crown-Land relations in Canada. Beginning with pre-European contact and the historic Nation-to-Nation relationship, the course will survey major research inquiries from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Students will learn how ongoing land and treaty violations impact Indigenous peoples, settler society, and the land in Canada. Area of Focus: Environmental Geography Same as ESTB02H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
GGRB21H3 | Political Ecology: Nature, Society and Environmental Change | This foundational course explores different conceptions of 'the environment' as they have changed through space and time. It also analyzes the emergence of different variants of environmentalism and their contemporary role in shaping environmental policy and practice. Area of Focus: Environmental Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG15 |
GGRC10H3 | Urbanization and Development | Examines global urbanization processes and the associated transformation of governance, social, economic, and environmental structures particularly in the global south. Themes include theories of development, migration, transnational flows, socio-spatial polarization, postcolonial geographies of urbanization. Area of focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16 |
GGRC12H3 | Transportation Geography | Transportation systems play a fundamental role in shaping social, economic and environmental outcomes in a region. This course explores geographical perspectives on the development and functioning of transportation systems, interactions between transportation and land use, and costs and benefits associated with transportation systems including: mobility, accessibility, congestion, pollution, and livability. Area of focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
GGRC13H3 | Urban Political Geography | Geographical approach to the politics of contemporary cities with emphasis on theories and structures of urban political processes and practices. Includes nature of local government, political powers of the property industry, big business and community organizations and how these shape the geography of cities. Area of focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG9 |
GGRC24H3 | Socio-Natures and the Cultural Politics of 'The Environment' | Explores the processes through which segments of societies come to understand their natural surroundings, the social relations that produce those understandings, popular representations of nature, and how 'the environment' serves as a consistent basis of social struggle and contestation. Areas of focus: Environmental Geography; Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16 |
GGRC26H3 | Geographies of Environmental Governance | This course addresses the translation of environmentalisms into formalized processes of environmental governance; and examines the development of environmental institutions at different scales, the integration of different forms of environmental governance, and the ways in which processes of governance relate to forms of environmental practice and management. Area of focus: Environmental Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16 |
GGRC28H3 | Indigenous Peoples, Environment and Justice | Engages Indigenous perspectives on the environment and environmental issues. Students will think with Indigenous concepts, practices, and theoretical frameworks to consider human-environment relations. Pressing challenges and opportunities with respect to Indigenous environmental knowledge, governance, law, and justice will be explored. With a focus primarily on Canada, the course will include case studies from the US, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
GGRC32H3 | Essential Spatial Analysis | This course builds on introductory statistics and GIS courses by introducing students to the core concepts and methods of spatial analysis. With an emphasis on spatial thinking in an urban context, topics such as distance decay, distance metrics, spatial interaction, spatial distributions, and spatial autocorrelation will be used to quantify spatial patterns and identify spatial processes. These tools are the essential building blocks for the quantitative analysis of urban spatial data. Area of focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
GGRC34H3 | Crowd-sourced Urban Geographies | Significant recent transformations of geographic knowledge are being generated by the ubiquitous use of smartphones and other distributed sensors, while web-based platforms such as Open Street Map and Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) have made crowd-sourcing of geographical data relatively easy. This course will introduce students to these new geographical spaces, approaches to creating them, and the implications for local democracy and issues of privacy they pose. Area of focus: Urban Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16 |
GGRC43H3 | Social Geographies of Street Food | This course uses street food to comparatively assess the production of ‘the street’, the legitimation of bodies and substances on the street, and contests over the boundaries of, and appropriate use of public and private space. It also considers questions of labour and the culinary infrastructure of contemporary cities around the world. Area of Focus: Social/Cultural Geography Same as FSTC43H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG2, SDG8, SDG9 |
GGRC44H3 | Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development | Deals with two main topics: the origins of environmental problems in the global spread of industrial capitalism, and environmental conservation and policies. Themes include: changes in human-environment relations, trends in environmental problems, the rise of environmental awareness and activism, environmental policy, problems of sustainable development. Area of focus: Environmental Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG8, SDG9 |
GGRC50H3 | Geographies of Education | Explores the social geography of education, especially in cities. Topics include geographical educational inequalities; education, class and race; education, the family, and intergenerational class immobility; the movement of children to attend schools; education and the ‘right to the city.’ Areas of focus: Urban or Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG4 |
GGRD10H3 | Health and Sexuality | Examines links between health and human sexuality. Particularly explores sexually transmitted infections. Attention will be given to the socially and therefore spatially constructed nature of sexuality. Other themes include sexual violence, masculinities and health, reproductive health, and transnational relationships and health. Examples will be taken from a variety of countries. Area of focus: Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
GGRD14H3 | Social Justice and the City | Examines links between politics of difference, social justice and cities. Covers theories of social justice and difference with a particular emphasis placed on understanding how contemporary capitalism exacerbates urban inequalities and how urban struggles such as Occupy Wall Street seek to address discontents of urban dispossession. Examples of urban social struggles will be drawn from global North and South. Areas of focus: Urban or Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
GGRD15H3 | Queer Geographies | How do sex and gender norms take and shape place? To examine this question, we will explore selected queer and trans scholarship, with a particular emphasis on queer scholars of colour and queer postcolonial literatures. Course topics include LGBTQ2S lives and movements, cities and sexualities, cross-border migration flows, reproductive justice, and policing and incarceration. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
GGRD16H3 | Work and Livelihoods in the GTA | As major engines of the global economy, cities are also concentrated sites of work and employment. Popular and political understandings about what constitutes "fair" and "decent" work, meanwhile, are currently facing profound challenges. From the rise of platformed gig work to the rising cost of living in many cities  this course introduces students to approaches within Geography that help to conceptualize what "work" is, and to major forces shaping the laboured landscapes of cities, with a focus on the Greater Toronto Area. In this course students will get the opportunity to explore the varied forms of production and reproduction that make the GTA function and thrive, and to develop a vocabulary and critical lens to identify the geographies of different kinds of work and employment relations. Students will also have the chance to develop labour market research skills, and to critically examine the forms of work they themselves undertake every day. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG9 |
GGRD49H3 | Land and Land Conflicts in the Americas | This course explores various ways of making claims to possess or use land by first unsettling commonsense ideas about ownership and then tracing these through examples of classed, gendered and racialized property regimes. Through this exploration, the course shows that claims to land are historically and geographically specific, and structured by colonialism, and capitalism. Informed by a feminist interpretation of "conflict," we look at microprocesses that scale up to largescale transformations in how land is lived. We end by engaging with Black and Indigenous epistemologies regarding how land might be differently cared for and occupied. Areas of focus: Environmental or Social/Cultural Geography | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
GLB201H5 | Global Leadership: Past, Present, Futures | The evolution and exercise of leadership is examined in the context of globalization. Terminology, case studies, and practical examples are used to consider questions such as: Why did globalization become a dominant frame? How have narratives of globalization changed over time? How does late 20th century globalization differ from earlier processes of colonization? What are expectations going forward? The assumed scale of globalization and how it manifests differently in various geographies, societies, and contexts is assessed. Students reflect on the uneven experiences of globalization in their own lives, communities, and worlds they observe and pass through. Students challenge ideas of how good leadership is conceived, the dynamics that are assumed (e.g., leaders and followers), and who/what might be left out (e.g., gender, race, class), today and in the future. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
GLBC01H3 | Global Leadership: Theory, Research and Practice | Whether corporate, not for profit or governmental, modern organizations require leaders who are willing to take on complex challenges and work with a global community. Effective leaders must learn how to consider and recognize diverse motivations, behaviours, and perspectives across teams and networks. Building upon content learned in GLB201H5 and focusing on applications and real-life case studies; this course will provide students with knowledge and skills to become global leaders of the future. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to adapt culturally sensitive communication, motivation and negotiation techniques, preparing them to apply new principled, inclusive, and appreciative approaches to the practice of global leadership. In preparation for GLB401Y1, this course will include group-based activities in which students collaborate on current issues of global importance. An experiential learning component will help develop skills through interactions with guest lecturers and community partners. Community partners will present real-world global leadership problems to the class, which students will work to analyze and solve. At the end of the term, students will meet in person for final group presentations to deliver key solutions to community partners. This course will be delivered primarily online through synchronous/asynchronous delivery, with specific in-person activities scheduled throughout the course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
HIS101Y1 | Histories of Violence | Ranging widely chronologically and geographically, this course explores the phenomenon of violence in history. It examines the role and meanings of violence in particular societies (such as ancient Greece and samurai Japan), the ideological foundations and use of violence in the clash of cultures (as in slavery, holy wars, colonization, and genocide), and the effects and memorialization of violence. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS102Y1 | Empires, Encounters and Exchanges | Can we speak of "international relations" before the modern concept of nation-states was established? What forms did globalization take in the pre-modern era? How did early global exchange shape our world today? Students in this course study interactions among peoples, empires, and cultures, in multiple regions of the world (specific areas and time periods will change depending on the professors teaching in any given year). Topics include the impact of new goods and technologies; dissemination of ideas and religions; voyages of migration and exploration; and episodes of conquest and colonization. Analysis of primary sources and intensive focus on becoming strong writers. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG9 |
HIS103H5 | Revolutions in History | Revolutions are sudden, violent, and capable of changing the structure of societies and nations. They are some of the most dramatic events in history because they raise all kinds of questions about how society should be structured, maintained, and organized. Over the course of the term, students will learn about the principle theories of revolution, their impact, and they will reflect on the ways in which our own assumptions and ideologies have been influenced by them. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
HIS105H5 | A Brief History of Capitalism | This course offers a history of capitalism. In twelve weeks, we study nearly six hundred years of human history, examining how the profit motive has reshaped lives, landscapes, and values. We consider how the drive to accumulate capital has given rise to distinctive legal, racial, and religious regimes. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG15, SDG9 |
HIS108Y1 | What is History? | This course offers an introduction to history as a discipline - to the history of the discipline itself, to the questions, categories, and methodologies that constitute it, to the ways these interrogations and methods have evolved in varied times and places, and to the methodologies students need to acquire to engage in historical inquiry and writing. The course will be part methodological workshop, part epistemological reflection. Designed for any students interested in the study of the past or considering the History major. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS111H1 | History and Social Media Algorithms | What role does social media play in the spread of historical falsehoods? Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are relatively new, but the hidden power structures that shape their content are not. This course explores the relationship between social media platforms and history in two ways. First, class discussions, workshops, and guest lectures introduce students to overlooked histories behind social media itself, including the rise of the early internet and its diverse roots and applications. Second, we explore how and why social media platforms, and increasingly AI tools, have come to amplify and automate historical biases and misinformation, while censoring or burying accurate and important historical content. Our course focuses on the big histories behind algorithms to think about the AI future, while offering students hands-on experience building original, critical historical content for social media. Restricted to first-year students. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG9 |
HIS112H1 | Ten Events that Changed the World | Ever wonder how and why the founding of Islam in 610, the Mongol conquests of Eurasia in the 13th century, the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade, the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804), or the detonation of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki changed the world? This course ten events changed the world and continue to have ramifications today. Experts will give guest lectures on the important “events,†while students will learn how historians work to understand the significance of these moments, human agency, and the idea of an “event,†itself. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS190H1 | Freedom Schools | This first-year seminar explores radical traditions of education beyond and in resistance to formal schooling. Transnational in scope—and journeying from the late nineteenth century to the present day—we will study the pedagogical innovations and grassroots struggles of anarchic youth, guerrilla intellectuals, and feminist revolutionaries who used education broadly, and historical inquiry in particular, as tools for empowerment and collective liberation. Focusing on primary sources from archives of anticapitalist, antiracist and anticolonial movements, we will investigate traditions of self-teaching and co-learning, genealogies of critical and transformative pedagogies, the construction of decolonial survival and supplementary schools, student mobilizations within and against the university, as well as abolitionist education in our contemporary moment. This course invites participants to interrogate the relationship of education to freedom and justice through collective criticism, self-reflection and creative expression. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS195H1 | Remembering and Forgetting | This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of history by exploring processes of remembering and forgetting intrinsic to every society. Topics include the ideas of history and memory, memory cultures and narratives and counternarratives and the study of legal trials, museums, monuments, novels and films as popular vehicles of historical knowledge. The course analyzes in particular how the experiences of war and violence have been both remembered and forgotten. The intersection, and dislocation, between trauma and remembrance is a main theme, as is the topic of collective memories in post-conflict societies. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS196H1 | Religion and Violence | This seminar explores the roles of religion in extreme violence. Working backward from the 1990s (Rwanda, Yugoslavia), we will consider cases including Guatemala, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Holocaust, Armenians, German Southwest Africa, and genocide of Indigenous peoples in North America. Students will produce a final project based on original research. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS198H1 | Decolonizing Women's History | This course introduces students to the historiographical and theoretical debates in women's and gender history from a global perspective, with emphasis on the local histories of women in the non-western world. Students will study the themes in women's history as articulated by first and second wave feminists. The second part of the class deconstructs the basic assumptions of Western feminism through the perspective of post-colonial feminist writings and empirical studies. The readings are structured so that you consider how examples from Asia disrupt narratives of universality in Western feminist epistemologies. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
HIS200H1 | Drunk History | Histories of wine or beer or vodka often focus either on the production of these alcoholic beverages and their role in national or local economies, or on the ways that drinking is part of celebration. But drunkenness enters the historical record in other ways, too—not just as a social lubricant but as a social ill, one associated with intimate violence or violence to the self and with mass protest. From worries about the Gin Craze to race-based restrictions on consumption, from tax policies to policing, this class will consider the many ways that drunkenness has been accepted, denounced, and legislated in societies around the world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
HIS205H1 | From Women's History to Gender History | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 | |
HIS208Y1 | History of the Jewish People | This course explores the origins of the Jewish people, beginning with the Bible and ending in the 21st Century. We will follow the development of Jewish social and cultural life across the Muslim and Christian worlds and discuss how Jews adapted to the constraints and opportunities provided by the non-Jewish majority. We will also learn about key Jewish books and concepts, including the Talmud, Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), Halakhah (Jewish law), and Jewish philosophy. Finally, we will investigate the Jewish movements that arose in response to the challenges of modernity and new ideologies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS213H5 | A History of the Present | This course takes as its starting point current world events of global significance. We focus on 3-4 flashpoints/crises/events shaping contemporary global politics and culture, and move back in time to understand how current events have been shaped by longer histories of power, inequality, conflict and contestation. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS218H1 | Environmental History | A lecture-based course designed to introduce students to key moments and concepts in the field of environmental history since c. 1400. This course will track the reciprocal influence of humans and the non-human world since the so-called "Columbian Exchange," emphasizing the ways in which the non-human world-from plants, animals, and disease organisms to water, topography, and geography- have shaped human endeavours. At the same time, students will engage with many of the ways in which human beings have shaped the world around us, from empire and colonization, to industrial capitalism, nuclear power, and modern wildlife conservation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG6, SDG7, SDG9 |
HIS221H1 | African American History to 1865 | An introduction to the history of Africans and people of African descent in the Americas generally, and the United States in particular. Major themes include modernity and the transatlantic slave trade; capitalism and reparations; Atlantic crossings; African women, gender, and racial formations; representation, resistance, and rebellion; nation-building; abolitionism and civil war; historical method and the political uses of the past. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS222H1 | African American History from 1865 to the Present | This course examines the history of black people in the United States after the abolition of slavery. Major themes include the promise and tragedy of Reconstruction; gender and Jim Crow; race and respectability; migration, transnationalism, and 20th century black diasporas; black radical traditions and freedom movements; intersectionality and black feminisms; the drug war and mass incarceration; sexuality and the boundaries of blackness. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS230H1 | Indigenous and Early Colonial Caribbean History | This course introduces students to the study of Caribbean history from first human settlement to the late 18th century. Subject matter covered includes indigenous social structures, cosmology and politics; the process of European conquest; the economics, society and political order of colonial society; the Middle Passage; the everyday lives and struggles of enslaved peoples. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS231H1 | Revolution and Emancipation in the Colonial Caribbean | This course explores the history of the late eighteenth and nineteenth century Caribbean, from the Haitian Revolution to the U.S. occupation of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Students learn about the first struggles for political independence; the struggle to abolish the slave trade; slave emancipation; indentureship and struggles to define freedom after emancipation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS242H5 | Nations, Ideologies, and Conflict in Contemporary European History | Nations, Ideologies, and Conflict offers a sweeping overview of European history from the eve of WWI to the present with attention to the key ideas--Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Populism, and Globalization--that drive social, political and cultural change. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS245H1 | European Colonialism, 1700- 1965 | This course will introduce students to the history of European colonialism. It will analyze the nature of colonial rule, the impact of empire on both colonies and metropoles, and delve into questions of power, gender and culture. It considers slavery and abolition, imperial networks, colonial capital, colonial competition, colonial cultures, the twilight of colonial rule, and a variety of settings. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS255H5 | Introduction to Histories of Extraction and the Environment | An introduction to the historical and ongoing disruptions of colonial extraction in Canada and their treatment within the historical record. From natural resources to Indigenous lands and knowledges, this course will deepen students' understandings of the processes, industries and technologies responsible for settler colonial extraction in Canada. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG15, SDG16 |
HIS262H1 | Canada: A Short History of Here | Designed for non-history students, this introductory survey fulfills the Society and Its Institutions breadth requirement. It is open to all who want to know more about Canada. Make sense of politics today and develop a deeper understanding of Canadian society and its institutions through study of the major events and demographic trends that have shaped the development of this country. Topics will include First Nations/newcomer relations (including treaties and the Truth & Reconciliation report), French/English relations (including Quebec separatism), regionalism, the North, economic history, constitutional developments, and the development of Canadian identity, including common symbols associated with Canada. No essay requirement. Instead, enhance your critical reading and thinking skills through short writing assignments and weekly discussions of tutorial readings. *This course will not count towards History program requirements or as a prerequisite for upper level courses* | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS264H1 | Critical Issues in Canadian History | This course introduces key issues in Canadian history and foundational principles of historical analysis. It is particularly suited to potential History majors/specialists, although other students are welcome. It is not a comprehensive survey. Examples serve to deepen analysis and introduce important methods and debates, preparing students for upper year courses in Canadian history. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
HIS265Y1 | Black Canadian History | This course explores the historical experiences of persons of African descent in Canada. We begin by examining the presence of free and enslaved Africans in New France and British North America, moving into twentieth century themes exploring Black liberation, immigration and resistance in Canada. The course brings into sharp focus the historical production of racial categories and racist thought and practice in Canada and examines the experiences of Black Canadians within the context of ‘multiculturalism.’ | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16 |
HIS267H1 | Business History | Business, and its history and evolution, is a fundamental aspect of understanding modernity. Capitalism and globalization, two of the most important aspect of business and its history, shape our world in profound ways. Utilizing a "glocal" approach that combines global and Canadian business history cases within a transnational context, this course seeks to interrogate and understand the evolution and development of modern business, capitalism and globalization from the late 19th Century into the early 21st. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9, SGD16 |
HIS268H1 | Law and History | The Federal Interpretation Act of Canada states that the ‘law is always speaking’. If the law is always speaking, then it must be speaking in present tense. But if it only speaks in present tense, does it have a past? How might we consider the field of law from different historical angles? This course will introduce students to different historical approaches to and uses of law. Using examples from a wide array of legal traditions (e.g. Common Law, Civil Law, Indigenous Law, Islamic Law), the course will help students gain a greater appreciation for the function, study, and development of law across different times and places. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS282Y1 | History of South Asia | A rigorous survey of major themes in the history of South Asia (mapped largely but not exclusively by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh), using primary and secondary sources and addressing historiographical debates. Delves into regional complexities and considers broad questions about political economy, colonial governing, anti-colonial nationalism, capitalism, gender and cultural politics. Emphasizes the period after 1750; begins with an overview of ancient, medieval and Mughal history before turning to the British Empire. Addresses how understandings of pre-modern worlds inform contemporary politics and cultures; contextualizes South Asia within current global formations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS283Y1 | History of Southeast Asia: How the Lands Below the Winds Reshaped the World | This course examines how the cultural, economic, religious, and social histories of "Southeast Asia" [Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), the Philippines, Thailand, & Vietnam] shaped the world as we see it today. Lectures will demonstrate how the millennia-long cultural and material exchanges Southeast Asians engaged via water across the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the lands across Eurasia affected the lives of its inhabitants and the proximal and distant regions with which it had contact. In Tutorials, students will be trained to read primary sources. Themes to be explored include economic exchange, colonialism and its impact, gender and sexual diversity, and religion and society. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5, SDG6, SDG8 |
HIS290H5 | Introduction to Latin American History | An introduction to the history of Latin America from pre-conquest indigenous empires to the end of the 20th century. Lectures, films, readings, and tutorials explore a set of themes in historical context: nationalism, authoritarianism, religion, racism, patriarchy, and Latin America's multiple interactions with the outside world. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
HIS295Y1 | History of Africa | An introduction to African history and the methodology of history more broadly, this course sets out to question how historians do history, examine differences in theories of knowledge, and explore the relationship between academic and cultural representations of the past. The course also draws on anthropology and related disciplines. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HIS299Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
HIS301H1 | World War II France | This third-year lecture course examines the experience of the Second World War in France. Special attention is paid to questions of collaboration, resistance and accommodation. Other topics include the role of the French overseas colonies in this era, the issue of internal vs. external resistance, and the fate of civilian populations. Students engage with a set of primary and secondary sources as well as visual material that includes films. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG8 |
HIS309H1 | Global Reformations | The Reformation has traditionally been approached as a 16th century European phenomenon. This course will consider religious reform movements from the 15th to 18th centuries and set these into a global framework, considering spatial and sensory dimensions, cross-cultural engagements and exchanges, and intersections with race and colonization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS310H1 | Democracy and Dissent in Postwar Canada | This course will explore the background, experience, and legacy of protest movements in Canada in the post-1945 era. The course will draw on the latest historical literature and will situate Canadian social movements in the broad transnational context in which they unfolded. Topics will include anti-racist movements, feminism, nationalism, Indigenous politics, environmentalism, labour, and the New Right and the New Left. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS311H1 | Canada in the World | Ranging from the fifteenth through to the turn of the twenty-first century, students will learn about the treaties, trade agreements and alliances, as well as the informal traditions, working relationships and cultural ties that shape relations of people living within the boundaries of present-day Canada with the world. For this course, “international relations†is broadly defined, including military, political, economic, environmental and immigration policies, both official and informal. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16 |
HIS312H1 | Immigration to Canada | From the colonial settlement to 21st century, immigration has been a key experience and much debated in Canadian life. Drawing on primary sources, as well as historical and contemporary scholarship, this course will discuss migration, citizenship and belonging as central features in Canada’s experience of immigration. This course focuses on the individuals, groups, and collectives who built, defined, contested, and reimagined this country, to help make and remake Canada through immigration. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS315H1 | Decolonial Vietnamese Histories | This course introduces students to the narratives that diverse actors have used to talk about Vietnamese histories. We will focus on the histories and perspectives of the indigenous peoples of the peninsula, ethnic minority groups, as well as that of the majority "Kinh people." We'll explore themes which have been central to shaping the geographic space, the socio-political regimes, and the cultural entity we now call "Viet Nam," while examining how varying types of historical method and archival strategies can influence the telling of histories. What kinds of techniques did Vietnamese and Western political actors, scholars, and writers, employ to narrate the Vietnamese past(s) and how do these visions tell us about the crafter of these narratives? What counts as “history†and who gets/got to decide? Whose experiences were relevant in the different epistemological approaches? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS317H1 | 20th Century Germany | A survey of modern German history in the twentieth century. Topics include World War I and the postwar settlement, the Weimar Republic, the National Socialist dictatorship, the Holocaust, the division of Germany, the Cold War, German reunification, Germany and the European Union, nationalism, political culture, war and revolution, religious and ethnic minorities and questions of history and memory. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS323H5 | The Rwandan Genocide: History, Violence, and Identity | This course examines the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, situated within larger historical frameworks of the nature of precolonial polities, the impact of colonialism, and the crises of postcolonial state building. Through a close examination of primary sources and historical arguments, this course will explore history and memory, violence and trauma, identity and belonging, justice and reconciliation. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS327H1 | Rome: The City in History | This course investigates the development of Rome from its mythical foundations, through the Empire, the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque to the modern city, illustrating the shift from the pagan to the papal city and its emergence as the capital of a united Italy after 1870 and a modern European metropolis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
HIS337H1 | Culture, Politics and Society in 18th Century Britain | Deals with England, Scotland, Ireland and the Atlantic World. Addresses major political, social, economic, intellectual and cultural highlights of the "long" eighteenth century. Deals with enlightenment, industrialization and the loss of the first British empire. Interrogates Britain's emerging status as a world power. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG9 |
HIS346H1 | Rice, Sugar, and Spice in Southeast Asia: a History of Food in the Region | This course examines the importance of food products in the livelihoods of the inhabitants of Southeast and in the world economy. It traces the circulation of these products within the Southeast Asian region in the pre-modern period, into the spice trade of the early modern era, and the establishment of coffee and sugar plantations in the late colonial period, and the role of these exports in the contemporary global economy. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG2 |
HIS347H1 | The Country House in England 1837-1939 | This course examines class distinction and community through the lens of the English country house from 1837 to 1939. Topics include owners, servants, houses, collections, gardens and rituals such as fox hunting. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15 |
HIS352H1 | A History of Women in Pre-colonial East Africa | This course examines the lived experience of women in societies, communities and polities of varying sizes across territories that cover eight contemporary East African states. It encompasses the period from 1000 B.C to the end of the nineteenth century. Topics covered are clustered under four broad themes: a) Ecology, work in commodity production, wealth and exchange relations; b) “Institutional†power, ideology and structures; c) “Creative†power particularly in the areas of healing, resistance/contestation and transformation; and d) Violence, war and vulnerability. The course challenges present day gender and identity categories applied to Africa’s deep past and highlights critical nuances of gender, identity and power dynamics in Africa. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG12, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS354H1 | Jews of Arab Lands: From the Prophet Muhammad to European Colonialism | This course introduces the Jewish communities of Arab lands by examining their social, cultural, and political experiences from the Arab conquests to European colonialism. We will examine the sometimes "symbiotic" relationship that existed between Jews and Muslims as well as the factors that threatened it by considering both the history of everyday life and of high culture. Many of Judaism's formative institutions and literary works were developed in the Middle East and we will explore how they developed in dialogue with Islamic culture. Finally, we will study the impact of Western colonialism and nineteenth-century encounters between "Western" and "Eastern" Jews. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
HIS357H5 | The Renaissance | A cultural history of the 15th and 16th centuries set against the socio-economic background. The course will concentrate upon the development of the Renaissance in Italy and will deal with its manifestations in Northern Europe. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1 |
HIS359H1 | Regional Politics and Radical Movements in the 20th Century Caribbean | The role of nationalism, race and ethnicity, class conflict and ideologies in the recent development of Caribbean societies; Europe's replacement by the United States as the dominant imperial power in the Caribbean; how this mixture of regional and international pressures has led to widely differing political systems and traditions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
HIS360H1 | Critical Histories of the Black Canadian Experience | This course addresses the long and diverse historical experiences of black people in Canada. Each year the course is offered, it will emphasize a specific theme which may include slavery and its afterlife, black liberation and resistance, black geographies, (im)migration, education, black diasporic communities, and black womanhood and gendered politics. Discussions in this course will consider the place of Canada within broader transnational debates about race and blackness. Details regarding specific topics will be available on the department's website on an annual basis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS361H1 | The Holocaust, from 1942 | Follows on HIS338H1. Themes include: resistance by Jews and non-Jews; local collaboration; the roles of European governments, the Allies, the churches, and other international organizations; the varieties of Jewish responses. We will also focus on postwar repercussions of the Holocaust in areas such as justice, memory and memorialization, popular culture and politics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS364H1 | From Revolution to Revolution: Hungary Since 1848 | This course offers a chronological survey of the history of Hungary from the 1848 revolution until the present. It is ideal for students with little or no knowledge of Hungarian history but who possess an understanding of the main trends of European history in the 19th and 20th centuries. The focus is on the revolutions of 1848-1849, 1918-1919, the 1956 Revolution against Soviet rule and the collapse of communism in 1989. The story has not been invariably heroic, violent and tragic. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS366H5 | Diasporic Histories & Cultures | This course explores a number of significant historic diasporas - and sites of diaspora - from Constantinople to Al-Andalus to Shanghai, to the United States and the United Kingdom, and to Tel Aviv and the West Bank, through historical record, fiction, memoir and film. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS371H1 | Canadian Political History | This course examines the history of Canadian politics from the late colonial period to the recent past. Lectures and discussions will focus attention on specific political issues (responsible government, Confederation, war, welfare, battles over voting rights, campaigns for social change, etc.) but also consider the deeper structural, social, economic, and cultural dynamics that shaped politics over time. The course takes a broad view of politics (elections and parties but also social movements, interest groups, bureaucracy). A key theme is the nature of political power in a democratic polity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS374H1 | Mass Incarceration in the United States | The United States is home to five percent of the world's population but twenty-five percent of the world's prisoners, including a disproportionate number of African American, Latinx, and Native American people. This vast carceral archipelago is the subject of extensive scholarly and public debate over the history, ethics, and function of incarceration in the United States. In this course, we will explore the rise of contemporary mass incarceration from an interdisciplinary perspective that draws upon history, sociology, and legal studies to reveal the linkages among state-formation, politics, capitalism, and modern punishment as well as community responses to mass incarceration. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS374H5 | Gender and Sexuality in the US, 1945-present | This class historicizes the intersectional analysis of gendered and sexed bodies after 1945. We explore topics such as normative gender expectations; reproductive freedom; masculinities; second-wave feminism; race, class and poverty; conservative backlash; media and gender/sexuality; LGBTQ social movements; trans histories. In terms of methods, I look forward to introducing students to experiments in digital history. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
HIS375H1 | Crime and Punishment in the Early Modern World | What did it take to break the law in the period 1400-1800, and how were people prosecuted and punished when they did? We will review the kinds of crimes that triggered arrest, the different types of law codes in place and the importance of the revival of Roman law, ways of avoiding prosecution, the criminalization of “devianceâ€, judicial processes in colonization, and variations based on age and gender. We’ll also look at forms of punishment, including the varieties of corporal and capital punishment, the operation of prisons, the use of exile and transportation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS382H5 | Nations, Borders and Citizenship in South Asia | This course examines the emergence of the connected histories of nation-states, space and border-making in modern South Asia. It is especially interested in engaging the changing political languages, practices and contested visions of citizenship that have animated and shaped languages of space, place and belonging in South Asia. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
HIS383Y1 | Women in African History | This course subjects our increasing knowledge about African women's history from the mid-19th century to the present to critical analysis. It goes beyond restoring women to history and seeing African women as victims impacted upon and struggling against colonialism and neo-colonialism. It examines how African women's lived experiences have been represented, packaged, and delivered to different audiences. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS386H1 | Fascism | A comparative and transnational examination of fascist movements and regimes in Europe during 1919-1945. Beginning with Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany, this course analyzes manifestations of the phenomenon in various European countries, including France, Spain, the Baltic states, Central Europe and Scandinavia. We analyze the factors that led to fascist movements obtaining power in certain countries and to their failure in others. Collaboration with Nazi Germany during the Second World War is also explored. Finally, we discuss whether the concept of ‘generic' fascism can also be applied to other regions and periods. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
HIS388H1 | France Since 1830 | A study of French society, politics and culture from the Paris Commune to the 1990s. Special attention is paid to watersheds like the Dreyfus Affair and the Vichy regime, to issues of regionalism/nationalism, cultural pluralism, women's rights, intellectual and cultural trends, and decolonization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG6 |
HIS390H1 | Slavery in Latin America | This seminar focuses on the history of African slavery in Latin America from its origins in the fifteenth century to its abolition in the nineteenth century. Readings will draw from primary sources and historical scholarship related to a range of topics, including the slave trade, gender, religious and cultural practices, and emancipation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
HIS397H1 | Political Violence and Human Rights in Latin America | This course will explore human rights theory and practice from a Latin American perspective. There will be a focus on the local derivation, development and impact of the movement for human rights in Latin America. The course will focus on the history of organized protest against violence in the twentieth century. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
HIS399Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
HIS406H1 | Advanced Topics in Gender History | An in-depth examination of issues in gender history. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See History website for more details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
HIS419H1 | Canada By Treaty: Alliances, Title Transfers and Land Claims | A detailed study of the treaty process between indigenous peoples and newcomers in Canadian history, with examination of the shift between alliance treaties to land surrender agreements from the colonial period through to the signing of recent treaties including the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the Nisga'a Final Agreement. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
HIS423H1 | Social History of Medicine in the 19th & 20th Centuries | Introduces students to current issues in the social history of medicine and some of the major developments in the modern history of the discipline. The format is class discussion based on themes covered in the course textbook, covering such topics as the history of the doctor-patient relationship, changes in physicians' social status, changing attitudes toward the body, and the evolution of various medical and surgical specialties including obstetrics and gynecology. (Joint undergraduate-graduate). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG3 |
HIS430H1 | The Two Germanies and the Cold War, 1949-1989 | This course explores central themes of the field of postwar German and Cold War history from national, European and global history perspectives. It familiarizes students with significant events, texts, dates and actors in its analysis of the histories of the two postwar German states and explores German history as a microcosm of Cold War relations. In analyzing the two Germanies after 1949 an interdisciplinary variety of texts will be studied, covering topics from diplomacy and economy, to gender, memory, politics and geopolitics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS462H5 | Indigenous North America | This reading and research-based course focuses on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States, while also considering Mexico and the Caribbean. It explores a wide variety of methodologies and topics, examining Indigenous social structures, cultures, and economies alongside the influence of colonialism, capitalism, and nation states. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG9 |
HIS464H5 | Decolonizing Africa | This research-intensive seminar looks at alternative histories of decolonization in Africa, including revolutionary nationalisms, secessionist movements, and pan-Africanism– as well as ongoing debates over boundaries, citizenship, and sovereignty in postcolonial Africa. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
HIS465H1 | Gender and International Relations | This seminar explores the use of gender as a category of analysis in the study of international relations. Topics include gendered imagery and language in foreign policymaking; beliefs about women's relationship to war and peace; issues of gender, sexuality, and the military; gender and global governance; gender and the global economy; sexual violence; and contributions of feminist theory to international relations theory. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
HIS470H1 | History, Rights, and Difference in South Asia | Addressing South Asian history after 1750, this course examines ideas of rights, contract, and the rule of law in colonial and postcolonial contexts. Attention is paid to the intellectual history of rights and the central place of colonial and postcolonial questions within that history. Topics include rights and questions concerning indigenous culture, caste and customary practice, gender and capitalist development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HIS483H1 | Space and Power in Modern Africa | This course examines the production, experience, and politics of space in modern Africa from a historical perspective. How is space - local, national, and imperial - produced? In what ways does power inscribe these spaces? This course will explore these questions through a variety of readings examining historical examples and cases from across the continent. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
HIS498Y5 | Internship in History | Through a part-time, unpaid work placement, a limited number of advanced history students may enrol for field experience relating to expertise they have gained in the program. Placements are made at local libraries, historic sites and foundations, media outlets, public and private institutions. Five previous history courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 are required. For application to admission contact the Department of Historical Studies before June 1. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
HIS499Y5 | Research Opportunity Program | For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
HISA07H3 | The Ancient Mediterranean World | An introduction to the main features of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world from the development of agriculture to the spread of Islam. Long term socio-economic and cultural continuities and ruptures will be underlined, while a certain attention will be dedicated to evidences and disciplinary issues. Same as CLAA04H3 0.50 pre-1800 credit Ancient World Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG2 |
HISA08H3 | Africa in the World: An Introduction | An interdisciplinary introduction to the history and development of Africa with Africa's place in the wider world a key theme. Students critically engage with African and diasporic histories, cultures, social structures, economies, and belief systems. Course material is drawn from Archaeology, History, Geography, Literature, Film Studies and Women's Studies. Africa and Asia Area Same as AFSA01H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
HISB22H3 | From Freedom Runners to #BlackLivesMatter: Histories of Black Feminism in Canada | This introductory survey course connects the rich histories of Black radical women's acts, deeds, and words in Canada. It traces the lives and political thought of Black women and gender-non-conforming people who refused and fled enslavement, took part in individual and collective struggles against segregated labour, education, and immigration practices; providing a historical context for the emergence of the contemporary queer-led #BlackLivesMatter movement. Students will be introduced, through histories of activism, resistance, and refusal, to multiple concepts and currents in Black feminist studies. This includes, for example, theories of power, race, and gender, transnational/diasporic Black feminisms, Black-Indigenous solidarities, abolition and decolonization. Students will participate in experiential learning and engage an interdisciplinary array of key texts and readings including primary and secondary sources, oral histories, and online archives. Same as WSTB22H3 Canadian Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
HISB31H3 | History of the United States since the Civil War | This course offers a survey of U.S. history from the post-Civil War period through the late 20th century, examining key episodes and issues such as settlement of the American West, industrialization, urbanization, immigration, popular culture, social movements, race relations, and foreign policy. United States and Latin America Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG8 |
HISB41H3 | Making of Modern Canada | Students will be introduced to historical processes central to the history of Canada's diverse peoples and the history of the modern age more generally, including the industrial revolution, women's entry in social and political "publics," protest movements, sexuality, and migration in the context of international links and connections. Canadian Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HISB51H3 | Africa from the Colonial Conquests to Independence | Modern Sub-Saharan Africa, from the colonial conquests to the end of the colonial era. The emphasis is on both structure and agency in a hostile world. Themes include conquest and resistance; colonial economies; peasants and labour; gender and ethnicity; religious and political movements; development and underdevelopment; Pan-Africanism, nationalism and independence. Same as AFSB51H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
HISB57H3 | Sub-Continental Histories: South Asia in the World | A survey of South Asian history. The course explores diverse and exciting elements of this long history, such as politics, religion, trade, literature, and the arts, keeping in mind South Asia's global and diasporic connections. Africa and Asia Area Same as GASB57H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
HISB58H3 | Modern Chinese History | This course provides an overview of the historical changes and continuities of the major cultural, economic, political, and social institutions and practices in modern Chinese history. Same as GASB58H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
HISB59H3 | Science, Technology, Medicine and Empire | This is a gateway course to the study of the history of science, technology, and medicine, examining the development of modern science and technology in service of and as a response to mercantile and colonial empires. Students will read historical scholarship and also get a basic introduction to the methods, big ideas, and sources for the history of science, technology and medicine. Such scientific and technological advances discussed will include geography and cartography; botany and agricultural science; race science and anthropology; tropical medicine and disease control; transportation and communication technologies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG2, SDG3, SDG9 |
HISB65H3 | West Asia and the Modern World | For those who reside east of it, the Middle East is generally known as West Asia. By reframing the Middle East as West Asia, this course will explore the region's modern social, cultural, and intellectual history as an outcome of vibrant exchange with non-European world regions like Asia. It will foreground how travel and the movement fundamentally shape modern ideas. Core themes of the course such as colonialism and decolonization, Arab nationalism, religion and identity, and feminist thought will be explored using primary sources (in translation). Knowledge of Arabic is not required. Same as GASB65H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
HISC08H3 | Colonialism on Film | An examination of the depiction of empires and the colonial and postcolonial experience on film. This course also introduces students to the development of national cinemas in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. The relationship between academic history and history as imagined by filmmakers is a key theme. Transnational Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
HISC11H3 | Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asian Worlds | A critical examination of multiculturalism and cultural identities in the Greek and Roman worlds. Special attention will be dedicated to the evidences through which these issues are documented and to their fundamental influence on the formation and evolution of ancient Mediterranean and West Asian societies and cultures. Same as CLAC24H3 0.5 pre-1800 credit Ancient World Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
HISC27H3 | The History of European Sexuality: From Antiquity to the Present | The course will cover major developments in sexuality in Europe since antiquity. It will focus on the manner in which social, political, and economic forces influenced the development of sexuality. It will also analyze how religious beliefs, philosophical ideas, and scientific understanding influenced the ways that sexuality was understood. European Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
HISC45H3 | Immigrants and Race Relations in Canadian History | An examination of aspects of the history of immigrants and race relations in Canada, particularly for the period 1840s 1960s. The course covers various immigrant and racialized groups and explores how class, gender and race/ethnicity shaped experiences and racial/ethnic relations. Canadian Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
HISC46H3 | Canada and the World | A look at Canada's evolution in relation to developments on the world stage. Topics include Canada's role in the British Empire and its relationship with the U.S., international struggles for women's rights, Aboriginal peoples' sovereignty and LGBT equality, socialism and communism, the World Wars, decolonization, the Cold War, humanitarianism, and terrorism. Canadian Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
HISC51H3 | From Opium to Maximum City: Narrating Political Economy in China and India | This course addresses literary, historical, ethnographic, and filmic representations of the political economy of China and the Indian subcontinent from the early 19th century to the present day. We will look at such topics as the role and imagination of the colonial-era opium trade that bound together India, China and Britain in the 19th century, anticolonial conceptions of the Indian and Chinese economies, representations of national physical health, as well as critiques of mass-consumption and capitalism in the era of the ‘liberalization’ and India and China’s rise as major world economies. Students will acquire a grounding in these subjects from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. Same as GASC51H3 Asia and Africa Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG9 |
HISC56H3 | Comparative Studies of East Asian Legal Cultures | An introduction to the distinctive East Asian legal tradition shared by China, Japan, and Korea through readings about selected thematic issues. Students will learn to appreciate critically the cultural, political, social, and economic causes and effects of East Asian legal cultures and practices. Same as GASC50H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
HISC57H3 | China and the World | A study of the history of China's relationship with the rest of the world in the modern era. The readings focus on China's role in the global economy, politics, religious movements, transnational diasporas, scientific/technological exchanges, and cultural encounters and conflicts in the ages of empire and globalization. Same as GASC57H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG9 |
HISC58H3 | Delhi and London: Imperial Cities, Mobile People | Delhi and London were two major cities of the British Empire. This course studies their parallel destinies, from the imperial into the post-colonial world. It explores how diverse cultural, ecological, and migratory flows connected and shaped these cities, using a wide range of literary, historical, music, and film sources. Transnational Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG15, SDG16, SDG8 |
HISC59H3 | The Making of Tamil Worlds | This course explores the transnational history of Tamil worlds. In addition to exploring modern Tamil identities, the course will cover themes such as mass migration, ecology, social and economic life, and literary history. Same as GASC59H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15, SDG16 |
HISC68H3 | Constructing the Other: Orientalism through Time and Place | This course reflects on the concept of Orientalism and how it informs the fields of Classical Studies and Anthropology. Topics to be discussed include the Orientalization of the past and the origin, role, and significance of ancient representations of the "Other" in contemporary discourses. Same as ANTC58H3 and CLAC68H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
HISC73H3 | Making the Global South | The course will explore the history and career of a term: The Global South. The global south is not a specific place but expressive of a geopolitical relation. It is often used to describe areas or places that were remade by geopolitical inequality. How and when did this idea emerge? How did it circulate? How are the understandings of the global south kept in play? Our exploration of this term will open up a world of solidarity and circulation of ideas shaped by grass-roots social movements in different parts of the world Same as GASC73H3 Africa and Asia Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
HISC77H3 | Soccer and the Modern World | Soccer ("football" to most of the world) is the world's game and serves as a powerful lens through which to examine major questions in modern world history. How did a game that emerged in industrial Britain spread so quickly throughout the globe? How has the sport been appropriated politically and become a venue for contests over class, ethnic and national identity? Why have wars been fought over the outcome of matches? In short, how does soccer explain the modern world? Transnational Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
HISC94H3 | The Bible and the Qur’an | The Qur'an retells many narratives of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. This course compares the Qur'anic renditions with those of the earlier scriptures, focusing on the unique features of the Qur'anic versions. It will also introduce the students to the history of ancient and late antique textual production, transmission of texts and religious contact. The course will also delve into the historical context in which these texts were produced and commented upon in later generations. Same as CLAC94H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
HISC97H3 | Women and Power in Africa | This course examines women in Sub-Saharan Africa in the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial periods. It covers a range of topics including slavery, colonialism, prostitution, nationalism and anti-colonial resistance, citizenship, processes of production and reproduction, market and household relations, and development. Same as AFSC97H3 Asia and Africa Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG5 |
HISD16H3 | Socialist Feminism in Global Context | A comparative exploration of socialist feminism, encompassing its diverse histories in different locations, particularly China, Russia, Germany and Canada. Primary documents, including literary texts, magazines, political pamphlets and group manifestos that constitute socialist feminist ideas, practices and imaginaries in different times and places will be central. We will also seek to understand socialist feminism and its legacies in relation to other contemporary stands of feminism. Same as WSTD16H3 Transnational Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5 |
HISD45H3 | Canadian Settler Colonialism in Comparative Context | A seminar on Canadian settler colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries that draws comparisons from the United States and elsewhere in the British Empire. Students will discuss colonialism and the state, struggles over land and labour, the role of race, gender, and geography in ideologies and practices of colonial rule, residential schools, reconciliation and decolonization. Canadian Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
HISD66H3 | Documenting Conflict and Peacemaking in the Modern Middle East | This course explores the practices of documentation involved in investigating, explaining and containing the varieties of conflict that have shaped the history of the Middle East over the past two centuries. Wars, episodes of sectarian violence and political terrorism have all contributed centrally to the formation of states and subjects in the region. Drawing on key works by political historians, anthropologists of state violence and specialists in visual culture, the course examines such events and their many reverberations for Middle Eastern societies from 1798 to the present. Course readings draw on a range of primary source materials produced by witnesses, partisans to conflict, political activists, memoirists and investigators. Classroom discussions will engage theoretical texts that have brought to bear conflicts in the Middle East on larger questions concerning humanitarian intervention, democratic publics and liberal internationalism. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
HISD93H3 | The Politics of the Past: Memories, Monuments and Museums | This course examines the politics of historical commemoration. We explore how the representation of the past both informs and reflects political, social, and cultural contexts, and examine case studies involving controversial monuments; debates over coming to terms with historical legacies of genocide, slavery, and imperialism; and processes of truth, reconciliation, and cultural restitution. We also examine the role played by institutions (like museums and archives) and disciplines (archaeology, history, anthropology) in the construction of local, national, transnational, and colonial identities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
HLTA02H3 | Exploring Health and Society: Theories, Perspectives, and Patterns | This is the initial component of a two-part series dedicated to the exploration of theories, contemporary themes, and analytical methodologies associated with the study of health-related matters. Areas of focus encompass the social and biological determinants of health, globalization and international health issues, health technology and information systems, and fundamentals of epidemiology. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTA03H3 | Navigating Health and Society: Research, Practice, and Policy | This course marks the continuation of a two-part series that seeks to provide an understanding of inquiry and analysis, practical applications, and policy formulation as it pertains to the study of health-related matters. Areas of focus encompass foundational concepts in research methodology, the Canadian health care system and practical approaches, international comparisons, political systems, and ethical considerations. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG3 |
HLTA20H3 | Physiology Through the Life Course: From Birth Through Death | An introduction to human functional processes will be presented through the various stages of the life cycle. Focusing on the body's complex interacting systems, the physiology of all stages of human development, from prenatal development to adolescence to death, will be covered. Students will also develop a working scientific vocabulary in order to communicate effectively across health disciplines. This course is intended for students who have not previously taken a course in Physiology. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTB11H3 | Human Nutrition | An introductory course to provide the fundamentals of human nutrition to enable students to understand and think critically about the complex interrelationships between food, nutrition, health, and environment. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG2, SDG3 |
HLTB15H3 | Health Research Methodology | The objective of this course is to introduce students to the main principles that are needed to undertake health-related research. Students will be introduced to the concepts and approaches to health research, the nature of scientific inquiry, the role of empirical research, and epidemiological research designs. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTB16H3 | Public Health | This course will present a brief history about the origins and development of the public health system and its role in health prevention. Using a case study approach, the course will focus on core functions, public health practices, and the relationship of public health with the overall health system. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTB24H3 | Aging with Agility | This course uses a life-course perspective, considering diversity among mature adults and accounting for the influence of cultural and economic inequity on access to resources, to examine what it means to sustain an age-friendly community. Sample topics covered include: environmental gerontology, global aging, demographies of aging, aging in place, and sustainable aging. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
HLTB27H3 | Applied Statistics for Public Health | This is a survey course in population health numeracy. This course will build upon foundational statistical knowledge and offers students the opportunity to both understand and apply a range of techniques to public health research. Topics include hypothesis testing, sensitivity/specificity, regression (e.g., logistic regression), diagnostics and model sitting, time-to-event analysis, basic probability theory including discrete and continuous random variables, sampling, and conditional probability and their use and application in public health. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTB30H3 | Current Issues in Health and Society | An interdisciplinary consideration of current and pressing issues in health, including health crises, care, education, policy, research, and knowledge mobilization and translation. The course will focus on emerging questions and research, with attention to local and global experts from a range of disciplines and sectors. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTB40H3 | Health Policy and Health Systems | This course focuses on public and private financing mechanisms for health care in Canada, emphasizing provincial differences and discussing the systems in place in other developed nations. Topics will include the forces of market competition and government regulation as well as the impact of health policy on key stakeholders. Students will also learn how to apply simple economic reasoning to examine health policy issues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTB41H3 | Social Determinants of Health | This course introduces students to Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) approaches to reducing health inequities, and improving individual and population health. Students will critically explore the social, political, economic, and historic conditions that shape the everyday lives, and influence the health of people. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG3, SDG8, SDG9 |
HLTB42H3 | Perspectives of Culture, Illness and Healing | This course introduces students to anthropological perspectives of culture, society, and language, to foster understanding of the ways that health intersects with political, economic, religious and kinship systems. Topics will include ethnographic theory and practice, cultural relivatism, and social and symbolic meanings and practices regarding the body. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTB44H3 | Pathophysiology and Etiology of Disease | This course focuses on functional changes in the body that result from the disruption of the normal balance of selected systems of the human body. Building on the knowledge of human biology, students will learn the biological basis, etiopathology and clinical manifestations of selected diseases and other perturbations, with a focus on cellular and tissue alterations in children. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTB50H3 | Introduction to Health Humanities | An introduction to human health through literature, narrative, and the visual arts. Students will develop strong critical skills in text-centered methods of analysis (i.e., the written word, visual images) through topics including representations of health, illness narratives, death and dying, patient-professional relationships, technoscience and the human body. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTB60H3 | Introduction to Interdisciplinary Disability Studies | An introduction to interdisciplinary disability studies through humanities, social science, and fine arts, with a strong basis in a social justice orientation that understands disability as a relational, social, and historical symbolic category, and ableism as a form of oppression. Students will develop strong critical skills in interpretation and analysis of artworks (i.e., the written word, visual images, performance) and theoretical texts. Topics including representations of disability in media, including literature and film; medicalization and tropes of disability; disability activism; and intersectional analysis of disability in relation to gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, and class. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3, SDG5 |
HLTC16H3 | Health Information Systems | An introduction to the fundamental concepts in health informatics (HI) and the relevance of HI to current and future Canadian and international health systems. Students will be introduced to traditional hospital-based/clinician-based HI systems, as well as present and emerging applications in consumer and public HI, including global applications. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG3 |
HLTC17H3 | Rehabilitation Sciences | This course will provide students with an introduction to the rehabilitation sciences in the Canadian context. Students will gain knowledge regarding the pressing demographic needs for rehabilitation services and research, as well as the issues affecting the delivery of those services. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3, SDG5 |
HLTC19H3 | Chronic Diseases | This course will introduce students to the regional, national, and global patterns of chronic disease and demonstrate how demography, behaviour, socio-economic status, and genetics impact patterns of chronic disease in human populations. Using epidemiological studies we will examine these patterns, assess their complex causes, and discuss strategies for broad-based preventative action. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1 |
HLTC22H3 | Health, Aging and the Life Cycle | This course focuses on the transition from birth to old age and changes in health status. Topics to be covered include: socio-cultural perspectives on aging, the aging process, chronic and degenerative diseases, caring for the elderly. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
HLTC23H3 | Child Health and Development | This course will explore bio-social aspects of health and development in children. Topics for discussion include genetics and development, growth and development, childhood diseases, the immune system, and nutrition during the early years. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG2, SDG3 |
HLTC24H3 | Environment and Health | Environmental issues are often complex and require a holistic approach where the lines between different disciplines are often obscured. The environment, as defined in this course, includes the natural (biological) and built (social, cultural, political) settings. Health is broadly defined to include the concept of well-being. Case studies will be used to illustrate environment and health issues using an ecosystem approach that includes humans as part of the ecosystem. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
HLTC25H3 | Infectious Diseases | Adopting ecological, epidemiological, and social approaches, this course examines the impact of infectious disease on human populations. Topics covered include disease ecology, zoonoses, and the role of humans in disease occurrence. The aim is to understand why infectious diseases emerge and how their occurrence is intimately linked to human behaviours. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
HLTC27H3 | Community Health and Epidemiology | Epidemiology is the study or the pattern and causes of health-related outcomes and the application of findings to improvement of public health. This course will examine the history of epidemiology and its principles and terminology, measures of disease occurrence, study design, and application of concepts to specific research areas. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTC28H3 | Special Topics in Health Sciences | An examination of a current topic relevant to health sciences. The specific topic will vary from year to year, and may include: Ecosystem Approaches to Zoonotic Disease; Climate Change and Health; Food Insecurity, Nutrition, and Health; Health and the Human-Insect Interface. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15, SDG2 |
HLTC29H3 | Special Topics in Health Sciences | An examination of a current topic relevant to health sciences. The specific topic will vary from year to year, and may include: Ecosystem Approaches to Zoonotic Disease; Climate Change and Health; Food Insecurity, Nutrition, and Health; Health and the Human-Insect Interface. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15, SDG2 |
HLTC30H3 | Understanding Cancer: From Cells to Communities | This course introduces students to the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cancer and how these overlap with social and environmental determinants of health. This will allow for a wider exploration of risk factors and public health approaches to individual and population health. The social impact of cancer and the importance of patient advocacy and support will also be examined. This course will also delve into evolving concepts of cancer and breakthroughs in cancer therapies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG3 |
HLTC42H3 | Emerging Health Issues and Policy Needs | This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to helping students prepare to tackle complex emerging health issues and to explore ways of addressing these issues through public policy. A range of contemporary and newly-emerging health issues are discussed and analyzed in the context of existing policy constraints within Canada and worldwide. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTC43H3 | Politics of Canadian Health Policy | This course examines the role of all levels of Canadian government in health and health care. The impact of public policies, health care policy, and access to health care services on the health of populations is considered. The course also examines the role of political parties and social movements in the policy change process. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTC44H3 | Comparative Health Policy Systems | This course surveys a selection of health care systems worldwide in relation to financing, reimbursement, delivery systems and adoption of new technologies. In this course students will explore questions such as: which systems and which public/private sector mixes are better at achieving efficiency and equity? How do these different systems deal with tough choices, such as decisions about new technologies? The set of international health care systems we focus on are likely to vary by term but will include a subset of OECD countries as well as countries with large populations that are heavily represented in Toronto such as China and India. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4 |
HLTC46H3 | Globalization, Gender and Health | This interdisciplinary course draws on diverse theoretical and analytical approaches that span the humanities, social sciences and life sciences to critically explore the diverse relationships between gender and health, in local and global contexts. Particular attention is given to intersections between sex, gender and other social locations and processes that impact health and health inequities across the lifespan, including the impacts of ableism, colonialism, hetero-normativity, poverty, racialization, and sexism on women's and men's health, and related health research and practice. Through course readings, case studies, group discussions, class activities, and course assignments, students will apply these theoretical lenses and develop analytical skills that : (1) advance a more contextualized understanding of gender and health across the lifespan, (2) provide important insights into gendered health inequities, and (3) speak to strategies and social movements that begin to address these challenges. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG5, SDG9 |
HLTC48H3 | Special Topics in Health and Society | An examination of a current topic relevant to health and society. The specific topic will vary from year to year. Topics may include: Social Justice and Health Activism; Climate Change and Health; Labour, Precarity, and Health. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG3, SDG9 |
HLTC49H3 | Indigenous Health | This course will examine the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples, given historic and contemporary issues. A critical examination of the social determinants of health, including the cultural, socioeconomic and political landscape, as well as the legacy of colonialism, will be emphasized. An overview of methodologies and ethical issues working with Indigenous communities in health research and developing programs and policies will be provided. The focus will be on the Canadian context, but students will be exposed to the issues of Indigenous peoples worldwide. Same as SOCC49H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG3 |
HLTC51H3 | Special Topics in Health and Society | An examination of a current topic relevant to the study of health and society. The specific topic will vary from year to year. Same as SOCC51H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG3 |
HLTC56H3 | Drawing Illness | For close to a century, comics as a medium have examined diverse topics, from the serious to the silly. Drawing Illness draws on interdisciplinary scholarship from disability studies, comics studies, comic histories, medical anthropology, history of medicine and public health to examine the ways in which graphic narratives have been utilized to tell a range of stories about illness, disability, grief, dying, death, and medicine. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD07H3 | Advanced Rehabilitation Sciences: Disability Studies and Lived Experiences of 'Normalcy' | This course builds on HLTC17H3 by examining rehabilitation from the perspectives of researchers, clinicians, and clients. The course focuses on the historical role of rehabilitation, not only in improving health, but also in perpetuating the goal of 'normalcy'. Students will examine how rehabilitation impacts people, both at an individual and societal level, and explore the field of disability studies and its critical engagement with the message that disabled people need to be repaired. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD08H3 | Advanced Topics in Health Sciences | An examination of a current health sciences topic. The specific topic will vary from year to year, and may include: clinical epidemiology, an advanced nutrition topic, or the biology and population health impacts of a specific disease or illness condition. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG3 |
HLTD12H3 | Advanced Topics in Health and Society | The topics presented in this course will represent a range of contemporary issues in health research. Topics will vary by instructor and term. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD18H3 | Dental Sciences | Dentistry is one of the oldest branches of medicine responsible for the treatment of diseases of oral cavity. This course will introduce students to the key concepts as well as the latest research in the dental sciences, including but not limited to craniofacial structures, bone physiology, odontogenesis, pathogenesis of oral diseases, and technology in dental sciences. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD20H3 | Advanced Topics in Sex, Gender, and the Life Course | An examination of a current health topic relevant to sex, gender, and the life course. The specific topic will vary from year to year, and topics may include: reproductive health; the biology and health impacts of aging; infant feeding, weaning, and nutrition; sexual health among youth. The course will provide students with relevant information about social context and health policy, but will focus on biological processes at specific life stages. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG2, SDG5 |
HLTD22H3 | Advanced Topics in Health and Society | The topics presented in this course will represent a range of contemporary issues in health research. Topics will vary by instructor and term. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD25H3 | Advanced Topics in Environmental Health | The didactic portion of this course will examine emerging environmental health issues using case studies. In the hands-on portion of the course, students will learn a range of research skills - how to use the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, evidence-based health and best practices, and the different elements of a successful grant proposal - while honing their researching, writing, and presenting skills. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD28H3 | Innovations for Global Health | This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the role of technological and social innovations in global health. Through lectures, case studies, group projects and exciting guest lectures, students will gain an understanding of the process of developing and scaling technological and social innovations in low- and middle-income countries, taking into account the unique socio-cultural, financial and logistical constraints that are present in such settings. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8, SDG9 |
HLTD40H3 | The Politics of Care, Self- Care, and Mutual Aid | Drawing on insights from critical social theory and on the experience of community partners, this course critically explores the ethics, economics, and politics of care and mutual aid. The course begins with a focus on informal care in our everyday lives, including self-care. We then move on to interrogate theories of care and care work in a variety of settings including schools, community health centres, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. The course is interdisciplinary, drawing on insights from scholarship across the humanities, social sciences, medicine, and public health. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD49H3 | Global Health Governance: Thinking Alongside the World's Leaders | This advanced seminar course explores contemporary topics in global health governance as they are being discussed and debated by world leaders at key international summits, such as the World Health Summit. After developing an understanding of the historical and political economy context of the main actors and instruments involved in global health governance, contemporary global health challenges are explored. Topics and cases change based on global priorities and student interests, but can include: the impact of international trade regimes on global health inequities; the role transnational corporations and non-governmental organizations play in shaping the global health agenda; the impact globalization has had on universal health care and health human resources in low-income countries; and health care during complex humanitarian crises. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
HLTD50H3 | Advanced Topics in Health Humanities | This advanced seminar will provide intensive study of a selected topic in and/or theoretical questions about the health humanities. Topics will vary by instructor and term but may include narrative medicine, stories of illness and healing, representations of older age and aging in literature and film, AIDS and/or cancer writing, representations of death and dying in literature and film, and the role of creative arts in health. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
HLTD54H3 | Toronto's Stories of Health and Illness | This seminar course explores stories of health, illness, and disability that are in some way tied to the City of Toronto. It asks how the Canadian healthcare setting impacts the creation of illness narratives. Topics will include major theorizations of illness storytelling ("restitution", "chaos," and "quest" narratives); narrative medicine; ethics and digital health storytelling. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG3, SDG9 |
HLTD71Y3 | Directed Research in Health and Society | In this year-long directed research course, the student will work with a faculty supervisor to complete an original undergraduate research project. During fall term the student will prepare the research proposal and ethics protocol, and begin data collection. In the winter term the student will complete data collection, analysis, and write-up. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG17, SDG3 |
HLTD80H3 | Critical Health Education | This course will investigate school- and community-based health education efforts that approach health as a complex social, biological, and cultural experience; critique and challenge prevailing understandings of health; and offer alternative theoretical, pedagogical, and curricular approaches to health and illness. Issues such as sexuality, gender, nation, race, social class, age, ability, and indigeneity will be central concerns in this study of health pedagogy, curriculum, and promotion. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
HLTD82H3 | Black Community Health: Education and Promotion | This course will delve into health promotion's inequities, notably those impacting Black communities. We examine how social determinants intersect with anti-Black racism, particularly during pandemics like HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. The Toronto Board of Health's 2020 declaration of anti-Black racism as a public health crisis underscores the urgency of addressing this issue, as Black Canadians continue to face disproportionate health disparities in areas such as life expectancy and chronic diseases. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG3, SDG9 |
HLTD96Y3 | Directed Research in Paramedicine | This course is designed to permit critical analysis of current topics relevant to the broad topic of paramedicine. Students will work independently but under the supervision of an industry leader, practitioner and/or researcher involved in paramedicine, who will guide the in-depth study/research. Students report to the course instructor and paramedicine program supervisor to complete course information and their formal registration. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3, SDG4 |
HMB201H1 | Introduction to Genes, Genetics & Biotechnology | The course provides a comprehensive introduction to a variety of therapeutic approaches including gene therapy, CRISPR-based gene editing, epigenetic manipulations; regenerative medicine. This course consists of three parts: tools and techniques of gene; genome manipulations; medical, environmental and agricultural biotechnology applications; and ethical, legal and social aspects of modern biotechnology as it pertains to human health and wellbeing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG2, SDG3 |
HMB203H1 | Introduction to Global Health | An introductory course covering the theories, operational components and strategies of implementing health care in resource-poor settings. Topics may include education, control of vector-borne diseases, essential drug provision, maternal and child health, nutrition, incorporation of alternative and complementary technologies, community participation and deployment of health service providers | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG3 |
HMB204H1 | Introduction to Human Biology | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3 | |
HMB303H1 | Global Health and Human Rights | The Global Health & Human Rights course uses a multidisciplinary approach to consider the theory and practice of global health as well as human rights from a global health perspective. The course has an emphasis on the social, historical, economic and political determinants of global health and human rights. The critical approach used in the course will also allow students to begin to consider the limitations and contradictions inherent in the theory and practice of global health and in human rights. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
HMB306H1 | Ethical Considerations in Emerging Technology | Advancing technology increases our ability to intervene in the course of natural events involving human health and well being. Questions arise as whether we ought to and who will benefit or be harmed. This course considers the far-reaching bioethical implications of emerging bio-technology. Topics to be explored include-but are not limited to- ethical considerations in emerging reproductive technologies, genetic alteration/genetic enhancement. Use of life support technologies, synthetic life, life extension. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HMB322H1 | Topics in Health & Disease | Explore the scientific basis and interdisciplinary healthcare practices of several diseases (diseases vary by year). Discuss current issues related to the biology and the impact of these diseases. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HMB323H1 | Global Health Research | Health is a responsibility shared worldwide. Globalization of health has impacted biomedical research. Students will explore current global health research advances and build skills in the design and conduct of global health research studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG9 |
HMB342H1 | Epidemiology of Health & Disease | This course engages students in the fundamental science of epidemiology applied to health and disease. After an introduction to various measures of health and disease, the scientific methods used to investigate, analyze, prevent and control health problems will be illustrated using social, biomedical and public health examples | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG9 |
HMB402H1 | Topics in Translational Medicine | The bridge between basic scientific research and clinical practice integrates fundamental knowledge about molecular/cellular mechanisms and clinical disorders to increase the potential for new medical treatments, therapies and interventions as well as understanding of disease processes. Specific topics vary from year to year and will be based on the instructor's area(s) of expertise. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMB406H1 | Health Care Ethics | Since research involving human subjects lays the foundation for innovation in modern health care, this course examines health care ethics along a continuum from bench to bedside. Ethical issues are discussed in the context of specific cases involving human research, as well as contemporary clinical practice. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HMB420H1 | Seminar in Neurobiology of Behaviour | This seminar course focuses on recent research into the neurobiology underlying human behaviour. A variety of normal and abnormal human behaviours are studied which may include: voluntary action; moral cognition; hedonism; aggression; mental health; addiction; the impact of the gut microbiome on brain development and health. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HMB433H1 | Topics in Global Health | Seminar and theme based course examining the opportunity to apply basic knowledge of biological determinants of disease to designing health system interventions and informatics that can have a global impact in the near term. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
HMB440H1 | Dementia | This course, featuring a service-learning component, explores dementia. In patients with dementia, intellectual, social and occupational functioning deteriorate. The course addresses the multi-disciplinary aspects of dementia (clinical, genetic, molecular, social) with a focus on the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the HMB Special Enrolment website: The application will ask about motivation and/or relevant experience. Applications are received during priority course enrollment, and late applications considered if space remains. Specific application review and response dates will be available on the HMB Special Enrolment website. Applications will be assessed based on prerequisites, submitted answers to application prompts and cGPA. This course is open to all Human Biology students. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMB441H1 | Genetics of Human Disease | This advanced course aims to provide students with current, in-depth knowledge of the genetics of specific human diseases, including single gene (e.g., Huntington disease), multifactorial (e.g. Alzheimer's disease), and non-Mendelian (e.g. mitochondrial DNA-related disease) disorders, and how the use of genetics to elucidate disease mechanisms can lead to treatments and personalized medicine in order to improve healthcare. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
HMB443H1 | Global Hidden Hunger | Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, termed ‘hidden hunger,’ affect about half the world’s population. Explore the global nature, catastrophic consequences, and causes of these deficiencies. Discuss formulation and implementation of international, national, and local policies to alleviate ‘hidden hunger’ especially in infants and young children. A service-learning opportunity is integrated. Students will be required to contribute to a local community organization while using course knowledge to develop a project or initiative beneficial to the organization and community. Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the HMB Special Enrolment website: The application will ask about motivation and/or relevant experience. Applications are received during priority course enrollment, and late applications considered if space remains. Specific application review and response dates will be available on the HMB Special Enrolment website. Applications will be assessed based on prerequisites, submitted answers to application prompts and cGPA. This course is open to all Human Biology students. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMB452H1 | Personalized Medicine | The bridge between basic scientific research and clinical practice integrates fundamental knowledge about molecular/cellular mechanisms and clinical disorders to increase the potential for new medical treatments and technologies as well as understanding of disease processes. Specific topics vary from year to year and will be based on the course instructor's area(s) of expertise. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMB453H1 | AIDS: A Global Perspective | Seminars explore the global AIDS crisis. Varying epidemiological profiles of AIDS are placed in broader biological, social, and cultural frameworks. The impact of globalization and structural inequality on local cultures and lifestyles provides a backdrop to the discussions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG9 |
HMB460H1 | Seminars in Neurobiology of Mental Health | This seminar course focuses on recent research into the neurobiology underlying mental health issues and is highly discussion-based and collaborative in nature. Specific topics are indicated by subtopic (which may vary yearly). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
HMB462H1 | Topics in Epidemiology | The focus is on the theory and application of biostatistics and epidemiology to current developments in special topics in substantive areas of epidemiology (e.g., chronic disease, environmental & occupational health, infectious disease, methods, social, etc.). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
HMB490Y1 | Health in Community | An experiential learning course exploring health-related challenges and social determinants of health in partnership with local community organizations. Lectures and tutorials will support learning of selected biological and social aspects of health and disease, neuroscience, genetics or population health, and the development of scientific knowledge translation skills relevant to the community agencies. Cannot be taken concurrently with a full year research project course. Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the HMB Special Enrolment website: The application will ask about motivation and/or relevant experience. . Applications are received during priority course enrollment, and late applications considered if space remains. Specific application review and response dates will be available on the HMB Special Enrolment website. Applications will be assessed based on prerequisites, submitted answers to application prompts and cGPA. This course is open to all Human Biology students. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMB491Y1 | Project in Biotechnology Industry | Students undertake an academic internship in the biotechnology sector, in addition to meeting regularly in class to discuss and share their experiences. The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply academic learning in a professional context, build their network, and explore potential career paths. Students will be required to complete 200 hours with a placement partner over the duration of the course (normally 8 hours/week). The course is open to fourth year students. Students work with course staff to secure their internship with our partner organizations. Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the HMB Special Enrolment website: Application packages will be accepted in April every year, and specific due date, course/placement information, and the application form can be found in the website. The application will ask about goals, course expectations and relevant knowledge & experience. Applications will be assessed based on prerequisites, submitted answers to application prompts and relevant knowledge. Course enrolment will be based on the number of internship opportunities available (which will vary from year-to-year), student qualifications (e.g. performance in relevant courses, qualifications related to the internship positions on offer, and interview performance). Final acceptance into the course is dependent on the official acceptance of a student as an intern with a partner organization. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
HMU345H1 | Global Popular Musics | Global Popular Musics is an introduction to popular music in its social and cultural context in a variety of international settings. Genres to be covered may include, but are not limited to, rock, hip-hop, country, and “world musicâ€. The course will take an issues-based approach to the study of popular music, focusing on topics such as the interplay of tradition and modernity; media and technology; race, gender, sexuality, class, and other facets of identity; urbanization and migration; and the markets and legal structures surrounding music. | Music, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5 |
HPS200H1 | Science and Values | An introduction to issues at the interface of science and society. Including the reciprocal influence of science and social norms, the relation of science and religion, dissemination of scientific knowledge, science and policy. Issues may include: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons; Genetic Engineering; The Human Genome Project; Climate Change. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG4 |
HPS202H1 | Technology in the Modern World | This course examines the reciprocal relationship between technology and society since 1800 from the perspectives of race, class, and gender. From the role of European imperial expansion in 19th-century industrialization and mechanization to the development of nuclear technology, smartphones, and digital computers in the 20th century, we consider cultural responses to new technologies, and the ways in which technology operates as an historical force in the history of the modern world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG9 |
HPS240H1 | The Influence of the Eugenics Movement on Contemporary Society | This course explores present-day topics such as reproductive issues (including “designer babies†and genetic counselling), gender, racism/colonialism, disability and euthanasia through the lens of the history of eugenics. A “scientific†movement which became popular around the world in the early twentieth century, eugenics was based on the principle that certain undesirable human characteristics were hereditary and could be eliminated by controlled reproduction. It resulted in the enactment of laws in numerous places, including Canada, authorizing coerced reproductive sterilization of certain individuals, and other measures intended to “improve†humanity. Today, we see its influences woven through contemporary debates, a number of which we will consider. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
HPS316H1 | Environment, Technology, and Nature | This course examines the intersection of technology and environment in the modern world. Whether simple or complex, whether designed for recreation, work, or warfare, our tools and how we use them filter our perceptions of, and engagements with, non-human nature. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
HPS319H1 | History of Medicine II | This course examines the development of medicine from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. It focuses on the historical development of western medicine in relation to societies, politics and culture and considers topics such as changing views of the body, the development of medical institutions such as hospitals, asylums and laboratories, the diversifies world of healing and the place of visual and material culture in the production and dissemination of medical knowledge. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
HPS480H1,Special Topics in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology,"This course will focus on matters of special interest in the history and philosophy of science and technology. Topics will change each time the course is offered, but may include a focus on specific-time periods, fields and methods of inquiry, individuals, institutions, geographic regions, controversies, etc." | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG2 | ||
HST211H1 | Health Policy in Canada | Introduces students to health policy in Canada, with a particular focus on the social determinants of health, and on how to improve health through policy advocacy. Examines the policy making process in the Canadian context, and the development of health policy in Canada. Explores current debates about health issues. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HST305H1 | Perspectives in Health, Gender, Ethnicity and Race | This course will examine historical and contemporary health disparities with respect to gender, ethnicity, and race. Other intersectional issues such as Colonialism, class, sexuality, and the urban/rural divide will also be considered as they to social determinants of health. Attention will be focused on examples of disparities that perpetuate and exacerbate current epidemiological challenges for underrepresented populations in Canada and globally. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5 |
HST306H1 | Health, Nutrition and Food Security | This course examines the antecedents (for example: social structure, environments, human development and behaviour) that underlie nutrition-mediated aspects to human health and disease. This will include review and analysis of seminal, primary, and current research as well as contemporary issues surrounding nutritional literacy and deficits, food insecurity and access, as these relate to morbidity and pre-mature mortality. The course will also examine existing public health practices for health promotion and access, and population-level disease prevention and interventions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG3 |
HST310H1 | Critical Health Policy | A critical, in-depth exploration of contemporary health and social issues. Political, social and economic forces at play in Canadian society are examined in relation to specific health issues and policies, in order to understand general societal and system dynamics of evolution and change, and to identify implications for reform efforts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
HST405H1 | Global Migration and Health | Over the past decades, economic globalization, widening socio-economic inequities, conflict, natural disasters, environmental degradation, and, more recently, climate change have combined to become increasingly significant forces shaping global migration fluxes. This course analyzes the impact of migration on the health of those who move and of individuals, communities and entire societies in countries of origin, transit, arrival, and resettlement. It adopts an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating scholarly work from the fields of public health, the social sciences, law, and human rights. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG3, SDG9 |
HST411H1 | Political Economy of Health | Examines the production and distribution of health and illness within and across populations. A political economy approach is used to better understand the fundamental origins of health inequalities, the political action that is required to tackle them, and the obstacles that hinder the possibilities for such action. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG3 |
HST440H1 | Health & Pharmaceuticals | A critical examination of drug development, including the role of health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry in researching, testing, marketing, licensing, and evaluating pharmaceutical drugs. Topics include the differing needs for drug development, evaluation and dispensing in lower income countries, and potential conflicts of interest in drug development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3 |
HST464H1 | The Nature of Global Health | Explores the historical, ideological, economic, political, and organizational factors that shape the theory and practice of international health (IH). Students will be encouraged to critically examine some of the central tensions embedded in this field. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
IDSB01H3 | Political Economy of International Development | Introduces students to major development problems, focusing on international economic and political economy factors. Examines trade, aid, international institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO. Examines both conventional economic perspectives as well as critiques of these perspectives. This course can be counted for credit in ECM Programs. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
IDSB02H3 | Development and Environment | The environmental consequences of development activities with emphasis on tropical countries. Environmental change in urban, rainforest, semi-arid, wetland, and mountainous systems. The influences of development on the global environment; species extinction, loss of productive land, reduced access to resources, declining water quality and quantity, and climate change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG6 |
IDSB04H3 | Introduction to International/Global Health | This course offers an introduction to the political, institutional, social, economic, epidemiological, and ideological forces in the field of international/global health. While considerable reference will be made to high-income countries, major emphasis will be placed on the health conditions of “low- and middle-income countries and their interaction with the development aid milieu. After setting the historical and political economy context, the course explores key topics and themes in global health including: international/global health agencies and activities; data on health; epidemiology and the global distribution of health and disease; the societal determinants of health and health equity; health economics and the organization of health care systems in comparative perspective; globalization, trade, work, and health; health humanitarianism in the context of crisis, health and the environment; the ingredients of healthy societies across the world; and social justice approaches to global health. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4, SDG9 |
IDSB06H3 | Equity, Ethics and Justice in International Development | What constitutes equitable, ethical as well as socially and environmentally just processes and outcomes of development? This course explores these questions with particular emphasis on their philosophical and ideological foundations and on the challenges of negotiating global differences in cultural, political and environmental values in international development. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13, SDG4 |
IDSB07H3 | Confronting Developments Racist Past and Present | This course offers students an in-depth survey of the role race and racism plays in Development of Thought and Practice across the globe. Students will learn the multiple ways colonial imaginaries and classificatory schemes continue to shape International Development and Development Studies. A variety of conceptual frameworks for examining race, racism and racialization will also be introduced. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG4 |
IDSB10H3 | Political Economy of Knowledge Technology and Development | Examines in-depth the roles of information and communication technology (ICT) in knowledge production and their impact on development. Do new forms of social media make communication more effective, equitable, or productive in the globalized world? How has network media changed governance, advocacy, and information flow and knowledge exchange and what do these mean for development? | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
IDSB11H3 | Global Development in Comparative Perspective | This course will focus on the importance of historical, socio-economic, and political context in understanding the varying development experiences of different parts of the Global South. In addition to an introductory and concluding lecture, the course will be organized around two-week modules unpacking the development experience in four different regions of the Global South & Latin America/Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and South/South East Asia. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1 |
IDSC07H3 | Project Management II | A case study approach building on Project Management I. Examines: the art of effective communication and negotiation, visioning, participatory and rapid rural appraisal; survey design and implementation; advanced financial management and budgeting; basic bookkeeping and spreadsheet design; results based management; environmental impact assessments; cross-cultural effectiveness; and gender and development. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG5 |
IDSC14H3 | The Political Economy of Food | Examines how institutions and power relations shape the production and distribution of food, particularly in the global South. The course evaluates competing theories of hunger and malnutrition. It also explores the historical evolution of contemporary food provisioning and evaluates the viability and development potential of alternative food practices. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG16, SDG2 |
IDSC16H3 | Populism, Development, and Globalization in the Global South | The rise of populism has been widespread and often linked to processes of economic globalization. This course explores the historical and more recent economic and social factors shaping populist movements and leaderships in the Global South. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG9 |
IDSC17H3 | Development, Citizen Action and Social Change in the Global South | Explores the question of citizenship through theories of citizen participation and action in dialogue with a wide range of recent empirical case studies from the global south. Going beyond formal rights and status, the course looks at deeper forms of political inclusion and direct participation in decision-making on political and policy issues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4 |
IDSC19H3 | Community-driven Development: Cooperatives, Social Enterprises and the Black Social Economy | This course introduces students to alternative business institutions (including cooperatives, credit unions, worker-owned firms, mutual aid, and social enterprises) to challenge development. It investigates the history and theories of the solidarity economy as well as its potential contributions to local, regional and international socio-economic development. There will be strong experiential education aspects in the course to debate issues. Students analyze case studies with attention paid to Africa and its diaspora to combat exclusion through cooperative structures. Same as AFSC19H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
IDSD06H3 | Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives in Development Studies | This interdisciplinary course traces the advance of feminist and postcolonial thinking in development studies. The course serves as a capstone experience for IDS students and social science majors looking to fully engage with feminist and postcolonial theories of development. This course combines short lectures with student led-discussions and critical analyses of development thought and practice. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
IDSD07H3 | Extractive Industries in Africa | This course examines resource extraction in African history. We examine global trade networks in precolonial Africa, and the transformations brought by colonial extractive economies. Case studies, from diamonds to uranium, demonstrate how the resource curse has affected states and economies, especially in the postcolonial period. Same as AFSD07H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
IDSD19H3 | The Role of Researcher-Practitioner Engagement in Development | This course focuses on recent theories and approaches to researcher-practitioner engagement in development. Using case studies, interviews, and extensive literature review, students will explore whether such engagements offer opportunities for effective social change and improved theory. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
IFP100Y1 | Themes in World History | Surveys the development of human societies from their origins to the present using examples from across the world. Topics may include the environment, cultural development and interaction, the creation and nature of belief systems, political, economic and social structures, gender relations, and the relationship between global patterns and local developments. Enrolment is restricted to students registered in the International Foundation Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
IMM199H1 | Immunology in the News Today | Why do we get sick? How do vaccines work? Does our diet influence our immunity? This course is intended to inspire curiosity about questions generated by immunology concepts that are prevalent in the news today. Different topics will be explored each week including immunity worldwide, human vaccinations and the mucosal immune system. Topics will be placed in context through real-life case studies, immunology virtual laboratory simulation, interactions with faculty members and extensive coverage of the basic science underlying each topic. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
INF302H1 | Integr Approaches Tech & Soc | This course explores how society, culture, and understanding of the human condition influence, and are influenced by, technological development. It focuses on the study of interdependent and institutionalized systems of law, economics, culture and technology, exploring the conditions of stability and instability in these systems. We will survey the available theories and methods for understanding large scale socio-technological systems. | Information, Faculty of | SDG16 |
INF401H1 | From Classroom to Workplace | Where a university (or any formal educational setting) is student-centered and focused on facilitating student learning, a workplace is focused on its own strategic goals, stakeholders, and clients. Student learning is peripheral to the purpose of the organization. While it is assumed that any organization that engages a practicum student has a commitment to the educational value of the experience for all parties, employers are not responsible for the students' academic development. In order for learning to occur in the workplace, the processes associated with learning (cognitive, emotional, affective, etc.) must be made conscious and accessible to the learner. This is the overriding purpose of this course: to create independent, autonomous and self-directed learning professionals. | Information, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4, SDG8 |
INF411H1 | Info in Global Economy | This course surveys how information technologies, information services, and information itself are produced, circulated, and consumed. How is information made into a commodity? How are markets for information and information services created and sustained? Students will develop a basic understanding of the political, economic, cultural, and regulatory environment in which information, culture, and technologies are produced, as well as the implications of processes such as globalization, digitization, and commodification for social life. | Information, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
INF413H1 | Information Policy | This course provides students with an introduction to the history and development of information policy. Topics include Canadian and international regulations concerning data protection and privacy, intellectual and cultural property, and industrial organization. The course will also cover emerging models of governance and the politics of standards setting bodies and global treaty organizations. | Information, Faculty of | SDG16 |
INF453H1 | Capstone Project | A self-guided and collaborative student project. Students will identify a design problem, design a creative solution to the problem using a combination of skills from previous courses, and share their project with the class. Students will present the outcomes of their project in both visual and written formats. | Information, Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9 |
INI100H1 | The City Where Movies Are Made | In this course, first-year students will be introduced to film culture in Toronto from a variety of angles, including: a history of the city onscreen (both as itself and as a popular shooting location for American productions); an account of major Toronto filmmaking sites and institutions; introductions to local directors and producers; and overviews of contemporary local film festival culture (TIFF and beyond) as well as the city’s film-critical community. Through a combination of lectures, screenings, field trips and special guest speakers, the students will be moved to consider both the vitality of Toronto’s film scene as well as its connections to other aspects of the city. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG16 |
INI101H1 | Blogging the Just City | An introduction to the concept of the city as a creative environment promoting not only growth and wealth but also social justice, equality, cooperation, and civility. Students will learn to build their own blog to help them to observe, interpret, and reflect upon the process of urban interaction and the relationship between creativity and justice. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
INI102H1 | Telling the Stories of the City: Writing Creative Non-Fiction | An introduction to creative writing techniques and the personal essay form through which students will explore and develop their conscious connection to the natural-urban landscape. The course will include activities such as field trips, readings, interviews, and journaling to generate the material for personal essays on engagement with nature in the city. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
INS200H1 | Introduction to Indigenous Truth and Resilience | This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada, with an emphasis on local lands and peoples. The course will explore Indigenous resilience, relationships with settlers and settler states, and principles and ethics of Indigenous Knowledge. Tutorials will focus on critical discussion and experiential learning. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
INS201Y1 | Introduction to Indigenous Studies: Foundations, History and Politics | This course is designed to introduce students to the ideas, methods and themes of the discipline of Indigenous Studies. The development of the field of Indigenous Studies in Canada will form an important focus in the first half. The second part of the course will address "history and politics", including an overview of the historical processes of diplomacy, alliances, and treaty-making. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS205H1 | Indigenous Worldviews, Spiritual and Healing Traditions | This course will discuss the relationship between spiritual philosophies, beliefs, traditions and practices that contribute to meaning in Indigenous communities. This course will emphasize traditions and teachings and understanding the role of spirituality historically and within contemporary Indigenous societies, including governance, treaties, environment, culture, healing and everyday life. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
INS240Y1 | Ecological Interactions: Intro to Aboriginal and Western Sciences | Introduction to methodologies and applications of Indigenous and Western sciences, with an emphasis on environmental change, animal behaviour, evolution, sustainable practices, and implications of intrinsic ecological connections. Exploratory labs, often outdoors, develop literacy and skills in each paradigm as well as critical thought, creative reflection, and synthesis of knowledge. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG2, SDG4 |
INS250H1 | Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice | This course is a study of the ecological and scientific teachings of Indigenous peoples. The course provides and overview of Indigenous peoples' relationships with the natural world in historical and contemporary environmental issues and their implications for Indigenous Peoples and others. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
INS261H1 | Contemporary Challenges Facing Indigenous Communities | This is a survey course focusing on the contemporary challenges faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada. In this course students research specific challenges facing Indigenous communities today. This includes specific challenges that arise out of the broader topic areas of language and culture, land rights, economics, governance, youth, education, health, social services, environment, violence, healing, community development, repatriation of cultural property, and decolonization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
INS300Y1 | Worldviews, Indigenous Knowledges, and Oral Tradition | A study of the languages and culture of Indigenous peoples through exploration of oral histories, from creation stories until present times, including the role of oral history and methods for studying oral history through accounts told by elders. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
INS322H1 | Indigenous Narratives of Empowerment | This course explores Indigenous decolonization and empowerment by analysing comparatively theoretical and literary debates that focus on issues of sovereignty, gender, grass-roots activism, and anti-racism. It analyses several emerging paradigm approaches to this set of debates including intersectional critical-race theory, Indigenous feminisms, and decolonization practices in theoretical and literary texts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
INS352H1 | Indigenous Leadership, Policy and Practices in Canada | A historical and contemporary overview of leadership and politics in First Nation, Inuit and Metis communities in Canada. This course will focus on pre-contact governance structures, contemporary effects of colonization, and processes and strategies for decolonization. Various policy initiatives from Indigenous organizations will be examined. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS380H1 | Special Topics in Indigenous Studies | This seminar provides an in-depth examination of trends and topics within Indigenous Studies. Content in any given year depends on the instructor. See Indigenous Studies website for more detail. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS390H1 | Research and Ethics in Indigenous Studies | This course examines research approaches, strategies, methods and techniques used in Indigenous studies. It explores a range of topical issues including research ethics and protocols, intellectual property rights, research agreements and community-based research. This course includes the study of quantitative, qualitative and Indigenous methodologies. Critically examines research theories, methodologies and practices used by academic disciplines to study Indigenous peoples. Decolonized research methodologies will form a focus of this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS403H1 | Indigenous Peoples and the Urban Context | Critically examines Indigenous peoples' experiences, encounters and interactions in urban areas in Canada. This course explores the historical and contemporary conditions of Indigenous peoples, including urban governance and the development of Indigenous organizations. This course will focus on youth perspectives and how traditions, cultures and knowledges are expressed in urban settings. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG4 |
INS460H1 | Indigenous Theory, Research and Methods (formerly Methodology in Aboriginal Studies) | This course explores the basis of Indigenous knowledge and how that translates into research theory and methodology. Students will design a research project, consider Indigenous research governance and conduct an ethics review. This is a service learning course. This course is only open to students enrolled in a Specialist or Major in Indigenous Studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
INS480H1 | Advanced Special Topics in Indigenous Studies | This seminar provides an advanced in-depth examination of trends and topics within Indigenous Studies. Content in any given year depends on the instructor. See Indigenous Studies website for more detail. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS492H1 | Topics in International Indigenous Studies | This seminar provides an in-depth examination of Indigenous studies in international contexts. Content in any given year depends on the instructors. See Indigenous Studies website for more detail. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS493H1 | Independent Experiential Studies | Students design and implement an independent experiential Indigenous studies research project in consultation with an Indigenous organization and a faculty supervisor. Students must be enrolled in a major or specialist program in Indigenous Studies, and require written permission from a faculty supervisor and the Director of Indigenous Studies. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INS494Y1 | Independent Experiential Studies | Students design and implement an independent experiential Indigenous studies research project in consultation with an Indigenous organization and a faculty supervisor. Students must be enrolled in a major or specialist program in Indigenous Studies, and requires written permission from a faculty supervisor and the Director of Indigenous Studies. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
INT300H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student's program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student's progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 2. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT301H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 3. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT400H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student's program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student's progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 2. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT401H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 3. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT450H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 2. This course does not carry credit weight, is evaluated as Credit/No Credit, and no tuition fee is associated. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT451H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 3. This course does not carry credit weight, is evaluated as Credit/No Credit, and no tuition fee is associated. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT470H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 2. This course does not carry credit weight, is evaluated as Credit/No Credit, and no tuition fee is associated. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
INT471H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Professional Work Term | Students participate in a full-time, paid, career-related work experience totalling at least 420 hours within a 4-month period. Students compete for employment within the public, not-for-profit, or for-profit sectors. Students will be enrolled into the course once hired for an ASIP work term and the work experience must be approved by the Experiential Learning & Outreach Support (ELOS) Office. Student performance while on the work term will be monitored through a site visit and/or student and employer check-in. Students will be required to submit a learning plan at the start of each work term opportunity, reflective reports at regular intervals during the work period, a work term evaluation, and a final work term assignment (which may have different formats depending on the student’s program). Employers will also be asked to submit a final evaluation of the student’s progress and performance. This course is only open to students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program of study for Year 3. This course does not carry credit weight, is evaluated as Credit/No Credit, and no tuition fee is associated. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
IRE199H1 | Why We Work: Understanding Work Through the Prism of Art & Culture | Why do we work? What does work mean to the average person? These questions are not as straightforward as they appear. We work for the bulk of our lives and most of our days are spent with coworkers who are neither family nor our closest friends, but we often fail to realize how self-defining work really is. This speaks to work's centrality but also to its invisibility in reflective discourse. However, through “popular†representations of work (e.g., such as in story-telling, cave drawings, hieroglyphs, music, writing, painting, television, film, video games, etc.,) we can begin to better understand the meaning of work and how this has changed over time. Readings in anthropology, history, economics, sociology and employment relations plus film and art criticism will help us explore these questions from an interdisciplinary perspective; assignments will encourage students to reflect on their own experience of work. Developing strong analytical and communication skills is an important goal of the course. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
IRE242H1 | HRM for Industrial Relations and HR Professionals | This course explores the relationship between human resource management, employment relations, and industrial relations. Extensive practical course work will expose students to the functions human resource professionals execute to recruit, select, compensate, train, and evaluate the performance of employees. The course prepares students for advanced HR topics in upper level IRE courses. Note: Course will not count towards Rotman Commerce program requirements. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9 |
IRE244H1 | Labour Relations | Introduction to the institutions, issues and legislation affecting the employment relationship in the public and private sectors in Canada, with emphasis on collective bargaining. The economic and political environment, history of the labour movement, union organization, certification, contract negotiation, strikes, dispute resolution, contract administration and grievances. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG8 |
IRE339H1 | Labour Markets and Public Policy | This course is designed to provide students in the IRHR program with knowledge of how the labour market affects the employment relationship. The basic tools of labour economics are developed and applied to various issues of organizational and government policy such as: the incentive effects of compensation arrangements, government income support programs, and minimum wage policy; the determinants of preferences for hours of work including job-sharing, overtime and retirement; the impacts of unions on compensation and productivity; public-sector employment and alternatives to the right to strike; discrimination in employment on the basis of gender and race as well as related government policies such as pay and employment equity. Note: IRE339H1 will not count towards an ECO program. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
IRE346H1 | HR Planning & Strategy | An understanding is developed of how essential elements of the human resource planning process support organizational goals and strategies. Topics such as environmental influences, job analysis, forecasting human resource needs and ascertaining supply, succession planning, downsizing and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, and strategic international issues are examined. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13 |
IRE347H1 | Training & Development | The role of training and development initiatives in organizations. Students acquire the knowledge and skills to conduct a training needs assessment, identify training objectives, explore strategies to increase the transfer of training, design and deliver a training activity using various training methodologies, and evaluate its effectiveness. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG8 |
IRE348H1 | Recruitment & Selection | The principles, legal issues, and emerging trends affecting the recruitment process and selection of staff in organizations. Development of recruitment strategies, assessment of applications for employment, interviewing candidates, and the role of testing and measurement of competencies in making hiring decisions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
IRE367H1 | Compensation | The theory and process of developing and administering compensation systems. Through the core compensation principles of efficiency, equity, consistency and competitiveness we consider such topics as: job analysis, job evaluation, pay levels and structures, pay for performance, benefits, and compensating special groups of workers. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG8 |
IRE378H1 | Employment Health | The influence of legislation, the labour market and collective bargaining on health policies and programs in the workplace. The rights and responsibilities of employers, employees, unions and governments for the regulation and promotion of workplace health and safety; and the implications of evolving demographic, economic, and social factors. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
IRE446H1 | Working as an Internal Organizational Consultant | This course examines the various elements of the consulting process and the interpersonal skills required to build trust, influence others, contract with clients, and establish and maintain strong working relationships. This seminar may include a compulsory learning format component using a service-learning placement with a community-based agency or organization. Consult the current timetable for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
IRW230H1 | Economics of Work and Organizations | The foundations of economic thinking as well as an introduction to economic theories that explain why organizations exist, the central economic theories of work and worker behaviour; the incentives that make workers and firms behave optimally and an introduction to the new behavioural economic theories of work and organizations are all part of this course. Note: Course will not count towards Economics program requirements. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG8 |
IRW240H1 | Introduction to Work and Organizations | The study of work and the history and development of organizations, their central theories and concepts; the behaviours, outcomes, practices and institutions that emerge from or affect work and organizations; contemporary issues in work and organizations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
IRW410H1 | Organizational Governance and Design | Governance and design refers to “who gets to decide what and how†in organizations. This course examines the development of different types of organizations and governance arrangements, and different design archetypes within organizations. Focus is placed on how different governance and design arrangements support different strategic objectives and goals and ways of coordinating work effort. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
IRW432Y1 | Entrepreneurship | Students will learn about the theory and practice of entrepreneurship as well as determinants of entrepreneurial success by developing a business or organizational plan to bring their “proposed†product and service ideas to market, to achieve a local community or social development objective, to learn how to secure funding for a new venture creation through individual and/or collective entrepreneurship. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9 |
ITA199H1 | Italian Fascism and Global Responses: The Dark Side of Italianita | After WWI, Italian society faced a political, economic, and moral crisis that resulted in the rise of fascism. Using diverse sources (media, literary texts, movies, architecture and design), this course explores various reactions in Italy and abroad to the rise of Mussolini and the totalitarian State. Why did common people, intellectuals, politicians, and business and community leaders around the globe succumb to the seduction of fascism? How did other people denounce fascist violence? After an introduction to Italian fascism, the course will consider global reactions to Italian fascism and diverse responses in Italian communities abroad (e.g. Canada, USA, Argentina). Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
ITA349H1 | Black Italian Cultural Production | This interdisciplinary course will explore the landscape of cultural production made by Italians of African descent. The course provides students with relevant historical and sociological background necessary to understand entanglements of race, gender, identity, and citizenship occurring in contemporary Italy. The analysis of cultural production includes literature, music, cinema, television, visual arts and fashion. Students read not only academic material but also short stories, novels and poems; listening to and analyzing rap, trap and hip-hop tracks; watching online exhibitions and documentaries; examining Netflix series and Instagram pages. When possible, the course will also host Italian artists and activists engaging in conversations about their work. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG4, SDG5 |
ITA460Y1 | Internship in Italian | Opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in a work placement environment. The placement will take place in local community organizations, Private Business Associations and local media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
JAH350H1 | AIDS, Outbreaks, Pandemics: Challenges and Successes in Africa | Explores a range of historical and current outbreaks, pandemics and epidemics such as AIDS, COVID-19 and Ebola in Africa through a social science lens. It introduces students to major concepts, events and debates that have and continue to shape understanding of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Ebola outbreak and COVID-19 pandemic, and the challenges and responses to these distinct health crises. Through a critical lens, students will engage diverse and interdisciplinary scholarship from public health, medical anthropology, sociology, African studies, and related fields within the health and social sciences fields to explore the converging factors that influence responses to health crises and their broader implications. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3 |
JAL253H5 | Language and Society | This course offers an introduction to the study of the relationship between language and society with the goal of understanding language use through social structures. Working within this socially-informed perspective, topics covered will include language, perception, and identity development; verbal and non-verbal communication; speaking across cultures; language use and social networks; and language and power. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
JAL355H1 | Language and Gender | An introduction to some of the principal questions of feminist theory, as viewed from sociolinguistics. Topics include: socialization into gendered discourse patterns, cultural and ethnic differences in gendered interactions; the role of language and gender in legal, medical and labour settings; multilingualism, migration, imperialism and nationalism; sexuality, desire and queer linguistics, language, gender and globalization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9 |
JAL355H5 | Language and Gender | Ways in which gender influences the use of language and behaviour in conversational interaction: ways in which language reflects cultural beliefs about gender. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
JAV151H1 | History of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art I | An introduction to the pre-industrial world through examples of architecture, landscape, sites, and art drawn from across the globe. The goal of this course is not only to explain the artifacts and sites under discussion but also to explain the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the world through them. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
JAV152H1 | History of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art II | An introduction to the post-industrial world through examples of architecture, landscape, sites, and art drawn from across the globe. The goal of this course is not only to explain the artifacts and sites under discussion but also to explain the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the world through them. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
JCI199H1 | Italians in Canada: Histories, Journeys, Struggles, Successes | This course explores the presence of people from the Italian peninsula in what is now known as Canada. The course begins with discussions on Giovanni Caboto’s and other explorers’ journeys to then focus on contemporary Italian-Canadian communities. This course provides students with the critical tools necessary to understand various historical, linguistic, culinary, spiritual, political, and creative elements of Italian-Canadian identity and life. Students of both Italian and non-Italian heritage are most welcome in this course, which is taught in English. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG4 |
JCP221H5 | Thermodynamics | An introduction to equilibrium thermodynamics with application to ideal and non-ideal systems: covering the concepts of work and heat, the laws of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, the chemical potential, states of matter, phase rules and phase diagrams, and chemical equilibria. Kinetics topics include rate laws, both differential and integrated, rate constants, activated complex theory, and temperature effects. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG7 |
JEG100H1 | Introduction to Physical Geography and Earth Science | This introduction to Physical Geography and Earth Sciences examines the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and biosphere, emphasizing processes, flows of energy and materials, and the interconnectedness of these Earth systems. Specific topics include weather and climate, earth materials, geological and geomorphic processes involved in the genesis of landforms, river systems, glaciers, soils, and biomes. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG7 |
JEG400Y5 | Geography / Environment Science Internship | Through a part-time, unpaid work placement, students apply the natural science based environmental science/physical geography expertise gained through previous course work. Placements are made at local conservation authorities, municipalities, environmental consulting companies, corporations, provincial or federal agencies, and other organizations. Students must submit an application online. Instructions for the application can be found on the Geography Department home page: | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG8 |
JEG401Y5 | Geography / Environment Social Science Internship | Through a part-time, unpaid work placement, students apply the knowledge and expertise gained through previous course work in geography. Placements may be made in a range of settings. For example, placements may include municipal government, regional government, neighbourhood organizations and centres, corporations as well as with non-governmental organizations. Admission for this course will be through an online application. Instructions for the application can be found on the Geography Department home page: | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG4, SDG8 |
JEP356H5 | Environmental Justice | Environmental Justice is about the fair treatment of all people in the creation and implementation of environmental policies. It also provides a critical framework to analyze and understand inequalities of an environmental kind. These inequalities are often based around identities of race, class and gender, such that marginalized groups are made to bear the burden of environmental externalities like pollution. Why are First Nations in Canada less likely to have access to safe drinking water? Why are industrial plants often in low-income neighborhoods? After critical examinations of the theories and foundations of environmental justice, this course uses a case study approach to understanding the concepts and the ways in which it has shaped modern society. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG5, SDG6 |
JEP452H5 | Politics and Policy of Wildlife Conservation | This course is an in-depth analysis of conservation policy in Canada. The course begins with an overview biodiversity crisis facing the planet and then moves to an overview of Canada's approach to managing biodiversity across the country. We will carefully examine the federal Species at Risk Act as well as the provincial and territorial wildlife legislation. The remaining of the course will be aimed at making improvements to the Canadian strategy. During the course of the semester, the students will focus on the recovery of endangered species in Canada through the development of a recovery strategy for a specific species. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
JFL388H5 | Bilingualism and Multiple Language Acquisition | This course examines simultaneous and successive second (and multiple) language acquisition. We will look at topics such as the bilingual brain, the nature of the input, age constraints on language acquisition, language separation and cross-linguistic influences, the status of the heritage language, schooling in a second language (for example French immersion programs), and various methods used in the study of bilingualism in individuals. Bilingual/multilingual corpora will be examined. The language of instruction will be English. Students will have the option to write assignments in either English or French. Written work to be completed in French for credit towards a Specialist (French) or Major (French). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
JFP450H1 | Indigenous Issues in Health and Healing | This course consists of an examination of health and healing from a holistic perspective (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual) and how colonialism, culture, and public policy have impacted the health of Indigenous peoples in the present day. This course is built around a case-based project in which students working in interdisciplinary groups take on the role of a traditional Indigenous healer, and then assess their healing strategy from a biomedical perspective. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3 |
JGA305H1 | Environmental and Archaeological Geophysics | Application of near-surface geophysical methods to investigate environmental and archaeological sites; in particular magnetometry, resistivity, ground-probing radar, and seismic surveys. Course will cover background on the various methods, and allow students to run field surveys and present on case studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
JGC439H1 | The Problem and Promise of Caribbean Freedom | This course surveys the institutional and ideological structures that have historically internally and externally governed the Caribbean; the patterns of uneven development and crisis they have produced and the forms of agency, resistance they have produced. Centering the social, economic, and spatial inter-connectedness of the Caribbean territorial region and its increasingly de-territorialized diaspora, we explore possibilities for economic, social and climate justice for all Caribbean communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG16 |
JGE321H1 | Multicultural Perspectives on Environmental Management | Diverse approaches to environmental issues in a variety of multicultural settings are introduced, compared and analyzed, using case studies. Perspectives on environmental management will be discussed as they emerge from contexts such as Latin America, Asia, or Africa. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
JGE331H1 | Resource and Environmental Theory | Introduction to and critical evaluation of major ideas and conceptual traditions underpinning environmental and natural resource politics and regulation. Topics include: parks and protected areas, market-based environmental regulation, property rights and conservation, Malthusianism, and biodiversity conservation. Emphasis is placed on critical reading of primary texts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
JGE378H5 | Natural Hazards | Earth is a dangerous place and risk is an inherent feature of life on this planet. Some of the events and processes that we call "hazardous," such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, cyclones, and forest fires are natural environmental processes. We define them as hazards only when they pose a threat to human interests. In this course we will examine natural hazards as well as some technological hazards, their causes, their potential impacts on people, and their management and mitigation. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG15 |
JGU216H1 | Globalization and Urban Change | Focusing on the impacts that global flows of ideas, culture, people, goods, and capital have on cities throughout the globe, this course explores some of the factors that differentiate the experiences of globalization and urban change in cities at different moments in history and in various geographic locations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
JGU346H1 | The Urban Planning Process | Overview of how planning tools and practice shape the built form of cities. This course introduces twentieth century physical planning within its historical, social, legal, and political contexts. Community and urban design issues are addressed at local and regional scales and in both central cities and suburbs. The focus is on Toronto and the Canadian experience, with comparative examples from other countries, primarily the United States. Transportation costs: $20. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
JIG322H1 | Indigenous Worlds, Worldviews and the Environment | Explores the diverse ways of understanding and responding to the world that emerge from indigenous cultures around the world. Examines how indigenous ways of being and relating to their natural environment can help us understand and address the current environmental crisis. Using examples of indigenous activism from Canada and around the world, examines how colonial histories shape dispossession and marginalization and inform visions for the future. Topics include traditional ecological knowledge, place-based social movements, environmental concerns of indigenous peoples, bio-cultural restoration and decolonization of nature-human relations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
JIG440H1 | Indigenous Geographies | This course draws on theoretical texts of Indigeneity, with a primary focus on Indigenous spaces in the Americas. Course participants will examine how core geographic concepts such as place, territory, land, movement and the scale of the body are sites of colonial dispossession and violence, as well as sites for decolonial and liberatory thought and practice. We will primarily engage with Indigenous-led scholarship within Geography and Indigenous Studies, and creative forms of knowledge production generated across Indigenous communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
JLP388H5 | Bilingualism and Multiple Language Acquisition | What are the linguistic and psychological implications of knowing more than one language? This course will explore topics such as the bilingual brain, the nature of bilingual language input, effects of age-of-acquisition and language similarity, the status of heritage languages, schooling in a second language (for example French Immersion programs), and research methodologies used in the study of bilingualism. Bilingual/multilingual corpora will be examined. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4 |
JLP481H5 | Topics in Developmental Psycholinguistics | How do children's language comprehension and production abilities differ from adults? What can research on language acquisition tell us about why language looks the way it does? Developmental psycholinguists use experimental techniques to explore a range of topics in the area of child language comprehension and production. Drawing on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, we will explore contemporary issues and debates in this area. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG4 |
JNS450H1 | Sexuality & Disability | An interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to the study of disability and sexuality. Students will engage with historical, mainstream and critical discourses and explore complex issues and representations pertaining to disability, sexuality, sexual practices and desire. Draws from a range of writings and cultural texts in queer, crip and sexuality studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG5 |
JOUB02H3 | Critical Journalism | The course examines the representation of race, gender, class and power in the media, traditional journalistic practices and newsroom culture. It will prepare students who wish to work in a media-related industry with a critical perspective towards understanding the marginalization of particular groups in the media. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
JOUC80H3 | Understanding Audiences in the Digital Age | Understanding the interests and goals of audiences is a key part of media production. This course introduces communication research methods including ratings, metrics, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. The focus of class discussion and research project is to use these methods to be able to understand the nature of audiences' media use in the digital age. Same as MDSC25H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG12, SDG9 |
JPE251H5 | Introduction to Canadian Environmental Law and Policy I | This course serves as an introduction to environmental policy and law in Canada. The primary intent is to provide an overview of the political context in which environmental policy and law is made and implemented. The emphasis in this course will be on environmental policy. The course begins with an outline of the Canadian parliamentary system and policymaking process. A series of case studies, from biodiversity to climate change, are then explored as a way to see the policy process in action. [24L][11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG17 |
JPE252H5 | Introduction to Canadian Environmental Law and Policy II | This course builds on the themes and concepts introduced in JPE251H5. The primary intent is to provide an overview of the political context in which environmental policy and law is made and implemented. The emphasis in this course will be on environmental law. [24L][11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG14, SDG17 |
JPE395H1 | Physics of the Earth | Designed for students interested in the physics of the Earth and the planets. Study of the Earth as a unified dynamic system; determination of major internal divisions in the planet; development and evolution of the Earth's large scale surface features through plate tectonics; the age and thermal history of the planet; Earth's gravitational field and the concept of isostasy; mantle rheology and convection; Earth tides; geodetic measurement techniques, in particular modern space-based techniques. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
JPF455H1 | Conceptualizing Cities in a Global Context | With over half of the population on this planet being urban, the significance of improving our understanding of cities in a global context has never been greater. This course is designed to improve awareness of cities as approached by different disciplines and in different international contexts. (Given by the Department of Political Science and the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG15 |
JPF456H1 | Global Cities - Core Issues and Challenges | The core issues confronting city leaders across the globe are examined in comparative perspective and in a context of shifting global agendas. The study of cities of Latin America, Asia and Africa, are brought together in comparative context with the study of cities of Europe and North America. (Given by the Department of Political Science and the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG16 |
JPH441H1 | Physical Science in Contemporary Society | This course will discuss the complex, real-life, ethical, and philosophical issues behind how science gets done, including questions such as how we as scientists strive to determine the truth; who determines what science is done, and on what basis; how we as a community manage science and make decisions about education, authorship, publication, hiring, et cetera (including issues related to equity, inclusivity, and diversity); and how we as a society fund science and apply its discoveries. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
JPI201H1 | Indigenous Politics in Canada | This course explores key issues in Indigenous politics in Canada. Provides students with an overview of historical and contemporary socio-political issues in Indigenous societies and institutions such as Indigenous self-governance, land claims and treaty negotiations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
JPM300H1 | Research Readiness and Advancing Biomedical Discoveries | Explore how scientists leverage their knowledge and skills to advance academic biomedical discoveries from the laboratory to improve patient health through either commercialization or not-for-profit approaches. Students will learn about innovation and develop key research and industry skills including intellectual property, ethics, budget and project management; learn how to critically evaluate scientific evidence and effectively communicate to a wide audience. This hybrid student-centered course will include interactive online modules and in-class group work. Course work will focus on developing skills and knowledge to help you be successful in diverse research courses and future careers. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
JPR364H1 | Religion and Politics in the Nation State | This course will engage with contemporary debates on religion and politics in the context of the nation-state in our post-9/11 world, and will do so comparatively across a wide range of contexts. The emphasis will be on understanding the evolving relationship between religion and politics in liberal democracies, and examining challenges facing democratic politics from the religious sphere, both in the West, where secular liberalism is the dominant framework for discussing these questions, and in Africa, India, and the Middle East, where such a framework is more likely to be contested. The themes explore will include secularization, religious pluralism and tolerance, human rights regimes, the idea of “civil religion,†the impact of religion on party politics, the formation of identity and political community, the legal regulation of sometimes-competing claims based on religious faith, gender, and sexuality, and the rise of extremist forms of religious politics, conspiracy thinking, new online communities that lead to dangerous political outcomes, such as ‘QAnon’ and ‘Plandemic’. Cases studies will include the USA, Canada, France, Turkey, Egypt, Nigeria. (Given by the Departments of Political Science and Religion) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
JPR365H1 | Global Religion and Politics | This course will engage with contemporary debates on religion and politics in the international context in our post-9/11 world, and will do so comparatively across a wide range of contexts. The emphasis will be on understanding the evolving role transnational religion has played in the past three decades, where new global networks have emerged as central global actors. We will focus empirically on the rise of radical reformist Islam and evangelical Christianity, the two most dramatically successful forms of religiosity around the world today. We will study the implications for the foreign policies of key nation-states, as well as the forces that have contributed to the prevalence of contestatory religious politics and networks as new and poorly understood global actors. International religious freedom, human rights, the role of media and mediation, the place of religious or theological doctrines or imaginaries in constructing and motivating a range of political goals, many involving the use of violence. We will focus as well on the global spread of extremist forms of religious politics, conspiracy thinking, new online communities that lead to dangerous political outcomes, such as ‘QAnon’ and ‘Plandemic’. Many of the cases will focus on the non-Western world, especially the Middle East and Africa.(Given by the Departments of Political Science and Religion) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG17 |
JQR360H1 | The Canadian Census: Populations, Migrations and Demographics | Examines the Canadian population census through the experience of diasporic groups in Canada. Approaches the census as a statistical tool, an historical source and an ideological project of citizenship and nationalism. Uses census data to explore mathematical and statistical concepts and to integrate numerical ways of thinking with qualitative analysis. (Jointly sponsored by African Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Caribbean Studies, Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity, and Latin American Studies). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
JRC199H1 | Truths & Reconciliations in Canada | In this course, we examine the idea of reconciliation among Indigenous and Canadian nations by considering the complicated role of religion and spirituality in truth and reconciliation. Specifically, residential schools for Indigenous children were a collaboration of church and state that violently broke the spirit and intent of the treaties or sacred promises made between the Crown and Indigenous nations. The course will set the 2015 Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada in a longer history of twentieth-century commissions, reports, and petitions in which both Indigenous and Canadian people (and some churches) named the cultural and spiritual genocide of residential schools and called for action. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG8 |
JRN301H1 | Disability in the Hebrew Bible and Related Texts | The Hebrew Bible (sometimes called the Old Testament) has influenced ideas about disability in societies across the globe for thousands of years. Yet, notions of disability in the Hebrew Bible may be strikingly different from what we might imagine. This course explores how some biblical texts and related ancient literature conceptualize disability in relation to issues of ethnicity, sexuality, beauty, age, social class, religious expression and so on. We will examine a number of these issues both in their ancient context and in some more recent interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. All readings will be in English. No knowledge of Hebrew is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
JSU237H1 | Introduction to HIV/AIDS: Health, Sexuality and Gender | A critical examination of the HIV/AIDS global pandemic from a multidisciplinary perspective and with an emphasis on sexuality. The course examines the basic biology of HIV/AIDS and then covers social, historical, political, cultural, gender, and public health aspects of HIV/AIDS. Attention is given to the distinct features of vulnerable and marginalized populations, prevention, treatment, drug development, and access to medicines. JSU237H1 is particularly intended for students in the Health Studies and/or Sexual Diversity Studies programs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG5 |
JSU325H1 | Queerly Canadian | This course focuses on Canadian literary and artistic productions that challenge prevailing notions of nationality and sexuality, exploring not only how artists struggle with that ongoing Canadian thematic of being and belonging, but also celebrate pleasure and desire as a way of imagining and articulating an alternative national politics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
KPE100H1 | Physical Cultural Studies | This course is an invitation and introduction to the social study of kinesiology, physical education, sport, health, the body and bodies, etc. The goal is to explore and discuss society and culture, particularly as it is stratified along lines of ability, race, gender, class, and sexuality, and to study social issues in kinesiology like violence and performance enhancing drugs. Overall, students are encouraged to use course concepts in developing their own assessments of the social world of kinesiology and physical education. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG5 |
KPE160H1 | Fundamentals of Human Movement | This is an inter-disciplinary course introducing biomechanics and neuro-motor behaviour. It describes how humans control the position and movement of their bodies in the gravitational field of earth given the laws of motion and an understanding of how muscles generate force. This includes systems for description, measurement and development of healthy posture, movements, flexibility, and stability; and uses squatting (stance) and walking (gait) as examples of basic movements with which to explore these concepts. The central role of the nervous system in sensation, perception, and the control of motor behaviour, along with introductory principles of motor learning and motor development are also considered. This course will be integrated with KPE182H1. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG4 |
KPE220H1 | Psychosocial Development | Psychosocial domains of human development and optimal functioning over the lifespan are considered in this course. Developmental psychology, positive psychology, health psychology, behavioural medicine, and performance psychology theory and research provide students with foundational knowledge and lifelong skills for personal growth and development, and for diverse roles as kinesiology graduates. Theories of psychosocial development and behaviour change provide frameworks for exploring topics such as health and wellbeing, resilience, love, relationships, enjoyment, meaning and fulfillment, flourishing, happiness, personal growth, and positive aspects of human functioning. Students will be encouraged to think how psychosocial development, personal experiences, culture, and physical activity influence health and well-being across the lifespan. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG15, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
KPE240H1 | Indigenous & Black Histories: Health Healing and Physical Activity | This course will explore Indigenous and Black histories and experiences in Canada before and after colonization, highlighting remarkable triumphs and legacies amidst enduring, oppressive practices. The past and current impact of these histories on people, relationships, health sciences practices and the environment as related to health and physical activity will be examined. Drawing on diverse knowledge practices, this course will advance a basis for understanding how the intersections of histories, health and physical activity might support holistic healing, improved relationships and opportunities for a healthier (environmentally, physically, mentally, spiritually) society. Students will be encouraged to reflect on strategies to achieve these goals in health and physical activity settings. Course topics as related to health and physical activity may include: Indigenous and Black leaders and innovation; self-determination; intersectionality and impact of oppressive, racist practices on diverse identities; scientific racism; impact of residential schools on Indigenous Peoples, history of science and technology, and practices for reconciliation. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3 |
KPE321H1 | Population Health | This course explores patterns of health and illness among groups (populations) of people. Emphasis is on the determinants of health (social political, economic and environmental etc.). Students will learn about basic research methods and issues in the field. Current examples of major local and global health concerns will be used to illustrate key concepts. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG3 |
KPE327H1 | Exercise and Mental Health | Mental well-being is a critical element of total health. There is a spectrum of mental states that range from clinically diagnosed psychopathologies such as depression and schizophrenia to total wellness that might be represented by constructs such as high self-esteem, subjective well-being, and life satisfaction. This module critically examines the evidence underpinning the role of physical activity in a) the avoidance of mental disorders, b) recovery from mental disorders, and c) the well-being and quality of life of those with or without mental disorders. The module will also address the definition and measurement of key psychological constructs that act as markers of psychological well-being. Initiatives to enhance mental health through physical activity will be discussed and implications for health service design and delivery will be identified. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3 |
KPE332H1 | Innovations in Mobile Health | Mobile health or mHealth utilizes the capabilities of a mobile device such as a cellphone to provide, disseminate, and measure health interventions and physical activity. mHealth has been used for disease management and prevention, physical activity monitoring and evaluation, monitoring of health status, providing access to health care services in remote areas, and for health and physical activity promotion. This course introduces students to the concepts, definitions, advantages, and limitations of mHealth. This course will be relevant to those who wish to pursue careers as health care providers, physical educators, and those who have a future in research and critical analysis. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3 |
KPE333H1 | The Pedagogy of Playing Games | Historically educators have seen the playing of games as beneficial to the development of physical, psychological, emotional and social traits in children and adults. Recently the dropout rate of children playing organized games and the participation rate of adults playing organized sport has become a major cause for concern. This has brought into focus the traditional way that games and sport have been taught and coached. This course will enhance students knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods of alternative games play approaches to teaching and coaching sports. Students will be introduced to the four main alternative games models of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), Play Practice, Game Sense and Developing Thinking Players. Each of these 4 models use game centred activities to stimulate and motivate learning. The twin goals of understanding and personal satisfaction are emphasized jointly throughout the course. Students will be engaged in both practical and theory sessions to learn creative, innovative and exciting ways to teach and coach and. You will be able to design and implement learning activities that are enjoyable, challenging, inspiring and cognitively and physically demanding. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG4 |
KPE335H1 | Sports Law | The course will be an introduction to global sports law. Students will explore how the rules and regulations of the Olympic Movement, the technical side of sport, and the anti-doping movement constitute private transnational legal systems where international sport organizations have regulatory autonomy that is often shielded from intervention by national legal systems. Students will learn how disputes involving these sport rules and regulations are resolved through private arbitration by reviewing key arbitral decisions issued by the Court of Arbitration for Sport and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, and by participating in mock arbitrations of disputes involving doping violations, team selection decisions, and competition outcomes. Finally, students will critically examine how certain sport rules relating to gender verification, out-of-competition doping testing, and doping sanctions impact the rights of athletes, and whether arbitration can provide the necessary oversight and accountability measures to protect those rights. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG17 |
KPE336H1 | Outdoor Physical Activity and Recreation | In this course, students will experience to the natural environment of Ontario in the context of outdoor physical activity and recreation. This course provides an overview of the field skills for the developing outdoor leader. Students are exposed to wilderness recreation and travel, outdoor living, navigation, environmental ethics, and leadership. Students will develop skills for planning and managing hiking activities to lead a one-day trip into basic hiking terrain. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG3 |
KPE340H1 | Introduction to Physical Activity Pedagogy | This course introduces pedagogical and learning methodologies of working with children and youth in a physical activity setting. It explores concepts such as current levels of physical activity in children and youth; physical literacy and assessment practices; fitness considerations for children and youth and; current best practices for teaching physical activity. Physical activity models of instruction and organization will be explored including: Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Long-Term Development for Sport and Physical Activity (LTDSPA) as well as lesson planning and student engagement. The Ontario curriculum for physical education at the elementary and secondary levels will also be introduced. In tutorials, students will have an opportunity to experience and apply physical activity pedagogy theory in practice. Course content can be directly applied to improve physical activity instruction across a range of settings including camps, recreational physical activity programming, coaching and future health and physical education teaching. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE355Y1 | Interpersonal Theory in Kinesiology and Physical Education | This course will provide students an opportunity to develop their knowledge and competencies in interpersonal theory in Kinesiology and Physical Education. Topics covered in this course include, verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, active listening with patients/clients, reflective practice, managing conflict, decision making, teamwork, and leadership. This course draws upon previous coursework and integrates theory and practice across course learning activities to apply the course content to the breadth of populations and settings within the field of Kinesiology and Physical Education. As a part of the course, students will participate in a field experience (100 hours) with a mentor observing and engaging in interpersonal relations and participating in the planning and implementation of programs as appropriate. Course evaluation activities include weekly class and tutorial sessions, written assignments, presentations, and examinations. Notes: Classroom/tutorial sessions are two hours per week in addition to field experience. Please refer to the 'Fees and Financial Requirements' section of the calendar for information on ancillary fees. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG17, SDG4 |
KPE363H1 | Sport Medicine | This course builds on knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics acquired in earlier courses to develop a systematic understanding of risk; mechanisms of injury; common pathologies associated with physical activity; injury prevention, recognition, and initial management and some information about rehabilitation of injuries occurring in sport and physical activities. It also examines the topic of doping in sport. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE371H1 | Lifestyle and Metabolic Disease | This course examines the metabolic dysregulation that occurs in adults with obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Special focus is on the underlying changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism at the whole-body and tissue level (e.g., in blood, muscle and adipose) and how lifestyle strategies (e.g., acute or chronic exercise, dietary changes) can prevent and/or treat these metabolic diseases. Research-related skills and knowledge on topics of interest will be developed through analysis of peer-reviewed literature, written assignments and/or oral presentations. Special topics may also be presented. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE400H1 | Ethics & Power in Kinesiology Physical Education and Health Fields | The major presupposition of this course is that graduates who pursue careers in the broad fields of kinesiology, physical education and health – teaching, fitness and lifestyle counseling, coaching, medicine, health sciences or research – will be in positions of social responsibility and leadership in society. This course will initiate discussions about developing decolonial ethics through three intersecting dimensions: (a) the importance of reflection, vulnerability, and nonjudgmental communication, (b) the necessity to resist domination and colonial forces, and (c) the work needed to create new, alternative relationships. We take up the challenge of courageously creating ethical spaces and developing an ethical self that can respond intellectually, politically and personally to ethical dilemmas in social, political and cultural life. Selected theories and case studies will be examined, analyzed, and evaluated. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE404H1 | Illness Disease and Physical Culture | This senior course in physical cultural studies attends to and examines the existential and cultural dimensions of illness, disease and suffering in society. Taking both the personal (i.e., embodied, emplaced and performative) experience and institutional organization of illness as its broad focus, the course theoretically and empirically interrogates how socially problematic forms of embodiment, self-constructions through disease processes, illness and individual affect, strained interpersonal relations through illness, bodies in physical and social recovery, and cultural representations of ‘bad bodies’ are poorly understood within kinesiology proper. Particular attention in this course is given to how bodies and associated selves at the fringe of medically defined ‘health’/kinesiological parameters are positioned as pathological, contra-normative, at risk or in need of repair and restitution. Central theoretical and conceptual questions regarding what constitutes health and wellbeing are addressed against the lived cultural realities of people with movement and physical activity challenges and limitations. Topics in the course may include, but are not limited to, doing physical activity as a diseased person, the social organization of rehabilitative medicine in sport and physical cultures, athletes living with/recovering from physical trauma and mental illnesses, patient-centered movement cultures, and phenomenological accounts of the illness, disease and dying processes. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
KPE405H1 | Race Indigeneity and Physical Culture | In this course we will refer to race as a remnant of colonialism, an effect of social practices, and a shifting, performed identity. We explore the ways that fantasies of the history of Canada as a tolerant and multicultural nation hide truths about racism in this country and construct race and indigeneity in everyday life. This course examines how and why ’race’ matters so intensely and the ways ‘race’ is produced and policed, ultimately enabling and empowering some bodies and movements, while oppressing others within physical cultures. Myths of race as a biological category will be debunked. We will explore a wide range of topics including Black masculinities and Black diasporas, access to sport for Asians and anti-Asian racism, the (in)visibility of Indigenous peoples in Canadian sport; religious (in)tolerance, and White privilege. We will read theoretical and empirical chapters and articles and discuss how socio-economic, ableist, and gendered practices of differentiation produce race categories. Last, we will elaborate our roles in creating more equitable and democratic spaces for all athletes and people. KPE405H1 will not only improve engagement with social justice issues, but also ameliorate communication skills and intercultural competencies particularly related to indigeneity, diaspora, equity, and anti-racism in sport. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
KPE409H1 | Sport Physical Activity and Human Rights | Participants in physical education, physical activity and sport enjoy all the rights of Canadian citizens under Canadian law, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and provincial and territorial human rights legislation. They also enjoy the protections of the international system of human rights established by the United Nations, to which the Canadian government is a signatory. Although many of those documents specifically mention rights related to sports, the promised rights are not always protected in practice as evidenced in, for example, far too many recent cases of athlete abuse. This course examines the concepts, legal protections and failings of human rights in Canadian and international sports, and explores ways in which they could be strengthened. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
KPE421H1 | The Role of Physical Activity in Girl's and Women's Health | This course draws upon previous course work in biophysical, behavioural and socio-cultural aspects of physical activity and links them together within the context of girls’ and women’s health across the lifespan. Particular attention will be given to how physical activity decreases the risk of disease in girls and women and how physical activity assumes a different role in health and well-being during different phases of the lifespan. Students will also be introduced to issues related to the promotion of physical activity for women, the importance of the inclusion of women and girls in research examining the impact of physical activity and the unique aspects of the response of girls and women to activity. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG5 |
KPE427H1 | Health and Physical Education in the Elementary Years | This course provides an overview of pedagogical concepts and learning methodologies specific to elementary-aged children in physical activity and health and physical education settings. It explores in-depth the pedagogy of physical activity for the development of physical literacy through topics such as developmental milestones and needs, movement domains and competencies, Daily Physical Activity (DPA) and assessment and evaluation strategies. The concept of health literacy is also explored and applied to the health education needs of elementary-aged children. Finally, the Ontario Elementary Health and Physical Education curriculum, and controversy surrounding it, is explored through the lens of physical and health literacy development. Understanding of course content will be enhanced through tutorials where students will have an opportunity to apply course concepts in practice. Course content can be directly applied to improve physical activity instruction across a range of settings including camps, recreational physical activity programming, coaching and future health and physical education teaching. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE428H1 | Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids in Sport and Exercise | This course investigates the influence of nutritional supplements/aids on exercise performance, recovery, and/or adaptation, with an emphasis on the underlying physiological and/or biochemical mechanisms behind the effectiveness of ergogenic compounds. Students will broaden their content comprehension on topics of interest through self-directed critical analysis of current peer reviewed literature with an emphasis on knowledge dissemination in both written and oral formats. Special topics may also be presented. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG4, SDG9 |
KPE432H1 | Legal Aspects of Sport Recreation and Kinesiology | The course examines Canadian law and its application to the fields of sport, recreation and kinesiology. Students will obtain a foundational knowledge of the law and the practical skills to address legal issues as future practitioners in sport, recreation, physical education, and health care. Legal topics include contracts, regulated health professions, liability and risk management, human rights and discrimination, privacy, intellectual property, and dispute resolution. Students will obtain hands-on experience by negotiating and drafting contracts and participating in mock decision-making processes that affect legal rights and interests. Finally, students will learn about contemporary and emerging legal issues relating to safe sport, social media, e-sports, and competition fixing. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
KPE434H1 | Advanced Adapted Physical Activity | This course builds from the concepts and theories discussed in KPE334H1. Students will be given the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge taught in KPE334H1 to build instructional and leadership skills to facilitate exercise and sport programs and assessments for people with varied abilities across all age groups and environments. Students will be given opportunity for active, hands-on learning through some combination of the following: case studies, assignments, readings, field experience. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3 |
KPE455Y1 | Kinesiology and Physical Education in Society | This course builds upon KPE350Y1/KPE355Y1 to further students’ theoretical grounding in the broader practice of Kinesiology and Physical Education in society. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, emotional intelligence in the workplace, integrity in community relations, performance adaptability, diversity, creativity, ethics and professionalism, and work-life balance. Adopting a values-based approach to learning and development students will be encouraged to consider strategies for enhancing the practice of Kinesiology and Physical Education within society. As a part of this course, students will spend 100 hours in the field and will work closely with a mentor. Course evaluation activities include weekly class and tutorial sessions, written assignments, presentations, and examinations. Notes: Classroom/tutorial sessions are two hours per week in addition to field experience. For more information visit the professional placement page on our website. Please refer to the 'Fees and Financial Requirements' section of the calendar for details on ancillary fees. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
KPE476H1 | Clinical Exercise Programming | This course will examine theories underpinning the development and delivery of exercise programs in clinical populations. Exposure to a variety of unique clinical populations (through video and case studies) will enable students to explore special considerations (e.g., functional abilities, needs, limitations and social barriers) specific to individuals seeking tailored movement recommendations. Using discovery-based methods (including case studies and group problem solving activities), students will learn how to gather and share relevant information with clients and use this information to inform selection of appropriate assessments and movement strategies as well as to gain an appreciation of the range of expected outcomes in response to exercise programming. Students will also examine the foundational elements of exercise program design and its practical implementation as it relates to professional kinesiology practice. Emphasis will be placed on communication, self-reflection, ethics and the ability to think critically and problem-solve within the learning experiences. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
LAS302H1 | Topics in Latin American Studies | The goal of this course is to critically explore debates and perspectives on development and on the politics of inequality in Latin American contexts. Topics of the course may vary, depending on the needs of the program and the interests of students and instructors. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
LAS401H1 | Latinos in Canada | A historical survey of migration from Latin American countries to Canada, this course examines mediation strategies of Latinos as they adjust to a new home: negotiation of national identities, political participation, entrepreneurship, cultural representations, and charitable work. Students engage in service with organization working with/in LatAm communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG17 |
LCT205H1 | Empires II | This course examines the literary and non-literary representations that accompany imperial conquests and hegemony from the emergence of the modern nation-state through more recent developments in globalization. We compare the establishment, interpretation and reinvention of cultural forms of empire (e.g. British, Japanese, Spanish) at local, national, transnational and global levels. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
LCT305H1 | Institutions and Power | This course will consider some of the ideologies and practices of various institutions at work in the production and transmission of cultural objects and social power. These may include the family, museum, hospital, prison, university, library, and theatre, as well as fields such as publishing and religion. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG9 |
LCT308H1 | Identities | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG5 | |
LIN192H1 | Sustaining Indigenous Languages | There has been much publicity in recent years about language shift and language loss and, along with it, language revitalization. In this course we examine shift involving Indigenous languages and particularly those of Canada from a variety of perspectives, and looking at reasons why one might want to 'save' a language. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
LIN195H1 | Babel: Language in the Mind of Speakers | What is the relation between language and thought? In this course we examine how language is represented in our minds, and how language and cognitive processes interact. While the link between words and meanings is arbitrary and reflects culture, language is considered to be a universal property of our species. We will examine the place of language in the architecture of the mind; the debates about the universality of language structure vs. linguistic relativism; and how language and thought interact in children's development. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG9 |
LIN202H1 | Introduction to Indigenous Languages of the Americas | This is an introduction to Indigenous languages and cultures of Central, North, and South America. Students will be exposed to discussions about what is an indigenous language, social status of indigenous languages as well as indigenous movements towards language documentation and revitalization and language education in the Americas. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
LIN380H5 | Theoretical Issues in Second Language Teaching and Learning | This course examines theoretical research on adult second language learning and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include learning styles and strategies, age, affect, communicative competence, and sociolinguistics. Links are drawn to teaching practices, including error correction, materials selection, and order and method of presentation. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
LIN387H5 | Theoretical Issues in Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary | This course provides an overview of second language vocabulary acquisition research and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, incidental and intentional vocabulary learning, textbook analysis, learning strategies, and teacher beliefs about vocabulary teaching and learning. Implications are drawn for pedagogical practices, including best vocabulary teaching practices, materials selection, and measuring vocabulary knowledge. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
LIN458H1 | Revitalizing Languages | A study of language endangerment and language revitalization efforts. The languages of focus will vary from year to year, depending on the instructor. Topics include language classification and a survey of major features of the languages, what it means for a language to be endangered, the factors that contribute to language shift, and efforts to reverse language shift, including discussion of literacy, documentary linguistics and dictionaries. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
LIN476H5 | Language Diversity and Language Universals | This course examines cross-linguistic typological features found in the languages of the world. Special attention is given to investigating the remarkable range of phonological, morphological and syntactic diversity found in the world’s languages. One of the primary goals of the course is to examine the notion of language universals in light of such diversity. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
LINB20H3 | Sociolinguistics | The study of the relationship between language and society. Topics include: how language reflects and constructs aspects of social identity such as age, gender, socioeconomic class and ethnicity; ways in which social context affects speakers' use of language; and social factors which cause the spread or death of languages. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG5 |
LINC28H3 | Language and Gender | An introduction to the research on differences between women and men in how they use language and how they behave in conversational interaction, together with an examination of the role of language in reflecting and perpetuating cultural attitudes towards gender. Same as WSTC28H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
LMP301H1 | Introduction to the Biochemistry of Human Disease | Introduces concepts and mechanisms of disease processes as they arise from disturbances of normal biochemical and physiological functions. The rational use of the clinical biochemistry laboratory in the diagnosis and management of disease is explained. Not intended for students in the Pathobiology Specialist program. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
LTL380H5 | Theoretical Issues In Second Language Teaching and Learning | This course examines theoretical research on adult second language learning and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include age, affect, communicative competence, and sociolinguistics. Links are drawn to pedagogical practices, including error correction, materials selection, and order and method of presentation. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major (French/Italian). [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
LTL387H5 | Theoretical Issues in Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary | This course provides an overview of second language vocabulary acquisition research and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, incidental and intentional vocabulary learning, textbook analysis, learning strategies, and teacher beliefs about vocabulary teaching and learning. Implications are drawn for pedagogical practices, including best vocabulary teaching practices, materials selection, and measuring vocabulary knowledge. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or French & Italian) or Major (French/Italian). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
MCS224H1 | Approaches to Material Culture | This course is about things - the everyday objects of past and present cultures. It examines the meanings people have invested in objects and how those meanings have changed over time. Using interdisciplinary approaches, students investigate objects found in homes, retail spaces, cities, art galleries and museums in order to develop new understandings of the objects that structure their daily lives and their material world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
MCS326H1 | The Material Culture of Food | This course explores the material cultures which form around food and foodways in contemporary culture. It looks at foods as objects of production and consumption and at the material landscapes (culinary tools, the geography of the kitchen and restaurant, the archives - recipes, cookbooks, menus - that home cooks or chefs use) in order to "expose" the social, cultural and political dimensions of cooking, entertaining and eating. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG2 |
MDSB05H3 | Media and Globalization | This course examines the role of technological and cultural networks in mediating and facilitating the social, economic, and political processes of globalization. Key themes include imperialism, militarization, global political economy, activism, and emerging media technologies. Particular attention is paid to cultures of media production and reception outside of North America. Same as GASB05H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
MDSB09H3 | Kids These Days: Youth, Language and Media | Around the world, youth is understood as liminal phase in our lives. This course examines how language and new media technologies mark the lives of youth today. We consider social media, smartphones, images, romance, youth activism and the question of technological determinism. Examples drawn fromm a variety of contexts. Same as ANTB35H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG4 |
MDSB14H3 | Human, Animal, Machine | What makes humans humans, animals animals, and machines machines? This course probes the leaky boundaries between these categories through an examination of various media drawn from science fiction, contemporary art, film, TV, and the critical work of media and posthumanist theorists on cyborgs, genetically-modified organisms, and other hybrid creatures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
MDSC12H3 | Trans-Feminist Queer Media Studies | This course builds on a foundation in Feminist Media Studies to engage the scholarly field of Trans-Feminist Queer (TFQ) Media Studies. While these three terms (trans, feminist and queer) can bring us to three separate areas of media studies, this course immerses students in scholarship on media and technology that is shaped by and committed to their shared critical, theoretical and political priorities. This scholarship centers transgender, feminist and queer knowledges and experiences to both understand and reimagine the ways that media and communication technologies contribute to racial, national, ethnic, gender, sexual and economic relations of power and possibility. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
MDSC22H3 | Understanding Scandals | This course focuses on modern-day scandals, ranging from scandals of politicians, corporate CEOs, and celebrities to scandals involving ordinary people. It examines scandals as conditioned by technological, social, cultural, political, and economic forces and as a site where meanings of deviances of all sorts are negotiated and constructed. It also pays close attention to media and journalistic practices at the core of scandals. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4 |
MDSC31H3 | Platforms and Cultural Production | This course focuses on the process of platformization and how it impacts cultural production. It provides an introduction into the fields of software, platform, and app studies. The tenets of institutional platform power will be discussed, such as economics, infrastructure, and governance, as well as questions pertaining to platform labour, digital creativity, and democracy. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG9 |
MDSC34H3 | Diasporic Media | New media technologies enable more production and distribution of culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse voices than ever before. Who produces these diverse voices and how accessible are these media? This course explores various types of diasporic media from century-old newspapers to young and hip news and magazine blogs, produced by and for members of a multicultural society. Same as JOUC60H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG17 |
MDSC61H3 | Alternative Media | This course examines the history, organization and social role of a range of independent, progressive, and oppositional media practices. It emphasizes the ways alternative media practices, including the digital, are the product of and contribute to political movements and perspectives that challenge the status quo of mainstream consumerist ideologies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4 |
MDSD11H3 | Senior Research Seminar in Media and Journalism | Focusing on independent research, this course requires students to demonstrate the necessary analysis, research and writing skills required for advanced study. This seminar course provides the essential research skills for graduate work and other research-intensive contexts. Students will design and undertake unique and independent research about the state of journalism. Same as JOUD11H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4 |
MDSD20H3 | Senior Seminar: Topics in Media and Society | This is a senior seminar that focuses on media and society. It explores the social and political implications of media, including digital media, and how social forces shape their development. Topics vary. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4 |
MGAD45H3 | Corporate Governance and Strategy - CPA Perspective | This course examines issues in Corporate Governance in today's business environment. Through case studies of corporate ethical scandals, students will consider workplace ethical risks, opportunities and legal issues. Students will also examine professional accounting in the public interest as well as accounting and planning for sustainability. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG8 |
MGEC32H3 | Economics of the Public Sector: Expenditures | A study of resource allocation in relation to the public sector, with emphasis on decision criteria for public expenditures. The distinction between public and private goods is central to the course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG8 |
MGEC34H3 | Economics of Health Care | A study of the economic principles underlying health care and health insurance. This course is a survey of some of the major topics in health economics. Some of the topics that will be covered will include the economic determinants of health, the market for medical care, the market for health insurance, and health and safety regulation. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
MGEC37H3 | Law and Economics | A study of laws and legal institutions from an economic perspective. It includes the development of a positive theory of the law and suggests that laws frequently evolve so as to maximize economic efficiency. The efficiency of various legal principles is also examined. Topics covered are drawn from: externalities, property rights, contracts, torts, product liability and consumer protection, and procedure. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG8 |
MGEC38H3 | The Economics of Canadian Public Policy | This course provides a comprehensive study of selected Canadian public policies from an economic point of view. Topics may include environmental policy, competition policy, inflation and monetary policy, trade policy and others. We will study Canadian institutions, decision-making mechanisms, implementation procedures, policy rationales, and related issues. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16 |
MGEC82H3 | International Aspects of Development Policy | This course will use the tools of economics to understand international aspects of economic development policy. Development policy will focus on understanding the engagement of developing countries in the global economy, including the benefits and challenges of that engagement. Topics to be discussed will include globalization and inequality, foreign aid, multinational corporations, foreign direct investment, productivity, regional economic integration, and the environment. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG9 |
MGHC23H3 | Diversity in the Workplace | Examines the nature and effects of diversity in the workplace. Drawing on theories and research from psychology, the course will examine topics like stereotyping, harassment, discrimination, organizational climate for diversity, conflict resolution within diverse teams, and marketing to a diverse clientele. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG8 |
MGHC53H3 | Introduction to Industrial Relations | An overview of the industrial system and process. The course will introduce students to: industrial relations theory, the roles of unions and management, law, strikes, grievance arbitration, occupational health and safety, and the history of the industrial relations system. Students will participate in collective bargaining simulations. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG2, SDG8, SDG9 |
MGM465H5 | Occupational Health & Safety | As individuals spend more and more time at work, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to protect their employees from harm and to support their physical, psychological, emotional, and social welfare. Students in this course will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design and foster healthy and safe working environments. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
MGSC14H3 | Management Ethics | Increasingly, the marketplace has come to reward, and government regulators have come to demand a sophisticated managerial approach to the ethical problems that arise in business. Topics include ethical issues in international business, finance, accounting, advertising, intellectual property, environmental policy, product and worker safety, new technologies, affirmative action, and whistle-blowing. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG8 |
MGSC20H3 | Consulting and Contracting: New Ways of Work | Tomorrow's graduates will enjoy less career stability than previous generations. Technology and demography are changing the nature of work. Instead of having secure progressive careers, you will work on contract or as consultants. You will need to think, and act like entrepreneurs. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8 |
MGSC35H3 | Innovation | This course introduces students to the nature and elements of innovation and explores the application of innovation to various stages of business evolution and to different business sectors. The course has a significant practical component, as student groups will be asked to provide an innovation plan for a real company. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8 |
MGT354H5 | Consumer Behaviour | Formulating successful marketing strategies requires an understanding of consumers' cultures, motivations, cognitions, and emotions. Students will learn how to use theoretical perspectives from psychology, economics, anthropology, and other disciplines to generate predictions about consumers, interpret consumer reactions to marketing stimuli, and develop rigorous skills in marketing analysis. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12 |
MGT393H5 | Legal Environment of Business I | An introduction for commerce students to the Canadian legal system focusing on business entities, the structure of the Canadian court system, the various elements of contract law and the law of negligence. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG8 |
MGT437H5 | Strategy and Governance | This course covers concepts in strategic management and focuses on the role of corporate governance in formulating, implementing and monitoring a firm's strategic objectives. Although the course will cover economic foundations of strategy, market, industry and competitive analysis, the main focus will be on the internal operations of an organization. Corporate governance will be examined in the broad sense of the term and will include an overview of country-level legal environment, regulatory agencies, stock market, and the firm's board of directors. The objective of the course is to enhance students' understanding the operating tensions facing firms and the means of addressing such tensions through country-level and firm-level corporate governance systems. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
MGT444H5 | FinTech, Blockchain, & Decentralized Finance | This course provides students with a solid understanding of the technologies, tools, and applications that will transform and define the financial industry over the next decade. Students will study the technological and economic mechanisms that make blockchain work, the services it hosts, how it disrupts the financial industry, the risks, how a decentralized protocol can be governed and regulated, and what problems Decentralized Finance (DeFi) solves. Students will also learn about smart contracts, types of tokens and their uses, digital money, oracles, stablecoins, DeFi-lending and DeFi-trading, crypto-regulation, and central-bank-issued digital currencies. This course is geared to Commerce and Management students and does not require engineering or computer science knowledge. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8, SDG9 |
MGT463H5 | Managing Global Organizations | Understanding the global context of organizations is essential to surviving the competitive business environment while creating value in a sustainable and responsible way. This course provides a broad overview of the global environment and introduce critical perspectives in international business, as well as the key management challenges of operating across nations and cultures. It will also consider ways in which management theories and practices should be adapted to transcend as well as be responsive to diverse business, social, and governmental settings. The course weaves together conceptual and practical considerations to create a balanced and exciting learning experience. It also includes an optional International Learning Experience component that involves travel to a country(s) outside of Canada to gain firsthand exposure to management practices in a different setting. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
MGT494H5 | Entrepreneurial Strategy | This course introduces students to the challenges an entrepreneur faces when starting a business: assessing his/her goals and ability, attracting financial and human resources, competing in the marketplace, and dealing with laws and regulations. Readings and discussion material will include actual business cases as well as academic articles and book chapters. The class is of relevance to students interested in starting new businesses, working in consulting or finance, and pursuing research and graduate studies. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8 |
MGY377H1 | Microbiology I: Bacteria | An in depth study of bacteria including their structure, their biology, their ability to adapt, and their effects on human health. Provides a foundation for advanced studies in bacterial physiology, bacterial genetics, molecular pathogenesis of disease, immunology, and environmental studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
MGY380H1 | Microbiology Laboratory I: Bacteria | A laboratory course in bacteriology. Students will perform a variety of genetic and biochemical experiments to identify and characterize unknown organisms, and learn how bacteria live together in biofilm and become resistance to antibiotics. Students will also learn important research tools and concepts including CRISPRi, transduction, and conjugation through experiments. Valuable not only for advanced work in microbiology but also in related fields that make use of bacteria and bacteriophages as research tools. (Lab Materials Fee: $25; Lab Manual Fee: $20) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
MGY381H1 | Microbiology Laboratory II: Viruses | Hands-on experiments provide the opportunity to develop skills in working safely with human viruses. Important concepts are learned through analysis of results. Topics include propagation and assay of viruses, examination of viruses by electron microscopy, replication kinetics, host response to infection and viral vectors. Valuable not only in microbiology but in fields using viruses as vectors. (Lab Materials Fee: $25; Lab Manual Fee: $20) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG3 |
MIE221H1 | Manufacturing Engineering | Production Fundamentals: Metal casting; metal forming - rolling, forging, extrusion and drawing, and sheet-metal forming; plastic/ceramic/glass forming; metal removal - turning, drilling/ boring/reaming, milling, and grinding; non-traditional machining - ECM, EDM and laser cutting; welding; surface treatment; metrology. Environmental issues in manufacturing processes, recycling of materials. Automation Fundamentals: Automation in material processing and handling - NC, robotics and automatically-guided vehicles; flexible manufacturing - group technology, cellular manufacturing and FMS; and computer-aided design - geometric modelling, computer graphics, concurrent engineering and rapid prototyping. Instruction and assessment of communication centered around course deliverables that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
MIE240H1 | Human Factors Engineering | Introduction to principles, methods, and tools for the analysis, design, and evaluation of human-centred systems. Consideration of impacts of human physical, physiological, perceptual, and cognitive factors on the design and use of engineered systems. Basic concepts of anthropometrics, work-related hazards, shiftwork, workload, human error and reliability, system complexity, and human factors standards. The human-centred systems design process, including task analysis, user requirements generation, prototyping, and usability evaluation. Design of work/rest schedules, procedures, displays and controls, and information and training systems; design for error prevention and human-computer interaction; design for accessibility and aging populations. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
MIE303H1 | Mechanical and Thermal Energy Conversion Processes | Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an environmental framework; Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines. Fossil fuel combustion, Alternative fuel combustions, fusion processes and introduction to advanced systems of fuel cells. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7 |
MIE311H1 | THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION | Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an environmental framework. Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines. Refrigeration, psychrometry and air conditioning. Fossil fuel combustion and advanced systems includes fuel cells. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7 |
MIE315H1 | Design for the Environment | Life Cycle Assessment for the measurement of environmental impacts of existing products and processes. Design for Environment principles for the reduction of environmental impacts in new product and process designs. Functional, economic, and societal analysis taught for use in a major team-written project to compare and contrast two product or process alternatives for a client. Instruction and assessment of communication centered around course deliverables that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG17 |
MIE363H1 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | This course focuses on features of production/service systems and methods of modelling their operation; the material flow, information flow and control systems. Topics include demand forecasting, inventory management, supply chain management, capacity planning, and lot size planning. Emphasis will be placed on the modelling aspects of operations management, as well as the application of analytical methods in the design of production/service systems. Students will be asked to address open-ended design problems in various activities of the course. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
MIE469H1 | Reliability and Maintainability Engineering | An introduction to the life-cycle costing concept for equipment acquisition, operation, and replacement decision-making. Designing for reliability and determination of optimal maintenance and replacement policies for both capital equipment and components. Topics include: identification of an items failure distribution and reliability function, reliability of series, parallel, and redundant systems design configurations, time-to-repair and maintainability function, age and block replacement policies for components, the economic life model for capital equipment, provisioning of spare parts. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG9 |
MIE490Y1 | Capstone Design | An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby student teams meet specific client needs through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include: • The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design, • The demonstration of engineering judgment in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors, • Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, and • A demonstration of proof of the design concept. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG4 |
MIE491Y1 | Capstone Design | An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby students teams meet specific client needs or the requirements of a recognized design competition through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include:The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design,The demonstration of engineering judgement in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors,Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, andA demonstration of proof of the design concept. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG4 |
MIE507H1 | HVAC Fundamentals | Introduction to the fundamentals of HVAC system operation and the relationship between these systems, building occupants and the building envelope. Fundamentals of psychrometrics, heat transfer and refrigeration; determination of heating and cooling loads driven by occupant requirements and the building envelope; heating and cooling equipment types and HVAC system configurations; controls and maintenance issues that influence performance; evaluation of various HVAC systems with respect to energy and indoor environmental quality performance. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG7 |
MIE509H1 | AI for Social Good | The issue of design and development of AI systems that have beneficial social impact will be discussed and analyzed. The focus will not be on the mechanics of AI algorithms, but rather on the implementation of AI methods to address societal problems. Topics to be covered will include: Safeguarding of human interests (e.g., fairness, privacy) when AI methods are used; partnering of humans and AI systems to implement AI effectively; evaluation of AI assisted interventions; practical considerations in the selection of AI methods to be used in addressing societal problems. The issues that arise in implementing AI for beneficial social impact will be illustrated in a set of case studies aimed at creating beneficial social impact. Class activities will include lectures, seminars, labs, and take-home assignments. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
MIE515H1 | Alternative Energy Systems | This course covers the basic principles, current technologies and applications of selected alternative energy systems. Specific topics include solar thermal systems, solar photovoltaic systems, wind, wave, and tidal energy, energy storage, and grid connections issues. Limited enrolment. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7 |
MIE516H1 | Combustion and Fuels | Introduction to combustion theory. Chemical equilibrium and the products of combustion. Combustion kinetics and types of combustion. Pollutant formation. Design of combustion systems for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. The use of alternative fuels (hydrogen, biofuels, etc.) and their effect on combustion systems. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
MIE523H1 | ENG. PSYCHOLOGY & HUMAN PERFOR | An examination of the relation between behavioural science and the design of human-machine systems, with special attention to advanced control room design. Human limitations on perception, attention, memory and decision making, and the design of displays and intelligent machines to supplement them. The human operator in process control and the supervisory control of automated and robotic systems. Laboratory exercises to introduce techniques of evaluating human performance. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG8 |
MIE535H1 | Electrification Via Electricity Markets | Challenges of meeting net-zero, fundamentals of markets, structures and participants, spot markets, economic dispatch, day-ahead markets, optimal unit commitment, forward markets, settlement process, storage and demand management, renewable and distributed energy resources, trading over transmission networks, nodal pricing, reliability resources, generation and transmission capacity investment models, capacity markets. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7, SDG9 |
MIE561H1 | Healthcare Systems | MIE 561 is a "cap-stone" course. Its purpose is to give students an opportunity to integrate the Industrial Engineering tools learned in previous courses by applying them to real world problems. While the specific focus of the case studies used to illustrate the application of Industrial Engineering will be the Canadian health care system, the approach to problem solving adopted in this course will be applicable to any setting. This course will provide a framework for identifying and resolving problems in a complex, unstructured decision-making environment. It will give students the opportunity to apply a problem identification framework through real world case studies. The case studies will involve people from the health care industry bringing current practical problems to the class. Students work in small groups preparing a feasibility study discussing potential approaches. Although the course is directed at Industrial Engineering fourth year and graduate students, it does not assume specific previous knowledge, and the course is open to students in other disciplines. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG3 |
MIJ485H1 | Vaccines and Immunity | Analysis of the strategies used by pathogenic microbes to evade specific and innate immune responses, and the strategies used to combat infectious disease using vaccines, with an emphasis on molecular and immunological aspects. Special topics include: molecular basis of pathogenicity and immune-evasion strategies; vaccination strategies; challenges to vaccine implementation (given jointly by the Departments of Molecular Genetics and Immunology). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
MIN466H1 | Mineral Project Design I | Mineral Project Design is a two-part capstone course that draws on all course materials developed in the first three years of the Mineral Engineering Curriculum. The course will culminate in the design of a mining or civil rock engineering project. In the first half of the course (F) students perform individual detailed case history analyses. Additional instruction in technical aspects of communication is provided during both semesters (preparing and writing technical reports, industry research and analysis, presentation skills, as well as other technical elements as required). These skills will form a foundation for students to use in industry. Critical non-technical aspects of rock engineering projects will also be examined, and guest speakers will present on specialized topics such as: cultural and social effects of rock engineering projects on communities and the environment; economic planning and impact; ethical considerations; aboriginal land claims, etc.. The social license to operate will be emphasized. Students will receive a final grade at the end of each term course, but both courses must be taken in sequence. (MIN 467H1 S cannot be taken without successful completion of MIN 466H1 F) | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
MIN467H1 | Mineral Project Design II | Mineral Project Design is a two-part capstone course that draws on all course materials developed in the first three years of the Mineral Engineering Curriculum. Part II (S) focuses on the design of a mining or civil rock engineering project. Students will be grouped into teams and provided with one or more data sets and a design problem to solve. The end product is a major engineering design report and oral presentation (including several interim reports and presentations). Technical aspects will serve to examine a "cradle to grave" view of a project, from initial planning through to final closure and site remediation. The course will include an intensive two-day Professional Supervisors Short Course. Topics include: Discovering a commonality among supervisors and their key role in maintaining standards. The importance of sharing information and expectations about costs, production goals and business objectives are explored in the context of motivation. The necessity of successful communication skills and techniques are discussed and demonstrated to achieve behaviours on the job, producing consistent results. A reliable methodology for handling difficult situations is provided. The fundamental rationale for safety and loss control is presented as well as a relevant perspective on management structure. A workable code of conduct that is a guide to professional behaviour is developed. Students will receive a final grade at the end of each term course, but both courses must be taken in sequence (MIN 467H1 S cannot be taken without successful completion of MIN 466H1 F) | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
MSE355H1 | Materials Production | Materials life cycle, primary and secondary resources, resource life and sustainability. Technologies and unit operations used in the production of light metals, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Energy use and conservation in production of materials. Benefits and technologies of recycling. Treatment of waste streams for value recovery and safe disposal | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
MSE458H1 | Nanotech in Alt Energy Systems | The unique surface properties and the ability to surface engineer nanocrystalline structures renders these materials to be ideal candidates for use in corrosion, catalysis and energy conversion devices. This course deals with the fabrication of materials suitable for use as protective coatings, and their specific exploitation in fields of hydrogen technologies (electrolysis, storage, and fuel cells) linked to renewables. These new devices are poised to have major impacts on power generation utilities, the automotive sector, and society at large. The differences in observed electrochemical behavior between amorphous, nanocrystalline and polycrystalline solid materials will be discussed in terms of their surface structure and surface chemistry. A major team design project along with demonstrative laboratory exercises constitutes a major portion of this course. Limited Enrolment. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 |
MSE498Y1 | Design of Materials Processes | The students, working in small groups complete a project involving design of a materials processing plant, leading to a design report delivered at the conclusion of the course. The topics covered in the lectures and design process include basic materials processing flowsheet for primary processing and recycling of materials, materials and energy balance of individual units and of overall process flowsheets, use of computer software for flowsheet evaluation, translating process flowsheets to resource and utility requirements, energy analysis, capital/operating cost, basics of equipment sizing, operation scheduling, safety and HAZOP, plant layout, and design for sustainability. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG7, SDG9 |
MST234H1 | Women's Lives in Mediaeval Europe | Using an interdisciplinary lens, this course explores the experiences of Mediaeval women. Some attention will be given to subjects such as the idea of the Mediaeval feminine, holiness and femininity, and appropriate feminine behaviour. At the same time, we will look at the social and cultural roles of women in society for instance the gendered ideals of marriage, guild structures, and childrearing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
MUN100H1 | Global Innovation | Innovation has always been a key driver of economic growth, population health, and societal success. Transformative change has historically been linked to major innovations such as urban sanitation, pasteurization, the printing press and the industrial revolution. Currently, the opportunity to enhance life chances worldwide relies on innovating for the poor, social innovation, and the ability to harness scientific and technological knowledge. What precisely is innovation? When does innovation happen? Who benefits from innovation? How can innovation be fostered, and how do innovations spread? Relying on major global transformations and country-specific case studies (for example, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel and India), this course examines the drivers of innovation, the political, social, economic, and scientific and technological factors that are critical to promoting innovation and addressing current global challenges, and the consequences of innovation. Restricted to first-year students admitted to Munk One. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9, SDG10, SDG17, SDG3 |
MUN195H1 | The Economics of Birth, Death and Everything in Between | Does welfare really encourage people to have more kids? How do contraception bans affect women's work? Do new immigrants create competition that makes wages drop? Economic demography and applying economic analysis to the study of populations can help us understand all these questions and more. Among other topics, this class will examine how pension systems, health care, immigration policy and economic growth, marriage and divorce laws and women's labor force participation relate to public policy. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG3, SDG5, SDG8 |
MUN196H1 | Somebody's Watching Me: The Global Politics of Surveillance | From security cameras and cell phones, to drones and social media, our data are collected in countless ways. But who controls our data? Do we have a right to privacy? Does mass surveillance make us safer? This course invites students to explore the global politics of mass surveillance, and the role played by states, big tech, police, activists, and ordinary people. Through in-class discussion and analytical writing assignments, students will engage with surveillance studies through many dimensions, including public policy, human rights, international relations, economics, technological development, and race, class, and gender. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
MUN198H1 | Digital Technologies and Human Rights | What are digital technologies, exactly? How do we govern them? Do they threaten or protect human rights? In this course, we’ll look at the Internet, advanced computing, ‘Big Data’ analytics, and artificial intelligence – the technologies which form the basis of everything from facial recognition software to home appliances to social media. We’ll consider how to govern and use these technologies, and the consequences of those choices for global human rights. Evaluation is based on essays, a presentation, and class participation. There is no exam. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG9 |
MUN200H1 | Understanding Global Controversies | This course provides students from different programs with a forum to discuss and engage with major global issues within the framework of thematic and regional studies and with comparative and multidisciplinary perspectives. Because this course will be team-taught by Munk faculty from the Humanities and Social Sciences, it will provide students with an introduction to interdisciplinary studies. The course envisions examining several topics which will be based on current global controversies including climate change, sustainability, inequality, democracy, migration and conflict. This course is restricted to second-year students who have either completed MUN105Y1 or enrolled in one of the following programs: American Studies Major; American Studies Minor; Contemporary Asian Studies Major; Contemporary Asian Studies Minor; European Affairs Major (formerly European Studies Major); European Affairs Minor (formerly European Union Studies Minor); Peace, Conflict and Justice Major; Peace, Conflict and Justice Specialist; Major in Public Policy; South Asian Studies Minor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16 |
NEW101H1 | The Everyday Politics of Food | How often do we reflect on the environmental, social and economic impact of our everyday food choices? This course offers an introduction to the key concepts, terms and theories that underlie our current food system. The course links the food we eat to global forces and considers how these forces affect food distribution, access and consumption. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG2 |
NEW102H1 | Exploring Multilingual Toronto | How does language connect and divide people, places and communities? This course considers how interactions between people in Toronto are shaped by language as well as history, economy, architecture and urban landscapes. Students engage with the city both in and out of class to think about a range of questions linked to gender and sexuality, indigeneity, migration, race, ethnicity, and public/private space. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5 |
NEW103H1 | Digital Technology and Society | While the internet and other forms of digital technology have created new forms of social relationships and widened access to information, they have also raised concerns. This course explores issues such as surveillance, addiction and bullying as well as the potential of digital technologies (e.g. smart cities, Big Data, and the internet of things). The course engages students' own experience of digital technology. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
NEW106H1 | Science, Health and Social Justice | How can scientific knowledge and research be mobilized to impact individual and global health? How is health impacted by social, racial and economic inequalities? This course explores scientific research and practice with special attention to the translation of scientific knowledge in the public sphere, and its ability to inform policies, practices and laws. Students have the opportunity to meet with clinician-scientists, policy-makers, and other professionals connected to the health care system. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
NEW111H1 | Food, Ethics and Sustainability | How do we produce and ensure access to nutritious and environmentally sustainable food for all? This course explores what is involved in achieving ethical food production and food security, examining topics such as: the paradox of food waste amidst scarcity, the relationship between food production and climate change, community-led alternatives to dominant food systems, and the role of biotechnology. Research projects allow students to focus on an issue of particular interest. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG2 |
NEW116H1 | Science and Global Threats | What is the role of science in addressing current global threats? What are the possibilities and the limitations of scientific research and knowledge in tackling complex problems such as climate change, pandemics and pollution? In this course, students explore these questions by examining case studies, meeting with specialists in various scientific fields, and engaging in research on a topic of their own choice. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3 |
NEW495Y1 | Community Engaged Learning: Critical and Creative Perspectives on the Non-Profit Sector | A placement-based course in which students develop knowledge, practice and professional skills appropriate to the social purpose sector while working to support programming for community partners. The accompanying seminar considers critical social justice issues and creative models of community-engagement practice from grassroots, community and non-profit organizations and other perspectives that support students’ experiential, participatory and reflective learning. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Enrolment is by application. Detailed application instructions are available on the CEL website. There are 3 enrolment application options:
| Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
NFS284H1 | Basic Human Nutrition | An introductory course to provide the fundamentals of human nutrition to enable students to understand and think critically about the complex interrelationships between food, nutrition, health and the environment. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG2 |
NFS301H1 | Nutrition Literacy: Sorting Science from Snake Oil | This course will help students learn how to recognize the strengths and limitations of various nutrition research methods, find reliable nutrition information on the Internet and develop systematic thinking skills to critically evaluate the quality of nutrition information in both the scientific literature and popular media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2, SDG9 |
NFS302H1 | Nutrition, Athletics, Performance and Behaviour | This course will give an overview of the emerging and advancing role of chronic diet and supplements in athletics, performance and behavior. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS386H1 | Food Chemistry | Structure, composition and chemical and biochemical reactions in foods during postharvest/postmortem, processing, storage and utilization. Implications for organoleptic properties, nutritional value, toxicity and human health. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS394Y1 | Research Course in Nutritional Science | Research experience under the supervision of a Departmental staff member. The course entails designing and carrying out a small research project and the preparation and presentation of both a research proposal and a final report. Note that the research project NFS394Y1 requires the prior consent of a staff member who will supervise the project and departmental approval before enrolment. The student is responsible for locating a supervisor. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS400H1 | Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Human Nutrition | This course will demonstrate the rationale, including health benefits, development and marketing of functional foods and nutraceuticals. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS484H1 | Advanced Nutrition | Physiological and biochemical features of nutrient needs. The roles of nutrients in the development and adaptability of the whole body, organs and cells. Interpretation of current research data. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS487H1 | Nutrigenomics and Personalized Nutrition | The impact of the human genome on nutrition research. Experimental approaches to investigating gene-diet interactions. Understanding how genetic variability affects nutrient response, and how dietary factors regulate gene expression. Application of the various ‘omics’ technologies to nutrition research as well as exploring the social, legal and ethical issues associated with direct-to-consumer marketing of genetic tests for personalized nutrition. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG2 |
NFS488H1 | Nutritional Toxicology | Occurrence, mechanism of action, safety and health implications of chemicals naturally present in or added to foods. Interactions of nutrients and toxicants and the effects on their metabolism and utilization. Food safety evaluation and regulatory control. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS489H1 | Nutritional Neurosciences | This course provides an integrated approach to how brain function regulates and in turn is regulated by nutrition from a biochemical perspective. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NFS490H1 | International and Community Nutrition | This course focuses on current issues in international and community nutrition including global and domestic food security, micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of undernutrition, maternal and infant/child nutrition, dietary guidance, and food and nutrition policy. The course will consider the environmental, sociopolitical, cultural and biosocial contexts of nutrition. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG2 |
NFS494Y1 | Research Projects in Nutritional Sciences | Research experience under the supervision of a Departmental staff member. The course entails designing and carrying out a small research project and the preparation and presentation of both a research proposal and a final report. Note that the research project NFS494Y1 requires the prior consent of a staff member who will supervise the project and departmental approval before enrolment. The student is responsible for locating a supervisor. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG2 |
NMC103H1 | The Islamic World | A broad introduction to Islam, including the history, culture, and religion of the people and places that came to be influenced by Islam and that constitute a world civilization. What makes something (an empire or state, or a work of art or music) Islamic? When and how did that which we think of today as Islamic come about? How has “the Islamic†changed over time? With these questions in mind, this course introduces students to major figures, events, themes, institutions, and intellectual currents in Islamic history, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the modern period. Key topics to be covered include the rise and spread of Islam, the Qur’an and the role of Arabic, political thought, law and society, and literary and artistic expressions. Attention is paid to the geographical and ethno-linguistic scope of the Muslim world, demonstrating the diversity of peoples and traditions that make up Islamic civilizations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
NMC284H1 | Judaism and Feminism: Legal Issues from Menstruation to Ordination | Agitation for change exists in religious practice worldwide in areas of access, status, inclusion, and egalitarianism. Traditional religion is often in conflict with egalitarian modernity. This sometimes results in difficulties with religious identification. This course will explore the interaction between feminism and Judaism. We will examine how Jewish law (halakhah) sometimes conflicts with ideas of egalitarianism particularly in legal disabilities for women such as divorce, lack of access to high-level Torah study, and discrimination in public religious roles. The traditional exemption of women from the obligation of Torah study had great impact on women’s religious responsibility and status. Various movements within Judaism competed in efforts to resolve these difficulties. In this course we will consider to what extent inclusion and egalitarianism have become complementary to traditional Judaism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
NMC358H1 | Gender and Sexuality in Modern Middle Eastern Cultures | This course examines questions of gender and sexuality in the broader Middle East (Iran, Turkey, and the Arab world) from the colonial period (19th to early 20th centuries) to the present through readings of religious, cultural, historical, visual, and literary texts. We will begin the course by thinking critically about colonial and Orientalist legacies that continue to structure contemporary debates on representations of women, gender, and sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa. Students will read and analyze a range of primary historical texts written by Middle Eastern women reflecting the ways in which women of different backgrounds (religious, class, urban/rural) and generations have conceptualized and inhabited their gendered and sexual identities. Topics students will explore include the development of modern secular and religious feminist thought; cultural representations of gender, sexuality, and queerness; fictional texts that represent non-normative expressions of gender and sexuality; and critical approaches to theorizing gender and sexuality in the Middle East. All readings are in English translation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
NMEB06H3 | Project Development and Presentation | This course enables the participant to understand the new media production process. Learners will develop the skills to conduct benchmarking, scoping and testing exercises that lead to meaningful project planning documents. Learners will develop and manage production schedules for their group projects that support the development efforts using the project planning documents. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
NMEB09H3 | Sound Design | This course introduces students to the scope of sound design - creative audio for new media applications. Students will work with audio applications software to sample, create and compress files, and in the planning and post-production of new media. Students will also learn to use audio in interactive ways such as soundscapes. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
NMEC01H3 | Theory and Practice of New Media | This seminar examines the ideological, political, structural, and representational assumptions underlying new media production and consumption from both theoretical and practice-based perspectives. Students critically reflect on and analyze digital media applications and artefacts in contemporary life, including business, information, communication, entertainment, and creative practices. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
NMED10Y3 | New Media Senior Project | Students develop a new media project that furthers their research into theoretical issues around digital media practices and artefacts. Projects may focus on digital media ranging from the internet to gaming, to social networking and the Web, to CD-ROMS, DVDs, mobile apps, and Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12 |
NROC61H3 | Learning and Motivation | This course will explore the neural and neurochemical bases of learning and motivation. Topics covered under the category of learning include: Pavlovian learning, instrumental learning, multiple memory systems, and topics covered under motivation include: regulation of eating, drinking, reward, stress and sleep. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
ODP100H1 | Outdoor Project I | The student will be introduced to the many forms of outdoor recreation. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring the skills for various watercraft. In addition, activities related to cooperation and leadership will be experienced. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG6 |
ODP301H1 | White Water Canoeing | The experience provided in this project is focused upon white water canoeing skills and leadership. Participants are guided through manageable steps from calm waters to rapids, with careful attention to accident prevention and emergency management. Fulfils third year requirement. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG6 |
ODP302H1 | Fundamentals of Winter Camping | Through this optional project, the student will develop an appreciation of the winter environment through such pursuits as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc. Special consideration will be given to heat and water loss, proper clothing, construction of winter shelters, survival methods, and improvisation of equipment. The winter experience will be three days in length, and will include an expedition and overnight stay at a carefully planned site. Fulfils third year requirement. | Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of | SDG6 |
PCJ260H1 | Introduction to Peace, Conflict and Justice I | This course introduces students to reading, interpreting, and communicating data relevant to issues in peace, conflict and justice. Students will develop concrete skills such as understanding data sources in conflict and justice, exploring applications of data, and methods of data collection. They will reflect on how social constructs can be operationalized into variables that can be employed for qualitative and quantitative analysis in research and policy, and learn how to use visualizations and descriptive statistics to support arguments and research. Through this course, students will develop a set of essential skills to work on real-world questions related to issues in peace, conflict and justice, while engaging with existing data and their applied research findings to understand their policy relevance. Students must be enrolled in either the PCJ Major or PCJ Specialist program to take this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ261H1 | Introduction to Peace, Conflict and Justice II | The course reviews theories exploring the causes of conflict, the possibilities for the pursuit of peace, and the role of justice in both. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines and perspectives, it offers an introduction to diverse approaches to conflict resolution and peace-building. Case studies and examples are used to help students apply the conceptual tools they acquire to prominent world conflicts. Students must be enrolled in either the PCJ Major or PCJ Specialist program to take this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ360H1 | Topics in Peace, Conflict and Justice | This course explores selected issues in the field of Peace, Conflict ands Justice. Topics may vary from year to year. Through a suite of recent readings, students will strive to critically examine implications and challenges of, and solutions to the issues being studied. Please visit the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice website for current offering information. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ444H1 | Special Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies | Topics vary annually. The objective of the course is to explore emerging issues in Peace and Conflict Studies. The focus of the course will be on a specific topic, rather than a broad survey of the field. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ460H1 | Advanced Topics in Peace, Conflict and Justice | This course explores selected issues in the field of Peace, Conflict and Justice. Topics may vary from year to year. Through a suite of recent readings, students will strive to critically examine implications and challenges of, and solutions to the issues being studied. Please visit the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice website for current offering information. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ461H1 | Research Methods in Peace, Conflict and Justice | This course guides each student through their own individual research project, embedded in an interactive group learning process, in order to offer an applied introduction to research methods for peace, conflict and justice studies. Students work through the full research process, including: identifying a research question, learning how to conduct effective literature reviews, developing a rigorous research design, and applying quantitative and qualitative methods to answering questions. Rather than conducting research independently or studying research methods in isolation, the course combines the two: students learn collectively about the different steps in the research process while simultaneously applying those steps to their own research project. This is then complemented by presenting that research and discussing different research projects in class, so as to receive continuous feedback and be exposed to a variety of research methods and approaches. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCJ499H1 | Peace and Conflict Studies Independent Study Course | This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore topics not covered in the curriculum, or to develop a more detailed focus on topics covered. Approval of the program director is required. The student must obtain written agreement of the instructor who will supervise the independent study, submit the proposal to and obtain approval from the director and program administrator, who will then add the student to the course. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Applications are due two weeks before course enrolment deadlines. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PCL201H1 | Introduction to Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetic Principles | A general introduction to the principles of pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. Topics include chemical (drug) absorption, distribution, biotransformation, elimination; the calculation of dosages and pharmacokinetic parameters, variability in drug response, adverse drug reactions and special interest topics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL218H1 | Cannabis the Drug | There is a critical need for a breadth of understanding regarding its mechanism of action, pharmacological effects and its potential benefits and harms (short- and long-term). Students will gain a breadth of understanding in cannabis-related topics including pharmacology and toxicology, its role in mental health and addictions, medical use, drug policy and new drug development that stems from increased access to cannabis constituents. They will learn to differentiate myths and anecdotes from evidence-based knowledge. Going forward it is imperative that students spanning basic sciences through business, arts and engineering have a comprehensive understanding of these topics. PCL218H1 will give students for a variety of academic backgrounds a basic understanding of the health implications of cannabis which have broad implications for both our professional and personal lives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL297H1 | Research Experience in Pharmacology & Toxicology | A formal opportunity to gain hands-on experience and develop their skills within a research laboratory setting. Students will have a chance to become familiar and efficient at good lab practices, develop critical thinking and evaluation skills while applying their knowledge and developing trouble shooting skills to practical research questions. Students are required to participate in active research for the equivalent of a minimum of 60 hours of laboratory time. This course is Pass/Fail. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. NOTE: students are required to secure their own supervisor for the course. Permission of Faculty Supervisor and Department required. Additional student information resources and enrollment form for the course can be found on the Pharmacology & Toxicology website here: | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL362H1 | Introductory Toxicology | Toxicological problems encountered in animals and humans; biochemical mechanisms and clinical factors of toxicological significance; models of drug-related diseases. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL367H1 | Drug Development Pipeline I: In vitro | This course will provide a learning experience that simulates the process, techniques, analysis and evaluation methods used for early-stage in vitro drug development. Modules will build on the student’s fundamental knowledge and will simulate and illustrate the thought processes and techniques that are used during new drug development in academic research institutes, clinical research organizations and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies worldwide. Modules include target screening, cytotoxicity assays, transcriptional activation testing and metabolizing enzyme identification experiments. This experience will allow students to leverage their learned knowledge to improve their employability in this area, while honing their critical thinking and analytical skills. (Lab Materials Fee: $25) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL368H1 | Drug Development Pipeline II: In vivo | This course will provide a learning experience that parallels and simulates the process, protocols, methods and evaluation tools used for later-stage in vivo drug development. Modules will build on the student’s fundamental knowledge and simulate the thought processes and techniques used during drug development in research institutes, clinical research organizations and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies worldwide. Modules will include pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses and pharmacogenetic screening approaches in model systems and humans. This experience will allow students to leverage their learned skills and knowledge to improve their comprehension and employability in this area, while honing critical thinking and analytical skills. (Lab Materials Fee: $25) | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL386H1 | Pharmacology of Cancer Signaling | This course will expand on both classical and cutting edge pharmacological strategies proposed to mitigate the consequences of altered signal transduction in cancer. Students will have the opportunity to develop knowledge on these molecular events and how they can be targeted to improve clinical outcomes. Students will integrate lecture material with assigned readings and assignments. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL389H1 | Understanding the Role of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Society | This service learning course explores issues surrounding the effects that pharmaceuticals and chemicals have in society. Specifically, it integrates pharmacology and toxicology with social, health and political issues as they relate to drug abuse and addiction. Students are required to interact and work with community partners during the semester (approx. 20hrs). Classroom discussions will integrate community experiences with lecture material. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL402H1 | Pharmacology and Toxicology in Drug Development | This course provides the basic principles of drug development, with a primary focus on the application of fundamental principles of pharmacology and toxicology to the design of preclinical assays and early phase clinical trials. Students in the course will have the opportunity to engage in experiential learning in drug development projects for rare diseases. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL472Y1 | Project in Pharmacology | This course affords students an opportunity for hands-on research experience in a laboratory or applied pharmacology setting. Students will work under the supervision of a faculty member and will submit a final written report and oral presentation. Enrollment is limited to students in ASSPE2340/ASSPE2082 programs and requires permission from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a placement with an approved supervisor before the course begins (a list of potential supervisors will be provided by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology). Students will be registered in the course once their ballot form (obtained from the Department) is signed by an approved supervisor and approved by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Eligible students will be contacted by the Department during the Winter term, occurring prior to their final year of study (i.e. 3rd year of study for most), with details and instructions to apply. Students are expected to spend approximately 200 hours towards this project but this will be project/supervisor dependent. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL474Y1 | Project in Toxicology | This course affords students an opportunity for hands-on research experience in a laboratory or applied toxicology setting. Students will work under the supervision of a staff member and will submit a final written report and oral presentation. Enrollment is limited to students in ASSPE2340/ASSPE2573/ASSPE0605 programs and requires permission from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a placement with an approved supervisor before the course begins (a list of potential supervisors will be provided by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology). Students will be registered in the course once their ballot form (obtained from the Department) is signed by an approved supervisor and approved by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Eligible students will be contacted by the Department during the Winter term, occurring prior to their final year of study (i.e. 3rd year of study for most), with details and instructions to apply. Students are expected to spend approximately 200 hours towards this project but this will be project/supervisor dependent. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL477H1 | The DNA Damage Response in Pharmacology and Toxicology | Many anticancer drugs and environmental agents exert their cytotoxic effects through DNA damage. This course explores specific pharmacological and toxicological agents that damage DNA and discusses how mammalian cells respond to this DNA damage. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL482H1 | Biomedical Toxicology | This course explores several contemporary topics in biomedical toxicology with emphasis on how chemicals affect human health. Lectures cover principles of toxicology, the mechanisms of toxicity of a wide variety of toxic agents and the associated toxicities, methodologies used to examine chemical toxicities, risk assessment, and the applications of toxicology. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PCL483H1 | Interdisciplinary Toxicology | This course explores several contemporary topics in biomedical and environmental toxicology with emphasis on how chemicals affect human health. Lectures cover principles of toxicology, the mechanisms of toxicity of a wide variety of toxic agents and the associated toxicities, methodologies used to examine chemical toxicities, risk assessment, and the applications of toxicology. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PDC220H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Maximizing Your Experience | This course is a mandatory component of the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) for students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program for Year 2, and students admitted for Year 2 must successfully complete this course and receive a passing grade to gain access to the ASIP job board. The course will provide an opportunity for students to prepare for and maximize their learning and personal development through ASIP. Topics may include: self-assessment – skills, values, interests; building a career and co-op plan; skills articulation – how to identify, articulate and apply skills gained through courses and other life experiences; personal marketing documents; guided self-reflection on barriers to employment; resources and toolkits to support access for all; and co-op student panels. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. Students who enrolled in the ASIP stream of their program in Year 3 should enrol in PDC230H1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
PDC221H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Essential Skills for ASIP Success | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG3, SDG8 | |
PDC230H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Maximizing Your Experience | This course is a mandatory component of the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) for students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program for Year 3, and students admitted for Year 3 must successfully complete this course and receive a passing grade to gain access to the ASIP job board. The course will provide an opportunity for students to prepare for and maximize their learning and personal development through ASIP. Topics may include: self-assessment – skills, values, interests; building a career and co-op plan; skills articulation – how to identify, articulate and apply skills gained through courses and other life experiences; personal marketing documents; guided self-reflection on barriers to employment; resources and toolkits to support access for all; and co-op student panels. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. Students who enrolled in the ASIP stream of their program in Year 2 should enrol in PDC220H1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
PDC231H1 | Arts & Science Internship Program - Essential Skills for ASIP Success | This course is a mandatory component of the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) for students admitted to the ASIP stream of their program for Year 3, and students admitted for Year 3 must successfully complete this course and receive a passing grade before starting their first work term. The course will help students prepare for their first work term and optimize their chances of success in the first recruitment cycle. Topics may include: ASIP guidelines and requirements, resume and cover letter tailoring, professionalism essentials, job search essentials, interview preparation, workplace rights, health and wellbeing while in ASIP, and accessibility and EDI considerations. This course does not carry credit weight and is evaluated as Credit/No Credit. No tuition fee is associated, however an ancillary fee will be assessed. Refer to the ASIP Fees & Financial Aid website for further details. Students who enrolled in the ASIP stream of their program in Year 2 should enrol in PDC221H1. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHC470H1 | Global Pharmaceutical Policy | This course is designed for students who are interested in the critical analysis of global health policy and the interrelationship between global and domestic policy issues. The course will introduce students generally to the basic concepts and issues in global health with a particular focus on pharmaceutical policy. We will address key issues in health and discuss core institutional and transnational actors, how governments in different jurisdictions manage public health responsibilities, the tension between economic imperatives and health objectives, global obligations, and pressure from special interest groups. More narrowly, we will analyze a breadth of complex policies questions. Examples include: the research and development global divide, policial issues influences on pharmaceutical policy, how global commitments, such as membership in the World Trade Organization, conflict with or correspond to domestic policy directions and national sovereignty. Guest speakers will lead some sessions. This course will consist of lectures, guest discussions, case studies and student-led presentations. This is restricted to students in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry specialist program. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
PHL199H1 | Ethics and Fiction | The goal of this seminar is to investigate selected ethical questions via works of fiction, considering how, and with what effect, fiction functions as an ethical medium. We will reflect on what fiction can teach us about pressing challenges of the human condition; themes to be discussed will vary from year to year, but may include choice and responsibility, freedom, friendship, empathy, integrity, and our relation to the divine and to death. Genres studied may range over novels, short stories, plays, and narrative poetry. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
PHL243H1 | Philosophy of Human Sexuality | Philosophical issues about sex and sexual identity in the light of biological, psychological and ethical theories of sex and gender; the concept of gender; male and female sex roles; perverse sex; sexual liberation; love and sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PHL244H5 | Human Nature | Theories of human nature, e.g., psychoanalysis, behaviourism, sociobiology. Current issues, e.g., egoism and altruism, instincts, I.Q., rationality, sanity and mental illness. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
PHL265H1 | Introduction to Political Philosophy | An introduction to central issues in political philosophy, e.g., political and social justice, liberty and the criteria of good government. The writings of contemporary political philosophers, as well as major figures in the history of philosophy, may be considered. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHL269H1 | Philosophy of Race | What is the meaning of race? How does it affect political philosophy? Is there an ethics of race? These are some of the questions that will be covered in this course on the critical philosophy of race. Students will be introduced to problems concerning the metaphysics of race, race and political injustice, ethics and recognition, race and aesthetic critique, and others. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHL271H1 | Law and Morality | Justifications for the legal enforcement of morality; particular ethical issues arising out of the intersection of law and morality, such as punishment, freedom of expression and censorship, autonomy and paternalism, constitutional protection of human rights. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHL273H1 | Environmental Ethics | A study of environmental issues raising questions of concern to moral and political philosophers, such as property rights, responsibility for future generations, and the interaction of human beings with the rest of nature. Typical issues: sustainable development, alternative energy, the preservation of wilderness areas, animal rights. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7, SDG8 |
PHL274H5 | Ethics and Society | The course explores ethical problems posed by social issues such as inequality, poverty, war, corporate responsibility, the treatment of animals, and social media, against the background of major ethical and political theories. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG14, SDG15 |
PHL281H1 | Bioethics | An introduction to the study of moral and legal problems in medical practice and in biomedical research; the development of health policy. Topics include: concepts of health and disease, patient rights, informed consent, allocation of scarce resources, euthanasia, abortion, genetic and reproductive technologies, human research, and mental health. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHL295H1 | Business Ethics | Philosophical issues in ethics, social theory, and theories of human nature insofar as they bear on contemporary conduct of business. Issues include: Does business have moral responsibilities? Can social costs and benefits be calculated? Does modern business life determine human nature or the other way around? Do political ideas and institutions such as democracy have a role within business? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHL329H1 | Topics in 20th Century Continental Philosophy | Selected topics and themes in continental philosophy of the 20th century, drawing on such approaches as hermeneutics, phenomenology, critical theory, structuralism, deconstruction, feminism, psychoanalysis, and post-colonial theory. Authors and texts will vary, but may include such authors as: Adorno, Arendt, Benjamin, Bloch, Deleuze, Derrida, Fanon, Foucault, Freud, Gadamer, Habermas, Heidegger, Irigaray, Kristeva, Lacan, Levi-Strauss, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PHL342H1 | Minds and Machines | An investigation of philosophical questions raised by contemporary cognitive science and artificial intelligence (AI). Possible topics to be addressed: whether machines could think and be conscious; the computational theory of mind; embodied cognition and the extended mind hypothesis; the “singularityâ€; and moral and political implications of machine learning research. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG9 |
PHL367H1 | Philosophy of Feminism | Selected issues and topics in the philosophy of feminism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PHL367H5 | Issues in Philosophy and Feminism | This course will examine selected philosophical topics in feminism, such as multiculturalism and women's rights, feminist epistemologies, ethics of care, the intersection between sexism and other forms of oppression, pornography. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
PHL370H1 | Issues in Philosophy of Law | Major issues in philosophy of law, such as legal positivism and its critics, law and liberalism, feminist critiques of law, punishment and responsibility. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PHL373H1 | Issues in Environmental Ethics | An intermediate-level examination of key issues in environmental philosophy, such as the ethics of animal welfare, duties to future generations, deep ecology, ecofeminism, sustainable development and international justice. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG5, SDG8 |
PHL382H1 | Ethics: Death and Dying | An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems, including the philosophical significance of death, the high-tech prolongation of life, definition and determination of death, suicide, active and passive euthanasia, the withholding of treatment, palliative care and the control of pain, living wills; recent judicial decisions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHL383H1 | Ethics and Mental Health | An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems, including the concepts of mental health and illness, mental competence, dangerousness and psychiatric confidentiality, mental institutionalization, involuntary treatment and behaviour control, controversial therapies; legal issues: the Mental Health Act, involuntary commitment, the insanity defence. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
PHL384H1 | Ethics, Genetics and Reproduction | An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems, including the ontological and moral status of the human embryo and fetus; human newborn, carrier and prenatal genetic screening for genetic defect, genetic therapy; the reproductive technologies (e.g., artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization); recent legislative proposals and judicial decisions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16 |
PHL440H1 | Clinical Bioethics | Advanced study of topics in bioethics, taught in conjunction with clinical bioethicists associated with the health care organization partners of the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHL489Y5 | Socrates Project | The Socrates Project (PHL489Y) is a full-year course with 3 components. First, you will serve as a TA for a section of PHL103H/PHL113H during the Fall and Winter terms. During the Fall semester, you will attend two 1-hour PHL103H/PHL113H lectures each week, and teach one tutorial of 20-25 students, meeting with them for 1 hour each week. You will grade their papers, hold office hours, and meet with the relevant professor as needed. You will be paid for approximately 100 hours of work each semester, for a total of 200 hours, at the current hourly wage for CUPE Unit 1. The second component of the course is a seminar that meets once per week for 3 hours each time, during the fall term. Most of the seminar will be devoted to more in-depth study of the topics taken up in the PHL103H/PHL113H; but you will also discuss the methods and challenges of teaching philosophy-grading papers, prompting and guiding discussion, and so forth. Third, during the winter term you will write a seminar paper, on a topic of your choosing, under the supervision of a UTM Philosophy faculty member working in the relevant area. You will also present your work orally at an undergraduate research conference held jointly with the Socrates students from the St. George campus. Admittance to the Socrates Project is by application only. Instructions and the application form are available on the web at: | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8 |
PHLB02H3 | Environmental Ethics | This course examines ethical issues raised by our actions and our policies for the environment. Do human beings stand in a moral relationship to the environment? Does the environment have moral value and do non-human animals have moral status? These fundamental questions underlie more specific contemporary issues such as sustainable development, alternative energy, and animal rights. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7, SDG8 |
PHLB05H3 | Social Issues | An examination of contemporary or historical issues that force us to consider and articulate our values and commitments. The course will select issues from a range of possible topics, which may include globalization, medical ethics, war and terrorism, the role of government in a free society, equality and discrimination. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 |
PHLB07H3 | Ethics | What is the difference between right and wrong? What is 'the good life'? What is well-being? What is autonomy? These notions are central in ethical theory, law, bioethics, and in the popular imagination. In this course we will explore these concepts in greater depth, and then consider how our views about them shape our views about ethics. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PHLB11H3 | Philosophy of Law | A discussion of right and rights, justice, legality, and related concepts. Particular topics may include: justifications for the legal enforcement of morality, particular ethical issues arising out of the intersection of law and morality, such as punishment, freedom of expression and censorship, autonomy and paternalism, constitutional protection of human rights. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
PHLB17H3 | Introduction to Political Philosophy | This course will introduce some important concepts of and thinkers in political philosophy from the history of political philosophy to the present. These may include Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, G.W.F. Hegel, John Stuart Mill, or Karl Marx. Topics discussed may include political and social justice, liberty and the criteria of good government. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
PHLB18H3 | Ethics of Artificial Intelligence | This course will provide an accessible understanding of AI systems, such as ChatGPT, focusing on the ethical issues raised by ongoing advances in AI. These issues include the collection and use of big data, the use of AI to manipulate human beliefs and behaviour, its application in the workplace and its impact on the future of employment, as well as the ethical standing of autonomous AI systems. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG9 |
PHLC10H3 | Topics in Bioethics | An intermediate-level study of bioethical issues. This course will address particular issues in bioethics in detail. Topics will vary from year to year, but may include such topics as reproductive ethics, healthcare and global justice, ethics and mental health, the patient-physician relationship, or research on human subjects. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PHLD09H3 | Advanced Seminar in Bioethics | This advanced seminar will delve deeply into an important topic in bioethics. The topics will vary from year to year. Possible topics include: a detailed study of sperm and ovum donation; human medical research in developing nations; informed consent; classification of mental illness. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PHLD78H3 | Advanced Seminar in Political Philosophy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 | |
PHM101H1 | Pharmacotherapy 1: Foundations & General Medicine | This is the first of a series of courses taught over three years of the program which will provide the required knowledge and skills to effectively manage patients’ drug therapy. In addition to covering selected therapeutic topics, the course will integrate relevant pathophysiology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, selected pharmaceutics and principles of evidence-based pharmacotherapy. Principles of drug therapy in geriatrics, pediatrics and other special populations will be addressed. Various learning and teaching methodologies will be used including didactic teaching, small group case discussions, and in-depth discussions of cases in small case study seminar groups. This course will help students prepare for the Medication Therapy Management course and the other Pharmacotherapy courses. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM105H1 | Medication Therapy Management 1 | Medication Therapy Management (MTM) involves a partnership between the patient, pharmacist, and other healthcare providers to promote safe and effective medication use so that desirable patient outcomes are attained. It is founded on the philosophy of Pharmaceutical Care, and may encompass an array of services, whereby the pharmacist employs a systematic patient-centered approach to define and achieve goals related to optimal pharmacotherapy. The MTM series of courses will be delivered longitudinally over three years of the undergraduate program, with MTM 1 being the first of the four-part course series. MTM 1 will allow students to begin to apply knowledge and develop skills needed to undertake MTM, with content drawn from co-requisite and pre-requisite courses. Lecture and laboratory sessions will be designed to facilitate guided, independent, and collaborative learning. A key element of MTM 1 is that students will have the opportunity to undertake the role of a pharmacist in a simulated community practice and will be responsible for various tasks such as conducting patient interviews, assessing the appropriateness of pharmacotherapy, providing medication-related patient education, actively participating in the medication-dispensing process, responding to drug information queries from patients and health care providers, documenting pharmacotherapeutic recommendations, and interpreting the pharmacist’s ethical and legal obligations within provincial and federal regulatory frameworks. This course will introduce and develop fundamental knowledge, skills and attitudes intrinsic to the pharmacy student’s professional identity development; these attributes will be transferable to diverse practice settings, and prepare students for their first year early experiential rotation. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM110H1 | Health Systems | This course introduces pharmacy students to Canada’s health care system, including the structures, functions and the policies that underpin health care services. Students will learn about the roles and responsibilities of the key health care providers in a variety of health care settings. Students will gain insight into how and where pharmacy and medications fit within the larger system of care. Historical context will be used to explain why the health care system exists and critical reflection will be encouraged to explore how and why the system may be evolving, especially with respect to the roles that pharmacists and other professionals play within the system. The course provides an introduction to essential management, communication, leadership, and interprofessional skills that are required by health care professionals. Interprofessional collaboration is a key component to optimal patient care and an efficient health care system. Students will participate in small groups with other health professional students to explore team work, roles and team dynamics. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM113H1 | Pharmacy Informatics | Pharmacy informatics introduces students to two core types of information: 1) patient-specific information created in the care of patients and 2) knowledge-based information, which includes the scientific literature of health care. Informatics also implies the use of technology in managing information and knowledge. Students will develop the introductory knowledge and skills to assume responsibility for identifying, accessing, retrieving, creating and exchanging relevant information to ensure safe and effective patient care throughout the medication use process. This course will utilize an innovative e-Resource and ample opportunity to develop skills in this emerging area. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM114H1 | Social & Behavioural Health | This course is composed of three components: 1) introduction to sociological theories and concepts that impact health and health care; 2) introduction to professionalism and ethics and 3) introduction to the ways in which individual psychology shapes and affects health and health care. Topics such as the social determinants of health and related ethical issues; the social construction of disease; and the exploration of when and why people seek health care services will be used to stimulate discussion about how social forces impact pharmacy practice. Codes of ethics and other ethical principles for guiding professional practice in pharmacy will be discussed through the analysis of ethics cases. Behaviouralist, cognitivist, developmentalist, and psychoanalytic theories will be used to help students understand the range of responses and behaviours individuals may demonstrate when dealing with health-related issues. Students will apply these theories to discussion of different patient education (counselling) approaches designed to optimize personal and health-related outcomes. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM130H1 | Pharmaceutical Calculations | As pharmacists, you are expected to integrate your knowledge and skills gained throughout the pharmacy curriculum to provide direct patient care. Pharmacy practice is calculations intensive and accuracy is critically important to safe and effective patient care. As medication therapy experts, patients and other health care providers value and depend on pharmacists’ expertise and accuracy in pharmaceutical calculations. Throughout the course, students will be required to complete pharmaceutical calculations with a focus on accuracy. A case based approach will be taken to familiarize students with real life examples of common calculations required to practice in community and hospital settings. The objective of this course is to prepare the student to apply knowledge and skills gained to other courses in the program, such as the early practice experience (EPE 1). | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM201H1 | Pharmacotherapy 2: Self-Care and Minor Ailments Prescribing | Self-care perspectives and pharmacotherapy is the second in a series of Pharmacotherapy courses taught over three years. In addition to covering selected therapeutic topics relating to self-care, (primarily dermatology and EENT) the course will address principles of drug therapy in the practice context of self-care in which pharmacists work unsupervised as the primary health professional contact. It will build and enhance students' knowledge and skills in the management of minor, self-limiting and self-diagnosed ailments, which is within the scope of practice for pharmacists. Special contextual issues relating to the pharmacist's role in self-care, particularly communicating with patients; and the pharmacist's responsibility in accurately assessing and triaging patients, developing care plans and monitoring for this patient population, including special populations of concern. Issues of preventing drug therapy problems related to patient self-selection will be part of patient safety concerns. This course will build on content and skills from PHM101H1 and PHM105H1. The course will be aligned to the other Pharmacotherapy modules and will provide the required knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to effectively manage patients' drug therapy in incorporating relevant schema recognition, pathophysiology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutics and evidence-based authoritative sources of best practice pharmacotherapy. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM203H1 | Pharmacotherapy 4: Infectious Diseases | This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge in pathobiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, clinical pharmacokinetics and relevant pharmaceutics required to be a practitioner in infectious diseases therapeutics. The course will be taught using a variety of techniques including on-line lectures, case-based learning and small interactive group learning. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM204H1 | Pharmacotherapy 5: Cardiovascular Diseases | This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge in pathobiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, and clinical pharmacokinetics required to be a practitioner in cardiovascular therapeutics. The course will be taught using a variety of techniques including lectures and team-based learning. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM205H1 | Medication Therapy Management 2 | This Medication Therapy Management (MTM) course is the second of the four-part series of simulated pharmacy practice courses. MTM 2 will enable a student to continue to apply knowledge and develop skills needed by a pharmacist to provide patient care, using a systematic patient-care process to define and achieve the goals of optimizing safe, effective pharmacotherapy. MTM 2 course content is drawn from relevant co- and pre-requisite courses. Lectures and simulated practice sessions are designed to facilitate independent and collaborative learning that will be transferrable to diverse practice settings and prepare a student for early experiential learning. Students will be responsible to perform and document a comprehensive patient assessment to identify, resolve and prevent drug therapy problems, and educate patients on the appropriate use of medications. Students will be required to assess a patient’s health status; integrate relevant information to recommend appropriate therapy, determine efficacy and safety endpoints for monitoring therapy, document a care plan, and appropriate follow-up parameters with patients to evaluate their response to therapy, in a simulated practice environment. Students will also actively participate in the medication dispensing process, prepare extemporaneously compounded pharmaceutical products and interpret the pharmacist’s professional, ethical and legal obligation within provincial and federal frameworks. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM206H1 | Medication Therapy Management 3 | Medication Therapy Management 3 (MTM 3) is the third of a four-part series of simulated pharmacy practice courses that is delivered longitudinally over three years of the undergraduate program. MTM 3 builds on the skills developed in MTM 1 and MTM 2, focusing on more comprehensive, integrated patient centred care. MTM is founded on the philosophy of Pharmaceutical Care and involves a partnership between the patient, pharmacist, and other health care providers to promote safe and effective medication use to achieve desirable patient outcomes. MTM 3 provides students learning opportunities to apply and integrate materials learned through all courses in the curriculum to date, using simulated practice-based interactions to enhance their patient-care skills. Lectures will provide foundational material and skills which will be applied in the simulated interactions. Simulated interactions will focus on developing effective patient-centered management of multidimensional drug-therapy anchored in a professional context, in preparation for the student’s second year practice experiential course. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM212H1 | Research Methods for Pharmacy | Pharmacists are required to apply research evidence in practice. As health care providers, pharmacists discern and translate both the quality and relevance of health information with the goal of optimizing patient outcomes. This course introduces students to clinical trial designs typically used in health care. The course will explore core principles in experimental and non-experimental research designs. The focus will be on randomized controlled trials as they are the primary method of generating evidence for therapeutic interventions. Students will learn how various research approaches are selected, designed, executed, analyzed, published and applied (including critical appraisal). The course covers a broad range of research topics at the introductory to intermediate level. Students will develop foundational knowledge and skills in research methods, statistics and ethics that will be applied in pharmacotherapy modules. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM213H1 | Health Economics & Pharmacoeconomics | This course surveys the economic aspects of the pharmaceutical sector. The course will use the methods of economic analysis to investigate how markets allocate resources, when they work well and the role for government when they do not work well. Specific topics include the economics of the development of new drugs; economic aspects of drug insurance, economic appraisal of new drugs (“pharmacoeconomicsâ€); and economic models of the pharmacist labour market. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9 |
PHM215H1 | Management: Skills, Communication & Collaboration | Management skills and related communication and collaboration skills are essential for success in any field of pharmacy practice. This course will provide students with an introduction to basic concepts in management, communication and collaboration with other health and business professionals, and will culminate with the development of a business plan that enables students to apply knowledge and skills. This course is also designed to give students a broad overview in collaborative leadership theory so that they are better prepared to work effectively in their chosen field. Students will learn how pharmacy practice in different settings has evolved from 1985 to 2000 to 2015 as well as how practice may evolve in the future. In doing so students will develop a greater appreciation of the skills required to deliver effective patient care-focused services. Overall, the aim of this course is to equip students with the ability to apply their clinical, pharmaceutical and management skills to provide high quality services that are patient focused and demonstrate value for money. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM230H1 | Physical Assessment & Injection Techniques | This course will provide an introduction to physical assessment of patients. Students will engage in lectures, on-line activities, and skills practice in a laboratory setting. This course includes a module pertaining to the administration of substances by injection that allows students to meet the competencies required by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Ontario College of Pharmacists. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM241H1 | Topics in Pharmaceutical Quality & Clinical Laboratory Medicine | This course will provide an introduction to pharmaceutical analysis and discuss the importance of assuring the pharmaceutical quality of medicinal products with an emphasis on establishment of quality control assays and specifications, bioequivalence testing of generic drugs, special considerations for biopharmaceutical products, and the regulatory process in Canada. In addition, the course will discuss the application of analytic techniques in clinical laboratory medicine with a focus on commonly used tests to monitor patient health and the therapeutic use of drugs, including tests for personalized drug therapy. The course includes a laboratory component which will present drug formulation and related quality control issues. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG8 |
PHM302H1 | Pharmacotherapy 7: Neuropsychiatry | This course is designed to provide pharmacy students with the knowledge in pathobiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacokinetics required to be a practitioner in neuropsychiatric therapeutics. The course may be taught using a variety of techniques including on-line lectures, case-based learning and small interactive group learning. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM305H1 | Medication Therapy Management 4 | Medication Therapy Management 4 (MTM 4) is the final course in a four-part course series that is delivered longitudinally over three years of the undergraduate program. MTM 4 builds on the skills developed in previous MTM courses, offering students opportunities to apply and integrate materials learned through all courses in the curriculum to date. This course focuses on the development of skills required for Expanded Scope of Practice (renewing, modifying and initiating pharmacotherapy) and specifically medication reconciliation. Lectures and applied Simulated Practice Sessions emphasize the pharmacists’ role and responsibilities as a communicator, care provider, collaborator and advocate, to prepare students for their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience rotations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
PHM310H1 | Pharm. Modern Hlth Care System | This course will take an issues-oriented, critical-thinking approach to the healthcare system, with a particular emphasis on pharmacy practice. The course will build on the material from PHM110H1, PHM114H1 and PHM215H1, and will allow a deeper look into areas such as quality and patient safety, e-health technology and the health care needs of diverse populations, including Indigenous peoples. Students will also have an opportunity to explore the role of interprofessional collaboration in health care delivery. Week by week students will examine issues with drug supply and access, pharmacy practice reform, expanded services, collaborative care and reimbursement models, and the interconnectivity of the disparate parts of the health care system. By participating in class discussions, reading course reference materials and completing assignments, students will learn to identify and analyze current and emerging health system issues. In the course of doing so, they will also become aware of, understand and appreciate: factors internal and external to pharmacy and medication use that drive change in practice current strategies for evaluating and improving health care and pharmacy practice the role of interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of healthcare emerging roles and opportunities in pharmacy. This course will help students complement their thinking about medications, individual patients, and the clinical encounter with an orientation to the healthcare system as a whole: how it functions, what are some of its key issues, and how do we tackle them. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM320H1 | Global Pharmacy Policy | This course is designed for students who are curious to learn about pharmaceutical public policy at the global level and also to explore the interrelationship between global and domestic health public policy issues, particularly those related to political economy and the governance of the pharmaceutical system. There are no prerequisites required but students are strongly recommended to have taken at least one social science or public health course given the ample reading and research requirements. Particular emphasis will be placed on how governments in different jurisdictions manage their public health responsibilities, particularly in terms of providing access to essential medicines and human development objectives, the tension between economic and health objectives, global trade obligations and their impact on access to medicines, and how pressure from special interest groups are relevant to pharmaceutical policy. Corruption issues will also be addressed. This course encourages a large amount of student participation through group work, discussion, presentations, and debate. Accordingly, students will need to keep up with the weekly readings in order to ensure that they are prepared for the class. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3 |
PHM322H1 | Patient/Medication Safety | This course will look at patient safety and the potential for medication incidents from two aspects: (1) the medication-use system (e.g., prescribing, order entry, dispensing, administration, and monitoring of drug therapy); and (2) professional practice (e.g., preventable adverse drug events). It will build on topics previously covered in the curriculum, as well as additional materials related to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, and the concept of continuous quality improvement in pharmacy practice. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHM325H1 | Indigenous Issues in Health & Healing | This course examines the many issues surrounding the health of Indigenous people living in Canada. During the 13 weeks of class, students will come to understand the present day health issues of Indigenous peoples from the perspective of their historical and political context and the effects of health care policy. The many highly qualified speakers from the Indigenous community and its focus on health and the healing process make this course unique in the university. Optional, but strongly recommended, field trips include a “medicine walk†on the Six Nations reserve in which students will be able to see firsthand the source of some of the herbal preparations that are used in healing, and a purification (sweat) lodge ceremony outside the city. The course is enriched by its association between students of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and the Indigenous Studies program in the Faculty of Arts, and Science, many of whom are of Indigenous origin. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3 |
PHM330H1 | Preparation for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience | The Preparation for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) course is designed to strengthen and integrate students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in preparation for, and make the transition to, APPE rotations. This course, via lectures, workshops, case-based role play activities and related assignments and assessments, will enable students to review, build on, consolidate and apply previous knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired throughout the curriculum in academic courses and in earlier experiential rotations in the areas of patient care provision, communication, collaboration, management, advocacy, scholarship, and professionalism. (CanMEDS, 2005, AFPC, 2010). The goal of this course is to engender students’ practical skills and strategies to help prepare them for the role of advanced pharmacy practice students. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
PHM348H1 | Intermediate Pharmacy Practice Experience | This direct patient care rotation is designed to build and enhance students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the provision of direct patient care in institutional, community or ambulatory pharmacy practice. The rotation will build on knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired in academic courses and earlier experiential rotations throughout the curriculum. This rotation will occur in sites serving a variety of health care needs, including, for example, acute care, rehabilitation, pediatric, geriatric, chronic care and specialty populations. Care may be provided in any patient care setting such as a hospital, family health team, community pharmacy, ambulatory clinic or other types of patient care practices, with an emphasis on establishing a context for the provision of pharmaceutical care in a clinical setting. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, provision of follow-up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, with regular communication with team members to share and document their assessment of the patient's medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM350H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Ambulatory Care | Ambulatory care pharmacists are accountable for addressing drug therapy needs and developing sustained partnerships with patients in an outpatient environment. They practice in primary care, family health teams, community pharmacies and specialty clinics. This practice can be independent or in a collaboration with other health care providers. Ambulatory care pharmacists require the knowledge and skills to triage, prescribe, administer and monitor medication therapies. They provide pharmaceutical care to patients with a variety of medical conditions and levels of acuity. This course will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values to be a contemporary ambulatory care practitioner with an emphasis on ambulatory care sensitive conditions, preventative care, minor ailments and natural health products. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM351H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Institutional Care | Institutional pharmacists are accountable for addressing drug therapy needs with patients in an inpatient environment. Students will learn to apply therapeutics that are commonly seen when caring for a hospitalized patient. Some of the topics included are: IV therapeutics (fluid and electrolytes), acute pain management, VTE prophylaxis, diabetic ketoacidosis and in-hospital management of diabetes, perioperative medication management. Topics may include a brief introduction to critical care and some aspects of emergency medicine. Aspects of patient and medication safety will be integrated into the course. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHM352H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Older Adults | Growth in the proportion of the population over age 65 is expected to place significant demands on the health care system. Pharmacists must be prepared to manage the pharmacotherapy of older patients in order to achieve optimal individual and health system outcomes. This 26-hour selective course will prepare students for their future roles in geriatric practice through the development of specific competencies in the knowledge and application of pharmaceutical care for older adults. This course will cover demographics, biology and pathophysiology of aging, socioeconomics, ethical issues, and beliefs and barriers regarding health care and medication use in older individuals. Communication issues, unique needs of caring for seniors, and barriers to medication taking will also be addressed. Specific pharmacotherapy of conditions prevalent in the elderly, including movement disorders, dementia, urinary incontinence, and specific drug-induced illnesses and adverse events will be covered. This course will rely on both didactic and case-based discussions to demonstrate and enable students to develop skills integral to patient assessment and optimizing drug therapy in the older adult with complicated diseases and medication history. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG1, SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM353H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Critical Care | This course is designed to expose students to hospital-based clinical pharmacy practice, with a focus on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Various topics that encompass commonly encountered clinical conditions of patients in the ICU will be discussed, with an emphasis on the role of pharmacotherapy. Students will also be introduced to the role of multidisciplinary team members integral to the ICU including the respiratory therapist, nurse, ethicist and intensivist (pending availability). The course will be taught using traditional classroom lectures, case-based discussions, small-group learning projects, and self-directed learning. Student participation both within the classroom and online, and in group work assignments is expected. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM354H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics | This course builds on general knowledge and skills gained in the first three years of pharmacotherapy courses. It allows students to gain the fundamental pharmacotherapeutic knowledge and practice skills to care for patients from the neonatal period to the adolescent years. In addition to covering evidence-based pharmacotherapy of several pediatric conditions, the course integrates relevant normal development and physiology (fetal, neonatal, infant, child and adolescent), pathophysiology, clinical pharmacokinetics, medication safety, poison prevention, and patient (through the ages) and caregiver education. Each week the course will consist of two hours of lectures and group case discussions primarily presented by pediatric clinicians from Sick Kids Hospital. The course allows students to effectively manage pediatric patients’ medication therapy in selected pediatric conditions, prepares the student for pediatric direct patient care (DPC) and non-direct patient care (NDPC) rotations, and encourages a career in pediatric pharmacy practice. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM355H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Women's Health | Medications used in the care of Canadian women are amongst the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals. This course is designed to allow the student to obtain fundamental pharmacotherapeutic knowledge of medications used from menarche to menopause. This course will encourage students to develop a practice that provides quality care to women. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5 |
PHM360H1 | Personalized Medicine | This course builds upon fundamental pharmacokinetic concepts taught in the first and second years in order to understand, describe and predict the sources of intra- and inter-individual variability in drug disposition and response in different patient population groups. The course is designed for students to understand the underlying basic principles used to individualize drug and dosage regimens for patients based on genetic, physiological and environmental factors. Critical evaluation of evidence and review of current guidelines for dose or drug adjustments based on genetic factors and the potential for drugdiet, drug-drug or drug-disease interactions will be covered. Recent advances in pharmacogenomics and targeted drug therapy will also be covered. The format of the course to address these issues will be student presentations and in-class discussion of specific questions that are designed to illustrate these points. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG13 |
PHM361H1 | Latest Developments in Drugs & Biologics | This course will cover all aspects of new drugs and biologics approved in the preceding 12 month period, together with those that entered phase III clinical trials during the same period. This is a unique course in the curriculum that will discuss the latest on new drugs and biologics. Approximately 50% of the lectures will be delivered using traditional methods, covering new drugs and for the remainder of the classes, pre-selected pharmacy student groups will present their projects in new drugs and biologics. Instruction materials and reference materials will be drawn from Health Canada, FDA, scientific literature and drug information files. This course will not be offered in the 2022-3 academic year. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM370H1 | Community Pharmacy Management | A comprehensive program outlining the issues and topics which are critical in the successful operation of a community pharmacy practice including: selection of organizational structures, demographic review, financial analysis, business plan development, purchasing and financing a community pharmacy, operational workflow, financial management, risk management and insurance, inventory purchasing procedures and inventory management, pricing decisions, marketing strategy, advertising, sales promotion and salesmanship, ethics, security and general business policies. Building on the basic principles taught in PHM215H1, this course expands into a case based learning application of business administration which offer students exposure to Finance, Operations, Organizational Behaviour, Innovation and General Management as applied to the field of Pharmacy and Healthcare. The cases will provide students with the opportunity to develop skills for effective analysis, evaluation and problem-solving. To do this, students will learn about basic analytical tools (e.g., projections, break-evens, communication, organization theory) and will then be required to apply these tools using case methodology. Students will be given the opportunity to practice decision-making with imperfect information under time constraints and develop business writing skills. Preparation of a detailed business plan will also be a mandatory component for this course. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM371H1 | Institutional Pharmacy Practice Management | This course builds on the principles taught in PHM215H1 Management: Skills, Communication and Collaboration with specific application to an institutional setting. By means of lectures and case discussions, students will gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to successfully practice in a hospital environment. A focus of the course will be on critical thinking, problem solving and project management. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM381H1 | Medical Imaging for Pharmacists | This course will discuss the principles and applications of medical imaging in patient care. There will be an emphasis on radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine imaging (SPECT and PET) but other imaging technologies will be discussed including MRI, ultrasound, X-ray, mammography and CT. These technologies are applied in diagnosing infectious disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, hepatobiliary and renal dysfunction, and neurological disorders. The emerging role of molecular imaging using PET and SPECT in selecting patients for personalized medicines for cancer as well as monitoring response to these new therapies will be introduced. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM383H1 | Antimicrobial Stewardship | Antimicrobial Stewardship is an inter-disciplinary, multi-faceted approach to optimize antimicrobial use. While the ultimate goal of Antimicrobial Stewardship is to improve patient outcome, appropriate and effective use of antimicrobials is an important component to control antimicrobial resistance, minimize unintended consequences such as C. difficile infections, and to contain health care costs. As of 2013, presence of an active Antimicrobial Stewardship Program has been made a Required Operating Practice for acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities by Accreditation Canada. This course expands and deepens knowledge gained from the Year 2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy and Microbiology courses, with an emphasis on clinical application within the antimicrobial stewardship context. It will introduce students to the principles of antimicrobial stewardship to facilitate rational selection of antimicrobial regimens; stewardship interventions; quality improvement methods; as well as program development, implementation and evaluation. The course culminates to a team proposal presentation for an antimicrobial stewardship program based on a fictitious institution’s profile. Each team is tasked with convincing a panel of judges, who in practice are antimicrobial stewardship clinicians or program executives, to support their proposed program. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM384H1 | Teaching & Learning | The educator role for pharmacists is broad and involves diverse roles, including teaching patients, designing and delivering continuing education, mentoring/precepting students, and educating other care professionals in small and large group settings. In order to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to fulfill this mandate, a course in educational theories and methods is important. Material from this course will be applied in a practical sense to pharmacy practice courses and experiential learning activities. Specific topics to be covered in the course will include: development of behavioural learning objectives, learning theories, teaching techniques for various audiences, assessment tools, methods, and techniques and educational practice as a professional. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM385H1 | Diabetes Care | This course provides many of the theoretical and practical aspects of diabetes management needed in providing comprehensive diabetes care. The goals and objectives of the course are modeled on the requirements for the Certified Diabetes Educator Exam and will provide much of the background needed in preparation for writing this exam. Topics covered in the course include (but are not limited to): review of the diabetes disease processes, nutrition and exercise management of diabetes, self-care strategies and strategies to reduce the risk of complications due to diabetes, management of hypo- and hyperglycemia, appropriate blood glucose monitoring, management of diabetes in special situations such as diabetes in pregnancy, in children, adolescents and the elderly, and management of complex patients. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG2 |
PHM386H1 | Mental Health & Addictions | This course is designed to provide students interested in mental health and addictions with a broader knowledge base in the field. It will introduce students to the mental health and addiction system in Canada, the role of stigma in accessing and providing care, the role of psychotherapy and the evidence base for specific modalities, including cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), mindfulness therapy, and motivational interviewing. The course will also address issues such as medication adherence and mental health first aid. Students will also be taught how to use validated scales to assess for psychotropic-induced movement disorders. The course will introduce additional mental health disorders/issues, not covered in PHM302H1 including psychotropic medication use in pregnancy and lactation and child and adolescent psychiatry. It will also cover key substance use disorders/issues in more depth than was possible in PHM302H1, including harm reduction principles, cannabis use (recreational and medicinal), recreational drugs and anabolic steroids. The course will be taught using a variety of techniques including didactic lectures, observed patient interviews (video-simulation), case-based learning and interactive group learning. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM387H1 | Global Health | Global Health is defined as an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide by reducing avoidable diseases, disabilities, and deaths. This elective will introduce students to selected foundational competencies in global health education such as the global burden of disease, social and economic determinants of health, the globalization of health and healthcare, global health governance, human rights and equity. Students will discuss practical and ethical challenges in delivering care in low-resource settings, describe tools and strategies to address the needs of specific vulnerable populations and examine cultural awareness and its importance in caring for diverse vulnerable populations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4, SDG9 |
PHM388H1 | Self-Care and Minor Ailment Prescribing - Advanced Topics | The management of minor, self-limiting and self-diagnosed ailments such as rashes, cold sores and hay fever is within the scope of practice for pharmacists. This course is designed to build and enhance students' knowledge and skills necessary for contemporary and future pharmacy practice in the area of self-care and minor ailments. This course will cover the management of conditions not covered in other courses and will provide the students' with a comprehensive understanding of non-prescription and prescription therapeutics as they relate to patient self-medication and minor ailments. Emphasis will be placed on the role and responsibility of the pharmacist in accurately assessing and triaging patients, determining the appropriate use of non-prescription and prescription drugs, by determining when to follow-up, refer, and how to document the patient's care. The student will be equipped with the clinical skills, confidence, and tools needed to gather and convey reliable minor ailment information to patients and healthcare providers in an effort to effectively and confidently assess and treat patients. With this knowledge and a structured framework for conducting a minor ailments assessment, students will be able to help patients make appropriate decisions and achieve optimal outcomes from their selected, evidence-based therapy. The main course material will be presented as case-based didactic lectures; student participation in class discussions and interactive classroom activities will be expected. There will be an opportunity for application of the concepts discussed in lectures via simulated patient counselling activities, case-based group learning, and self-directed activities. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM400H1 | Transition to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience | The Transition to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) course is designed to strengthen and integrate students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in preparation for, and make the transition to, APPE rotations. This course, via lectures, workshops, case-based role play activities and related assignments and assessments, will enable students to review, build on, consolidate and apply previous knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired throughout the curriculum in academic courses and in earlier experiential rotations in the areas of patient care provision, communication, collaboration, management, advocacy, scholarship, and professionalism. (CanMEDS, 2005, AFPC, 2010). The goal of this course is to engender students’ practical skills and strategies to help prepare them for the role of advanced pharmacy practice students. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
PHM401H1 | Institutional Practice Direct Patient Care 1 | All students will be required to complete two 5-week institutional rotations. At least five weeks will be in an adult in-patient service; the other five weeks may be in any area of the institution (including ambulatory clinics and pediatric populations). These rotations will ideally occur within academic health care institutions. The emphasis for all direct patient care rotations is for the student to be immersed in the responsibility of providing pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, carry out a follow-up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate effectively with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, engaging in regular communication and documenting their assessment of patients’ medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM402H1 | Institutional Practice Direct Patient Care 2 | All students will be required to complete two 5-week institutional rotations. At least five weeks will be in an adult in-patient service; the other five weeks may be in any area of the institution (including ambulatory clinics and pediatric populations). These rotations will ideally occur within academic health care institutions. The emphasis for all direct patient care rotations is for the student to be immersed in the responsibility of providing pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, carry out a follow-up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate effectively with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, engaging in regular communication and documenting their assessment of patients’ medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM414Y1 | Community Practice Direct Patient Care | All students will be required to complete a 10-week rotation in a community pharmacy setting. This type of rotation will ideally be held at an academic community pharmacy, with an emphasis on the provision of pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and carry out a follow-up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will educate and communicate effectively with patients and other health care providers, thereby providing medication therapy management, promoting health and wellness, and ensuring patient safety. The collaboration with other health care disciplines and acting as a member of a patient care team will be vital in providing optimum patient care. Students will manage safe and effective drug distribution under the guidance and supervision of the pharmacist as appropriate, and will participate in the full scope of pharmacy practice. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM424H1 | Selective Direct Patient Care | These rotations will occur in sites serving a variety of health care needs, including, for example, acute care, rehabilitation, pediatric, geriatric, chronic care and specialty populations. Care may be provided in an institution, family health team, community pharmacy, ambulatory clinic or other types of patient care practices, with an emphasis on the provision of pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, carry out a follow- up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate regularly with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, engaging in regular communication and documenting their assessment of patients’ medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM451H1 | Elective Direct Patient Care 1 | These rotations will occur in sites serving a variety of health care needs, including, for example, acute care, rehabilitation, pediatric, geriatric, chronic care and specialty populations. Care may be provided in an institution, family health team, community pharmacy, ambulatory clinic or other types of patient care practices, with an emphasis on the provision of pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, carry out a follow- up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate regularly with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, engaging in regular communication and documenting their assessment of patients’ medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM452H1 | Elective Direct Patient Care 2 | These rotations will occur in sites serving a variety of health care needs, including, for example, acute care, rehabilitation, pediatric, geriatric, chronic care and specialty populations. Care may be provided in an institution, family health team, community pharmacy, ambulatory clinic or other types of patient care practices, with an emphasis on the provision of pharmaceutical care. Students will participate in, and take responsibility for, direct patient care activities including: patient assessment to identify and prioritize drug therapy problems, development of care plans that address desired patient outcomes, and patient monitoring including physical and laboratory assessment, and where feasible, carry out a follow- up evaluation and appropriate documentation. Students will communicate regularly with patients and care givers to monitor patient parameters, determine and assess target outcomes, and provide education. Students will work closely with members of the health care team in providing collaborative care, engaging in regular communication and documenting their assessment of patients’ medication related needs and recommendations to address those needs. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG8 |
PHM461H1 | Elective Non Direct Patient Care 1 | These 5-week elective rotations are designed for the student to gain insight into the structure and functions of various areas of pharmacy practice and/or the health care system, which may require a diversity of knowledge or skills (e.g., pharmacy administration, policy development, drug utilization review, research, etc.). Such rotations enable students to gain awareness of a variety of roles for pharmacists and enhance the student’s understanding of the broader scope within which pharmacists work. The rotation will build on the knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired in earlier academic courses and other experiential rotations. The specific focus of the student’s activities and rotation-specific learning objectives will be determined through a collaborative discussion between the preceptor and student, taking into account the needs of the site and student interest. Each student may complete a maximum of two 5-week NDPC rotations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM462H1 | Elective Non Direct Patient Care 2 | These 5-week elective rotations are designed for the student to gain insight into the structure and functions of various areas of pharmacy practice and/or the health care system, which may require a diversity of knowledge or skills (e.g., pharmacy administration, policy development, drug utilization review, research, etc.). Such rotations enable students to gain awareness of a variety of roles for pharmacists and enhance the student’s understanding of the broader scope within which pharmacists work. The rotation will build on the knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired in earlier academic courses and other experiential rotations. The specific focus of the student’s activities and rotation-specific learning objectives will be determined through a collaborative discussion between the preceptor and student, taking into account the needs of the site and student interest. Each student may complete a maximum of two 5-week NDPC rotations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
PHM525H1 | Indigenous Health & Healing | Please refer to PHM325H1 Indigenous Health & Healing | SDG10 | |
PHM551H1 | Pharmacotherapy in Institutional Care | Please refer to PHM351H1 Pharmacotherapy in Institutional Care | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG16 |
PHM587H1 | Global Health | Please refer to PHM387H1 Global Health | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3 |
PHM651H1 | Contemporary Topics in Infectious Diseases | This course is designed to advance the student’s knowledge and skills in the management of infectious diseases through a focus on selected infection syndromes and their management. The course will be case- based with topics representing commonly encountered infections allowing the student to further develop their pharmacotherapy knowledge to be able to manage complex patients. Students will demonstrate their pharmaceutical care skills as they progress through the course. All material will be delivered on- line with opportunities for the student to pose questions for additional learning to an expert in the field. Each lesson will incorporate active learning activities for the students to complete in order to facilitate knowledge and skill development. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG4 |
PHM761H1 | Elective Rotation I | The rotation is designed to allow student to acquire insight into the structure and functions of various areas of pharmacy practice or the health care system, which may require different knowledge or skills (e.g. pharmacy administration, policy development, drug utilization review, research, etc.). The rotations build on knowledge, skills, and behaviours acquired in earlier academic courses and experiential rotations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHM762H1 | Elective Rotation II | The rotation is designed to allow student to acquire insight into the structure and functions of various areas of pharmacy practice or the health care system, which may require different knowledge or skills (e.g. pharmacy administration, policy development, drug utilization review, research, etc.). The rotations build on knowledge, skills, and behaviours acquired in earlier academic courses and experiential rotations. | Pharmacy, Leslie Dan Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4 |
PHS103H1 | Introduction to Public Health | This course introduces students to basic Canadian public health-related concepts, significant aspects of the historical development of public health in Canada, and a selection of topics illustrating the broad and evolving nature of this field. In addition, it helps students explore the contributions that various disciplines/fields offer to public health in Canada. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
PHY100H1 | The Magic of Physics | This course provides a survey of Physics, including both Classical and Modern Physics. It is designed for non-scientists, and assumes no background in either science or mathematics. The approach to the course is broad rather than deep. We will concentrate on the concepts underlying such fascinating topics as planetary motion, chaos, the nature of light, time travel, black holes, matter waves, Schrodinger's cat, quarks, and climate change. We will uncover the wonders of the classical and the quantum worlds courtesy of Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Heisenberg and many others. (PHY100H1 is primarily intended as a Breadth Requirement course for students in the Humanities and Social Sciences with no university-level background in physics. Any student with university-level credit in physics, including students with secondary school transfer credits in physics is ineligible to take this course). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
PHY198H1 | Physics at the Cutting Edge | A limited enrollment seminar course for First Year Science students interested in current research in Physics. Students will meet active researchers studying the universe from the centre of the earth to the edge of the cosmos. Topics may range from string theory to experimental biological physics, from climate change to quantum computing, from superconductivity to earthquakes. The course may involve both individual and group work, essays and oral presentations. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
PHY205H1 | The Physics of Everyday Life | An introduction to the physics of everyday life. This conceptual course looks at everyday objects to learn about the basis for our modern technological world. Topics may include anything from automobiles to weather. (PHY205H1 is primarily intended as a Breadth Requirement course for students in the Humanities and Social Sciences with no university-level background in physics. Any student with university-level credit in physics, including students with secondary school transfer credits in physics is ineligible to take this course). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
PHY392H1 | Physics of Climate | This course provides an introduction to climate physics and the earth-atmosphere-ocean system. Topics include solar and terrestrial radiation; global energy balance; radiation laws; radiative transfer; atmospheric structure; convection; the meridional structure of the atmosphere; the general circulation of the atmosphere; the ocean and its circulation; and climate variability. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG7 |
PHY492H1 | Advanced Atmospheric Physics | A preparatory course for research in experimental and theoretical atmospheric physics. Content will vary from year to year. Themes may include techniques for remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere and surface; theoretical atmosphere-ocean dynamics; the physics of clouds, precipitation, and convection in the Earth's atmosphere. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14 |
PLIC75H3 | Language and the Brain | An introduction to neurolinguistics, emphasizing aphasias and healthy individuals. We will introduce recent results understanding how the brain supports language comprehension and production. Students will be equipped with necessary tools to critically evaluate the primary literature. No prior knowledge of brain imaging is necessary. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG4 |
PLID74H3 | Language and Aging | A seminar-style course on language and communication in healthy and language-impaired older adults. The course covers normal age-related neurological, cognitive, and perceptual changes impacting language, as well as language impairments resulting from dementia, strokes, etc. Also discussed are the positive aspects of aging, bilingualism, ecologically valid experimentation, and clinical interventions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG15 |
PMA445Y1 | Oratorio Ensemble | Music, Faculty of | SDG10 | |
PMDB36H3 | Pharmacology for Allied Health | Introduces principles of Pharmacology, essential knowledge for paramedics who are expected to administer medications in Pre-hospital care. Classifications of drugs will be discussed in an organized manner according to their characteristics, purpose, physiologic action, adverse effects, precautions, interactions and Pre-hospital applications. Students will use a step-by-step process to calculate drug dosages. This course is taught at the Centennial HP Science and Technology Centre. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
PMDB41H3 | Professional and Legal Issues, Research, Responsibilities and Leadership | Discusses the changing role of the paramedic and introduces the student to the non-technical professional expectations of the profession. Introduces fundamental principles of medical research and professional principles. Topics covered include the role of professional organizations, the role of relevant legislation, the labour/management environment, the field of injury prevention, and basic concepts of medical research. This course is taught at the Centennial HP Science and Technology Centre. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8 |
PMU401H1 | Business of Music | A study of the strategies and tools used by performers to refine and realize their career goals. Students develop publicity materials, meet with music industry professionals and investigate a variety of performance career paths. | Music, Faculty of | SDG9 |
PMU445Y1 | Oratorio Ensemble | Music, Faculty of | SDG10 | |
POL101H1 | The Real World of Politics: An Introduction | This course introduces students to compelling issues of contemporary politics through the lens of classic and important texts in political science. The course covers the politics of climate change, Indigenous rights, elections and electoral systems, terrorism, social movements and political activism, voting, democracy, and power. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16 |
POL106H1 | Contemporary Challenges to Democracy: Democracy in the Social Media Age | This course examines the latest evidence-based research on the effects of social media on democracy. We cover surveillance capitalism, privacy, disinformation, and the often-overlooked ecological implications of data consumption. We also examine targeted digital espionage against civil society, Citizen Lab research reports, and explore solutions and alternatives to social media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
POL109H1 | Might and Right: Power and Justice in International Relations | This course explores the relationship between justice, power, and interests in the works of prominent ancient, modern, and contemporary thinkers. It adopts a problem-driven approach and engages with current controversies in international relations in light of insights from classic books. Special attention is paid to the prospects of a just world order, the causes and justifications of war, the construction of images of citizens and enemies, and the nature of duties to outsiders. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
POL112H5 | Democracy in Theory and Practice | Examines current ideas about what constitutes 'democracy' and how real-world political systems measure up to democratic ideals. Through examination of formal government institutions and informal political practices, assessments will be made of the strengths and weaknesses in modern democracies. Case studies may be drawn from Canada or from other countries which claim to be democratic. [24L, 11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL113H5 | Ideas and Ideologies | In this course students are introduced to basic concepts in politics such as authority, sovereignty, legitimacy, citizenship, jurisdiction, civil rights and civil liberties. These concepts are then used to examine the fundamental differences between major political ideologies, such as democracy, liberalism, socialism, fascism, conservatism, anarchism and communism. [24L, 11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
POL114H5 | Politics in a Global World | Examines the politics of globalization in its various forms (economics, cultures, environmental and military) as well as the consequences of, management of and resistance to, globalization. Address topics such as whether globalization challenges the capacity of national societies and their governments to deal with global issues such as the environment, redistribution of wealth, security and human rights, both within countries and across borders. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16, SDG9 |
POL115H5 | Evidence and Argument in the Study of Politics | To understand politics in our information-abundant world, we need ways to make sense of the political information that surrounds us. In this course, we ask what makes for good evidence and what makes for convincing argument. We do so by raising a series of weekly topics on which there is a mass of available information - topics like climate change, political correctness, populism, and democracy promotion, among others - and discussing fundamentally different perspectives on each topic. In the end, students will develop a fuller sense of what constitutes a well-argued and evidence-supported analysis of the political. [24L, 11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16 |
POL116H5 | Politics & Social Justice | ​In this course students are introduced to the concept of social justice as a political issue. The course is designed to develop modes of analysis that focus on human rights, economic and social (in)equity, fairness and inclusion. Key concepts may include power, identity, conflict, community, consent, advocacy, inequality, solitary, structural racism, and intersectionality. Specific issues to be considered may include gender equality, racism, justice between generations, spatial inclusion, wealth distribution, and equity in the international realm. The substantive themes and perspective may vary from year to year. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
POL195H1 | First-Year Foundation Seminar: Settler Colonialism and Enduring Indigeneity | This seminar explores the politics of representation in Indigenous multimedia. We study Indigenous cultural productionsâ€â€memoir, documentary, graphic novel, film, poetry, music, and video gamesâ€â€to examine representations of settler colonialism and how Indigenous peoples endure it. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL197H1 | First-Year Foundation Seminar: Politics and Sports: Identity, Activism, and Political Economy | The course aims to introduce first year students to key themes in political science – power, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, nationalism, social movements, activism, and political economy – through the lens of sports and those who participate in them. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
POL201H1 | Politics of Development | This course offers an introduction to the history and politics of economic and political development, starting with the Industrial Revolution and then turning to a critical analysis of the politics of economic growth, international trade, debt, state intervention, protectionism, and neo-liberalism in the global periphery, including Africa, Asia, and Latin America. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG8 |
POL203H5 | Politics and Government of the United States | A comparative study of the development of American government and the main elements of the American political tradition; the structure and functioning of executives, legislatures, courts, bureaucracies, parties and pressure groups in federal and state government; characteristic processes of American politics such as voting, bargaining and regulation; and resultant patterns of public policy. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL205H1 | International Relations in the Anthropocene | Humans have altered the planet so dramatically that some geologists have coined a new epoch: the Anthropocene. Is our study of global politics up to the challenge of human-driven environmental change? In this course, we consider multiple perspectives on IR to make sense of geopolitics on a changing planet. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16 |
POL208H1 | Introduction to International Relations | This introductory course examines some key themes and issues in global politics, including interstate war, human rights, international institutions, and the evolution of the global order. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL214H1 | Canadian Government | An introduction to the study of Canadian government. Topics include institutions of governance: the constitution, machinery of government, charter of rights and freedom, and the electoral system. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL215H5 | Canadian Government | This course will focus on Canadian Institutions, the Constitution, Federalism, the Courts, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, etc. This course will contribute to the students' understanding of their immediate political surroundings. This course will enhance the students' ability to engage and participate in the democratic system by teaching them about the foundations of the Canadian system of government. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL216H5 | Canadian Politics | This course will focus on political parties, elections, gender, cleavages, etc. This course will enhance the knowledge of the Canadian system of politics to give students better skills and objectives. [24L, 11T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
POL218H1 | State, Society and Power in Comparative Perspective | This course is designed to introduce students to major issues and challenges that shape states, determine how they are governed, and how they change. The course helps to explain major events such as state transformation, democratization, authoritarian rule, civil conflict and social mobilization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL218H5 | Introduction to Comparative Politics: Institutions | Comparative politics compares the ways people and institutions interact, in different countries and regions of the world (including both developing and developed), to produce what we call "politics." This course focuses on political institutions. Topics include: the formation, development and eventual decay of political institutions such as the nation-state, political regimes, parties, party systems and local governments; the power of the state; the emergence and dynamics of democratic and authoritarian institutions; the emergence and dynamics of capitalist institutions. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
POL219H1 | Unpacking Political Systems: Institutions and Behavior in Comparative Perspective | This course aims to unpack the institutional and behavioral variation within political systems. The goal is to expose students to the key questions and theories in comparative politics around three themes: a) the origins and effects of political institutions (federalism, electoral rules, bicameralism, courts…); b) party and electoral behavior across democracies and authoritarian regimes; and c) explaining quality of governance (issues of representation, accountability, trust, corruption). We will draw on cutting edge research and touch on current events and a variety of cases. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL219H5 | Introduction to Comparative Politics: Processes and Identities | Comparative politics compares the ways people and institutions interact, in different countries and regions of the world (including both developing and developed), to produce what we call "politics." This course focuses on political processes and identities. Topics include: the ideas and interests shaping political behaviour; the causes of and dynamics of political mobilization, social mobilization, and revolution; the relationship between identity categories such as ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class and political processes. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
POL223H1 | Globalization and Development: Issues and Challenges | This course examines how globalization creates opportunities and challenges to development in the Global South. Key issues considered include globalization and dynamics of inequality amongst and within nations, human rights and democratic struggles, environmental sustainability and justice, gender and racialized patterns of inequality, trade, foreign aid and poverty alleviation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
POL224H1 | Canada in Comparative Perspective | This course introduces students to aspects of Canadian political life by comparing them with those that prevail in other advanced democracies. Themes covered will include the Canadian constitution, federalism, parties and elections, political culture and social and economic institutions and policies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL305H1 | Introduction to Latin American Politics and Societies | This course introduces students to histories and concepts necessary to understand developments in Latin American politics. Substantive issues will include the changing face of state sovereignty; human rights and social movements; the legacies of (neo)colonialism and indigenous resistance; neoliberalism, 21st century socialism, and beyond. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL307H1 | Japanese Politics | The politics, political economy, and international relations of Japan. The role of political parties, the bureaucracy, and private actors; economic development and stagnation; relations with the USA and regional neighbors. Contemporary challenges facing Japan, including energy policy and climate change, contributions to the liberal order, and response to geopolitical challenges. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG7 |
POL309H1 | Contemporary African Politics: Dynamics and Challenges | This course explores main drivers of political organization and change in contemporary Africa, focusing on how national, regional, and international factors shape institutions, patterns of participation and political change. It considers major scholarly debates in the study of African politics and political economy and develops analytical skills for comparative study of this diverse continent. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL309Y5 | The State, Planning and Markets | A study of the political economy of planning and markets, the history of both forms of organization, the political philosophies of liberalism and Marxism upon which they have been based, and the issues of economic efficiency, justice and democratic control in capitalism and socialism. [48L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
POL310H1 | Nationality Building in Central Europe | This course is a case study of nationalism based on the experience of a stateless people in Europe called Carpatho-Rusyns. Emphasis is on how factors such as historical ideology, language, education, religion, and politics are used by the intelligentsia to create a national consciousness among the inhabitants. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL312H5 | Managing Military Conflict | Analysis of different aspects of conflict management, including security regimes, U.N. peacekeeping, mediation, bilateral as well as multilateral techniques. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG4 |
POL313H5 | European Politics I | This course introduces students to the political foundations of democratic government and capitalism in Western Europe. The course covers the historical origins of the modern nation state in Europe and the region's bumpy road to democracy and prosperity. It also focuses on key similarities and differences in the political institutions, political development, and economic and social models of major European countries. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL314H5 | European Politics II | This course explores the functions (and dysfunctions) of the European Union, a regional organization shaping the political life of its 27 European member states. The course also covers contemporary challenges to democracy and prosperity in Europe, such as populism, economic crises, Brexit, and geopolitical conflicts. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL318H5 | Power and Conflict in Federalism | This course looks at how Canadian federalism has evolved and adapted to policy-making challenges, including urbanization, regionalism, and demographic changes among the Canadian population. In additional to the Constitution and the role of federal and provincial governments, we also examine the involvement of municipalities, First nations, and non-governmental actors including private and third sector groups. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
POL320H1 | Modern Political Thought: Freedom and Equality | An exploration of ideas of freedom in the rise of the modern age from the 18th and 19th centuries, from the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Democratic Revolutions. Thinkers studied include Rousseau, Burke, and Wollstonecraft. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL324H1 | European Union: Politics, Institutions and Society | The course provides an in-depth understanding of the history, political institutions, and policies of the European Union. It also explores the key contemporary social and political debates facing the European Union today such as the eurozone crisis, the rise of Euroskepticism, issues of democratic legitimacy, Brexit, issues of enlargement, immigration and the recent migrant crisis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL327H1 | U.S. Foreign Policy in a Complex World | This course explores the foreign policy of the U.S. through a series of regional and thematic case studies. It begins with a historical review of U.S. foreign policy in the evolution of the U.S. as a major global power, prior to WWII. Among the case studies of U.S. foreign policy included are international organization and law, terrorism, environment (climate), Latin America, Europe, Middle East, China/East Asia, Africa and Russia. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16 |
POL329H1 | Experiences of Conflict | The course reviews selected novels that deal with personal and collective experiences of conflict. It focuses on representations of how conflict is experienced. It gives students a practical understanding of the human dimension of selected major conflicts and explores possibilities for personal and social resistance to injustice and violence. Special attention is paid to questions of identity formation and moral choice in contexts of war and nationalism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL337H1 | The Canadian Constitution | The moral foundations, historical events, political forces and legal ideas that have shaped the Canadian constitution; the roots, legacies, and judicial interpretation of the Constitution Act 1867, the Constitution Act 1982, and in particular the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; the constitutional framework of federalism; the politics of constitutional change; multiculturalism, 'rights talk', and the judicialization of politics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL338H1 | Queer International Relations | Are States straight? How does racialized homophobia shape the international order? This course tackles these and other questions at the intersection of sexuality and IR. We examine concepts like sovereignty through a queer lens and explore issues like transphobia in right-wing populism and the institutionalization of SOGI terminology at the UN. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
POL340H1 | International Law: Foundations | This course will introduce students to the primary sources of international law (treaties and customary international law) and the legal attributes of the core actors in the international system, including states, international organizations and individuals. Related topics will include governance of territory and the seas. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL341H1 | International Law: Operation of the International Legal Order | This course will expose students to the operation of international legal order with respect to the use of armed force, the law of armed conflict, and the protection of human rights. Students will also be introduced to how dispute settlement works between states. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL344H5 | Concepts, Actors, & Challenges in Global Governance | An introduction to the study of Global Governance. It presents Global Governance both as an area of study within International Relations theory, and as a set of norms and procedures that guide ongoing practices within international politics. The course will take students through the early development of the concept in the 1990s to present times. It will also cover key challenges to Global Governance. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL346H5 | Urban Politics I | This course examines urban politics and policy, with a focus on structures of governance. Students will be introduced to key concepts in urban politics scholarship, including electoral politics, finance, participation, and the built environment. Examples are taken from the Greater Toronto Area, as well as cities across Canada and North America. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG16 |
POL347H5 | Urban Politics II | This course examines urban politics and policy problems such as inequality, sustainability, immigration, and regionalism. Readings and other course content will focus on contemporary cases of urban policy challenges and conflict in cities and urban regions. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
POL350H1 | Politics of East Central Europe | This course examines political change in East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present. How are democracies created and why do they collapse? Did Eastern and Western Europe diverge politically centuries ago, or is the idea of a longstanding east-west divide largely an artefact of Cold War geopolitics? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL351H1 | Gender, Politics and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective | An introduction to gender and politics that examines women as political actors and their activities in formal and grassroots politics. The course also explores the impact of gender in public policy and how public policies shape gender relations. Cases to be drawn on include Canada, other countries in North America and Europe, and the developing world. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
POL354H1 | Politics and Society in Russia | Explores the evolution of Russian politics and society since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Major themes include political leadership, state-building, federalism and regional diversity, public opinion and political culture, civil society and protest, political economy, Russia's behavior on the international stage, and Soviet legacies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL354H5 | Russian Politics | After covering crucial background on tsarist Russia and the Soviet system, the course considers the legacies of Soviet rule. We then address questions of identity politics in Russia, the country’s changing political economy, the shape of authoritarian institutions, the dynamics of protest and repression, how the authoritarian regime in Russia manages flows of information, and the nature of colonialism in the Russian context. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL356H1 | Canadian Political Parties and Elections | The evolution and setting of Canada's federal party system and Canadian elections. Topics include historical and theoretical perspectives, the Liberal, Conservative and New Democratic parties, third parties, leadership selection and local nominations, the representation of women and minorities in Parliament, electoral systems and election rules, campaigns, and voter behaviour. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
POL358H1 | Conflicts, Minority Rights and Para-States in Europe | This course examines a number of unresolved issues in Europe that are largely shaped by real and perceived shortcomings in minority rights. After a section on Roma Rights in Central Europe, our focus turns to the origins and outcomes of largely separatist wars in Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and the peace agreements that followed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL360H5 | State, Nation and Regime Change in Latin America | This course offers a comparative and transnational analytical approach to the historical foundations of nation and state building as well as patterns of regime change in Latin America. Specific topics may include revolutions, populism, (neo)colonialism, "racial democracy," Indigenismo, dependency, among others. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL362H5 | Borders, Migrants and Refugees | This course exposes students to the tensions between the mobility of people across international borders, and the hardening regimes of governance facing migrants. The course pays special attention to the intersections of class, race and gender at stake in the politics of migration. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
POL367H5 | Feminist Political Theory | This course examines the various interventions that have marked the development of feminist political thought from the mid-20th century onward. These include efforts to complicate the category 'woman', to understand gender in its intersections with race and class, to develop queer feminist accounts of ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’, and to investigate the meaning of 'feminism' as a political project in and of itself. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5, SDG9 |
POL373H5 | Introduction to Politics of the Middle East and North Africa | Students will examine the political dynamics of selected states in the Middle East and North Africa. Issues to be covered include: state-building; Arab nationalism; Zionism; Islamism; tribalism; gender; the politics of oil. Specific themes relevant to contemporary politics will vary from year to year. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
POL384H1 | Global Environmental Governance from the Ground Up | This course focuses on non-state actors in global environmental governance, considering the motivations, actions, and strategies of non-governmental organizations, grassroots communities, and corporations. The course uses analytic tools from international relations and comparative politics to understand patterns of environmental protest, resistance, and change over time. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16 |
POL386H1 | U.S. Government and Politics | Who rules the United State of America? This course will investigate this question by examining how power is attained and how power is exercised in American elections, the legislative process, the bureaucracy, and the federal courts. Particular attention will be paid to the role of national interest groups, regional economic interests, and new modes of political mobilization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
POL387H1 | Politics in Europe | This course applies the basic concepts in comparative politics to the political systems of Europe. We will cover theories of transitions to democracy, formation and development of the nation-state, political institutions and their effects, parties and party systems and elections and electoral behaviour. We will use these theories to gain a better understanding of politics in Europe. We will also address some of the major challenges that Europe and the EU have recently faced such as the eurozone crisis, Brexit, the rise of populism and extreme right parties and the challenges of immigration and incorporation of minorities. The goal is for students to become familiar with the politics and governments of contemporary Europe through the lens of current and classic themes in comparative politics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
POL388H1 | Politics and Government of Southeast Asia | This course provides an overview of political regimes in Southeast Asia, as well as some of the main issues that shape its political life. It includes legacies of colonial rule, nationalist struggles, democratization, ethnic and secessionist conflict, as well as social movement. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL405H1 | The Military Instrument of Foreign Policy: Concepts and Approaches | In light of endemic international threats and conflicts, the seminar analyses the use of the military instrument of foreign policy. We meld theoretical and pragmatic approaches. Among the subjects covered are civil-military relations, the development of nuclear weapons, deterrence and nuclear deterrence, arms control and war termination strategies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL406H5 | Insurgents, Criminals, and Warlords | This course provides a theoretical and empirical overview of the role played by violent non-state actors in international politics. Examining insurgents, criminals, and warlords, the course explores why these actors resort to violence, the strategies and tactics they employ, and the connections that link them together. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL407H5 | The Politics of Oil & Mining Extraction: Contracts, Conflict, Consent | What can we learn about global politics from an oil or a mining contract? Who are the main actors in such contracts? What are key differences between oil and mining contracts? What is the future of oil and mining contracts? This course addresses these questions, by examining the complex politics of oil and mining contracts. Key theoretical concepts and themes explored in this course are sovereignty, ownership, resistance, and the future of resource extraction. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL412H1 | Human Rights and International Relations | Human rights have become dominant in international politics since the end of World War II. The process of creating and implementing human rights is political. We explore historical, philosophical, and empirical explanations of the roots, effects, and implications of human rights today through a variety of topics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL417H1 | Politics of North-South Relations | This course explores the complex relations between the developed world and Global South in historical and contemporary settings. It engages critical scholarship within International Politics and International Political Economy to examine salient factors in North-South relations such as dependency and interdependence, trade, development aid, global governance architecture, and South-South cooperation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
POL418H1 | Human Security and Intra-state Conflicts in the Global South | What are the underlying causes of insecurity and instability, and what factors support or undermine attainment of durable peace after episodes of violent conflict in the Global South? This course explores these questions by focusing on identity-based conflicts and through comparative case studies and theoretical perspectives from political science and related disciplines. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
POL426H1 | Democracy and Dictatorship | The course provides an in-depth introduction to theories of the origins of democracy and dictatorship. In the first part of the course, we examine and compare theories rooted in economic development, voluntarism, institutional design, and historical institutionalism. The latter half of the course applies these different approaches to debates over the origins of Nazi rule in Germany in the 1930s, military dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s, and non-democratic rule in contemporary Russia. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL428H1 | Federalism and Diversity in Canada (and Beyond) | Canada as a key case in comparative federalism studies, with a particular focus on the management of diversity and conflict. Federal theory is applied to analyze federal institutions and dynamics in Canada (and other cases). Topics include the distribution of power, the judiciary’s role and group representation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL441H5 | The Politics of Transition in Eastern Europe II: The Struggle for Democracy | The struggle for democracy in an expanded new Eastern Europe, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union itself, created great opportunities for the fundamental transformation of the political, economic and social order, but it also has been painful and unpredictable. There have been impressive successes but also problems of break-ups and integration and occasionally, retrenchment. At the same time the region has also been a laboratory for fundamental transition. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL444H1 | Land and Indigenous Politics | This seminar examines Indigenous politics through land. We explore transnational Indigenous politics by focusing on global struggles over land. The course considers how Indigenous land-based movements, connected across territories and oceans, are constituted through and cultivate relations between Indigenous peoples and their social ecologies and more-than-human existents. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16 |
POL444H5 | Protest and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa | Looking at uprisings and protests in the Middle East and North Africa, students will examine different theories of contentious politics to better understand why and how uprisings happen in the region. The course will focus on the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings/revolutions in addition to recent uprisings in countries that did not experience the Arab Spring. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
POL447H1 | Political Economy of Development (formerly POL447Y1) | The course explores the rise, evolution, and performance of the dominant neoliberal approach to development and poverty reduction. It also assesses the feasibility and efficacy of alternative development strategies. Case studies are drawn from Latin America, Asia, and Africa. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1 |
POL448H5 | Protest and Social Movements in Comparative and Transnational Perspective | This course focuses on key threads of subaltern collective action in comparative and transnational perspective, with a focus on Latin America. It delves into revolutionary, feminist, solidarity, decolonial, anti-racist, body-centered, anti-extractivist struggles, among others, from the late 20th Century to the present day. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
POL469H1 | Ethics and International Relations | The course aims to explore the requirements of justice and fairness in international affairs. It is common to theorize international relations in terms of interests and power. But even the most cursory look at what important actors actually do in their international interactions reveals that they use normative language all the time. This has not gone unnoticed, with investigations of ethics in the international arena multiplying in recent years. Drawing on readings from political philosophy, legal theory, and normative international relations theory, the course will take up practical ethical dilemmas encountered in world affairs. The main focus of the course will be on institutions. Examples will be drawn from the issue areas of trade, health, and the environment, among others. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 |
POL474H1 | Politics and Policy Analysis | Major theories of public policy-making and related approaches to policy analysis are examined from the perspective of political science. Key contributions to the theoretical literature pertaining to leading models are read and discussed. Models of public policy-making are successively applied to analysis of cases of Canadian and comparative policy development. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
POL475H5 | Global Environmental and Sustainability Politics | This course examines the challenges faced by humanity in dealing with global environmental and sustainability problems and the politics of addressing them. Focuses on both the underlying factors that shape the politics of these problems - such as scientific uncertainty, North-South conflict, equity concerns, globalization and production and consumption patterns - and explores attempts at the governance of specific global or transnational environmental and sustainability issues by state and non-state actors. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
POLA01H3 | Critical Issues in Politics I | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16, SDG9 | |
POLA02H3 | Critical Issues in Politics II | An introduction to crucial political issues of the day (e.g. globalization, migration, political violence, corruption, democracy, global justice, climate change, human rights, revolution, terrorism) and key concepts in Political Science. Students will develop techniques of critical reading and analytic essay writing. Topics will vary by semester and professor. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16, SDG9 |
POLB30H3 | Law, Justice and Rights | This is a lecture course that helps students understand the theoretical justifications for the rule of law. We will study different arguments about the source and limitations of law: natural law, legal positivism, normative jurisprudence and critical theories. The course will also examine some key court cases in order to explore the connection between theory and practice. This is the foundation course for the Minor program in Public Law. Areas of Focus: Political Theory and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLB56H3 | Canadian Politics and Government | The objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of the Canadian political system and the methods by which it is studied. Students will learn about the importance of Parliament, the role of the courts in Canada's democracy, federalism, and the basics of the constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and other concepts and institutions basic to the functioning of the Canadian state. Students will also learn about the major political cleavages in Canada such as those arising from French-English relations, multiculturalism, the urban-rural divide, as well as being introduced to settler-Indigenous relations. Students will be expected to think critically about the methods that are used to approach the study of Canada along with their strengths and limitations. Area of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
POLB57H3 | The Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights | This class will introduce students to the Canadian constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Students will learn the history of and constitutional basis for parliamentary democracy, Canadian federalism, judicial independence, the role of the monarchy, and the origins and foundations of Indigenous rights. The course will also focus specifically on the role of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and students will learn about the constitutional rights to expression, equality, assembly, free practice of religion, the different official language guarantees, and the democratic rights to vote and run for office. Special attention will also be paid to how rights can be constitutionally limited through an examination of the notwithstanding clause and the Charter's reasonable limits clause. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLB72H3 | Introduction to Political Theory | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 | |
POLB81H3 | Introduction to International Relations II | This course examines how the global system is organized and how issues of international concern like conflict, human rights, the environment, trade, and finance are governed. Area of Focus: International Relations | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
POLB90H3 | Comparative Development in International Perspective | This course examines the historical and current impact of the international order on the development prospects and politics of less developed countries. Topics include colonial conquest, multi-national investment, the debt crisis and globalization. The course focuses on the effects of these international factors on domestic power structures, the urban and rural poor, and the environment. Area of Focus: Comparative Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG9 |
POLB91H3 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | This course examines the role of politics and the state in the processes of development in less developed countries. Topics include the role of the military and bureaucracy, the relationship between the state and the economy, and the role of religion and ethnicity in politics. Area of Focus: Comparative Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC12H3 | Global Public Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | This course will introduce students to the global policymaking process, with an emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students will make practical contributions to the policy areas under the SDGs through partnerships with community not-for-profit organizations, international not-for-profit organizations, or international governmental organizations. Students will learn about problem definition and the emergence of global policy positions in the SDG policy areas. They will assess the roles of non-state actors in achieving the SDGs and analyze the mechanisms that drive the global partnership between developing countries and developed countries. Area of Focus: Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC13H3 | Program Evaluation | This course introduces students to the frameworks and practice of program evaluation. It focuses on the policy evaluation stage of the policy cycle. The course explains the process of assessing public programs to determine if they achieved the expected change. Students will learn about program evaluation methods and tools and will apply these in practical exercises. They will also learn about the use of indicators to examine if the intended outcomes have been met and to what extent. Students will engage in critical analysis of program evaluation studies and reports. Areas of Focus: Public Policy and Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC30H3 | Law, Politics and Technology | Today's legal and political problems require innovative solutions and heavily rely on the extensive use of technology. This course will examine the interaction between law, politics, and technology. It will explore how technological advancements shape and are shaped by legal and political systems. Students will examine the impact of technology on the legal and political landscape, and will closely look at topics such as cybersecurity, privacy, intellectual property, social media, artificial intelligence and the relationship of emerging technologies with democracy, human rights, ethics, employment, health and environment. The course will explore the challenges and opportunities that technology poses to politics and democratic governance. The topics and readings take a wider global perspective  they are not confined only on a Canadian context but look at various countries' experiences with technology. Area of Focus: Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
POLC32H3 | The Canadian Judicial System | This course explores the structure, role and key issues associated with the Canadian judicial system. The first section provides the key context and history associated with Canada's court system. The second section discusses the role the courts have played in the evolution of the Canadian constitution and politics  with a particular focus on the Supreme Court of Canada. The final section analyzes some of the key debates and issues related to the courts in Canada, including their democratic nature, function in establishing public policy and protection of civil liberties. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC33H3 | Politics of International Human Rights | This course aims to provide students with an overview of the way human rights laws, norms, and institutions have evolved. In the first half of the class, we will examine the legal institutions and human rights regimes around the world, both global and regional. In the second half, we will take a bottom-up view by exploring how human rights become part of contentious politics. Special attention will be given to how human rights law transform with mobilization from below and how it is used to contest, challenge and change hierarchical power relationships. The case studies from the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the US aim at placing human rights concerns in a broader sociopolitical context. Areas of Focus: International Relations and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC34H3 | The Politics of Crime | This course will explore how the world of criminal justice intersects with the world of politics. Beginning with a history of the "punitive turn" in the criminal justice policy of the late 1970s, this course will look at the major political issues in criminal justice today. Topics studied will include the constitutional context for legislating the criminal and quasi-criminal law, race and class in criminal justice, Canada's Indigenous peoples and the criminal justice system, the growth of restorative justice, drug prohibition and reform, the value of incarceration, and white-collar crime and organizational liability. More broadly, the class aims to cover why crime continues to be a major political issue in Canada and the different approaches to addressing its control. Areas of Focus: Comparative Politics and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
POLC36H3 | Law and Public Policy | This course examines how different types of legal frameworks affect processes and outcomes of policy-making. It contrasts policy-making in Westminster parliamentary systems and separation of powers systems; unitary versus multi-level or federal systems; and systems with and without constitutional bills of rights. Areas of Focus: Public Policy and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC38H3 | International Law | This course introduces students to the foundations of international law, its sources, its rationale, and challenges to its effectiveness and implementation. Areas of international law discussed include the conduct of war, trade, and diplomacy, as well as the protection of human rights and the environment. Areas of Focus: International Relations and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16 |
POLC39H3 | Comparative Law and Politics | This course examines the interaction between law, courts, and politics in countries throughout the world. We begin by critically examining the (alleged) functions of courts: to provide for "order," resolve disputes, and to enforce legal norms. We then turn to examine the conditions under which high courts have expand their powers by weighing into contentious policy areas and sometimes empower individuals with new rights. We analyze case studies from democracies, transitioning regimes, and authoritarian states. Areas of Focus: Comparative Politics and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC52H3 | Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State | This course is an introduction to Indigenous/Canadian relations and will give students a chance to begin learning and understanding an important component of Canadian politics and Canadian political science. A vast majority of topics in Canadian politics and Canadian political science can, and do, have a caveat and component that reflects, or should reflect, Indigenous nations and peoples that share territory with the Canadian state. Both Indigenous and Settler contexts will be used to guide class discussion. The course readings will also delve into Canadian/Indigenous relationships, their development, histories, contemporary existence, and potential futures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
POLC53H3 | Canadian Environmental Policy | This course examines the ideas and success of the environmental movement in Canada. The course focuses on how environmental policy in Canada is shaped by the ideas of environmentalists, economic and political interests, public opinion, and Canada's political-institutional framework. Combined lecture-seminar format. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16 |
POLC54H3 | Intergovernmental Relations in Canada | This course examines relations between provincial and federal governments in Canada, and how they have been shaped by the nature of Canada's society and economy, judicial review, constitutional amendment, and regionalisation and globalization. The legitimacy and performance of the federal system are appraised. Lecture-seminar format. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG9 |
POLC56H3 | Indigenous Politics and Law | This course explores key historical and contemporary issues in indigenous politics. Focusing on the contemporary political and legal mobilization of Indigenous peoples, it will examine their pursuit of self-government, land claims and resource development, treaty negotiations indigenous rights, and reconciliation. A primary focus will be the role of Canada's courts, its political institutions, and federal and provincial political leaders in affecting the capacity of indigenous communities to realize their goals. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics, and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
POLC57H3 | Intergovernmental Relations and Public Policy | This course examines intergovernmental relations in various areas of public policy and their effects on policy outcomes. It evaluates how federalism affects the capacity of Canadians to secure desirable social, economic, environmental and trade policies. Lecture-seminar format. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG13 |
POLC58H3 | The Politics of National Identity and Diversity | This course explores the foundational concepts of nation and nationalism in Canadian and comparative politics, and the related issues associated with diversity. The first section looks at the theories related to nationalism and national identity, while the second applies these to better understand such pressing issues as minorities, multiculturalism, conflict and globalization. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics; Comparative Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
POLC69H3 | Political Economy: International and Comparative Perspectives | This course provides an introduction to the field of political economy from an international and comparative perspective. The course explores the globalization of the economy, discusses traditional and contemporary theories of political economy, and examines issues such as trade, production, development, and environmental change. Areas of Focus: Comparative Politics; International Relations | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG9 |
POLC70H3 | Political Thought: Democracy, Justice and Power | This course introduces students to central concepts in political theory. Readings will include classical and contemporary works that examine the meaning and justification of democracy as well as the different forms it can take. Students will also explore democracy in practice in the classroom and/or in the local community. Area of Focus: Political Theory | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC79H3 | Feminist Political Thought | This course examines the challenges and contributions of feminist political thought to the core concepts of political theory, such as rights, citizenship, democracy, and social movements. It analyzes the history of feminist political thought, and the varieties of contemporary feminist thought, including: liberal, socialist, radical, intersectional, and postcolonial. Area of Focus: Political Theory | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG5 |
POLC87H3 | Great Power Politics | This course explores the possibilities and limits for international cooperation in different areas and an examination of how institutions and the distribution of power shape bargained outcomes. Area of Focus: International Relations | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC88H3 | The New International Agenda | Traditional International Relations Theory has concentrated on relations between states, either failing to discuss, or missing the complexities of important issues such as terrorism, the role of women, proliferation, globalization of the world economy, and many others. This course serves as an introduction to these issues - and how international relations theory is adapting in order to cover them. Area of Focus: International Relations | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
POLC92H3 | U.S. Government and Politics | This course analyses the American federal system and the institutions and processes of government in the United States. Area of Focus: Comparative Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLC94H3 | Globalization, Gender and Development | This course explores the gendered impact of economic Globalization and the various forms of resistance and mobilization that women of the global south have engaged in their efforts to cope with that impact. The course pays particular attention to regional contextual differences (Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East) and to the perspectives of global south women, both academic and activist, on major development issues. Area of Focus: Comparative Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5, SDG9 |
POLC98H3 | International Political Economy of Finance | The course explains why financial markets exist, and their evolution, by looking at the agents, actors and institutions which generate demand for them. We also consider the consequences of increasingly integrated markets, the causes of systemic financial crises, as well as the implications and feasibility of regulation. Area of Focus: International Relations | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
POLD30H3 | Legal Reasoning | This course will introduce students to the ideas and methods that guide judges and lawyers in their work. How does the abstract world of the law get translated into predictable, concrete decisions? How do judges decide what is the "correct" decision in a given case? The class will begin with an overview of the legal system before delving into the ideas guiding statute drafting and interpretation, judicial review and administrative discretion, the meaning of "evidence" and "proof," constitutionalism, and appellate review. Time will also be spent exploring the ways that foreign law can impact and be reconciled with Canadian law in a globalizing world. Areas of Focus: Public Law, and Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLD38H3 | Law and Global Business | This course examines how law both constitutes and regulates global business. Focusing on Canada and the role of Canadian companies within a global economy, the course introduces foundational concepts of business law, considering how the state makes markets by bestowing legal personality on corporations and facilitating private exchange. The course then turns to examine multinational businesses and the laws that regulate these cross-border actors, including international law, extra-territorial national law, and private and hybrid governance tools. Using real-world examples from court decisions and business case studies, students will explore some of the "governance gaps" produced by the globalization of business and engage directly with the tensions that can emerge between legal, ethical, and strategic demands on multinational business. Areas of Focus: International Relations and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG9 |
POLD45H3 | Constitutionalism | This course studies the theory of constitutionalism through a detailed study of its major idioms such as the rule of law, the separation of powers, sovereignty, rights, and limited government. Areas of Focus: Political Theory and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLD46H3 | Public Law and the Canadian Immigration System | Immigration is one of the most debated and talked about political issues in the 21st century. Peoples' movement across continents for a whole host of reasons is not new; however, with the emergence of the nation-state, the drawing of borders, and the attempts to define and shape of membership in a political and national community, migration became a topic for public debate and legal challenge. This course dives into Canada's immigration system and looks at how it was designed, what values and objectives it tries to meet, and how global challenges affect its approach and attitude toward newcomers. The approach used in this course is that of a legal practitioner, tasked with weighing the personal narratives and aspirations of migrants as they navigate legal challenges and explore the available programs and pathways to complete their migration journey in Canada. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics, and Public Law | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
POLD54H3 | Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation Governance and Politics | The campuses of the University of Toronto are situated on the territory of the Michi-Saagiig Nation (one of the nations that are a part of the Nishnaabeg). This course will introduce students to the legal, political, and socio-economic structures of the Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation and discuss its relations with other Indigenous nations and confederacies, and with the Settler societies with whom the Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg have had contact since 1492. In an era of reconciliation, it is imperative for students to learn and understand the Indigenous nation upon whose territory we are meeting and learning. Therefore, course readings will address both Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg and Settler contexts. In addition to literature, there will be guest speakers from the current six (6) Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg communities that exist: Alderville, Mississaugas of the Credit, Mississaugi 8, Oshkigamig (Curve Lake), Pamitaashkodeyong (Burns/Hiawatha), and Scugog. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
POLD59H3 | Politics of Disability | An in-depth analysis of the place and rights of disabled persons in contemporary society. Course topics include historic, contemporary, and religious perspectives on persons with disabilities; the political organization of persons with disabilities; media presentation of persons with disabilities; and the role of legislatures and courts in the provision of rights of labour force equality and social service accessibility for persons with disabilities. Area of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG3, SDG8 |
POLD75H3 | Property and Power | This course examines the concept of property as an enduring theme and object of debate in the history of political thought and contemporary political theory. Defining property and justifying its distribution has a significant impact on how citizens experience authority, equality, freedom, and justice. The course will analyze different theoretical approaches to property in light of how they shape and/or challenge relations of class, race, gender, and other lines of difference and inequality. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
POLD89H3 | Global Environmental Politics | Examines the challenges faced by humanity in dealing with global environmental problems and the politics of addressing them. Focuses on both the underlying factors that shape the politics of global environmental problems - such as scientific uncertainty, North-South conflict, and globalization - and explores attempts at the governance of specific environmental issues. Area of Focus: International Relations; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16, SDG9 |
PPG200H1 | Microeconomics for Policy Analysis | The objectives are: (1) To provide students with a foundation in microeconomic analysis and; (2) To demonstrate how this foundation can be applied to design, predict the effects of and evaluate public policies. Students will be equipped to understand the main issues on a range of policy topics such as taxation, social insurance, welfare and income support programs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10 |
PPG201H1 | Microeconomics for Engineers | An introduction to microeconomics, for application in public policy analysis. Designed specifically for students with training in calculus and linear algebra, and who are pursuing a certificate in public policy, the course will explore preference and choice, classical demand theory and the utility maximization problem as well as expenditure minimization problem, welfare evaluation of economic changes, regression analysis and ordinary least squares. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1 |
PPG301H1 | Introduction to Public Policy | The course introduces students to the study of public policy, the policy process and our policy institutions in Canada. The course examines how issues emerge, how important ideas are framed, priorities are established, and agendas are set and managed. It explores how institutions – formal and informal rules which enable and constrain actors – shape policy-making in Canada. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PPG302H1 | Institutions and Public Policy for Engineers | Knowledge of how governmental and non-governmental institutions work is essential to the study and development of public policy. This course will examine the formation, consequences and dynamics of institutions  from legislatures and courts to militaries and interest groups  in both democratic and authoritarian societies. We will also consider how institutions inform the relationship between individuals and the state, and how these social structures are instruments of policy implementation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PPG401H1 | The Role of Government | This course explores the government’s role in promoting efficiency and equity in both the financing and delivery of public policy goals. It explores the conditions when government involvement is important, the policy levers available to government in promoting social policy, market failures, and conditions for efficiency. It examines the role of government in many of the major areas of social policy such as health care, education, redistribution, the environment, financial regulations and other important issues. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4 |
PPG402H1 | Public Policy Analysis for Engineers | This course introduces students to the field of public policy - the means by which governments respond to social issues  and considers both why and how governments respond in these ways. To that end, we'll examine the policy cycle, including how policy is proposed, made and reformed, as well as the role of regulation. And we'll explore both theories of public policy and case studies of policy-making in action. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PPGB66H3 | Public Policy Making | This course provides an introduction to the study of public policy. The course will address theories of how policy is made and the influence of key actors and institutions. Topics include the policy cycle (agenda setting, policy information, decision making, implementation, and evaluation), policy durability and change, and globalization and policy making. Areas of Focus: Public Policy, Comparative Politics, Canadian Government and Politics | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG9 |
PPGC67H3 | Public Policy in Canada | This course is a survey of contemporary patterns of public policy in Canada. Selected policy studies including managing the economy from post-war stabilization policies to the rise of global capitalism, developments in the Canadian welfare state and approaches to external relations and national security in the new international order. Areas of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG9 |
PPGD64H3 | Comparative Public Policy | This seminar course explores some of the major theoretical approaches to the comparative analysis of public policies across countries. The course explores factors that influence a country’s policy-making process and why countries’ policies diverge or converge. Empirically, the course examines several contemporary issue areas, such as economic, social or environmental policies. Areas of Focus: Comparative Politics; Public Policy | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13 |
PSL280H1 | Introduction to Physiologic Adaptations of Marine Mammals | Systems approach to physiology of marine mammals in their aquatic environment. Highlights unique features of cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, urinary, and reproductive systems. Introduces relevant physiology, and makes comparisons to human condition and disease. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14 |
PSL480H1 | Diving Physiology of Marine Mammals | This course compares and contrasts the physiological and anatomical adaptations exhibited by the different species of marine mammals in relationship to humans, with respect to diving. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
PSY210H1 | Introduction to Developmental Psychology | The developmental approach to the study of behaviour with a focus on infancy through childhood. Topics include sensorimotor skills, cognition, socialization, personality, and emotional behaviour. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
PSY230H5 | Introduction to Personality Science | Personality science examines human diversity in behaviours, thoughts, and emotions. A primary learning objective is for students to think scientifically about human diversity in personality traits. The course focuses primarily on empirical results that have accumulated since the 1970s. Students learn about the measurement of personality, biological and social causes of human diversity, and the influence of personality on major life outcomes. The course focuses on variation in personality that is normal, although the relationship between personality and health – both physical and mental – is examined. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
PSY317H5 | Gender and Sexual Development | Gender and sexuality influence how we think about ourselves and relate to others. This course explores the development of these aspects with emphasis on cognitive, social and cultural processes. Topics include gender stereotypes and the emergence of gender differences, gender and education, gender bias, gender identity, sexual development in children and youth, and sexual partner preferences. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
PSY320H5 | Social Psychology: Attitudes | Attitudes are persistent evaluations (preferences, likes and dislikes). This course examines the measurement of attitudes, the formation of attitudes to new objects, and the change of existing attitudes. General principles are illustrated with examples from various domains, such as propaganda and advertising, stereotyping and prejudice, attitudes towards health behaviours, and self-evaluations (self-esteem, life-satisfaction) | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
PSY323H1 | Sex Roles and Behaviour | The effect of sex-role expectations on how men and women behave and perceive the world: theories of sex-role development, physiological and cultural determinants of sex differences, power relationships between men and women. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PSY324H5 | The Science of Wellbeing | What makes people happy? Does money buy happiness or do unhappy people not know where to shop? Are people in California happier than people in Ontario? Does marriage make men happier and women unhappier? This course reviews the scientific evidence regarding these and other questions about the determinants of happiness from an interdisciplinary perspective (psychology, economics, sociology, philosophy, & biology) that ranges from molecular genetics to cross-national comparisons. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3, SDG5 |
PSY328H5 | Psychology and the Law | An examination of relevant research and contemporary methodologies examining phenomena encountered in the justice system. Topics include jury decision-making, violence and risk assessment, eye-witness evidence, insanity, psychopathy and anti-social personality disorder, sentencing, treatment of special offender groups, and criminal profiling. Students will learn how to apply the scientific method to examine behaviours that occur in a legal context. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
PSY332H1 | Organizational Behaviour | An analysis of the individual, group, and institutional structures and processes that influence behaviour within organizations. Topics may include motivation, leadership, communication, group processes and teamwork, and organizational culture. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
PSY333H1 | Health Psychology | This course examines research evidence concerning the impact of psychological factors on physical health and illness. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SGS3 |
PSY333H5 | Health Psychology | Examines research evidence concerning the impact of psychological factors on physical health and illness. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
PSY336H1 | Positive Psychology | A review of the field of positive psychology, which is the study of happiness and fulfillment. Topics include personal growth, meaning, hedonic and eudaimonic approaches to well-being, gratitude, awe, flow states, mindfulness and meditation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
PSY341H5 | Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents | Considers concepts of normal, abnormal and delayed development. Schemes of classification and diagnosis, approaches to identification of causes, antecedents, and consequences, as well as contemporary treatment methods are critically evaluated. In addition, resilience in the face of adversity will be addressed, since risk and traumatic events often do not lead to disorders. The emphasis is on rigorous research as a primary source of knowledge about psychological disorders and empirically supported treatment. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG4 |
PSY344H5 | Forensic Psychology | An exploration of the role of psychology in forensic science (the application of scientific inquiry into criminal investigation). Topics, which will vary from year to year, could include the assessment of criminal responsibility, competency issues, psychiatric disorders associated with crime, criminal profiling, behavioural analysis of a crime scene, prediction of dangerousness, workplace and family violence, sexual assault/abuse/rape, recovered memories, detection of malingering and deception, deindividuation and bystander intervention, social psychology of the jury, use of psychological tests in legal cases, witness preparation/interrogation, and the psychologist as expert witness. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
PSY345H5 | Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness | A survey of contemporary theory and research related to exceptionality with a special emphasis on disability and educational issues. Topics include controversial psychosocial issues, legal, family, and multicultural issues, disability across the lifespan, communication disorders, hearing and visual impairment, autism, and acquired brain injury. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
PSY352H5 | Animal Behaviour | An introduction to animal behaviour from a biological perspective, stressing ecological and evolutionary aspects of behaviour. The course will review the neural, endocrine and physiological mechanisms mediating animals' natural behaviours, as well as how gene-environment interactions during development modify these behavioural mechanisms. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15 |
PSY362H1 | Animal Cognition | The study of memory, representation, concept learning, and other cognitive processes in non-human animals. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
PSY362H5 | Animal Cognition | A comparative survey of cognitive processes in animals from an ecological and evolutionary perspective. The course will examine topics including perception, working and reference memory, simple associative and complex relational learning, and concept formation. [36L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15, SDG4 |
PSY401H5 | Knowledge Translation: Delivering Scientific Discovery to the Real-World | As a science, psychology investigates why and how humans and nonhuman animals feel, think, and behave in the ways they do. Our discoveries can be harnessed for societal good when the insights gained from psychological research are communicated accurately to the public. In this course, students will participate in seminars to learn to communicate effectively about scientific discoveries and engage in the process of knowledge translation. Students will also work with a Psychology faculty supervisor to create and deliver knowledge translation products. Note: To register in the course, students must obtain approval from a faculty supervisor, and apply for and obtain approval from the Department of Psychology (see the Psychology department website for details). | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG14, SDG15, SDG4, SDG9 |
PSY422H1 | Community Psychology & Advocacy | This course is designed for students who are eager to apply their knowledge of psychological science to social problems. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of community psychology while also examining how social psychological theory and research can be applied to understand and address issues that affect communities. This course will help students develop the skills and confidence necessary to advocate successfully on public interest issues relevant to psychology. Students will also work in partners/teams with a community advocacy group to collaboratively address a specific problem or need of the organization. Through a guided process of practice and reflection, students will increase their self-efficacy and come to recognize their ability to use their psychological knowledge and skills to make change in the world. Classroom discussions will integrate community experiences with lecture material. Enrolment is by application (see psychology department website or contact the department for more information at Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG8 |
PSY435H1 | Environmental Psychology | This lecture course explores how psychologists can contribute to finding solutions to today's pressing environmental challenges. Topics include persuasion, community-based social marketing, social influence, social capital, and the many ways in which the physical environment affects psychological processes. The course takes a multi-scalar approach to the human-environment relationship, covering individual, community, cultural and global levels of scale, through the lens of complex dynamic systems theories. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG9 |
PSY442Y5 | Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning | Seminar and practicum on issues relating to the life-long development of individuals with disabilities. Seminar at UTM; practicum involves supervised placements in schools or social service agencies (80 hours). Course is required for students enrolled in the Exceptionality in Human Learning Specialist program and is available to Psychology Specialists, Majors and Minors on a competitive basis. Course fulfills the 400-level seminar requirement for the Psychology Specialist Program. Admission by academic merit. Interested students should submit an application to the Psychology office by mid-April. Application procedures: | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3, SDG4 |
PSY495H1 | Sex and the Brain | This lecture course explores the scientific literature underlying the concept that female/male, gay/straight, and transgendered behaviours are based on brain differences. Original scientific papers will be read in close detail for design and interpretation of the experiments. The goal is to gain an understanding of the science and psychology underlying sex/gender, popular conceptions of sex, and the sexual brain. Topics include: the making of sex, hormone action, brain-based sexual behaviours, sex and cognition, and sex and sexuality/gender identification. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
PSYC15H3 | Foundations in Community Psychology | Community psychology is an area of psychology that examines the social, cultural, and structural influences that promote positive change, health, and empowerment among communities and community members. This course will offer an overview of the foundational components of community psychology including its theories, research methods, and applications to topics such as community mental health, prevention programs, interventions, the community practitioner as social change agent, and applications of community psychology to other settings and situations. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3 |
PSYC23H3 | Developmental Psychobiology | A review of the interplay of psychosocial and biological processes in the development of stress and emotion regulation. Theory and research on infant attachment, mutual regulation, gender differences in emotionality, neurobiology of the parent-infant relationship, and the impact of socialization and parenting on the development of infant stress and emotion. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
PSYC28H3 | Emotional Development | This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the biological, cognitive, and social factors that shape emotional development in infancy and childhood. Topics covered will include theories of emotional development, the acquisition of emotion concepts, the role of family and culture in emotional development, the development of emotion regulation, and atypical emotional development. Through learning influential theories, cutting-edge methods, and the latest research findings, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamental aspects of emotional development. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
PSYC34H3 | The Psychology of Happiness and Meaning | The philosopher Aristotle proposed long ago that a good life consists of two core elements: happiness (hedonia) and a sense of meaning (eudaimonia). What is happiness and meaning, and how do they relate to psychological wellbeing? How do these desired states or traits change across life, and can they be developed with specific interventions? What roles do self-perception and social relationships play in these phenomena? We will focus on the conceptual, methodological, and philosophical issues underlying these questions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PSYC37H3 | Psychological Assessment | This course deals with conceptual issues and practical problems of identification, assessment, and treatment of mental disorders and their psychological symptomatology. Students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the psychological tests and the normative data used in mental health assessments. Lectures and demonstrations on test administration and interpretation will be provided. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PSYC72H3 | Developmental Psychology Laboratory | This course introduces conceptual and practical issues concerning research in developmental psychology. Developmental psychology focuses on the process of change within and across different phases of the life-span. Reflecting the broad range of topics in this area, there are diverse research methods, including techniques for studying infant behaviour as well as procedures for studying development in children, adolescents, and adults. This course will cover a representative sample of some of these approaches. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
PSYC73H3 | Wellness and Resilience Laboratory | A widespread survey on techniques derived from clinical psychology interventions and wellness and resilience research paired with the applied practice and implementation of those techniques designed specifically for students in the Specialist (Co-op) program in Mental Health Studies. Students will attend a lecture reviewing the research and details of each technique/topic. The laboratory component will consist of interactive, hands-on experience in close group settings with a number of techniques related to emotion, stress, wellness, and resilience. These are specifically tailored for university student populations. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG3, SDG8 |
PSYC81H3 | Psychology for Sustainability | This course will introduce students to a variety of topics in psychology as they relate to climate change and the psychological study of sustainable human behaviour. Topics covered will include the threats of a changing environment to mental health and wellbeing; the development of coping mechanisms and resilience for individuals and communities affected negatively by climate change and a changing environment; perceptions of risk, and how beliefs and attitudes are developed, maintained, and updated; effective principles for communicating about climate change and sustainable behaviour; how social identity affects experiences and perceptions of a changing environment; empirically validated methods for promoting pro-environmental behaviour; and how, when required, we can best motivate people to action. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG13, SDG3 |
PSYD23H3 | Dyadic Processes in Psychological Development | Mutual recognition is one of the hallmarks of human consciousness and psychological development. This course explores mutual recognition as a dyadic and regulatory process in development, drawing on diverse theories from developmental science, social psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, literature, psychoanalysis, and gender studies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
PSYD24H3 | Seeing, Hearing, and Moving in Children | An in-depth examination of aspects related to perceptual and motor development in infancy and childhood. The topics to be covered will be drawn from basic components of visual and auditory perception, multisensory integration, and motor control, including reaching, posture, and walking. Each week, students will read a set of experimental reports, and will discuss these readings in class. The format of this course is seminar-discussion. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4 |
PSYD31H3 | Cultural-Clinical Psychology | This course provides an in-depth introduction to the field of cultural-clinical psychology. We examine theoretical and empirical advances in understanding the complex interplay between culture and mental health, focusing on implications for the study and treatment of psychopathology. Topics include cultural variations in the experience and expression of mental illness. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PSYD35H3 | Clinical Psychopharmacology | This course reviews the psychopharmacological strategies used for addressing a variety of mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, psychosis, impulsivity, and dementia. It will also address the effects of psychotropic drugs on patients or clients referred to mental health professionals for intellectual, neuropsychological and personality testing. Limitations of pharmacotherapy and its combinations with psychotherapy will be discussed. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PSYD37H3 | Social Context of Mental Health and Illness | This course is an opportunity to explore how social practices and ideas contribute to the ways in which society, families and individuals are affected by mental health and mental illness. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
PSYD39H3 | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | This course provides an in-depth exploration of cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT) for psychological disorders. Topics covered include historical and theoretical foundations of CBT, its empirical evidence base and putative mechanisms of change, and a critical review of contemporary clinical applications and protocols. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3 |
REN338H1 | Renaissance in the City | An interdisciplinary course exploring the history, art, architecture, literature, and music of the Renaissance in one or more cities from ca. 1400-1650. The course will investigate how local political and social-historical contexts shape ideas and cultural forms, and so illustrate the process and effects of cross-fertilization in the Renaissance period. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
REN342H1 | Women and Writing in the Renaissance | Focusing on writers from various geographical areas, the course examines a variety of texts by early modern women (for example, treatises, letters, and poetry) so as to explore the female experience in a literate society, with particular attention to how women constructed a gendered identity for themselves against the backdrop of the cultural debates of the time. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
REN346H1 | The Idea of the Renaissance | This course examines the changing views of the Renaissance, from the earliest definitions by poets and painters to the different understandings of contemporary historians. We will pay attention to the interests and biases that have informed the idea of the Renaissance as an aesthetic, social, political, gendered, and Eurocentric phenomenon. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG101H5 | Introduction to the Study of Religion | Theories about the variety and nature of religious experience, personal and collective. How religious life is expressed in such forms as myth, narrative and ritual, systems of belief and value, morality and social institutions. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
RLG203H1 | Christianity | We explore the multiple religious traditions of Christianity and follow key themes as they have changed throughout the last two millennia. The themes might include: the Bible and its translation; missionizing and colonial practices; belief and conversion; authority and power; capitalism and Christianity. The course will equip students to understand how and why Christianity has come to exert such influence around the globe. No familiarity with the Bible, Christianity, or the academic study of religion is assumed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RLG206H1 | Buddhism | This course traces the socio-historical development of Buddhist traditions across the diverse regions of South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia from their foundations in early India to their transmission in the contemporary West. Although much of our time will be spent reading, grappling with, and discussing Buddhist literary works (premodern, modern), we will also consider the institutional and practical dimensions of Buddhism as a lived tradition. To that end, weekly readings and lectures will be supplemented with maps, images, and videos to highlight the vast geographical range and significance of Buddhist traditions over time, as well as their rich visual and material cultures. By the end of the course students are expected to have a solid understanding of the basic timeline of Buddhist history in Asia, together with the major figures, key concepts, central texts, and ritual practices comprising Buddhist traditions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
RLG207H5 | Introduction to Sikhism | This course surveys the history of Sikhism from its beginnings as a devotional movement in late medieval Punjab to its transformation during the colonial period. Students will learn about the historical development of core Sikh doctrines, practices, and institutions. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
RLG222H1 | Witchcraft, Religion and the Powers of the Occult | Picture a witch in your mind’s eye. Do you see them as male, female, or somewhere between the two? Young or old? Good or evil? This course goes beyond common Western assumptions about the character and morality of witchcraft to show how its study, its representation and its practice contribute in vital ways to our understandings of religion, the occult, morality, gender, sexuality and science. We move across Europe, Africa, Melanesia and North America to shed light on a controversial figure in numerous societies and literary traditions, past and present. Depictions of witches, wiccans, sorcerers and magicians are analyzed and compared. At the same time, the course should make you ask yourself: What is rational, what is ethical—and ultimately, what is human? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG230H1 | Religion, Law and Society | The course examines various issues, including: Canadian society and secularization; religious pluralism and legal pluralism; the role of religions in public contexts; land and property; marriage and women’s rights; and the place of minority religious communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG5 |
RLG235H1 | Religion, Gender, and Sexuality | This course equips students to understand how norms and practices of gender and sexuality are deeply entangled with religious imaginations and traditions. We will examine how ritual, scriptural, and legal traditions enable and constrain embodied and political power. Readings will draw from feminist, womanist, queer, and other perspectives. With a combination of in-class discussions, critical reading exercises, and short essay assignments, students will strengthen their awareness of transnational intersections of religion, gender, and "religio-racial" formations. You will develop skills in analyzing the role of popular culture and legal and religious texts in shaping norms and experiences of gender and embodiment. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG237H1 | Religion, Medicine, and the Human Body | Throughout much of human history, considerations of the wondrous workings and frightening frailty of the human body occupied a large role in religious thought and practice. This course examines how religion influenced the development of scientific thought about physiology and medicine, as well as how scientific knowledge was integrated into religious beliefs. Possible topics of discussion include attitudes towards the differences among the sexes, public health needs and the coercion of individuals, the significance of stages of life and aging, contraception and abortion, the relation between mental and physical health, and how to face the prospect of death and disease appropriately. We will also explore the role of pilgrimage sites in healthcare. Finally, we discuss the particular internal conflicts and religious experiences of medical care professionals. Regions and time periods under discussion will vary by instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
RLG302H5 | Sufism | This course focuses on the history, institutions, and practices of Sufism, popularly referred to as Islam’s “mystical†dimension. This course will examine the origins of Sufism, the development of metaphysical and theoretical thought, poetry, the emergence of Sufi orders, and shrine-based practices from the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, China, and the West. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
RLG309H1 | Religion and Human Rights | We will explore the dynamic inter-relations of women, ethnicities and minorities, among others, within the context of religion in this age of human rights, focusing on the contemporary global context. Our aim will be to include both theory and praxis. The approach will be intersectional, cross-cultural, inter-religious and inter-disciplinary. We will do this by drawing on both academic and non-academic resources, grassroots movements as well as global initiatives to approach these issues. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
RLG311H1 | Gender, Body and Sexuality in Asian Traditions | A study of women in the religious traditions of South and East Asia, including historical developments, topical issues, and contemporary women's movements. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG313H1 | Love, Sex, Family | This course equips students to understand the religious roots of modern formations of gender, sexuality, and kinship, focusing in particular on Judaism, Christianity, and New Religious Movements. Topics we will cover include: the transformation of traditional religious structures into the modern "religion of romantic love," the reshaping of religious practices within the modern nuclear family and its gendered division of labour, the persistent religious entanglements within not only normative but also queer and transgressive gender performances and kinship structures, the political asymmetries within which different religious modernities emerge, and the role of literature in preserving religious enchantment in modernity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG314H5 | Religion and Gender | This course focuses on the interaction of gender and religion from a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective; topics include creation myths, authority and leadership, sainthood, expressions of the divine, and gendered ritual.[24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
RLG317H1 | Religion, Violence, and Non-Violence | People acting in the name of religion(s) have incited violence and worked for peace. How can we understand this tension both today and in the past? Through examination of the power of authoritative tradition, collective solidarity, charisma, and acts of resistance, this course addresses religious justifications of violence and non-violence across varied historical and geographical contexts. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
RLG321H1 | Women and the Hebrew Bible | This course provides a critical examination of the Hebrew Bible (sometimes called the Old Testament) with an emphasis on women characters. It examines the historical and literary contexts of Hebrew Bible texts and engages diverse methods of contemporary biblical scholarship with particular attention to issues of gender. All readings will be in English. No knowledge of Hebrew is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5 |
RLG328H1 | Religion, Race, and the Legacy of Cain and Abel | Cain's killing of his brother Abel is one of the best known but least understood stories in the Bible. For thousands of years, interpreters have puzzled over the gaps and ambiguities of the story in order to piece together the how, what, where and why of this violent incident. This course explores the legacies of Cain and Abel across various religious traditions and in art, literature, and popular culture. It considers the surprising roles that this biblical story has played in modern ideas about religion, politics, and race. All readings will be in English. No knowledge of Hebrew is required. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RLG338H1 | Religion and Religiosity in Israel/Palestine | Focusing on present-day Israel/Palestine, this interdisciplinary course is intended for students interested in exploring a wide range of theoretical questions and examining their applicability to the study of sites, texts, rituals, and politics in the region. We will address the history of the land's consecration from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim perspectives. Students will analyze specific sites associated with religious congregations and ritual practices, and study them within their local and regional contexts. Looking at the complex relationships between religious-political movements and institutions within Jewish and Muslim societies, we will delve into various attempts to secularize (and theologize) Jewish and Palestinian communities and their discontents. Rather than providing the typical emphasis on conflict, the course is a journey into the history and present of the land and its diverse communities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG15, SDG16 |
RLG353H1 | The Politics of Charity | The course examines religious charitable giving, philanthropic foundations, and humanitarian aid and asks: Is charitable giving altruistic or is it always partly self-interested? Could aid perpetuate poverty? What kinds of "strings" come with receiving aid and is there such thing like a free gift? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1 |
RLG355H1 | Living Islam | This course introduces students to studies of contemporary Islam that are based on extensive periods of research with Muslim communities in their own languages using anthropological methods. What do such studies teach us about the varied ways Muslims engage their religious tradition in the modern world? And how can such studies make us think differently about gender, economy, medicine, and secularism? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG5, SDG9 |
RLG374H5 | Buddhist Literatures | The course looks at popular Buddhist educational storytelling, courtly dramas, Buddhist poetry or the life-histories of the buddhas, bodhisattvas and Buddhist holy men and women. It reflects on how popular motifs, aesthetic styles and literary media have helped transport Buddhist doctrines across various times, regions and languages. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
RLG376H1 | Touching the Earth | A study of Buddhist relationships with the earth, including “earth touching†contemplative practices, ritual ceremonies for land spirits or sacred sites, geomantic and cosmographic traditions, the use of landscape imagery to depict enlightenment, contrasts between wilderness and urban spaces, and contemporary ecological movements in Buddhist communities and their responses to climate disruption. The course combines experiential learning approaches and outdoor excursions with reading and written work. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG4 |
RLG416H1 | Topics in Religion and Gender | This course offers an opportunity to explore a topic focusing on the intersection of religion and gender. Topics vary depending on the instructor. When offered, a detailed course description of the topic will be available on the Department for the Study of Religion website. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
RLG426H1 | Religion in the Public Sphere: Community-Engaged Learning | In a 55-hour placement with a community partner, students are given an opportunity to learn about and reflect upon the ways that religion and religious diversity shape public life. How do individuals and organizations recognize and negotiate the intersections of religious diversity, culture, and public space in the context of engaging with public policy? Through critical classroom discussions, readings, reflections, and meaningful work for and with front-line community partners, community-engaged learning offers students the opportunity to integrate academic knowledge with experiences outside the classroom, to challenge themselves, and to explore their values and future directions. Application Process: By the end of November, interested students must complete the online application form to indicate their interest in and expectations of community engaged learning, as well as any previous volunteer/co-op/internship experience they may have had. Following submission of student applications, the course instructor(s) will contact student applicants individually to conduct a brief informational interview. Interviews will be completed by December, at which time students will be directly enrolled by the department. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
RSM100H1 | Introduction to Management | Introduction to management and its subdisciplines. Themes include business in a Canadian context, the nature of corporations, corporate governance, organizational behavior, operations, and strategy. Enrolment limited to students entering the University with an expressed interest in studying at Rotman Commerce. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
RSM221H1 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II | Covers topics such as income statement and balance sheet topics with an emphasis on quality of earnings. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
RSM230H1 | Financial Markets | Introduction to Canadian and international financial markets. This course provides an overview of the major financial institutions, financial markets, financial securities, and an introduction to valuation and trading of securities. Securities discussed include stocks and bonds, as well as some content on derivatives. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. Note: This course is normally taken in first year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
RSM250H1 | Principles of Marketing | Students receive an introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and methods of contemporary marketing. The course offers a comprehensive framework to develop successful marketing efforts and allows students to create a marketing plan. Specific topics examined: market research, consumer behaviour, segmentation, product policy, pricing, distribution, communications, sales, and direct marketing. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. Note: This course is normally taken in first year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
RSM320H1 | Intermediate Financial Accounting III | Covers broader areas in financial reporting, drawing upon regulatory documents and corporate communications. Topics include corporate reporting quality, employee future benefits, employee compensation disclosure and analysis, income tax accounting, narrative reporting. Emphasis on the context of financial reporting including an organization’s ‘tone at the top’ and the adoption of international standards. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
RSM321H1 | Advanced Financial Accounting Topics | This course covers accounting issues and practices relating to long-term investments, consolidations, foreign transactions and foreign investments. International accounting issues are also introduced. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RSM324H1 | Canadian Income Taxation I | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG9 | |
RSM325H1 | Legal Environment of Business II | This course canvasses several areas of law that impact a business entity. Topics dealt with include agency law, employment law, the Personal Property Security Act and the rights of the secured creditor, bankruptcy law, relevant consumer protection legislation, intellectual property and other specific legal topics. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8 |
RSM353H1 | Consumer Behaviour (formerly RSM451H1) | Formulating successful marketing strategies requires an understanding of consumers’ cultures, motivations, cognitions, and emotions. Students will learn how to use theoretical perspectives from psychology, economics, anthropology, and other disciplines to generate predictions about consumers, interpret consumer reactions to marketing stimuli, and develop rigorous skills in marketing analysis. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
RSM362H1 | Leading Across Differences | There is enormous buzz about leadership competencies that reflect the evolving nature of both the corporate culture as well as the disparate expectations of stakeholders. One leadership competency is the ability to navigate differences within the organization effectively. Through a series of thought provoking and experiential sessions, this course will make linkages between one’s individual leadership stance and tools for leveraging differences for impact. There will be constant focus upon uncovering innovative frames around diversity and inclusion that directly impact organizational strategy across sectors. Thought leaders, executives and practitioners from various organizations will bring their insights to deepen the learning experience. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RSM370H1 | Supply Chain Management | Globalization increasingly intertwines the Canadian and world economies. Understanding how firms can successfully link with worldwide suppliers and markets is central to growth. Supply chain management issues covered include: advanced inventory and production models; supply contracts; the bullwhip effect; vendor-managed inventories; distribution strategies; third-party logistics; product variety; current information technology. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
RSM393H1 | Strategic Case Analysis | This course provides students with the opportunity to hone the critical skills of effective presentation, decisiveness and business acumen with a focus on learning-by-doing. Students will analyze and recommend solutions to business problems and develop abilities to present and defend recommendations in an impactful and effective manner. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RSM394H1 | Social Entrepreneurship | In this course, students will learn how entrepreneurs create organizations that address social problems using innovative, sustainable approaches. Students will examine a variety of social venture forms and consider how such ventures can be evaluated, managed, and financed. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
RSM424H1 | Canadian Income Taxation II | This course is designed to give the student an understanding of more complex issues of Canadian income tax law and tax planning. Included are topics, such as, computation of taxes, corporate reorganizations, business acquisitions and divestitures, partnerships, joint ventures and trusts, to name a few. The two course sequence (RSM324H1 and RSM424H1) has been designed to provide coverage of the tax content required by the professional accounting bodies. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
RSM429H1 | Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation | This course is of interest to those pursuing a career where one needs to analyze financial statements "intelligently". This obviously includes those interested in finance related professions such as Investment Banking, Research and Investment Management. Students interested in consulting and marketing will also find this course useful because of its approach that focuses on business analysis with tie-ins to corporate strategy. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RSM432H1 | Risk Management for Financial Managers | This course examines the ways in which risks are quantified and managed by financial institutions. The principal risks considered include market risk, credit risk and operational risk. The course also covers the evolution of bank regulation and the regulatory limits on risk taking. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
RSM434H1 | Financial Trading Strategies | This course will use finance theory applied with Excel applications to understand potential returns and risks inherent in particular investment/trading strategies. Learning-by-doing will be facilitated by simulation-based Rotman Interactive Trader cases focused on particular risks. This training will be analogous to using a flight simulator for learning to fly. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG9 |
RSM435H1 | Futures and Options Markets | This course covers the analysis of derivative instruments such as forwards, futures, swaps and options. By the end of the course, students will have good knowledge of how these contracts work, how they are used and how they are priced. A fee of approximately $36 will be charged to your student account for software purchase. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RSM436H1 | Sustainable Finance | This course teaches students how to apply financial tools and models to the understanding of and to developing solutions for sustainability challenges as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Particular emphasis is on understanding the role of financial markets and financial constraints and incentives as a source of problems and to understanding the role of financial markets and financial tools as a source of solutions in the areas of climate change, environmental stresses, as well as social inequity and economic development across the world. Corporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings and financial ESG investment tools are prominently discussed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
RSM437H1 | International Finance | International financial markets, exchange rates, forward markets, interest rate parity. International dimensions of investment, including both portfolio and foreign direct investment. International dimensions of corporate finance, including valuation and the cost of capital of foreign investments. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG9 |
RSM438H1 | Mergers and Acquisitions | The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of the drivers of value creation in mergers and acquisitions and to develop skills in the design, evaluation, and negotiation of these transactions. Familiarity with M&A is a foundation for effective work in a wide range of fields including investment banking, private equity, consulting, corporate development, and advising senior management. The practice of mergers and acquisitions covers many value creation strategies including spin-offs, carve-outs, strategic acquisitions, leveraged buyouts and going private transactions. Students will learn why companies engage in such activities, and how advisors are involved in the process. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RSM439H1 | Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance | The primary objective of the course is to improve students’ ability to understand the concepts and institutions involved in private equity. The course will provide students with skill sets so they can analyze and understand private equity from multiple perspectives: the perspective of the individual/firm seeking and receiving private equity finance; the perspective of the private equity fund; and, the perspective of the limited partners that provide finance for private equity funds. Students will also learn how to build Leverage Buyout (LBO) models. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8 |
RSM450H1 | Marketing and Behavioural Economics | What motivates consumers, investors, employees, and managers? In this highly interdisciplinary course, we will examine topics such as the role of emotions in decision-making, “irrational†patterns of how people think about products, money, or investments, and how expectations shape perceptions. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
RSM455H1 | Pricing | Approaches pricing decision as an intersection of economics and psychology. Using product categories as diverse as financial services, healthcare, industrial products and consumer packaged goods, students study dynamic pricing, value pricing, price customization, price bundling and multi-part tariffs, menu costs and price stickiness, sales promotions, and pricing in two-sided markets. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG3 |
RSM457H1 | Strategic Marketing Communication | This course covers how marketers communicate with customers - knowledge that is useful to students both as a manager and a consumer. The course will introduce the foundation knowledge of marketing communications as well as new trends in non-traditional media including sponsorships, social media, and digital marketing. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG4 |
RSM459H1 | Business Design | What are the principles and practices that drive innovation in organizations? Create breakthrough solutions and businesses? This course teaches students how to identify customer needs, prototype new solutions and design business strategies to create competitive advantage. Students will apply the learning in real time and on real world challenges. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RSM462H1 | Managing People in the Context of Globalization | This course introduces students to the impact of globalization on managing people. Understanding how organizational behaviour and human resource management processes work in the international context is essential for business success. This course helps students to develop a better understanding of how effective people management can create a competitive advantage in the international context. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RSM463H1 | The Socially Intelligent Manager | One of the most critical skills in leadership is the ability to manage social relationships. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the science of social intelligence so that you are knowledgeable and confident about how to handle interpersonal issues when you enter the business world. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
RSM464H1 | Organization Theory and Its Applications | Organization theory is an evidence-based approach that allows managers to analyze and design organizations more effectively. Focusing on organizations as social systems, the course emphasizes practical implications in topics that are essential to business success, including strategy implementation, organizational structure and culture, change management, globalization, and the organizational sources of enduring competitive advantage. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
RSM466H1 | Environmental and Social Responsibility | This course examines how corporations engage in the social economy through corporate social responsibility work and how corporations are increasingly "going green." It will cover current thinking and practice on corporate social responsibility and emphasize sustainability in business practices while allowing students to give voice to their own values. This course is open to students enrolled in the Environmental Studies Major and Minor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
RSM480H1 | Business in a Global Economy | Application of the analytic framework of international trade, foreign investment and exchange rate economics to management of business. Special topics include the industrial effects of trade liberalization, the role of the World Trade Organization, foreign exchange risk management, competition policy and international taxation. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG9 |
RSM483H1 | Real Estate Markets | This course uses economic methods to analyze real estate markets. Topics covered include the determinants of real estate values, the location decisions of households and firms, land use, urban growth and agglomeration, behavioural real estate economics and real options. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
RSM491H1 | Global Capital Market Strategy | This course exposes students to the intersection of global political economy and investment strategies, with particular emphasis on current global economic trends. The last 15 years have seen a dramatic expansion in the geographic scope for private equity investments, and in the risk involved in such investments. RSM491H1 will teach students to think through the issues facing executives, investors and policy makers considering investments. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG9 |
RSM493H1 | Entrepreneurship | Introduces essentials of starting a new business: how to evaluate new opportunities, craft strategy, obtain resources, manage growth, and distribute ownership. Applies concepts from strategic management to challenges facing new/small businesses. Examines the role of entrepreneurs in spurring technological innovation and economic growth, and the effect of government policy on entrepreneurial activity. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
RSM497H1 | Sustainability Strategy | The environmental and social impact and context of business matter like never before. Diverse stakeholdersâ€â€from shareholders and lenders to workers and consumers to governments and activistsâ€â€are raising their voices to ensure that these considerations are given their due in business decision-making and that firms are being transparent and accountable for performance in diverse dimensions well beyond short-term financial performance. This course takes an economics and strategy lens to consider how business leaders can and should respond to the rise of these concerns in pursuing long-run sustainable growth and prosperity. The focus is on how these so-called ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues affect every company in every sector, rather than on social enterprise or on firms whose primary mission is to directly address social and environmental concerns. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9 |
RSM498Y1 | Creative Destruction Lab - Advanced Course | CDL Advanced is a hands-on, theory-guided course about commercializing technological innovation. Students learn the theory of startup strategy, pricing, scaling, and financing, and then apply this theory by working closely with early-stage technology ventures in the CDL program. In addition to their direct work with a CDL venture, students participate in CDL-Toronto meetings which offers them the opportunity to observe and interact with CDL’s network of experienced entrepreneurs and investors. Enrolment in this course is by application. Students who have completed the CDL introductory course (RSM391H1) may apply. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8, SDG9 |
SAS114H1 | Introduction to South Asian Studies | An interdisciplinary introduction to South Asian Studies emphasizing inquiry and critical analysis, drawing attention to the specificities of individual nations as well as the factors (historical, political, economic and cultural) that define South Asia as a region. Some attention will be paid to the South Asian Diaspora. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
SAS318H1 | Colonialism and Tradition | This course analyzes the impact of colonialism in South Asia and the various ways in which tradition intersects with and has reshaped colonialism in postcolonial South Asia. The course will examine the role of religion, education, ethnicity, gender, and caste. Some attention will be paid to postcolonial and indigenous theory. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | |
SDS199H1 | Sexuality at the Intersections | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 | |
SDS246H1 | Queer Digital Media Studies | What does sexuality have to do with digital technologies and cultures? What could queer theory tell us about digital archives, data infrastructure, and histories of technology? How do race and sexuality shape our experiences of digital cultures and what do the histories of colonialism have to do with digital design and networks? This course considers queer and feminist perspectives and approaches to the study of digital media including social networks, digital archives, data infrastructures, participatory media, and digital activism. Drawing from queer digital studies, feminist media studies, digital humanities, Indigenous and postcolonial data studies, this course asks how the politics of sexuality, race, and gender shape our digital lives in the 21st century. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG9 |
SDS255H1 | History of Sexuality | An interdisciplinary examination of sexuality across cultures and periods. How are sexualities represented? How are they suppressed or celebrated? How and why are they labeled as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or perverse? How do sexualities change with race/ethnicity, class, gender, and geographies? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SDS256H1 | Methods in Queer and Trans Studies | This course examines a variety of methodological approaches used in humanities and humanist social sciences concerning sexuality and gendered diversity. Students will explore some of the popular methods in sexuality studies including ethnography, archival research, visual cultural studies, oral history, and media and discourse analysis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SDS279H1 | Queer Popular Culture | This introductory course examines the critical relationship between popular culture and queer sexualities in historical and contemporary contexts. The course will draw upon literature from performance studies, media studies, and queer of colour cultural productions. Students will engage with a range of queer public cultures and arts, including drag performance, queer musics, social media networks, and popular media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG5 |
SDS345H1 | Sex and the Epidemic: Social Work, HIV, and Human Sexuality | HIV has forever changed the way human beings understand sexuality. Through a social justice lens, this course examines the nature of community norms, laws, popular media, and the academy to explore how the epidemic has impacted the provision of social services in relation to the diversity of human sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SDS355H1 | Theories of Sexuality | This course introduces students to key theories of sexuality and sexual diversity. The main goal is to create a framework for understanding sexuality at its intersections with race, gender, class, disability, citizenship status, and geography among other social relations and processes at an advanced level. Closely tracing sexuality’s intersections, course readings will draw upon critical race theory, postcolonial critique and decolonizing movements, women of colour feminisms, trans studies, and transnational sexuality and gender studies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
SDS378H1 | Queer Youth Studies in Education | Experiences of queer youth are explored in various education settings through academic research, personal essays, and visual and performing arts to investigate how queer youth define themselves, what they are learning, the curriculum and pedagogy used in the learning process and the possibilities of said learning for social change, individual and community well-being. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
SDS380H1 | Sexual Diversity in a Global Context | An exploration of LGBTQ rights and changes in social and cultural responses to sexual diversity in varied regional, national, and cultural contexts, potentially including Africa, Latin America, South and East Asia, and Eastern Europe. The role of transnational linkages and networks will also be considered in effecting change. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SDS381H1 | Intro to Trans Studies | This course examines current and historical transgender issues by exploring legal and health care issues, politics, mainstream and other media representations (including films, interviews, and other genres), as well as current and historical advocacy and community work in relation to power structures such as the nation-state, race, disability, and sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG5 |
SDS382H1 | Intro to Queer of Colour Critique | This course provides an introduction to the intersections between race, gender and sexuality through an exploration of the political theories, activisms and cultural forms of LGBTQ people of colour. It examines the emergence of queer of colour theory and critiques, and the ways in which the intersections of race, gender and sexuality figure in national, global, economic, & cultural structures. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5 |
SDS385H1 | Queer Indigenous Politics and Cultures | This upper level course introduces students to questions of gender, sexuality, two-spirit, and same-sex desire at the intersections of race, indigeneity, and the violences of settler colonialism. Students will engage with work by scholars, activists, and artists in the fields of indigenous and queer studies, decolonizing activism, and cultural production. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
SDS425H1 | Sexuality & Health | How is the idea of "ethics" understood and deployed in research on sexuality and health? What are the ways that discourses of "risk," "precarity," and "cure" become regulative frameworks? How do racialization, colonialism and nation-ÂÂÂbuilding participate in the biopolitics of sexuality and health? With these questions in mind, this interdisciplinary course will discuss various scholarly and activist literatures, including Youth Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Environmental Justice scholarship, Sex Education and Public Health Research, Critical Development Studies, and Queer and Feminist Studies to explore the cultural, social and political dimensions of ethics, health, and sexuality historically, and at the present moment. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
SDS460Y1 | Advanced Research in Sexual Diversity Studies | A capstone for majors and specialists who will work closely with SDS faculty in developing their own research project while participating in this seminar and learning about key debates, methodologies, and ethical issues in conducting research in SDS. Students will learn to write proposals, ethics reviews, grants and other relevant documents. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
SDS465H1 | Queer Migrations and Refugee Politics | This interdisciplinary course will explore the politics of migration and border-crossing from queer, feminist, and trans perspectives. Drawing upon contemporary North American and transnational research, students will engage with critical literatures on citizenship and the state, mobility, belonging, and kinship and how these processes intersect with sexuality in the context of immigration and refugee systems. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
SDS470H1 | Critical Approaches in Porn Studies | This course is a critical study of the historical, aesthetic, material, technical, legal, and cultural formation of the concept of pornography. The course explores the relationship between sexual representation, sex work, visual cultures, consumption, distribution, and format; works through debates about artistic merit and censorship and how they relate to larger issues of power, capitalism, and technology; and theorizes the relationship between sex and commerce. Readings will emphasize work by sex workers and feminist, queer, people of colour, and trans scholars. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SDS490Y1 | Engaging Our Communities | A service learning course with student placements in various LGBT community organizations alongside regular classroom seminars to look at the politics of engagement, active citizenship, mobilization, archiving community histories, accessibility, belonging, activism, and philanthropy. For students in the Sexual Diversity Studies Major or Specialist. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4 |
SLA232H1 | Language, Politics, Identity | In this course we will examine the multi-faceted nature of language policy, language standardization, language contact, language maintenance, language conflict and language loss. In addition, we will explore issues such as language rights, languages of education and linguistic identity. While the focus will be on languages in the Slavic, East European, Nordic and Baltic regions, the discourse in this class will also relate to a broad range of language issues globally. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SLA248H1 | Women and Women's Themes in Ukrainian Literature | This course examines the presentation of women and women's themes in works of Ukrainian literature. The subjects covered include: role models, freedom, socialism, nationalism, feminism, and sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SLA266H1 | War and Culture | Poland and Europe 1914-1945. As we commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of WWI, this cataclysmic event that launched the 20th century and was followed by another total war soon after still defines our view of the world and understanding of it. It may be time now to look anew at how various forms of expression, including literature, film, theatre, painting and sculpture produced during the two wars, between them or many decades later deal with the extreme and everyday experiences, with shattered worlds of individuals, ethnicities, and nations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15 |
SMC199H1 | Intelligence, Artificial and Human | What is human intelligence? How close are we to replicating it? How productive/reductive is the brain-computer analogy? What ethical challenges are posed by AI on workers, society, and the environment? Can we put a hold on "progress"? Is Silicon Valley the seat of a new techno-religion? What can they teach us about today's research priorities? What insight (or inspiration) can we get from works of science fiction about the future of human-AI interaction? Through reading discussion, written assignment, and workshops, this seminar will present students with the opportunity to integrate their computer science interests with philosophy, history, and literature. There is an equivalent course offered by the Department of Computer Science. Students may take one or the other but not both. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
SMU200H1 | Healthy Prac-Healthy Musicians | This course introduces students to the field of musicians' health through a blend of physical practices and theoretical discussions. Each class includes a yoga-based movement practice and a discussions of relevant concepts including basic anatomy for musicians, motor learning techniques, and strategies for addressing performance anxiety and achieving peak performance. Students will leave the course with a repertoire of stretches and exercises to counterbalance strains associated with playing their instruments, strategies to make effective use of practice time, and an awareness of available health resources in the community and online. | Music, Faculty of | SDG4 |
SMU400H1 | Intro to Music Health | This course provides an overview of music approaches in health care contexts including: music therapy, music and medicine, community music and artists working in interdisciplinary teams. Lectures, guest speakers, video-clips, and collaborative learning experiences will enhance student knowledge with a focus on critical issues, current research and evidence based practices. | Music, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG4, SDG8 |
SOC100H1 | Introduction to Sociology I: Sociological Perspectives | This course will challenge your views on a wide range of issues that affect us all. It will also excite your interest in a unique sociological way of understanding your world. We will analyze the globalization of culture, emerging patterns of class, race, and gender inequality in Canada and internationally, criminal and deviant behaviour, and so on. You will learn to understand these and other pressing social issues by analyzing the way the social world is organized. These topics are further taken up in the sequel to this course, SOC150H1: Introduction to Sociology II: Sociological Inquiries. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG5, SDG9 |
SOC109H5 | Introduction to Criminology, Law & Society | This course provides an introduction to the overlapping areas of “criminology†and “law and society†within the Criminology, Law & Society (CLS) stream. The goal of the course is to provide a sociological foundation for subsequent CLS courses. In addition to a criminological/socio-legal introduction to theory and methods, topics may include law, inequality, intersectionality, legal institutions, legal professions, crime, criminal justice, and punishment. Note: This course is required for Criminology, Law and Society Major and Specialist programs. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOC150H1 | Introduction to Sociology II: Sociological Inquiries | In the sequel to SOC100H1: Introduction to Sociology I: Sociological Perspectives, this course will explore in more depth the topic of social inequality and the contemporary debates that animate sociology. We may like to think of ourselves as perfectly free but powerful social forces open up some opportunities and close off others, constraining our freedom and helping to make us what we are. By examining the operation of these social forces, sociology can help us know ourselves. The course is also about skills-building, skills useful not only for success at U of T, but beyond the walls of the university. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
SOC197H1 | The Courses of Lives, Histories, & Futures | This course will explore how changes in technology, economy, ecology, culture, and other factors shape how individual lives and social relations tend to unfold. Much of the research and theory that social scientists have produced on the “life course†has focused on how historical events and trends, such as war, economic depression, and trends in family-life have re-shaped life transitions and aging. Those latter changes in turn lead to broad social changes that influence subsequent generations in new ways. In this course we will not be solely concerned with changes in and from the past. We will also keep an eye on the future, and ask how technological changes related to bodies, such as genetic engineering and bioelectric implants, might alter the trajectory of lives and social relations of future generations. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG15, SDG16 |
SOC199H1 | Living Together Differently in the 21st Century: Israel as a case study | How can people with different worldviews and dissimilar moral visions live together? Liberal philosophers have grappled with this question offering solutions including tolerance, peace, and multiculturalism. However, many people today, particularly in the West, oppose liberalism as a cultural message and a political goal. Powerful evidence can be found in the rise of "populist" backlash movements and the sharp polarization between liberals and conservatives. Can Western democracies overcome this crisis? This seminar explores this question from a sociological perspective with Israel as a case study. We will probe the efforts of Israeli activists and professionals to instill non-liberal peace among Jews and Arabs, to bridge the chasm between liberals and conservatives, and to include LGBTs and people with disabilities as equal members of society while surpassing liberal principles. By analyzing their work, we will broaden our understanding about living together differently in the 21st century. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG2, SDG3, SDG4 |
SOC205H1 | Urban Sociology | This course reviews theories of urban genesis and urban form; the interrelationship of urbanization, industrialization and modernization, issues in urban living (housing, transportation, urban-renewal, poverty, unemployment, etc.); urban social networks (ethnic and cultural heterogeneity, neighbourhood, community and other voluntary associations). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG11, SDG9 |
SOC205H5 | Theories in Criminology | This course will cover major theoretical paradigms in the field of criminology included, among others, classical, positivist, strain, control, social learning, critical, feminist, postmodern and critical race theories. Students are required to take this course upon entry to the Criminology, Law and Society Major and Specialist programs. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
SOC207H1 | Sociology of Work & Occupations | The nature and meaning of work in relation to changes in the position of the professions, unions and government, of women and minority groups, and in industrial societies more generally. Career choice and strategies, occupational mobility, and individual satisfaction at work. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG8 |
SOC210H1 | Sociology of Race and Ethnicity | The course explores the concepts of race and ethnicity and major theories to understand race and ethnic relations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
SOC210H5 | Canadian Criminal Justice | This course provides an introduction to sociological and criminological analyses of crime, law, and the operation of the Canadian criminal justice system, with emphasis on how law and criminal justice are shaped by social, political and economic considerations. It will also consider how social identities such as race, class and gender influence individuals' perceptions of, and experiences in, the Canadian criminal justice system. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC214H1 | Sociology of the Family | This course examines diverse family patterns, to show the economic, political and cultural factors that influence families. A brief social history of family paves the way for an examination of the various family patterns common in Canada today. Special attention is paid to the gender relations at the heart of family. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SOC216H5 | Sociology of Law | Major theoretical and substantive debates in the sociology of law. How race, gender and social inequality shape legal institutions, the law and the broader social context. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC219H5 | Gender and Crime | This course explores how masculinity and femininity shape and are shaped by offending, violence, and victimization. Possible topics may include the gender gap in crime, intersectionality, gender diversity, victimless crimes, survival crimes, gender-based violence, and missing and murdered Indigenous women. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC220H1 | Social Stratification | This course is concerned with the causes and consequences of economic inequality. More specifically, it explores how achieved and ascribed characteristics are related to social class and related economic outcomes. Although some of the material will be comparative and pertain to modern Democracies generally, emphasis will be on Canadian society. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOC225H1 | Canadian Society | This course uses a sociological approach to understand current Canadian society, Canada’s role in global politics, and how Canadian social policies compare to the policies of other countries around the world. The topics considered in the course include economics, politics, happiness, health and mental health care, crime and punishment, tolerance for diversity, education, and more. The most current Canadian research and global comparative research are explored to ensure students leave with a thorough scientific awareness of where Canada is, where it is going, and what they think the best policies for Canada are moving forward. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
SOC228H5 | Introduction to Indigenous Studies | This survey course introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of Indigenous Studies. Students will explore the themes, theories and methods of the discipline,and develop a foundational knowledge about Indigenous history, peoples, cultures and societies in Canada. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
SOC236H5 | Globalization | How do individuals relate to the complex and over-used concept of "globalization"? This course will explore major theories and controversies in the field of globalization scholarship, looking at the phenomena from the perspective of global capitalists, anti-globalization social movements, consumers, states, and citizens. Students will critically evaluate common claims made about globalization, and acquire tools to assess the validity of competing perspectives. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
SOC240H1 | Sociology of Law | This course asks students to think critically about the role of law in society, and to develop a sociological understanding of law and legal institutions. The course will include theoretical approaches to understanding the role of law and legal authority, and the constitutive ways in which law affects, shapes, and is negotiated in everyday life. In addition, attention will be paid to the legal profession, including empirical research on lawyers, legal careers, and their relationship to fields of practice, with an emphasis on the relationship between the structure of the legal profession and law as a democratic institution. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC240H5 | Introduction to Social Policy | This course will examine how human needs are met by states. It focuses on the sociological, political and economic forces that help create new policies and reshape existing social policies. The course will provide a survey of welfare state policies, economic policies and family policies. It will also focus on the outcomes of social policy as these affect various constituencies and social groups such as the economically underprivileged and disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minority groups, and people with disabilities. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
SOC243H1 | Sociology of Health and Illness (formerly 242Y1) | This course examines (1) the social causes of illness and disease, (2) the experience of illness, and social processes that shape both of these issues, including medicalization. It focuses on population health, the relation between agency and structure, and macro-micro connections. Professional health care is discussed to the extent that it provides context for analyses of illness patterns and experiences. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
SOC253H5 | Social History of Race and Ethnicity | This course examines how ideas about "race" and "ethnicity" evolved and became institutionalized on a global scale, as well as systems of exploitation, exclusion and inequality that have given rise to today's patterns of racial and ethnic inequality in the world. We focus on examples from different regions of the world, as well as examine large-scale historical events such as colonialism, slavery and immigration. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOC260H1 | Introduction to Political Sociology | An introduction to key topics in political sociology such as social movements, electoral alignments, parties as organizations, the welfare state, revolution, policymaking, state formation, nationalism and imperialism. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG16 |
SOC265H1 | Gender and Society | This course first explores how sociologists conceptualize gender and study gender. Then, it explores the varied nature of gender relations, with a focus on the social organization of gender today. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SOC280H1 | Sociology of Culture | The course examines the social origins of culture, the cultural patterns found in various groups and institutions, and the influence culture has on important aspects of society. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC301H5 | Canadian Prisons | This course will examine trends and approaches within the correctional system in Canada. It will explore the historical and contemporary context of correctional practices. Attention will be paid to the differential impact of Canadian corrections on Aboriginal people and other minority groups. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
SOC303H5 | White-collar and Corporate Crime | This course explores the individual, organizational, and ecological dimensions of white-collar and corporate crime. Topics generally include financial and environmental crime, workplace safety, and organizational deviance. As well, the social, political, and criminal justice responses to these crimes will be examined. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG15, SDG16 |
SOC304H5 | Environmental Sociology | This course focuses on human-nature interactions, and the social processes that modify and threaten the natural world.Students develop a better understanding of environmental issues, the interrelationship between social problems and environmental problems, as well as the ways that humans themselves are part of nature. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13 |
SOC305H1 | Sociology of Professions | Becoming a professional (doctor, accountant, lawyer, engineer, nurse, etc.) remains a coveted goal for many young adults and their parents. But what is a profession, and what do these disparate groups have in common? This course lays the groundwork for understanding how the "professional projects" define professions, limit entry, create internal inequalities and try to maintain their prestige. The role of policy is key to our understanding of the professions, and we will focus on the role of policies in the creation of professions, in the substance of professional work such as ethics, autonomy and commercialism, and on the role of policies in addressing social concerns of inequality and diversity in the professions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
SOC310H5 | Youth Justice | The youth criminal justice system in Canada. Topics include historical and contemporary shifts in the youth justice system, young offender legislation, public perceptions and media representations of juvenile delinquency, current research and theories on youth crime and crime prevention strategies. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of specific groups. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC311H1 | Immigration and Race Relations in Canada | Examines the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of 20th century immigration in Canada, and emerging race and ethnic relations. Topics include immigration policy; population impact; community formation; labour markets; enclave economies; welfare use by immigrants; the criminal justice system; racial conflict; multiculturalism and race; and equity policies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC312H1 | Population and Society (formerly SOC312Y1) | This introductory course examines Canada's population in a global context, covering a broad range of population issues and perspectives. Topics include (a) demographic data and methods, (b) population composition in terms of age, sex, and nuptiality, (c) demographic processes of fertility, mortality, internal and international migration, (d) the relationship between population change and urbanization, and (e) the role of social policy on population change. For all course topics, the instructor will examine historical and cross-national trends and review proposed explanations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
SOC312H5 | Law, Race and Racism | The course investigates the relationship between law, race, and racism and the societal implications. Students will gain a stronger understanding of how law creates race for the purposes of legitimating and perpetuating racism and the ways that law can, under some conditions, generate social change that reduces racial inequality. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG9 |
SOC313H1 | Social Control (formerly SOC212Y1) | This course examines how society has gone about controlling specific types of deviants (e.g., gang members, sex and drug offenders) and acts of deviance (e.g., organized crime, the deviance of social control agents). In examining these individuals and acts, attention is also directed to why they are defined as deviant and sanctioned, and why some types of deviance are less likely to be detected and sanctioned than others. Finally, consideration is also given to a range of sanctions that have been used to control deviance and the empirical evidence on their effectiveness. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC317H1 | Urban Policy | Urban policies reflect how cities and urban areas are designed, built, and managed. They actively shape the ways in which people live. From transportation to housing, crime prevention to climate change, urban policies cover a number of areas of great concern. While cities are heralded as sites of innovation and economic activity, they are also sites of deep inequality. Cities across the world have produced different responses to address these issues. However, urban policy is not only shaped by policymakers; rather, many different institutions shape public policymaking. Given the range of issues facing urban areas, it is important to understand the policies are designed and implemented, and the multiple actors engaged. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG16 |
SOC317H5 | Shopping and Society | This course provides an overview of the Sociology of Consumption. The study of consumption provides an entry point for examining the intersection between culture, economics, and the environment. Potential topics include the following: the shopping experience, consumption as status, the environmental impact of consumerism, fashion cycles, and identity construction through consumption. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13 |
SOC318H1 | Theories of Stratification | Why do some people have more resources than others? Who winds up at the top of economic hierarchies, and who winds up at the bottom? These are the primary questions for the study of stratification. In this course, we focus primarily on the most influential contemporary sociological theories of status attainment and gender inequality, with additional but briefer treatments of the central theories on other topics (e.g., poverty and the welfare state, networks, rents, racial inequality). This is a program-only course and is restricted to Sociology Majors and Specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG5, SDG7 |
SOC318H5 | Sociology of Mental Health and Mental Disorders | An overview of the link between social inequality and inequality in distress, focusing on differences in mental health across social groups and the role of stress and coping resources in explaining group differences. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG3 |
SOC319H1 | Immigration and Employment | This course examines the labour market and employment situation of immigrants emphasizing recent Canadian experience in comparative context. Topics include immigrant human capital, declining immigrant earnings, immigrant skill-underutilization, impact of the knowledge economy, racial discrimination, labour market structure and unionization, immigrant entrepreneurship and experiences of the Canadian-born second generation. This is a program-only course and is restricted to Sociology Majors and Specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG8 |
SOC320H5 | Criminal Justice Organizations | This course uses organizational theory to examine major criminal justice institutions--including police, courts, and prisons. It examines the role of organizational goals, structure, resources, legitimacy, culture, and front-line workers in shaping organization-level decisions about policy and practice. It also examines the interactions, mutual influence, and competition between government, interest groups, and criminal justice institutions that help to initiate and sustain field-wide change. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC322H5 | Criminal Justice & Inequality | This course examines the intersections between social inequality and the criminal justice system in Canada and internationally. The course will explore the impact of practices and policies on race, class, gender and other forms of social inequality. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC323H1 | Economic Sociology | This course offers a sociological account of economic phenomena. It examines the sociological perspectives on production, consumption, exchange and distribution, economic crises, and other economic matters. In addition to exploring economic behavior in the corporate and financial worlds, the course also examines behavior in households, markets for intimacy, and illegal markets. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG8, SDG9 |
SOC324H5 | Carceral Feminisms: Race, Gender and State Violence | This course explores how different strains of feminism shape practices of punishment. Course topics may include: intersectional debates in the regulation of domestic violence, gender-responsive policing, state regulation of gender-based violence, and prison abolition theory and praxis. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC327H1 | Sociology of Sports | The sociology of sport seeks to critically examine common sense views about the role, function and meaning that sport has in different societies. By challenging ‘nature' and taken-for-granted views about sport, sociologists seek to provide both a more social and scientific account of sports. This course will do so by exploring several topics including but not limited to learning about different perspectives on sports, sports and socialization, sports and media, the business of sports, the intersection between sports and inequality, sports and race, sports and gender and sexuality, sports and deviance, as well as sports and politics. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
SOC327H5 | Drugs and the Modern World | The course examines how "drugs", as well as attempts to police and control their use, have been implicated in the making of the modern world. Instead of taking drugs as inherently criminal and deviant, the course will look at how drugs have played a central role in the development of capitalism, colonialism and global inequality in the past 200 years. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG9 |
SOC329H1 | Social Movements | This course introduces students to the sociological study of collective action. Students will explore how movements in a variety of historical and global contexts endeavor to produce social change. In this process, we will examine political and cultural opportunities and obstacles, organizational dynamics, resources, collective action frames, strategies and tactics. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16 |
SOC330H5 | Criminology and Immigration | This course examines the intersection between immigration and crime control. More specifically, it examines immigration detention and deportation, concerns with immigrant risk, security and terrorism, as well as the impact of public policy on immigration and crime. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC335H1 | Urban Health | Cities are home to particular populations (the poor, the homeless, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and the young and old) and have distinct risks and protections relevant to health. Patterns of health in cities, historical developments, and emerging literature and methodology are used to uncover how everyday settings influence health. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11 |
SOC339H5 | The Indian Act: Canadian Law, Sovereignty and Indigenous Womxn | In discussions about Indigenous Peoples and law, the Indian Act is one of the most cited pieces of Canadian legislation. From explaining the history of residential schooling to violence against Indigenous womxn, critical and Indigenous scholars turn to the Indian Act as a key source and problem space. We will center the work of Indigenous feminist scholarship to understand why scholars argue that the act is still both required and a site of contestation, violence, and genocide, and how we are each affected by its governance. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC342H5 | Sociology of Scandals | This course takes up scandals as sociological events: What are the causes of scandals? How are scandals 'made'? How are scandals represented? and What are the consequences of scandals? The course will pay attention to how scandals are made public: Leaks, investigations, whistleblowers, and media reporting, and the framing of events as scandals worth of public condemnation. To do so, this course will focus on scandals among professionals, in the private corporate sector and in government, domestically and worldwide, both current and past. By understanding scandals as sociological events, students will learn to trace how scandals may lead to new organizational, professional, social, cultural, and political responses. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC344H5 | Sociological Approaches to Social Psychology | This course provides an overview of sociological approaches to social psychology, with an emphasis on how individuals' thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are influenced by both situations and larger social structures. Theoretical perspectives including symbolic interaction, group processes, and social structure and personality will be examined in depth and applied to understanding various topics; these may include self and identities, socialization, attitudes, emotions, deviance, mental health, and collective behavior. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3 |
SOC345H1 | Global Inequality | This course examines the social processes that characterize stratification and social inequality across the globe, by looking at whether global inequality is growing, shrinking or stagnant and the impact of globalization on global inequality, with particular emphasis on examining disparities over time in education, income/wealth and health. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG9 |
SOC347H1 | Immigration and Race Relations in Canada | Examines the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of 20th century immigration in Canada, and emerging race and ethnic relations. Topics include immigration policy; population impact; community formation; labour markets; enclave economies; welfare use by immigrants; the criminal justice system; racial conflict; multiculturalism and race; and equity policies. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC348H1 | Culture and Inequality | How location in socioeconomic, ethnic, gender, and generational groups shapes individual cultural repertories; how culture affects individual positions in stratification hierarchies; and the role of culture in group boundaries and struggles. This is a program-only course and is restricted to sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG5 |
SOC351H5 | Politics and Violence: Spot the Difference | This course aims to develop a critical approach to the study of violence. We will examine the linkages between politics and crime, between violence and democracy and the political context of specific forms of violence, such as vigilantism, state, collective and, structural violence. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC352H5 | Gender and Care | This course will examine how gender shapes the work of care, and its value in society. It will look at both unpaid and paid care and the relationship between them. It will compare how care is organized and it's value in different countries, and institutions (ranging from hospitals to homes) and consider care provided to children, elderly people and adults with disabilities. Contemporary topics include care from the recipient's perspective, and new efforts to value care work. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC353H5 | Borders and Human Rights | This course focuses on the legal construction of international borders, with an emphasis on human rights. The course investigates a range of issues, including but not limited to, the 1951 Refugee Convention and refugee movements, the limits of citizenship rights, and the merging of criminal justice and migration enforcement, including the use of detention as a migration management tool. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOC356H1 | Sociology of Technology | This course invites students to critically examine the interplay between technology and society. We will discuss how our interactions with technologies, including computers and the Internet, ICTs, social media, and other digital technologies, have become central for our understanding of contemporary social life. This course provides an overview of the sociology of technology, encompassed by various topics in which technology intersects with other areas of sociological inquiry, such as social stratification, community and networks, criminology and social control, work and labour, health and aging, and many others. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG9 |
SOC356H5 | Population and Society | This course will discuss interrelationship between human population and societal issues such as aging, reproductive health, gender, environment, and social policy. It will examine population structure and dynamics in relation to social, economic, political, and cultural elements of change in both developing and developed world. It will also examine historical population policy developments and the diversified national policies in relation to policy formulation, implementation, and effectiveness. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG3, SDG5 |
SOC358H5 | Indigenous People: Legal Orders & Law | This course examines Indigenous people's traditional and contemporary legal orders and confrontations and interactions with non-Indigenous legal systems. Topics may include: treaties; land and resource rights and laws; rights; self-government; governance; restorative justice; colonial legal systems; criminalization and criminal law; and/or international law. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
SOC363H1 | Sociology of Mental Health and Mental Disorders | An overview of the link between social inequality and emotional inequality, focusing on differences in mental health across social groups and the role of stress and coping resources in explaining group differences. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG3 |
SOC363H5 | Sexuality and Crime | This course focuses on the socio-legal origins, regulations,and consequences of sexuality, reproduction, and sexual violence. Possible topics may include historical and contemporary sexual and reproductive regulations, sexual violence, sex offenders, sex work, pornography, trafficking, and hate crimes against sexual minorities. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG5 |
SOC365H1 | Gender Relations | This course examines the dynamics of gender in daily life  in sexuality and intimate relations, in parenting and families, and in paid work and workplace organizations, as well as in popular culture. It examines the social construction of gender in individuals and in social organizations, in order to understand gender inequality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
SOC367H1 | Race, Class, and Gender | In this class, we analyze the ways in which race, class, gender and sexuality interact and shape communities, life opportunities, perspectives and politics. We will read contemporary ethnographies concerning work, socialization, and urban life against current sociological theories about inequality and intersectionality, and identity. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG5 |
SOC375H1 | Sociology of the City | Cities have played a vital role in the global economy, but within the past decade, their importance has increased. From issues of housing affordability to homelessness, from debt crises to energy usage, from insufficient water to the outbreak of diseases, name a problem that concerns any aspect of social life, and the city is the crucible of where you will find it. On the other hand, cities represent our best hope for finding solutions to these enormous problems since they also serve as incubators of innovation, ideas and wealth creation. It is for these reasons that understanding cities become an important frame for understanding the joys and perils of social life. For over a century, sociologists have focused on understanding different issues related to cities and their urbanization processes. However, in investigating the city, there have been several debates about their futures. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG6, SDG7, SDG9 |
SOC379H5 | Criminology, Urban Life, and Social Policy | The city is an important site of human interaction, characterized by crisis and promise. Through the lens of the city, this course will examine the nature of various social problems, including their causes and impacts. In particular, we will consider how criminological scholarship can analyze and inform policy responses to these issues. Course topics will include a diverse array of issues related to criminalization, youth justice, neighbourhood-level inequality, violence, and the criminal justice system. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16 |
SOC388H5 | Race and Indigeneity | This course examines how the concept of race, and the ideologies that inform it, impacts identity politics for Indigenous peoples. Special attention will be paid to the socio-cultural and legal effects of racialized knowledge production. Topics may include: human genome projects, museums, recognition politics, legal definitions, criminalization, access to resources, stereotypes and personhood. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG4 |
SOC389H1 | Sociology of Scandals | Scandals  corporate, political, or bureaucratic  pervade media reporting and public debate. This course takes up scandals as sociological events: what are the causes of scandals? How are scandals ‘made'? How are scandals represented? And what are the consequences of scandals: do they discredit some actors, and lead to cultural, institutional, and organizational change? Do they lead to reform, used for new professional mobilization, new forms of regulation and oversight, targeted for legal intervention, or do they generate new political shifts, or new memories or narratives? Or are they ignored? The course will also pay attention to how scandals are made public: leaks, investigations, whistleblowers, and media reporting, and the framing of events as scandals worthy of public condemnation. Finally, with scandals often thought of as singular, this course allows students to consider what is in common between these events. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
SOC403H5 | Prisons, Punishment & Surveillance Across the Globe | This seminar course will focus on possible solutions for issues related to prisons, punishment and surveillance across the globe. Along with this surveillance you have a rise in prisons and other forms of state sponsored punishment. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC406H5 | Vigilantism on the Margins of the State | This seminar examines the social problem of "vigilantism". It focuses on how the act is defined in terms of scholarly works on punishment and policing, as well as mainstream popular opinion. The course looks at questions such as how vigilantism manifests in different geographic spaces (e.g. the "global north" and the "global south"), in rich and poor areas, and in different historical periods. [24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC407H5 | Development and Social Change: The Case of China | This course introduces concepts, theories, and policies of development and underdevelopment. With China as a case, it focuses on social, economic, political, and cultural factors shaping the nature and meaning of social change. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC408H5 | The Sociology of Anti-Muslim Racism | This reading-intensive course explores historical and contemporary manifestations of anti-Muslim racism through a transnational lens, while paying special attention to scholarship from and about Canada and the United States. Issues related to gender and sexuality, race, citizenship status, Orientalism, colonialism, and military intervention cut across the readings. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
SOC409H5 | Masculinity and the Internet | In this course we will take an in-depth look at a number of topics related broadly to masculinity and the internet, including such things as the “manosphereâ€, incels, and representations of masculinity on social media. These topics will be examined through the lens of the sociological literature on gender and masculinities. A recurring theme relates to the questions: “Is masculinity changing?†Students will be encouraged to critically examine and evaluate these topics and the sociological literature in multiple ways. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5, SDG9 |
SOC412H1 | Medicalization of Deviance | This course examines the sociological implications associated with the growing dominance of psychiatry over designating and managing the margins of ‘normality' and ‘deviance.' It covers the evolution of the DSM and rise of deinstitutionalization, the importance of stigma and symbolic interactionist understandings of psychiatric diagnoses, and the methods of social control used to mitigate risk and reduce social deviance within the psychiatric and criminal justice systems. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the social implications of mental health labels. Restricted to 4th-year sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3 |
SOC415H5 | Senior Seminar in Indigenous Studies | This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Indigenous Studies. [24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
SOC423H5 | Identity Crime | This interactive course concentrates on identity theft and fraud. It provides a critical examination of definitions of, sociological explanations for, and responses to identity crime. Identity crime is examined in the broader context of privacy, national security and organized crime. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC425H5 | Gender in Global Contexts | This lecture course looks at gender relations from a global perspective, focusing on how the social, political and economic aspects of globalization affect gender relations within various (local) contexts. Possible topics include gender and international migration, women's activism in local/global perspective and post-colonialism. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5, SDG9 |
SOC426H5 | Social Theory and Third Cinema | This course is an exploration of the societies of Asia, Africa, and Latin America through films created by directors living and working in the Global South. Each week, we'll pair a social theory reading with a film made in the Global South to explore themes of colonialism, political economy, race, class, gender, power, and history. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10 |
SOC427H1 | Families and Health | Examines the competing theoretical, policy and therapeutic responses to a variety of family health problems, including addictions, chronic physical illnesses, and mental illness, as well as the effects of illness on family life and family coping. The links between theory and practice provide the basis for discussion of knowledge transfer. Restricted to 4th-year sociology majors and specialists. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
SOC433H5 | Power and Cultural Politics | This lecture course will ask students to engage with classic and contemporary views on power and its relation to the social bases of politics and social movements. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC434H5 | Race, Class, Gender in the Global South | Three of the most fundamental cleavages in the contemporary world-economy are those between whites and people of colour, men and women, and capital and labour. This seminar course focuses on these cleavages and analyzes each through both an historical and global south perspective. [24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
SOC435H5 | Sociology of Environmental Health | This course will examine environmental health with an emphasis on environmental justice, contested illness, and the politics of scientific knowledge production. We will study the politics of environmental health through case studies on activism in response to hazards, the tactics of corporate “product defense,†and the challenges of policy response. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG13, SDG3, SDG4 |
SOC448H5 | Advanced Topics in Criminology, Law and Society | An in-depth examination of selected topics in Criminology, Law and Society. Restricted to Criminology, Law and Society Specialists and Major. Topics vary from year to year and are noted on the timetable once confirmed. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC455H5 | Comparative Indigenous Politics | Using a comparative approach, this course explores the politics of Indigeneity in settler colonial contexts. It centers critical analyses of settler colonialism and decolonization, and focuses on examples from Canada, the USA, New Zealand, and Australia to examine the differences and similarities between Indigenous peoples and politics in these places. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
SOC456H5 | Senior Seminar in Law and Society | The course will examine substantive debates in law and society. Restricted to Criminology, Law and Society Specialists and Major. Topics vary from year to year and are noted on the timetable once confirmed. [24S] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOC459H5 | Science, Technology and Society | The focus of this lecture course will be on the varied social contexts of the emergence, development and consequences of science and technology in the modern world. In addition to critical sociological perspectives on science and technology, possible topics could include genomics, reproductive technologies, surveillance, the internet and social media, domestic technology, warfare, nuclear technologies, etc. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG9 |
SOC460H5 | Migrant Labour | This lecture course will focus on the intersection of citizenship status and class by examining the position and experiences of various categories of migrant labour in North America, Europe and other regions. Migrant groups include those with temporary status who come to work for a specific time frame in a particular job, those with no status (the undocumented) who work mainly in an informal, unregulated economy, and immigrants with permanent resident status who work in a range of industries and occupations. We will read and write about theoretical and empirical work in the sociology of migration and related fields. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8 |
SOC463H5 | The Sociology of Disasters | The modern world leans heavily on the assumption that organizations run smoothly, but often they do not and sometimes the consequences are disastrous. This course draws on a variety of sociological theories and explanatory frameworks to better understand how any why large scale disasters occur. The class will investigate high risk technologies, issues and problems related to organizational culture, deviance and misconduct, community dynamics and resilience, environmental justice, and social problems related to racialization, gender, class, and other inequalities. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG15, SDG5, SDG9 |
SOC465H5 | Climate Crisis and Society | In this course a variety of classical and contemporary sociological perspectives will be deployed to understand the social context, factors and consequences of climate change. Possible topics include the political economy of the environment, environmental refugees, environmental movements, media representations of climate change, the social context and consequences of fracking, the politics of global protocols on carbon emissions, climate justice and social inequality, etc. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16 |
SOC475H5 | Sociology of Legal Careers | This course examines legal careers from the sociological perspective. As one of the most elite and influential professions, lawyers are key players in economic, political, and social life. This course traces the various careers of lawyers from their experiences in law school to their jobs in law firms, courts, and other professional settings. In so doing the course will also focus on structures of inequality, such as gender, race and class. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG5 |
SOC480Y5 | Internship in Sociology, Criminology, Law and Society | Through a part-time, unpaid, 200-hour internship, students apply sociological knowledge gained primarily through previous coursework. Students can seek internship opportunities at municipal social service departments or non-profit agencies providing social services, social movement or community-based organizations working for social change, courts or parole offices, for-profit workplaces, or other organizations. This experiential learning course also includes class meetings, written assignments and oral presentations, as well as an assessment by the internship employer. An application/interview may be required (see Department of Sociology website for details). Note: International students should visit the International Education Centre to ensure they have the appropriate documentation required to work in Canada well before the start of the course/internship. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG4 |
SOC486H1 | Advanced Topics in Urban Sociology | This course offers real world observation and abundant examples that speak to the strengths and limitations of particular theory, data, and methods for studying urban problems. Students undertake a supervised research project that involves identifying, observing and reflecting on real phenomena in the urban environment. Restricted to 4th-year sociology specialists and majors. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
SOC491H5 | Independent Research in Sociology | This course is intended for Sociology Specialists and Majors who wish to explore a specific Sociology topic in depth. To enrol, a student must prepare a proposal form in consultation with a faculty supervisor and submit the approved form to the academic counsellor. Note: Professors have discretion whether to take on an independent study; they are not required to serve as faculty supervisors. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16 |
SOCA05H3 | The Sociological Imagination | Sociology focuses on explaining social patterns and how they impact individual lives. This course teaches students how to think sociologically, using empirical research methods and theories to make sense of society. Students will learn about the causes and consequences of inequalities, the ways in which our social worlds are constructed rather than natural, and the role of institutions in shaping our lives. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOCB22H3 | Sociology of Gender | This course examines gender as a sociological category that organizes and, at the same time, is organized by, micro and macro forces. By examining how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, age, and other dimensions, we analyze the constitution and evolution of gendered ideology and practice. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
SOCB37H3 | Economy, Culture, and Society | This course offers a sociological account of economic phenomena. The central focus is to examine how economic activities are shaped, facilitated, or even impeded by cultural values and social relations, and show that economic life cannot be fully understood outside of its social context. The course will focus on economic activities of production, consumption, and exchange in a wide range of settings including labor and financial markets, corporations, household and intimate economies, informal and illegal economies, and markets of human goods. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG12, SDG8 |
SOCB42H3 | Theory I: Discovering the Social | This course examines a group of theorists whose work provided key intellectual resources for articulating the basic concepts and tasks of sociology. Central topics include: the consequences of the division of labour, sources and dynamics of class conflict in commercial societies, the social effects of industrial production, the causes and directions of social progress, the foundations of feminism, linkages between belief systems and social structures, and the promises and pathologies of democratic societies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
SOCB43H3 | Theory II: Big Ideas in Sociology | This course studies a group of writers who in the early 20th century were pivotal in theoretically grounding sociology as a scientific discipline. Central topics include: the types and sources of social authority; the genesis and ethos of capitalism; the moral consequences of the division of labour; the nature of social facts; the origins of collective moral values; the relationship between social theory and social reform; the nature of social problems and the personal experience of being perceived as a social problem; the formal features of association; the social function of conflict; the social and personal consequences of urbanization. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG8, SDG9 |
SOCB44H3 | Sociology of Cities and Urban Life | A theoretical and empirical examination of the processes of urbanization and suburbanization. Considers classic and contemporary approaches to the ecology and social organization of the pre-industrial, industrial, corporate and postmodern cities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
SOCB47H3 | Social Inequality | A sociological examination of the ways in which individuals and groups have been differentiated and ranked historically and cross-culturally. Systems of differentiation and devaluation examined may include gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, citizenship/legal status, and ability/disability. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
SOCB49H3 | Sociology of Family | This course explores the family as a social institution, which shapes and at the same time is shaped by, the society in North America. Specific attention will be paid to family patterns in relation to class, gender, and racial/ethnic stratifications. Selected focuses include: socialization; courtship; heterosexual, gay and lesbian relations; gender division of labour; immigrant families; childbearing and childrearing; divorce; domestic violence; elderly care. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
SOCB58H3 | Sociology of Culture | An introduction to various ways that sociologists think about and study culture. Topics will include the cultural aspects of a wide range of social phenomena - including inequality, gender, economics, religion, and organizations. We will also discuss sociological approaches to studying the production, content, and audiences of the arts and media. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5 |
SOCB59H3 | Sociology of Law | This course examines the character, authority, and processes of law in contemporary liberal democracies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
SOCB60H3 | Issues in Critical Migration Studies | What are the causes and consequences of migration in today's world? This course will explore this question in two parts. First, we will examine how although people decide to migrate, they make these decisions under circumstances which are not of their own making. Then, we will focus specifically on the experiences of racialized and immigrant groups in Canada, with a particular focus on the repercussions of Black enslavement and ongoing settler-colonialism. As we explore these questions, we will also critically interrogate the primary response of the Canadian government to questions around racial and class inequality: multiculturalism. What is multiculturalism? Is it enough? Does it make matters worse? Students will come away from this course having critically thought about what types of social change would bring about a freer and more humane society. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
SOCC11H3 | Policing and Security | This course examines the character of policing and security programs in advanced liberal democracies. Attention will be paid to the nature and enforcement of modern law by both state and private agents of order, as well as the dynamics of the institutions of the criminal justice system. This course has been designated an Applied Writing Skills Course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
SOCC15H3 | Work, Employment and Society | An upper level course that examines a number of critical issues and important themes in the sociological study of work. Topics covered will include: the changing nature and organization of work, precarious employment, different forms of worker organizing and mobilization, the professions, the transition from school to work. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG4, SDG8 |
SOCC26H3 | Sociology of Urban Cultural Policies | A popular civic strategy in transforming post-industrial cities has been the deployment of culture and the arts as tools for urban regeneration. In this course, we analyze culture-led development both as political economy and as policy discourse. Topics include the creative city; spectacular consumption spaces; the re-use of historic buildings; cultural clustering and gentrification; eventful cities; and urban 'scenes'. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG12 |
SOCC27H3 | Sociology of Suburbs and Suburbanization | This course examines the political economy of suburban development, the myth and reality of suburbanism as a way of life, the working class suburb, the increasing diversity of suburban communities, suburbia and social exclusion, and the growth of contemporary suburban forms such as gated communities and lifestyle shopping malls. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
SOCC29H3 | Family and Gender in the Middle East | In this course, students read and evaluate recent research related to the sociology of families and gender in the modern Middle East. The course explores the diversity of family forms and processes across time and space in this region, where kinship structures have in the past been characterized as static and uniformly patriarchal. Topics covered include marriage, the life course, family nucleation, the work-family nexus, divorce, family violence, and masculinities. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
SOCC32H3 | Human Rights and Counterterrorism | After 9/11, terrorism was labeled a global threat, fueling the war on terror and the adoption of extensive counterterrorism actions. These measures, however, often compromised human rights in the pursuit of national security goals. This course grapples with questions pertaining to terrorism, counterterrorism, and human rights in the age of security. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
SOCC49H3 | Indigenous Health | This course will examine the healh and well-being of Indigenous peoples, given historic and contemporary issues. A critical examination of the social determinants of health, including the cultural, socioeconomic and political landscape, as well as the legacy of colonialism, will be emphasized. An overview of methodologies and ethical issues working with Indigenous communities in health research and developing programs and policies will be provided. The focus will be on the Canadian context, but students will be exposed to the issues of Indigenous peoples worldwide. Same as HLTC49H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG3 |
SOCC61H3 | The Sociology of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission | The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is an historic process that now directs a core area of Canadian politics and governance. This course examines the institutional and legal history, precedents, contradictions and consequences of the commission from a sociological perspective. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOCC70H3 | Models of the Social World | This course examines how quantitative models can be used to understand the social world with a focus on social inequality and social change. Students will learn the fundamentals of modern computational techniques and data analysis, including how to effectively communicate findings using narratives and visualizations. Topics covered include data wrangling, graphic design, regression analysis, interactive modelling, and categorical data analysis. Methods will be taught using real-world examples in sociology with an emphasis on understanding key concepts rather than mathematical formulas. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOCD01H3 | Advanced Seminar in Culture and Cities | This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Culture and Cities. Check the department website for more details. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
SOCD08H3 | Scarborough Place-Making: Indigenous Sovereignty and Settler Landholding | This course charts the legal norms and social relations that, from the 1700s to the present, have turned land into a place and an idea called Scarborough. Students work with a diversity of sources and artifacts such as crown patents, government reports and Indigenous legal challenges, historical and contemporary maps and land surveys, family letters, historical plaques, and Indigenous artists’ original works to trace the conflicts and dialogues between Indigenous and settler place-making in Scarborough. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4 |
SOCD12H3 | Sociology of Art | An examination of sociological approaches to the study of visual art. Topics include the social arrangements and institutional processes involved in producing, consecrating, distributing, and marketing art as well as artistic consumption practices. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG16 |
SOCD13H3 | Sociology of Finance | This is an advanced course on the sub-filed of economic sociology that focuses on money and finance. This course examines how cultural values and social relations shape money and finance in a variety of substantive settings, including the historical emergence of money as currency, the expansion of the financial system since the 1980s, financial markets, growing household involvement in the stock and credit market, and implications for social life (e.g., how credit scores shape dating). | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG9 |
SOCD18H3 | The History and Evolution of Reconciliation: The Indian Residential School Settlement | This course examines the largest class action settlement in Canadian history: the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement enacted in Canada in 2006. This analysis is framed within a 50 year history of reconciliation in Canada. Areas of study include the recent history of residential schools, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report and the government response, and the establishment of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16 |
SOCD21H3 | Immigrant Scarborough | This course will teach students how to conduct in-depth, community-based research on the social, political, cultural and economic lives of immigrants. Students will learn how to conduct qualitative research including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Students will also gain valuable experience linking hands-on research to theoretical debates about migration, transnationalism and multicultural communities. Check the Department of Sociology website for more details. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
SPA196H1 | Class and Work in the Americas | This course examines economic and social inequalities in the contemporary Americas. We look at the ways in which class divisions are represented in academic studies, literature, film, and television. From Mexican maquiladoras to indigenous reservations, we consider the global poor and how recent changes in the character of work (automation, outsourcing, free trade zones) have had an impact on class divisions, especially for younger members of society. Can a renewed understanding of class and work help us to negotiate power, privilege, and inequality in this century? Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16 |
SPA199H1 | More than Nachos and Tequila: Mexican History and Culture | This course aims at studying the rich history of Mexico from an interdisciplinary perspective. We will cover a wide range of issues, such as identity, modernity race, immigration, gender, sexuality, globalization, and iconic figures. The issue of identity as construed from the inside, but also from the outside and particularly from the English-speaking world (i.e. current US presidential views on the wall), will be widely examined. Course materials will range from chronicles of conquest to modern reflections and representations by historians, philosophers, filmmakers, musicians, writers and artist, among others. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG9 |
SPA259H1 | Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies | Forms of cultural expression in Spain, Latin America and Spanish-speaking North America, with study of representative media, including literature, journalism, film, visual art, and the urban environment. Introduction to methods of cultural analysis. (Offered in alternate years). | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
SPA275H1 | 21st Century Latin American Cinema | This online course examines the social, political, and cultural contexts of recent Latin American Hispanic cinema. Topics include race and indigeneity; poverty, precarity, and inequality; gender and sexuality; and memory and trauma. The representation of these themes in Latin American cinema of the 21st century has contributed to an increase in its transnational and cosmopolitan reception. Lectures in English. Students choose tutorials in Spanish or English. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG5 |
STA130H1 | An Introduction to Statistical Reasoning and Data Science | This course, intended for students considering a program in Statistical Sciences, discusses the crucial role played by statistical reasoning in solving challenging problems from natural science, social science, technology, health care, and public policy, using a combination of logical thinking, mathematics, computer simulation, and oral and written discussion and analysis. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
STA197H1 | Thinking Better with Statistics | This course explores how our statistical intuitions and ways of thinking can let us down. There’s no need to be a math whiz to be a better statistical thinker. Everyone can become a more critical consumer of claims presented in media, advertisements and by politicians—especially those relevant to our own health and wealth. This course uses real-world examples and tours common and avoidable statistical traps and tricks. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
STA305H5 | Experimental Design | This course covers topics in the design and analysis of experiments. The topics covered include analysis of variance, randomization, confounding, block designs, factorial designs, orthogonal polynomials and response surface methods. Applications include agricultural experiments, laboratory experiments, and industrial experiments, including quality control techniques. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG2, SDG8 |
STA315H5 | Advanced Statistical Learning | The second part of the course will focus on basic ideas in classification problems including discriminant analysis and support vector machine, and unsupervised learning techniques such as clustering, principal component analysis, independent component analysis and multidimensional scaling. The course will also cover the modern statistics in the "big data" area. The high dimensional problems when p >> n and n >> p will be introduced. In addition, the students will be formed as groups to do data analysis projects on statistical machine learning and present their findings in class. This will prepare them for future careers in industry or academia. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
TEP234H1 | ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUS | Complementary Studies elective Part 1 of the 2 Part Entrepreneurship Program The age of enterprise has arrived. Strategic use of technology in all sorts of businesses makes the difference between success and failure for these firms. Wealth creation is a real option for many and the business atmosphere is ready for you! Increasingly, people are seeing the advantages of doing their own thing, in their own way, in their own time. Entrepreneurs can control their own lives, structure their own progress and be accountable for their own success - they can fail, but they cannot be fired! After all, engineers are the most capable people to be in the forefront of this drive to the business life of the 21st century. This course is the first of a series of two dealing with entrepreneurship and management of a small company. It is intended the student would take the follow-up course TEP432 as they progress toward their engineering degree. Therefore, it is advisable that the descriptions of both courses be studied, prior enrolling in this one. This is a limited enrolment course. If the number of students electing to take the course exceeds the class size limit, selection of the final group will be made on the basis of the "Entrepreneur's Test". A certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of both courses, attesting to the student having passed this Entrepreneurial Course Series at the University of Toronto. The course is based on real life issues, not theoretical developments or untried options. Topics covered include: Who is an entrepreneur; Canadian business environment; Acquisitions; Different business types (retail, wholesale, manufacturing, and services); Franchising; Human resources, Leadership, Business Law; and many others. Several invited visitors provide the student with the opportunity to meet real entrepreneurs. There will be several assignments and a session project. Please note, the 5 hours per week would be used for whatever is needed at the time. Tutorials will not normally happen as the calendar indicates them. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG8 |
TEP321H1 | INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE COMMUNICATION | Humanities and Social Science elective Introduces students to the history, theory and practice of communicating science to the public. We first establish a theoretical foundation for understanding the complex relationship between science, scientists, and the public, closely examining techniques and strategies for communicating about science to non-technical readers with a variety of backgrounds and ideological perspectives. We apply these concepts to contemporary case studies in multiple media, focusing on (mis)representations of climate, environmental, and biomedical sciences, breakthroughs in engineering. In doing so, we explore how the shift from traditional news to new media – including videos, podcasts, and social media – has changed how science is communicated to the public, plus the implications of this shift for scientists and engineers. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13 |
TEP324H1 | ENGINEERING AND SOCIAL JUSTICE | The purpose of this course is to enable future engineers to initiate, facilitate and moderate discussion between stakeholders with differing and/or opposing values and ideologies. The relationship between engineering and the concepts of social justice to develop the skills needed to take practical action in a complex world is explored. This course facilitates building personal responses to ideas of justice, bias and marginalization. These ideas affect Engineers and Engineering in general, domestically and globally, in projects and in contexts, such as the workplace and academic environment. Readings will be drawn from current writers on Engineering and Social Justice. Students will rehearse action through theatre techniques, developed to enable communities to practice and critique action. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG16 |
TEP447H1 | ETHICAL & EQUIT. DECISIONS | The primary objective of this course is to help engineering students navigate the ambiguous world of engineering ethics and equity using case studies drawn from the careers of Canadian engineers. This course tackles complex ethics and equity challenges by focusing on multiple levels of practice: from design work to organizational practice and governance. By applying a systems lens, students will learn to develop the knowledge and skills needed for short-term and long-term action strategies. In addition to being exposed to a range of ethical theories, the PEO code of ethics, and the legal context of engineering ethics, students enrolled in this course will engage in ethical decision-making on a weekly basis. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
TEP448H1 | System Mapping | Engineers are taught to think in systems, but often these are limited in scope to the technical realm. Yet, many of today’s “wicked problems†are as much dictated by social and environmental considerations as by any technical considerations. System mapping is a system thinking tool frequently used in fields such as public health and environmental policy to describe complex, multi-stakeholder problems. Students will apply system mapping techniques to describe complex problems with technical, social and environmental aspects. Students will explore fields outside of engineering critical to these challenges, including: public policy, sociology, and law. Students will complete a team project to develop a system map of a complex problem. The emphasis will be on problem definition, not problem solution, though it is expected maps will point to potential paths for solution. | Applied Science & Engineering, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG3 |
THRA10H3 | Introduction to Theatre | A general introduction to theatre as a social institution and collaborative performing art. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, class exercises, and excursions to see theatre together throughout Toronto, this course will investigate why and how people commit their lives to make theatre. It will also orient students to the four areas of focus in the Theatre and Performance program's curriculum, providing a background for further theatre studies. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
THRB22H3 | Theatre in Canada | This course explores the history of performance on this part of Turtle Island as a way of reimagining its future. Through a series of case studies, students will grow their understanding of theatre a powerful arena for both shoring up and dismantling myths of the "imagined nation" of Canada. With a special focus on Indigenous-settler relations and the contributions of immigrant communities to diversifying the stories and aesthetics of the stage, the course will reveal theatre as an excellent forum for reckoning with the past and re-storying our shared future. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10 |
THRB41H3 | Theatre-Making with Communities: A Survey | Students will study a wide range of "applied theatre" practice, which might include community-based theatre, prison theatre, Theatre for Development (TfD), Theatre of the Oppressed (TO), and Creative Drama in Classrooms. They will grow as both scholars and practitioners of this work, and will emerge as better able to think through the practical and ethical challenges of facilitating this work. Case studies will reflect the diversity of global practices and the importance of doing this work with marginalized groups. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11 |
THRC21H3 | Reimagining Theatre Criticism | This course immerses students in the local theatre scene, taking them to 4-5 productions over the term. We study the performances themselves and the art of responding to live performances as theatre critics. We position theatre criticism as evolving in the increasingly digital public sphere, and as a potential tool for advocates of antiracist, decolonial, feminist, and queer cultural work. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
THRD60H3 | Advanced Seminar in Theatre and Performance | A study of key ideas in theatre and performance theory with a focus on pertinent 20th/21st century critical paradigms such as postcolonialism, feminism, interculturalism, cognitive science, and others. Students will investigate theory in relation to selected dramatic texts, contemporary performances, and practical experiments. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
TRN135Y1 | Science and Social Choice | Many of the decisions we make as a society rely on advances in scientific knowledge. In this course, we will discuss a number of contemporary medical topics that involve complex scientific discoveries about health, the human body, disease, and infection. We will consider genes and study the medical implications of our growing understanding of the human genome. We will study a number of recent cases in order to explore how scientific findings influence decision-making in hospitals and the selection of social policies. We will also discuss the background forces that shape medical research and how this affects the kinds of health problems that are prioritized. The objective of this course is to develop a solid understanding of biological concepts related to human health and consider them in their wider social and ethical contexts. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
TRN136Y1 | Canadian Health Policy in the Global Context | In this course we consider when our health policies support the highest standards of medical care, consistent with the latest discoveries in medical research. We examine the ways in which debates around ethics, effectiveness and efficiency shape global and national health policy. We begin by exploring the most important advancements in global health policy over the past two decades. We then assess Canada’s experience in providing health care, identifying lessons for national policy reform and for Canada’s role as a leader in global health research and policy. We explore a range of health challenges including universal health care, anti-microbial drug resistance, HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, cardiovascular care, oncology, environmental health, indigenous health, violence against women and mental health. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG3, SDG5 |
TRN140Y1 | Ethics, Humans, and Nature | This course introduces students to ethical issues arising from the way humans interact with nature. Students will study some theoretical approaches for evaluating how human society affects the planet, ecosystems, and the other animals. Theories will be drawn from philosophy, theology, and ecology, and will include Western and non-Western approaches to living in harmony with one’s environment. Key themes may include speciesism – the idea that human needs are the most important – as well as overpopulation, extinction, vegetarianism, and responsible resource management. The course will also look at how social policy shapes human choices and whether sustainability initiatives should be pursued through the public or private sector. The course will also discuss the spiritual connection between humans and the environment and how society can be organized to promote access to nature in urban communities. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15 |
TRN141Y1 | Environmental Science and Pathways to Sustainability | This course introduces students to fundamental issues in environmental science with a multi-disciplinary focus on human impacts on physical and biological systems, and on identifying pathways to sustainability. Key themes will include energy and resources, climate change, land use, contaminants and protecting biodiversity in the context of the Anthropocene. The course challenges students to apply the scientific method to environmental monitoring, research and problem solving through project design, data collection and analysis. The course also emphases information literacy, skills to distinguish science from pseudo-science, and considerations around representation of environmental science in the media. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG7 |
TRN151Y1 | Global Governance | Terrorism, the proliferation of arms (including weapons of mass destruction), environmental degradation, globalization, technological change, and the rise of non-state actors all pose challenges to statecraft and the management of global order. This seminar course explores the changing dynamics of global politics and the responses to them by states (and others). Topics will include an examination of new forms of international collaboration that have developed in the wake of crises in the years following the Second World War. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
TRN152Y1 | Justice & Global Conflict | Modern states face both new and familiar challenges to protecting national security. National insecurity threatens a country’s capacity to protect the well-being of its citizens while at the same time participating in international organizations and treaties. This course explores the origins and management of international conflict from the 17th to the 21st century, focusing on the precursors to war and the markers of peace. We will also consider the ways in which our current global world order promotes and preserves justice between and within nations. Students will consider different theoretical approaches to justice between nations, and apply them to recent security issues. By studying the history of conflict and the difference between justice and injustice students will gain a deeper understanding of how current geopolitical actors can structure and affect the prospects for security policy reform moving forward. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
TRN160Y1 | Public Policy and the Public Good | This course examines the sense of the public good that undergirds Canada's domestic and international obligations. We examine the notion of the “public†through investigating possible answers to a central political question: what is the purpose of government? Drawing on readings in philosophy and political theory, the course considers a variety of approaches to defining the nature of the public good and how policy makers should respond when competing goods (e.g., freedom and security) clash with each other. In addition, the course looks at the treaties and conventions that articulate the responsibilities of signatory nations regarding challenges such as climate change mitigation, refugee resettlement, and foreign aid. Students will learn how international agreements either compel or encourage participation and multilateral cooperation in the absence of robust enforcement mechanisms. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG13, SDG2, SDG9 |
TRN162Y1 | Political Economy and Social Inequality | What is the relationship between capitalism and democracy? How can understanding rational choice theory inform public policy? This course will introduce students to the methods of studying the interplay between economics and politics. We will focus on specific topics to guide our quantitative analysis, which may include intergenerational poverty, the transfer of wealth, efficiency, and social stratification. We will analyse empirical results while developing critical skills for interpreting economic data and research. The course also considers global economic dynamics, transnational governance regimes, as well as the political-economic dimensions of setting global policies. By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of global political economy, and its connection the fields of international relations and public policy. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG9 |
TRN172Y1 | Ethics and the Law | What is the relationship between moral values and the law? What role does the law play in enabling people to live better lives? Are legal institutions and actors subject to higher ethical standards? In this course we will read texts from legal theory and political philosophy to try to explain the connection between ethics and the law. This will provide the basis for thinking about some historical and contemporary legal cases, as well as ethical issues judges, lawyers, and lawmakers face in their professional roles. Restricted to first-year students admitted to the Trinity One Program. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
TRN191H1 | Disaster and Terrorism: Religion and Ethics at Ground Zero | In response to contemporary terrorist attacks and natural disasters, many are led to cry, “The world will never be the same!†How should such statements be evaluated? What impact do they have on social and political life? This course explores religious and cultural responses to human tragedy and cultural shock. Discussion will attend to debates over the meaning of suffering, public reactions to terrorism, the traumas of natural disasters, and the role of media in covering such events. These themes are engaged from the perspectives of ethics, cultural theory, religious studies, and theology. The course focuses on popular responses to events that include: the Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, the First World War, the Holocaust, Hurricane Katrina, the Japanese experiences of Hiroshima and Fukushima, 9/11, and more recent examples of terrorism and disaster. Attention will be given to concerns such as the impact of trauma on social and political debate, the function of religious discourse in the face of tragedy, the nature of ideology, and the relationship between religion and violence. A thematic concern throughout the course will be the nature of ethical commitment in the midst of confusion and social disruption. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
TRN192H1 | Public Health in Canada: Health for the 21st Century | This course deals with preventive care and population health. It will also move into new areas like healthcare and the environment (climate change) and the greening of healthcare. It will look at health as an extension of democracy – of how health extends individual rights beyond the political realm to the social realm, of how it can build social capital and knit populations together. It will look at areas inimical to health, ‘detriments to health’ and how economic inequality can lead to health inequality. Along with this it will look at ways of empowering the individual, the public as agent and a role of public engagement by major institutions. It will also push beyond the popular determinants of health to engage students in a paradigm on next steps, the future challenges in population health. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG3, SDG9 |
TRN193H1 | Canadian Health Policy: Past, Present and Future | This is a health systems course. It deals with illness care, individual health, and health insurance. It will take a comparative and historical approach. We will look at the genesis of Canadian healthcare, our benefits and those other countries provide (e.g., pharmacare, dental care). We will look at indirect contributors like childcare and basic income. We will examine the public-private debate. We will also take some novel approaches. One is that the university has an expanded role in the 21st century, one that involves public outreach, a role that includes healthcare. Recent academic literature on healthcare notes that it is nation-building. We will look at why. We will examine some cutting-edge ideas, like integrated care, the learning health system, the concept of customer-owners. We will explore whether our healthcare system needs to be anchored by ‘institutions of excellence’ and identify these. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4 |
TRN194H1 | Literature and Wicked Problems | This course explores contemporary literature in relation to the interdisciplinary framework of “wicked problems.†Research emphasizes that complex, entrenched problems, like government relations with Indigenous peoples or human impacts on the climate, involve interconnected systems and require approaches that cross disciplines and types of knowledge. The course examines the role of literary works (mostly 21st-century fiction) in addressing these issues of pressing concern to students as global citizens. Critical thinking, scholarly reading and database research are foundational skills that this course strengthens in order to prepare students for their writing in disciplines across the university. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4 |
TRN203H1 | Society, its Limits and Possibilities | Key texts from various disciplines that articulate fundamental features, limitations, and possibilities of contemporary society are introduced. Political consent, economics, governmental administration, the global / post-colonial world, historical transformation, gender politics, and media may be addressed. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
TRN250Y1 | Empire, Nationalism, and the History of International Relations | Our modern world has its foundations in the development of a complex and changing system of international behaviours, customs, and rules. This course explores the global and often difficult transition from a world of empires to our contemporary world of nation-states, spanning the mid-eighteenth century to the present day. Using a global lens, this course offers an introductory historical survey using multiple perspectives and diverse settings, paying special attention to the dissolution of empire, popular revolution and mass movements, and the creation of international order. How global transformations were experienced, not only at the highest levels of power, but also by the people living amidst such change, will be an abiding concern of this course. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16 |
TRN304Y1 | Law and Social Issues | An exploration of the legal dimensions of selected contemporary social issues, focusing on law as a practice of social justice, and led by instructors with considerable practical experience. Restricted to students in the major program Ethics, Society, and Law. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
TRN320H1 | Selected Topics in Ethics, Society, and Law | The course examines a selected topic in ethics, society, and law. The set of topics will be based on the research interests of an individual instructor. Both the topics and the instructor may change with each offering of the course, and the course is not expected to be offered every year. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
TRN350H1 | Scarcity, Sustainability, and the Future of International Relations | International Relations are changing, and changing quickly. Major challenges in global affairs, including the interrelated problems of climate change, resource scarcity, great power competition, and changes in mass politics will shape our future in uncertain and possibly dangerous ways. This course seeks to evaluate the effect of these interconnected issues on our world today, and their implications for the future. Through a series of case studies, students will be encouraged to identify future international challenges and work to develop sustainable and innovative solutions to the problems that will confront our world in the next decades and beyond. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13 |
UNI101H1 | Citizenship in the Canadian City | Who belongs? Who governs? Who decides? In this course, you will examine the concepts of citizenship, public space, political membership, civic responsibility, and belonging. You will address topics such as Indigenous sovereignty claims, urban multiculturalism, public housing, and greening the city. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG4 |
UNI102H1 | Performing the City I | In this course we learn about different practices of performative engagement with the city and experiment with them through exercises and creative activities. The goal is to gain, through this mode of embodied engagement with the city, a critical understanding of urban space as a diverse social, cultural, and physical environment. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
UNI103H1 | Gradients of Health in an Urban Mosaic | In this course, you will examine how Toronto’s varied communities access and use health care, and how they may encounter barriers in doing so. You will study how economic disparities, shifting demographics, and government policies affect health policy and the right to access resources. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG3 |
UNI104H1 | Sex in the City | You will learn about the sexual politics of the city and how cities and their neighbourhoods become sexualized and desexualized spaces. In Sex in the City, you will examine what “sex†means to Toronto’s varied, multicultural communities by looking at urban space, cultural productions, law enforcement, safety and health resources and more. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12 |
UNI198H1 | Why Go to University? The Changing Role and Purpose of Higher Education | Is higher education about job preparation or about giving students an opportunity to learn about themselves and the world around them? Can higher education in Canada achieve both these aims? This course engages with the spirited conversations and scholarly debates about the ideals of a liberal arts education and how these connect with ancient and contemporary arguments about citizenship. We explore the impact on higher education of globalization and what some call the “corporatization†of universities. Students will be encouraged to think, read, research and write about various models of higher education and explore questions suggested by these debates. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG9 |
UNI199H1 | The Construction of Race in America: A History | The course will explore the origins of racial categories in America. Drawing on primary sources such as memoirs, film, and government records as well as writings by scholars, we will examine how beliefs about these categories changed over time and with what consequences for the unfolding of American history. Arriving at the present day, we will consider such contradictory developments as the accelerating influence of Black Lives Matter and the headline-grabbing white nationalism on display at the “Unite the Right†rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, August, 2017. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16 |
URB234H1 | Cities in Popular Culture | By exploring different popular culture phenomena such as the emergence of hip-hop in the Bronx, Batman's Gotham, and Nollywood, this course works to examine the contributions of popular culture in shaping our understandings of cities (as well as providing different perspectives of the city and the urban experience than is generally captured in scholarly/academic literature). Popular culture becomes a vehicle by which we will explore different aspects of urban life and urban representation. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB235H1 | A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Urban Studies I: Theoretical Foundations of City Building | Focuses on the theoretical foundations of urbanization, urban change, and city building, with particular attention on global urban growth, history of contemporary urbanization, urban planning, governance, built form, and economic development. These topics are explored through a multidisciplinary lens, with an emphasis on understanding urban transitions over time and their meaning for contemporary urban experience. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16 |
URB236H1 | A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Urban Studies II: Urban Challenges and Theoretical Application | Cities are centres of innovation and creative energy, but they also face significant and pressing challenges. This course explores various urban issues including inequality, eroding infrastructure, and concerns arising from globalization, while also examining the ways in which municipal governments and urban citizens are imagining and implementing potential solutions to these challenges. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG4, SDG7, SDG9 |
URB333H1 | Social Justice in the City | How do power and dominance consolidate in urban settings? How do individuals and communities contest this consolidation, and claim spaces and rights in the city? These questions will be taken up through a range of critical approaches, including Indigenous, critical race feminist, political economy, queer, and anarchist perspectives. Students will have the opportunity to carry out interview-based research on an issue of equality and social justice that matters to them. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
URB335H1 | City Challenges, City Opportunities in a 21st Century Toronto | Over the last 50+ years, Toronto has become a national and international centre of economic activity, with a vibrant arts and culture scene and world-renowned research, educational, and health institutions. Additionally, the City has become one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. That said, Toronto also struggles with deep inequalities along many different axes, an affordable housing crisis, underfunded infrastructure needs, and many other challenges. This course provides a window into how the leadership at the City of Toronto think and approach these and other issues as the City works to plan for the recovery from COVID-19. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG16, SDG7, SDG9 |
URB336H1 | Creative Cities | A prominent thesis in the fields of planning and economic geography is that the presence of creative occupations in a city correlates positively with the overall health of urban regions. This course will investigate the nature of this link from theoretical and empirical perspectives and examine its potential usefulness in a planning/policy context. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG9 |
URB337H1 | Housing and Homelessness | Toronto, like other global cities, is characterized by a stark dichotomy: upscale residential and commercial development transforms the landscape, even while increasing numbers of residents are forced to live on the streets, in encampments, in shelters, or crowded into unaffordable and substandard housing. This course will examine that paradox and activism that is trying to achieve the federal government’s stated goal: “By 2030, everyone in Canada has a home that they can afford and that meets their needsâ€. Through readings, discussions, guest presenters, and activities, we will trace the links between housing, homelessness, and urban politics; review policies and trends at the municipal, provincial/territorial and national levels; and connect with urban movements to contest displacement. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG11, SDG15 |
URB342H1 | Qualitative Research in Urban Studies | This course provides students an opportunity to craft and initiate an Urban Studies capstone research project. Students will gain knowledge, experience and insight in utilizing qualitative research methods including interviewing, focus groups, observational analysis and other techniques. Seminars and assignments focus on the application of qualitative methods to each student’s selected urban research question. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG4 |
URB430H1 | Advanced Topics in Urban Studies II | This course is meant to be a senior complement to URB338H1 whereby important theoretical, analytical and/or policy debates are addressed in a research seminar format. Students in URB430H1 will be expected to extend, or refine research topics identified and explored in URB338H1 in a major independent research project. Students will present their proposals, their progress reports, and their final results to the instructor and the class. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB431Y1 | Special Topics in Urban Studies | Special topics courses are offered periodically for senior students in the Urban Studies Program. Offerings in any given year will depend on program priorities, availability of specialized expertise and funding. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB433H1 | Special Topics in Urban Studies | Special topics courses are offered periodically for senior students in the Urban Studies Program. Offerings in any given year will depend on program priorities, availability of specialized expertise and funding. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB436H1 | Independent Research in Urban Studies | Designed to allow strong students in the Major and Specialist programs to extend a piece of urban research under the supervision of a faculty member from any aligned department. Choice of ‘H’ or ‘Y’ session pursuant to the scope of the research envisioned, the proposed supervisor’s assessment of depth of the inquiry, and the approval of the program director. Proposals, including a letter from an agreeable supervisor should be submitted to the program director by June 1 for a Fall or Year session course and by November 1 for a Spring session course. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB437Y1 | Urban Experiential Learning in Toronto & the GTA | A method of studying city issues that combines readings, seminar discussions, and field trips with an 8 hour / week internship in the office of a municipal politician, local government, or non-profit organization. Readings focus on community development, urban planning, economic development and local governance. Students must fill out a ballot for the course (available by contacting the Urban Studies Program Office) by June 1st. Enrolment in this course is competitive and at the discretion of the Urban Studies Director and/or course instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG16, SDG4 |
URB438H1 | Advanced Urban Research Project | This course will allow students to investigate an urban topic of their choice in a guided seminar environment. This course will guide students through the various steps of the research process including: proposal writing and refinement, secondary research, primary data acquisition, analysis and the production of a senior research paper. The course emphasizes the connections between the design, implementation and write-up of an in-depth research paper. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB439H1 | Cities and Mega-events: Place-making, Contestation and Urban Citizenship | Mega-events, like the Olympics, give cities the opportunity to showcase themselves to the world, but the production of television-friendly urban images do much to obscure the processes, compromises and social consequences in host cities. These events are powerful tools for city branding. They are also potential opportunities for social movements and other groups and individuals to highlight their own sets of concerns. This course will explore the challenges and opportunities that cities face in hosting such events. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11, SDG12, SDG4 |
URB440H1 | The Changing Culture of Regent Park | This course is a collaboration with the organization Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre, a not-for-profit organization that was established to counter negative stereotypes about the Regent Park community. Together, University of Toronto students and Regent Park Focus youth members will learn about media projects initiated by young people across the world, and how these creative forms of communication, organizing, and expression spurred change and social movements in their respective communities. U of T students and Regent Park Focus youth will work together to create their own media project about the neighborhood. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
URB442H1 | Urban Studio: Public Participation in Policy Making | This course will provide a broad overview of the roles of both the citizen and the professional practitioner in advancing effective and meaningful public participation in the policy-making process, particularly as it relates to city planning. Through an examination of a mix of theoretical frameworks and case studies from Toronto and elsewhere, you will gain an understanding of the ways in which effective public participation can contribute to the maintenance of a healthy democratic society while also exploring some of the key challenges and opportunities faced by public participation practitioners today. The course has two key objectives: to give you a practical understanding of all of the elements of an effective public participation process, and to explore how public participation processes can be designed to be more inclusive and effective. In addition, students will be able to apply this knowledge towards the development of a project or report for a client. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG11 |
UTM118H5 | utmONE: Science of Learning | This interdisciplinary course encourages students to take ownership of their education through a focus on the process of learning how to learn and by cultivating the habits of mind for lifelong achievement and success. Students will explore theories of learning and research on the strategies students should employ to reach deep understanding. "Science of Learning" is designed to help students develop their critical thinking, university-level oral and written communication, critical reading, and other foundational academic skills. Students participate in a series of tutorials that will help them build foundational skills for academic success such as creating study plans, taking notes, reading critically, and developing a growth mindset. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4 |
VCC236H5 | North American Consumer Culture: 1890-Present | Examines the history and theoretical treatments of mass consumerism in North American society. We will look at the relationship between the market and cultural politics, cultural production, and mass consumption. Specific topics include: the shift from mass production to mass consumption; the growth of department stores; the rise of advertising; the relationship of race, class, and gender to consumer capitalism; the development of product brands; and the emergence of global marketing. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG5, SDG9 |
VCC304H5 | Visual Culture and the Politics of Identity | Examines the ways in which social-cultural identities are constructed by, and at times disrupt, various visual technologies, logics, and representational strategies. Issues and problems to be addressed include nationality, stereotyping, invisibility, and surveillance. Course materials will be drawn from modern and contemporary art and visual culture, and will also include readings from the fields of feminism, race studies, queer theory, and performance studies. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
VCC409H5 | Capital, Spectacle, War | This course investigates the conjunction of contemporary global capitalism, spectacle, and militarized neo-liberal governmentality in order to develop a critical understanding of the inter-related forces that constitute the most current and politically and ethically pressing events in the world today. These may include the war on terror, the disaster film genre, technologies of surveillance, politics of humiliation and scandal, and theological and financial speculation and visions of the future. Readings will draw upon both historical and in many cases the latest work in political theory, cinema and new media studies, critical philosophy, and religious studies. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG9 |
VIC108H1 | Belonging, Imagination, and Indigenous Identity | This course will examine a number of questions related to Indigenous identities as they have been constituted through collective belonging and cultural representation. Topics covered may include: language, the arts, cinema, ecology, religion, ritual, and the enduring legacy of colonialism. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16 |
VIC122H1 | Scientific Evidence in Public Policy | This course investigates issues arising from the translation of scientific evidence for public consumption, including in the development of public policy and in confronting problems of social and global significance. Areas of focus will include climate change, global health, and clinical medicine. Students will explore concepts including the perception and communication of risk, the generalizability of research findings, probabilistic and mechanistic thinking, and the use and abuse of scientific authority and "expertise" in public discourse. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4 |
VIC134H1 | Globalization | This interdisciplinary course explores the contemporary character of globalization. The world is shrinking as money, goods, people, ideas, weapons, and information flow across national boundaries. Some commentators assert that a more tightly interconnected world can exacerbate financial disruptions, worsen the gap between rich and poor nations, undermine democracy, imperil national cultures, harm the environment, and give unconstrained freedom to predatory corporations. Others proclaim that globalization - understood as capitalism and free markets - fosters economic growth, encourages creative collaboration, inspires technological breakthroughs, and enhances human prospects for a better life, in rich and poor countries alike, in unprecedented ways. Our task is to evaluate the evidence and draw our own conclusions. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
VIC136H1 | How to Study Everyday Life | An introduction to the academic study of everyday life. A cross-disciplinary discussion class drawing on a wide variety of examples from ordinary life, fantasy, and culture. We situate the apparently innocuous within larger patterns of social relations and social change. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
VIC150H1 | Theory and Practice of Teaching: Theoretical Perspectives | This course introduces past and contemporary theories and perspectives on teaching and learning in schools and broader society. While there is consensus on the fundamental role that both learning and teaching play in society, a range of perspectives exists on what comprises "teaching" and "learning", how they occur, and how they might be facilitated through designed environments. The course begins with an exploration of major theories of learning and their implications for practice. It then examines several pedagogical frameworks and perspectives of teaching and their implications for educational practice. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC151H1 | Theory and Practice of Teaching: Professional Practice | This course introduces the theories and practices of teaching through analysis of three main themes: planning and implementing inclusive instruction, establishing a classroom context to support diverse learners, and analyzing professional concerns for teachers. Students will be involved in a volunteer placement in a school or community-based setting. Field experience is central to the course with students expected to apply course ideas in their volunteer work and reflect on their experiences in seminars. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC152H1 | School and Society: Historical and Contemporary Contexts | This course investigates the historical and contemporary roles of the school and formal education system and explore changes in these organizations over time. The course examines schools and learning as social, political, intellectual, and economic phenomena. Topics covered include the history of Canada' education system, the purposes of formal schooling, the role of the school, education and the law, education policy and school curriculum. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC153H1 | School and Society: Equity and Social Justice in Education | This course will examine education as a human right and through a human-rights- based lens, explore themes of equity and diversity, global education, Indigenous knowledge and perspectives, and decolonizing education. Contexts of discussion will include early-years learning, elementary and secondary school, post-secondary education, and other community-based learning settings, both locally and globally. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC168H1 | Identity and Equality in the Public Sphere | This course explores current legal and philosophical debates around equality, discrimination, and the shaping of individual and group identities. It addresses the way values, affiliation, and identities have an impact on the public sphere of law and policy-making – and the ways in which law and policy, in turn, shape our conceptions (and misconceptions) of people's identities. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
VIC171Y1 | Methodology, Theory and Practice in the Natural Sciences | An examination of scientific theories and their logic in life and physical sciences. Experimental design, novel device production, data analysis and modeling will be discussed using examples drawn from primary source material in the natural sciences. Students will prepare a research paper on a topic designed in consultation with the instructor. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12 |
VIC181H1 | Events in the Public Sphere: World Affairs | This course will review issues in contemporary world affairs, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present day. The course will examine the politics and practice of foreign policy decision making. Issues to be covered include the collapse of the Soviet Union, intervention in humanitarian crises, and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10 |
VIC183H1 | Individuals and the Public Sphere: Shaping Memory | This course explores how public service and citizenship are developed. Topics may include the role of law and government, civil liberties, rights and responsibilities, and the creation of policy, as well as how these factors shape collective memory. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC185H1 | Events in the Public Sphere: Social Justice | This course uses events to discuss the nature of society including major revolutions, economic crises, and the impact of significant artistic, cultural and technological developments. Emphasis on our responsibilities towards social justice. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
VIC186H1 | The Art and Literature of Leadership 1 | What is a leader? Are leaders born or are they made, and if they are made is there a craft to being able to lead others? Through works of art, film, and literature, this course examines the various types of men and women who become leaders from natural-born talents to statesmen and state-crafters and individual entrepreneurs with the purpose of defining those qualities that make for the leaders of tomorrow. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG8 |
VIC187H1 | Prosperity, Justice, and Sustainability: Introduction to Public Policy | This course introduces policy applications of measurement tools and economic concepts by analyzing current issues in the news, such as public spending and debt, health care, social security, energy, climate change, innovation, and education. Concepts from the philosophy and history of economic thought will be used to address such questions as: What is the nature of economic explanations? Do they tell us the truth about reality? Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG3, SDG7 |
VIC188H1 | Corporate Citizenship, Sustainability, and Ethics | Drawing together philosophical background readings with contemporary applications, this course addresses issues of corporate social responsibility, business ethics, human rights, diversity, and equity, and considers how these topics intersect with a wide range of global practices. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4 |
VIC189H1 | The Art and Literature of Leadership 2 | What is a leader? Are leaders born or are they made, and if they are made is there a craft to being able to lead others? Through works of art, film, and literature, this course examines the various types of men and women who become leaders from natural-born talents to statesmen and state-crafters and individual entrepreneurs with the purpose of defining those qualities that make for the leaders of tomorrow. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG8 |
VIC199H1 | The Secret Life of Objects: Analyzing the Culture of Things | This course will examine the materiality of objects with a view to understanding how artefacts are made, their circulation, consumption, and the importance of things to social and cultural life. An investigation of artefacts from various collections in and around the university will be undertaken to develop basic methods for the study, description and analysis of material culture. In addition to hands-on exploration of objects, topics may include antiquarians and their methods, material culture in colonial contexts, and materials in contemporary user-friendly design. Restricted to first-year students. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG9 |
VIC207H1 | Genetic Technologies: Scientific Promises and ethical Dilemmas | This course examines the ethical dilemmas raised by new genetic technologies. It explores the scientific possibilities they open as well as the moral questions they raise. The topics covered might include: Eugenics, the human genome project, behavioral genetics, genetics and race, genetic screening, gene editing and therapy, gene doping in sports, animal and human cloning, and genetic enhancement. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15 |
VIC302H1 | Science Policy | The course focuses on the impact of policy on science and the development and implementation of science-related policy. Topics include science funding and allocation of resources, policies concerning the technological application of scientific discoveries, commercialization of science, and the factors that shape the choice of science-based policies in such areas as healthcare, urban planning, weapons development, or environmental monitoring. The course will consider various science policy frameworks that define the power relationships between the stakeholders: government science policymakers, research and educational institutions, private firms, social media, and NGOs. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG4 |
VIC451H1 | Capstone: Learning Communities and Higher Education | This course examines higher education in Canada using Victoria University and Victoria's affiliates as a case study. Topics covered include learning communities, mentoring, experiential learning, and international contexts of education. Students gain practical mentorship experience through placement in first-year Victoria College courses. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
VIC452H1 | Science, Technology, & Society Internship | This seminar provides academic support for individual work placements in science and technology policy, governance, funding, popularization, advocacy, journalism, or a closely related field in a professional setting, through interdisciplinary readings, integrative discussion, and critical reflection on the culture of labour and the acquisition of workplace skills and experience. Assignments will include reflective exercises and critical analyses, leading to participation in a capstone seminar. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. For internship projects and the link to the application form, visit | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG9 |
VIC476H1 | Capstone Seminar in Foreign Policy | The seminar involves a critical assessment of current foreign policy issues and contemporary world problems. Issues and case studies to be analyzed include: 1. International military interventions to respond to imminent threats or humanitarian crises, issues of legitimacy and effectiveness. e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Haiti. 2. Canada-US relations in international crisis management, the track record and the way ahead. 3. Globalization, international terrorism, and their effects on sovereignty, diplomacy and international institutions. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16 |
VIS310H1 | Imaging the Political | Studio projects complemented by seminars and readings examine plastic, social, and gender politics in contemporary visual art. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG5 |
VIS313H1 | The Body | This studio-based, open-media course challenges conventional ideas about the body by examining developments in technology, culture, and politics. Through projects, lectures and readings, this course considers the fluidity of concepts such as gender, beauty, and ability as interpreted through representations of the body. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG5 |
VIS332H1 | Advanced Critical Theory | A continuation of philosophic and theoretical writings first introduced in JAV200. Concepts in epistemology, psychoanalysis, socio-political thought, economic theory, visual culture, semiotics, material culture, feminism, queer studies, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, and indigenous studies are explored through primary texts. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
VIS406H1 | Interventions: Art in Public Spaces | This course is an introduction into the complex process of public art. Through lectures, projects, seminars and field trips the student will develop a clearer understanding of the collaborative nature of public production around key issues such as advocacy, environmental ethics, and the sensual nature of space. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG12, SDG13, SDG8 |
VIS421H1 | Institutions and Exhibitions | A course in which students engage a variety of exhibition types in their institutional context: government museums, artist-run centres (ARC), cultural non-profits, media distribution centres, tourist museums, commercial galleries, private museums, collectives, pop-ups, community centres, etc. Students conduct site visits and analyze the architecture, economic models, audience, and content of various institutions. | Architecture, Landscape, and Design, John H. Daniels Faculty of | SDG16 |
VPAB10H3 | Equity and Inclusivity in Arts and Media Organizations | An introduction to equity, inclusivity and diversity as it relates to organizational development and cultural policymaking in arts and media management. This course will take students through an overview of critical theories of systemic power and privilege, including those of race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or identity, age, ability/disability and religion and examine how these impact varied creative working environments and institutions. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 |
VPAC15H3 | Cultural Policy | A survey of the principles, structures, and patterns of cultural policy and how these impact arts and media funding structures in Canada, nationally and internationally. Through original research including interviews in the sector, group and individual assignments will explore a wide range of cultural policy issues, processes, and theoretical commitments underpinning the subsidized arts, commercial and public media industries, and hybrid cultural enterprises, critically exploring the role of advocacy and the strengths and weaknesses of particular policy approaches. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16 |
VPHB39H3 | Ten Key Words in Art History: Unpacking Methodology | Key concepts in art history, including intention, meaning, style, materiality, identity, production, reception, gender, visuality, and history. Students will explore critical questions such as whether and how to read artist's biographies into their art. This course helps students understand the discipline and develops critical thinking and research skills required in advanced courses. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG5 |
VPHB58H3 | Modern Art and Culture | A study of nineteenth and twentieth-century arts and visual media, across genres and cultures. What did modernity mean in different cultural contexts? How is 'modern' art or 'modernism' defined? How did the dynamic cultural, economic, and socio-political shifts of the globalizing and industrializing modern world affect the visual ars and their framing? | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG9 |
VPHB59H3 | Current Art Practices | Shifts in theory and practice in art of the past fifty years. Studying selected artists' works from around the world, we explore how notions of modern art gave way to new ideas about media, patterns of practice, and the relations of art and artists to the public, to their institutional contexts, and to globalized cultures. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG9 |
VPSB01H3 | The Artist | The figure of the artist is distorted in the popular imagination by stereotypes around individualism, heroism, genius, mastery, suffering, and poverty. This lecture course will examine these gendered, colonial mythologies and offer a more complex picture of the artist as a craftsperson, professional, entrepreneur, researcher, public intellectual and dissident. We will consider diverse artistic models such as artist collectives and anonymous practitioners that challenge the idea of the individual male genius and examine artists’ complex relationship with elitism, the art market, arts institutions, and gentrification. This course will be supplemented by visiting artist lectures that will offer students insight into the day-to-day reality of the practicing artist. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG1, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
VPSB02H3 | Image Culture | How should artists make pictures in a world inundated with a relentless flow of digital images? Can pictures shape our understanding of the social world and influence mainstream culture? Through the perspective of contemporary artmaking, this lecture course will explore ways that artists decentre and decolonize the image and concepts of authorship, representation, truth, and the gaze. The course will also examine the role of visual technologies (cameras, screens, microscopes), distribution formats (the photographic print, mobile devices, the Internet), and picture making (ubiquitous capture, synthetic media, artificial intelligence) to consider how artists respond to changing ideas about the visible world. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG9 |
VPSC85H3 | Essential Skills for Emerging Artists | The studio-seminar course will provide students with discipline-specific historical, theoretical, professional, and practical knowledge for maintaining a sustainable art practice. Students will gain an understanding of how to navigate the cultural, social, political, and financial demands of the professional art world. Topics will include professional ethics, equity and diversity in the art world, understanding career paths, developing writing and presentation skills relevant to the artist, familiarity with grants, contracts and copyright, and acquiring hands-on skills related to the physical handling and maintenance of art objects. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG4 |
VPSC91H3 | Theory and Practice: Art and the Body | This open-media studio seminar will examine the relationship between art and the body, focusing on key topics such as identity (gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation), intersectionality, subjectivity, representation, and the gaze. Students will explore artistic methods that are performative, experiential, sensory, and interactive. This course will also examine approaches to the body that consider accessibility, aging, healing, and care. Students will conceive, research, and develop art projects that address contemporary issues related to the body. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG5 |
VPSC92H3 | Theory and Practice: Art and Materials | This open-media studio-seminar will focus on material-based art practices and critical approaches to the material world. This course will explore topics such as sustainability and Indigenous reciprocity, feminist understanding of materials, the politics of labour, and the role of technology. This course will also examine key concepts such as craft, form, process, time, and dematerialization and consider the role that technique, touch, and participation play in the transformation of material. Students will conceive, research, and develop art projects that address contemporary approaches to material-based art making. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
VPSC93H3 | Theory and Practice: Art and the Everyday | This open-media studio-seminar will examine contemporary artists’ fascination with the everyday, focusing on art practices invested in observation, time, the ephemeral, the domestic, labour, humour, boredom, and failure. This course will also explore critical approaches to found materials and artistic strategies that intervene into everyday environments. Students will conceive, research, and develop art projects that explore the critical and poetic potential of everyday subject matter. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG8, SDG9 |
VPSC94H3 | Theory and Practice: Art and Place | This open-media studio-seminar will focus on contemporary art practices that are invested in the relationship of art to place, exploring topics such as Indigenous land-based knowledges; feminist and anti-racist approaches to geography; ecology and sustainability; accessibility, community, and placemaking; public and site-specific art, and the gallery and museum as context. This course will also take a critical look at systems that organize space including mapping, navigation, land use, public and private property, and institution spaces. Students will conceive, research, and develop art projects that address place and land-based subject matter. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG11, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
VPSC95H3 | Theory and Practice: Art and Social Justice | This open-media studio-seminar will explore contemporary art practices that are invested in the relationship between art, activism, and social change. Students will examine how artists address social, economic, environmental, and political issues and the techniques they use to engage different types of collaborators and audiences. Students will conceive, research and develop collaborative art projects that address current social issues on a local or global scale. This course will place a strong emphasis collaborative work and community engagement. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG13, SDG16, SDG8, SDG9 |
WGS101H5 | Introduction to Women and Gender Studies | This foundation course introduces the core ideas students will explore throughout their studies in Women and Gender Studies. It immerses students in a highly participatory and provocative encounter with history, social theory, politics, policy, art and culture seen through a gender lens. It provides an interdisciplinary overview of the historical 'waves' of women's movements for equality in a global context and background to the development of Women/Gender Studies as a site of learning and feminist inquiry. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS102H5 | Reading and Writing in Women and Gender Studies | Using key feminist texts, this course advances students thinking, reading and writing in the discipline of Women and Gender Studies. The emphasis is placed on the development and application of interdisciplinary skills in the interpretation, analysis, criticism, and advocacy of ideas encountered in Women and Gender Studies. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS160Y1 | Introduction to Women and Gender Studies | An integrated and historical approach to social relations of gender, race, class, sexuality and disability, particularly as they relate to women's lives and struggles across different locales, including Canada. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3, SDG5 |
WGS200Y5 | Theories in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | This course provides an opportunity to engage in an in-depth examination of specialized and scholarly work within women, gender, and sexuality studies with a focus on the diverse and multidisciplinary expressions of feminist thought from the perspective of postcolonial, transnational, intersectional, diasporic, Black feminist, indigenous, and queer theories. This course situates the importance of praxis, the relationship between theory and social practice, to women, gender, and sexuality studies. Students will engage throughout with the relationship between theories of gender and sexuality as they relate to, and are inseparable from, an understanding of race and racial formations. It incorporates study of the themes and debates concerning the socially constructed categories of gender and sexuality in historical and contemporary contexts. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS202H5 | Fundamentals of Research in Women and Gender Studies | This interdisciplinary course focuses on the visions and methods that feminist scholars use to study women's and gender issues within and across a range of traditional disciplines. The course explores feminist epistemologies and research methods to understand how to carry out feminist research. We will focus on how feminist scholars challenge dominant theories of knowledge and the major methodologies employed in the social sciences and humanities. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS210H5 | Women, Gender and Labour | This course covers a wide range of issues relating to female participation in public and private sectors of the today's Canadian workforce. It examines the relevance of education, perceptions, sexuality and family issues. Services and infrastructure, as well as collective bargaining are also addressed. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
WGS250H5 | Women in Families | This course studies how the notion of family is conceptualized and organized transnationally and historically and examines the multiple familiar roles of women in diverse contexts. [24L, 12T] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS260H1 | Texts, Theories, Histories | Examines modes of theories that shaped feminist thought and situates them historically and transnationally so as to emphasize the social conditions and conflicts in which ideas and politics arise, change and circulate. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS271Y1 | Gender in Popular Culture | A critical examination of institutions, representations and practices associated with contemporary popular culture, mass-produced, local and alternative. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS273H1 | Gender & Environmental (In)Justice | Using a transnational, feminist framework, this course examines material and conceptual interrelations between gendered human and non-human nature, ecological crises, political economies and environmental movements in a variety of geographical, historical and cultural contexts. Does environmental justice include social justice, or are they in conflict? What might environmental justice and activism involve? | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS275H1 | Men and Masculinities | Examines how masculinities shape the lives of men, women, transgender people. Effects of construction, reproduction and impact of masculinities on institutions such as education, work, religion, sports, family, medicine, military and the media are explored. Provides critical analysis of how masculinities shape individual lives, groups, organizations and social movements. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS301H5 | Representing Islam | The course explores historical and contemporary debates regarding the construction of gender in Islam. It examines historic and literary representations, ethnographic narratives, legal and human rights discourses, the politics of veiling, and Islamic feminism. This course situates Muslim women as complex, multidimensional actors engaged in knowledge production and political and feminist struggles, as opposed to the static, victim-centered, Orientalist images that have regained currency in the representation of Muslim women in the post 9/11 era. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG12, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS331H1 | Special Topic in Women and Gender Studies | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 | |
WGS332H1 | Special Topic in Women and Gender Studies | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 | |
WGS336H5 | Political Aesthetics and Feminist Representation | This course engages with feminist theoretical models and approaches to examine the ways in which the "body" has been constructed, enacted, and embodied through aesthetic forms like photography, cinema, music, performance, film and to understand how women, queer, and racialized artists use aesthetics as a response to social and political crises. This course considers what constitutes the relationship between the political and the aesthetic and approaches aesthetics as important sites of ideological and political tension. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS340H1 | Women and Revolution in the Middle East | This course examines the complex and conflictual relations between women and revolutionary struggles and focuses on a number of theoretical and empirical issues relevant to the Middle East and North Africa context. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS345H5 | Genealogies of South Asian Feminisms | This course examines the histories of activism for and by women in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) from the colonial period to the present. Topics include colonialism, the Partition of 1947, war, religion, development, labour, nationalism, and the family/reproductive rights. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
WGS347H5 | Indigenous Feminisms and Decolonization | This course explores themes related to Indigenous feminist scholarship and activism in North America. The course centres on how Indigenous women engage in decolonial practices as a response to histories of colonialism and genocide. Themes include status and tribal nations; oral history and narrative; violence and resistance, knowledge construction and pedagogy, community, self-governance and freedom. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG10, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS348H5 | Sex, Gender, and the Environment | This course discusses, historicizes, and theorizes the undeniable connection between the health of our bodies and the health of our planet. This course engages with Indigenous feminisms, Black feminisms, and queer/decolonial/anticolonial thought to build a response to historic and ongoing colonial, gender-based, and environmental violence through grounded justice practices. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS350H5 | Critical Race Theory in Women and Gender Studies | This course's central focus is an examination of the way race and gender operate together in structuring social inequality. It offers the analytical tools for exploring the interconnections between race and gender, along with other systems of domination, and incorporates perspectives from women of colour and from women in the global "South." | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS355H1 | Gendered Labour Around the World | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG8 | |
WGS355H5 | Wired Women: Gender, Cyberspace and New Information Technology | The course examines how computer technologies facilitate women's participation in cyberspace and how women define and construct their involvement. It studies the simultaneous generation of new modalities of empowerment and disempowerment including language, role-playing, communication, gaming, and networking and conduits for sex trafficking, harassment and other forums of exploitation. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5, SDG9 |
WGS360H1 | Making Knowledge in a World that Matters | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG12, SDG4, SDG5 | |
WGS365H1 | Gender Issues in the Law | Examines the operation of the law as it affects women, the construction and representation of women within the legal system, and the scope for feminist and intersectional analyses of law. Includes an analysis of specific legal issues such as sexuality and reproduction, equality, employment, violence and immigration. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG12, SDG16, SDG5, SDG8 |
WGS366H5 | Women and Psychology | An interdisciplinary analysis of the relationship of women to a variety of psychological and psychoanalytical theories and practices. Topics include gender development, stereotyping and gender roles, the impact of gender on intimate relationships, women and the psychological establishment, women's mental health issues and feminist approaches to psychoanalysis. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS367H1 | The Politics of Gender and Health | Examines diverse traditions and normative models of health (e.g. biomedicine, social constructionist, indigenous health) in conjunction with analyses of the origin, politics, and theoretical perspectives of contemporary Women's Health Movements. Topics may include fertility, sexuality, poverty, violence, labour, aging, (dis)ability, and health care provision. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG1, SDG10, SDG16, SDG3, SDG5, SDG8 |
WGS367H5 | Women and Health | Feminist theories and frameworks examining the interconnections between women, health and biomedicine in North America and transnationally. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS369H1 | Studies in Post-Colonialism | Examines gendered representations of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and disability in a variety of colonial, neo-colonial, and post-colonial contexts. Topics may include the emergence of racialist, feminist, liberatory and neoconservative discourses as inscribed in literary texts, historical documents, cultural artifacts and mass media. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG14, SDG15, SDG3, SDG5 |
WGS370H1 | Utopian Visions, Activist Realities | Drawing on diversely situated case-studies, this course focuses on the ideals that inform struggles for social justice, and the mechanisms activists have employed to produce the change. Foci include the gendered implications of movement participation, local and transnational coalition, alternative community formation, and encounters with the state and inter/supra/transnational organizations. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS373H1 | Gender and Violence | An interdisciplinary study of gendered violence in both historical and contemporary contexts including topics such as textual and visual representations; legal and theoretical analyses; structural violence; war and militarization; sexual violence; and resistance and community mobilization. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS373H5 | Gender, Violence and Resistance | This course will focus on how gender and violence shapes and impacts the lives of women and LGBT persons. The course will explore the concept of gender and the myriad of ways in which it has been shaped by historical, and contextual relations of power and privilege. The course will explore how scholars in the feminist/women's movement have defined the concept of violence as it impacts women and girls. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS374H1 | Feminist Studies in Sexuality | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 | |
WGS375H5 | The Aesthetics of Sexuality | What is the relationship between aesthetic form and sexuality? Drawing on theories and methods from feminist and sexuality studies, this course engages this question to understand the emergence of queer aesthetics as a response to social and political crisis, whilst comprehending how LGBTIQ+ artists create livable worlds by imagining otherwise. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS376H1 | Studies in Queer and Trans | Takes up conversations in queer and trans studies as separate and entangled fields. It explores how queer and trans people have experienced and theorized gender and sexuality. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS380H1 | Feminist Graphic Novels | Comics aren't new, and graphic novels aren't either, but feminists have built a rich array of stories about consciousness, resistance, and coming of age in this genre that warrant scholarly attention. In this case, we will read graphic novels for their subtleties, thinking about what picture and text make possible in the exploration of emotion, interconnection, and identity. Reading about resistance to marriage in Aya of Yop City, a child's view of revolution in Persepolis, parent child reckoning in Fun Home, and loneliness in Skim will advance students' understandings of the of the power of narrative and the pictorial displacement of innocence. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS385H1 | Gender and Neoliberalism | Reviews major feminist transnational, Marxist and Foucauldian approaches to the study of neoliberalism. Adopts a comparative, historical and global approach to the ways that gender is implicated in state restructuring, changing roles for corporations and non-governmental organizations, changing norms for personhood, sovereignty and citizenship, and changing ideas about time/space. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS390H1 | Land-ing: Indigenous and Black Futurist Spaces | Students are invited to think through the relationships between Indigenous and Afro-futurist concepts of land. This class will engage Indigenous feminist and Black queer and feminist theories of land and space, linking them to Afrofuturist and Indigenous futurist thought. We explore various texts in relation to emergent methodologies, decolonial desires, and love and radical relationalities. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS410H5 | Independent Project in Study of Women & Gender | An opportunity to carry out an extended research project under the supervision of a faculty member. A proposal must be presented to the faculty member and consent obtained before the end of the July registration period. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS411Y5 | Independent Project in Study of Women & Gender | An opportunity to carry out an extended research project under the supervision of a faculty member. A proposal must be presented to the faculty member and consent obtained before the end of the July registration. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS426H1 | Gender and Globalization: Transnational Perspectives | Critically examines current interdisciplinary scholarship on globalization, its intersections with gender, power structures, and feminized economies. Related socio-spatial reconfigurations, ‘glocal’ convergences, and tensions are explored, with emphasis on feminist counter-narratives and theorizing of globalization, theoretical debates on the meanings and impacts of globalization, and possibilities of resistance, agency, and change. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5, SDG9 |
WGS434H1 | Advanced Topics in Women and Gender Studies | An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor. Please consult the Women & Gender Studies Institute's website for more information. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS435Y5 | Women and Gender Studies Practicum | The practicum allows advanced WGS students to combine theory and practice through part-time unpaid placement with a community agency, government body, educational or social change organization. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS442H1 | Toxic Worlds, Decolonial Futures | This course explores the ways environmental violence is an integral practice of settler colonialism that affects human and non-human life, disrupts Indigenous sovereignty, and enacts ongoing racism. A typical way of addressing environmental violence is to document the harm done to bodies and communities. This class asks, how might we also refuse environmental violence and enact better obligations to land/body relations? What kind of decolonial futures can be summoned in the aftermath of environmental violence? Our readings will bring Indigenous feminist approaches together with Black feminist, queer, and feminist environmental justice approaches. Participants will build upon the readings to create their own decolonial environmental justice future projects. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG10, SDG13, SDG15, SDG16, SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS451H1 | Independent Study in Women and Gender Studies Issues | Under supervision, students pursue topics in Women and Gender Studies not currently part of the curriculum. For students in the Women and Gender Studies Specialist or Major. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS451Y1 | Independent Study in Women and Gender Studies | Under faculty supervision, students pursue topics in Women and Gender Studies that are not currently part of the curriculum. For students in the Women and Gender Studies Specialist or Major. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS455H5 | Queer Theory | This course examines the theories, histories and experiences of 'queer' in Canada and transnationally. It incorporates the diversity of emergent cultural expressions of LGBTQ sexuality understood beyond definitions of social identities. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS463H1 | Advanced Topics in Gender Theory | Senior students may pursue more advanced study in feminist theory. Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG5 |
WGS470H5 | Politicizing Culture: Pop Feminism and Representation | This course examines the intricate relationships among feminism, culture, power and representation. Major themes include: the construction of gendered, sexualized, and racialized subjectivities; ideologies and the media; bio-and communication technologies; neoliberalism and neocolonialism; and counter interpretations, reclamations, and remixes of hegemonic cultural forms. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG5 |
WGS470Y1 | Community Engagement | The application of theoretical study to practical community experience. Advanced Women and Gender Studies students have the opportunity to apply knowledge acquired in the Women and Gender Studies curriculum through a practicum placement within a community organization. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4, SDG5 |
WGS481H1 | Gender, Sexuality and Black Liberation from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter | This course maps genealogies of black insurgency and transnational itineraries of intersectional theorizing, organizing, and praxis from the 20th century to our present moment. Through close study of works by and about black revolutionary migrants, exiles, intellectuals, fugitives, and so-called terrorists, participants will critique and create radical visions for emancipation. Major topics and themes may include black feminisms; queer insurgencies; transnational imaginaries and solidarities; silence and intracommunal violence; accountability and transformative justice. Through collective discussion, writing, and reflection we interrogate visions and strategies of emancipation, and imagine radical futures historically and in our own times. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WGS482H1 | Translating Sexuality: Queer Migration, Queer Diasporas | This course examines how notions of sexuality travel as people move within and beyond national borders. It investigates how queer and trans migrants pursue different versions of belonging, solidarity, survival, and hope. Participants will study transnational archives (which may include popular culture, new media, film, literature, and performance) as they trace globalization's effects on racialized, queer, and trans communities. Major topics may include: queer of color critique; queer settler colonialism; transnational and global south sexualities; imperialism and militarism; neoliberalism and homonationalism; humanitarianism and sexual rights; queer and trans social movements; postcolonial intimacies. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG16, SDG5 |
WRI293H5 | Introduction to Technical Communication | Introduction to Technical Communication serves as an introduction to the academic and professional fields of technical writing and communication. It explores strategies for analyzing organizational contexts, including professional audiences, professional purposes for writing, and organizational cultures. Assignments will build skills in technical writing, document design, documentation, accessibility, and ethical considerations for communication in professional settings. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG11 |
WRI310H5 | Social and Professional Languages | Examines language by approaching it through its social users -- ethnic groups, genders, and social classes -- and its contextualized usages -- the languages of publishing, advertising, law, technical communications, academe and the electronic media. The course explores the functions of these languages and the roles of such forces as dictionaries, social change, and new communications technologies in the evolution of these languages. [24L] | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG16, SDG5 |
WRI375H5 | Writing about Environment and Ecology | Examines the evolving rhetoric of scientific, journalistic, legal and political writing about environmental issues. The course will consider eco-linguistic theory and eco-critical discourse analysis. Through theory and applied research, including primary research, and writing, students will consider protocols, research standards, and ethics in writing about environment and appraise current issues around the emerging language of sustainability. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG13, SDG15 |
WRI430H5 | Journalistic Investigation | This course examines principles and practices in journalistic investigation and writing, and provides an introduction to the main socio-political issues related to contemporary journalism. The course will consider various models and formats of journalistic writing. Students will design and carry out investigative projects that culminate in a series of journalistic articles. The course will also analyze the Canadian media industry and its evolving labour market. | University of Toronto Mississauga | SDG8, SDG9 |
WRR300H1 | Strategic Writing in Business and the Professions: Theory and Practice | Students learn the theory and practice of effective and ethical communication in the workplace, including business, government, and non-profit organizations. Students apply ethical reasoning models to case studies. Students have an opportunity to work directly with a community partner, helping them to solve an industry-specific problem or concern. This experiential learning enables students to work together as a team to develop relevant solutions as they strengthen their written and verbal communication skills. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG4 |
WRR307H1 | Rhetoric of Health and Medicine | Since its inception, rhetoric has been concerned with persuasion and its relationship to human flourishing. This course brings rhetorical thought into important dialogue with health research, medical practices, and pharmaceutical advertising. Medicalized phenomenaâ€â€like hypochondria, depression, sexual dysfunction, and death & dyingâ€â€are all bound up with influence. A rhetorical perspective on health and wellness tracks this influence through networks of individuals, institutions, texts, media forms, genres, and narratives. | Arts and Science, Faculty of | SDG3 |
WSTA01H3 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | This course explores the intersection of social relations of power including gender, race, class, sexuality and disability, and provides an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to the study of women’s lives in Canadian and global contexts. There is a strong focus on the development of critical reading and analytic skills. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG3, SDG5 |
WSTA03H3 | Introduction to Feminist Theories and Thought | An introduction to feminist theories and thoughts with a focus on diverse, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. An overview of the major themes, concepts and terminologies in feminist thinking and an exploration of their meanings. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTB05H3 | Power in Knowledge Production | This course explores the power dynamics embedded in "how we know what we know". Using a feminist and intersectional lens, we will critically analyze dominant and alternative paradigms of knowledge production, and will examine how knowledge is created and reproduced. Concepts such as bias, objectivity, and research ethics will be explored. There is an experiential learning component. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTB09H3 | Gender, Race, and Colonialism | This course is an introduction to how the history of colonialism and the power relations of the colonial world have shaped the historical and social constructions of race and gender. The course considers political, legal, economic, and cultural realms through which colonialism produced new gendered and racial social relationships across different societies and communities. The ways in which colonial power was challenged and resisted will also be explored. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTB10H3 | Women, Power and Protest: Transnational Perspectives | An examination of local and global movements for change, past and current, which address issues concerning women. This course will survey initiatives from the individual and community to the national and international levels to bring about change for women in a variety of spheres. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTB11H3 | Intersections of Inequality | An overview of the complex interactions among race, class, gender and sexuality in traditional and modern societies. Drawing on both historical and contemporary patterns in diverse societies, the course offers feminist perspectives on the ways in which race, class, gender, and sexual orientation have shaped the lives of women and men. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG5 |
WSTB12H3 | Gender-based Violence and Resistance | This course offers an analysis of violence against women and gender-based violence, including acts of resistance against violence. Applying a historical, cultural, and structural approach, family, state, economic and ideological aspects will be addressed. Initiatives toward making communities safer, including strategies for violence prevention and education will be explored. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG16, SDG5 |
WSTB20H3 | Feminism and The Environment | This course will take a feminist approach to exploring the links between women, gender and the environment. We will examine how racism, sexism, heterosexism and other forms of oppression have shaped environmental discourses. Topics include: social, historical and cultural roots of the environmental crisis, women's roles in sustainable development, ecofeminism, planning for safer spaces, and activism for change. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG12, SDG13, SDG5 |
WSTB22H3 | From Freedom Runners to #BlackLivesMatter: Histories of Black Feminism in Canada | This introductory survey course connects the rich histories of Black radical women's acts, deeds, and words in Canada. It traces the lives and political thought of Black women and gender-non-conforming people who refused and fled enslavement, took part in individual and collective struggles against segregated labour, education, and immigration practices; providing a historical context for the emergence of the contemporary queer-led #BlackLivesMatter movement. Students will be introduced, through histories of activism, resistance, and refusal, to multiple concepts and currents in Black feminist studies. This includes, for example, theories of power, race, and gender, transnational/diasporic Black feminisms, Black-Indigenous solidarities, abolition and decolonization. Students will participate in experiential learning and engage an interdisciplinary array of key texts and readings including primary and secondary sources, oral histories, and online archives. Same as HISB22H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 |
WSTB25H3 | LGBTQ History, Theory and Activism | This course introduces students to current discussions, debates and theories in LGBT and queer studies and activism. It will critically examine terms such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, heterosexual, and ally, and explore how class, race, culture, ability, and history of colonization impact the experience of LGBTQ-identified people. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC02H3 | Feminist Qualitative Research in Action | Students will design and conduct a qualitative research project in the community on an issue related to women and/or gender. The course will also include an overview of the various phases of carrying out research: planning the research project, choosing appropriate methods for data collection, analyzing the data and reporting the results. Students should expect to spend approximately 10 hours conducting their research in the community over the course of the semester. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC13H3 | Women, Gender and Islam | Explores historical and contemporary debates regarding the construction of gender in Islam. Topics include the historical representations of Muslim woman, veiling, sexuality, Islamic law and Islamic feminism. This course situates Muslim women as multidimensional actors as opposed to the static, Orientalist images that have gained currency in the post 9/11 era. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC22H3 | Gender and Film | This course examines the representations of gender in narrative, documentary and experimental films by a selection of global directors from a social, critical and historical perspective. We will analyse and engage with the filmic representations of race, class and sexual orientation, and explore how traditional and non-traditional cinema can challenge or perpetuate normative notions of gender. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC25H3 | Transnational Queer Sexualities | This course examines how sexuality and gender are shaped and redefined by cultural, economic, and political globalization. We will examine concepts of identity, sexual practices and queerness, as well as sexuality/gender inequality in relation to formulations of the local-global, nations, the transnational, family, homeland, diaspora, community, borders, margins, and urban-rural. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG11, SDG5 |
WSTC26H3 | Critical Race and Black Feminist Theories | This course focuses on the theoretical approaches of critical race theory and black feminist thought this course examines how race and racism are represented and enacted across dominant cultural modes of expression and the ideas, actions, and resistances produced by Black women. The course will analyze intersections of gender subordination, homophobia, systems and institutions of colonialism, slavery and capitalism historically and in the contemporary period. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG4, SDG5, SDG9 |
WSTC28H3 | Language and Gender | An introduction to the research on differences between women and men in how they use language and how they behave in conversational interaction, together with an examination of the role of language in reflecting and perpetuating cultural attitudes towards gender. Same as LINC28H3 | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC30H3 | Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies | An examination of a current topic relevant to women and gender studies. Students will have the opportunity to explore recent scholarship in a specific content area which will vary from year to year. Participation in a related project/practicum in the community may be incorporated into the course. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTC40H3 | Gender and Disability | This course introduces debates and approaches to the intersection of disability with social determinants of gender, sexuality, class, race and ethnicity. Students will examine international human rights for persons with disabilities, images and representations of gender and the body, research questions for political activism, and social injustice. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG3, SDG5 |
WSTD01H3 | Independent Project in Women's and Gender Studies | An opportunity to undertake an in-depth research topic under the supervision of a Women's and Gender Studies faculty member. Students will work with their supervisor to finalize the course content and methods of approach; assessment will be based on an advanced essay/project on the approved topic, which will be evaluated by the supervising faculty member and program coordinator. The material studied will differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in regular courses. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTD03H3 | Feminist Perspectives on Sex, Gender and the Body | An advanced and in-depth examination of selected topics related to health, sexualities, the gendered body, and the representations and constructions of women and gender. The course will be in a seminar format with student participation expected. It is writing intensive and involves a major research project. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTD04H3 | Critical Perspectives on Gender and Human Rights | An in-depth examination of selected topics related to women, gender, equality, and human rights in the context of local and global communities, and diaspora. Student participation and engagement is expected. There will be a major research project. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |
WSTD08H3 | Abolition Feminisms | During the historic protests of 2020, “Abolition Now†was a central demand forwarded by Black and queer-led social movements. But what is abolition? What is its significance as a theory of change, a body of scholarship, and as a practice? This course explores how leading abolitionist and feminist thinkers theorize the state, punishment, criminalization, the root causes of violence, and the meaning of safety. It explores the historical genealogies of abolitionist thought and practice in relation to shifting forms of racial, gendered and economic violence. Students will analyze the works of formerly enslaved and free Black abolitionists, prison writings during the Black Power Era as well as canonical scholarly texts in the field. A central focus of the course is contemporary abolitionist feminist thought. The course is conceptually grounded in Black and queer feminisms, and features works by Indigenous, South Asian women and other women of colour. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG10, SDG16, SDG5 |
WSTD09H3 | Race, Gender, and Islamophobia | An in-depth examination of Islamophobic discourses, practices and institutionalized discriminatory policies, and their impact on Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim. Themes include the relationship between Islamophobia, gender orientalism and empire; Islamophobic violence; Islamophobia in the media; the Islamophobia industry; the mobilization of feminism and human rights in the mainstreaming of Islamophobia. Equal attention will be paid to resisting Islamophobia through art, advocacy, and education. | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG16, SDG5 |
WSTD10H3 | Creating Stories for Social Change | This course will explore oral history - a method that collects and retells the stories of people whose pasts have often been invisible. Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of feminist oral history and will conduct oral histories of social activists in the community. The final project will include a digital component, such as a podcast. | University of Toronto Scarborough | |
WSTD16H3 | Socialist Feminism in Global Context | A comparative exploration of socialist feminism, encompassing its diverse histories in different locations, particularly China, Russia, Germany and Canada. Primary documents, including literary texts, magazines, political pamphlets and group manifestos that constitute socialist feminist ideas, practices and imaginaries in different times and places will be central. We will also seek to understand socialist feminism and its legacies in relation to other contemporary stands of feminism. Same as HISD16H3 Transnational Area | University of Toronto Scarborough | SDG5 |