In course on global energy, students welcome special guest: Canada’s finance minister

The day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the details of a national climate framework – taxing carbon and offsetting costs to consumers with rebates – a guest was invited to discuss the policy with an engineering class at the University of Toronto.

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“Nobody monitors air quality here”: U of T researcher returns home to study Trinidad and Tobago emissions

A new study by a graduate student in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering measured significant concentrations of traffic-related air pollution near roadways in the small island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, reaching levels comparable to highways in major urban centres like Toronto and Detroit.

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Plastic not just a problem in our oceans, also affecting the Great Lakes: U of T research

Chelsea Rochman, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Toronto, says we should be paying close attention to what’s taking place closer to home in the Great Lakes. 

“The contamination in the Great Lakes and other bodies of freshwater from plastics and microplastics is ubiquitous,” says Rochman, who looks at plastic debris and its associated chemical contaminants.

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