U of T News: U of T entrepreneurs credit Adams Sustainability Innovation Prize for energizing sun-care startupU of T News:

Kristina Knox and Stephanie Tien, co-founders of sun-care startup Arbre

At the 2022 Adams Sustainability Innovation Prize competition, Arbre won second-place and $7,500 for their company. Arbre is a sustainable sun care brand on a mission to create inclusive and innovative sun protection products.

Kristina Knox and Stephanie Tien co-founders of sun-care startup Arbre recently spoke with U of T News about how their second-place finish paved the way for the launch of their debut product

Go to U of T News to read the full article

CLOSED: 2022 Call for Nominations: Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS)


The President’s Advisory Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS) was created in 2017, with the goals of making sustainability a key component of the University of Toronto identity, achieving international leadership in the integration of operational and academic sustainability, and coordinating sustainability activities across the three campuses. Since then, the Committee has extended its reach and impact across new cross cutting themes and subcommittees and supported the work of sustainability leaders across and beyond the university. In light of the university’s commitment to sustainability and increasing urgency of the climate crisis, the Committee’s work to accelerate our action on the sustainable development goals is more crucial than ever.

Call for Nominations – Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability

I am seeking nominations for the following CECCS positions for a one-year term, ending December 2023:

  • One member of the undergraduate student community (full or part-time)
  • One faculty member (divisional appointment St. George Campus)

Members of the University community are invited to submit nominations or expressions of interest to serve on the CECCS by October 31, 2022. You may submit nominations on your own behalf or nominate another individual. The submission should demonstrate knowledge of U of T’s sustainability efforts, express an interest in the field, and include a brief CV/résumé.

Additional information on the Committee and its work may be found in the Terms of Reference.

Submissions or inquiries should be addressed to:
Kristy Faccer, Director, Secretariat
Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability